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Updated Mar 06
Updated Mar 06

M͙E͙E͙T͙ Y͎O͎U͎R͎ P͙O͙S͙H͙E͙R͙, JAN!




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Hi! My name is Jan. These photos represent many of the things I love❣😊 I have struggled with my health for years. I've found incredible spiritual growth as I moved from an (ultra) TYPE A person and body to a person who struggles with just staying awake! Slowing down was difficult for my ego and sense of self, but without it, I would have missed so much life has to offer! God lives between the breaths. Life is good!
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flutter_buys I love your new "meet the posher"!!! Very nice! 😘💕 I noticed you are on the wheel right now. We are on there together! 😜 👍 They do it by the time or month that you started! lol! Yay! Hope you are feeling well my friend! 💕🙏💕
Jan 30Reply
janimack7 @flutter_buys Thank you, Karen! I am good. 😊 This photo is the granddaughter I had the honor of raising since she was 2 months old.💞😊💞 Thank you for telling me about how they do the wheel! Except I think I started in April! Oh well, better early than late❣😄💞How long does it stay up? Hope you are feeling well, too, dear friend!💜💙💜
Feb 01Reply
kimkjc2 @janimack7 Hi Jan! I love this new listing!😍 You're so beautiful!! 😉😍 I hope you are doing ok?? We haven't chatted in a long time..miss you! ❤❤❤
Feb 06Reply
janimack7 @kimkjc2 Thank you, Kim❣ I am doing pretty well after a long case of Whooping Cough! I still get tired easily, but am enjoying my days! How are you this fine New Year?😍
Feb 07Reply
niftylisa What a beautiful picture of you both! xoxox Love to you and Pops!
Feb 07Reply
janimack7 @niftylisa 💞Thank you, Sweet Lisa❣💞 I will tell him! How are you, Sweetie? I think of you often. Hope you and your family are all doing well!😍❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️😍💜💙💖💙💜😍
Feb 07Reply
kimkjc2 @janimack7 Hey! I missed your reply last nite..sorry! Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry you had that. I haven't heard anyone mention whooping cough in forever. What causes it? I'm really glad to hear you're better now.❤ How's everything else going? How are your sales? I'm doing a new MRI in November that I'm very unhappy about.
Feb 07Reply
janimack7 @kimkjc2 I hadn't heard of Whooping Cough since nursing school way back when! It turns the vaccinations those of us around late middle-age are wearing off! I guess they may be giving us a "booster"! Life continues to be a mixed bag....but I am grateful for the many blessings in my life! 💞💞💞Kim, I'm so sorry your MRI wasn't good news. Sending love, hope and healing thoughts, my friend.💜
Feb 08Reply
mickeymcfierce So lovely to OFFICIALLY meet you :P Happy February 14th! It's, Michaela (Mickey) Welcome xoxo
Feb 14Reply
janimack7 @poshgalnycla 💞😊💞Great to see you! Thank you for stopping by to say hi, MICKEY!💞😊💞
Feb 14Reply
mickeymcfierce @janimack7 Great to see you too!!! xo
Feb 14Reply
lsmouz @janimack7 Hi, Jan! Nice to meet you also. I love your closet! So many fun things, and I don't know if you have ever heard of Herman the kitten, but one of those little kitty coin purses with the big eyes looks just like him. I saw that we do have something besides posh in common also. 😴 I will be stopping back to your closet to look around some more.
Feb 14Reply
janimack7 @lsmouz Thank you for stopping by, AMY❣💞 I haven't heard of Herman the kitten...but I will look him up! Do you have a daytime sleep disorder, too? Great to connect with you, Amy❣😊💞
Feb 15Reply
lsmouz @janimack7 yes, I have narcolepsy. I saw you mentioned taking xyrem. I don't take it anymore. I thought it was going to finally be the magic answer for me, but it didn't work right for me. And the taste was so awful! 😝
Feb 15Reply
janimack7 @jeanawashere Oh, Jeana, you touched my heart. Thank you.💞
Mar 11Reply
janimack7 @lsmouz I am so far behind! Just saw your comment! Yes, I do take Xyrem. It has really helped a lot. I can now be pretty 'awake' for ~6-8 hours a day versus 2-3 hours. I'm sorry Xyrem didn't work for you. I am also on Provigil. The two together really gave me some of my life back. I hope for you that your days are good. It isn't easy to have these issues! Take good care!💞
Mar 11Reply
moonbornvintage AND you have chronic illness. Oh, my dear. You are my spirit sister. ❤️ I have been in bed for too many years. Selling is the only way my mind stays active.
Mar 20Reply
janimack7 @moonbornvintage I am so sorry to hear that, Jade! There is an overarching spiritual aspect to chronic illness...and the "unseen" illnesses have a special component to the journey. We are kindred spirits! So interesting to be able to connect through such a channel as is POSH. I am grateful for that! Sending loving energy and light, Jade. ✨💜✨💜✨
Mar 20Reply
charmed24ctu Beautiful family nice to meet you. 💐
Mar 21Reply
lilmisspony So nice to meet you Jan! I love your post and totally agree about the slowing down part. Life goes by so quickly, if we are not careful all the good things will pass us by. Who ever said you must stop and smell the roses was right on! SometImes I still can't believe I have 15 Grandchildren....
Mar 21Reply
grinandwearit Jan, It disappoints me to have to ask you this, but could you please remove me from all of your tag lists for the time being? I'm having some personal issues and I just can't keep up right now, and I don't want anyone to think that I am just ignoring them. I appreciate all the tags that you have included me in in the past and when I think I can keep up again, I would be more than glad to be added again. Thank you and God Bless. 💞
Mar 21Reply
grinandwearit @janimack7 Nevermind my last message Jan (and, I forgot to tag you anyway, sorry) Chemo isn't quite as bad as I thought it might be. I'm just a little bit slower these days. I'll do my best to try and keep up cuz I love everyone here, and I love Poshing! It helps keep me going. Thanx again for the Host Pic, it was a really good thing on a not-so-really-good day. I appreciated it more than I can say! 💞🌷🌟
Mar 24Reply
amoc2001 Love your pics and your story of your amazing transformation - God bless! Xoxo
Mar 24Reply
mrsmadariaga This is great!! You are truly one of the sweetest poshers. So glad to know you here 😘 Hope it's been a great day today PFF 😘😘😘💕💕💕👍🏼👍🏼
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @jomeem Deb, I'm so sorry!💞✨Please don't feel you are letting people down or that people think you are ignoring them when you aren't able, or even just choosing not to share! I think most understand~life happens! I can take you on my tag lists if you'd feel better, but it truly is ok to let them go by without responding. Chemotherapy is a journey. You're going to have good, & not-so good days...please take good care of Y💜U! You are more important than any tag! Sending healing prayers.💜
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @charmed24ctu Great to meet you, too❣
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @mrsmadariaga Thanks, Tiffany! I am grateful to know you, too! You were one of my first PFFs❣💞
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @amoc2001 Thank you, Ann!💞💞💞
Mar 25Reply
fawnandfeather Hey girl! I hope you are enjoying poshmark as much as I am!!!! There are so many gems and amazing ladies on here I can't get over it! If you have a minute you should stop by my closet! I just uploaded a bunch of MICHAEL KORS that are amazing! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! And always, Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 What a sweet complement, Donell! Thank you❣ Thank you also for shopping in my closet❣😄💞 I will have your bundle packaged with love and to the post office tomorrow❣ @elleemann
Mar 27Reply
donzi127 @janimack7 Hi There I have a question I see theses pictures that people post like "make me an Offer" how do you post on your closet? I can't figure it out 😬
Apr 08Reply
2many Hi 👋🏽 friend You have a beautiful closet. God's love and blessings to you and your family and friends. Thank you 😊 Tanya
Apr 09Reply
janimack7 @2many Thank you so much, Tanya! Blessings, love and light to you and yours as well! Let me know if you decide to sell...I can help you with questions and help spread the word by sharing your items!
