POSH Q-TIP: Covershots are the New Black!
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You just took a covershot of that stunning bracelet & all you got was a dark, blurry mess that resembles a dachshund in heat. Want an easy way to capture the beauty? Start with a dark fabric (I use a black curtain); add a few neutral knick-knacks & an accent (I'm partial to feathers); DON'T use a flash (it will wash out your colors); grab an LED flashlight to highlight your item; get just close enough to avoid the dreaded blur; SNAP IT! Enlarge your item when you list. TA-DA! Now, go to it, GF!

227 others
like this

How AB FAB of you!!!! 😘
Sep 09Reply

@jentucker @bshores @meunice33 @meg777 @badz16 @katjo @nugget_love @philliesphan @ahitzk @shoogal82 Not that you guys have bad cover shots AT ALL! But I thought it would be great to share this with the newer girls on here and I know you guys know some!! ☺
Sep 09Reply

Bravo! Excellent tip!
Sep 09Reply

👏👏👏👏👏👍😃 I love the LED flashlight trick, I've used that many times! Photos taken outside are fabulous as well, you can't beat natural sunlight☀📷strike a pose!😜
Sep 09Reply

How totally AB FAB! (How many AB FAB surcharges have a racked up now?) thanks for sharing @chellirose 😉
Sep 09Reply

Thats really nice.. I love it!!! Very creative 2thumbs up👍👍 thanks @chellirose for tagging me😘
Sep 09Reply

@queenmumm you are fabulous thanks for the helpful hint👏😘
Sep 09Reply

@jentucker My abacus ran out of beads, so there's no telling at this point... :)
Sep 09Reply

@katjo TRUE DAT - natural light is THE BEST - except for those 2am listing sessions. Then we all become Poshing vampires who must hide away from the light lest it fry us into posh dust. Mwwwaahahahahaha.
Sep 09Reply

@chellirose Thank you for sharing, sweets! :)
Sep 09Reply

@nettieward You are FABULOUS, too!!! I'm so glad you are going to Poshfest! Yippeeee!!!! :)
Sep 09Reply

Sep 09Reply

@queenmumm How genius are you?? For realzers!! I love the LED flashlight trick, what a difference it made with those bracelets!! I just wanted to say thank you, I just found you, and I will be watching for your tips!!! Awesomeness!!! Sharing!!
Sep 10Reply

@terlab Awwww, that's so sweet! I can't wait for you to start listing items so I can share for you. Go forth, my child - and Posh! 😘👑😘
Sep 10Reply

@queenmumm Brenda, I don't know how I missed this. What fabulous advice. Thank you so much!
Sep 10Reply

@piecesofjen You're pretty fast on catching it - I just listed this last night at 2am! 😴😴😴😳😳😳
Sep 10Reply

As always, much appreciated advice! Like the LED flashlight tip!!🐾
Sep 10Reply

@queenmumm love the advice! Thank you!! 😘💕
Sep 23Reply

Great tip!! I have ran across 2 apps that have that spotlight feature. I think they are Line Camera and Lenz :)
Sep 25Reply

Oops...that's Lens with an "S", not a "Z"
Sep 25Reply

@cherie_candice We ALL wanna be in the spotlight. Dontcha think? Sometimes I shine it on myself and get blinded for a few minutes. Gotta stop doing that.... ;)
Sep 25Reply

Bahahaha!! I like holding it up to my face and making scary faces👹
Sep 25Reply

@queenmumm I must try this!!! Awesome tip!! 👏👏👏😘💕
Sep 29Reply

@lovemygirlz thanks! Let me know how it works out and good luck! 👑😘👑
Sep 30Reply

@queenmumm very clever...thanks
Oct 03Reply

👆🙋🙆who knew?? You knew👏👏✌️💃
Oct 08Reply

What an awesome tip!!!
Oct 26Reply

Great advice! How do you enlarge the item when you list? Thanks for any info.
Nov 03Reply

@micheleedesigns I always photograph from the posh sales screen, backing out each time to take another photo until I have the angles I need. When I'm ready to list, I can bring up any of the previous pics by choosing the file option at the bottom right of the sell screen. I can then blow up on any part of the picture before applying one of the filters for covershot. Apply this same method to your other 3 pics. Hope that made sense!
Nov 03Reply

