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Updated Dec 21
Updated Dec 21


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😱 Have you ever been 🅑🅛🅞🅒🅚🅔🅓⁉️ 😱 😩 😡 😳 I HAVE‼️ 😳 😡 😩 Read & go with me on the dreaded experience of. . . . 🅱🅴🅸🅽🅶 🅱🅻🅾🅲🅺🅴🅳‼️
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spookyheartsg This is very nice of u to write its ok i wish when u blocked somebody they couldbt see our closets but they can they can still share
Mar 24Reply
mrsmadariaga Love it!!!! 👍🏼👍🏼
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @spookyheartsg I believe when someone is blocked you cannot share their closets, but you can see it.💞
Mar 25Reply
mrsmadariaga Thx so much for sending that message on my behalf! You are AWESOME!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😘😘😘👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Mar 25Reply
spookyheartsg @janimack7 well a lady blocked me n still shared me n yes u can see it n their comments to othersb
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @mrsmadariaga 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @spookyheartsg I'm sorry! That must be frustrating!
Mar 25Reply
grace4d Yes! Tu! i know this 1st hand...🌻💖💖💖
Mar 25Reply
mrsmadariaga Shared 👍🏼👍🏼
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @grace4d 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @mrsmadariaga Thank you, Tiffany! 💜🌷💜
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @mrsmadariaga Did that lady respond to you?💞
Mar 25Reply
flutter_buys This is so cute! Funny!!! 😂😂😘💕
Mar 25Reply
flutter_buys 🌺😳PLEASE SHARE! 😳🌺 🦋@lhaag721🌺 🦋@twinkletoestoni🌺 🦋@kellidavis05🌸 🦋@abstractdreams🌺 🦋@matadora1978🌸 🦋@treasuresbytrac🌺 🦋@grace4d🌺 🦋@tgavril🌸 🦋@janimack7🌺 🦋@aerspamer🌸 🦋@daughtrey🌺 🦋@autumnlynn3🌸 🦋@katolarae🌸 🦋@stunning_29🌺 🦋@molinda25🌸 🦋@lauras_boutique 🌺 🦋@nic39🌸 🦋@juliewahoo🌺 🦋@lolomichelleb🌸 🦋@shoplunagrace🌸 🦋@klbc3🌺 🦋@cncalabro🌸 🦋@tezza630🌺 🦋@ccprice74🌸 🦋@imagine101🌸 🦋@sford1🌺 🦋@belladesigns777🌸 🦋@tweisy🌺 🦋@karleigh_rose🌸New
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @flutter_buys @janimack7 🙁🔲🔲🔲🙁🔲🔲🔲🙁🔲🔲🔲🙁🔲🔲🔲🙁🔲🔲🔲🙁 Yes!! I have been blocked, and i have been shocked! (hahaa, sounds like Dr. Seuss! 🤣🤣) I try to share and i cannot do so because i have been blocked??? I don't know why. And a few of them are people i thought were friends and some i had purchased from as well - and it wasn't a bad experience. i have gotten upset and hurt but I'm learning to blow it off! thanks Jan! 😽🐾💚
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BLOCKED FOR NO APPARENT REASON?? PLEASE READ & SHARE! 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 @warrior04 @jzel39 @elleemann @redumbrella @katolarae @mrz_breezy @abstractdreams @vintage_lass @virago @dinofinder @flowersnmyheart @creative2 @stylenu @jodisjewelry @cacloset @foundforyou @matana @kbarkhimer @croweart @allyoop23 🔵💚Plz lmk if you'd like to be removed from the list! 💚🔵
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BLOCKED FOR NO APPARENT REASON?? PLEASE READ & SHARE!! 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 @clark2510 @berta456 @imthedesertdiva @vicky_ymcagirl @exwolfe @tburg21 @heatherban @cattyo @kitkat4203 @608abbie @vdsmay @azrnjen @janine_e @gretta970 @tlude @laylamaj @mar68 @prelovedworks 🔵💚Plz lmk if you'd like to be removed from the list! 💚🔵
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BLOCKED FOR NO APPARENT REASON?? PLEASE READ & SHARE!! 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 @apriljerseygirl @crystallavery @ginga69 @maggiesfarm @hiangieb @lucybrucey @windandfeather @shawnee_love @blueseaboutique @mmadonna40 @gr8look @loopholer @servantgirl @danalouf @belovedsparrow @divineessence @daisydoodle323 @spoiledpff 🔵💚Plz lmk if you'd like to be removed from the list! 💚🔵
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BLOCKED FOR NO APPARENT REASON?? PLEASE READ & SHARE!! 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 @jewelsbyjuliefl @casuallyposh @leviya @kittybaby1 @nia1113 @kirabella35 @dizilizi @kat0110 @desiredcloset @elleteigh @faithscloset914 @katdee7 @khorydanrenee @lovesoflori @lynnmisturak @mmilone0917 🔵💚Plz lmk if you'd like to be removed from the list! 💚🔵
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BLOCKED FOR NO APPARENT REASON?? PLEASE READ & SHARE!! 🚫🙀🙀🙀🚫 @rayanna86 @cuteshoelover @lady_gazelle @wendyhenley @piccadilly_posh @katlove2018 @murphyfour1 @kolansen 🔵💚Plz lmk if you'd like to be removed from the list! 💚🔵
Mar 25Reply
virago Thanks Jan @janimack7 for posting and Tari for sharing @tezza630!!! It's hard to not take things personally -- but there are some crazies here along with the mostly fabulous PFF's we've come to know. Hope this post helps those new as well as established closets!! Have a wonderful weekend! 🌞
Mar 25Reply
piccadilly_posh I love this, Jan, and ever since I first met you when you congratulated me for being a suggested user, I knew you were a wonderful lady!! Love your cheery disposition and enjoy seeing someone else not taking themselves or life so seriously!! 😂🤣❌⭕️❤️Have a great weekend and thanks @tezza630 Tari, for sharing this! 😹😹❤️❌⭕️
Mar 25Reply
exwolfe Thanks for this listing. It has likely happened to most of us. May I add an other reason I think I got blocked for accidentally sharing a sold item. Have a great posh weekend. Thanks for sharing this @tezza630
Mar 25Reply
croweart @tezza630 thanks for sharing this Tari! And thank you, Jan, for posting! I have definitely felt this Posh Shame, lol, and I even kept a list, albeit a short one, of all my blockers! Hahaha. It always makes me a little bit sad, but then I look at all of the truly FABULOUS ladies and remember why Posh is so great!!! Blockers are few and far between and not worth our energy!!! 💟
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @croweart 😊💚💚💚😊💚💚💚😊💚💚💚😊💚💚💚😊💚💚💚 Well said, Lisa! The curiouser & curiouser part of me wants to know "but WHY???". And then i just let it go...... sort of. 😜
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @virago @piccadilly_posh @exwolfe @croweart 😊💚💚💚💚💚💚😊💚😊💚💚💚💚💚💚😊 You're welcome ladies - Jan, you hit the spot with this listing! I'd love to know if they can see a tag from us if they have blocked us? Does anyone know the answer? I've tried to connect with someone who i think might have blocked me by mistake - though I'm not sure that's so easy to do. 🤔🤔. Seems an effort has to be made. At any rate, thanks again Jan! 🐾💚
Mar 25Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Girl!! Yes! Thank you for this post!! 👍❤ The second pic was me!! When I first started I was blocked because I didn't accept her low ball offer...Horrified! 😱Shame! 😑 And didn't want to ask anyone!! thought my posh career was over before I even started!! 🤣
Mar 25Reply
croweart @tezza630 i think they can see a tag if it's posted in any closet other than their closet. I saw a tag from a disgruntled non-customer that I blocked, who went on to tag me and rant for a few days following, she just wasn't able to post or share in my closet. Lol...I must confess, I thought to tag all my blockers and just say WHY?? Why me? Lol. But I'm not in the business of shaming, so that's out! 😂🤔😂😭🙃
Mar 25Reply
piccadilly_posh @tezza630 Actually blocking on Poshmark isn't the same as it would be on Facebook. When you block someone on Facebook, you really are blocked. It's as if that person no longer exists lol 😂. On Poshmark, though, people you block can still see your closet, but can't comment or follow you. Stranger yet is that I've blocked many lowballers when I receive an off for $15 on something I'm listing for $125. They can still counteroffer even after you've blocked them, though.
Mar 25Reply
nic39 Love this Jan!!😄💕💜 You and Vicky @vicky_ymcagirl always have the best posts!!💕💕
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @piccadilly_posh 🤔💚💚💚🤔💚💚💚🤔💚💚💚🤔💚💚💚🤔 Interesting, MJ. it's kind of creepy that they can still see your closet, lol. Never thought about that! 🐾💚
Mar 25Reply
piccadilly_posh @tezza630 I know lol. 🙀So much for blocking, Tari. 😂
Mar 25Reply
mrsmadariaga @janimack7 no not yet. Thx for trying 😘💕
Mar 25Reply
exwolfe Tari @tezus za630 I wonder if you could get answers to your questions if one of blocked you just for today (or a day of your choosing) and experiment with your questions to see what happens. :)
Mar 25Reply
exwolfe sorry I don't know why I have so much trouble with your tag:( @tezza630
Mar 25Reply
exwolfe If you are blocked does that prevent you from making a purchase from the closet that blocked you? @tezza630, @nic39 @vicky_ymcagirl, @croweart
Mar 25Reply
croweart @exwolfe YUP! How dumb is that!!!!
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @exwolfe 🤔🔲🔲🔲🔲🤔🔲🔲🔲🔲🤔🔲🔲🔲🔲🤔🔲🔲🔲🔲🤔 Good question, Cindy! I honestly do not know the answer to that (whether you can still purchase.....). I'm willing to see what happens if you block me...... so long as you promise to unblock me! lol!
Mar 25Reply
born_againbtq This is a great post! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten my feelings hurt when I see I'm blocked by a person I don't even know. I have 1 lady who regularly shares my closet but I can't share back because I'm blocked.
Mar 25Reply
desiredcloset @tezza630 só I think I may be able to shed some light On this subject. So it's to my understanding that when you block someone they can not comment on any of your listings. They can still see your closet everything written and I believe make an offer and purchase, they just can't comment to say anything. Also if you block them and they try to tag you in a comment in any other closet it won't show up in your feed but it will allow them to tag you anyways within the comment as.
Mar 25Reply
desiredcloset @tezza630 it seems to me on Poshmark blocking just prevents the person you block from commenting on your listings... And reading the entire feed above your all right people seem to block for ridiculous reasons.
Mar 25Reply
desiredcloset @danalouf @tezza630 O and I think the people that send you a really lowball offer and than block you when you decline it... Do so in fear that someone will call them out for it in one of their listings for all others to see.. Lol 💕💗 Happy weekend ladies !!
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @desiredcloset @danalouf 😊💚💚💚😊💚💚💚😊💚💚💚😊💚💚💚😊 Thank you Daniela! I know i can't share or comment if i am blocked. And it sounds like they cannot see my tags if i try to contact them about the block. I have blocked a few people myself - but i am hopefully doing it for the "right" reasons! Thanks Ladies! 🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻💚
Mar 25Reply
exwolfe @tezza630 if you want me to i can (yes,promise to unblock you:):):))
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @exwolfe 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Let's give it a whirl, Cindy! I'll tag you from one of my "older" sold listings and start from there! cool!
Mar 25Reply
born_againbtq I wanted to tell you that I finally got picked to co-host a party!! It's not until June but it's a Friday night party so I'm excited!! But also have no idea exactly what to do and hope they'll send some guidelines 💕💕💕
Mar 25Reply
laskinr @janimack7 Jan, This is very clever and cute ... just like you 😉😉😉. Thanks for sharing 👍
Mar 25Reply
laskinr @tezza630 Hi Tari, It has been my experience that when you are blocked, you can not share or make comments in that closet. Who cares??? With PFFs like you and Jan @janimack7, who needs them??? We are driving back from our 10 day trip to Kiawah Island, SC!! Stayed in a condo right on the ocean 👍👍. We go down there every March because we love that area ❤❤
Mar 25Reply
mrz_breezy @tezza630 thanks for the tag! :) interesting to know
Mar 25Reply
tezza630 @mrz_breezy 🐾💚💚💚🐾💚💚💚🐾💚💚💚🐾💚💚💚🐾 Kim, you're welcome - yes definitely interesting! 😽😽
Mar 25Reply
dinofinder @janimack7 thank you, Jan!!! This "accidental" blocking has happened to me and I found out when I tried to share that person's party or items.... its embarrassing to both parties!!! Not just me, but the other posher! Sweet Wendy @warrior04 helped me straighten that out!!! Bless her ❤️😘
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @tezza630 Hi, Tari! I thought there might be others who have felt that initial 'shame' and this might help them through the "BLOCKED AND SHOCKED" hit❣💞
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @flutter_buys Thank you so much for sharing, sweet Karen💞❣
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @tezza630 Thank you so much for supporting and sharing, Tari💞❣
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @virago 💞Thank you so much for supporting & sharing, Virago💞❣
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @piccadilly_posh 💞Thank you so much for your positive feedback and kind words, M J❣💞❣
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @exwolfe Oh my goodness, Cindy! I guess some people just have to find an ax to grind! Life is just too short for that! Thanks for sharing!
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @croweart So true, Lisa! I remember feeling so blindsided! I wished I had someone I could have talked to about it...but that feeling gratefully passed. But I still remember that feeling...and thought if I can ease even one other person from having that isolated feeling!💞 Thank you for your kind support and feedback❣
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @tezza630 A couple people asked me to contact someone who had blocked them to find out why....both 'blockers' had no clue how it had happened! Seems there is a glitch somewhere...or they accidentally blocked them. Both had a happy ending with PFFs reuniting!💞💞💞
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @vicky_ymcagirl Oh how I know that feeling! I felt sick about it. And no one to ask due to the POSH 'shame' that goes with being blocked! That was encouragement enough to bring the skeleton out of the closet❗️😊💞
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @croweart 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 That question rolled around in my head for days! WHY!? 😳 WིHིYི❓😳W̬̤̯H̬̤̯Y̬̤̯⁉️ 😳 💞😊💞
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @nic39 Thank you, Nicole, for your sweet support/feedback❣😊!
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @exwolfe Good question!
