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👑Hey Poshers! My name is Brenda. Not British but I can do the accent. I'm an SU w/party hosting experience. I've attended 3 Poshfests & over a dozen nationwide meetups.
MY CLOSET IS MY BIZ! All consignment, sizes 0-20, some vintage & NWT. I entertain offers but do not trade/accept offline payment. 15% off bundles!
MY POSH Q-TIPS are in my closet & on my blog. I💗helping Poshers! Click my ABOUT link for compliancy help. CHEERS!
BLOG: midlifealamode.com

534 others
like this

@queenmumm :welcome to Poshmark! Congrats on your weight loss! U look hot 😍😍💘
Feb 10Reply

@mizfabulousity THANK YOU for that compliment! ❤❤❤ You made my day, girlfriend!😘
Feb 10Reply

@queenmumm : u r so welcome 😘😘😘
Feb 10Reply

@lynnsimmons Aw, thanks for liking!😘
Feb 12Reply

@rolaz Thank you for the like!❤ btw, you have a lovely closet and a beautiful family!😄
Feb 13Reply

@queenmumm , thanks hunnie u have a wonderful closet as well ❤
Feb 13Reply

@tamiflow Thank you so much for the like❤ and the shares!!😃😃
Feb 14Reply

You're so very welcome!😍
Feb 14Reply

@queenmumm You're so very welcome!😊
Feb 14Reply

@maltese Wow! 😍Thank you so much for that wonderful compliment! ❤ I'm truly grateful. Have a fantastic ❤alentine's Day!💗💗💗💗
Feb 14Reply

@twowheeltam Thanks for the like!😄😄💗
Feb 15Reply

@ashleencarroll Hey Girlfriend! I'm so happy to see you on here!😍 I'm sharing your closet to the masses!❤💗❤💗
Feb 16Reply

@queenmumm wow! You look amazing!! How did you do it? I'm starting my journey this year (slow but steady) ☺love your closet!!
Feb 17Reply

@travelinggirl68 hey, thank you for the like and shares!💗❤💗 I lost my weight using an app called Lose It! It keeps track of calories in and out. It has been a Godsend for me - I've yoyo-d my WHOLE life and this has allowed me to choose what I want to eat. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change! March 6th will be my one year anniversary of starting my journey😍 I wish you the very best of luck on yours!!!👏👏👏
Feb 17Reply

@susiep552 thank you! ❤😍😘
Feb 17Reply

Good for you on your weight loss and for surviving the bears an Chippendale dancers!
Feb 17Reply

LOL @katemars The grizzlies were a real pain. The Chippendale's dancers...not SO bad. ;)
Feb 17Reply

Congrats on your weight loss. That's super. Thx for sharing your closet and your story. Way to go. Stay well. Thx again. 👍
Feb 17Reply

@maremurphy Thank you so much for your lovely comments!😍💗😍 What makes PM so unique is being able to share and chat with all the wonderful people out there. Your closet is lovely, btw. Cheers!😍💘
Feb 18Reply

Very impressive! Your weight lose is amazing and you should be very proud of your accomplishment! Happy poshing!😀
Feb 18Reply

@icecoffie Thank you so much for the compliment and the shares!❤💗❤ Happy Poshmarking to you, too!😍
Feb 18Reply

@queenmumm wTG!!! Great job on the weight loss! I am doing the same have lost 60 so far and still wanna loose another 25-30! Man is it hard but getting rid of the clothes helps! Congrats your beautiful!
Feb 19Reply

@diobrn yay!😍sounds like we are both on the right track! Congrats to you, too! It's a great feeling of accomplishment, isn't it?❤💗❤
Feb 19Reply

@queenmumm it really is but I hope to keep going would like to end up a 8 or 10 and am in 14 jeans and XL tops so based in that honestly of my likes what would work? I need some nice tops for work but don't wanna go broke as I try to keep loosing...know what I mean??
Feb 19Reply

@diobrn Totally understand, girlfriend.💗 I'm now in 8/10 but my closet goes all the way into the 20s! Let me take a look at your likes and give you suggestions. Be right back😍
Feb 19Reply

@queenmumm that sounds like my closet but not as low yet! Lol I would appreciate it! The one denim that is XXL I love but think it will be to big and not a good choice! Even if u just keep me in mind as you find more tops or dress pants !👍👍👍
Feb 19Reply

@queenmumm : Welcome to Poshmark!
Feb 21Reply

@cvz15 Thank you so much! 😄happy to be here!❤💗❤
Feb 21Reply

@queenmumm You look fabulous! Congratulations!!
Feb 22Reply

@regine thank you for that wonderful compliment!❤💋❤
Feb 22Reply

Hey there congrats on your weight loss . What did you do to lose it ? I also have a havanes( Oliva) she's a black and white. Aren't they the most curious little dogs
Feb 23Reply

@queenmumm I sent you a comment on your picture. I forgot to put @
Feb 23Reply

@valenc Thank you for the comments! My weight loss is from doing the Lose It app on my iPhone. It keeps me honest every single day and it's so easy to use. I hate journaling food, but this makes it 100 times easier. I'm a few weeks away from my 1 year anniversary with it - and best of all, it was FREE! (how many weight loss programs can say THAT???) Oh, and yes, we love our Oscardog. He is a hoot!😄😄😄
Feb 23Reply

You look amazing!! Awesome work chick!
Feb 27Reply

@kimmiedee ❤💗Thank you so much! LOVE your closet, btw. Many beautiful things! Happy Poshing!💗❤
Feb 27Reply

@stylergirl Third photo right - J Lo 3 inch hoops. I'm a party girl!
Mar 05Reply

@queenmumm Love it! You Look Fantastic! You can Rock It:)
Mar 05Reply

@stylergirl Thanks!!😘😘😘
Mar 05Reply

@magali14101982 Merci beaucoup!
Mar 06Reply

@tina_bina Thank you for the like and share!❤💗❤
Mar 06Reply

Of course! 😊 Congrats on the weight loss! 😉👏
Mar 06Reply

@tina_bina Thank you!!😘😘😘
Mar 06Reply

@queenmumm Brenda how did you lose that weight lady??? You look incredible! I am so proud of you! Beautiful closet by the way, you should be very proud if yourself. Xoxo
Mar 07Reply

@mcjayne Jayne, thank you so much for your wonderful compliment!💗 Would you believe my iPhone is my weight loss secret? Yep! I used it to count calories (lose it app) and log biking mileage (mapmyride app). Yesterday was my one year anniversary of starting my journey. Now I'm using my iPhone for Poshing - and I'm having a blast!😄😄😄
Mar 07Reply

@manish GOAL #1 - lose 50 lbs. 👍CHECK!
GOAL #2 - change over my wardrobe to reflect my new size and sense of style. 👍CHECK! GOAL #3 - work extra hard on my closet, become a Poshmark suggested user 🙏🙏🙏 and continue spreading the P😍SHMARK message.... IN PROGRESS!
Mar 10Reply

@queenbee1011 thank you for the like!❤💗❤ and for all the shares!😍😍😍
Mar 11Reply

Anytime! :) and congrats!!!!
Mar 11Reply

@queenmumm Hi beautiful🙋🙋🙋. Just wanted to say Hello! Hope your feeling better and your closet keeps looking great! Hugs!👏👏😍😍
Mar 14Reply

@diobrn Dianna, my girl! Good to see again! I've missed our crazy chats😄👈😄👈
Mar 14Reply

@queenmumm send me your number girlie! Diobrn@gmail.com
Mar 14Reply

@diobrn I sent you an email on March 3rd! I'll resend. Check and make sure I didn't get in your spam box! Cause ya know, I'm a stalker trying to sell you Canadian pharmaceuticals...😝
Mar 14Reply

@queenmumm hahahaha lol😃😃😃ok lemme check honestly I never check spam....lol
Mar 14Reply

Congrats on the journey, wish you all the best! Great closet! 😘
Mar 14Reply

@michyc87 Wow! Thanks so much! Love your closet, btw. Just beautiful!💗💗💗
Mar 14Reply

Great photos and story! And your pup is beyond cute 🐶
Mar 18Reply

@polkadotdrawer Thank you! (and Oscar Dog la Renta thanks you, too! - shake paws??🐶🐶🐶)
Mar 18Reply

@queenmumm : u r welcome girl !!😘😘 thank U
Mar 18Reply

@queenmumm : love all your new pics - looking 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥 girlie !!
Mar 18Reply

@mizfabulousity THANK YOU!! You are certainly 🔥🔥🔥🔥 yourself! Poshmark makes me 😄😄😄 because of gals like you!😘😘😘
Mar 18Reply

@queenmumm : Thank you 👍👍👍I'm glad we met too! Lets keep in touch 😘😘😘😘💖💖💖
Mar 18Reply

congrats on your weight loss, you look great! xo
Mar 19Reply

@randilyn Thank you!❤❤ Technically I lost the weight with the Lose It app but now I'm keeping it off with the Poshmark app! (I'm so busy listing and sharing that I don't eat!) LOL 😄😄😄
Mar 19Reply

haha too funny! it really is so addictive and time consuming (in a good way though💰💰).
Mar 19Reply

@mariah_burden Thank you for the closet shares, doll! You have a beautiful closet!🌺🌸🌺
Mar 20Reply

@queenmumm No problem :)!! I LOVE that Kate Spade bag but I think it would be too small for me. You have a gorgeous closet!! Thanks for sharing back :)
Mar 20Reply

@mariah_burden Thank you! 😘😘btw, you'd be surprised on that kate spade. I have one exactly like it and I can fit a lot in there! It's my favorite bag.💗
Mar 20Reply

@redhairedmary My pleasure, hon! {doing the queen's hand wave....}😜
Mar 21Reply

Hi, nice to meet you- you look fabulous! 🌷😊🌷
Mar 28Reply

@mizd Thank you, Susan! I appreciate all your shares, too! 🌺🐰🌺Have a Happy Easter!🌺🐰🌺
Mar 28Reply

Thank you- and you as well! 🌷🐰🌷
Mar 28Reply

@queenmumm - Holy smokes - over 33,00 followers! I absolutely love you closet :-) Thank you so much for the shares - I'll be sure to do the same for you!
Apr 02Reply

Too many typo's - I can't type today lol.
Apr 02Reply

@ebonie2013 Thanks so much, girlfriend! 😘😘😘 We all care when we share! (and we all have cute closets, too!😜)
Apr 02Reply

Great pics and good for you!! You should be very proud of yourself 👍👍😉😉
Apr 03Reply

@jojo12 Such sweet compliments! ❤💗❤Thanks, Jo! 😘😘😘😘
Apr 03Reply

You're welcome💗
Apr 03Reply

@queenmumm : hi girl .. How did u get 33k followers? Were you a Posh host ? Just wondering ...
Apr 06Reply

@mizfabulousity Hey, girlfriend! 😘😘 I bumped up in numbers when I became a suggested user two weeks ago. For a few days it was cray cray... but also a blast!😜😜😜
Apr 06Reply

@queenmumm : ahh ok ! That's so cool! Your closet has great listings , and pictures . I enjoy looking at them . Who takes your pictures ?
Apr 06Reply

@mizfabulousity my hubby takes photos of me when he's not glued to ESPN (but that's not very often😝😝😝) I was fortunate to enlist his help yesterday on some new listings. All other times, I'm happy to have "minnie" the mannequin as my model and muse. (wow, a lotta alliteration there..)
Apr 06Reply

@queenmumm : that's funny ! My hubby is my occasional helper too😃😃 I love alliteration 😍😍😍 was just teaching it to my kids the other day
Apr 06Reply

@queenmumm You said that you WERE a Georgia girl. Where do you live now ? 🌼🌼🌼
Apr 17Reply

@iwanturstuff I'm a few clicks north of you, just south of Nashville. My dad's family hails from Rome. I was born in Augusta but moved everywhere - Army brat!😜😜😜 I still make numerous trips to Hotlanta. Love it!
Apr 17Reply

I was born in Statesboro. I was an FBI brat. We should totally go shopping together next time you come to visit ok ? It's a date !!! 😝😝😝
Apr 17Reply

@iwanturstuff IT IS ON, GF! (shhhhh... Gotta keep it a secret so I don't get the CC confiscated...😜)
Apr 17Reply

@queenmumm Ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh
I've got your back like your favorite sweater !
Cannot wait !!! 👍👍👍
Apr 17Reply

@queenmumm hey lady, do u have the time to review 2 or 3 of my listings to see if u can make suggestions to get these items sold? 2 of them r NWT and r driving me crazy. Might be pics or who knows. If u don't, I understand but if so, let me know and I will tag u in them. Thanks
Apr 17Reply

@karagene Shore nuff, girlfriend! Just tag me.
Apr 17Reply

@queenmumm nice ta' meet ya neighbor 😊😃
Apr 18Reply

@trainergirl So nice to "meet" you, too! And thank you for the shares!🌺🌸🌺 I try to keep track of the Tennessee girls because I would love to have a live Posh party down here in the southeast!
Apr 18Reply

@queenmumm that'd be awesome! Let me know if you need help planning!
Apr 18Reply

@queenmumm Your generous shares are appreciated!!
Apr 18Reply

@4me As are yours, girlfriend!😘😘😘 Have a fantastic weekend!
Apr 18Reply

Thank you for the ❤@plusposh!
Apr 18Reply

@louises 👀👀👀 first photo, girlfriend!
Apr 18Reply

You Look So Fabulous~!!!!!!!!!!!! Your puppy is so cute, too! I WANT your wet suit~! Where do you get it? Thank you for sharing😍💋💋💋💋💋
Apr 18Reply

@louises Thanks! My wetsuit is actually a skin that I purchased online at runningfunky.com. Julie does a terrific job of creating and mailing fast! The pic was taken in Bonaire just at dusk and turned into a terrific night dive. Oh, and my fuzz-butt, Oscar Dog La Renta, appreciates your compliment and asks to shake paws!🐶
Apr 18Reply

Thank you dear for the information, i will definitely check it out~! Can't wait! My puppy Duke would like to shake paws too!😊
Apr 18Reply

Congrats! You look awesome! 😀Thanks for all your shares! Cute dog! 🐶😊
Apr 19Reply