Thanks for taking the time to write. Actually, i didn't realize that all the photos that I backed out of we're saved. But I just looked at my photo stream, and I see that they are all there. So, yes, I understand what your saying, up to the part where you say you can blow it up and choose any part of the photo. I have no idea how you can do that. Do you have a special app to do that? Thanks so much!
Nov 03Reply

@micheleedesigns When you pull up the "sell" screen, touch the file icon on the bottom right instead of snapping a photo. This will pull up all photos saved on your device (all albums as well as photo stream). Choose one and then use your fingertips to enlarge the photo in the screen before you click the blue "choose" link. Everything then proceeds the same way as if you just took the photo.
Nov 03Reply

I got it! Thank you so much, Brenda! I greatly appreciate the time you took to explain all of this to me. You are a sweetheart! What a pleasure it is to be here with so many wonderful women! What a brilliant idea it is to bring women together in this way! I hope I also sell clothes...LOL
Nov 04Reply

Nov 05Reply

@messerac Simple tip for getting great shots of those adorbs jewelry items you have! :)
Nov 14Reply

@queenmumm love your tips & this one rocks!
Nov 14Reply

💕 love this! Thanks so much for listing. I am going to try the flashlight!!!
Nov 14Reply

Thank you so much for sharing this! In my small studio I don't have much space but I can be creative! Plus take it outside too! Did you have a friend or your husband snap photos of you that you modeled? Or maybe a camera with a timer?
Nov 14Reply

@cody7150 Glad you like it! Good luck! :)
Nov 16Reply

@geniferb2013 Yes, please give it a try and see if it helps with detail in your pics. Good luck! :)
Nov 16Reply

@messerac Yes, my hubby helps me by taking photos outside when I'm in a great outfit. You can do the same on your own by setting your phone camera to video. Turn it on, strike a few poses and then take screen shots from your video! Got this tip at Poshfest. :)
Nov 16Reply

@queenmumm super great tip. Thanks!
Nov 16Reply

Love it! Thank you sooooo much gorgeous lady!
Nov 16Reply

@makeuppatti You are so welcome! :)
Nov 16Reply

@queenmumm tagging @osofast2 as I was just telling her about your great tips like this one😉
Nov 21Reply

@cody7150 Perfect! Thanks and let me know if you have any questions! 👑😘👑
Nov 21Reply

@fuzzynavel @carenhelm Here's the tip on jewelry pics you were looking for. Lmk if you have any questions! 😘👑😘
Jan 12Reply

@fuzzynavel oh perfect, thanks so much!!!
Jan 12Reply

@carenhelm awesome you found it. Isn't she awesome!!
Jan 12Reply

@queenmumm Just what I needed! TY!!
Jan 12Reply

@queenmumm thanks for helping! Maybe one day you can post something on taking pics of black or dark clothes. Seems to be a common dilemma and one I haven't been able to figure out! But no rush!! ❤️😜❤️
Jan 12Reply

@carenlovesgucci Thought you might like this tip😋
Jan 13Reply

@carenhelm Caren :) Thank you! Truly!!!!!!! I have tried flashlights but we are "industrial" old school beacon people.... A CIVILIZED LED..and even more perfect that this is in Brenda's closet @queenmumm The lovely Caren led (could not resist a pun.. Sorry, long Monday) me here as a result of my expressing my Madam Treusad's dark museum look to my pictures ! Thank you again Caren and Brenda, thank you for "tip" listing! You ladies are great :)
Jan 13Reply

@queenmumm fabulous advice :) thank you.
Jan 25Reply

@roxyporter Posh Q-Tip!
Feb 02Reply

Ladies she is fabulous! For a person to have an amazing closet & then pass all her tips along through blogs, notes, photos and messages makes her over the top fabulous! Thanks @queenmumm
Feb 02Reply

@nikki1994 This will help you specifically with regards to jewelry photography.
Feb 06Reply

Thank u so much for your tips ..... Take care I hope I can get this
Feb 06Reply

Love, appreciate and share your tips. So nice for you to educate (rather then keep this knowledge for your own closet)!
Feb 13Reply