Apr 10Reply
2many Hi 👋🏽 friend Thank you 😊 for your kindness and generosity. We'll definitely stay in touch. Please feel free to tag me, just to say hello. 😘😘🌺🌺🌺Tanya
Apr 10Reply
abkea Hi 💕☺️ wishing you many sales and finding the best deals ✨I hope you enjoy my closet and please let me know if you have any questions 🛍 happy poshing 😊
Apr 12Reply
siciliana324 Hi there ☀️ love your closet. Such cute and/or useful stuff! Have a beautiful weekend 💕
Apr 21Reply
brande0925 You're so awesome! Thanks so much much for doing that!!! I'm getting married and kind of starting over. My fiance's daughter needs heart surgery, so this was much-needed.💕💕💕💕
Apr 25Reply
janimack7 @siciliana324 ᎯᏇᏇᏇ.....ᎽᎾU Ꭿℛℰ Ѕ Ꮎ ЅᏇℰℰℰᏆ! ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU! Hope your week is going great! (I did have a beautiful weekend! Full of grandkids! That's why I'm so late responding!😄🌸💞)
Apr 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @janimack7 hey sweety my blog really isn't active any more but @ediza & @grayasparagus are always publishing
Apr 25Reply
janimack7 @goodchic Oh! I hope that was a good change for you! Your blog was great! Did you just get too busy? Hope you are doing well, ERIN. 🌼💞🌼
Apr 27Reply
1976hellokitty Hey Jan just wanted to send you a 🦋to make you 😁
May 09Reply
janimack7 @1976hellokitty 😄😘😍 🦋🦄🦋😍😘😄
May 10Reply
dsf58 What wonderful encouragement! Thank you.
May 11Reply
58longhorn Thanks for the follow 😍😍😍you have an awesome closet have a great day 🙏🙏🙏
May 16Reply
janimack7 @58longhorn Thank you for visiting my closet, ℬᎯℛℬᎯℛᎯ❣️💞
May 17Reply
angelaenigro @janimack7 hi Jan I just wanted to reach out to you and express my gratitude for all your sweet words and love you've left on my closet during this difficult time 💐🙏🏼 I find it hard to catch up and thank every posher since posh has become another family to me and so many have gone above and beyond to help me to feel not alone so I want to personally thank you, little things go a long way and you really help boost my spirits😘💕 hugs and kisses💋
May 31Reply
janimack7 @angelaenigro Thank you, Angela.💞 That is so kind of you. I hope you are doing ok... still ЅℰℕⅅℐℕᎶ ℒ💜Ꮙℰ & ℒ✨ᎶℋᏆ❣Take care, dear friend.
Jun 01Reply
beth_van_dam @janimack7 Hi Jan! So pleased to meet you here on Posh!! Thanks for visiting my closet! Yours is lovely too!! Have a great weekend!🦋💕🌸💗💖🌟😻
Jun 09Reply
arasplayground Hi Jan!!! Thanks for the follow..i know exactly what you mean..i have always have problems with my health but was able to work with God's grace can only do it for so long and it's so hard when you cannot do it glad poshmark helps..there are so many wonderful people here..and you are so right that it gives you time to appreciate the impt things in life..♥♥♥
Jun 12Reply
janimack7 @beth_van_dam 🌸Great to meet you, too, Beth! Hope your week is lovely!😊🌸
Jun 12Reply
gooch10 @janimack7 Beautiful closet!! 😍😍
Jul 12Reply
janimack7 @gooch10 ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, ᎯℕᎶℐℰ❣️
Jul 12Reply
lkabarno Thank you so much for my package of love!💜🤗💜. Would love to be friends. I am in Facebook, Lisa Abarno. My profile pic is of two little twins, Debbie and Lisa💜💜
Jul 20Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Jen. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 20Reply
qret Please call me I need help 865-599-5144
Jul 20Reply
janimack7 @hmsimon1 Hank, your jewelry and art are stunning! Glad you chose to share here on POSH!
Jul 22Reply
janimack7 @lkabarno Hi, Lisa! I am rarely on FB, but would love to be friends there, too! I am "Jan Erickson Mackey" if you get there first!😊💚
Jul 22Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Jan. Sending a 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹to say thank you for choosing to share my creations with your followers😘
Jul 22Reply
janimack7 @hmsimon1 Why thank you, Hank! It was my pleasure!
Jul 22Reply
deborahrn @janimack7 Hi, I have just read your comment about whooping cough. .I am a nurse and I've had an awful cough for a while now...I had not thought about whooping cough until I saw this. I guess the Immunization has worn off. I had whooping cough Dx when I was small. Thank you so much, I will certainly mention to my Healthcare provider.💖💖💟👍
Aug 07Reply
deborahrn @janimack7 Just wanted to say that your pictures are beautiful. I know what it's like to get sick. You are in my prayers. 💗💘💝💛💚💜💘💘
Aug 07Reply
fallenangel524 Hey Sweetheart just wanted to TY Again for All You Careing, Kindness and Bringing Back The Love of Posh Again! And to show you just How excited I am to get my Jewlery I got to gey5 my nails done to match 😀💋💞😇
Aug 08Reply
fallenangel524 But not sure it u got the crazy pic I sent to you, the only way I could figure out how to send it was thru a profile pic 😬 but will take down afte ryou see it... LOL
Aug 08Reply
janimack7 @deborahrn G☀️☀️D M☀️RNING, Deborah! I sure hope you don't have Whooping Cough! Wow! Now THAT was a COUGH! Lasted for months. The Whooping Cough is very distinct. If you google "SOUND OF ADULT COUGHING WITH WHOOPING COUGH" you will get a bunch of sound bites of actual coughs. My cough was exactly what I heard. Good way to verify if your cough sounds like the WHOOOP!
Aug 08Reply
janimack7 @deborahrn 💞🌼💞 Deborah, thank you for your kind words about my photos.🤗 I am sorry to hear you know how I might feel. Sometimes chronic illness, especially the "invisable" illnesses, create a certain kind of feeling alone. Sending healing prayers, L💜VE & L✨GHT❣️ 💞🌼💞
Aug 08Reply
deborahrn @janimack7 Hi good to hear from you. For my cough I'm afraid I know to well what it sounds like...I had the whooping cough when I was little. I have scarring on my lungs from that awful cough. My cough now sounds like a steel rubbing against steel. I am going to md in morning. Please stay in touch. I am thankful to have met you. Will buzz you when I find out. 💖💖👍💚💛💜💛💚💗💛
Aug 08Reply
janimack7 @deborahrn 💜Deborah...that sounds painful! Hope the md figures it out. Please do let me know. Before my WC I had no idea how exhausting coughing is! Take good care, my friend.💜🌻💜
Aug 09Reply
aligirl1213 @lsmouz @janimack7 Hi! My name is Ali. I'm new to Posh and I just shared your closet. I was scrolling down to say thank you for sharing my closet and noticed Narcolepsy. I too have Narcolepsy, and I too took xyrem (spelling?) yuck & still take Nuvigil. Just wanted to say I understand how you feel, you're not alone & I hope you're doing well. God bless you!!
Aug 09Reply
kimskuteklothes Please remove me from any tags. They clog up my news page and it's hard to see comments from potential buyers. I share your FG daily. Thanks 💞🛍
Aug 10Reply
janimack7 @kimskuteklothes Hi, Kim! I don't believe I have you on any of my tag lists... I will watch. If you see one, please send a note right away and I will remove your name!💞😊💞
Aug 10Reply
dragonflydivas Hi Jan I'm Pam & its nice to meet you! Thanks so much for sharing my closet sale listing & other shares! You have a beautiful closet! Later dear!
Aug 12Reply
janimack7 @dragonflydivas ɱᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ, ℙᎯℳ❗️💞😊💞
Aug 14Reply
dollymelong Hey, Jan! I'm so glad you loved the leggings! Thank you so much for the 5 star rating and the sweet comment. It absolutely made my day. Have a wonderful evening! ☺️
Aug 17Reply
mickeymcfierce @janimack7 Hi, I am Mickey & Let me know if you have any questions❤️Lovely to technologically meet you -- @mickeysmove 🎶I hope you can join me as I host for a 3rd time on November 5th @ 10pm EST /7pm PST🍓
Aug 28Reply
janimack7 @dollymelong 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Aug 29Reply
janimack7 @mickeysmove Hi, Mickey! It's @ janimack7 dear friend! Nice to see you!
Aug 29Reply
cesca56 Hi Jan, I'm sorry for your health issues, but glad you found Posh. You reached out to me when I started last month, well I finally made my first sale, since you're a suggested user I thought you could help me, I'm so unprepared, no box, no printer, lol, but my big question, is my shipment insured, posh doesn't pay for anything, the post office laughed at me when I asked if the boxes were free, the woman said no, only flat rate boxes 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'd appreciate any advice, thanks 🙏🏽
Sep 06Reply
janimack7 @cesca56 G☀️☀️D M☀️RNING, Francine!! Sounds like the postal worker was mighty rude!! I am so sorry! Your first dale is supposed to be a happy event! First, the priority boxes ARE free. Post offices normally only have the "Priority Flat Rate" boxes out to take. Our post office keeps just a few of the "Priority Stanard" boxes behind the desk. You can use a regular box, just make sure to remove any other labels on it. The passage is paid via the label POSH sends you.
Sep 06Reply
janimack7 @cesca56 (Me again...messages can only be 500 characters.) As for insurance, it is my understanding that Priority packages are insured by the postal service for up to $50. However, with Posh's deal with the post office for reduced shipping on POSH. POSH does cover, "* Undisclosed damage, *Incorrect or missing item, *Item not as described and an *Item that is not 'authentic'."