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @danalouf Dana, I bet she doesn't even know she blocked you! Do you want me to tag and ask her? You can tag me in one of your or my old listings for privacy if you want! I've reunited two separate accidental blockers!😊
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @desiredcloset I bet you are right, Daniela❗️
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @laskinr 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @elleemann Thank you for the support and positive feedback, Donell❣😊
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @dinofinder 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Mar 27Reply
born_againbtq @janimack7 That would be so great! Thank you!! I can't think of her closet name right this second but as soon as she shares again I'll write you. Oh! I'm finally going to get to be a party host for a Friday night party!!! Not until June, but still I'm excited!! Hopefully they'll send instructions since I've never done it 😂💕💕💕
Mar 27Reply
tezza630 @janimack7 🐾💚💚💚🐾💚💚💚🐾💚💚💚🐾💚💚💚🐾 Jan, I am wondering if that "glitch" has happened with me for a couple of people. I am quite sure that it is a mistake on some but I have gotten no responses when I try to contact them or when I have asked others to do so. I also hate seeming like a pest! So I pretty much had to just let it go. 😕😕 Thank you! 🐾💚
Mar 27Reply
piccadilly_posh @spookyheartsg It's crazy, but if you are the one doing the blocking, you can still share. If you are the one who's been blocked, you can't. 😱🦋💙🦋💙
Mar 27Reply
piccadilly_posh You're welcome, Jan, and thank you for being so nice and never taking life too seriously. ❌⭕️😘People may block us and we'll get hurt, but not everyone in life is going to like us, and that's okay. We don't always like everyone either. Love the way Anthony Hopkins put it. 'It's none of my business what other people say or think about me...' ❤️
Mar 27Reply
nia1113 @janimack7 This is a great, informative and useful post, Jan! Thanks for sharing your experience and also some of the reasons. I think it's a great way to explain how and why blocking can happen. I have only blocked a couple of times, when it was someone who was very obviously running scams. ...Or when I read comments and saw something very extreme they had said or mean, just didn't want to work with someone like that. I know it can happen to anyone, but try to avoid if possible!!👍
Mar 27Reply
goldenpolkadot @janimack7 haha !!!! Love this ur right.... its just part of poshland! Ppl dont need to take it personal unlesss they go around bringing it on to themselves... then they earned it. But as for me if im blocked i just move on. There truly are more important things in life like sharing caring & building new relationships w/amazing PFF's
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @piccadilly_posh 😄 RIGHT ON, M J❣ 💞 When I update this listing, do you mind if I use this quote?💞😄
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @nia1113 Thank you, Nia! I really appreciate your support and feedback! I agree with your insights 100%! I wish I could have had something like this to read the first time I was blocked! Have a great week!💞🌷
Mar 27Reply
piccadilly_posh Not at all, Jan!! Please feel free, my friend! Let's get the word out so everyone realizes that, too! 😉😃❌⭕️
Mar 27Reply
piccadilly_posh @janimack7 oh, also, Jan, you can take the whole quote and his pic from google. The whole entire quote couldn't fit when I wrote it, so I had to shorten it lol. Always has been one of my favorite quotes. 😊❤️❤️
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @partymk999 💞Thank you, Olga So true! I've found what 'gets my goat' has decreased exponentially with some every hard life situations...I know you've had your share, too.💜I feel pretty easy going. concentrating on all my blessings daily I'm able to let things slide off without any trouble...but being BLOCKED on POSH shortly after starting was surprisingly a shock to my self esteem! (I had to look at why that was!) I had wished there was a poster like this then!💞
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @piccadilly_posh Thank you, my friend! You R💥CK❣😄
Mar 27Reply
piccadilly_posh You're welcome and you rock, too!! Big time!! ❌⭕️😊😊😊
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @danalouf Just let me know when the name comes up! And congrats on that FRIDAY NIGHT party slot, Dana! That is Awesome!💞 I posted a HELP! Listing before my first party and received a lot of GREAT advice. I will find them and tag you...might give you some good ideas! ENJ💜Y your week!💞
Mar 27Reply
sparrowsage This is an AWESOME post! I can't tell you how many times I've been like.... What?!? The people don't even know it's happened most of the time! Crazy! Anyway, thank you so much for the kabillion shares!!!!!!!!!! I will have to get you back little by little, but I will!😘😘😘😘😘🐨🍀💜
Mar 27Reply
born_againbtq @janimack7 I will and you enjoy as well!!
Mar 27Reply
nia1113 @desiredcloset Hmmm. Good point, too!! 😱😱 Lol
Mar 27Reply
janimack7 @laskinr Your trip sounds heavenly! And 10 days!! Aaahhhh! Bliss!😄💞
Mar 28Reply
zardiva1 Hey, this has mysteriously happened to me a few times, too, in recent months, but in my case, I didn't feel any *shame*, but more like shock (😧!) or bewilderment 🤔 I usually find out through an attempt to ask a❓about an item they're selling that I'm interested in buying; I figured it must be *accidental* because I usually haven't interacted with them before 🤔 But it *would* be nice to know what the deal is because they have stuff I want and the "system" won't even let me *inquire*! 😫😫😫 (LOL! 😆)
Mar 30Reply
warrior04 I love this because it's so true! @janimack7
Apr 03Reply
janimack7 @warrior04 I agree, Wendy! Wish I'd had this information when I started!😄❣
Apr 04Reply
kidzcloths626 @janimack7 This is interesting. Because I have noticed lately that people that I'm not evening following and have never interacted with before have me blocked. The only time I've ever been blocked by someone I did interact with is a posher who lowballed me on a pair of shoes, Ended you buying them from me anyway, then turned around and listed them using MY Photos. I called her out, she blocked me. Funny thing is she got kicked off of posh, in guessing it was not the first time she stole photos.
Apr 04Reply
janimack7 @kidzcloths626 I noticed that I was, too... i wish I knew what I know now the first few times I was blocked! That "POSH SHAME" can be brutal!😄💞
Apr 05Reply
kidzcloths626 @janimack7 haha I didn't even know you could block people for a long time. So I guess being blissfully unaware works too haha.
Apr 05Reply
mmadonna40 Love this! @motherskiss It's a glitch! I knew it! Lol!
Apr 12Reply
janimack7 @kidzcloths626 I didn't know for quite awhile, either, ℱℰℒℐℂℐᎯ❣️ So when it popped UP, my stomach DROPPED! It surprised me, cause normally my ego isn't so fragile! I guess since everything was new to me when I started, and I felt I was finally getting on my felt like a blow!😊 Another growing opportunity!😅
Apr 12Reply
kidzcloths626 @janimack7 aww well makes me sad that you would feel badly because of that. "Be yourself because those that mind, don't matter and those that matter, don't mind." Dr Seuss Haha
Apr 12Reply
janimack7 @kidzcloths626 No worries! After pulling my stomach back up I was good as new❣️ Dr. SEUSS was/is a man of wisdom❣️😄💞
Apr 12Reply
motherskiss Would love it if you made a post like this for the Facebook​group!!!! Puhleeeaaassseee! 😂
Apr 12Reply
grinandwearit Yes, and always wondered why... still do, but, Posh goes on. Thanx for posting this. Deb
Apr 12Reply
janimack7 @desireesjwlrybx Thank you for the positive feedback! I am happy the information is helping❣️ You only find out you are blocked if you try to comment or share in someone's listing or try to "follow" them. When you try to comment or share, a window pops up saying, "You are blocked from this closet." When you try to follow, I looks like you are following them at that moment, but when their closet comes up again, you won't be following them. 💞💞💞
Apr 14Reply
janimack7 @motherskiss 💞I would be honored, Dani!
Apr 14Reply
janimack7 @jomeem Yep❣️ POSH goes on and you are still ᎯℳᎯℤℐℕᎶ❣️ Thank you for visiting my closet, Deb❣😄💞
Apr 14Reply
grinandwearit @janimack7 Thank You Jan... I appreciate that. You just made me cry a little. Hoppy Easter 🐰🌷💝 to You and your Family!
Apr 14Reply
janimack7 @jomeem Happy Easter to you and yours, Deb! (And sweet dreams! We are both up much too late!😴😴🍭💤💤💤🍭😴😴)
Apr 14Reply
poshboutique16 Love this post super true n fabulous 😳😳
Apr 19Reply
nia1113 @janimack7 I'm sorry, but these facial expressions,, I just have to laugh!!😵😱😨 You did such a great job on this collage, Jan!!! Serious subject- hilarious picture! In the grand scheme of things- as long as we know that our core group of Posh Sisters are following us & supportive, I guess being blocked by a few people isn't the biggest deal in the world. Whatever their reason may have been for blocking. Glad you made this post, helps explain & take some of the "shame" out of it!! 💖,Nia XOXOXO
Apr 19Reply
sbfashions Ugh so awful!!! I hate "jail" in these things!!! It's absurd, been reported on IG too for ?!? Lol ugh great post
Apr 20Reply
bejewelled333 I got my first block today because this crazy lady said my lipstick had mold on it and proceeded to say I was going to kill people with my dirty makeup 😂 so I trolled her back . SHE EVEN POSTED ME ON HER PAGE AS A FRAUD. Sooo funny. I like how she's been on here for 2 years and has only 2 love notes and 5 purchases. While I've been on 2 weeks, super brand new , and have over 20 love notes. I mean. Just saying... blocked!
Apr 21Reply
janimack7 @nia1113 Thank you for the positive feedback! I agree with long as our sister PFFs have our backs...and understand when we might make a mistake!🌸💜🌸
Apr 21Reply
janimack7 @sbfashions Thanks, Kara! Love the feedback❣️
Apr 21Reply
janimack7 @bejewelled333 Sounds like a horrible experience! Maybe just be HAPPY you were blocked in that situation!❣️😊
Apr 21Reply
janimack7 @poshboutique16 ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, ℬℰℛᏆℋᎯ❣️💞🌸
Apr 21Reply
skullee @janimack7 OMG ...i think anyone who's on pm for any amount of time gets blocked at one time or is so frustrating & true most the time you have no idea why or what for...some people!...really!
Apr 23Reply
janimack7 @skullee I think you are right, ℳᎯℛ! No one talked about it... Early on, (for some odd reason, despite my years on earth and comfort in my own skin,) when I was BLOCKED I felt the dreaded POSH SHAME! Now with some POSH experience under my belt, I decided to illuminate the elephant in the closet!😄🐘💞
Apr 25Reply
kellyfrasher Thank you for this!!! I'm fairly new and was blocked by someone after asking abt possiblly participating in their share group. She responded by telling me where to go to sign up and I tried to thank her for the info and I had been blocked. I was stunned and felt the shame and honestly it still bothers me. But I've found 2 wonderful share groups that welcomed me with open arms! 🤗
Apr 25Reply
rposen @janimack7 OMG! LOL!💕 You are so funny & it's so true!🌷 Ty for the great post!🌸🌸🌸
Apr 25Reply
angelaenigro @janimack7 absolutely perfect post!❤ much appreciated seeing this post tonight 👭💋
Apr 25Reply
lynda721 @janimack7 Wow! I never knew about the system glitch that the app will just block someone! The thing I always thought was bizarre is when someone has you blocked yet the consistently and continually share your listings! I wish Posh had a view where each seller can see who they have blocked. Or even a notice that comes up that tells the person sharing your listing that they have you blocked.
Apr 25Reply
shiloh077 @croweart I wish there was a "Like" button for what you said above. ⬆️⬆️😇😇
Apr 25Reply
poshgarden This is 😂🤣😂 Unfortunately I had to block 2 people in this thread because 1 had a 2nd closet that wasn't compliant and another one for causing drama because of that second closet that was shortly closed by Poshmark after a few people reported her.
Apr 25Reply
shiloh077 "Not worth our energy" 👍🏼@croweart
Apr 25Reply
croweart @shiloh077 lol...yes, we need a like button!!! And it is NOT worth a single second of our energy! You can be sure they're not using any energy on us! 😂😘😂😘😂
Apr 25Reply
millimed Interesting! Thanks for putting it together
Apr 25Reply
evolvingalways I have not witnessed where Poshmark blocks and would like more elaboration on that. Really not clear. Otherwise I would not care about being blocked. Thank you for this discussion.
Apr 25Reply
kimkjc2 @janimack7 Hi Jan! I hope you're doing well?!? ☺️ I just was tagged in this and came over to say "Hi and I love it!" ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 25Reply
sunnybirdmarket Love this
Apr 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @poshgarden bahahahaha! 😂 😂 😂
Apr 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @poshgarden stop spreading lies, you don't have any idea what your talking about.
Apr 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @poshgarden ps. Have some class & get over the gossip!
Apr 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @janimack7 sorry love 🌷💐🌸
Apr 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @rposen guess we need to add one for people who are bullying & spreading gossip, wish Poshmark's community standards would put a halt to those.
Apr 25Reply
rposen @janimack7 @goodchic Yes! I have been blocked & felt so badly & then I was too embarrassed thinking that I must have done something wrong! What if it is a Poshmark glitch though? There are closets that I used to share & think they were my PFF & then suddenly without explanation I am blocked!😘 It makes no sense! If I made a mistake or offended someone I would like to know so I can apologize & not do it again! Life's to short! It's non consequential in the scheme of things!👍🏻
Apr 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @rposen 👌🏻🙌🏻👍🏻👏🏻🥂⭐️💋😘🌹💯
Apr 25Reply
janimack7 @kimkjc2 Hi, Kim! So great to see you❣️I'm good! Hope you are, too!💖💞🌸💞💖
Apr 27Reply
janimack7 @sunnybirdmarket ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, ℂℋℛℐЅЅᎽ❣️
Apr 27Reply
janimack7 @3mdr ɱᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ ℳℐℒℒℐ❗️💞😊💞
Apr 27Reply
sarahmc13 Posh is special, and so different from other sites, because it feels like a community where we support one another! 💞 I hope it stays that way! Happy Poshing and thank you for this post! 🛍🌻🌈💗🎀💜
Apr 29Reply
ses54 @janimack7 This is good to know because I've been blocked from ppl I have never interacted with & felt terrible like what did I do? This is very informative. However I did block someone who offered me $3 at 3:am for a $25 item! Ridiculous & good reason I thought! 😊Sharing this 🤗
Apr 29Reply
janimack7 @sarahmc13 I agree, Sarah! This is a great community! I think there will always be some that create drama. Glad you stopped by❣️😄💞
Apr 30Reply
janimack7 @ses54 There are definitely times blocking someone is important. I just blocked someone who was being terribly rude for no reason. I should post "ℕᎾ ⅅℛᎯℳᎯ ℂℒᎾЅℰᏆ!" 😄🌸 Thank you for stopping by!
Apr 30Reply
janimack7 @phyllisba Yes and a window pops up telling you you are blocked. Did that happen? I can't think of another way someone couldn't share a closet. Hope your weekend is going well, Phyllis💞❗️ Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Apr 30Reply
ses54 @janimack7 😂👍 I agree with that! But most ppl with that attitude can't or don't read or pay any attention to what you post anyhow so seems like a lost cause. However it would be great if everyone could get along but unfortunately that's not the case with some. They seem to live for drama! I just ignore & go on. Not worth it, a total loss of my energy. 😃
Apr 30Reply
janimack7 @ses54 I very much agree! POSH is a version of life outside the net. People don't change just because they are in a net-community. So many great people here..,I love the support and connection!