@svalentine Thank you SO much, Sara! My pleasure on the sharing (and thanks for sharing mine!) Sharing is caring, after all. If only the rest of the world could do what we do - show a little love by just clicking on a link - it would be pure magic!☺☺☺
Apr 19Reply

@queenmumm congrats on ur weight loss!! I love ur dog. He/she is so dang CUTE!!
Apr 19Reply

@kdmcdivitt Thank you so much for that compliment! My pooch, Oscar Dog La Renta, thanks you as well. {shake paws???🐶🐶🐶}
Apr 19Reply

@tlb3053 Thank you for all the shares, doll! I LOVE❤ your closet. I don't sell much jewelry because that's the one thing I hoard without abandon!😜
Apr 20Reply

You're welcome and thank you too! I love jewelry so much that I had so many people asking me where I got my items that I had to start selling it😍 lol let me know if there is anything in my closet that you can't live without😘
Apr 20Reply

@tibi3053 You can count on it, girlfriend!
Apr 22Reply

@joesofine Hey, girlfriend! Recognize that top in pic #1? It's one of my favorite Posh purchases! Your closet is coming along great! Are you Posh addicted yet? 😄😄😄
May 02Reply

@queenmumm : look at you 👀 new pics and all 😍😍😍😍 I'll have to check out your blog lady 💻
May 02Reply

@mizfabulousity I was going to post only pictures of my mannequin - she's busier than me but gets absolutely NO cred in the closet. Poor thing, though - her blog is just terrible - she can't write worth a hoot... Hmm....I wonder if it's because she has no arms....
May 02Reply

@queenmumm : no matter arms no arms I'm still checking it out tomorrow 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
May 02Reply

@queenmumm : I'm dying to see what random oddities u got on there 😉💕💕💕
May 02Reply

@mizfabulousity Girlie, it is soo sweet of you to make time to read it, because I KNOW you are busy curating for that fab party coming up! I'm anxiously counting down to Friday because you will make a spectacular Posh host! 🎉👠🎉👠🎉
May 02Reply

@queenmumm o I love it how how somebody else got got to enjoy n got good use out of it:0)😘
May 02Reply

I'm addicted to posh mark it's just getting time to post things properly;)
May 02Reply

@joesofine I totally know what you mean, girlfriend! We should all have an 8th day of the week, just for Poshing!😄
May 02Reply

Good for you! 👏👏👏👏 love reading your mini bio! 😉👍 keep it up bc you look great! 😍
May 02Reply

@wassermanalison Thank you for the sweet comments, Alison! I love your profile as well. Gotta get those boys respecting girls at a young age. I have two boys myself - one in college. They grow sooooo fast!😊😊😊
May 02Reply

You're so welcome! And thanks again! I blinked and he was over half my size! At 2 1/2! 🙈 He is a little gentleman and loves to say so! It's adorable to watch but unfortunately a necessary lesson! Chivalry! 😉🎩
May 02Reply

@queenmumm : I read it . I like it . Quirky sense of humor 😍😍😍😍 love it ; yes almost done w getting my closet ready 💕💕💕🎉🎉🎉
May 03Reply

First of all Congratulations on your weight loss, you look awesome!! Second you have a great closet!! And last but not least I love Oscar Dog la Renta he's so adorable!! Happy Poshing!! 🎀💕
May 04Reply

@robinj omg, Robin, I'm blushing!☺☺☺ Thank you so much for your lovely comments! 😘😘😘I have been in your closet and I love it! Keep up the great work! 👏👏 Oh, and ODLR wants to shake paws🐶🐶🐶 Thanks again!👑😘👑
May 04Reply

Thank you so much for the shares and the nice comments!! 🐾I will shake his paws any day! My Puggle Dora would love him! 💕
May 04Reply

LOVE this! I'm a 50# weight loss survivor too. Maintaining now for 3 years. In fact, I'm a fitness instructor. Congrats on that lady, job well done :-)
May 05Reply

@mercedez907 Jasmin, that's FABULOUS! 👏👏👏👏And I read your closet post about Zumba instructor - kudos!!! You are definitely dedicated now to the betterment of your health and that's awesome. That was the biggest change for me - making room in my busy life to place that kind of an investment in myself. Cheers, doll!👑😘👑😘👑😘👑
May 05Reply

Being an instructor is awesome for accountability. It also feels better to eat right almost all the time now. And the food struggles I had in the beginning of my journey (at size 18, over 200#) no longer apply. I can have junky snacks sometimes with out going overboard, I simply don't crave to. Anyway, thanks for sharing things from my closet.
May 05Reply

@queenmumm Just got done reading your blog and I absolutely ❤❤❤ it!! I found myself LOL-ing (literally!) over and over again. I too am a Posh-aholic, aka a "Poshtitute" as my new friend @fshngrl117 would say!! Just wanted to say hi and give you mad props for your witty writings. Oh and btw, you look AH-MAZING in your photos! Congrats on the weight loss!! 👍 Thanks again for the laughs and Happy Poshing! ❤😁😘💋
May 05Reply

@cairebear09 Oh wow, Jennifer! You have me blushing!☺☺☺ I'm so thrilled you enjoy the blog. I find it's the best way to release my inner cray cray😜. That someone is getting a good laugh from it just makes me giddy!😄😁😄😁😄 I hope you are enjoying your addiction as I am. I thought my life had changed when I lost the weight. Had no idea that purging my closet would turn me into a poshtitute, but I'm loving every minute! Happy Poshing, doll! And FASH-on!😘👑😘👑😘
May 05Reply

@cairebear09 "and FASH-ON!!!". Crazy iPhone. 😘👑😘👑😘👑😘
May 05Reply

@queenmumm You def made me giddy!! And you keep on fashin-on too girlie!! ❤😁
May 05Reply

Wow! What an accomplishment!! You look fabulous! And so does your closet:)
May 11Reply

@mikeys_laurie Oh shucks, GF! Got me blushin' ☺👑☺👑☺ Welcome to Poshmark, home of "slightly addicted" Poshers! Let me know if you have any questions on the app - always 'appy to help! 😜😜😜Cheers!
May 11Reply

Congrats on your weight loss - you look amazing!!! :-)
May 16Reply

@lhabat thank you so much for that wonderful compliment!☺☺☺ I really do feel like a new girl entirely.!💃💃💃💃💃
May 16Reply

@queenmumm Thank you!!!!! I know the feeling - losing weight changed my life!! :-)
May 16Reply

@lhabat 👏👏👏👏👏yay!! Very excited to hear of another weight loss journey. How did you achieve it?
May 16Reply

@queenmumm - calorie counting, journaling! I went from 170 to 110 in high school, then put weight back on slowly during college and grad school, so last year I lost 30 lbs... Now just down to the last 10 lbs I need to take off :-) What about you?
May 16Reply

Got married, had a few kids and ballooned up up up! A friend told me about the "lose it" app on my iPhone, so I started last March, stuck to it and have lost 52 pounds. Same concept as journaling but my app keeps the record. I'm lazy about writing stuff down!😜
May 16Reply

Gorgeous hon! Good 4 u!! Cute pup too!
May 27Reply

@linmp1031 Awwww! Thanks so much for your beautiful compliments! My puppy loves you, too!🐶🐶🐶
May 27Reply

Jun 04Reply

@linmp1031 Thank you!👑😘👑😘👑
Jun 04Reply

You look amazing. Congrats on your weight lose. I recently went from a 18 to between a 12 to 14 depending on brand and still working on it. Your closet is fabulous I started poshing in February and hooked ever since. Oscar is the cutest thing ever!!!
Jun 08Reply

@sprouth28 Thank you for your lovely comments! I've been admiring your little furball as well! The cute cuddly ones like to run the household. That's Oscar in a nutshell. Congrats on the weight loss, too! It IS a great feeling to get there, but sometimes a tough road along the way. I lost slowly and it took a long time, but I also didn't gain it overnight. ;-)
Jun 08Reply

@queenmumm Great history of your experiences! I scuba too!!!! You lean toward vintage looks I notice......I love vintage! Hey scubagirl, you have a great closet!!!!!!
Jun 15Reply

@here4looks77 Doll, you and I might be twinsies! I love your closet, too. Vintage fashion, nouveau, I love it all. If it's bright, I'm gonna find a way to wear it. If not, I'm gonna find a way to bedazzle it and then wear it! Scuba is a definite passion. Do you have a favorite site you have visited recently? Mine is Bonaire. Best shore diving in the world!
Jun 15Reply

Haha😆 a new meaning for PMS!!!! Next time the hubby gripes about me being on the app so much, ill say, "don't mess with me cause I have a serious case of PMS!" Except he won't know the new meaning!😜 congrats on the weight loss! That's amazing!!!! I've been trying but no luck here. 😔 Although a lot of things I see on poshmark inspire me to loose weight so I can buy them!!!! 😁
Jun 16Reply

@tinker_bell peacocks as pets?!? Lucky! Definitely my favorite of all - I am totally in love with the colors of the peacock and the feathers are featured on my Christmas tree each year. Just fabulous! It's a good thing they live with you and NOT me. I'd pluck them all bare!😜jk!
Jun 16Reply

@queenmumm Twinsies! I like that!!!!!! My 1st ocean dive was in Jamaica in January and I LOVED it and so proud of myself.......just was certified in the fall. My fiancé, Jeff, just became Divemaster and he just loves Bonaire. I've been buying water and tropical themed items on PM. It fits in with my new scuba hobby!!!!
Jun 16Reply

@laruesboutique I've battled the weight for years. Finally found success on the Lose It App. Honestly, the easiest "diet" I've ever done because I adopted it as my daily lifestyle. The weight literally just disappeared. Took me about a year to fully reach my goal. When on vacation I still jump up a few pounds but then get right back on the app when I get home. My secret weapons are Greek yogurt in the morning to rev up protein, and extra cinnamon in my tea - helps with metabolism. Then I just log all my food the rest of the day, drink water and move!!! My hubby is a doc and recommends the app to his patients. Many have been able to fully wean off their blood pressure and diabetes meds because of it! No excuses! Hey - If I can do this, you can do this!!!👊👊👊
Jun 16Reply

Thanks so much girl! I will download the app and try it. You're right, it has to be a lifestyle change not just a diet. My husband and I have both decided that we need to change our diets for life not just a couple of months lol. I have been eating regular low fat yogurt but ill try Greek yogurt instead. My husband is always telling me I don't eat enough protein. 😁Thank you for your guidance and I'm even more dedicated now to get this weight off and keep it off! You're the best👊👊👊
Jun 16Reply

Cute, cute, cute! 😃
Jun 16Reply

@here4looks77 Jamaica is beautiful! We've also dived Fiji and we're planning for Wakatobi, Indonesia next year. Our sons are also certified. It's a lot of fun to have a mutual hobby with them!😊😊😊
Jun 16Reply

@laruesboutique Good Luck! Let me know if I can provide anymore advice for it. Would love to help you achieve a wonderful goal like this!👍😘👍😘👍😘👍
Jun 16Reply

@ccargo 😘👑😘 thanks, GF! Hope all is well!
Jun 16Reply

O-M-G I just saw this, Brenda! I cannot BELIEVE the transformation!!! You were beautiful then and your beautiful now!!! How inspiring is this?!??!
Jun 17Reply

@ashley1985 Thank you, Ashley! 😘😘😘 I agree with you - I never thought myself unattractive at a higher weight, but I worried about how my health would be impacted if I didn't change my eating and exercise habits. The Lose It app was easy, and changed me inside as well as out. And it's what led me to Poshmark! Sounds weird, but two iphone apps changed my life!😊😊😊
Jun 17Reply

So awesome!!! And so proud of you! 👍👍👍😘😃😃😃
Jun 17Reply

I love how your personality comes through in all your descriptions! 💃
Jun 22Reply

@tinated Thanks, Tina doll! I'm pretty much an open book about everything. The best thing about Posh is I can't talk anyone's ear off because my typing tires me out. That's probably the reason I still have friends...😜😜😜
Jun 22Reply

@wenrella Pic #2
Jun 23Reply

@queenmumm both you and Oscar Dog la Renta rock!! Congrats on your journey!!
Jun 23Reply

@ummickey23 Thank you, Lauren! ODLR wants to shake paws. He likes you!🐶🐶🐶
Jun 23Reply

@queenmumm I will shake ODLR's paw anytime!! My boys Reggie and Hampton would love him!! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Jun 23Reply

@scarlettstained 😘💗😘
Jun 23Reply

Congrats on your weight loss achievements, I share this battle too! I was 18 now a 10, it's hard but girl we are cute and deserve to be hot too! Thank u for the shares and wow u have a great closet!
Jun 23Reply

I just downloaded the app. Last night & I was putting in what I ate that day. Can I just say WTH! 😳 I had no idea how much calories & sodium I eat! Having CD & FM I tend to look at the ingredient & not pay attention to the calories. It says I'll loose 50lbs by Nov 13, which is so weird because that was the day I retired from the beauty business in 09. And slowly I started packing on the pounds. I just turned 44 on the 18th this month & my b-day present🎁 to my self was this iPad I'm typing on. Now I'm going to put it to good use with the app you told me about. I don't even care that I'll look re-dick walking with it (until I can be more active) maybe by December when I start selling again I'll buy the Nike iPod so I don't look like a dorkis😜 P.S. re-dick is the latest verbiage on Cougar Town, my fav show EVER! It is a short version of ridicules. Thank you Queeny for opening my eyes & pos. saving me from becoming a beached whale! Moving to Vero ☀from Seattle ☔will help a lot too. I'll keep u posted.
Jun 23Reply

@wenrella Coooool!👏👏👏👏 Keep me in the loop sister and let me know if I can give any tips. I just posted to @scarlettstained 's losing weight listing. There are a few of my tips in there. Also, befriend me in the app - Brendaed. We can comment there, too! You're going to do great!
Jun 23Reply

Hi, did u send an invite to Brended? I can't find it
Jun 23Reply

@wenrella for the app, my email is brendaed@aol.com
Jun 23Reply

Congrats for the loss of 50 lbs! What app did you use to help with the weight loss? I struggle everyday with this. I see all the pretty small size on Posh and get sad because I can't wear a thing off this sight.😄
Jun 24Reply