Sep 06Reply
janimack7 @cesca56 If you don't have a printer, any office supply, or copy center & they can print the label from the email announcing you made a sale. You may have to forward the email to a store worker that has access to their printer, unless they have "AirPrint". If they do, you can send the label wirelessly to their printer. Having to go out every time you need a label may become cumbersome. Printers have come way down in price recently. On a good sale you can find good ones for under $70.
Sep 06Reply
janimack7 @cesca56 You can get a FREE supply of priority boxes delivered right to your door! Go to on your browser, (or get the free "USPS Mobile" app, they have a free mobile app), and order from there. They have a wide variety of sizes. Please let me know if I can be of further help, Francine! It really can be tricky when you first start.... hang in there,it does get easier! I have a lot of fun here...let me help you get there!😄💞😄
Sep 06Reply
cesca56 @janimack7 I had a new printer, gave it to the Salvation Army along with a lot of my furniture, I'm really trying to get rid of everything, I think staples prints over 200 labels for $9.99. I really appreciate all your help and advice, everyone on Poshmark is great 👍🏼
Sep 06Reply
janimack7 @cesca56 ɱᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ, ℱℛᎯℕℂℐℕℰ❗️💞😊💞 Have fun packing up your first sale...& ℂᎾℕᎶℛᎯᏆUℒᎯᏆℐᎾℕЅ‼️
Sep 06Reply
cesca56 @janimack7 Hey I love the fancy writing 🤗I'll get the hang of it, this was just very unexpected, it's a big sale, I'm still shell shocked 😳 😂
Sep 06Reply
janimack7 @cesca56 ᎯᏇℰЅᎾℳℰ! You are off to a great start❣️
Sep 08Reply
cesca56 @janimack7 Thank you for all your help 👍🏼
Sep 08Reply
piccadilly_posh Thanks for the share bomb 🔥 💥,!! I so appreciate it!! Have a great weekend!💙🦋💙😊😊🤗🤗
Sep 09Reply
janimack7 @cesca56 💟 My pleasure! 💟
Sep 10Reply
janimack7 @piccadilly_posh 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ, ℳᎫ❣️❗️🌼💞😊 It had been awhile since I visited your closet! Beautiful! I had fun!😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Sep 10Reply
piccadilly_posh As is your beautiful closet, Jan!! Like going on a trip to a candy store!! 🍭🍫🍬 [̲̅H̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅P̲̅][̲̅p̲̅][̲̅Y̲̅] [̲̅s̲̅][̲̅U̲̅][̲̅n̲̅][̲̅D̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅Y̲̅]!!🍁💛🍁😘🍁💛😘🍁💛😘
Sep 10Reply
jibloom11 Hi Jan! Life is AMAZING!!! 😊😊 We 💖💖 the SAME brands, so you would probably like to give my closet a look. With Thanksgiving coming up, I’m open to offers, and have a bundle discount! Lmk if you have ANY questions.
Nov 24Reply
margaret_herz Hello and Happy Poshing! Tuscaloosa, Al.
Jan 13Reply
lemurianmuse @janimack7 I’m so thrilled you re bringing awareness to CJD. 👍🏻
Mar 25Reply
janimack7 @margaret_herz Hello, Margaret! Great to meet you!💞😊💞
Apr 07Reply
janimack7 @lemurianmuse Thank you, Ginny! I hope your life has not been touched by this terrible disease.....but if it has, hope your heart is healing.💞💚💞
Apr 07Reply
fishfinn Thank you for all the shares! 💋💋
Apr 09Reply
janimack7 @fishfinn My pleasure! By the way....are you a Finn per chance?😊
Apr 09Reply
lafawndur Oh my gosh! Your little tin purses are so adorable!!💖 a great shop! Happy selling 💖
Apr 12Reply
janimack7 @lafawndur 💞💙💞 Thank you so much, Misha! 💞💙💞
Apr 12Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 12Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 12Reply
Apr 12Reply
janimack7 @swak1323 You are so welcome, Elissa!💕♥️💕 Thank YOU for following me!💕♥️
Apr 13Reply
soulkitchen99 @janimack7 Hi. R: ur heart issues. * All medical asso's are keeping all cures & healing AWAY frm th public. Well documented. FDA fights anything - that can cure. *** It is exactly that u are low on vitamins. Its killing u. = Get someone to examine ur Biochemical Nutritional Status. * U will probably find ur LowBloodSugar and low on B vitamins, heavily. W a good diet, to follow, u shd be cured. LMK...
Apr 17Reply
janimack7 @soulkitchen99 THANK YOU, for visiting my closet, Kelly❣ I appreciate the nutritional information greatly! Interesting how things come together....I was just given information on an incredible alternative nutritionist in my area yesterday and received my blood work that definitely is signaling some issues. Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise!
Apr 17Reply
soulkitchen99 @janimack7 May I say - if ur current doctors hav never mentioned diet & nutrients [vitamins, etc] then u need to change docters. * Their in th business of keeping u on medications. *** How come they havent told u = Vit. E & C are biggest for heart. [along w diet, exercise] *** LMK how ur doing.
Apr 18Reply
janimack7 @soulkitchen99 will do, Kelly.♥️
Apr 18Reply
soulkitchen99 @janimack7 Not to be too pushy, but stuggling to stay awake sounds like u need = Calcium, w Vit. D. *** So, after u get ur Nutritional Status. * My guess is that u'd be low on-and taking = MultiVitamin. * But, extra on A, E, C, the Bs, Calcium w D. = take the extras 3x's a day. * U'll see improvement in 24hours. * Lmk, dear. * U wanna see that darling daughter getting married!!.....
Apr 19Reply
soulkitchen99 Pardon, but if ur general doctor did not mention "nutrition" as the forefront to ur healing. * He's a QUACK. And u need to replace that doctor. Pple dont want to do this... but u havt much time, if u dont loose him, and get one that deals in ur blood work, foremost. - As to more nutrients, not medications. [there are many drs out there that are BAD. Many. The majority are w t FDA = & refuse vitamin healing.]
Apr 19Reply
janimack7 @soulkitchen99 Thank you for the encouragement and taking the time to educate me. I found a holistic nutritionist through a friend and am going to contact her next week. I appreciate your insights! Have a great weekend, Kelly!
Apr 20Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Jan, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 24Reply
abigail1018 I love your closet! Absolutely beautiful! Your story is inspiring! God’s grace is new everyday! God bless you!
Apr 27Reply
divadevil Hi Jan, it’s Cyndee I wanted to ask you a question. The little charms you put on the ribbon for the gifts and the thank you charms. I think that is an amazing idea. Where do you get the the cute key chains form too.
Apr 28Reply
niftylisa Jan I wanted to let you know you've. Been in my prayers I asked April how you were and she said you been sick lately 😿 hang in there your one of the strongest most loving people I know 💖
Apr 28Reply
janimack7 @niftylisa You are so sweet, Lisa! I have been thinking about you and your family.💞💜😊 Thank you for your kind words.... My body just has a mind of its own...some days it doesn’t cooperate with my need to DO things. (I know you understand that feeling!) The doctor has changed my medications, and I’m not tolerating it well. I am hanging in there....just taking one day at a time. Hope you are doing well, sweet Lady. Sending love and hugs! 💞💜💞
Apr 28Reply
divadevil Hi Jen, I need to ask you a question. Where did you purchase the little thank you sharks and the heart and the half moon. I looked on amazon found some but not a awesome as yours.