Apr 30Reply
ses54 @janimack7 Oh my gosh yes & the good outweighs the bad. Some wonderful ladies on here! You being one of them! Always willing to share & be there for others. Thank you for that. 🌸💕
Apr 30Reply
janimack7 @ses54 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
May 01Reply
zardiva1 Hey, Jan 👋🙂 I noticed☝️where you said you've *reunited* several accidental blockers on here; how could I go about having you do that for *me*? 🤔 I just got a message a few hours ago that said something like, "Sorry, you can't currently buy from this user" when I hit the "Buy Now" button on a listing 😕 I don't recall having ever interacted with this seller, so I'm thinking it has to be one of those "glitch" blocks discussed here 🤔 Thanks in advance for your consideration 🙂
May 02Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 I would be honored to help, Meya! Who is the person? I will send them a note!😄💞😄
May 02Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Great! 👍😃 (Hehe! 😁) The seller's username is "rachelxss".
May 02Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 I'll send her a note right now!🌸💞🌸
May 03Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Cool! 👍😎 (Haha! 😄)
May 03Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Oh, and I've also discovered another user I've been inadvertently *blocked* from when I tried to do a "shareback"; she just *shared* one of my items about an *hour* ago! Her username is "elasticheart_19".
May 03Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 Gotcha covered, my dear friend! Heading over to leave her a message now!😄🌸💖
May 05Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Good morning! 👋🙂 Have you heard from *either* seller yet? 🤔
May 05Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 Not yet, my friend.💜As soon as I do, I'll tag you. It sometimes takes me awhile to get through my maybe I'll come across it as I catch up!😄💞💜😊
May 06Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Oh, OK, no biggie 🤗 Thanks for letting me know the deal 👍🙂 Take your *⏰* (haha 😄)
May 06Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 Yea!!! On the next page of my newsfeed, Nara @elastic_heart19, let me know she unblocked you! Must have been that glitch! Happy ending!😄💞😊❣️🌼
May 06Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Yay! ✋️😃🤚 Thanks so much! 👍🙂 *😘*
May 06Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 😊😄😊😄💞💞💞
May 06Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Oh, and whenever you can get around to going back through your newsfeed thoroughly, don't forget to check for a response from the *other* seller I mentioned 👍🙂
May 06Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 G☀️☀️D M☀️RNING, Meya! Rachel had asked how to find out if she had blocked you, I didn't know, but just found out and relayed the information to her. She didn't think she had ever blocked anyone! I'm sure you'll be u blocked soon!
May 06Reply
zardiva1 @elasticheart_19 Oh, no need to be *sorry*, 'cause you didn't know, haha 🤗 I actually discovered *months* ago (😟!) that I was blocked from you but didn't know what to do about it until I saw this post/page here☝️🙂 So *Jan* saved the day, haha! 🙌👏🎉 (😁!)
May 06Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Yay! 👍😃 Rachel has *unblocked* me now too, and luckily, the item I wanted from her was still available, so I just snatched it up, haha! 👍😄 Thanks again! *😘😘😘*
May 06Reply
goensshopping Omygoodness I LOVE THIS!!! My face still looks like that when I see I've been blocked and I've been on Posh Since April 15. Lol. You'd think I'd get over it by now but I'm so darn sensitive 😭😭😭. I have avoided all above faux pas. Only because I'm antisocial due to my disease. I hate drama but it seems to still find me even though I mainly keep to myself besides a select few on here, like you 😍. Just wanted to say reading this made me feel better. I didn't think computer glitches were possible
May 07Reply
janimack7 @goensshopping So glad I could make you feel a little better, Michelle.💞 I just finished re-reading your posters about your chronic illness. Oh, how I can relate! I appreciate your candor and insights! You go, Girl! You are not alone, my friend. ЅℰℕⅅℐℕᎶ ℒ💜Ꮙℰ & ℒ✨ᎶℋᏆ❣
May 07Reply
janimack7 @zardiva1 ᎽℰᎯ❣️😄💞😄💞😄
May 07Reply
goensshopping Lol thank you. I'm no phony and I wear my heart on my sleeve. Being like this often gets me hurt because I can be to trusting but I don't know how else to be. I appreciate your encouragement and support. You're such a sweet PFF and I'm extremely great full for the true ones I have in this community. 💖😘😇✨
May 07Reply
janimack7 @goensshopping Oh my goodness, Michelle...we could be sisters! I am the same way! I have had to learn boundaries as I become less resilient. But even my boundaries are not firm because of trusting too easily! Take good care, sweet Lady❣️💕
May 07Reply
zardiva1 @janimack7 Hehe! 😁
May 07Reply
goensshopping I totally understand. I have been less trusting and less naive as I get older, but it's still there. Always wanting to see and believe the best in people. You take care too. We need to stick together. There's not much honest and just nice people around anymore. There are some and it takes time to prove they really are who they first portray themselves to be. True colors come out in time so I steer clear of red flags and stay close to good people who've proven themselves true PFF's.
May 07Reply
janimack7 @goensshopping I believe everyone is doing the best they can, given their genetic make up, life's hardships, love & support during their lives. When I was a manager, I made it a practice to see employees with fresh eyes every time I saw them. It worked well. As my body began progressively faltered, strength to be present was difficult. Interacting is draining even when it is positive. Interesting the shifting of priorities as "chi" is limited. Love & Light, my friend.🌸
May 08Reply
goensshopping 😘😘😘
May 08Reply
matadora1978 a lot of times they block because they hear rumors about a person..which is not necessarily true...its always weird to me why people choose to believe lies but like my cousin says ces't la vie !! i just keep slayin' i really dont care hahahah!!! ...i will always love you darling and ty for making this post you rock! :) xoxo
May 12Reply
janimack7 @matadora1978 You are right, Jess! I have seen that, too! Thanks for the positive feedback, ЅᏇℰℰᏆ ᎫℰЅЅ! 🌷💞🌷
May 12Reply
itsajonesthang I've been blocked by someone that I truly liked a lot and can't for the life of me understand why? She never said anything to me! If I knew what I did maybe I could right the wrong or just be ok with it!☹️
May 13Reply
janimack7 @spoiledpff Hi Brandy! If you tell me who it is, I can check to see if it was a mistake! I've checked for several others and all of them were mistakes!🌷💞
May 13Reply
skullee @janimack7 this is so funny!!!
May 17Reply
jcaparaoo How do you know if you are blocked? Are you notified ? I'm not sure if that has happened to me yet lol
May 18Reply
janimack7 @skullee G☀️☀️D M☀️RNING, Ꭻℰℕℕℐ! 3 ways I'm aware of that lets you know you are blocked: 1-You are unable to FOLLOW the person that blocked you. When pressing FOLLOW, it changes to FOLLOWING, but when you return, it's back to FOLLOW. 2-Trying to SHARE from a closet, a window pops up: "You are blocked & cannot share this closet's items." 3-Trying to buy something, a window pops up, "You are blocked & unable to buy from this closet." 🌸
May 18Reply
loopholer Omg! THANK YOU!! I'm going to make us shirts that make it official! New Kids on the BLOCKED! Lol. Girl People flip out when I say I don't even know who the people are that have me blocked!
May 19Reply
janimack7 @loopholer 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞! The only way I have found out who blocked me is when I tried to share their closet or I FOLLOW them, but it doesn't go through. Is there another way to find out except by accident? ЅℰℕⅅℐℕᎶ ℒ💜Ꮙℰ & ℒ✨ᎶℋᏆ, ЅᏇℰℰᏆ ℱℛℐℰℕⅅ❣️❣
May 19Reply
superdope49 Lol, @janimack7 I love this! Tyft! @loopholer
May 19Reply
loopholer @superdope49 janimack is a wonderful posh friend! She also has the "negotiating tactics" that will help if you want to repost
May 19Reply
scskye I didn't even realize blocking was a thing 😂
May 21Reply
janimack7 @superdope49 Thanks, D̺͆E̺͆N̺͆A̺͆! 🌼💞🌼
May 22Reply
janimack7 @loopholer You are so sweet! R💥CKSAN❗️😄🌷
May 22Reply
soulcrusher716 @janimack7 I love this!! Your awesome!!🤘🏽have a blessed week!!! 🦋Kim💋
May 30Reply
janimack7 @soulcrusher716 ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, Ꮶℐℳ❣️ Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞 ❣️
May 31Reply
styledbuyv This is very interesting to me. I started selling Boutique in October 2015 so about 1.5 years now and a big time user/seller on here blocked me when I started. I never had any communications with her before. I couldn't understand why someone with over 400,000 users blocked me. I'm not a threat to her and I literally don't even know who she is and vice versa. I found out one day when trying to purchase from her. It said I was blocked. Random auto system algorithms perhaps?
May 31Reply
janimack7 @styledbuyv Hi, Valmarie! I don't know what the glitch is, but several have mentioned it. Others think it might be accidental blocking. I'd be happy to ask the person if you want. I've reunited a few POSHERS that way!🌼 Thank you for stopping by my closet❣😄💞
Jun 01Reply
sunnietrish I had to go back & fund this recently the same person that I'm in 2 SG with said she's blocked but I can share her & it's letting me follow I even wrote nice jewelry in her comments so it's a one side Posh gauche I've been sharing her in all 3 groups it's over a week she said she contacted Posh support but till it's fixed I keep sharing but I picture her making those faces -LOL at this point there's no way to make up shares
Jun 03Reply
sunnietrish @janimack7 see above -I remembered u wrote there were some Posh auto blocks one of the hosts of a completely different SG has same problem & she's the hosts 2 ppl can't share her but she is sharing them! By the way I wrote glitch not gauche -auto correct is not helping me either!😳
Jun 03Reply
janimack7 @sunnietrish Hi, Patricia! From what I've learned, the person who blocks someone is still able to follow, share, comment and buy from the person they blocked. The blocked person can't even lave a message in someone else's closet for the blocker. (Tagging them doesn't work.) In your case, if your PFFS are blocked by you, you can go to their closet, press the box with the arrow in the upper right corner and you can reverse the block. 😊🌼💞
Jun 03Reply
urbanlove Omg !! This is awesome !! I had to read thank you .. my first block today .. after reading this I can't stop laughing 😂😂💕💕
Jun 22Reply
tracyblue69 This is hysterical 😭 Almost spit out my morning cawfee 😆☕️ Was going to share bomb You for your support of my party and had to stop and read. I was just recently blocked over a follow game 😳 I was catching up in my feed and went back I "followed the rules" and also share items from her closet & much to my surprise I was blocked 😂 I wanted to ask why but then figured if they are that petty I'm better off leaving it alone. Thanks for the tag Karen lol @flutter_buys I must've missed it.
Jun 25Reply
bambizzz @tweisy Your post had me laughing, too! I tell myself, "I don't know any of these people, so..." How do you even know if you've been blocked? I have no clue after a year of Poshing.
Jul 08Reply
tracyblue69 @bambizzz Lol, I'm glad you got a laugh out of that 😂 When you try to comment or follow its shows a pop up
Jul 08Reply
bambizzz @tweisy I just remembered, I have been blocked. A woman was selling bracelets that she did not have, she had placed an order for some and was waiting for them to arrive. I said I would like one. When they came in, I sent her two messages and got messages back that she was waiting for me to purchase and I didn't so she blocked me. ??? I still want the bracelet ha ha.
Jul 08Reply
tracyblue69 @bambizzz Omg! 😂 Smh! As my mother used to say, there's all kinds out there 🤣
Jul 08Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy if you're blocked you can't even ask why! You can not comment in their closet and any comment you do tag them in they won't see. There is a host having a party this week who has me blocked. I have no idea why. I'm tagged about 40 times on her party listing and I will LMAO if she ends up giving me a host pick. Giggle 😂😂 it's all crazy funny to me. Be well, posh sister! 💋
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @janimack7 epic!!! Love it. Thanks for the giggles 😂😂
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment Lol That's another one I noticed. Got tagged for probably the same party 😂 Smh 🤦🏼‍♀️ I hosted a party & someone used one of my listings to promote her "Group of friends" I and didn't block her. Some people need to take a chill pill & get over themselves.
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy I will block people who annoy/harass/mass tag me without permission [warning first... wait... see if they stop... block]. We are "known offenders" on the party circuit. Posh most wanted criminals 😂 Yes love, you're having a party. Yes you want to get the word out. But then we are blocked? I think it's hysterical!! Shooting themselves in the foot. Hey at least we are blocked together hee hee
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment Totally reasonable to ASK & if they keep it up then block. But the party host, left a comment on a thread & blocked me so I couldn't respond. I had so many people tell me she was out of line which made me feel a bit better. Bet it's the same party host 😂
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy I'm going to go look now
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment I'm dying right now 😂😂😂
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy all I remember was it was a big pink listing. Have to search it. I will let you know but it probably is. So we are in posh jail together? 😂😂
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment A meme just popped in my head about friends, who's gonna bail you out, who's in with you 😂😂😂 Oh how I wish we could post pics like fb here!
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy that's old school. But yeah, I got your back in here. Don't drop the soap! Ok so it's a pink listing for party July 26 noon PST/3PM EST. and I'm blocked inexplicably. Have no idea who this person is. TFF 💋
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy IKR but can you just imagine though if we could post picture comments on here? No one would ever get any more work done on here. EVER!
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment DOH! You really must've pissed someone off. I think we have to be BFF's now! 😂😂😂 Explicitly being banned! I bow to you all mighty one 😆 Omg I'm crying! 😭
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy so many people I have yet to offend... it's all in good fun. I'm always down for more trouble! So it's not the same host? I didn't see anything on that listing pertaining to you. What did you do to get the hammer?
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment Do you think when they see our names in their party tags they make those faces Jan has listed above? I can go all day with this. I find it so amusing 😆
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment It wasn't in the party listing. It was way back in the day when I was a newbie.
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy oh hell yeah! They probably think "these a holes again?" Why why why why??? bwahahahahhahaha
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment I humbly & graciously request if I amy add thee to thoust party & tag listing. Auto correct is having a seizure with this 😆
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy now that's ridiculous! I mean how long can you hold a grudge?
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy I had blocked someone on my tag team who I gave a chance to remove the non-posh compliant stuff out of her closet but she didn't do it. So later [maybe even less then a month] I saw she was starting to understand what I had being doing for her [she never participated or shared she was just dead weight I was carrying] so I unblocked her and tried to help her out with her follow game.
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy That's when I found out she had blocked ME! Punch line: 2 days later she asked someone to contact me to see if I would let her back on my tag team. Yeah, that's a no. That's a HELL no.
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment I guess when I offend someone its lifetime worthy. Must me my Brooklyn charm 😜
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy that just slayed me! omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment Hahahah! Some people don't get it. For me, No matter how nice I think I'm typing something, my attitude must come through loud & clear. It's a gift & not such a gift lol Oh well!
