Whitney NS
Bristol, VA
About @whitneyb_b
Posher since Aug 2015
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 07 2020
Meet the Posher
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Love Notes

From @jaso73
This seller is one of the kindest and sweetest posher I've met!!! 100 % trustworthy in trades !!! Thank you so much for all those gifts you are to generous! I lovvvvveeee everything so much ! They were wrapped so adorable it was so fun opening ! Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ you are a 1 iof a kind XOXO 😘
Aug 17

From @marianneh006
Thank you thank you!!! The extra items you included really made our day! Can't wait to play dress up and try everything on her!
Nov 08