Apr 29Reply
janimack7 @divadevil Hi, Cyndee! I got most of my charms from Etsy. A few I found online at Oriental Trading Company.💞😊💞
Apr 29Reply
divadevil @janimack7 ok great, would you mind if I copy you. I think it gives it a special look. All your gifts are so beautifully wrapped. I just love you and your style.thanks Jen. Cyndee💕💕💕
Apr 29Reply
janimack7 @divadevil oh, Cyndee.....I would be honored! 😊💞😊 Jan 😊💜😊
Apr 29Reply
divadevil @janimack7 Thanks so much, I am the one who is honored. I was checking out Etsy. What a great site. Thanks again. Cyndee💕💕💕⭐️
Apr 29Reply
evsjewels Thanks so much for all the shares! Very much appreciated! 💐🌼🌷🌸🌹
May 05Reply
mardigras624 @janimack7 Hi Jan !!! I see we share a common interest. Raising grandchildren. I have a beautiful,smart,kind,loving granddaughter who is 8 going on 9. I have had her since she was 2yrs old. Cami is truly my little ray of sunshine ☀️ on Cloudy days. I have a lot of medical issues going on in my life as well. I feel like I’ve met such a blessed friend to keep the rest of my life. So glad I stumbled across your closet💕I feel so honored to have met you ❤️. Your friend Danielle 💕💕
May 05Reply
janimack7 @mardigras624 💞 A fellow Grandma Mom! I also feel so blessed with my granddaughters....not so much with the circumstances that led to the situation, but definitely my granddaughters are highlights in my life! I’m so sorry you have health issues, too. Sometimes it just seems to keep coming. Thursday my breast biopsy came back positive. They caught it early, prognosis is good.... just more doctor appointments and another surgery to go through... But, I CAN DO IT!😊💞😊
May 05Reply
janimack7 @evsjewels 💞😊💞
May 05Reply
mardigras624 @janimack7 I will be thinking about you and praying for you as well. You’ve got this girl!!!!!!❤️😍💕💕
May 07Reply
janimack7 @mardigras624 Thank you, Danielle! You are so sweet! Had my MRI just waitting for the results.😊💞
May 08Reply
niftylisa Hello again, I put together a long email of good information and I'm praying for you too! I emailed it to April so she would forward to you she said. Your in my thoughts xo let me know about coming up to help! I'm def willing xo
May 10Reply
janimack7 @niftylisa Thank you, Sweet Lisa! You are such an incredible and inspirational lady. Thank you for being in my corner! 💞💜😊💜💞
May 11Reply
niftylisa @janimack7 always!💖💖
May 12Reply
sweetemmielou Love your closet and all your helpful tips and info throughoutyour closet 😀❤️👍
May 17Reply
annmariesaved Thank you, Jan for all of the Posh love shown in all of your shares! Saying a prayer now for you and your health :) God bless!
May 23Reply
janimack7 @sweetemmielou ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, Sweet Emmie Lou❣️
May 23Reply
janimack7 @annmariesaved Thank you, Ann Marie. Especially appreciated as I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Prognosis is good...a few hoops to jump through, but I am up to the challenge!
May 23Reply
1976hellokitty Hello beautiful lady hoping and praying everything is well on your part of your world sending lots of blessings and great vibes your way ☺️
May 27Reply
janimack7 @1976hellokitty Hello Sweet Vicky! So good to see you! I am good! Going through some new health issues, needing to jump through some hoops and I’ll be fine. (Breast cancer) Hope your side of the world is going well! 🌼🌸😊🌸🌼
May 27Reply
May 27Reply
janimack7 @makeminepink Oh, touched my heart! Thank you for your sweet, kind words.💞
May 27Reply
makeminepink @janimack7 - 💞💞💞 I SAY WHAT I MEAN & I MEAN WHAT I SAY ( I JUST NEVER SAY IT IN A MEAN WAY )😉
May 27Reply
janimack7 @makeminepink 😘💋🌬💋🌬💋😍
May 27Reply
May 28Reply
sharie436 LOVE💖YOUR PICTURE😍💕💖
May 28Reply
janimack7 @sharie436 Thank you, Sharie! Have a wonderful week! 💜🌼🌸🌼💜
May 28Reply
i2ndtheplanet Hi there I just bought the bundle of three from you I will deposit money in morning I am interested also I was wondering if you can order the molecular structure for CBD AND THC THANKS
May 28Reply
janimack7 @i2ndtheplanet Hi, Karen! Yes, I can. I will let you know when they come in!😊😄😊 Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
May 28Reply
i2ndtheplanet Ok thank you . Have a great memorial day JAN I LOVE YOUR STORE / CAUSE . VERY NICE. I HAVE A SISTER IN EUGENE . HOPE ITS SUNNY🌼🌷🌞
May 28Reply
janimack7 @i2ndtheplanet ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, Karen❣️ Eugene is always beautiful! Come visit!🌲🌞🌳🌻🌹🌿🌷🍃🌸🌲🌧🌳
May 28Reply
kbsjeje Hi! I'm thrilled you loved the shoes! They were a blessing to me after surgery, so soft! Thank you for the awesome feedback! 😊
Jun 03Reply
janimack7 @kbsjeje 🌼😄💞😄🌼
Jun 04Reply
mmbccloset Such an amazing closet.. too many items to pick through and want :)
Jun 08Reply
janimack7 @mmbccloset Thank you so much, Ashleighe! You made me smile!💞😊💞
Jun 09Reply
luxlulu Thanks for all the shares!
Jun 11Reply
smash8700 I love your closet!
Jun 11Reply
janimack7 @luxlulu 💟 My pleasure! 💟
Jun 11Reply
janimack7 @smash8700 ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, ASHLEY❣️
Jun 11Reply
goldenpolkadot @janimack7 hi loveeeze hope ur well! 😘 Olga Formerly Partymk999
Jun 12Reply
kloset_konnect 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 🎀HAPPY🎀 POSHING🎀 DOLL🎀 CONTINUE 🎀WITH🎀 MUCH🎀 SUCCESS 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Jun 18Reply
abecraft Are you able to do free shipping? My daughter really wants this. She's been bugging about it for awhile.
Jun 20Reply
abecraft Could you hold it for her?
Jun 20Reply
krista1l Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Jul 28Reply
spookyheartsg omg, hi pff!! been long time how are u doing !!
Aug 23Reply
yogijennypenny Your closet offerings are awesome and magical and you are a beautiful light. Keep shining, Jan. 🌌
Aug 24Reply
wessle @janimack7, congrats on hosting the upcoming best in jewelry/accessories Posh Party! Please take a look at my closet for several fashionable neckties that could hopefully be featured as a HP! 🙏🏽🙌🏽 congrats again! Also take a look at @stylin30 for unique womens earrings as well!
Aug 24Reply
janimack7 @goldenpolkadot Olga, you are my hero! And my role model! Diagnosed with breast cancer in May...2 surgeries and radiation starting soon. Thank you for your loving thoughts!💖💓💞
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @kloset_konnect Thank you dear Mia!💖🧡💖
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @abecraft Hi, Alicia! I am not sure what you want me to hold...💜
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @spookyheartsg Hi, Princess Lilly! 2 surgeries later and radiation beginning soon...I am flying through this breast cancer stuff! Still really tired, but doing well! How are you, my friend?😊💜😊
Aug 25Reply
spookyheartsg omdg. when did u get cancer ?????? I have no idea I'm so sorry was it caught in time
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @spookyheartsg yes... it has been a pretty challenging year! But I’m just taking it day by day and doing great! 💖
Aug 25Reply
goldenpolkadot @janimack7 oh Jan im sorry love but hang in to knowing reasearch lately has made treatments phenominal. You will come out of this stronger and better than ever. I too had radiation (33rounds) & 5 surgeries but im 100 %well now , you will soon be too. Love u
Aug 25Reply
goldenpolkadot @janimack7 ....con’t im here for u praying with love that this journey passes quickly n with success. I now embrace it. I had no choice they say when life hands u lemons make lemonade so make it girl n turn it into a cocktail! 🥂💕💕💕💋💋💋
Aug 25Reply
lovelacegrace Hey there!! This is my first time stopping by. So I wanted to say hello. I have viewed your posh compliant poster in some of our PFF’s closets and love it!! I was wondering if you would mind if I post your Poster in my closet I believe it has your name at the bottom to show it came from you:))
Aug 25Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗
Aug 25Reply
morgue6feet ❤️💗💛💚💙💜 Follow Me Please ❤️💗💛💚💙💜
Aug 25Reply
slowandsage Thanks so much for the Host Pick! Sadly, I ended up sleeping through the party although, I did get some much needed rest. ((Posh Hugs)) Heather
Aug 25Reply
janimack7 @scottishflower 💟 My pleasure! It was perfect for one of my 🎉HPs🎉! Hope it sells quickly! 💟 Glad you got some rest! Take good care!💖 💟
Aug 26Reply
janimack7 @sayyestojewelry ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU❣️ And you as well! 😊💜😊
Aug 26Reply
janimack7 @allaboutglamour I would be honored if you used it in your closet, Cc! Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Aug 26Reply
janimack7 @goldenpolkadot I love that, Olga! Make those darn lemons into a cocktail!🍸 Thank you for your loving support! You have no idea how much it means to me! I feel honored to be in the same ‘club’ with such an incredible person, Olga! One step at a time and enjoy the process along the way!💜😊💜
Aug 26Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Aug 27Reply
janimack7 @chucky75 💟 My pleasure! 💟
Aug 27Reply
Aug 28Reply
savichick Happy Poshing! Please feel free to visit my closet. I added some handbags. Check them out! 🐥
Sep 06Reply
enablingeden 😁I appreciate you following me! Let me know if you have any questions. ⭐️💎⭐️
Sep 10Reply
janimack7 @niniart HI, Nina! I made mistakes early in my POSH career and was grateful to those who took the time to help me learn the ropes. Home decor is not allowed, no matter how beautiful it is - and your handmade wall decor is absolutely, fabulously beautiful! Wish it was POSH supported...😊💞
Sep 17Reply
blueeyesofgreen OMGOODNSSS Thank you for the shares. I have had a similar experience with health. I feel your struggle. Wishing you the best. 😄🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 27Reply
janimack7 @wendyruark 😘💋🌬💋🌬💋😍HAVE A GREAT WEEK, WENDY❣️
Sep 27Reply
kel2717 Thank you so much for the shares! Your closet is amazing! I love it!!! ❤️💕🌈
Oct 07Reply
janimack7 @kel2717 Thank you so much, Kelly! 💞💜💞
Oct 07Reply
thrifty206 Hi there! Can you help me spread the word of my $5 closet clear out?! Pleeeeease! Thank you tons if you can 💕💕if you have a tag list or know those who do 😀
Oct 08Reply
salmonmary TWO beautiful people!!!! The joy on their faces is sincere and genuine! I love that!