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy I feel you! I'm snarky af and it's hard for some people to get it. I just laugh at basically everything bc life's too flippin' short to be taken that seriously
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment Amen sista! Oh because my curiosity is like a kitten on catnip, I checked "said person" it was a follow game they had not a party listing. I'm dying to know which listing you are blocked from now 😆
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment BRB gonna look 👀😆
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy here's my best BLOCKED story: Posher requests to join my tag team. I add and tag away like a crazy person for maybe a month. This person never reciprocated or shared me back or participated. So I went to comment on one of her listing that I liked and I'M BLOCKED! LMFAO beaches be crazy... 😂
Jul 18Reply
tracyblue69 @shopofthemoment Unbelievable. Saw the listing. How were you explicitly blocked?
Jul 18Reply
shopofthemoment @tweisy don't know. Went to tag the listing and the notification came up. Have no idea who this is. Happened to me a few weeks ago too on a newbie follow game. She didn't even know HOW to block someone but I was blocked. I get around, ya know...
Jul 18Reply
janimack7 @urbanlove 😄Glad you enjoyed it! I had fun making it!😄💞
Jul 22Reply
janimack7 @tweisy Glad you liked this, Tracy! Had a lot of fun making it! You are right...if someone wants to feel better by blocking someone for simply benign reasons, or a mistake...let 'em! Life is just too short!💞💜💞
Jul 22Reply
janimack7 @shopofthemoment ɱᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️💞😊💞 😄
Jul 22Reply
tracyblue69 @janimack7 Absolutely Jan 😉 Hope all is well 🌸💕🌸
Jul 22Reply
urbanlove @janimack7 😂😘😘😘😘
Jul 22Reply
tlmac60 Awhile back I was very new to POSH and advised someone that their item that had listed at a large cost was in fact a designer inspired but listed at authentic.... She was like why would I bother to post that on her page. I felt she should as well as to those she was selling too. Her words...and I blocking you! I just thought well I don't want to be associated with those types of people any way💟💟
Jul 30Reply
tm428 Thank you for sharing this information. I wonder, is there any way one can block a person by accident and if that happens, can they easily unblock them? I ask because I have accidentally hit some buttons (bundle for one) and have not been able to figure out how to undo it. Anyone know?
Jul 30Reply
janimack7 @tlmac60 G☀️☀️D M☀️RNING, TERRIE! That exact thing happened to me, only she didn't tell me, I just found out by accident. There are a lot of people who choose not to follow that POSH rule. Glad you didn't let her pull back from POSH....there are some people that feel THEY did something wrong that someone would block them.
Jul 30Reply
janimack7 @tm428 Yes, you can easily "Unblock" someone anytime. Go to their closet, press the red box with the arrow at the top right of their closet, 4 options pop up. 1- Share closet 2- View Dressing Room 3- Report User & 4- It will either say: -Block User. If you have blocked them, it will say -UNBLOCK USER. Just press the icon and ᏉᎾℐℒᎯ! Unblocked! 💞🌼💞 Thank you for visiting my closet, ᏆℰℛℰЅᎯ❣😄💞
Jul 30Reply
tm428 Thanks. I was just thinking maybe it was done by accident, but alas, probably not. Too bad. Can't we all just get along? :)
Jul 30Reply
tlmac60 I felt like if she was that type of person I didn't want do business with her for sure and def not looking for a new friend that straight up tells you she's a list. I lost no sleep over it It not worth it.
Jul 30Reply
tlmac60 @shopofthemoment I was shocked at the response above. I'm thinking I'm not a very nice person I don't know if I could turn around and be do nice so I enjoy that it was hell no! Lol
Jul 30Reply
tlmac60 @tweisy you two are killing me with your days here and I don't even know you!!! Lol
Jul 30Reply
tlmac60 By the way feel free to tag me as many times as you want just don't block me or I will cry and have to leave POSH and I've not listed but maybe 1/2 of the % I still have to list. I'm just starting out.
Jul 30Reply
gems1955 Hi Jan 😊 I was blocked for thanking a lady for visiting and liking an item 😳 So, thank you💕 cuz it made me feel kinda bad but I knew I hadn't done anything so, I was ok 👌
Aug 01Reply
janimack7 @gems1955 It is a strange feeling....being blocked. By someone you don't know, and they don't know is a new social event I wasn't necessarily prepared for. By now I realize it just happens and it really doesn't matter. To block indiscriminately, or for a minor infraction....I believe they must need to feel some power. PS: I love that sweet lil' face in your closet photos!💞😄💞
Aug 02Reply
gems1955 Good morning Jan 😊 thank you for the shares and I definitely agree with you. Thank you for the compliment regarding my youngest grandson (Braylen) this Sunday he turns 1 💕🎂🎉🎈🎊⭐️ my how time flys!! Have a beautiful day
Aug 02Reply
de_la_belle Lol 😂🤣@shayrussell
Aug 02Reply
de_la_belle 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Aug 02Reply
de_la_belle @shayrussell the cat face is priceless 👍🏻
Aug 02Reply
posh4theplanet OMG HAHA YES! IM CRACKING UP BC NOW IM ON HER TAG LIST lol but it's OK WE are ALL PFFs 😆😭😂
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset @janimack7 I LOVE this! It's so funny and so true! I was blocked from a very well known Posher several months ago over a misunderstanding. I tried reaching out to other Posher's to help me get unblocked from her, only to find out, I HAD HER BLOCKED!!! I have no idea how it happened. Couldn't tell you. Needless to say, she now has me blocked because she felt disrespected. I get that. Completely understand.
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset @janimack7 But if I had "you" blocked, why would I be reaching out to two of your PFF's to get ME unblocked from you, if I had known I blocked "you?" 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️I think it was a glitch in the Posh world. But back to the moral of the story. I was very upset at first when she told my PFF that she wouldn't unblock me. It was like I was in elementary school again and I had stabbed one of my little friends in the back.
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset @janimack7 Then one day, it just hit me. I didn't do anything wrong. If she wants to continue to have me blocked, then that's okay. Life continues. Can't be upset about it. She's not going to sell my items for me. Only I can sell my items for me. I definitely needed to see this. Thanks girl!
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset Have you been blocked? Great info ladies! 💚💛💜@aa5debbie 💚💛💜@alaska42 💚💛💜@alinaa011 💚💛💜@alyssamarie3223 💚💛💜@amandaguardo2 💚💛💜@angelaenigro 💚💛💜@basiascloset 💚💛💜@bellatesori 💚💛💜@bellavivi 💚💛💜@brunomars90 💚💛💜@bsmith3000 💚💛💜@caradock 💚💛💜@carlsonduo 💚💛💜@ccaligiure 💚💛💜@ccatherine24 💚💛💜@celis___closet 💚💛💜@c_o_c_o_99 💚💛💜@deferg4080 💚💛💜@designerjewels 💚💛💜@emarvosa ☠️PRIVATE TAG LIST
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset Have you been blocked? Great info ladies! 💚💛💜@foreverstylish1 💚💛💜@glimmergal16 💚💛💜@greatbargains1 💚💛💜@groovygal20 💚💛💜@happystar71 💚💛💜@harmfulkorine 💚💛💜@hmillz5 💚💛💜@holyguacamole1 💚💛💜@iheartteddy 💚💛💜@jamieanne725 💚💛💜@jbchic 💚💛💜@jessicalina422 💚💛💜@jessirose143 💚💛💜@jodisjewelry 💚💛💜@jodisward 💚💛💜@johnsontammi38 💚💛💜@joy2theworld88 💚💛💜@karolmel 💚💛💜@katd4 💚💛💜@kemorand ☠️PRIVATE TAG LIST. DO NOT COPY PLEASE☠️
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset Have you been blocked? Great info ladies! 💚💛💜@kiddingaround 💚💛💜@leaveittolora 💚💛💜@lollipopkissies 💚💛💜@lubnaks 💚💛💜@marlajennie 💚💛💜@meliski1 💚💛💜@messenburg 💚💛💜@mlshoe3 💚💛💜@mmtwin10 💚💛💜@moongoddess7 💚💛💜@newfielover 💚💛💜@nikkware 💚💛💜@nsense 💚💛💜@nsorrenti84 💚💛💜@pink_elephants 💚💛💜@pinkpin2364 💚💛💜@plantlady12 💚💛💜@poshcoffeesnob 💚💛💜@prettytrendy 💚💛💜@princessdi2017 ☠️PRIVATE TAG LIST. DO NOT COPY PLEASE☠️
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset Have you been blocked? Great info ladies! 💚💛💜@renees_wardrobe 💚💛💜@rikid8728 💚💛💜@sdfree 💚💛💜@sdmeyers88 💚💛💜@shop_amoradore 💚💛💜@shopninjas 💚💛💜@stacy1973 💚💛💜@stephgarris 💚💛💜@sue0214 💚💛💜@tatertots135 💚💛💜@teachlovesell 💚💛💜@thatlovejones 💚💛💜@theprincessc 💚💛💜@uyenwendy 💚💛💜@vanyataycoon 💚💛💜@vcher77 ☠️PRIVATE TAG LIST. DO NOT COPY PLEASE☠️
Aug 11Reply
jodisjewelry Thanks for writing this!
Aug 11Reply
pink_elephants @janimack7 Thank you for making this! I've been inexplicably blocked and felt horrible about it! Is there a way to see a list of everyone who may have blocked you? And @kamskloset Thank you for resharing this! 😊 I know I've been seriously slacking on the share love, Party tags, and follow games lately but between family life, work life, wine making, and PM, I kind of wore myself out! Hoping to recharge this weekend and catch up! 😘🌸🐘
Aug 11Reply
pink_elephants BEEN BLOCKED? READ THIS FOR GOOD NEWS ⭐️Private list! Please do not copy!⭐️ 🐘🌸 @acgolf 🐘🌸 @alexisjeanne 🐘🌸 @besthombre 🐘🌸 @bethybd 🐘🌸 @brunomars90 🐘🌸 @camarasaurus145 🐘🌸 @camocrazy17 🐘🌸 @cbananas 🐘🌸 @cheryl1270 🐘🌸 @classictrends23 🐘🌸 @clothez4u 🐘🌸 @emeraldeyes37 🐘🌸 @evon5794 🐘🌸 @dnnstb 🐘🌸 @feens50 🐘🌸 @gbullard 🐘🌸 @greencrate 🐘🌸 @hrtstyle 🐘🌸 @hwnislegal2005 🐘🌸 @jakesma3 🐘🌸 @jeheller 🐘🌸 @justrightat40 🐘🌸 @k8thegreat143
Aug 11Reply
pink_elephants 🐘🌸 🐘🌸 @kamskloset 🐘🌸 @katevdr 🐘🌸 @kdachmm 🐘🌸 @kejoi95 🐘🌸 @kgimigliano 🐘🌸 @kris10grant47 🐘🌸 @lauren1308 🐘🌸 @linden77 🐘🌸 @luvbucs28 🐘🌸 @luvnlaughter 🐘🌸 @marlajennie 🐘🌸 @melizjoseph 🐘🌸 @momisnuttz 🐘🌸 @moonbeam1958 🐘🌸 @msleslied1 🐘🌸 @nanimoku2020 🐘🌸 @needsandwants 🐘🌸 @nklux 🐘🌸 @pinkdivas 🐘🌸 @rachelkelllyy 🐘🌸 @rosea1986 🐘🌸 @sbfashions 🐘🌸 @sophiegirl12 🐘🌸 @soulcrusher716 🐘🌸 @spoiledpff 🐘🌸 @tamarav2013 🐘🌸 @whitneyb2k18 🐘🌸 @ykg1010 🐘🌸 @zipperblonde
Aug 11Reply
epicshop Thanks for sharing. I dont even know how to block someone or if I have ever been blocked
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset @pink_elephants You are fine sista! I just realized that the person I was talking about in my comments before tagging everyone, has written on this thread🙊🙊🙊🙊 Annnnndddd she was talking about me😂😂😂😂 Roops! I've had to step back on the tagging game as well. This new share FG I have is VERY overwhelming at times. But I did it so I have to complete it!
Aug 11Reply
pink_elephants @kamskloset 😬😳 Oooops!
Aug 11Reply
soulcrusher716 I lmao 😂 every time I read this 🙌🏽so true lol Kim💋
Aug 11Reply
kamskloset @pink_elephants Bahaha! Right?!? #MyBad
Aug 11Reply
sue0214 Ok I am trying to sit here and read through all of the comments to find the answer but the thread is so long! 🙃 How do I even know if I've been blocked!?!?!🤔😮🤔😮 and from what I'm reading here, there are some pretty funny stories as to why people ended up getting blocked! 😂
Aug 11Reply
angelaenigro @janimack7 ahhhh LOVE THIS 🙋🏽🙋🏽 absolutely truth AMEN🙅🏽✌🏼
Aug 12Reply
janimack7 @sue0214 Hi, Sue When you try to share something from their closet, you can't, and a little pop up says "You are blocked from this closet." You can also tell because you try to "Follow" them and it looks like it went through, but if you check you see you are t following them.i kept trying to "FOLLOW" for awhile until I finally caught o!💞🌼💞
Aug 12Reply
janimack7 @holyguacamole1 Hello! I found out by trying to share items from a closet, and I can't. A little pop up comes up and says, "YOU ARE BLOCKED FROM THIS CLOSET." Another way is if you "Follow" someone, but then it keeps showing that you aren't following when you are following the people who "LIKED" a Follow Game....and they keep coming up as "Not Following." Not sure, but you might also tell by going to their closet and pressing the tiny box with the arrow pointing up. 🌼
Aug 12Reply
janimack7 @pink_elephants Thank you for all the tags! I don't know of any list to show who has blocked you....wish there was!🌼💗🐘
Aug 12Reply
janimack7 @jodisjewelry ɱᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️💞😊💞
Aug 12Reply
janimack7 @kamskloset Thank you for all the tags, ᎯℳᎽ❣️
Aug 12Reply
janimack7 @angelaenigro 💞😊💞 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Aug 12Reply
kamskloset @janimack7 You are most welcome mam! I think this is very important (but also humorous) for people to understand.
Aug 12Reply
pink_elephants @janimack7 You're welcome! 😊🌸🐘
Aug 12Reply
saintsandaints I was blocked by someone who shared my closet regular and I couldn't share back lol. She blocked me because I called her rude. She asked me for measurements, care instructions and all types of other questions for 2 hours straight I told her I could get it in the morning it was 11:30 pm she insisted because she wanted to purchase immediately. After 3 hours. The next day everyone had chemo treatments , were moving, no address to send items. Ugh
Aug 13Reply
janimack7 @lizzydavis123 Sounds like a nightmare, Liz!😱 Maybe it's a good thing she blocked you! PS: Love your closet!