@queenmumm ok .... I have No clue what an LED light is.... Don't laugh .....
Feb 24Reply

@mizfabulousity Not laughing.... just a little giggle. LED is a higher intensity light than your regular run of the mill bulb. It is whiter in appearance so it doesn't yellow your item when you take the picture. As a scuba diver, I prefer LEDs as my go to for night diving because the beam reaches farther and is more brilliant. Hope this helps! :)
Feb 24Reply

@queenmumm so it's a bulb that goes in A lamp? Ok a little giggle is fine .....😃
Feb 24Reply

@mizfabulousity If you are buying bulbs for a regular household lamp, the fluorescents are being phased out in lieu of higher efficiency bulbs. As for flashlights, it's hard to find anything other than an LED these days. I still have a lot of old flashlights from boy scout outings but the bulbs for those are being phased out, too. You can buy bulk LED pocket lights at any walmart, sam's, etc. That's what I'm holding in the pic above.
Feb 24Reply

@queenmumm ahhhhh got it!! I hadn't seen the hand held one above 👆cool great tip . I had no clue flashlights had changed Lol!!
Feb 24Reply

@fuzzynavel I just read your post above regarding how to photograph black items to make them black and not purple, gray or brown. In lieu of outside photography, I find that using indirect lighting works best. A black item will appear black if you don't flood it with light in your home. iPhone flashes can be the worse culprits. Make sure the room is well lit but take a picture of the item in shadow. Then, using edit on iPhone, hit auto fix to bring up exposure if needed. This has worked for me - others may have different suggestions. Cheers, lovey! :)
Feb 24Reply

@carlysmommma Thanks so much for your kind post! It's better to have us all successful on the app. Always happy to share the knowledge that has helped me. :)
Feb 24Reply

@queenmumm did you know this is my nemesis? I have tons of black clothes that are gorgeous but do not post because I can't get them right. I'll try this one. This is when I really wish I had a degree in photography! Thanks for the advice.
Feb 24Reply

@fuzzynavel It's still a struggle for me - sometimes I get it right but many times I hit just right of the bullseye. Good luck! :)
Feb 24Reply

@queenmumm thanks. As far as the sales trends, do you anticipate upcoming trends such as holidays and/or what's new and popular?
Feb 24Reply

Neat tip thanks for sharing *****thanks for all the shares*****
Mar 13Reply

@queenmumm ohhhh my gosh!!! I luv this tip!!! Im goin to try it and tag u!!! But guve me two days cuz tomorrow date with my husband! it's opening day at the ball park Go Texas Rangers.⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️
Thank you for ur help! Cant wait for mooooooore!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Mar 31Reply

Love it!!! Thank you!!
Mar 31Reply

@queenmumm thank you so much for the tips! I have to start over. 😞 but the tips will help. I was wondering if you use an app for any of your listings, such as your notes? Thanks again for the tips!
Mar 31Reply

@annie15 Hi, Ann - thanks for stopping by!😊 I use Beautiful Mess and Instaframe for my listings. Both are free apps. I have to ask - why do you need to "start over"?
Mar 31Reply

Thank you for the info! Well I figure I need to update my cover shots! Using the tips and better apps!
Mar 31Reply

@annie15 You're welcome. I worried that you wanted to start over with another closet😳and lose your followers. Remember, with covershots - simplicity is usually best. Good luck and much Posh love to you! 💗😃👑😃💗
Mar 31Reply

@queenmumm thank you again!!! I love this place! Wonderful and amazing people! Posh love to you too!!!❤️💃🎉👏
Apr 01Reply

Apr 08Reply

So much Great info!! Thx!💋
Apr 19Reply

Hi, thanks for the great tips. I tried the one with pulling away. BIG PROBLEM! I went to my shots, but it doesn't allow me to back away. I don't see a blue listing spot either! Oh, I'm so technologically stunted!!!!
Jul 13Reply

@tissue Hey, sweetie - what kind of device are you using (iPhone, iPad, etc.)? And are you trying to photograph something small or large?
Jul 28Reply