@iluvhandbags Pat, I used Lose It! Super easy to follow and you get total say in what you eat and how you exercise. It helps change the lifestyle habits, not just your body!
Jun 25Reply

Amazing!! 👏👍 and what a cute/handsome pup!!! 😊💕
Jun 26Reply

How much weight have you lost & how did you do it? Since surviving breast cancer then for health reasons a hysterectomy which slammed me into menopause & now my estrogen blocking medicine I have gained 26 lbs & am miserable! By the way I love everything I have purchased from your beautiful closet! Thanks pretty lady!!
Jun 26Reply

@patwilson63 My Fitness Pal, Lose It (which I use), plus any other app or program that has you journal your food and exercise - these are the best things for weight loss in my opinion, and I commend you, Pat for being on MFP! People don't realize how much they consume in calories in a single day, and how little of it they expend in exercise. Lose It made me more accountable. I made better decisions and felt fully in control of my habits. Not only a real eye-opener but also empowering to my self-esteem. My physician recommends these apps to his patients and has seen happy successful patients who have been able to stop blood pressure meds, etc. @makeuppatti My admiration on your health woes - my best friend is also a breast cancer survivor so I know your plight. And it is more difficult to lose that menopause weight. I'm 47, so no spring chicken anymore, so I took my time with the app and lost 50 pounds in a year. I've been on diets my whole life and this was the one that worked for me. The app made me find Poshmark, so a real God send! I'm so happy you like your purchases! Would love to give both of you ladies a discount anytime you'd like to stop back by. Cheers and God bless!
Jun 26Reply

@gpalo Thanks, doll! ODLR wants to shake paws! {woof!}
Jun 26Reply

Congratulations on your weight loss! You look great! :)
Jun 27Reply

@mariz Thank you, doll! I'd have to say that 24/7 Poshing has definitely been my maintenance plan. Who has time to eat anymore?!? ;)
Jun 27Reply

LOL! I know what you mean. My husband complains but I just can't stay away from Poshmark.
Jun 27Reply

As for me there's no weight loss to maintain. ;)
Jun 27Reply

I Love The shit-tzu
Jun 29Reply

Thanks so much for the shares 😊
Jun 30Reply

@arisve Oscar Dog thanks you! Shake paws?
Jun 30Reply

@jmrivera28 You are welcome! Thank you as well! <3<3<3
Jun 30Reply

Of course 👍😘
Jun 30Reply

Jul 04Reply

@noy2312 Did they change the list again? They've been doing a rapid fire test mode with the SUs this week. :)
Jul 04Reply

Congrats @queenmumm, stay healthy! Gotta love the app, keeps us accountable logging in!
Jul 07Reply

@alibfcat Thank you, Ali! Cheers! :)
Jul 07Reply

@queenmumm pets to the adorable ODLR!
Jul 15Reply

PMS 😁 hahaha
Jul 15Reply

<3<3<3 this!!! Hahhahaa!!!!
Jul 16Reply

Oh I love it !! You are awesome !!
Jul 18Reply

@vivacouture Thanks, Love!😘👑😘👑😘
Jul 18Reply

@jessimakah Haha! I "win" too! I had to delete a listing because of the profanity. Ugh - nice way to make my night more interesting.... @cmjla @jesslvickers
Jul 20Reply

Do u know who that psycho is? I reported it about 5 times and tagged Kate to try and get it removed quickly, how did we get lucky enuff to get tagged in that listing?
Jul 20Reply

@jessimakah Have not a clue. I think we were just lucky enough to be on the feed at the wrong time for the lunatic! Just block for now and report. I'm sure they'll take care of it soon. A number of users were also affected. Fun Friday! ;)
Jul 20Reply

Ah I totally forgot about the block, good idea!
Jul 20Reply

@jessimakah Aw, darn. Our new friend is GONE. I miss him/her/it already....
Jul 20Reply

LOL I know posh didn't waste any time, not sure what more our friend could do, I think they were very colorful with their vocabulary, not sure they could top their listing!
Jul 20Reply

Omg you look amazing love!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 22Reply

@styliskris Thank you! My maintenance plan is to POSH all day and not eat. Food isn't as important as fashion, right? ;)
Jul 22Reply

Thank you do much fit all the shares 😘😘😘😘
Jul 22Reply

@acephalous I hit up your "fearless" fashion party a few weeks ago and shared all the host picks again. It was fun! Thanks for sharing mine as well! <3<3<3<3<3
Jul 22Reply

@specialk104 It is the bomb, isn't it? I'd been overweight my whole life until I found it. I think they should be teaching it in schools - it would certainly help a lot with childhood obesity...
Jul 22Reply

@specialk104 I did WW for years, plus Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Physician's Weight Loss, the grapefruit diet, the South Beach diet, the eat your socks with whipped cream while standing on one foot diet, etc. etc. I've yo-yo'd more times than a flying Wallenza on a trapeze...
Jul 22Reply

"That's why her hairs so big - it's full of secrets..." Love your before and after girl! Good job! I've lost about 40 pounds myself and oh man it takes a ton of work and dedication - props to you! You look uh maz ing < #gorg 💗
Jul 22Reply

@shenneneilleen Thanks, doll! (Maybe a birdnest in that hair with a secret OR two....hahaha.) 40 lbs. is GREAT! Keep it up! I always think of the next cute designer piece I want to try on in the dressing room even if I can't afford it. But I gotta have my chocolate, too, and the app allows me that.
Jul 22Reply

Hahahahaha!!!! OMG I couldn't agree more!! I seriously live breathe and die for fashion! I need lots of money to support my habit. I guess I know what it's like to be a drug addict LOL.. isn't that what they say lmao!!! You look great love!!
Jul 22Reply

Oh man it's a serious ongoing struggle for me to maintain - I'm up and down 10 pounds over and over and over again - have you ever tried Celsius? It's my secret tool
Jul 23Reply

@shenneneilleen haven't heard of Celsius. Is it an app?
Jul 23Reply

@kat_kennedy I've been overweight my whole life and finally found an answer that worked for me! My hubby's doing it, too!
Jul 23Reply

WOW! Look at you! I have always been thicker. I don't know why, but my legs and arms are normal, and all my weight goes to my middle. It sucks 😞 So, that, on top of being short, makes shopping hell. That's why I haven't bought a whole lot on here. I was consistently a 12 for the past 2 years - which was okay. I had to buy a pair of 14s 😕 I refuse to buy more than one pair! I have a TreadClimber...it helps when I actually use it. I think some of my medications contribute to the weight a little too.
Jul 23Reply

@kat_kennedy I've been with the app since Feb. 2012 and it took me about 11 months to attain goal. It's the single thing that I can follow because I choose what I want to eat. I also took up running (1/2 marathon completed) and now biking using the Mapmyride app. My doc has had a number of patients follow Lose It and then get off of BP and diabetes meds. I'm the poster child for yo-yo diets and this really works.
Jul 23Reply

@queenmumm I just had to let you know again youre gorgeous, you ducking 🐤rock and have done a Magnificat job!!👍🎉! Just saying!😝
Jul 23Reply

I'm 34 and I'm on blood pressure meds 😕 I actually have to get blood drawn - my dr wants to check my thyroid and stuff. My body feels like it's 65 lol Which is terrible.
Jul 23Reply

@ahabit Awww, man. Now I'm crying! You had me at ducking!
Jul 23Reply

Good for you for the weight loss though! That's quite an achievement! 👍
Jul 23Reply

@queenmumm 😘💋
Jul 23Reply

@queenmumm you look amazing hun!!!! Congratulations!!!!😊
Jul 23Reply

@stilettos12 Thank you SO much! <3<3<3
Jul 23Reply

@queenmumm ohh lady! I saw Hugh Jackman on Broadway in a 2 man show with Daniel Craig (I know, right?) and first off, he was stunning. Just a brilliant actor. I knew it, but after that night I KNEW it. Then at the end, the two of them came out to give a little speech about some charity they were collecting for and to donate when you were leaving, and part of their shtick was ripping off their white tees, and bare their mighty chests and Jesus I thought I had died. I could've stayed in that theatre forever. Literally for the rest of my life in hopes of seeing that mans abs but one more time.
GAH! I just got all flustered retelling this story. ❤ That man. Where's the AC? I'm sweating.
Jul 24Reply

@tuesdaymundy Yeah, you got me totally sweating now, too. Argh - so jealous that you saw him on Broadway! I tried to get tickets to his show but no luck. I'm counting down the hours until I see him this weekend. Not crazy about the Teen Wolf hairdo, but I'm not looking at the hair, if you get my drift. My hubby shares his birthday, so I think it's not just chance that I'm sooooo smitten with him. Seriously. I'm in serious smit! If you get to Vegas in October, we will sit and swoon together!
Jul 24Reply

@queenmumm girl if he's in a show in NYC anytime soon I will buy us tickets and expect to see you here! It will be well worth the trip. :)
Jul 24Reply

@tuesdaymundy I pinkie swear (hell, let's just say ALL digits) that I would TOTALLY TAKE YOU UP ON THAT OFFER! I'll buy you dinner, a pony, an island in the caribbean, what evs. OMG, I hope he makes a return!
Jul 24Reply

You look awesome!!
Jul 24Reply

Holy and I mean holy.. You friggin look awesome. You must feel like a totally different person physically and mentally. I have not seen this until now and wow. I love when I see people transform their bodies. We just become more satisfied with everything when we are feeling our best. I want to congratulate you on your accomplishment and I know this is such a special journey for you!!! I'm so proud of you wowsers!! I'll be popping into your blog during vacation woohoo. Reward yourself with beautiful things and beautiful people. You deserve it!! Woot woot !
Jul 24Reply

I meant She deserves it 👯
Jul 24Reply

@camposcc THANK YOU!😘👑😘 I spent my entire life trying to lose weight the fast way. Fast is not the answer. It took me 1 year on Lose it, and now I wish I had all the years back that I spent trying to find the answer and yoyo-ing up and down. I do feel completely different. I never hated myself, just worried about my health. My life has really changed through two apps! Who knew my iPhone had all the answers? (aside from the normal call answers 😜). Thank you so much for your comments. It helps me stay the course!😘👑😘
Jul 24Reply

@camposcc (got cut off) Your comments help me stay the course!😘👑😘👑😘
Jul 24Reply

@queenmumm congratulations that is amazing!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Jul 26Reply

Congrats on your weight loss journey!!
Jul 27Reply

HOW have I not seen this listing before?? Wow!!! You lost a ton of weight!! Working on that myself now to get back into my old sizes (you know....the single digits...preferably smaller numbers). You look great Momma!!! Umm.....I mean Mumm.
Jul 27Reply

@arlene_leilani @sjhale @nugget_love @shoogal82 Thank you so much, ladies! It's been a long journey, but I would do it again in a NY minute. It changed my life and made me a Posher. I owe so much to both apps! <3<3<3
Jul 27Reply

@iriscin WOWSERS, lady! You have definitely been working hard. OMG, don't you just feel like a totally new person? My only regret is not finding the app sooner. I spent so many years hiding on the back row of photos and layering clothing in ALL seasons. Congrats on your journey and good luck with the last "8-10" although you probably look FAB FAB FAB as you are! <3<3<3
Jul 27Reply

Way to go girl!! 😎👏💪
Jul 27Reply

Ah! Love this post! Congrats on the weight loss!!! 👍👍 I have PMS, too!!!!!
Jul 27Reply

@lspivey thank you!😘😘😘 That PMS has major symptoms, too. I need to blog about those!😜
Jul 27Reply

OMG! You look AMAZING! Beautiful!
Jul 27Reply

@queenmumm looking good! How'd you do it? I need tips!
Jul 27Reply

@noy2312 The Lose It app, Sharon! Download for free and then just follow it. You can eat what you want but it keeps you in check with portion sizes and exercise. My hubby started it 2 weeks ago and has already lost 6 pounds! I also eat Greek yogurt every single day and add cinnamon to my tea. Then I posh to the point where food is there to keep me alive, not entertain or console me!😜
Jul 27Reply

@queenmumm Got the app!! Here I go!😍
Jul 27Reply

@fashionchicaz Thank you!😘👑😘👑😘
Jul 27Reply

@auntiecoco GOOD LUCK!👍👏👍👏👍
Jul 27Reply

@queenmumm Thank you!!
Jul 27Reply

@auntiecoco You are SO welcome! :)
Jul 27Reply

Your a nut...love it! 😜
Jul 27Reply

Congrats on the weight loss! Me & my daughter started Lose it about 2 weeks ago. So far we both lost about 25 lbs combined. Her more than me, but she's so disciplined with the exercising. I need a kick in the butt to get going. If there was a way to combine exercise & Poshing I'd be a toothpick!! 😉
Jul 27Reply

@lriegel Congrats to you and your daughter! It's really quite easy to follow and I love that I can pick my foods and exercise. It's been a while since I hit goal (and I'm still working to go a bit lower). Though Poshing takes up a vast majority of my day (and isn't exercise), it does provide a fantastic reason not to stand in front of the refrigerator. Actually, there are quite a few gals here who combine Poshing and cardio. I'm not that coordinated and would definitely drop my phone!
Jul 27Reply

Thanks for the encouragement! I tried doing my Posh sharing while walking, but almost walked into a parked car.... Not a good combo for me😳. Although PM is absolutely the BEST way to kill a craving! Good luck on your last few pounds, you look amazing!
Jul 27Reply

@lriegel Thanks! I keep working on it. My hubby has now joined me and made great progress. Keep me posted on how you are doing. It helps all of us to stay on goal with the extra encouragement. Also check out @scarlettstained's closet for a posting on weight loss. There are different stories. I'll tag you. :)
Jul 27Reply

I will certainly keep you posted.... Sharing our progress is a great way to stay on track. Please do tag me on @scarlettstained post! I just took a break from taking pics so I'll go take a look in her closet now. Thanks a bunch💐 again & have a great weekend!
Jul 27Reply

@queenmumm you are such an inspiration to me you just don't know!thank u for leading @lriegel to my weight loss post!
Jul 28Reply