Aug 13Reply
saintsandaints @janimack7 yes. It was and then she made it seem like it was me forcing her because she made bundle. Smh, back then they didn't have the private offer button. So I ignored I bundle all the time does not mean I am ready to buy. I would never do that. Once a read her about me I realized she did it regular. Maybe she was lonely. BTW, you have the cutest items and thanks for shares
Aug 13Reply
janimack7 @lizzydavis123 Thanks, ℒℐℤ! & ᎽᎾU Ꭿℛℰ ᏇℰℒℂᎾℳℰ!😊🌼💞
Aug 14Reply
saintsandaints 😉👀
Aug 14Reply
grace4d Hi Jan! I've another (at cikaida) that I'm blocked from.. would u tag her please? Thx! 🌻🌻🌻Dee
Aug 17Reply
cbananas hey im blocked from @modamecouture she follows me and always shares my items, so id love to share her beautiful closet back. if someone can tag her and let her know. That would be awesome! if im blocked on purpose, its all good :)
Aug 20Reply
momandposh 😂❤️
Aug 25Reply
p420s I have a question.. i recently bought sneakers off this person who had a very large closet & a lot of sales, a few days later I noticed they were cancelled, I went to go to her closet and it said "unable to find user" does that mean they blocked me? That happened more than once, is by something and then it would be cancelled and there closet no longer existed..
Sep 11Reply
janimack7 @p420s Hi, Pati! If it says "unable to find closet" it means the seller closed her shop, or POSH closed it for some reason. If you are blocked from a closet, you can still see their cannot share their items or comment on their listings. A pop up will say something like "You are blocked from this closet. You cannot share or comment." My best guess is the seller closed her shop... Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞 Have a great week!
Sep 11Reply
janimack7 @cbananas Hi, Crystal! I will tag and ask her...I bet it was a mistake!🌼
Sep 11Reply
cbananas @janimack7 thanks I found her on Instagram and we figured it out. It was just a mistake. Thank You 😁
Sep 11Reply
janimack7 Hello, V💋! Crystal ( @cbananas ) asked me to contact you because she would like to share your closet, but finds she is blocked. If it's a mistake, might you unblock her. She says if it's not a mistake, all is good. Have a great day! @modamecouture
Sep 11Reply
janimack7 @grace4d Sorry, Dee...just saw this!😍 I will do it now!🌼💞
Sep 11Reply
janimack7 Hello, Kait! Dee (@grace4d) asked me to contact you because she finds she is blocked. If it's a mistake, might you unblock her. If it's not a mistake, might you give her a heads up about why she is blocked? Have a great day! @cikaida
Sep 11Reply
modamecouture @janimack7 @cbananas Hi beauties, I do not he you blocked. I find that I cannot share some people as well for what ever reason. @cbananas you have an amazing closet and love sharing it. Have a fabulous day.💋 HAPPY POSHING.💋
Sep 11Reply
modamecouture @janimack7 Hi Doll! Thank you for letting me know!!🌹 Xoxo Vanessa💋
Sep 11Reply
p420s @janimack7 thank you! That has been driving me crazy! 🖤❤️
Sep 11Reply
cikaida @janimack7 hey girl, where can I find who I've blocked? I didn't know about this!
Sep 11Reply
janimack7 @cikaida it was Dee @grace4d ...but she let me know she found you on instagram and worked it out! Just for the future, you can tell if you've blocked someone by clicking the box in the right upper hand corner. It will say either BLOCK USER or UNBLOCK USER as one of the options.😊
Sep 11Reply
cikaida @janimack7 Instagram? I think that's someone else.. if you scroll up theres another gal that was talking about IG
Sep 11Reply
grace4d @cikaida i was blocked but I meant i could share ur items only using share to messenger or Pinterest.. lol. I couldn't share to my followers.. Sorry about the confusion 🌻🌻🌻🙋Dee
Sep 11Reply
janimack7 @cikaida You are right, Kait! The instagram comment was someone else...sorry about that. But Dee did ask me to find out if it was a mistake being blocked.😊
Sep 12Reply
janimack7 @modamecouture 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Sep 12Reply
lipsticknjeans A very refreshing message. Thank you for sharing. I’m fairly new, please tell me about TAGGING too much. What does that mean. I don’t want to offend. 💕
Oct 28Reply
rosieharv I just discovered I was blocked for the first time and it’s been bothering me for days! I have no idea why! It’s been bugging me.. but really, can’t figure out why I care. Glad I stumbled on this 😎
Nov 04Reply
moonbeam1234 @janimack7 😄LOVE THIS!!! I may block someone who continues leaving harassing messages on a listing of mine! This has never happened to me before, but so far I’ve just flagged her messages as “Harrassent” and ... 🎉❤️Posh Support has removed her comments!!! YEA, POSH SUPPORT!!!🎉❤️☺️
Nov 07Reply
ccprice74 This is 😁 I was blocked 10 minutes ago, thanks to you I'm not in my feelings about it❤️
Nov 16Reply
flutter_buys My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family Jan. 💕🙏💕😘
Nov 17Reply
aligirl1213 Omg - you're so funny!
Nov 25Reply
pammalla I had someone make an offer then block me ?!?
Dec 05Reply
littledeer64 Yep . I’m blocked from two closets . No idea why 😆
Jan 06Reply
katzkoz HA HS......♥️♥️♥️I LOVE THIS!!♥️♥️♥️ I block people tho that have a case against me as soon as they do it. A lot of times, they try to ruin it even on NWT items. But....I take pictures right before I wrap them. BACK UP!
Jan 09Reply
baggaliciouz @janimack7 love this 🙀 so true lol! I've unfortunately had the weirdest comments on a rare vintage out of nowhere- wow! Younger generation thinks all is same sometimes had no choice 😎😸
Jan 11Reply
restlessangel This is GREAT! I have been blocked by many people. I didn't know until I started playing a couple of the SP Games. LMBO Then.... BLOCKED! I couldn't follow them. I was like.. why would they do that? Some have me blocked but still share me? I tried to message them but.. No reply so I guess I can't share back. It is just one of those things. I love the humor to it. Thank you for the smile this AM! :D
Mar 05Reply
vintage_affair As a newbie to the posh world, this was very informative, Thank you for sharing!
Apr 17Reply
hillaryshouston @janimack7 I was just wondering what the heck about 10 minutes ago. I went to purchase something from a closet I had never been to from a seller I have never spoken to and found I was blocked. I was confused and a bit offended. But this explains what might have happened. xoxo 💋 thanks for the post!!
Apr 19Reply
swilnoty @janimack7 thank you. I got blocked because I went $2 under what they wanted? 👎🏼🗣
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @lipsticknjeans Hello, Elise! So sorry for the very late response... I have been closed for months as I cared for my mother during her last months. I just recently reopened and trying to catch up as best I can! Did you already find out what “tagging too much” is all about? IF NOT, It is tagging regarding party alerts, follow games, and any news from POSH. When a lot of those are sent in group messages, it clogs their newsfeed. 😄
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @rosieharv So sorry for the very late response, Rosie... I have been closed for months as I cared for my mother during her last months. I just recently reopened and trying to catch up as best I can! I’m glad you stumbled on this, too! Being blocked really bothered me, too...and no one talked about it here. So when I gained a bit more experience & better understood why people blocked others...I wanted to share this so others wouldn’t ruminate like I did! Have a great weekend, Rosie!💞
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @moonbeam1234 So sorry for the very late response, Terri... I have been closed for months as I cared for my mother during her last months. I just recently reopened and trying to catch up as best I can! So glad you like this post & that POSH took care of the harasser! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @ccprice74 So sorry for the very late response, Cicely... I have been closed for months as I cared for my mother during her last months. I just recently reopened and trying to catch up as best I can! I am SO HAPPY this helped you! That is why I made others wouldn’t feel like I did at first! Hope you are well and have a lovely weekend!💞😊💞
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @aligirl1213 💞😊💞😄💞😊💞
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @pammalla So sorry for the very late response, Pamela... I have been closed for months as I cared for my mother during her last months. I just recently reopened and trying to catch up as best I can! That is odd....I wonder if they changed their mind and didn’t know how to cancel it....they sure didn’t handle it very well at all! 😣 💞😊💞Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @littledeer64 So sorry for the very late response, Bambi... I have been closed for months as I cared for my mother during her last months. I just recently reopened and trying to catch up as best I can! That is so frustrating! I’ve been blocked for some unknown reason before and it felt very aggravating! But just know, it is most likely THEIR issue, and NOT yours! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Bambi!
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @katzkoz So sorry for the very late response, Lesley... I have been closed for months as I cared for my mother during her last months. I just recently reopened and trying to catch up as best I can! Glad you like this post! I had fun making it! Strange there are those few that are not honest...I had my share. POSH was great, though...lI felt they had my back.😊 Hope you have a great weekend!
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @highfashnz I agree, there are times blocking is appropriate...harassing is a good reason! Have a good weekend!💞😊💞
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @restlessangel Thanks for the positive feedback, Angelia! 💞😊💞
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @vianka624 You are welcome! Thank you for the positive feedback, Marisol!
Apr 20Reply
baggaliciouz @janimack7 hopefully I get blocked more so I don’t buy lol. I’ve had STRANGE comments people discussing - I report Spam- PM doesn’t remove! Stupid. Hate to say it. Mostly kids running this co. I’m in my 50s. Sad. Hope you’re family mom doing great - more important! Get well 🙏 prayers.
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @hillaryshouston I am glad you found this, Hillary! I made it because for some odd reason I felt very weird and somehow like I’d done something wrong when I was blocked for some unknown reason. After a bit more experience, I understood a bit better and wanted to do something to help others who ran into those uncomfortable feelings. 💞😊💞 Have a great weekend!
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @swilnoty Savannah, that is totally uncalled for! Blocking because of an offer is ridiculous! Making an offer can be the beginning of a negotiation! The seller could have just made a counteroffer or declined. I think there are some that maybe need to feel a bit of ‘control’ they don’t have in their ‘real’ life.💞 Have a great weekend, Savannah!
Apr 20Reply
lipsticknjeans @janimack7 I’m good. Glad you are back. God bless🤗
Apr 20Reply
katzkoz Oh WOW! I'm so sorry about your mom. I know how hard that was but in another sense, a relief that U were T gere for her. I took care of my Nana for part of her final years & she kept "thanking" me. Why thank me? I WANTED to do it. So I'm sure UR Mom loved U even more for that
Apr 20Reply
katzkoz I love this sign and U nailed IT! I know how I felt when I was 1st blocked. But now......bring it on! Who cares? It's fluff , NEXT, sooooo......?, Really???, U did whaaattt??, like I'm so offended! I do it too! I'm SOO happy to here from U! I missed U & thought something happened. 😙
Apr 20Reply
pammalla @janimack7 I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It is hard to be a care giver. No worries. Our wonderful Posh community certainly understands that family comes first. ❤️
Apr 20Reply
restlessangel @janimack7 totally. Loved this’.
Apr 20Reply
swilnoty @janimack7 thank you sweetie! I was shocked but I can take my money elsewhere.
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @katzkoz You are so right... It was an honor to be able to care for her. Difficult time, but precious. I was glad to be able t keep her in her home. I really think that made a difference for her. Your Nana was lucky to have you.💜
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @katzkoz 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 I know exactly what you mean, Lesley! At first I was embarrassed at myself for feeling a hurt & ruminating on being blocked....GOOD GRIEF! It’s a stranger I’ve never met! What power that little “BLOCKED” button held! I thought I MUST have done something terribly wrong. I searched & searched for dialogue on being blocked & couldn’t. So when I got a handle on the whims of blocking, wanted to share to help others who found that queasy ‘blocked’ feeling!😂
Apr 20Reply
spookyheartsg @janimack7 ppl I Block share me lol n I block me share too this is old now hillo
Apr 20Reply
janimack7 @spookyheartsg 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒, Lily❣💞
Apr 21Reply
lksaidso5 @janimack7 Hey this is on time for me. I was blocked and then unblocked. So I sold a crossbody to a lady who never asked any questions about the bag or nothing. It was as described. When she received it she gave me 4 stars becyof item description. Boom 💥 BLOCKED!!! Then the next day I was like ok let me try again.
Apr 22Reply
janimack7 @lksaidso5 Some people use blocks so they don’t have to answer questions that might come up because of their comments either under their rating, or on listings. Don’t take it personally! I have had a buyer do the same thing on an item everyone else has raved purse inserts, and when I asked her for specifics so I could address the issues, she ignored me. Luckily this platform allows you to grow your Followers, and you can leave that one behind!
Apr 22Reply
lksaidso5 @janimack7 Tried again and I was unblocked and my “used to be” item was the first thing on her page. In the description it stated Reposhing because it’s too small. I was like dang all you had to ask was measurements? I was hurt! 😱 ☹️ But it’s ok. 😊😊
Apr 22Reply
lksaidso5 @janimack7 This is sooo true! Thanks so much for this platform. This is awesome! 😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗 Happy Poshing!!!! 🌸🌸💖💖🔸
Apr 22Reply
janimack7 @lksaidso5 . AAAAhhhhhh! A re-POSHer! That is another reason people block you! Did she list it for more than you charged her? I just found I was blocked from a closet, so I went to that closet and found many of the same items I sell, but for a much higher price. Another reason people may block you. Hope you have a wonderful week, Latasha! 🌼💜🌼
Apr 22Reply
lksaidso5 @janimack7 Yes! I listed it for $18 and she listed it for $49😲🤨 She will not sell it for that price! If she do I would be very shocked. Lol
Apr 22Reply
lksaidso5 @janimack7 You have an awesome week too! 😊
Apr 22Reply
janimack7 @lksaidso5 That is exactly why she blocked you....she is making a profit from her purchase. The fact she only gave you 4 stars is pretty mean. It is obvious there was nothing wrong with the handbag... Hang in there! There are not that many people on POSH looking to do what she did.😊💞😊
Apr 22Reply
monikens Shared 💥. Thank you for the info 🌺
Apr 23Reply
aligirl1213 @janimack7 Hey Jan!! Hope your feeling ok!! So...been blocked. I had to think and the only one that I know of is a girl that has my name but 1 thing added to it so she could use it I suppose. I kept getting tagged by a wholesaler and couldn’t figure out why, especially since I had already purchased it. So when I questioned them, it was Oh, wrong one. Naturally I was curious so I tried to find the closet and couldn’t. I’m sure there’s other people I just don’t know so, that’s just fine with me! 😆
Apr 23Reply
janimack7 @aligirl1213 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞I think you have to be a private investigator to figure out who blocks sometimes! Have a great day!💞😁💞
Apr 24Reply
janimack7 @monikens You are welcome, Julia! Thank you for visiting my closet! 💞😁💞
Apr 24Reply
monikens @janimack7 you’re welcome. I love your close. 💕
Apr 24Reply
piecesbyperez @piccadilly_posh I’m new here a bit. But how do you tag someone and why do people block low ballers?
May 24Reply
janimack7 @giggles_shop Hi, Jackie! To tag someone, just add an @ at the beginning of their closet name, For example, to tag me, just put @janimack7 (Note: You don’t have to put a tag if you are leaving the note in the person’s own closet.)