Sep 27Reply

You really are the queen. What a great idea!
Oct 28Reply

Oct 28Reply

@radhar885 - another great closet with tips for new poshers
Oct 29Reply

thank you so much! <3 @neelug
Oct 29Reply

@radhar885 You're welcome! Great cover shots and sharing are so important to make sales.
Oct 29Reply

@divemom2020 more info and tips on photos.
Nov 18Reply

Hello, I'm Julie from Arkansas, saw you in @scarlettestained closet. She and i have become quick friends with a spooky amount in common and spent a day together a few weeks back. Looked a bit then at your closet, but never properly introduced myself. Im in awe of some of you old timers on here. You have such a fabulous closet and all your helpful posts are so great for us newer-comers. I've been seeking about 3 months now and continuing to learn new things most every day. Just today i see there is a pm blog! Got to go there! Blocking out some time to go thru your closet and read all those posts! Thanks so much for all your help😘
Nov 21Reply

@myvirtualcloset more good tips!
Dec 23Reply

@elizannett Last one!
Dec 24Reply

@loeymillan Picture perfect!
Dec 25Reply

Happy Holidays my lady. Very nice to see you in my feed😀😘💕🐝. Thanks for sharing✨
Dec 27Reply

@queenmumm thanks for the tip! @dmv25 looks like we need an LED flashlight.
Feb 09Reply

@bronte83 You are so welcome, Diana! Good luck! 👑😊👑
Feb 09Reply

Awesome tips! Thank You!
Feb 24Reply

another good photo tip listing @marimari12808 :)
Mar 02Reply

@jakeamom12 :)
Mar 07Reply

@ladominixana @eveyscloset @lipen728
Jun 03Reply

@naturallyhappy tips to changeup your photos
Jul 05Reply

Jul 18Reply

Thanks @queenmumm this will really help me!
Aug 01Reply

Great idea!! @darkblackrose Check this out. I know you are always looking for ways to improve your pics😉
Aug 04Reply

@dvacante awesome I'll try this! 🌞
Aug 04Reply

Love the tip!!!!! 😘
Aug 05Reply

Love this! 😊👏👏
Aug 06Reply

Oct 13Reply

I love the tips in your closet!!! I have been doing it all wrong! thank you so much for the help! :)
Nov 06Reply

@queenmumm Happy 2016 Brenda!
Jan 03Reply

@clever102 Selling on Posh as you may have gathered by now is how we "Poshers" justify buying others items; at least that is what I tell my husband😉 Here is good info to begin selling to grow your own closet.
Jan 10Reply

New updates on makeup👈🏼 two listings over.
Thanks Brenda! 👑
I have one on Contact Lense. Could you use that one? (From Pm)
Jan 12Reply

@kookc Hey Carolyn! Yes, makeup has been updated - all liquid makeup is allowed as long as it's NWT, non-flammable and carefully wrapped. I have that contact lenses are not allowed. Have you heard differently? :)
Jan 12Reply

Yes! That's the one I have for contacts. Thanks for staying on top of things...👑
Jan 12Reply

@kookc Happy to do it! Thanks for helping me stay updated! I depend on other users for info, too. Cheers! 👑😘💕
Jan 12Reply

You're welcome 👑✨😘
Jan 12Reply

This might help
Jan 12Reply

@kookc thank you so so much! and seriously- this girl is hilarious. haha. I appreciate you sending me here! xo
Jan 12Reply

You're welcome. Yes, she likes to laugh. @tessahen89 💜👏🏽👏🏽
Jan 12Reply

@question I Love This Idea 💡 @kookc I will do some updates 😎
Jan 12Reply

@dressyu Likewise. Have a Fantastic Day!!❄️😘😘
Jan 12Reply

@kookc 😊
Jan 15Reply

Thank you! 💝😘
Jan 15Reply

This one too👍
Jan 15Reply

👏🏽👏🏽Great tips👑
Thank you!
Jan 15Reply

Just want to add to the chorus of thank yous for your generous tips! I'm going to be redoing some cover shots this weekend!
Feb 20Reply

You were so helpful. Can you explain again when you share you use the edit button, than list, instead of using the share button😀😀
Feb 29Reply