@queenmumm you are such an inspiration to me you just don't know!thank u for leading @lriegel to my weight loss post!
Jul 28Reply

I LOVE that app! Congrats!!!!
Jul 29Reply

@nineve Thanks! It is a great and easy way to take off those extra pounds. :)
Jul 29Reply

L❤VE all of this and your pooch is to die for!!! What a face!!!
Jul 29Reply

Omg I can't right now but I am looking forward to reading your blog tomorrow! I am also addicted to posh and lose it app!!👍
Jul 29Reply

@acufox Thanks, GF! I hope you enjoy it - but remember - POSHING COMES FIRST! ;)
Jul 29Reply

@noyesno777 Awwww, don't let that cute face fool you - he's a master manipulator. I'm watching reruns of Lassie because of him. He's a bit selfish with the remote...
Jul 29Reply

But of course, poshing is #1 haha, hi there @nineve (I swear I am not stalking you on posh but I find you in my likes a lot 👍😜)
Jul 29Reply

@acufox haha we just have freakishly similar loves 😘😘
Jul 29Reply

@acufox @nineve Freakishly flattered to be loved by you both! ;)
Jul 29Reply

Hi!!! I have been using the lose it app for 3 weeks and i weight 7 pounds less. I just love that app as much as i love POSHMARK !!!! You are great inspirtion :)
Jul 29Reply

I would renta la Oscar anytime and spoil him rotten! He could play with my Chewie!!🐾🐶🐾🐶
Jul 29Reply

@bombona Thank you! I'm glad you found the app. It really is great. My hubby is now following it and has lost over 8 pounds in a little under 3 weeks!
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm , Congratulations, you look fabulous !! 👍👍👍👍😉
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm , thank you for all your shares and adore your closet! Impeccable taste my dear😘
Jul 29Reply

@leic Wow, coming from you - that's a major compliment since I LOVE your handbags and closet. BTW, I'm keeping an eye out for one that calls my name! Tag me if you make any in eggplant or deep purple. My fave color! <3<3<3
Jul 29Reply

Youre killing it! You look awesome! Im so happy for you!
Jul 29Reply

@skyerandi Thank you! Are you going to Poshfest? :)
Jul 29Reply

I wish! It would be awesome to meet everyone!
Jul 30Reply

@queenmumm , I will, Nice thought!!!!☺😉
Jul 30Reply

@queenmumm wow just came across this, recently started posting but so addicted. This posting is so great and made me giggle. You have a great closet and a wonderful sense of humor😊
Jul 30Reply

You're so fabulous! For your amazing perseverance and weight loss as well as your generous sharing. 😘 Also, loving Oscar dog la renta! So cute! 💕
Jul 30Reply

@nettieward Thanks, doll! Posh is the premiere place where women can do what they adore most - shop, talk and giggle. Check your budget, morals and bladder at the door! ;)
Jul 30Reply

@queenmumm OMG that is just too good, my hubby can concur about that budget part😉😁
Jul 30Reply

@meunice33 Awww, thank you for the lovely comments!😘👑😘. Oscar offers his paw for a shake and adores you, too!🐶🐶🐶
Jul 30Reply

Oscar's such a flirt! 😉 Hehe. Thanks for being such a positive role model to all us newbie Poshers! PM is such a great community of fun and interesting ladies. P.S. I'm headed to yoga class soon; you're definitely an inspiration outside of PM! 😘
Jul 30Reply

@queenmumm love the new last picture ! 😍 U look great !!
Jul 31Reply

Congrats on your weight loss- you look fantastic! And on your success with posh! Thank you so much for the shares! I have been thoroughly enjoying reading your listings and tips!!!! What an amazing personality and posher u are!! I am so glad to have found your closet😊
Jul 31Reply

@meunice33 Oscar is a ladies man - except for that time I took him to the vet and he got "tutored". He still knows how to melt hearts with one little look. ;)
Jul 31Reply

@mizfabulousity Thank you, Anna. Every now and then, I have a halfway decent hair day. Those are the pics that are allowed to go on Poshmark. The ones that don't are used to scare children on Halloween night. :)
Jul 31Reply

@queenmumm : Brenda! U crack me⬆⬆⬆!!
Love your sense of humor ; keeps me happy 😃 and laughing 😂
Jul 31Reply

@meunice33 thanks again for your kind words! It's easy up be positive on Poshmark when you are surrounded by the kind, caring and dedicated community that we have. There are thousands of Poshers here who exemplify the heart of the app!! I hope to immortalize them soon in writing. And btw, work it girl! I'm happy to inspire a healthy attitude as well Good luck with Posh and with your dedication to yourself!😘👑😘👑😘
Jul 31Reply

@ginger71 Awwww! I'm blushing!☺☺☺ That is so sweet of you to say. I'm just one of many girls on here who can honestly admit loving Posh more for community than for sales. I definitely live to make others laugh and smile. If I've done that, my day is made. Thank you SO MUCH for your oh so lovely comments and have a fab time on Posh!😘👑😘👑😘
Jul 31Reply

Awesome job, you look fabulous! Reading your comments always make me literally LOL!! I just did it again, thanks for the laugh.
Aug 01Reply

@missxocandice Thank you so much, Candi! :)
Aug 01Reply

@tlburrier Thanks, doll! Sometimes I crack myself up...which is just so sad.
Aug 01Reply

Thank u for your kind words!!! I just checked your blog and nearly fell off my chair, tears in my eyes, lmao reading about Minnie the Nannie. You are hilarious and have a gift for writing! I will be following your blog and visiting your closet often. Have a great night!!!
Aug 01Reply

@ginger71 Thanks! I'm glad you had a good laugh. I honestly can't recall the exact process that creates the blog. It's either too much caffeine or too much spiked cider. I know it's not both at the same time because the resulting mushroom cloud would knock out electricity all the way up to the Great Lakes area. I blame it on overexposure to Playdoh fumes. Oh, and whole lot of Monty Python in college... Otherwise, I'm quite normal. At least that's what the voices tell me....
Aug 01Reply

@queenmumm You are so inspirational and hilarious - a beautiful combination. I know what you mean with the Lose It Poshmark App. It's all consuming. I'm hoping to lose some weight your way!! Yay!
Aug 01Reply

@classicpatty Step right on up, Patty G and join me! I'm always on the lookout for new closets to share and new Poshers who want to Lose it! Let me know if you have any questions as I'm always happy to help with both. There are times my face isn't glued into these apps, but NOT very often... Have a great weekend! :)
Aug 01Reply

@queenmumm Thank you so much for your generosity. I can't thank you enough for sharing my closet and ill be sure to pay it forward. I devote my undivided attention to PM late at nights and sometimes very early on. The days are usually quite hectic but it sure is great that you can bring PM anywhere you go.
Aug 01Reply

@stylebystearns queenmumm has great tips!! Gotta read her blog, too..so hilarious!
Aug 01Reply

@queenmumm Hi gorgeous! Holy weight loss your hiness! Ok OSCAR is da bomb! Perhaps one day, OSCAR and my mini/toy (conflicting papers.. Personally, I think he is a runt in a mini litter IMO) poodle COCO CHANEL could meet! HE loves other doggies! Speaking of friends..ok we were talking canine friends.. Gear shift!! I would like to introduce you to my friend Patrice @patricewymore .. She is one of the most truly delightful ladies (and a true lady) I have had the privilege of selling to, many times, but Moreso, I am blessed to call this lovely woman my friend! She lives in Tennessee as well and had inquired about you to me! She saw your awesome (go gf!!) weight loss and has been wanting to embark on a program to assist her in doing so as well.. Your success inspired her... So without further ado.... Drumm roll.. Patrice, I would like you to meet the lovely, awesome and hysterically funny Brenda (the drop jaw closet is just a bonus).. This lady has a heart of gold and always puts me "Caren, the hormonal years" in a great mood! Brenda, meet the consummate lady.. Patrice :) Patrice buys, sells and is a sharing machine :) She is also part of the "drama free" Posh crowd...Ok.. Off too work.. My work is done here. AFTER meeting EACHOTHER and getting along FAMOUSLY... I will proudly put another notch in my Posh Matchmaker Dior belt :)
Aug 02Reply

@queenmumm Ah, the lovely Brenda!! I curtesy to you....low, lower, lower .....that's my lowest and it's all for you Queen Mumm! I have always wanted to meet you as you are everywhere on this website and I try to follow along with my friend @carenlovesgucci! I see you are a Tennessee girl! Beautiful country there! We lived south of Nashville in Brentwood, my children grew up there and we made fab friends there that we still see! Such friendly people!! I love Poshmark but I'm afraid I spend too much time on it, but it is a wonderful way to see my new friends! So have a great day spending all of the Love Gift. It is so very nice to meet you and I'll bet that @carenlovesgucci brings back a jewel for Queen Mumm and hides it in her new Gucci!
Aug 02Reply

@queenmumm @patricewymore Patrice, right you are! I am soooooo "on the hunt" for something Queen Mumm to bring back to a Brenda! I will mail it to her, but my hope is, when I get back, I will have exercised enough prudent spending to be able to afford to go to PoshFest and give it to her in person!!!!
Aug 02Reply

@queenmumm Congrats on your fantastic weight loss, that is awesome, you're a doll🎀🎀🎀🎀
Aug 04Reply

Nice to see you back. I hope all is well!
Aug 09Reply

@patricewymore @carenlovesgucci PATRICE! Soooooo thrilled to meet you Tennessee girl! Any friend of Caren's is a...friend...who needs help on a psychiatric level. But what of it? Lets all be sanity challenged together, shall we? ONE cray cray can make all kinds of lovely destruction - more than one is a commitment facility - and we've got the most fashionable one on the planet. And the more, the merrier because we can get more crazy ladies if we work on them as a pack. I love my Caren because she doesn't make me feel anymore weird than I can make myself feel... I have a degree in that, Btw. Omg, I just returned from TJ Maxxi-pad with a slew of new purchases that I really don't need, but damn it felt good to set them free from those awful clothes racks. Sometimes you have to be fashionably humane to the Maxx. Patrice, please let me know if I can give info on Lose It - although a quick scroll through the above would probably answer a lot of questions. I'm still following it and battling the last 8 pounds. Hope I achieve it before Poshfest!!! 😜
Aug 10Reply

@carenlovesgucci ...and Oscar definitely has papers. He pees on them every now and then when I forget to let him out...😨🐕📰😠
Aug 10Reply

@patricewymore Omg, I just saw that you mentioned Brentwood! That's where I live!😍😊😍. Been here almost 17 years!
Aug 10Reply

@ginger71 Awww! Thanks so much, doll!!!😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 10Reply

@mfoxhollow Thank you very much, Marilyn! 😘👑😘👑😘 I continue to follow the app and have finally gotten my hubby hooked. He's lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks!👍
Aug 10Reply

@jnyfr Thanks, Jennifer! 😘👑😘👑😘 We're doing much better today.👍👍👍 Went shopping. Hell to the yes - as that always brings me out of my funk. It's too bad it doesn't work that way with the whole world - a new kate spade bag can work miracles...😜
Aug 10Reply

@nena2013 omg, the mere mention of Hugh has me sweaty. Note to self - excellent weight loss maintenance plan: numerous photos of Hugh all over my house.... BRB 👍😉😏
Aug 10Reply

@jblacombe thank you for reading my blog and I'm so glad you liked it! 😘👑😘👑😘 I do have an about me page on the site (at the top of the main menu) but this posting is my only "about me" here. I'd also like to add that I LOVE summer squash, the color teal, that point in the day when my caffeine kicks in, and Gone With the Wind (especially if it's dubbed in Italian).😊😊😊
Aug 10Reply

@queenmumm @patricewymore lol Brenda, light of my life.. sanity is so over-rated ;) Embrace the craziness and SHOP! What, you bogarted the Tennessee TJ Maxx deals? Patrice will walk in to TJ Maxx this weekend and they will say " Sorry Ma'am, another Posher on a bender cleared us right out! We are closed to to low inventory !" 8 "vanity" pounds .... Shhhaaaah... Google this under NY Yiddish ;) Love ya both! Have a great weekend!
Aug 10Reply

@carenlovesgucci @queenmumm Indeed my TJ MAXX is closed forever! Shopped out by a lady from Tennessee! Hello my Caren and nice to meet you Brenda! Yes, I did live in Brentwood and it was one of my favorite places I ever lived! We on Meadowlark Lane in the same name subdivision! ( I hope it's still there). It backed up to the old Brentwood Country Club (I hope they did not tear down that lovely old historic house)! It was before the interstate! The old horse stables was a great steak restaurant named The Stables where you might run into Eddie Arnold or Porter Waggoner! Our son went to school with Brenda Lees child and also Ray Stevens son. (Ray graduated a year ahead of me at AHS in Albany GA and I knew him as Ray Ragsdale.) We met so many lovely couples there and many we are still friends with. So that's my story and I am sticking to it! It's a great town Brenda. Franklin TN was light years away!!
Aug 10Reply

@queenmumm @carenlovesgucci I just saw some of previous texts! We may go back even earlier as I did with @fashionaddict69. We lived in Augusta 8 yrs as my husband went to Medical College of Ga and then moved back for his USArmy service years. Small world!
Aug 10Reply

VaVa👙💄👗💋Voom!! Rock that body!!!
Aug 10Reply

@patricewymore well, doll - how's this? My mother and father met in France when he was with the Army. He was stationed at Ft. Gordon in the mid 60's and I WAS BORN IN AUGUSTA! Small world, indeed!!!😃
Aug 10Reply

@carenlovesgucci @patricewymore Patrice, the old BCC is still there, as well as the subdivision. We have friends who live there. Caren - look above for another connection that Patrice and I have!👆👆👆It's soooo cool! And btw, the Maxxi-pad restocked this morning. Ain't no shortage of goods. I think I scored my Poshfest party dress last night as well as the most amazing pair of Sergio Rossi sandals!👍😊😊😊👍
Aug 10Reply

@fashionaddict69 Thanks, Leslie! My voom has spent quite a few years from it's va. At least they are getting reacquainted again...💃😘👑
Aug 10Reply