May 24Reply
janimack7 @giggles_shop As for the blocking of “low ballers”... It seems there are 2 schools of thought. One is that it is “rude and inconsiderate” to offer a price lower than the seller thinks it is worth. Those people sometimes “block” that person. The other school of thought, which is how I handle my offers, is that when you are making an offer, you are starting a negotiation process. With any negotiation, the 1st offer is usually low. continued next post
May 24Reply
janimack7 @giggles_shop continued... The seller can then make a counter offer. This can go back and forth until one person repeats their previous offer letting the other know that is as high, or low, as they are willing to go. The other person has the option of declining or accepting the final offer.
May 24Reply
piecesbyperez @janimack7 I get it. That sucks that people are like that. We should be lifting each other instead of putting each other down. I love Poshing although at times it could be frustrating because
May 24Reply
piecesbyperez @janimack7 because I barely sell. Try to change my style, pictures,and merchandise. But to know someone can be so cruel and jealous sucks. Everyone is just trying to make it in this world what the heck? I don’t know if I have been blocked but oh well if I have one less person to say hi to. 😂 thanks for the info
May 24Reply
janimack7 @giggles_shop Yeah, there have been a few people who have been rude to me...but I just figure their life must be unhappy. There is no reason to be rude...but there are always a few....🙄😀
May 25Reply
sunnybirdmarket Love this! There are a couple of Closets that I’m blocked on and don’t even know them. It’s really bothered me! This helped!
May 26Reply
janimack7 @sunnybirdmarket The first couple times I was blocked I kind of felt sick inside.. wondering what I had done wrong or how I had offended someone. I searched and searched for ANY information on blocking and really couldn’t find it. Not wanting others to spend one minute feeling uncomfortable about being blocked, after I learned the POSH ropes a bit, I made this. So glad it helped you, Chrissy! Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
May 26Reply
jayrn Very nice post and reassuring!
Jun 12Reply
janimack7 @jayrn Thank you, Jennifer! Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Jun 12Reply
mywardrobespace Omg. In new and got blocked by someone lol and then that person left comments on my picture lol. I had no idea what had just happened! Thank you for sharing! Living your closet by the way.
Jun 18Reply
jodisjewelry Oops! I meant to hit comment 🤪🤣😂🤣. Thanks for sharing this. It’s frustrating when that glitch happens! How have you been?
Aug 23Reply
vanyataycoon Love it agree my haters are trying to go after my love notes i blocked as they mean spirted yet they can still see my closet &my buyers dont see way of preventing it wish best hope im not on your bad side lol🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😁😁😁😁😘😘😘😘vanya nyc
Aug 23Reply
grace4d Jan tu! I'm still blocked by the last one i shed about so I guess she didn't understand or doesn't like me. i don't really know her. Lol. Crazy app or crazy me.🌻🌻🌻💖
Aug 23Reply
grace4d @cikaida still blocked
Aug 23Reply
desiredcloset This is hilarious I love it!! @bean5669 @schmugglemoo @lissaloves Lol
Aug 23Reply
theprincessc I LOVE this! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 23Reply
c_allisonn @899ridgeview read these informative comments 😊
Aug 23Reply
bell1971 @janimack7 Omg !!!!! Yes !!!! I have been blocked by poshers that are on my tag list !!!! Poshers that ASKED to be on my tag list they signed up for !!! Anyone that has a tag list knows how much time this takes for us to do. We are doing these poshers a favor. When they don’t want to be tagged anymore and just comment somewhere random and I didn’t see it !!! They BLOCK ME !!!! 😡😡😡 CONT
Aug 23Reply
bell1971 @janimack7 This is do Darn ignorant. Another one you mentioned. I try and tell them they are not compliant NICELY !!!! They block me !!!! So now I don’t tell them. I just report them. Others have blocked me and I don’t know why ???? They must be jealous 👍👍 Ha. Ha. At first it bothered me.’s their loss ♥️
Aug 23Reply
lissaloves @desiredcloset Hahaha 🙈🙉🙊🐒
Aug 23Reply
dolphingirlz35 How do u know u are blocked? As I don't always go back to the same people.
Aug 23Reply
bean5669 @desiredcloset 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Aug 24Reply
poshboutique16 @janimack7 Jan I love this post back in the day when I first was a posh baby I was hurt I wanted to call the person and ask why then I found out I shared her item at midnight HELL I have the addiction but now I’m like look at my closet Top notch good customers and life goes on you can’t Win everybody 🍷🍷🤪🤪🤪
Aug 24Reply
schmugglemoo @bean5669 @desiredcloset 😂😂😂😂❤️😂😂😂😂
Aug 24Reply
iamplus56 Thanks great reading and learned a lot 😜
Aug 24Reply
lfz1288 I LOvE this ❤️ thank you for posting. You are awesome
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @lfz1288 Thanks, Leily! It was fun to make! Wish I’d seen one like this early on in my POSH days! Have a great weekend!😁💛😁
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @poshboutique16 Oh so true, Bertha! I wish I’d seen something like this in my new POSHer phase, too! I fretted about being blocked...and I thought I was so grown up! Now, I see it is usually more about the blocker, not the blockee! ❤️😊❤️
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @dolphingirlz35 Hi, M! I only found out I was blocked by someone when I went to share their items. Others have said they found out when they went to buy one of the blocker’s items!
Aug 25Reply
dolphingirlz35 @janimack7 well that would bite 😓 but I'd just block back and go on, as there are jerks every where
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @bell1971 Hi, Lippie! That happened to me, too! Now I just let people know if they ask for me to look at their closet for input. Have a great weekend!
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @dolphingirlz35 Yep! Power to block must be invigorating for some!😁
Aug 25Reply
lfz1288 @janimack7 me too! It Would’ve helped me with useless obsessing haha ❤️
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @theprincessc Thank you!💜😊💜
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @desiredcloset Thanks, Daniela!
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @grace4d Blocking is so nuanced! I agree.😊, Dee! I just let it get to me as a nubie, it just slides off!❤️💜❤️
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @vanyataycoon 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞Never on my bad side! I haven’t even seen it for a lonnng time!😁💜😁
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @jodisjewelry Hi, Jodi! I’ve been pretty good! 2 surgeries done, and starting radiation. It’ll be a breeze! How are you?♥️😍♥️
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @mywardrobespace Thanks, Cristina! I was shocked and confused when I was blocked, too! Now, it doesn’t bother me a bit!♥️💜😁
Aug 25Reply
yayalisa67 I love this listing. I’m on a campaign to help get poshers to have a compliant closet for the sake of its the right thing to do. Don’t know if I’ve been blocked yet but this sure helps if I am somehow!! 💜💜💜🤗🤗🤗👋👋
Aug 25Reply
poshstylesbyme LOL 😂 I adore this post 😁👏🏻
Aug 25Reply
ses54 👍😳🌺💕
Aug 25Reply
loxluxjewelry So happy you have something like this!!!
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @yayalisa67 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 I’m embarrassed that being blocked even bothered me! But it did....but not no more!😂
Aug 26Reply
janimack7 @sbreza777 ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU❣️
Aug 26Reply
janimack7 @iamplus56 💚Thank you for the positive feedback and for visiting my closet!💚
Aug 26Reply
catlovernj This is great! Love do you know you’ve been blocked then...? 😎
Sep 10Reply
janimack7 @catlovernj I have only found out I am BLOCKED by someone when I try to share, buy or leave a comment on an item in the closet that BLOCKED you. 💙 Happy POSHing and Happy Week!🧡
Sep 10Reply
anchorlane @janimack7 Thanks for posting this. I’ve just reopened my closet after a year...I didn’t know you could block or be blocked. I would be mortified 😬 but I do take things personally and I’m glad I read this. Thanks for sharing. This is why I love my Poshmark family💖
Sep 13Reply
dun35 Are you notified when someone's blocks you? I've only been on here since March and still not familiar with everything. Thanks
Sep 17Reply
janimack7 @dun35 Hi, Tammy! No, you are not notified when get surprised when you go to FOLLOW, SHARE, BUY or COMMENT in someone’s closet who has blocked you. (When you FOLLOW, initially it looks like the FOLLOW goes through...but it doesn’t.) Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Sep 17Reply
janimack7 @dun35 PS: Your closet looks fantastic! Great job in just a few months!😊💜
Sep 17Reply
dun35 @janimack7 thank you for the info and the compliment. Good to know. I really don't understand why you would block someone but to each their own I guess. 😂 Thanks for responding.
Sep 17Reply
buyitwhenfound Oh No.... that’s terrible. I promise not to block you. And yes, you too are amazing. 🌺
Sep 18Reply
blueeyesofgreen Love this!!!💗💗💗💗🤣😂😉
Sep 19Reply
wild_boheme Well said! 👏👏
Sep 19Reply
janimack7 @buyitwhenfound Yea❣️ YOU ARE AMAZING❣️😄
Sep 19Reply
janimack7 @wendyruark Thank you for the feedback and visiting my closet❣😄💞
Sep 19Reply
janimack7 @glasshselndry Thank you for the positive feedback and for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Sep 19Reply
wild_boheme @janimack7 thank you for ALL the wonderful shares. 💜🛵
Sep 19Reply
janimack7 @glasshselndry 💟 My pleasure, Eileen! 💟
Sep 19Reply
blueeyesofgreen @janimack7 👌🏻💥💞
Sep 19Reply
spirit_sisters 😊 I got blocked for asking to many questions about a top I went to buy it and she had blocked me 😯😮🙄🤭🤗
Sep 21Reply
janimack7 @spirit_sisters I believe some people just like the feeling of power over something somehow. Hope your POSHing has very little of that kind of negativity❣️
Sep 24Reply
panamarubia @tezza630 How do you know if you're blocked? Like how can you tell??
Sep 27Reply
janimack7 @panamarubia Hi, Janeth❣️ There is no way to check directly. But if you try to share, leave a comment or buy from the closet of the person who blocked you, you can’t, and a message pops up that says “you are blocked from this closet.”
Sep 27Reply
panamarubia @janimack7 Oh wow! Thanks!! I hope I never get to see that. But, I'm still new, so I'm sure my time will come. lol 😂
Sep 27Reply
tezza630 @panamarubia 😊💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚😊 Hi Janeth! The only way to tell if you are blocked is if you try to share an item or leave comment in a seller’s closet - a pop-up box will come up when you touch “share” or “post” that tells you that you are blocked. Lmk if you have further questions. 😊💚🐾 tari
Sep 27Reply
graycefull I’m curious, how do you know if you are blocked? I don’t think I have been blocked yet but I am still very new at this! Someone told me if you block people then you can’t be a host for a party, I’m not sure if that’s true.
Oct 18Reply
skye1981 I was blocked few times cuz I guess I asked to many qs on an item and I was about to purchase....
Oct 18Reply
janimack7 @graycefull Hi, Courtney! The way you can tell if you are blocked is when you try to SHARE, COMMENT or BUY from a closet that has blocked you, a POP-UP appears that says “YOU CANNOT....BECAUSE YOU ARE BLOCKED FROM THIS CLOSET”. Another way is when you attempt to FOLLOW a closet that has you blocked, initially it looks like you are following closet, but when you check, you are not. 💞💜💞
Oct 18Reply
graycefull @janimack7 Interesting. Thanks!
Oct 18Reply
janimack7 @skye1981 I have heard that same reason from several people, Tiffany. I think that is Crazy! Asking questions should never be an issue! Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Oct 18Reply
janimack7 @graycefull 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Oct 18Reply
chamlover I’m sorry to say, I think 🤔 I know how someone could get blocked by accident. 😔 I have found myself falling asleep 😴 💤 with my thumb hovering over the screen as I’m trying to get thru my newsfeed sharing into the night❗️Those ‘...’ are dangerous when your sleepsharing. I have not come across any I have blocked but did have a buy scare when an unexpected 📦 came! @janimack7 Love your willingness to help your fellow poshers! Much Posh love ❤️ 💖💝❤️ and appreciation to you❣️
Oct 19Reply
janimack7 @chamlover Oh my gosh! I bet you are right, Diane! I’ve done my share of sleep-sharing myself! But ‘sleep buying’.... now THAT is ЅℂᎯℛᎽ! Thank you for the positive feedback! Please say ℋℐ to Hornito for me! 💞😊💞
Oct 19Reply
chamlover @janimack7 ☺️I’ll give him an extra Phoenix 🐛 for you💖❤️❣️😘
Oct 19Reply
believeinhope I just can believe it somebody blocked you because you congratulated her for a HP. That a positive vibes for her. She should thank you for taking the time to congratulated. How can we know somebody block you?
Oct 19Reply
believeinhope By the way long time ago I had to block someone. I don’t like to do that,but one morning I saw a posher came when I was sleeping and wrote in a lot of my listing bulling & criticize. I had to delete & re do the listings. . I didn’t know her. I’m still asking my self why she did it. We are here to help each other, not harm each others. Love this post
Oct 19Reply
findingdoc1 Thank you! I really needed to laugh this morning 😂😃
Oct 24Reply
drsphil1980 Hahahahahahaaa🤓🤓🤓❤❤
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @chamlover 😄🐛😊
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @believeinhope Hi, Yani! The way you can tell if you are blocked is when you try to SHARE, COMMENT or BUY from a closet that has blocked you, a POP-UP appears that says “YOU CANNOT....BECAUSE YOU ARE BLOCKED FROM THIS CLOSET”. Another way is when you attempt to FOLLOW a closet that has you blocked, initially it looks like you are following closet, but when you check, you are not. 💞💜💞
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @believeinhope I think that is an excellent use of the blocking feature, Yani!!!! That is why there is a way to block people!🌼😄🌼
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @findingdoc1 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 Everyone needs one everyday! Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Oct 24Reply
ginasjewels4you Lol love it
Oct 28Reply
janimack7 @ginasgems4you 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 🌼💞🌼
Oct 28Reply
janimack7 @findingdoc1 🌼😊🌼
Oct 28Reply
ginasjewels4you So funny! 😂
Oct 28Reply
janimack7 @ginasgems4you And so TRUE, Gina!😄😅😂💗
Oct 29Reply
sharosmith @janimack7 I love this!! I have been blocked & never had a clue why? People can be so petty, mean, jealous, etc. etc. I’ve only blocked people who carry vulgar or inappropriate items.
Nov 01Reply
nebettyboop 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fabulous Post 😍😍😍
Nov 03Reply
nebettyboop @janimack7 And Of Course It Happened To Me Today 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nov 05Reply
janimack7 @sharosmith I agree with you, Sharon! I think some people feel so “in power” when they use blocking. Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Nov 08Reply
janimack7 @livingmypurpose Thank you, Lissette! Love the feedback,
Nov 08Reply
janimack7 @livingmypurpose Great timing! 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞
Nov 08Reply
nebettyboop @janimack7 😍😍😍
Nov 08Reply
terri_lynns Hi Jan 🙋🏻‍♀️ Nice to meet you. Thank you my Grandbabies are what keeps me going. There precious as I’m sure you know. I’m enjoying your closet. Love this Blocked post lol. I’ve come across a few and it’s like WHATEVER 😂🤣😂🙄 Hope you are doing well 🙏🏻 Happy Poshing 💙🎽💙
Nov 14Reply
janimack7 @terri_lynns Glad you liked this post! I remember being fairly new, and being a “pleaser”, I was perplexed and wondered “what I’d done wrong” far too long! Wanted to relieve anyone else in POSHland that it isn’t always about the blockEE is often more about the blockER! 😅 Thanks for the kind words about my closet!
