Las Vegas, NV
About @vanessainparis
Posher since Mar 2021
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 01
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @sheilarogers560
Vanessa, Thank you so much‼️. I totally L❤️VE these shoes❗️. Thanks for getting to be fast for the nice packaging & sweet note‼️❤️❤️ You take care & have a wonderful year‼️❤️
Jul 30

From @canyonchic
I Love the jacket but you should have enclosed the jacket in an inner package. There was a big tear in the top of the box. It allowed some dirt to get onto the jacket. If you had wrapped it in an inner packaging, this would not have happened. Luckily, it came off fairly easily. Thank you for sending.
Sep 22