@lisasandler Hi Lisa! Yes, the fastest way to share your own closet on smartphone is to essentially "update" your listings without changing anything. Just click on the item, then "edit" "next" and "list". I can share 200 items in about 10 minutes this way. Also, if done during the three parties, it automatically sections out which items fit into the theme and adds them without additional thought. :)
Feb 29Reply

Hi, does it automatically share it with the party going on and the followers. Do you find its better that you share 3 times a day with the party going on or sharing with share groups. I'm finding that I'm really not selling anything when I share in the parties.
Feb 29Reply

@lisasandler I don't belong to a share group so I can make no comparison. I've found that using my method while systemically sharing from the master feed in 10-20 item batches produces very good results. I get a lot of return shares and likes. Don't discount the party hours since those 6 hours expand your exposure from just your follower feed to the possibility of every person registered on the app. :)
Feb 29Reply

200 items in 10 min, it takes me an hour❗️❗️❗️I must be doing something wrong, but your a professional and I'm not and still can't get the hang of this. Do you only use your phone and not an iPad? 1 more thing than I won't bug you,ha ha. When you do the sharing by using the edit button and their is a party going on does it automatically share to the party and the followers.?
Feb 29Reply

@lisasandler Just try my process as stated above during each party. It will put theme appropriate items into the party automatically. The rest will be seen by your followers. For party items, I always click edit/next/list twice so the item will be sure to get in my follower feeds as well.
Feb 29Reply

Wow I love your closet as well as your tips.. thank you for this.. I don't have a good camera.. just got a newer phone thank God and I am trying to figure out how to take better pics.. thank you for the tips..
Mar 18Reply

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge and expertise with all of us ✨ I'm new, so I'm soaking up your words and will begin to implement your suggestions ✨ You're a rock star in my book👩❤️💋👩
Jun 03Reply

@southerngal0724 😘Thank you so much for your extremely kind words, Lisa! Welcome to Poshmark! I wish you mega sales and hope you have nothing but FUN! This app is definitely a life changer - it has the greatest community because of Ladies like yourself. YOU are the Rock Star! Cheers! 💞💕💞
Jun 03Reply

Good morning, and I'd have to say that "yes, I'm having a lot of Fun!!" I've met some simply incredible women, and have have made some lasting relationships, so that has made everything else worthwhile. The sales are the icing on the cake. Happy Friday to you, and God bless💖 💕
Jun 03Reply

@emok75 Tip #2
Oct 18Reply

@missnc23 check out this closet for great tips! Brenda has many very helpful tips in her closet! I've learned a lot and grown a lot just by following her techniques. Browse around. Observe! Take notes! Emulate, then make it your own 😊👯
Dec 01Reply

Awesome tip! 👌
Dec 05Reply

May 05Reply

@queenmumm You have so many great tips and shortcuts! Thank you for taking the time to write them. ❤️️ Rachel
Jun 27Reply

Thank You! I have been so hesitant to list more accessories because the pictures always turn out so horrible, this is the best tip ever! Thank you for taking the time to share with everybody💖💕💖💕
Jul 26Reply

@sabbychic great idea!
Aug 15Reply

You're positively amazing!!! Thank you for all these tips and tricks!!! 💖
Aug 19Reply

@katjo what is LED flashlight trick?
Sep 27Reply

@queenmumm that's me!
Sep 27Reply

Wow thanks. Got it. Ignore my stupid question! 🌎✌🏽
Sep 27Reply

@queenmumm just wanted to let you know you have already helped me so much I'm going to call you Mentor now💯💋😜
Jan 05Reply

@justgigi Check out Queen Mum, the Posher of all Poshers!!!
Aug 15Reply

@summerchance Great advice! Thanks for tagging me!!!
Aug 15Reply

@justgigi Just picked 1 of her posts at random, so you check her out this gal has quite a rapturous following! Summer
Aug 16Reply

@summerchance Yeah, I’m one of her new “rapturous” followers thanks to you!!!
Aug 16Reply

Thank you so much
Mar 18Reply

@Queenmumm Any suggestions of how best to take photos of pants? Thank you for all the wonderful information. I don’t know how I manage to just find you today.
Oct 18Reply

Fantastic tip !!!
Dec 07Reply
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