Nov 14Reply
carolhazen @janimack7 lolol yes the first time I thought say what? then after awhile I realize the written word leaves so much room for interpretation. ppl tend to take things personally when maybe it had zero to do with them! I also find jealousy a big reason for being blocked , and things taken wayyyy out of proportion. so now when Blocked I chuckle. I
Nov 20Reply
carolhazen @janimack7 do believe the private msging has helped ppl "listen" more to what is being said and less reactionary response. but Blocked is on them !! though I would caution anyone before Blocking someone, give the reason a full 24 hours to reassess, if blocking is really what you want to do! much posh love for putting this up beautiful girl!! Xo
Nov 20Reply
janimack7 @carolhazen You are so sweet! Thank you for the positive feedback! I am still surprised to find I’m blocked by someone I don’t even remember interacting with... But, hey, like you said...Blocking is on THEM!😊💞👏🏼❣️ 🦃 🍁 🍂 ᕼᗩᑭᑭY TᕼᗩᑎKᔕGIᐯIᑎG 🍂 🍁 🦃 🧡 🦃 🧡 TO YOᑌ & YOᑌᖇᔕ, ᑕᗩᖇOᒪ❣️ 🧡 🦃 🧡
Nov 21Reply
51twenty Love this
Nov 21Reply
janimack7 @51twenty 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞Me, too!😊💞😊
Nov 21Reply
serenity_style_ @janimack7 Hey doll may I show case this in my closet at well credited to you! This is exactly how I felt on so many levels Happy Thanks giving beautiful and I picked you as one of my Ms. Independent xoxo
Nov 21Reply
myblueskydays @janimack7 @myblueskydays this is great!!! Lol!!!✌🏼😊💗
Nov 21Reply
darlascottage How can you tell when you’ve been blocked? Does it tell people? I have blocked one or two people, never newbies but just people who were ambassadors & should know better than to do some of things...
Nov 21Reply
janimack7 @pluswear Hi, Darla! There is no way to check directly. But if you try to share, leave a comment or buy from the closet of the person who blocked you, you can’t, and a message pops up that says “you are blocked from this closet.”
Nov 23Reply
janimack7 @myblueskydays Thanks! I sure had fun making it! Have a great weekend!
Nov 23Reply
janimack7 @thestyle42day I think I went through every expression the first few times I was blocked!🥰
Nov 26Reply
janimack7 @thestyle42day As far as I know, there is no way to check directly. But if you try to share, leave a comment or buy from the closet of the person who blocked you, you can’t, and a message pops up that says “you are blocked from this closet.” You also are not able to “FOLLOW” them.
Nov 26Reply
socalstyled This is hilarious!! Did you write this yourself and put together? Pure comedy and made me belly laugh! Thank you, I just love this!!
Nov 29Reply
janimack7 @socalstyle4moms 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 I put it all together and really had fun doing it!😊💜😊 Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞And for your laughter! Mission Success! 😅🤣😂🤣😅
Nov 29Reply
socalstyled @janimack7 you are talented, seriously. Couldn't have been funnier! He would be fun to hang around with I'm sure! Thank you for the laugh I just love this!
Nov 30Reply
janimack7 @socalstyle4moms Thanks again, Alecia! Always love positive feedback....and someone who laughs as much as I do! Have a great week!
Nov 30Reply
shiloh077 @janimack7 Thanks for sharing this! Anyone who’s been on Posh for a while gets blocked. Most of the time you’re not even sure why. 🧐 Happy Holidays Pff! 🥳
Dec 14Reply
janimack7 @shiloh077 Thank you, Sweet Friend! 𗀃🙏🏼𗀃 Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday, too!
Dec 14Reply
cs_jojo I was blocked bc, someone else mentioned my name when she called someone out in a share group for not sharing the top 10, bc we all had the same brand of items she also messaged me a very nasty message instead of the person that called her out for never sharing hers, I figured after her hateful comments it wasn’t no big loss to me, just bewildered that she never bothered to message the person who called her out to start with🤷🏻‍♀️. I only block when absolutely necessary,
Mar 19Reply
cs_jojo I’ve had a few scammers trying to get extra items, I recently had a return that the person destroyed one item completely before sending back and took tags off the other, so it has to be pretty bad before I block and note the address so if they open another account I know and will cancel purchase.
Mar 19Reply
hchabot @tezza630 hi there!! This thread is so helpful! Did you and exwolf end up blocking each other and trying to tag to see if you were notified? I’d love to know the outcome of your experiment!!
Feb 03Reply
tezza630 @hchabot 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Hi Hildy! Ha, I’d forgotten all about this! No we never did do that. 🤔🤔 If you scroll down a few comments below mine, @croweart had some input. (You May have seen it). But if you want to experiment I will do it with you lol! Thanks! Tari 💚🐾
Feb 03Reply
tezza630 @hchabot 💚💚💚💚💚💚 I should also say, I could be having memory lapse! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. I truly don’t recall following through with @exwolfe - Cindy did we ever do this? (See original comment above). This thread is so long but very informative. A lot of posters commented with helpful answers. Xx Tari
Feb 03Reply
exwolfe @tezza630 Yes, if my memory is correct we did try it
Feb 04Reply
tezza630 @exwolfe @hchabot 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Well, there you have it - i have a lousy memory, cannot deny it, lol! Thank you Cindy! xxx
Feb 04Reply
hchabot @exwolfe @tezza360 What were the results, do you remember? Did the blocked persons tag show up in your news feed or were you alerted if the blocked person tagged you elsewhere? Thank you both for replying, and for your kind words and offer @tezza630! 💕
Feb 04Reply
exwolfe @hchabot @tezza360 we tried the test Terri and no notifications or comments were shown
Feb 04Reply
tezza630 @exwolfe @hchabot 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Thx for the reply Cindy - I have tried to tag someone (in their own closet)who blocked me but a message comes up to say that I am blocked so obviously they never see anything. So far as I understand, if I tag them in someone else’s closet, they ARE able to see it but I can’t be certain of that. I do not know if they can tag me in my closet or in another. Maybe we need to experiment again!
Feb 04Reply
hchabot @tezza630 that was the test we did. @exwolf blocked me and I tagged her in comments I made in my closet. She wasn’t notified about the comments at all — so the person who’s blocked you won’t know you’ve mentioned them unless they come across the comment by accident. I hope that makes sense! It can be so confusing haha!! 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks again @exwolfe for helping get to the bottom of this intriguing mystery! 🔎🧐😆
Feb 04Reply
monique0211 It sucks I made an offer and they declined and gave me another office but I declined because at the time I didn’t have the money. I went back to check if it was still on sale and it was and I noticed it didn’t allow me to purchase. I wouldn’t think I could get blocked for originally declining the counteroffer. It sucks. I still want to purchase though any tips
Jun 29Reply
poorlittlegirl @monique0211 Would you please contact @lilyp4 and ask her to unblock me if she wants a sale. We had been chatting about Peppermint Bay coverup dress & she agreed to lower the price. I was waiting for the Posh email to arrive (it usually takes a few hours) stating that the dress price and shipping had been lowered before I made the purchase but, since I didn't react immediately, she blocked me. Kinda silly, I think... but I like the dress! Thanks
Jul 13Reply
poorlittlegirl If you're not available to do this and someone else reads this... would the reader please make the contact. Thank you and stay well!
Jul 13Reply
poorlittlegirl @spookyheartsg Hello! Perhaps you could read my post above and help me since no one seems to have assisted? Thanks and stay well!
Jul 15Reply
spookyheartsg I was 1st to reply year ago, now ur ask me again, don't obses over this friends.
Jul 15Reply
poshmarkdottcom Hello, I lost my good job (and good income!) so I made a $10 offer for a $30 item, thinking they would counter offer with what their lowest acceptable price for the item would be, but instead they blocked me! ALL serious Sellers do that, but not this one. Does that mean some Sellers would rather be offended than sell an item? I need the tie, so what should I do? Thanks in advance for any help.
Sep 22Reply
sssantos1011 I was blocked and scammed out of $480
Oct 04Reply
hniccccc @mtecpoyotl Sells fake handbags and he blocked me because I had a question about why he wasn’t posting the logo on the interior slip pocket I guess he knew that I really knew what I was talking about and I could tell a fake from a real one and if you look at the branding logo on the pink and white dog bag it screams fake ! Plus if you question the authenticity and you actually on a couple of real ones and you know what you’re looking for and you can tell the difference you’re blocked lol
Oct 18Reply
hniccccc @tezza630 if you even ask a question that smells like a rat that you think maybe something might not be authentic youare a block baby😂
Oct 26Reply
hniccccc @mrsdennis85 I won’t be able to except the offer until I am able to check with the store that the bag came from to see if there’s any flaws since you blocked me from making comments I’m guessing you don’t wanna answer if there’s any flaws or a regularity going on with the bag
Oct 26Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 probably because they’re selling a fake- if you even remotely ask a question about legitimacy of authenticity and maybe you make an extra comment on some thing asking if there’s any flaws or trying to find anything out too much information you’re suddenly blocked😂😂
Oct 26Reply
zardiva1 @hniccccc Yup, I’ve been blocked for: 1) Asking about flaws they may have missed. 2) Saying their item’s in the wrong category, or that there’s a much better/more accurate category or subcategory. MANY are still UNAWARE of the MAJOR category expansion back in June: Or even the whole *Home* department, which was added LAST June. 3) Saying their item’s in the wrong *department* completely. 4) Glitches in the system - people I’ve never interacted with.
Oct 26Reply
tezza630 @hniccccc 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Yes, I think people get very defensive and wary. I also think “tone of voice” - which honestly can sometimes be unintentional - will result in a block. I try to be very selective before blocking. Xxx 💚 tari
Oct 26Reply
hniccccc @tezza630 Yes if they feel threatened in anyway boom you’re blocked it’s almost a joke at this point I mean people are so darn sensitive nowadays you can’t literally say anything if you even look the wrong way you’re blocked 😂😂
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 omg too funny😂 what the heck is wrong with people😂. In this particular case this lady posted a Mark Jacobs bag a snapshot bag that she supposedly purchased at Neiman Marcus in Grapevine which is the outlet mall I know this because I live 20 minutes from there I said oh my god girl I said I live in Dallas you got this at the outlet mall meanwhile she claims she paid full price for it and showing the price tag I’m over here like OK somethings not adding up! I asked and I was blocked😂
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @mrsdennis85 Was selling a handbag that she purchased from an off price retailer NM last call outlet store Claiming she paid full price she showed the price tag and the receipt on the receipt said the Grapevine location this is an outlet last call store I know this because I live in Dallas I live 20 minutes from the outlet all I did was simply ask if there was any regulars are flaws with it since she probably got a discount and I was blocked
Oct 27Reply
zardiva1 @hniccccc LOL, sounds like she thought she was slick, haha! 😆😄
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 Yes! What really gets me though is that all I did was ask if there was any flaws since it was bought there a boom BLOCK😂 she did send me a private offer right after she blocked me but I mean come on is somebody going to go buy a pig in a blanket I’m certainly not going to except the offer after she blocked me🤯😱😂
Oct 27Reply
zardiva1 @hniccccc What in the 🌎⁉️🤔 (Re: sending an offer to someone you *blocked*.) That’s ridiculous 👎🙄 And why would she trip if it’s *legit*? Mmmhmmm 😏 (Haha 😄)
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 True! She did the private offer but then blocked me from comments so I couldn’t ask if there were flaws - also the Neimans last call store has 2 price tags one that shows FP and the other that shows 50 off- she claimed she paid FP and showed THAT tag- I personally don’t care that she got a discount and it’s just making a little bit of money off of it but be honest!
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 Also Even if I did accept the offer- I would’ve had no way to communicate with her because she blocked me from the comments but I can assure you one thing when I purchase anything on here I videotape myself opening it up and since I own two of these bags already I would clearly know if it was a fake and she knew that!! Sometimes other sellers will see your conversations and if they know that you know for sure the difference between a real or fake they too will block you😂
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 but in this particular case I do believe the bag was real I inspected every square inch on the photos from the engraving to the stitching to the placement everything but the fact that she lied about paying full price that bothers me it makes you wonder if they’re lying about anything else!
Oct 27Reply
zardiva1 @hniccccc Wait a minute... 🤔 You can be BLOCKED from *commenting* and STILL BE ABLE TO BUY from that *same* seller⁉️😲 That makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER‼️🤯 That sounds like a screwed-up system. I’ve always assumed that being *blocked* meant that you couldn’t interact with the person who blocked you AT ALL - no comments, shares, offers or purchases in their closet. But anyway, I wouldn’t want to buy from a seller who blocked me anyway, because that sounds like a recipe for *disaster*⚡️💣☄️💥🔥🌪
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 Yes that is what I thought! I did not accept the offer or decline or counter so I didn’t hit any of those buttons so I don’t know if it would’ve let me even except since I am blocked sort of- I’m still able to like the listings though- and I was under the impression you can’t like purchase or comment if you are blocked so trust me I’m just as confused lol when I click on view offer it clearly shows that it’s expired but it does give me the option to make a new offer. So weird!
Oct 27Reply
hniccccc @zardiva1 Yes! And why lie about what you paid for it! I don’t care if you got it for 50% off and you’re selling it for $75 more than you paid for it you’re still selling it for less than the retail price why not just be honest when I zoomed in on the receipt that she posted I could see it’s at $147 and yet she claims she paid full price for it lol @mrsdennis85
Oct 27Reply
zardiva1 @hniccccc Mmm mmm mmm... 😏 (Haha 😀😄😉)
Oct 28Reply
vincenth12348 I got blocked just for asking a question...I was interested and everything.... I tried to go back today and see..and I'm blocked... this is her christine_aylnn Christine U blocked me for no reason item I searched up Pink dolphin rose cross beanie
Nov 07Reply
thriftstitch Jan, thank you so much for starting this thread. It is reassuring for this newbie! I wonder if anyone here has experienced a listing being pulled by a moderator. I had one pulled today and am devastated 🥲 I got a notice that a beauty kit I bought on a Carnival Cruise was counterfeit. NWT and I have the receipt. I feel like I just got an F on my report card and I don’t know why. I submitted an appeal. I have enjoyed the social aspect of PM more than selling and want to know if it is common.