@queenmumm I love it!!!! I'm about to tag you and a few more "Posh Patrol" in a new Posher's closet. She generously shared many items from my closet. She has only 500 followers. I told her I would help get some traffic through her closet!!! Thanks in advance!!! @patricewymore @@manymurrays, I'll add a few more. She already knows sharing is caring!! Trying to spread the love!!
So glad your Va and Voom found each other again!!! You're a hoot!!!!
Aug 10Reply

@patricewymore @queenmumm What.. Lol! ZERO DEGREES OF SEPERATION! Small world indeed!
Aug 10Reply

@queenmumm @carenlovesgucci @fashionaddict69 Isn't PM ( Poshmark) just loverly and quite delirious!!
Aug 10Reply

@patricewymore, @queenmumm Yes, drives my husband crazy!! Fortunately there s forest fire in the Western part of Idaho, so I can Posh all weekend, Unfortunately for the forest, but it's actually a good thing, as long as its kept contained from residential areas!!!
Aug 10Reply

@patricewymore, @queenmumm It's good for reseeding ect. I'm not kidding!! Please don't take my statement the wrong way.. It's nature at work!!!!!
Aug 10Reply

@fashionaddict69 Yes!! Get your little self out of the way....as in "quickly"!
Aug 10Reply

You have got to be the cutest funniest lady I've come across on Poshmark! I'm lovin'' your closet and reading all these comments!! Congrats on your weight loss! I've got to read your blog! Things that make me smile and laugh are what I crave! :-)) I'm so glad I found your closet!! You ROCK!! P. S. do you know Vince Gill? He was suppose to marry me! not Amy!!!
Aug 11Reply

Shopping is an excellent therapy! Glad you found something you love. Happy to see you back on Posh!
Aug 11Reply

@jnyfr 💜❤💗Thanks, Jennifer!!!💗❤💜
Aug 11Reply

@pursenut Well, hi there to a lady with a fantastic first name - there is none better! THANK YOU for all your lovely comments! I'm always thrilled to meet a new Posher and make her smile at the same time! I'm a bit whacked now and again - it's how I cope with middle age, and much cheaper than therapy. 😜 Btw, just got off the phone with Vince - I gave him a real bashing for mistaking true love with a few extra tickets to the CMAs. Amy has those connections. Otherwise, she's just another pretty face. Effective immediately, I've removed Vince from my Christmas card list. 😤That'll teach him....
Aug 11Reply

I am rolling on the floor!!! You are too whacked and good for my soul!! Vince is so shallow!!! His loss!!! I picked up my broken heart and moved on!! Lol!! I'll console myself by shopping all these fabulous closets on Poshmark!! :-))
Aug 11Reply

Hey hot momma! Congrats on the weight loss. I'm pretty new to poshmark. It's truly addicting and I love it! Also, completely agree with you on the Hugh Jackman piece :)
Aug 15Reply

@jdoro528 Awww, thanks, Jessica! I'm definitely a HOT momma - but for other reasons. It's called peri-menopause and I try to be more HAUTE than HOT to counteract those feverish hormonal moments. Sometimes I succeed, but mostly I just melt ice cubes in a 5 mile radius. Oh, and HUGH. {swooooooon} I'm hoping he'll call just to ask me if I liked his last movie. I've seen it 2 times, but only when I'm not flashing - otherwise, the resulting mushroom cloud would be a bit too intense for the other movie patrons. {sigh}
Aug 15Reply

@queenmumm you look FABULOUS! Congrats on the weight loss! 💗Your sense of humor!
Aug 17Reply

@65ds_do_it_btr Hey Nicole! Thank you for your lovely comments! I see that you are in TN. Are you near Ft. Campbell? My hometown is Clarksville and I lived at the Ft. for a number of years as an Army brat. Near Nashville now. :)
Aug 18Reply

@queenmumm I am indeed in clarksville!!!!!! I was stationed at fTC and my husband is still AD Special Forces, he's stationed at Camp Mackall right now. Small world!! Well you look incredible!!
Aug 18Reply

@65ds_do_it_btr Thanks! And you know, your seller listing pic is pretty incredible. I bet the hubby has a fondness for that one! ;)
Aug 18Reply

@queenmumm it's my favorite pic of me lol, his favorite is very special. I had those pictures taken right after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was my fair well to my body as I knew it. I had a double mastectomy at Vanderbilt on June 11th of last year.
Aug 18Reply

Congrats on the weight loss ..🎉 You looked beautiful before but you are on fire now girl !!! 💥💥 I love the confidence ! U are amazing
Aug 18Reply

Wow u look great! 😄
Aug 18Reply

@65ds_do_it_btr Oh, Nicole - I know that had to be agonizing news, but I commend you for your bravery through what had to be a life changing event. We are all beautiful, fabulous women no matter how we are packaged. You are an inspiration! 👏👏👏 Cheers to you and your hubby for your service and your struggle. 😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 18Reply

@cmfowler85 Thank you, Megan! What sweet comments. Our Posh community is the BEST! Happy Poshing, doll!😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 18Reply

@blackcherry7 Thank you, sweetie!!!😘👸💗💕💞💓
Aug 18Reply

I finally perused your blog. It's wonderful!! You are so witty!! How's your book coming? I will want a copy!
Aug 19Reply

@queenmumm 💕you are absolutely right, we are all beautifully made no matter how we are made! I love your closet and I will definitely be stalking it 😉
Aug 19Reply

@kmadeoy Hey, GF! Thanks for your blog patronage - I hope it brought a smile!😀😀😀 I am still working on the book and will definitely post here when the light is green! 😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 19Reply

@janeenlloyd Thank you, doll!👸💗💓💕😘
Aug 19Reply

You are so funny and pretty:). Congratulation on your achievement.
Aug 19Reply

@aputnam9 Aww! Thanks! ☺☺☺ I've been hovering in your cutie-patootie closet tonight. Adorbs! 👍😘👑💗💕💓👸
Aug 19Reply

How are you?💗Thanks for the shares back, finally sold stuff and was able to get new items in, hopefully this new selling luck will stick around!👏
Aug 19Reply

@pookiebeau I wish you all of the POSH LUCK in the world! <3 I'm doing fabulous at the moment, just freakishly busy. So much Posh, so little time.... :(
Aug 19Reply

Thank you☺I know what you mean! My hunny is starting to regret buying me my iPhone!
Aug 19Reply

You're welcome 😊
Aug 19Reply

Aug 19Reply

@chellirose YOU. ARE. FABULOUS. TOO!!!!😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 19Reply

Do you use my fitness pal? If so, Id love to follow you!
Aug 19Reply

@jeni_mullen Hey Jennifer! I use Lose It. It's very similar to My Fitness Pal. I'd love to know how you are doing with it. Just post updates here since we "losers" must support one another! Good luck! 😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 19Reply

You are so hilarious!!! It's women like you that make Posh special!!! Rock on sistah!! 🎉🎉🎉 I just lost 50 lbs too!!! Now to keep it off!!!! 😋😋🎀
Aug 20Reply

I love Lose It 💖💖😀! Great app.
Aug 20Reply

You look gorgeous, great job!!
Aug 20Reply

@queenmumm Wow! Amazing weight loss! I'm officially 45 lbs down today! And thanks for the shares! Beautiful lady and beautiful closet!
Aug 20Reply

@queenmumm hey Girl!! I'm sorry I mean Queen!!! Lol😃😃
Aug 20Reply

@queenmumm 🎀😘thank you so much for all the likes!😘
Aug 20Reply

That's amazing! Congrats on the weight loss!
Aug 20Reply

I need to get on twitter! I'm so not hip ! Yikes
Aug 20Reply

@queenmumm I think it's amazing that you lost all that weight. I'm downloading the app right now! I've lost some pounds myself and it is thrilling!! But still need to lose some more. Will post some before and after pics when the time is right. Hope to meet u in Vegas!!
Aug 20Reply

@queenmumm Just wanted to tell you, you look Fabulous! Congratulations on your hard work!
Aug 22Reply

@kddid50 Kate, that is FABULOUS!!! Congratulations and mega applause for your accomplishment!👏👏👏👏👏 It takes a special Posher to know great ones, and you are truly great!💗💓💕 Thank you so much for the love!😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 22Reply

@azulpacifica Thank you so much! 💗💕💓 I'm glad you found the app, too!👏👑👏👑👏
Aug 22Reply

@allisonrbaker Awww! Thank you, Allison! You have a GORGEOUS closet - and 🎉woot🎉 on your weight loss! Keep up the great work on BOTH fronts!👏👏👏😘👑😘
Aug 22Reply

@whiteclover Any dame with such an amazing closet and (Audrey to boot!) is a queen to me! Thanks so much, doll!😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 22Reply

@003cricket My pleasure on the shares. I'm still figuring out how to snag that gorgeous ❤❤❤Linda Harris dress in your closet. I haven't been this smitten since Mark Walhberg was "Marky Mark" in his Calvin Klein undies!😜😜😜
Aug 22Reply

@jinkee Thank you!
Aug 22Reply

@queenmumm awww!! Your too much darling!!! But on another note it took me ten years to add a comment here on my ipad!!!😃😃😃it's going to self destruct your post soon... thre like 3000 comment!! by the time I scrolled down to bottom I forgot to hit COMMENT button !!!! 😃😃😃lol
Aug 22Reply

@classyvintage Twitter does not a hip gal make. I should know. I'm tweeting all the time and JAY Z STILL HASN'T ASKED TO MEET ME. Bummer. 😭
Aug 22Reply

OMG. You are a nut! Lol
Aug 22Reply

@poshaddict007 Elizabeth, I'm so psyched to meet you at Poshfest! ❤💗💓💕I appreciate your lovely comments and am SO GLAD you are downloading the app. My hubby just started Lose It and has lost 10 pounds in a month! It's super easy and makes total sense for long term success. I can't wait to see your before and after pics! Good luck! 👏👑😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 22Reply

@mabills23 Thanks, doll!😘👑😘👑😘
Aug 22Reply

@queenmumm 🌺email me & I'll give you a hint of how you can get that dress. Tracydarling@me.com🌺😘much luv on the shares.
Aug 22Reply

@queenmumm Aww thanks. Same here, cant wait to meet u!! 💕💕I downloaded the app and its super easy to use. The best part ... Its free! (YAY for free!) 😃😃👍
Aug 22Reply

@queenmumm.. 🎉Congrats Daaaahling!🎉 You LQQK Amazing!!!💃💃💃
Aug 24Reply

@theeyecandyshop Oh, sweet-haaaaaat, thank you so very much! MWAHS! :* :*
Aug 24Reply

Amazing!!! 😃
Aug 24Reply

💗❤💜You look gorgeous girl! 😍
Aug 24Reply

@hinaqr the app that I used was lose it, but if you scroll above, there are many other apps for weight loss, as well as many more amazing success stories!😊😊😊
Aug 28Reply

Thanks so much for all of the shares! And congrats on your weight loss, you look great!
Sep 02Reply

@bellissima1 👍My pleasure, doll!💗 And thank you for your wonderfully kind comment and shares. Cheers!😘👑😘👑😘
Sep 02Reply

U are to cute
Sep 03Reply

So glad to meet you!! Congrats on your journey to good health and you look fantastic!!! Sounds like you are having a lot of fun on Pm. Any advice on good apps to use for covershots?? Will you be in vegas?
Sep 03Reply

You crack me up (especially the fact that you speak of yourself in the third person...hilarious!). Thank you so much for sharing from my closet - it means the world to me :) Oh, and my bullies Vito and Lola send a "woof" to Oscar Dog La Renta.
Sep 03Reply

Thanks for the follow & HAIL to the Queen!👑 I am HONORED🙏to be in Your Highnesses Court, even if as just a Court Jester🃏I promise to make you proud in the Kingdom of Poshmark!!🏰
Sep 03Reply

@lriegel You are one cool chick and a fab Posher! Happy to have you in my follows! 😘👑😘👑😘
Sep 03Reply

@jentucker Brenda looks with high favor upon your post!!! You rock, Jen!😘👑😘👑😘
Sep 03Reply

@jentucker 🐶📞📞📞🐶 "Vito & Lola, woof woof woof WOOF!" (Trans. "Call me sometime. We'll do lunch and play a round of frisbee golf")
Sep 03Reply

@a_david_68 Hey, doll! I will indeed be at Poshfest and I hope to meet you! Thanks so much for your comments and if I haven't yet said it - Welcome to Poshmark! Re: covershot graphic apps - my fave is A Beautiful Mess but I also like Photo Label Free and PS Express. I also use Pic Stitch and Photo Collage. Good luck and have fun!😘👑😘👑😘
Sep 03Reply

@candida7 And you are TOO sweet!!! Thank you so much. Cheers! 👑😘👑😘👑
Sep 03Reply

Vito and Lola totally would have known what Mr. Dog la Renta meant with those woofs. That is, if they could read. Otherwise they would have had to rely on my intonation when I read it to them, and I'm not sure I speak "dog" very well. Oh, that must be why their heads are constantly cocked...I'm not woof fluent!
Sep 03Reply

Sep 03Reply

Wow thank you so much!!! I am going to be in vegas that same weekend so i trying to figure out a way to work it in lol!!! Hope to meet you!!
Sep 03Reply

@queenmumm I just laughed reading this post... You are hilarious!!!! You look gorgeous!! 😊💗
Sep 05Reply

@queenmumm congratulations!!!! 👏👏👏...I guess this is one good thing about re-starting my second account! I get to revisit my favorite poshers' closet like it's my first time!
Sep 05Reply

@augustpinkstyle Yep - ALWAYS a silver lining in every cloud! :)
Sep 05Reply

@lauralee6511 Thanks, sweetie! I love making the gals laugh. Breaks up the monotony of just constantly whipping out my CC for Posh purchases! ;)
Sep 05Reply

@lriegel :) <3<3<3 xooxooxo
Sep 05Reply

This is so awesome and inspiring! I need to download this app and give it a try. I've gained weight since my stroke and it's really getting to me. Thank for for the inspiration!
Sep 08Reply

@cherie_candice I would be happy to answer any questions for the Lose It app. It's very user friendly - even my hubby has started and he's lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks.
Wow. I'm so sorry to hear about your stroke😨 Are you better now?
Sep 08Reply