Oct 11Reply
janimack7 @salmonmary Thank you, Sam! Those are my wonderful granddaughters. The older one we have raised since she was 2 months old, now 18 and off to the Honors Program at Oregon State U. The younger one, now 15, and a sophomore in HS we have about half-time. 😊💜😊
Oct 11Reply
salmonmary @janimack7 Well, they certainly are beautiful! I know how special those can be. We have two sons and one grandson but no daughters or granddaughters yet. But the key is recognizing the true love in the expressions on your faces. It shoes how close you are. My goodness: Honors Program at Oregon State? That's incredible! Obviously bright and hard working. The fact that t your raised her from 2 months old.... that's PHENOMENAL! I tip my hat to you!
Oct 11Reply
janimack7 @salmonmary Thank you, Sam! She is a smart one....just like her dad..who unfortunately didn’t use his for learning...darn it!
Oct 12Reply
bell1971 @janimack7 💄💄💄LIPPIE POSHER TODAY💄💄💄
Oct 13Reply
jesmor00 Hey! Nice closet. Im new to the Poshmark World. I’m reaching out to you because your an ambassador. If you can, could you check out my closet and make any suggestions? Thanks so much! 🙂🍂💓
Oct 13Reply
janimack7 @jesmor00 I would love to, Jessica! Thank you for asking! I had help when I was new and love paying it forward❣️❤️💗❤️
Oct 14Reply
janimack7 @jesmor00 Your closet is absolutely beautiful, Jessica! Your photos are clear, your prices are good and your descriptions are well written and descriptive. Nice work! Let me know if I can be of further assistance! I am going to share your items to my followers for increased exposure.💜💛💚💛💜 Happy POSHing!
Oct 14Reply
jesmor00 @janimack7 Thanks so much! Hope to one day do the same 🙌😉🍂
Oct 14Reply
forevertee1 Nice to meet you too🤗🤗I will be coming back for one of those purse inserts!!🎉🎉
Oct 14Reply
janimack7 @forevertee1 😘💋🌬💋🌬💋😍
Oct 14Reply
ohpair You are amazing!!! I loved your bio!!! God bless🙏🏼
Oct 14Reply
janimack7 @salsamujer05 Thank you, Lucia! Happy POSHing❣️💙😁💙
Oct 14Reply
ohpair You know, I too was suffering with my own health but God is good. I will pray for you and hope whatever you are struggling with you are healed and healthy. Also, just noticed the shares. That was very sweet of you:) thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️😊
Oct 14Reply
janimack7 @salsamujer05 God IS GOOD! I am blessed everyday! I find something to celebrate everyday....right now I’m celebrating my very last radiation therapy this Tuesday! 🎀 💗 😁 💗 🎀
Oct 14Reply
ohpair @janimack7 Amen🙏🏼👍!!!! Fantastic news!!!! I’m so happy for you:) 🌸 heading to church as we speak :)
Oct 14Reply
nadiaalmuti Hi Jan!! So great to meet you! ❤️ Thank you so much for all the shares and love! You have a great closet! 😊
Oct 14Reply
ohpair Thank you so much for sharing! I had multiple sales today Jan:) you are a blessing and I believe it’s all “thanks to you!”
Oct 15Reply
janimack7 @salsamujer05 You are so sweet, Lucia! Congratulations!😄💞😄
Oct 15Reply
ohpair @janimack7 🙏🏼❤️🌸 thank you❤️🌸
Oct 15Reply
caligalgoods Nice to meet you💙🌸💐
Oct 15Reply
allfrockedup OMG How cute are you two??? Beautiful. These pix brightened my whole day!
Oct 16Reply
allfrockedup I forgot: Thank you for the follow. I appreciate it very much. Got distracted my your happy glowing pictures.
Oct 16Reply
janimack7 @homeliusm Thank you, Michael! It truly is a gift to have slowed’s a whole new world!😊
Oct 16Reply
janimack7 @zsazsakranes Thank you so much, Zsazsa! I sure do love those girls! Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Oct 16Reply
janimack7 @homeliusm 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Oct 17Reply
modfabchic Wonderful closet and beautifully graceful person
Oct 17Reply
1976hellokitty Hello beautiful how are you ? I hope you are doing great 🌷
Oct 18Reply
janimack7 @1976hellokitty 🌼💞🌼 Well ℋℰℒℒᎾ, ᏉℐℂᏦᎽ! I am doing great! How are you? It’s so good to “see” you again! 💞😊💞
Oct 18Reply
kre8tv4him THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for my items — just had to post this — you are so talented in your packaging! Read my review for details. Wishing you many blessings this season! 🍁🌻🍂🧡
Oct 19Reply
janimack7 @kre8tv4him Linda, your taking the time to write these incredibly sweet words touch my heart❣️ Thank you so much!😄💜💞💜😄 I just saw you made another purchase! Wow! Again, thank you for supporting my closet,😊🌼🌀🌼😊
Oct 19Reply
livelarge55 I really appreciate your posh tips on how to do things for this new posher. I know it takes a lot of time to do and just wanted to THANK YOU!!!
Oct 21Reply
janimack7 @livelarge55 ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, ℒℐЅᎯ❣️ I really appreciate the feedback! Hope your weekend was good and coming week even better! 💞🌼💞
Oct 22Reply
closetbykz Thanks for the shares 🌸♥️🌸
Oct 22Reply
janimack7 @closetbykz 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Oct 22Reply
angelaenigro @janimack7 💋 ƬǶ⍲ηƘ ỾOư ℱοℛ ỾOưℛ ƤOsǶ ℒοⱴ℮ && Ƙ℮ℯƤⅈƝᶃ ℳ℮ ȶⒶⒼⒼⒺȡ wǶ℮Ɲ ⅈ w⍲s οƝ ⱴⒶc⍲ȶⅈOη - - - ⅈ'ℓℓ β℮ sℋⒶℛⅈƝᶃ ƤOsǶ ℒοⱴ℮ wⅈȶǶ ƴOư 💋 💘🌸ⒶⓃⒼⒺⓁⒶ🌸💘
Oct 22Reply
janimack7 @angelaenigro So sweet, Angela! Hope your vacation was ℱUℕᏆᎯЅᏆℐℂ❣️
Oct 22Reply
angelaenigro @janimack7 it was thank you!! 😍😍😍 getting back to reality is the tough part 😭
Oct 22Reply
longlegit @janimack7 Of course, you had to be a little Type A to be a nurse!! I should know! I'm a travel nurse. So I completely understand and I don't even have children or grandchildren!! I can tell already that you're a pretty spectacular person!! Sorry that you became sick but am happy that you have been able to move forward with life and find ways to enjoy life at a slower pace which I still struggle to do sometimes. I would love any tips/suggestions/MENTORING you may have for me!! 😍🙌🏽👍🏽😇❤🤩😘😘😘
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @angelaenigro I hear you, Angela! I learned later in life to A͎L͎W͎A͎Y͎S͎ schedule a couple days off after returning from a vacation! Softens the impact! 😂😍
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @longlegit Thank you for your kind words, Coco! A traveling nurse! That is something that I admire....when I was working I was always amazed at how our traveling nurses coped with such a demanding job while out of their “nest.” I hope you have time to enjoy the areas outside the hospitals when you travel. I would love to ‘pay-it-forward’ and offer any information I have that you can use! Just tag me anytime! (My response time is a bit irregular depending on energy levels.💞)
Oct 24Reply
longlegit @janimack7 I completely understand the response time being irregular and am grateful that you responded at all. I do love my job and it can be hard to cope sometimes but I do find it very rewarding as well. I'll continue to visit your closet and sharing. Thanks again!! 😘😍😍🙌🏽
Oct 24Reply
good2bkind Hope you're having a great Wednesday! Thanks for Sharing. God Bless
Oct 24Reply
sideeyebird Today’s shares are yours to keep, silly! 💕 But Thank you for the enormous number of share backs! 🙏🌺😃
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @djb4maricopa 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊 I love your closet❣️😊💞
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @deirdrechb 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 it was 💟 my pleasure! 💟
Oct 24Reply
good2bkind @janimack7 Awwwe Thank you so much for the compliment. I'm trying different things with the pictures. Alas, no bites yet so I could definitely use any advice you have to give. As a viewer, was there anything in particular that caught your eye?