Dec 23Reply
lacci916 I’m blocked by several people I don’t know but I don’t take it personal
Jan 05Reply
lucylakes My first Co-Host Posh Party was so much fun but a second after it ended, I received messages from one posher who said she shared my listings so why didn’t I give her a host pick. She said she was going to quit because of poshers like me. Needless to say, the accomplishment I felt was blown out of the water. I did block her back because I had enough mean from her to last a lifetime.
Jan 06Reply
janimack7 @babyeskimo Theresa, oh my goodness! You feel the exact way I felt when I had a post pulled I was devastated, too! But after awhile, I realized it happens to many people...and just let it go. Don’t worry! It does NOT mean you are a bad Posher or won’t make good sales! Be good to yourself!
Jan 07Reply
rb688 @janimack7 @janimack7 any chance you’d ask two poshers why I was blocked? I truly wanted to buy their items and for some reason it won’t let me make any more offers - they are ‘rotationapparel’ and ‘theblushpeonies’ I just want to be unblocked because I am actually interested in their merchandise and didn’t think I was low-balling them or had any reason to be blocked .. if not it’s all good I just figured I’d ask!! Have a great day
Jan 08Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc @leekatherin I found this comment when I was googling “MTECPOYOTL poshmark scammer” and I wanted to tell everyone who reads this that this seller indeed sells FAKE BAGS. @leekatherin and I were her/his victim, luckily I contacted Poshmark CS and was able to get a refund
Jan 17Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc the seller 👉MTECPOYOTL👈 sells fake Marc Jacobs snapshot and this person got away with it for so long until I reported her/him to Poshmark and now the account is suspended but she/he made new account and already sold 4 BAGS!!!
Jan 17Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc The seller MTECPOYOTL would tell you that her bag is authentic, you can bring the bag to Nordstrom/NM and I did. And I contacted Poshmark, Poshmark asked me to send the bag because they have “specialist” who’s able to check the legitimate of the bag and -
Jan 17Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc Poshmark confirmed it. You can tell the bag is fake AF from the smell, the leather is stiff you can’t even open the damn bag, and the tag inside the bag MADE IN CHINA but she doesn’t post a single picture of the tag because then people would know. Poshmark suspended her account, all her listings are gone but now she has new account!
Jan 17Reply
hniccccc @theanxietygal Oh my god yes that one immediately I knew!! And if you ask any questions at all regarding authenticity you are blocked😂😂 there’s a few on here that I report their listings every chance I get!!
Jan 18Reply
hniccccc @theanxietygal Also I hope people don’t ever buy from that Haley rude is putting it nicely regarding her personality! She is the worst! I never bought from met (however you spell that name) but I did ask a couple of questions regarding authenticity and asked to see a couple of specific features on the bag and I never heard back and I was blocked so yes absolutely that one is selling fakes to!!
Jan 18Reply
hniccccc @theanxietygal I knew it!! The crazy thing is I asked a few questions regarding the authenticity and asked to see a couple of specific details and I was blocked 😂 Then that rude AF Hailey seen my questions and then she panicked and she blocked me- and I was never even on her page😂
Jan 18Reply
hniccccc @theanxietygal so glad!! I knew I smelled a rat with that one!! that’s why I asked the authenticity questions that I did and of course I never got any answer I just got blocked😂
Jan 18Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc yes and she insisted that her bag is authentic and I confronted her about it and asked for a refund from her (my first time buying from Poshmark) and she suddenly got all defensive and I told her “very well then, we will see what’s gonna happen” and I contacted Poshmark right away and reported her (with others’ help)
Jan 18Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc yeah, when I opened the package, my bag came with no TAG, no wrapping paper whatsoever, and I smelled the leather, it was so strong. The bag is so stiff that I couldn’t even open the bag LOL but the Hailey seller, they’re fake too? I saw the pictures of the bag is verified from Mer**ri though?
Jan 18Reply
hniccccc @theanxietygal thank goodness!! I always videotape myself record on my phone opening up the package when I buy anything from posh or eBay!!
Jan 18Reply
hniccccc @theanxietygal I can’t say for 100% certain of that Haley one but she sucks as a person - she sure got scared when she saw my comments on that that mecpotoyl (that name is so crazy I can’t even spell it lol) so she blocked me and I never even got on her page or asked her any questions at all! But she didn’t want to answer any authentic questions from me because she knew I was planning to buy one she had seen my comments on other closets!
Jan 18Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc LOL yes, the name is something else. And also that’s so weird about the Hailey seller, she shouldn’t be scared if her items are authentic 🤦‍♀️ I can’t thank Poshmark enough for actually refunded me and I learned my lesson 😂
Jan 18Reply
theanxietygal @hniccccc still thanks to you for mentioning her name because if you use google and type “mtecpoyotl scam” , this bundle showed up! So hopefully people won’t purchase from her or at least make sure that the bag is authentic, pretty sure we’re all get tempted with cheaper price but honestly just add $50 more and get the original one, it’s worth it.
Jan 18Reply
hniccccc @theanxietygal Yes she seen my questions in others regarding authentic- she got scared and blocked me- apparently she didn’t want me to ask any questions regarding authenticity- she also knew that I have a few of these bags that was purchased from high-end retailers so that I know the difference-most of these resellers purchase at the outlet stores for 40 to 50 to 60% off of retail and then they sell them for five dollars less than the retail price😂
Jan 19Reply
hniccccc @mrsdennis85 whatchU talkin bout Willis?
Jan 22Reply
angelarose07 if I block someone will they get a notification indicating I blocked them? someone has been repeatedly throwing low balls and I've been making reasonable offers back. I just want it outta sight out of mind, not get them pissed at me?!?
Feb 26Reply
cherrycaine 😂😂😂😂 I just blocked someone for sending me a RIDICULOUSLY low offer ... 8 dollars for an Anthropologie Coat. That wasn't right 😥
Mar 07Reply
papirbyrd sorry if this has already been covered in this thread - when someone blocks you, does it hurt your account "reputation" in any way? can potential customers see if anyone has blocked you before? i cam across this post by searching around for what was going on when i couldnt reply to a lady. i had only wanted to clarify the fiber content she had listed as 100% wool, but the tag said 100% polyester. apparently that upset her, but i didnt kno until i suddenly wasnt able to respond back🙄
Mar 17Reply
papirbyrd i dont feel any shame or embarrassment over this lady's decision, i would just like to know if all these block-happy weirdies are damaging your reputation as a seller.
Mar 17Reply
jaxshadow How about sharing too much?
Mar 17Reply
jaxshadow @papirbyrd No its does not affect you at all with others. Its strictly between you and the idiot.
Mar 17Reply
papirbyrd @jaxshadow 😆 haaaa ok good, thank you for that bit of info and a nice little laugh
Mar 17Reply
papirbyrd @jaxshadow i dont really see what is so wrong about sharing "too much", isnt that a good thing to be getting more exposure?
Mar 17Reply
papirbyrd i didnt even know blocking was a thing until yesterday, but after reading a lot of whats in this thread, it seems like there should be some sort of red flag for accounts that have a long list of people they have blocked.
Mar 17Reply
jaxshadow @papirbyrd I think the person I shared with couldn't keep up. I do up to 50 per time but with her it was only 4 and she didn't take any break. I do not know what she was thinking. I thought it was going well until I was stopped from sharing with her.
Mar 17Reply
jaxshadow @papirbyrd Of course exposure is what we all want. Cutting a big sharer stops sales.
Mar 17Reply
jaxshadow @papirbyrd Poshmark only regulates big issues that cause trouble. Anything else we are on our own. Be social its like high school. We all have the same problems. I say no one is alone here in more ways than one. If we get some sales, nice merchandise, some friends and enjoyment in-between its ok.
Mar 17Reply
kdhansberry I JUST had a user ( @librawaters ) block me for asking if an item was still for sale. I was willing to pay full price and I explained I always ask questions about the listing before I buy, especially if the case is like this one and I need to be sure something ships by a certain date. I’ve now purchased the exact same shoes off of Amazon but I originally thought the color was unavailable everywhere else. All I asked is are these still for sale. Very disappointing.
Apr 05Reply
connieswc Thank you, I just got blocked because I think someone thought I was trying to sell something that wasn't genuine. I think it is but I couldn't say 100% for sure. I provide as many pictures as I can and for this one I made a video! I am not an expert and I like to maintain honesty with my customers when they ask a question.
Apr 08Reply
newsie33 @kdhansberry yes @buddercups abused this feature and blocked after I made an offer. Her profile pic encourages offers, would have been happy to converse in bundle chat. Very uncalled for
Apr 10Reply
mnw1986 People that are offended by “low” ball offers might want to check the current selling prices of items before they block someone. Most try to sell very old used items for brand new prices. Please stop doing that. K? You’re never going to get what you originally paid, doesn’t matter what the brand is.... ✌🏻
Apr 11Reply
kdhansberry @newsie33 right!! I just wanted my item shipped on time. I was going to pay for them I just wanted to talk about the item. Which is what I thought you were supposed to do. Some people are so rude and don’t belong in sales!!!
Apr 11Reply
kdhansberry @mnw1986 I totally agree with that. That’s honestly why I don’t really love Poshmark as much as I previously did. I’d rather get a brand new item for full price than a used item for full price. When I use to sell on Poshmark it was at prices way lower than what I bought the item for. Usually at least half off. But people are greedy
Apr 11Reply
mnw1986 @kdhansberry right on sista! And that’s the correct way of selling. Used items depending on condition always 50%. Not to mention the lame prices posh starts the shipping costs at, which also don’t arrive as promised, covid or no covid. I hear you. To the originally poster of this thread, thank you for letting us all cry it out.... 😘
Apr 12Reply
alioopla4513 🌺Is there any reason someone would follow you and at the same moment, block you??? 🤔😟🤔😟It happened to me twice, and I’ve only been selling 3 months! It would be good if there was a question asking confirmation that you wish to block someone. 🌺 Thank you for taking your time and posting this valuable information!😀 🌺
May 07Reply
ashleyj0nes @spookyheartsg hey, would you be able to message @retrostylez for me? I messaged them an offer for one of their items to which they replied “sure” but now it won’t let me message them back
May 09Reply
spookyheartsg @retrostylez theres message for u
May 09Reply
a_salehsales Oh wow, I never knew there is a block feature until NOW. I think I just got blocked!!! Maybe it was an accident, because I was about to purchase on the price we agreed on. Then I asked for a lower shipping discount if it’s possible. Then I asked another question regarding the items, she responded very respectfully. But then I suddenly couldn’t comment on the bundle and everything was removed!!! I am very confused at this point in what happened 😬.
May 10Reply
ca8_a @janimack7 I was interested in an item so I asked the seller some questions about it. (Put the item in a bundle started messaging through there) I go to send a message and I’m unable to. Turns out I can’t follow, like, comment etc. From what it seems I got blocked. I was going to buy the item so I use my backup account, explain the situation to the seller and within the hour I get an email saying my purchase got canceled because the seller changed their mind! What a bummer!
May 23Reply
lyna_c I bought something from someone and I did respond quickly enough to accept, because I was busy moving into a new home so I couldn't check my mailbox soon enough. and after that I got blocked
May 26Reply
lyna_c didn't*
May 27Reply
mr_1914 @obsesseddeals blocked me, I want to buy an item.
Jul 14Reply
candyland__ There’s soooo many Q & A’s on here this may have been answered already…but when you block someone after sending them a private message through dm, will they be able to comment back to you on that dm? Just curious about that one lol. I know posts they can’t. And they can still tag you and see your page which is dumb. 🙄 anyone know the answer to this?
Jul 15Reply
jaragon5555 @lyna_c I just purchased a very expensive purse, and was blocked by the seller right after. I’m not sure if it’s a scam? It has me a little worried. It’s still pending shipment, but I can’t communicate with the seller
Jul 29Reply
lyna_c @jaragon5555 good question. I'm sorry, but idk. it depends on if the posher delivers your purchased item or not. it also makes it difficult to report to poshmark about the issue too, especially if you're blocked haven't received your item. blocked. so idk if that person will deliver the item or not, but I think it's kind of rude to block someone who purchased an item from you
Jul 30Reply
mmmmay @lyna_c it happened to me. I bought a skirt, asked when seller can ship then was blocked. I cancel the order after 7 days of the seller doesn’t ship the item but can I refuse to accept it if seller still ship it? The thing is I don’t want to buy things from the seller who is not nice.
Jul 31Reply
grosvenorcloset thank you 🤗 I so needed this ❤️ I am new and have been blocked by at least 2 people because they bundled my items before I had finished and when I told them I was still bundling and making decisions, they blocked me 😔 I was traumatized and didn't understand what had happened and now can't buy the items. it's very upsetting and hurtful and then I found this wonderful post while I googling to understand what to do. Bless you 💓🤗🌹🙏
Nov 23Reply
shellbeezy How do you know if you’re blocked? I made a purchase and few hours later, my payment was refunded, my account was locked, sighting weird number of log in attempts and now I can’t see the listing at all! I’m kind of dying inside, I really wanted that coat.
Nov 23Reply
urstyl Love this post Jen 🥰🤩 Funny I came across it after just being blocked 🤪 Yep I got blocked by one of my followings because I sent her in private message my current sale ad. She messaged me not send her these types of listings because she's here at Posh to sell not to buy .... WHAT? 🤔 Wish I had a magic ball to let me know this beforehand 🤪😜 Thanks for this post it boost me to my best self 😘
Mar 08Reply
terris3cats Yup I got blocked once when I shared her closet. I didn’t have any listings yet so while I went through her closet I shared each listing. She blocked me and I definitely couldn’t figure out why 🤔 I still can’t actually because I like it when people share my closet 🤣. Back then my feelings were definitely hurt 🤷‍♀️ moral of the story. There isn’t one except sometimes you get blocked 🤪
Mar 13Reply
vellagmama I Absolutely Love This and Yes I have been Blocked also.😃 No sleep lost here. 🤗
Mar 22Reply
anna_vlahakes they be doing people dirty by allowing it to be so known about blocking someone I really wish Poshmark would be normal and make it more anonymous to the point where they shouldn't even be able to find your closet at all
Apr 09Reply
onegirlforever Help! Question! For some reason a closet blocked me, which I’m OK with whatever, BUT, she keeps making a Bundle for me to consider with comments that she just marked down the items. Also, I blocked her back, bc I thought OK we won’t run into each other & I won’t offend her somehow by breathing, so I’ll block her back, and she STILL is making Bundles for me- I can’t comment, share, or purchase. It’s crappy to see items I’m interested in & not able to purchase, and be reminded of them constantly.
Apr 12Reply
miros_ I was blocked recently but all I want to do is purchase an item. How would I contact the seller?
May 26Reply
pinkywearspink Once got blocked for telling someone their listing was probably not going to sell as the same bag had gone on sale for much less on the brand site and she said “lol get a life” and then my mom bought me the cheaper one 😅
Jan 19Reply

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