Thank you! It happened exactly 2 months ago today. It was caused by a brain AVM that I was more than likely born with but had no idea about. I was completely paralyzed on my right side but am now walking with a leg brace and am starting to use my hand/arm again. Not being able to be active has caused me to gain weight. I have to have brain surgery which scares me to death but at least I'm alive and walking again!
Sep 08Reply

@cherie_candice WOW, that is scary. I don't even know what I would do in your shoes. Cheers for your strength and perseverence through such a frightening situation. Just put at the forefront of your mind - you made it through the stroke, and you'll make it through the surgery stronger than ever. I'll definitely put you on my prayer list. Remember - the Posh community has a wonderful support system and we are definitely here for you!!! All you need do is ask for prayers and you'll get them. And btw, congrats on hitting 100K in followers!!! :) <3<3<3
Sep 09Reply

This makes me smile every time I get to this page! You are inspiring for so many. What fab posh find have you had lately that shows off your transformed body. 😍
Sep 09Reply

@camposcc I do post a few pics of myself on IG - username QueenmummPosh. Follow me there and I'll follow you! :)
Sep 09Reply

Oh I actually would love to but the only thing I use is this ... Well I have a private twitter that we use to share daily photos of the baby with the grandparents. I signed up here to sell a few things and had no idea it was a social atmosphere 🙆😁
Sep 09Reply

No worries! I just started using IG about 2 months ago. I'm still a newbie. You can also access a lot of my photos via twitter. Same username - queenmummposh Keep yours private for those grand babies, but still feel free to follow me. You're right - I signed up on PM to sell as well, and now it's become more than that for me. I think of it as networking the same way you would in a cubicle, but with a lot more fashion and freedom! :)
Sep 09Reply

@queenmumm your POSHIBLE.
Sep 09Reply

@tressibles LOL LOVE IT! :). My hubby says I'm IM-POSHIBLE. And a wee bit immature, too. Can't have everything, right?
Sep 09Reply

@queenmumm And a big yes to that. Lol Run with it and have a lot of FUN!!!!
Sep 09Reply

@queenmumm 👍Woohoo🎉🎉🎉
Sep 10Reply

You look fabulous dahling!
Sep 10Reply

@dawnnesbitt Oh, thank you SO MUCH, Dawn! :) <3<3<3
Sep 10Reply

@roxygirl1 Yay! Thanks! xoxoxo
Sep 10Reply

Thank you so much for the kind words💕 Yes, the Posh community is full of amazing ladies! I appreciate your prayers very much. Thank you :)
Sep 11Reply

@mzasher - SAME journey, girlfriend! :)
Sep 16Reply

You look amazing 👍🎉😃
Sep 16Reply

Oops wasn't done. I am using the myfitnesspal app 😃 I'm hoping to lose more before the wedding and ultimately want to lose 80 total but that will be over time. I'm glad to have found posh as it will save from having to buy new clothes all the time
Sep 16Reply

@mzasher Thank you! Lose It and MFP are the same kind of app and I think they are tremendous! I've already found a lot of friends on Posh who are doing the same apps and have found great success! My hubby is on Lose It and he's down 15 pounds. Ashley, please keep me updated on your progress - you are already looking fab!! :)
Sep 16Reply

Thank you again. Yes, I will keep you updated 😃😃
Sep 16Reply

So glad I came across your closet
Sep 16Reply

@mzasher Happy to have you here! Good luck!!!😘👑😘👑😘
Sep 16Reply

@jennyb7611 JT's my #2. It's the looks combined with humor combined with singing thingy. Gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME. {sigh...}
Sep 18Reply

randirod You are a hoot! You look fabulous, I just wish I had the motivation to stop complaining and do something about my weight. But it's so much more enjoyable to sit on a comfy chair and tip back the wine glass!🍷
Sep 20Reply

@randirod I actually battled weight issues and yo-yo'd for years. The app is the easiest thing I've ever done because I finally have control over food. It doesn't control me. And yes, you can still drink wine while on it!🍷👏😉
Sep 20Reply

...hi Brenda...look at that Poshnista!!!!...wow you look great!!...you have soooo many followers...so with that being said...why don't you post along with this or in another post Next to this one...how you lost the weight...it could be inspirational to many since you walked the walk??
Sep 22Reply

Oscar Dog la Renta! 😂😂😂
Sep 25Reply

@charlottefitz Thank you so much, Kelly!! :)
Sep 25Reply

@gettumgirl Awww! Charm, you are too sweet! And I commend you on your own strength, GF - you have certainly walked a walk as well. I think that we each have individual stories of courage and triumph that could blow minds and start spiritual revolutions of bodies and souls. Wouldn't it be great to put it all together in one fabulous read? Hmm....gotta get to work on that. ;)
Sep 25Reply

@kat_kennedy ODLR says "shake paws please!"
Sep 25Reply

Hahahaha! Is that his real name??!
Sep 25Reply

@queenmumm Brenda, I was thinking of you this afternoon....heard on PM grapevine that your husband may have been in an accident and I wanted to chat with you and then lo and behold you are in my closet sharing my frumpy wardrobe! That is just so kind of you. We have had an exciting 2 days as our new granddaughter was born. Please catch up with me...LMK what's going on... Keep your legs together...and have a great night!
Sep 25Reply

@kat_kennedy Well, not on his birth certificate, but when he makes a mistake, I call him by his full name. He was originally named for the Academy Awards because I've been throwing an Oscar party for the past 20 years. "De La Renta" was added on when I started Poshing. I think it's just fab ;)
Sep 25Reply

It is pretty fabulous!!!
Sep 25Reply

@patricewymore Well, CONGRATULATIONS ON THAT GRANDBABY!!!! Oooo, love to hear about little ones being born. So cool! Thank you for your concern for my hubby. He took a spill on his bike in June. Hit a bad section of sidewalk on a downhill coast and flipped over his handlebars. Concussion, lacerations, separated shoulder, dislocated finger and 10 (yep, TEN) broken ribs. He was wearing his helmet, and we have no doubt that it saved his life. I'm thanking GOD each day that he is okay. He's doing 150% better and I'm doing what I can to keep him off a bike. I'm a bit overprotective.... ;)
Sep 25Reply

congrats to you. You look beautiful!
Sep 25Reply

@sharapost Thank you - so very sweet of you! I owe credit to Lose It. AND to my hubby who keeps me young at heart. :)
Sep 25Reply

You are the Best!!
Sep 25Reply

@scarlettstained I have the most AWESOME Posh genes! ;)
Sep 25Reply

Well a much deserved congrats to you!!!
Sep 25Reply

@queenmumm I'm happy your hubby is doing much better.mine always makes me ride on the back of his bike I enjoy it but I'm always praying the whole time and lifting up my hand signals in case he forgets.
Sep 25Reply

@queenmumm I am sorry to hear of bad bike ride but so happy he's recovering nicely! Thank you for the sharing! You are a great Tennessee sister! BTW I watched the Emmys and I may have to change my man to Jon Hamm. His Don Draper has always been sizzling! Thanks again.
Sep 25Reply

@patricewymore Oh, Jon has always been Hamm-ing it up on my cute guy list. He's such a BAD boy. That's what makes him 🔥!
Sep 25Reply

Congrats miss lady! That is amazing! You look great! 🎉🎉😃
Oct 23Reply

@tinalalinaa You are so sweet! Thanks!!!😘👑😘👑😘
Oct 23Reply

Love this! So glad to have met you!
Oct 26Reply

OMG you look great! I started weightwatchers 2 weeks ago... I've only lost 16... Hope I can eventually be as successful as you!
Oct 26Reply

@queenmumm 👏👏👏👏congrats on weight loss!👍👍
Oct 26Reply

You look awesome!! Congrats on the weight loss!! 🎉💃💕❤️
Oct 26Reply

@melissajodi Thank you so much! 😘👑😘👑😘
Oct 26Reply

@dmenzel Thank you - your comments are so appreciated!!😘👑😘👑😘
Oct 26Reply

@eburkett Thank you! But wow - 16 is great! Kudos for making an impact on your health! I did WW for a year in 2004 and had great results. It is a marvelous program!! Keep up the great work!👏👍👏👍👏
Oct 26Reply

Thanks so much for your encouraging words. You are such an inspiration :)
Oct 26Reply

@dkcasey0920 So psyched to have met you, too!!! 😘👑😘👑😘 We must definitely do Vegas shopping again with @lynnsimmons... but this time, we find a sugar daddy who wants us all to have a nice handbag. I think I'll have to roll some dice first....ay, @lilmscrys? Oh, and Crys gets a handbag and a pork belly slider (Jim, optional). That is all.
Oct 26Reply

@queenmumm I'll take a slim Jim if ya know what I mean. 😘👍🎲🎲🎲
Oct 26Reply

@queenmumm FANTASTIC weight loss!!! Inspirational.
Oct 26Reply

That sounds like an awesome plan!
Oct 26Reply

Wow, you look amazing. I'm passing this app to a dear friend.
Oct 27Reply

@lovecolor7 Wow, thanks so much! And yes, please pass on the app - it's the easiest and most effective program I have ever done! And it's FREE! 😉👍😊👑😘
Oct 27Reply

@greatstuffcheap Thank you very much! I hope other women find great success with it, too! 😘👑😘
Oct 27Reply

I texted it to her and told her about you! Don't thank me for pointing out the obvious , you're a hot mama now, thank yourself💃💃💃
Oct 27Reply

@queenmumm hey beautiful! Just popping over, saw a hot pic of you in the feed...:-)
Oct 28Reply

You look great!
Oct 28Reply

I don't think I got a chance to tell you this but I also lost 50 lbs. I was overweight since early childhood - about 180 lbs and size 14/16 for as long as I remember. It wasn't until I studied abroad in Spain that I changed my lifestyle and eating habits. Most if the XL items I've sold in my closet were mine. Congrats on the success. Stay healthy!
Oct 29Reply

@queenmumm oh Brenda !!! I think you stole my hair!! Bawaahaaa !!!
Oct 29Reply

@lvegaschick I certainly hope that hot pic was in the Posh feed. I know a lot of site feeds where I probably WOULDN'T want my hot pic.😜😜😜
Oct 29Reply

@fccandles We need to get our hair together for lunch, GF. I have the feeling we'd take up one whole side of the restaurant. Don't ya just LOVE hairspray!?? (the broadway musical, the movie AND, the product) <3 ;)
Oct 29Reply

@mistyheart Thank you so much!😘👑😘
Oct 29Reply

@queenmumm I showed a pic of me ala 80's to my teenage daughter she was like OMG mom!! your hair!! Ha ha!!
Oct 29Reply

@jessicayflores OMG, Jessica - that's fabulous and you look amazing! The reaching goal part was easy compared to the maintaining. It's the same as finding the finish line in a marathon but not really investing the same emotion in a walk to the mailbox. I take it for granted. Trying my best to stay healthy - I do bow to cravings but I also love my elliptical. It's a different kind of empowerment to not feel overwhelmed in a dressing room. For that alone, I'm willing to forgo Double Stuf Oreos forever. Congrats on your accomplishment, your fabulous blog and your whole presentation. You are an inspiration to me as well as a great many on Posh! Cheers!!!😘👑👏👑😘
Oct 29Reply

@fccandles 💂💂💂💂👍😉
Oct 29Reply

Congratulations on the weight loss! I recently lost 100+ lbs and know the hard work that goes into it. You look GREAT.
Oct 29Reply

@malowens Well, shoot, GF!!!! You need to be heartily commended for that! WOW. Major major accomplishment. I'm so excited to hear about success stories with weight loss. We are all on the same journey and it's fantastic to meet you via that and POSH! Cheers! :)
Oct 29Reply

@queenmumm awe congrats!! you look fabulous!!
Oct 31Reply

@queenmumm so very nice to meet you! YOU look FABULOUS! I may take a look at that app as well. Have great day!
Oct 31Reply

@ironmaidn Thank you for that kind compliment! Yes, please take a look at the Lose It app - it's SUPER easy. Good luck! :)
Oct 31Reply

@queenmumm Kudos on the weight loss and adopting a healthier lifestyle to keep going forward. Love your closet and your awesome tips. ☺️😉😍
Oct 31Reply

@cody7150 Thank you so much for those beautiful comments, Virginia! Please continue to check in as I'm adding new tips all the time. Have a fabulous weekend and Happy Poshing! 😘👑😘👑😘
Nov 01Reply

WOW - congrats on the weight loss, you look great!!!
Nov 02Reply

@crmnrcks Thanks, love! Btw, I made a request on your behalf for the other thing you asked - it might have been an error but don't fret if it still isn't working. I've heard some glitches happening with other accounts in that regard.
Nov 04Reply

@queenmumm thanks SOOO much! I know what u mean about the glitches (though PM does make a good effort to fix it once you say something...)
Nov 04Reply

@queenmumm way to goooooooooooo! <3
Nov 05Reply

@juliakfox1 Thank you, sweetie! :)
Nov 05Reply

@queenmumm You're welcome! I'll take any tips!!! I did HCG drops a few months ago. It worked well. I'm thinking of doing it again. I work out 3-4 times a week and cook very healthy. I'm just 41 and the metabolism is slowing down!!! ;) xoxo
Nov 05Reply

@trendytouch Wow, thank you for those kind words! I can be a crazy woman sometimes, so please keep hands, forks and flammable objects at a safe distance.... Oh, and any kind of cheese, including the kind you say when someone snaps a photo. That's just a firestorm waiting to erupt. 😱😱😱
Nov 05Reply

@queenmumm congrats on ur weight loss!! I must tell you that since seeing ur post👆back in Sept. I though" what the heck, worth a try" and oh my! Since starting with the app back in Sept., I have lost 17 pounds!!! I have about 15 more to go!! I didn't want to comment until I lost some lbs first!! Thx for ur post and inspiration💐💐💐
Nov 05Reply

@shellybe123 OH WOW!!!! That is FANTASTIC! So proud of you! Keep up the GREAT work and keep me updated! @scarlettstained read above - another weight loss success in the making that should be added to your fabulous post to help other gals on the journey! :)
Nov 06Reply