Oct 24Reply
janimack7 @djb4maricopa Your closet looks great! Share your listings a lot! Also share to the parties. That helps. Also, if you share from the constant feed from people you follow, you share from closets that are at that moment active. If they share back, they visit your closet. The more visible you can be, the more action. Follow any Follow Games you see to ⬆️ your FOLLOWERS, share to parties & follow everyone who ‘Follows’ the Party Announcements, Let me know how you are doing or have more questions!
Oct 24Reply
novpulchritude thank u for ur share😊
Oct 25Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by my closet! It is much appreciated :-) please let me know if you have any questions! Always accepting offers. Looking fwd. To checking out your closet further
Oct 27Reply
lexagator Hi! I saw your icon about CJD, my husband lost a close friend to the terrible disease! Praying for a cure!
Oct 28Reply
janimack7 @lexagator I am so sorry for your husband’s friend and family. My mother died of it last December. My grandfather and my 1st cousin also died of it. She had the genetic type...😢 Thank you for your prayers, Alexa. 💞🙏🏼💞
Oct 28Reply
lexagator @janimack7 oh goodness so sorry for your loss! Will continue to pray!
Oct 28Reply
janimack7 @lexagator Thank you, Alexa. It has been pretty difficult. But I have her in my heart...closer than ever.💜
Oct 28Reply
confidefashion Thank you for sharing my closet! 💕💕 You are such a sweety! Love your bio!
Oct 29Reply
janimack7 @confidefashion 💟 My pleasure, Lauren! 💟 And ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU❣️
Oct 29Reply
mmadonna40 Just a quick hello my lovely PFF!💕😘
Oct 30Reply
janimack7 @mmadonna40 Awww, Thank you, Sweet Michelle! Always uplifting seeing you here. Hope you are happy and well!
Oct 30Reply
skirtssewpretty Happy Poshing babes!!
Nov 01Reply
janimack7 @skirtssewpretty Why thank you, Beautiful Ebb!💜💙💜
Nov 01Reply
prof I like your closet looks great 👍
Nov 03Reply
janimack7 @prof ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, ⅅℛℰⅅ❣️
Nov 03Reply
dhltau @flutter_buys, Whats the Wheel? Newbie here.
Nov 08Reply
janimack7 @dhltau Hi, Debbi! ‘The Wheel’ is when your closet username appears under the “FIND NEW PEOPLE” area. They list about 20-30 POSH Ambassadors (used to be called “Suggested Users”) each day on a rotating basis. 😄💞😄
Nov 08Reply
janimack7 @dhltau PS- Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Nov 08Reply
flutter_buys @dhltau it’s the spot where you go to “find people “ and it Suggests Ambassadors to others. The “Suggested User” program is now the “Ambassador” program. Basically where you get Suggested to others. It’s Definitely worth going for your Ambassadorship. It will tell you in your posh stats what you need to fulfill. 😁💕
Nov 08Reply
lilywilk Beautiful closet!!
Nov 08Reply
janimack7 @lilywilk ᏆℋᎯℕᏦ ᎽᎾU, ℂᎯℛℰ❣️
Nov 09Reply
janimack7 @lilywilk Thank you! Have a great weekend!
Nov 10Reply
ventobunny Hey Jan!!! Thanks for connecting with me 🙂
Nov 10Reply
janimack7 @ventobunny 💟 My pleasure! 💟
Nov 10Reply
pamela1980 Thanks for sharing
Nov 12Reply
vivian_carter Hi Jen! I thought I would check out your bio.... love the pictures ❤️! You both are beautiful and from reading all of your comments you are beautiful inside and out ☺️ what an inspiration 💕 Hugs 🤗
Nov 12Reply
janimack7 @vivian_carter Awww, Vivian, Thank you! You are sending me to dreamland with a smile and warm heart.😊 You are sweet!
Nov 12Reply
peyaloni Thanks you for sharing my listing!! Hula hugs!!
Nov 14Reply
janimack7 @peyaloni 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Nov 14Reply
trueworship1 Thanks for the shares. God bless...
Nov 15Reply
janimack7 @trueworship1 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Nov 16Reply
inwithdaold Hello! I'm fairly new, opened account about a year ago but started selling in Jan2018. Was reading your comments on being blocked and was like, what's that? So much to learn. Following you now, you have such an amazing outlook and possitive spirit. Have a great weekend
Nov 16Reply
janimack7 @inwithdaold Thank you for visiting my closet Edith❣😄💞 And Thank you for your kind words! I would be happy to help you with whatever you need! Let me know anytime you have questions!🧡💛🧡
Nov 17Reply
inwithdaold @janimack7 Thank You😊 Thank You Thank You for sharing. Have a great weekend and thank you for your support🌷🌻🌹
Nov 17Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ @childrenspalace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈
Nov 17Reply
janimack7 @inwithdaold 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Nov 18Reply
akos3228 Welcome to Poshmark What a wonderful place to be a part of in my opinion. I am a Poshmark Ambassador and enjoying it so much.i also have a closet here and I am running some amazing sales for all departments, stop by and see for yourself Happy Poshing & Happy Shopping
Nov 22Reply
janimack7 @my_customcloset 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Nov 23Reply
twogemsforme I know we have not meet but I think you must be one of those people that makes the world a better place. I love all your beautiful selections and your beautiful sentiment. Love to you.
Nov 24Reply
janimack7 @cowankj @cowankj I am so sorry, Kelly...I don’t know what that is...I will need to look it up. My grandfather, 1st cousin and mother died of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD). 1 in a million have it. There is a subgroup of CJD that is genetic. 1 in 10 million have it. There are only a dozen families in the US with it. No treatment, no cure. I am so sorry about your son...I hope his prognosis is good. I will keep him and your family in my thoughts. Sending light and love Kelly.✨💜✨
Nov 24Reply
janimack7 @cowankj You are beautiful. You look like you may have Scandinavian heritage,,,,Finnish?💞
Nov 24Reply
twogemsforme @janimack7 Thank you for all the shares. Also forgot to tag you in the above comment. Have a great weekend!
Nov 24Reply
janimack7 @twogemsforme No worries, Kelly. If you leave a comment on a listing in someone’s closet, you don’t have to tag them.-They get alerted automatically. I looked up what your son has., it looks like there’s a wide spectrum of how serious the symptomology can be. Please know I’m sending you love ♥️✨ light. I also have a child with developmental issues. It’s not easy, but I’m sure you feel blessed by him, and he is surely blessed by you. Best of luck, dear one.♥️
Nov 24Reply
sherylbots @janimack7 Thank you for all the shares!! 🌹🌹
Nov 25Reply
janimack7 @sherylbots 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Nov 25Reply
janimack7 @larabarbosa That is so sweet. Thank you for the feedback, Lara, it really means a lot to me. 🍁💜🍁
Nov 25Reply
grizzgrl1 Thank you for sharing my closet and for the lovely holiday greeting... I wish you and your family a warm and happy healthy holiday too!! 💕
Nov 28Reply
janimack7 @grizzgrl1 Thank you, Denise!🍃💜✨💜🍃
Nov 29Reply
socalstyled Hi Jan I'm so glad I accidentally tagged you! Looks like I was already following you but I just got a chance to read about you. I also struggle with some health problems and all I can say is THANK GOD for Poshmark!! I wish you the best hopefully we'll get to chat again:)
Nov 29Reply
janimack7 @socalstyle4moms I’m glad we bumped into each other, too! I agree...POSHmark has been a blessing in many ways! I’m sorry you also have health issues... Take care and HAPPY POSHing and STAY WELL, my friend!!
Nov 29Reply
hcallaway52 Thanks for stopping by and if you see something you like, feel free to make and offer, thanks again.
