About @voss1688
Posher since Oct 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 24
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Very fast, great condition and really good packaging, no complaints haha.
Dec 07

Dear S, the story behind the lipstick case is moving. It brought tears to my eyes and put a smile on my face. My story is similar. A dear friend gave me the same lipstick case over 10 years ago. One day I left it at a restaurant while having lunch. I remembered as soon as I returned to work so I called and the manager said it was turned in! When I returned to the restaurant (same day) one of the servers apparently took it. Needless to say I was really angry. I have searched high and low for this same lipstick case but haven’t been able to find one. And like your friend, my fabulous friend Patti passed away about 6 years ago from a brain tumor. Elation doesn’t begin to describe my joy upon seeing this on your site. Thank you for sharing your story. I would like to believe both of our friends are already acquainted and are having a good chuckle and a cocktail in heaven.
Jul 02