@shellybe123 girl please share your success story on my weight loss post in my cliset to inspire other women to be the best they can be!!! Much joy to you and congrats on your success! I'll tag you on the post listing@queenmumm thanks daughter for the sharing of Victory!!
Nov 06Reply

Commented: Congratulations @queenmumm You are Beautiful!!
Nov 06Reply

@slkrone Thank you! <3<3<3
Nov 06Reply

@queenmumm : Do you have the URL link to the video of your news interview?? Please e-mail to me at poshmark@optimum.net. Thanks!
Nov 14Reply

@cvz15 just sent it to you, Carol! :) <3<3<3
Nov 14Reply

@queenmumm nice to meet you! Thank you for the shares!! 😘
Nov 14Reply

@apriljane So nice to meet you, and it's always my pleasure to share new closets. Happy Poshing!😘👑😘👑😘
Nov 14Reply

Awesome you being on tv! How did they know about you?
Nov 14Reply

Loved the YouTube
Nov 15Reply

@queenmumm Thanks again for your advice. I'm a work in progress. I so love your spirit and humor. Be blessed.😘
Nov 15Reply

@wenrella Thanks!! It was fun. My hubby loves that I mentioned him at the end. Hahaha. :)
Nov 16Reply

I love that Brenda is now speaking in third person. Since she is probably writing in third person, that makes sense. Oh, and Hugh Jackman called, and he's talking in third person too! Love ya gf - you crack me up! Kuddos on the writing. Hope it goes well!!
Nov 16Reply

@queenmumm Brenda you look fantastic! And I love your new haircut! I heard from Christine Jones @fuzzynavel about your YouTube video. If I search for it on YouTube what should I look for? And you know I want one of your books!! I just love your fabulous sense of humor ( I bet you keep your hubby on his toes!!!) and how you are so down to earth and darling. 😊😊 @scarlettstained @shellybe123 I definitely want to hear more about your weight-loss successes since I have finally decided to do something about my middle-age menopause spread and I am on Weight Watchers. It's so hard though…
Nov 16Reply

@vacat Oh, Hugh is definitely speaking in 3rd and usually starts all of his conversations with "Brenda is going to call the Hugh VERY soon. He just KNOWS it...."
Nov 16Reply

@blandw Thanks so much, sweetie. You are so wonderful and supportive to me and I really do enjoy this app, the community, and sharing some of my bizarre humor. I'm still working on my book. It's become so much more and I want to dedicate extra time to making it a fun read! I haven't driven my hubby completely crazy yet, but I do make his life interesting... If you want to see the Fox News broadcast on youtube, you can find it by inputing "Saving You Money, Closet Money" from Fox Nashville. You can also google it. And please know that it's never too late to start a dietary plan that works with you and for you. But don't think of it as a diet. It's a lifestyle modification. I highly recommend the Lose It app. My hubby just made goal after being on it for 3 months and losing 24 pounds. My son is now also on it after gaining the freshman 15 last year. Good luck and know that you can do it!! :) <3<3<3
Nov 16Reply

Just watched the video. Oh you lucky girl!!! Look at you - you're beautiful!!! Hail to the queen. Love ya gf!
Nov 16Reply

@vacat Thank you, Holly! It was fun. I hope to see many more Poshers have the same opportunity to spread the Posh word! :)
Nov 16Reply

@rjoneal You are so welcome! I wish you the best of luck and I think you are going to be blessed with amazing results when you begin. :) <3<3<3
Nov 16Reply

@blandw bland yes I have a weight loss post in my closet colored green.if you would like more info and tips and inspirational stories we are here to help lift one another up.@queenmumm Brenda also shares her journey there too.Love both you wonderful ladies!!
Nov 16Reply

@queenmumm Daughter!! I'm beaming like a proud MOM!!!!!! My girl on Fox TV of fame is in our veins and Hughyou are so special I love to see you highlighted.
Nov 16Reply

@scarlettstained Thank you, MOM!!! I do love ya, and am thrilled to be spreading some Posh AND Hugh love out to all. XOXOXO :)
Nov 16Reply

@queenmumm You look great! Thanks😘💕 for the shares!
Nov 17Reply

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 you're so beautiful inside and out!!! 😊💕💖💞
Nov 17Reply

your so gorgeous Brenda!
Nov 18Reply

I kissed your dragon for you today!!! He is in a bit of a burrowing phase so I do not know he will be popping up any any new pics soon but I will surely tag you if he does!
Nov 19Reply

I just watched the Fox News clip about your Posh experience. 😘😘😘😘😘Seeing it made me adore you even more!! ❤️❤️xoxo
Nov 20Reply

Love it! Congrats, you look so good! And great closet!! :)
Nov 20Reply

@jacquelyn_rizzo Thank you so much! :)
Nov 21Reply

@tribalsister Awww, thanks! That is SO sweet! :)
Nov 21Reply

@kellieshannon Kissed him??? Lucky girl! So jealous.... ;)
Nov 21Reply

@73v3n Thank you so much, Shereitta! You are not so bad yourself! :)
Nov 21Reply

@queenmumm 😘😘😘
Nov 21Reply

@splendeur You too, GF! You too! :) Thanks!
Nov 21Reply

@lilmscrys Wifey.....
Nov 21Reply

@marifun You are so welcome! And thank you for that lovely compliment! :)
Nov 21Reply

Awe thank you Brenda 😊💗 i hope your having a Fabulous week 😃💜
Nov 21Reply

@queenmumm I miss your face and every obnoxious thing that comes out of your mouth
Nov 21Reply

Seeing this now - aww Bravo to you Brenda. Sweet!
Nov 23Reply

@queenmumm Dear Brenda, You share my listings all the time no matter ☔Rain☔or ☀Shine☀So, I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate all the 💕Love💕Now, sit back and open this box filled with 💝🎁SHARES🎁💝 its just a small token to show you how much I 💕C.A.R.E.💕
Nov 24Reply

@queenmumm "So Appy To Meet You"! God I adore you lol :) Happy Sunday!
Nov 24Reply

Hey, @jaimerstone - LUCKY for being in the NC mountains. They are simply gorgeous and I hope you are enjoying them to bits! :) Have a great week, love.
Nov 24Reply

@lilmscrys WIFEY.... ;)
Nov 24Reply

@theeyecandyshop oooooo! I love share care packages! Thank you, darling! :* <3<3<3
Nov 24Reply

@carenlovesgucci Have a ravishing good Turkey week, love! :)
Nov 24Reply

@queenmumm My dear Brenda! Enjoy the most festive and robust of Turkey days as well ! Any holiday where stuffing ones face until one must partake in a nap... And that is, if done properly!!! Is a beautiful thing! Behind Ground Hog's a day, this is my favorite holiday!
Nov 25Reply

@queenmumm Hi ! You are so fabulous ☺️ Thanks for the share tonight for my HP pick for the Bold & Beautiful Party 😍 Oh and I just love the dress I bought from you ! You are wearing it in the last picture ! 💕
Dec 01Reply

@jsimp43 Hey, Jen! So happy to hear from you. Thank you for the lovely comments and it's always a pleasure to share from your closet. Have you worn the dress? You must take a pic and show me! Would love to see it again!😘👑😘👑😘
Dec 01Reply

@queenmumm Hi ! Oh thanks ! ☺️ Yes I have worn the dress ! I have worn it during the warmer weather 😉 The dress is so light and comfy too ! ☺️ Got lots of compliments on it 😍 I will try to post a picture soon ! Thanks again 💞
Dec 01Reply

Congratulations on your weight loss I've been battling with my weight for last 6 years when I got pregnant with my twins and found out I had hypo thyroidism any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Dec 03Reply

@queenmumm Hello Brenda! Just wanted to share with you how fabulous I think you are!! You are helpful,kind,beautiful,funny, ect,.. I could go on lol! Ty Ty for all your help! My sales have increased and so has my confidence! All because of you! I really hope I get the pleasure of meeting you someday😊
Dec 03Reply

@ceesfutura Aw, thanks! I'm the mom of two, so I've been through the baby gain and lose weight thing. Mine are much older now. :) Thyroid problems run in my family, so I know there's that battle of trying to use medication to your advantage and watch out for the extra pounds. If you can download the app and give it a try, there's an excellent chance it will help you. I've already mentored 5 people on it and they've all had excellent results. It's free, so it's definitely worth a try. My best tip is the breakfast I have every morning which gives me a boost of energy and keeps me satiated most of the day - greek yogurt with granola and a 1/2 tsp of extra cinnamon in my chai tea. Good luck! :)
Dec 03Reply

@brooklyn_s Gee whiz! You certainly have me blushing, GF. I'm so glad that you are having a Poshtacular time on here and have made some big steps forward - SU AND hosting!! You know where I'll be on Friday night - I wish you could drive up! But I would also certainly make the trip into War Eagle territory to see you. Great game last weekend, BTW. We prefer Auburn to that "other" school in y'all's state, ya' know. ;)
Dec 03Reply

@queenmumm whoo hoo! War Eagle all the way!!! That game had me soooo psyched sat girl! Lol happy to hear ur a tiger fan!!! I'm still working on the hubby letting me come up! Trying to talk one of my girlfriends into coming with me so he won't be so freaked out about me driving up alone! I will def keep up updated! XoXo💕🌷💜
Dec 03Reply

@brooklyn_s SHHHH...I'm a VOL fan first and foremost. According to the hubby, that's all I should be - but I let my allegiance to the other schools fluctuate depending on who's doing the cheering.... ;)
Dec 03Reply

Im going to download the app today and start tomorrow!!
Dec 03Reply

@queenmumm go Vols!
Dec 04Reply

@brooklyn_s Lol. Go? They've done left the BCS building LONG ago. Haha. That's why I have to cheer for another SEC team. ;)
Dec 04Reply

@queenmumm Being a ill onset! I previously read u use to live in Clarksville? Might I ask how long ago? My husbands family actually use to own a IHOP there but gosh, they sold it prob 12 or 13 yrs ago! Small world & getting smaller😉
Dec 04Reply

@queenmumm sry meant to say I'm being a little nosey! I really should spell check 😜
Dec 04Reply

@brooklyn_s I'm an Army brat. We moved to Ft. Campbell on the day that Nixon resigned and then to Clarksville when my father retired in 77. My family still lives there. I graduated in 84. My cohost for Friday night - Brittani @bbarnes362 - went to the same high school and she still lives in Clarksville. It will be so exciting to meet her in person! 😊😊😊
Dec 04Reply

@queenmumm I was just in her closet congratulating her on a great party she co-hosted the other night
Dec 04Reply

@brooklyn_s oh, wow! What's your husbands family name (well, last name.) haha
My family has lived here their whole lives, so of course know a bunch of people. You'll have to ask if they know Danny Barnes!
Dec 04Reply

And I can't wait to meet you either, Brenda! How lucky am I that I have the best Posher EVER, living less than a hour away from me😁💕💞
Dec 04Reply

@bbarnes362 The last name is Zuaiter
Dec 04Reply

@brooklyn_s I'll have to ask my dad! That's so neat. Such a small world. I was to excited when I met brenda!
Dec 04Reply

You have such a beautiful smile !
Dec 06Reply

@vivacouture Wow, thanks! You have a beautiful heart and have made my day! :) <3<3<3
Dec 06Reply

@queenmumm wow!!! Sheer you secret!! You looking amazing!!! 👏👏👏💐
Dec 07Reply

@allureofbrazil Wow! Thank you for your comment!👑😘👑 I followed the Lose It app to help me shed the weight. It wasn't difficult. It's a free downloadable app and a Godsend!😊😊😊
Dec 07Reply

@queenmumm I will for sure!!! You look GREAT!!! 💐😉
Dec 07Reply

I adore you🐥
Dec 09Reply

@bholiday Aww! Thanks, Emeline! :) <3<3<3
Dec 09Reply

LOL, I wouldn't dare call anyone a hick...I grew up "in the sticks" in Upstate NY!! 😘. I'll keep sharing that until the day of. I call that my party alert list. I never add anyone without their permission. Would you like to be added? 😃
Dec 09Reply

great photo, nice to meet you. Thank you for occasionally sharing my items! I appreciate your posh support
Dec 09Reply

@irisfabiola It's my pleasure to share your closet, Iris - and I appreciate your support, too! Thank you so much! Have a fabulous holiday!😘👑😘👑😘
Dec 09Reply

Great closet!! 😍
Dec 09Reply

@queenmumm , Brenda Congrats and you look stunning and Hot! Way to go!!! 😌😘
Dec 10Reply

Congrats on the weight loss...you look fabulous!!
Dec 10Reply

@queenmumm Wow! Congrats on your new look!!!...and great interview you did on Fox, NICE!!!! You just gave me great ideas on storage for the stuff in my closet I no longer want in there.
Dec 10Reply

@acreasy613 Thank you so much, Adrianne! :)
Dec 10Reply

@maya15 Thank you for those kind comments!! And yes, I strongly encourage IKEA for very inexpensive covered hanging storage. Mine are INVALUABLE and I'm definitely making room for more! :)
Dec 10Reply

@leic Thank you so much! It gets more difficult as we get into the holidays but I just keep thinking of the beach and then put down the chocolate. LOL ;)
Dec 10Reply

@queenmumm , Brenda I completely understand! I was a size 26 once upon a time now can proudly say a size 9/10, my goal is an 8, accountability and great support! Congrats again you look wonderful!
Dec 10Reply

@leic Wow, that is fabulous! Congrats to you! I've seen you in the closet (your handbags are amazing, btw) and you fantastic. You should relate your journey on @scarlettstained's closet posting for weight loss. It helps other women find strength while they are also on this journey. I'll be thinking of you through the holidays. Keep up your wonderful progress! 😘👑😘👑😘
Dec 10Reply

@queenmumm , Brenda thank you for your kind compliment, I am excited go you as well! 👏😘
Dec 10Reply

Welcome to the 200K club my friend!!! Whoop there it is!!!👏👏👏👍❤️😘💋💋💋💋
Dec 15Reply

@katjo Thank you, Kathy! So happy to be in da club!💃🎉💃2⃣0⃣0⃣👌
Dec 15Reply

Dec 15Reply

Dec 15Reply

Congratulations. Quite an achievement in addition to all you do.
Dec 18Reply

@gaiagreen I have always used the free version. Just a bit simpler but I know there are those who like to keep track of everything that the premium offers. 😊😊😊
Dec 20Reply