Dec 06Reply
bluecircle21519 Hi Jan! I’m Jennifer, nice to meet you! I’ve come across your closet before and I think I meant to bookmark it back then, oops! I just read through some of your comments and saw that you have narcolepsy. I was diagnosed with it this year. Along with the other health issues I have.☹️ It’s amazing how so many people have so many things in common and don’t even realize it! Have a great day!😊😊
Dec 07Reply
janimack7 @jlgordon396 👋🏼 Hi, Jennifer! I am so sorry you have narcolepsy and other health issues! Sometimes it feels like I am dancing around my symptoms....they come and go, sometimes one at a time, but mostly thy come in “bundles”! But at least I’m dancing! Hope you are doing well..sending love and light, ✨💜✨ 🍃🌼🍃 Jan
Dec 08Reply
bluecircle21519 @janimack7 Thank you for your kind words and the support in my closet!! I truly appreciate it! I will repay the love when I have more time. (I’m actually sleepy at the moment😂- 1:30am in IL) Have a wonderful weekend!!❤️
Dec 08Reply
janimack7 @jlgordon396 Good night, Jennifer! No need to shareback! Those were shares of kindredness! 💜🌼🍃😊🍃🌼💜 💤💤💤😴💤💤💤
Dec 08Reply
punkchic_gigi @janimack7 girl you are insane! Thank you for all of the shares!!! My favorite part of Posh, besides paying bills lol, is meeting amazing, generous and kind people like you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dec 10Reply
janimack7 @gilsgirl0 😘💋🌬💋🌬💋😍
Dec 10Reply
twogemsforme Hi ! You've always been so nice, maybe you could answer a question for me. Do you make all of your sale and info posters? Yours are the best I've seen. I've been wanting some posters for my closet but wasn't sure how to get/make them.
Dec 11Reply
janimack7 @twogemsforme I do make my own posters! Part of my creative therapy to keep me balanced. You are welcome to copy and use any of my posters you want. I’d be honored! 🍃🌼😊💞😊🌼🍃
Dec 11Reply
twogemsforme This may be a silly question but how do you make your posters? I need to do something to increase my sales maybe a poster or two would help. I'm not too tech savvy but I mess around till I get it right. Hope you are having a wonderful week.
Dec 12Reply
mehgan297 Hi Jan! Nice to "meet" you lol 👋🙂 I love your "meet the posher", you are so blessed! ❤💙💚
Dec 12Reply
janimack7 @twogemsforme Hi, Sheila! I use the “Collage Pic” app. It is really fun! I have tried a lot of different photoshop apps, but the ones I use are the most ‘user-friendly’: I use “Snapfeed” to refine my photos, along with “Photoshop Express” and “Photoshop Fix”. Have fun! That’s the main thing! Hope you are doing well! 🍃🌼🍃
Dec 13Reply
twogemsforme @janimack7 Thanks for the info. I will keep trying on that learning curve. Finally made posh ambassador! Still having fun so that is the main thing. Love meeting nice people like yourself.
Dec 13Reply
janimack7 @twogemsforme Congratulations, Sheila! That is AWESOME!
Dec 14Reply
janimack7 @mehgan297 I truly am blessed.. Hope you are, too! Thank you so much for stopping by!💕💕💛💕💕
Dec 14Reply
mehgan297 @janimack7 Indeed, and yes I surely am! I have a 14 month old baby boy who is my entire world! He's changed everything for me! My life, my perspective, opened my heart, just everything! 🤗💜💗💚
Dec 14Reply
janimack7 @mehgan297 So happy to hear that! Children bring you right to the present moment! Enjoy your precious little one!
Dec 14Reply
mehgan297 @janimack7 For sure! Thank you! I totally am 😁😊😄🤗
Dec 14Reply
janimack7 @j1l1h THANK YOU, JEN ❣ I appreciate the positive feedback...and... Thank you for visiting my closet❣😄💞
Dec 17Reply
spookyheartsg happy holidays my friend $!!!!
Dec 17Reply
kurt_morris Thank you so much for the kind welcome!
Dec 18Reply
janimack7 @spookyheartsg Thank you, sweet PFF❣️ Happy Holidays to YOU, too, PRINCESS LILLY❣️🌼😄🌼
Dec 18Reply
janimack7 @kurt_morris 🤗💞 🌼 ℳᎽ ᏢᏞᎬᎪsuᏒᎬ❗️🌼💞😊
Dec 18Reply
carchez Hi😀 would u have any crystal mario keychains or pendants? My little gramdson had 1,dropped it & it broke. Hes heartbroken. I wanna get him another but cant find one. I thot maybe u had 1 for sale? Also, Merry Christmas to u & all those that u loveGod bless!
Dec 18Reply
janimack7 @carchez Hi, Carlene! I do have some crystal keychains...but I can’t remember if I have Mario.. I will check and get back to you! You are such a thoughtful Grandma!
Dec 18Reply
carchez Gee, thank you! 💟
Dec 19Reply
bell1971 @janimack7 💄💄💄 Hope you had a super LIPPIE day 💄💄💄💋
Dec 19Reply
janimack7 @bell1971 I did, sweet Lady! Hope you have a wonderful week before Christmas!
Dec 19Reply
carchez Did u find any? Marios? And tx for checking💕
Dec 19Reply
janimack7 @carchez Hi, Arlene! I am so sorry it took me so long to check for Mario. I’ve been at the hospital and radiologists and doctor appointments this whole week. My brain is pretty rattled. (My husband was just diagnosed with a complicated illness.) I just checked...I have almost 50 crystal keychains of different characters and I’m so sorry I can’t help you be your grandson’s hero.😢 I do not have Mario.
Dec 20Reply
carchez So sad to hear such bad news..lets keep praying & trust God. I appreciate ur checking for mario,ill find him somewhere. I will continue to pray for u & ur husband;i also wish u a peaceful & joyous Holiday season. May the new year bring you all good health & happiness💕
Dec 20Reply
janimack7 @carchez Thank you, sweet friend! That means a lot during this difficult time.💜💞💜
Dec 20Reply
janimack7 @carchez Thank you, Carlene. I am going to lose my soulmate... He has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and has at the most 6 months to live. Having a rough time.... At first, I was going to close my closet, but realized this is an important part of my being able to balance my life at this point. Thank you for your prayers and love. It means a lot. 💞
Dec 20Reply
carchez Im so sorry jan. Im glad ur keeping ur closet; let us love u through this difficult time. As well as ur family. Kno that we love u support u & pray for u.. May HE give u & ur husband His peace & comfort. Most of all is the joy of His salvation💕💟
Dec 20Reply
carchez Im so sorry jan. Im glad ur keeping ur closet; let us love u through this difficult time. As well as ur family. Kno that we love u support u & pray for u.. May HE give u & ur husband His peace & comfort. Most of all is the joy of His salvation💕💟
Dec 20Reply
janimack7 @carchez Thank you so much, Carlene, for you words and prayers of love and support. They mean more than you know....💞💜💞🙏🏼💞💜💞
Dec 20Reply
shopherposh Thank you SO much for your kind and encouraging words on marriage! You are so kind and such a light to others!
Dec 22Reply
carchez May the love of Jesus bring joy & peace to u & ur family this wonderful Christmas❤💕🎄🔔💕❤
Dec 25Reply
sheempowr @janimack7 M˟˚E˟˚R˟˚R˟˚Y˟˚🎄C˟˚H˟˚R˟˚I˟˚S˟˚T˟˚M˟˚A˟˚S˟˚❤️💚❤️💚☃️🎄🥳 Have a God blessed day! Thank you for your friendship, encouragement, POSH SHARE, and great personality!🤗🤗🤗🤩🤩🤩💋💋
Dec 25Reply
janimack7 @shopherposh You are so welcome, Andrea! People have frequently asked us, our entire marriage, of nearly 30 years, if we were newlyweds.🥰 We still make our kids cringe in public by being so affectionate. 💞😂 ꒒ꂦ꒒❣💞 I do send my best energies and light for you two. An incredible marriage where you feel yourself ‘falling in love” over and over for years IS possible.
Dec 25Reply
janimack7 @shopherposh PS: Some might think we must’ve had an easy life to keep that spark of new love so long...yet, over the last 30 years we have had some horrible, deep, ongoing and intense struggles/stresses with kids, work, health and family. Cont...
Dec 25Reply
janimack7 @shopherposh Cont... Many couples relationships might’ve buckled under the sustained pressure..but we made sure we leaned on each other and drew closer, NEVER blamed each other and held each every night.💗💗💗 husband always saw me at my best...even when I wasn’t. That is an incredible gift. 💙💞❤️💞💙
Dec 25Reply
janimack7 @carchez 💚❤️🌲🌍❄️ ⛄️🌎🎄 ❤️💚 Merry may your Christmas be, dear friend!! We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my dad and siblings. Now my kids are coming to cook dinner and celebrate this holiday of love and joy! It is another gift of a good day! 💚❤️🌲🌍❄️ ⛄️🌎🎄 ❤️💚
Dec 25Reply
twogemsforme Been thinking of you 💙💚💛💜❤️
Jan 06Reply
carchez Hi😀i been thimking about u off & on all day so i decided to say Hello. I hope ur all having a nice vacation. ❣️
Jan 10Reply
janimack7 @twogemsforme 💛💖💜💖💛
Jan 13Reply
janimack7 @carchez Hi Carlene! Thank you for thinking about me...I do appreciate your caring.🥰 My vacation has changed into an extended closure. My dear husband of nearly 3 decades was diagnosed with Stage4 Pancreatic cancer.😔 I will be closed indefinitely, but will be coming back someday.🧡💜🧡
Jan 13Reply
twogemsforme @janimack7 Been thinking of you so often! Always sending love and good vibes your way. Also remembering to tell those I love them often and hold them close. 💚💙❤️💜🧡💛💗
Jan 13Reply
janimack7 @twogemsforme Yes! Always a good reminder of how short our time is here... Love, LOVE, L❤️VE!
