Medford, OR
Mom of 3 kids, and also an auntie
About @vintagelove1938
Posher since Aug 2017
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: 4 hours ago
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From @anonf617d
I was wondering why it took so long for my order to be shipped out from the date of my order once I paid online. I had originally placed my order on December 6, 2019 and then I got an email saying my order was mailed on Dec 10, 2019. 5 days is a long time. And then I researched the following information since it’s my first time buying from Postmark. Honestly, it makes more sense to use Amazon, Etsy or Ebay to post an item online for sale. 5 days is way too long to wait for a pre-addressed USPS Priority Mail shipping label to put on your package from Poshmark.
Dec 14