Jan 13Reply
carchez Im so sorry & continue to pray for u all. Please kno that i truely do care. Would u post me periodically¿😘❣️🙏💞
Jan 14Reply
stormysays @janimack7 I pray for you and your husbands continued strength, peace, and love at this time. I came to your page after seeing an ad from your closet. You sparked inspiration into me regarding my closet. Thank you!
Jan 23Reply
chat3388 Hi Jan you seem pretty knowledgeable on Poshmark maybe you can help me. I can’t get my Poshmark “markets” to stay on ALL . The check mark is on gifts. I have to keep changing to see all my closet! I emailed Pish but no response. I tried to change in feed! Thanks
Jan 29Reply
twogemsforme @chat3388 I'm not Jan but I have found that it stays on whatever you have it on when you are shopping. So go to shopping tab then press ALL and it should stay there. Hope that helps. 💖
Feb 19Reply
twogemsforme Hi Jan! Been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. Hope you feel my love and support from afar. 💖💙💜💚🌈
Feb 19Reply
chat3388 Thanks it worked you’re a doll!!!
Feb 19Reply
qualityannie Hi! I see you’re on vacation. I am back on Posh selling. I stopped for a bit as I was sick but doing well now so have the energy to get back into it. I’m just dropping a note to say hello because I remembered how wonderful you were to me when I first started to sell. You gave me the best tips and we’re so nice to me. Thanks for that! Certain people leave an impression on you and I wanted to find you again and say hello. Warm regards, Ann
Feb 20Reply
rookieabh Thanks so much for sharing my closet 💞
Feb 26Reply
janimack7 @rookieabh My pleasure!💞💜💞
Feb 26Reply
vpl1116 thanks so much for sharing!! If you like anything, please let me know, I’ll be happy to make a special private offer as a way to say thanks! ❤️
Feb 28Reply
danbla @janimack7 i am so glad your purchase arrived safely and you like your items! thanks for taking the time to rate your order and leave a love note. i really appreciate the interest and love you showed to my closet 🤗
Mar 02Reply
ses54 @janimack7 Thank you so much for the shares & enjoy your vacation 🤗
Mar 04Reply
luvcoachgal7 You are in my prayers 🙏
Mar 04Reply
seasidesisters Thank you for being my 6,000th follower! I’m always looking for posh mentors and I really appreciate your expertise and inspiration. Thank you!! 💕
Mar 06Reply
seasidesisters 💕Oh Jan! The goodness in your heart is so bright! Thank you so much for your generous sharing and words of encouragement. I aspire to stay positive like you and spread the PM love. Have the very best week! -Holly
Mar 06Reply
janimack7 @seasidesisters And to you, too, Holly♥️❣️ May this week be full of laughter and blessings!🧡💗🧡
Mar 06Reply
onlytopbrands1 Jan as I read through your profile I am so terribly sorry to hear about your husbands diagnosis.. my thoughts and prayers are with you the entire way.. It takes an amazingly strong, smart, and beautiful woman to get through something like this... Reading more in depth into your profile and I see this personality trait because you are a nurse..
Mar 14Reply
onlytopbrands1 All of my family comes from a medical background and I can appreciate this. proud of you for all that you’ve done and accomplished.. Youre truly a PoshMark mentor and a strong woman in my eyes! Take care my sweet friend Natalee, ARMY VET ❤️✌️🌟 @sassys_stash
Mar 14Reply
vicky424 Hey Jan, I'm pretty new to PM. I love your poster about how to make offers and negotiate. That's half the fun after all. I was wondering what is it you use to make those? I've tried some apps. I usually end up using more than one to get it to look nice with free apps. I don't mind buying one if I have to but I don't want to buy junk. Any tips would be a huge help. Thanks so much :) Love your closet!
Mar 31Reply
ashtan2017 Inspiration. Your story mimics mine. Heading up corporate ladder and type A. Yes wrestling that ego and now noticing every breath you take. Funny, my family tried to do an intervention on me thinking i had gone off the deep end to find peace with poshmark. 🤑🤑😂😂😂👌🥳🥳🙏🌻🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️ Posh love to you.
May 03Reply
permigal Hi Jan. What a candid and very vulnerable bio you have. Very meaningful and refreshing. I hope you are having one of your better days today and I hope Miss Spring is breathing her renewing energy into your being - mind and body.
May 10Reply
permigal I had stopped by because I saw your welcome post to a new Posher with the tip about @official_forum and had wanted to thank you as I’ve never heard of that. So thank you 😊. Happy weekend, happy spring, and good health to you. Concentrating on sending some white light your way. 🌺🌿❤️
May 10Reply
permigal Oh-and greetings from a fellow RN (NICU)
May 10Reply
alinawest Welcome!!!!
May 26Reply
helpinghangers Hi! I’m Tina and new to Posh. Just wanted to send prayers & blessings seeing reason your closet is closed. I browsed your closet anyway and love it, so unique, I couldn’t even get through it all❣️
May 26Reply
latashavaughn08 Hope you will explore my closet. I have some great deals. . I ship same day in most instances. Any shares or likes are appreciated. Wishing you much success. ❤️
May 31Reply
shopbuytrade145 Hey! I have a couple of large flat rate boxes in my closet for both women and a separate one for kids! Make sure you check it out!!🤗
Jun 02Reply
trina2110 @janimack7 Hope you are doing well. Missing you😘💕
Jun 13Reply
grace4d Hi Jan. Checking in on you. How's ur hubby doing? Love & hugs 🌻🌻🌻♥️
Aug 21Reply
seasidesisters Hi Jan! Also checking in on you. I hope you are finding health and happiness these days. Thanks again for spreading kindness and joy on Poshmark! Holly
Sep 01Reply
kacie007 Hello Jan, I am new to poshmark ans I've bought 2 items from 2 separate people in the same day. I recieved one of the items within 3 days of purchasing and I am unable to get in touch with the seller leya1234 as I bought a coach wallet from her and its day 6 now and its still awaiting shipment. I've left several messages on her page and seen u had messaged her as well introducing urself so thought Id ask if u knew what I should do??
Sep 24Reply
starzelda7 Hi Jan, Could you explain to me how to bundle items in my own closet, to send with an offer, to someone else who “likes” them, pls? Thx much!🤗
Oct 11Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕 I wish your family the best health and prayers coming your way.
Nov 24Reply
Dec 22Reply
spookyheartsg I hope u r well its been so long..hope u r family n urself is great. happy summer 🎃🎃💲💲😎😎😎❤❤❤💎💎🌟🌟🌟😻🍦
Aug 16Reply
mylifeanew Happy Poshing 🎉 Please check out my closet too. Hope you have a great day!
Oct 16Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey everything in my closet is $2 off today and all items come with a free gift!! Just make me your offer and I will most likely accept! The more you bundle the cheaper it is! All orders go out same or next day. Stay safe xoxo
Jan 07Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe......Dorothy
Jan 07Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Jan, thank you for following us & for being a nurse! Nurse's helped save my life after a ruptured cerebral aneurysm!👍👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💖 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2021!😷💳📈 Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️💞
Apr 22Reply
janimack7 @debraturman Thank you for letting me know, Debra! Hope you are happy and well!🌷
Apr 22Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 21Reply
watsonlilmommy @janimack7 hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in as well ❤️‍🩹
Jul 26Reply
wanderlust0389 bundle 4 or more listings get 50% off !!! moving sale , ❤️ 🎀🩷 smoke and pet free home 💛 same day shipping ❤️😍 many LAST CHANCE ITEMS marked down to $5 or less !! 🌞🌞🌞🌞
Mar 28Reply
cutehosiery @janimack7 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 08Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 29Reply
elliottc1963 Hello fellow posher, nice closet. Check out my closet, I'm having a inventory reduction sale 🌷
Feb 15Reply
katiedeleo22 Hi I’m Katie!! I do live shows Mondays & Fridays 3pm eastern !!! $6 starts stop by and say hello!! @katiedeleo22
Jun 02Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy New Year 🥳!! May 2025 be your best year yet! 💎
Jan 15Reply

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Last Active: Jan 22

Springfield, OR
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Last Active: Jan 22

Springfield, OR
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