@cboyd221 Thank you, Cindy!😘👑😘 So very sweet of you and thank you for all the kind remarks in my closet. I'm trying to catch up my newsfeed before Christmas gets into full swing. I see that you are from Memphis. I lived there from 89-93.😊 And I so wish you could have joined us for our Posh Party in Nashville last week!
Dec 20Reply

@gaiagreen And you inspire me in return to keep with it! Lose It is a great app and can give you positive results very easily. Good luck!😊😊😊
Dec 20Reply

I certainly would have driven to Nashville, had I known. Is there a way to find other Poshers in your area, a search feature or something? Please make sure to let me know if you have another get together. Were you working when you lived in Memphis? What a small world. Well, i want to tell you that you look wonderful. Beautiful and slim!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!
Dec 20Reply

@cboyd221 My hubby went to med school at UTCHS so we lived there for that. I worked at UTCHS and also at the Peabody for a number of years.😊There is no specific way to search based on location. We've found that doing a people or listing search for "Tennessee" and "Memphis" can help you track a few names via their "meet the sellers" post. PMHQ sent out an email to all Tennessee Poshers in early December for the 2nd birthday that detailed all the nationwide parties. Ours was supposed to be on the 6th with the others but we had to postpone for inclement weather. Did you get that email? And don't worry. This won't be the last Posh party and I'll certainly keep you on the guest list for future ones. Also be sure to check the PM blog for regional party announcements. One of our Poshers is having a live party on February 8th in St. Louis. Not sure of all the details but I'll post it in my closet and tag you when it's definite. I plan to attend. And thanks again for all your comments! I'm flattered!☺ Merry Christmas!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
Dec 20Reply

Wow, I worked at First Tennessee Bank downtown for 22 years. I was a block over from the Peabody. I don't remember seeing an email from Posh, but I get so much mail that I could have maybe missed it. Where is the blog, and how do you know everything???? I really feel inept on here!! If you are going to St. Louis, maybe we could meet up with some TN people and ride together. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Dec 20Reply

@cboyd221 Yep, we probably passed each other on the street. LOL. I spent nearly every Friday having lunch at the Rendezvous. That was gumbo day.😍You may not have gotten the email. I spoke to a number of gals who got missed. The best way to stay informed is the Posh blog - www.poshmarkapp.tumblr.com. It also helps tremendously to jump into all the social media - Poshmark on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. As for knowing "everything", I would say I don't know it all, but have paid close attention to SU closets, all the PMHQ closets, everything written on the app, all the guidelines and the internet articles on Poshmark. My journey to Poshmark is detailed in my blog - midlifealamode.com ("Too Clothes for Comfort - parts 1, 2 & 3"). I also went to Poshfest which helped cement the wonderful relationships I've made in the app. My posts are my own - not official - just tips that have helped me along the way. The good news is the info is out there and attainable by all!
Dec 20Reply

I am babysitting my grandsons tonight, but am going to try and start looking up some of your suggestions. I finally set up an Instagram account, and posted a couple of items, but have never looked through IG and tried to figure it out. I looked at Tumblr, and started to do something, but I swear I am not even sure what these are. I spend so much time on PM that I never have the time to look at the others. I never thought to look up all of this on the internet to get more info, it takes so much time. How do you manage all of this and work and deal with a family also? You have to be Superwoman to keep on top of everything. I guess since you have actually met real people in person, it kind of cements everything. Again, I appreciate your time and help. I wasn't aware of the blogs. Also, how do you find PMHQ closets?
Dec 20Reply

Congrats on your weight loss you look amazingly even MORE beautiful than b4!!! I just lost 40 myself🙏 after a gain from a broken ankle! 😢 Nice to meet you & your fab closet😊🎉 thank you for all the shares & congrats on that gorg To tiny for me HP lol🎉💥💥
Dec 30Reply

@jezebella72 Awww, thanks for the kind words! I just caught a glimpse of your cha-cha figure on your "meet the seller" and I must say that you have definitely conquered the gain from that ankle injury! I suffered a stress fracture of my foot while losing the weight (note to self, don't run a 1/2 marathon while 40 lbs. overweight - there IS such a thing as gravity) so I know how hard it is to be active and motivated while recovering from a setback. I wish I had that UofA dress in a larger size - it is quite the looker - and though I'll never be that small, I'm almost tempted to lop off a major body part to fit it. Such is life. ;)
Dec 30Reply

Your hysterical!! And thank you for the compliment too. Not an easy task what we accomplished but will never be that small to but was thinking more on the lines of lap band!!! Hahaha dam it I I find that dress I'll buy 2 & give you the other😉
Dec 30Reply

@queenmumm hey girl! I've missed seeing you - I've been MIA on Posh due to...well, one thing after another. I'm trying to ease back into Posh and catch up - doing what I can, but I'm still in the middle of travels. We should go to lunch or dinner, or walking (!) sometime! Can't believe I completely missed a Nashville event. That absolutely bites. "L" on my forehead! Haha hope you are doing GREAT! Happy new year!
Jan 01Reply

@mommalaughing Hey, GF!!! So happy to see you back on Posh - was major worried about you! Hope all is well and you survived the holidays. Yes, we really need to catch up over lunch. Lots to discuss and you should really travel with me to St Louis next month for the live meetup. We met some amazing Poshers at the party here last month - many living just down the road! Feel free to email me and we'll set up some new distractions (as if we didn't have enough, LOL!) brendaed@aol.com
Jan 03Reply

Hey beautiful!! Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Miss you love! Oh and stay warm!
Jan 04Reply

@lynnsimmons Thanks, sweetie! You, too! Brrrrrrrr😱😱😱😱😱
Jan 04Reply

Hi fellow SU, yup... I got the e-mail from PM on 1/2/14🎉 I haven't posted it yet cuz I'm waiting to see my closet in the SU list. I'm guessing they rotate us due to having so many now? Your one of the few Poshinistas I'm telling cuz some of my PMSISTERS haven't received this yet. I don't want to make them jelly. I knew u would be happy for me cuz u have been one for so long! ❤️shhhhhhh, cuz it's a secret right now. I'm trying to decide on how to make the announcement. ⭕️⭕️❌❌✌️
Jan 05Reply

@wenrella CONGRATS!!!! Yep, they rotate on and off using a specific algorithm. I've tried to crack the code but it's like prediciting Plinko on the Price is Right. I'll let you know if I see you on my list. YAY! :)
Jan 05Reply

I SAW IT👀. Took a pix....I'm going to do a post on my meet the seller for tonight's party & make the announcement. ✌️
Jan 05Reply

@wenrella 👏👏👏💗👍👍👍
Jan 05Reply

@wenrella you're on my list!👏
Jan 05Reply

Love your new profile pic!!! You look gorgeous!!!
Jan 11Reply

@laruesboutique aww, thanks!!! You've changed yours, too! Love it!!! Hope you are doing well. Cheers!😘👑😘👑😘
Jan 11Reply

Love it all!! True inspiration in so many ways!!!
Jan 13Reply

Thank you so much for shares! So sweet of you!
Jan 16Reply

Hello! I am new to posh, and LOVE what you have done with your closet and how to attact customers and make sales. TEACH ME! lol. I think you are a phenomenal seller, and any feedback or comments would be greatly appreciated. So nice to meet you! I have been watching those boots for a while now, however waiting to make some more sales before I can splurge! Congrats on the weight loss, and love the bangs in the pic!
Jan 19Reply

@mrsdiva703 Hi and welcome to Posh! Thanks so much for your lovely comments! Yes, the TB boots are part of the discount pricing system but as I'm rolling all of my listings over this week it takes some time to catch them all up. The next discount is $158 and it goes into effect tonight at midnight. I'll be adding it to the listing soon. Stay tuned!
Jan 20Reply

Ok, I am still going through your closet, so many nice things.. I am sharing away! (smile)
Jan 20Reply

Hi Brenda! Nice to meet you. I'm Michelle. I love your closet and I ADORE your pricing structure. I bet it cuts down on "what's your lowest" syndrome, lol. 😜 I've been on posh Awhile and now I'm really trying to get into the community aspect of it :) just cohosted my first party on Wednesday!!! Anyway it's so nice to meet you.
Jan 24Reply

@ms88 It's wonderful to meet you too, Michelle. Welcome to Poshmark and congrats on the party! Thank you for the lovely comments above. I am really excited about the new pricing system. It's already led to a few sales and excellent feedback from other Poshers. It really has cut down on the lowball offers that pop up in the first few days after I list a new item = less stress = yay! I hope it's a trend that others will adopt so we can make Poshmark a true fashion BARGAIN destination for buyers! Good luck and happy Poshing! :)
Jan 24Reply

Jan 26Reply

Welcome. You look amazing!!
Jan 28Reply

@kozigurl Thank you so much, Jennifer! Poshing keeps me away from noshing on everything in my frig. It has enabled me to meet so many fabulous women and stay on top of fashion. It's a definite life-changer. :)
Jan 28Reply

Great job on losing weight! U look fabulous! I've always struggled with my weight/self image/self esteem 😖 I had lost thirty pounds doing insanity and then recently put most back on 😔 just started insanity over again today 😊 killed me but I did it! Day 1 down!!! Anyway, I'd love to chat more with u! You're very inspiring!
Jan 28Reply

@jessica10908 I know exactly what you mean. I've spent my whole life yoyoing- both in terms of weight and self-esteem. I finally found what I was looking for - took me 30 years but better late than never! I commend you starting back again with your program but make sure it's something that you can deveop into an everyday change. I had to find what would work for me not just today but everyday. The app was my answer but everyone is different. Good luck with it and let me know how you are progressing! :)
Jan 28Reply

Thank you for your response. ❤️ I'll have to scroll up and re-read what app u use. I'll check it out. The insanity DVD program is tough but I was so proud and never looked or felt better. For me, exercise is key. I have a weak immune system too so when I'm exercising I rarely, if ever, catch colds & stuff but anyway, I had some other questions for u & if it's not too much of an inconvenience would you be ok if u emailed me? My email is jessica10908@yahoo.com if u rather not, no worries. Can't hurt to ask I suppose 😘💨
Jan 28Reply

LOVE ❤️LOVE ❤️LOVE! I just found the cutest pix of us at Poshfest. I'm going to put in on Instagram & tag u. 😘
Jan 29Reply

@wenrella Thank🌹you! And I remember that PF pic you've posted. So much fun!!! Thanks for the smile.😊👑😘
Jan 29Reply

Jan 29Reply

Following on IG!
Jan 29Reply

@abigagl Thank you! Will follow back! :)
Jan 29Reply

Thx for the kind shares Brenda!!! Congrats to u for ur weight loss. That's hard work!!
Jan 29Reply

@pgoldston Thanks, Pam! So sweet of you to say. It was the easiest program I've ever done, actually. I just needed to kick my booty into gear and start eating correctly and exercising regularly. Cheers! :)
Jan 29Reply

Jan 29Reply

How did I not see this post before?!? I LOVE IT BREN! 😘💕💕
Jan 29Reply

@cmjla Thanks, Cyn! I had some fun at a photoshoot a few months ago and just got my pics. This is me being royally silly...😉
Jan 29Reply

@queenmumm look 👀I was the first one to comment !! Had u just come on?? I think so 😘
Jan 31Reply

@mizfabulousity Lol! Yes! You were my firstie👏 and bestie💗. I had only been on app a month before making my "meet the seller". You are so FAB, I think you need to change your name to 😱MizULTRAFabulousity. Just sayin' 😘👑😘
Jan 31Reply

@queenmumm that's what I thought !😃 glad I was your first one 😘😘😘 btw I might be coming out to Nashville n Atlanta w my hubby in May. I'll let u know if it's a go ✈️ I love MizUltraFabulousity !! I'll have to remember it .
Jan 31Reply

@mizfabulousity If you come to Nashville, I'll roll out the red carpet and gather the local Posh girls! We'll party and shop! Let me know!👍👍👍
Jan 31Reply

@queenmumm yay!!👍never been sooo I'm crossing my little fingers 🙌👌
Jan 31Reply

@scarlettstained @brownbethany75 @makenna715 I just saw that my momma and 2 daughters are on the SU rotation with me! It's a FAMILY AFFAIR! 💗😘👑😘👑😘💗
Feb 02Reply

Aaaaaah a ROYAL family afdair! Please take a screenshot and tagme!!! I wanna post in my closet!I get prouder and prouder!!!! Love you daughter@queenmumm
Feb 02Reply

Please snap a photo it is not showing up in my SU rotation screen
Feb 02Reply

@scarlettstained Ack! Couldn't screenshot it - it was a long list... But we were definitely on at the same time. I'll try to catch it next time...
Feb 02Reply

Awwww darn! Next time tag me I'll screen shot one of us has to catch it!
Feb 02Reply

@scarlettstained Will do, mom!!😘💗😘💗😘
Feb 03Reply

My friend was telling me about the Lose It app last week... I am going to jump on board. I'm doing low-carbs but having a really hard time sticking to it. I kind of reset my metabolism last fall with a no-carb diet for 3 days then low carb and lost 20 lbs. I still have way more to go😁😁 this is encouragement! I will give it a shot! 😉😉
Feb 03Reply

@andine Good for you! My hubby lost 27 lbs with Lose It. I use it to help me maintain now. 'Course, after the holiday/Super Bowl gluttony, gotta reset a new goal! Easy to follow and you do see results. Let me know how you're doing! Good luck!👍👏👑😘
Feb 03Reply

Thank you!! I will! Yes, the holidays were hard to get thru but I could totally have gone way back up and I didn't . SHOCKER!! ⚡️⚡️
Only gained a couple lbs overall but enough to make me a little demoralized. 😳Haha. So I will get back in the swing of things. You, @susanleeyogi and @shoppatterns have given me some great words to inspire!!! Thank you again! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 03Reply

@andine I am so glad that I can help and motivate-we all need that! @queenmumm has been an inspiration to me ever since I started on posh. And you my sweet friend have always been around as well-your energy is amazing! I'm down almost 30 pounds-it does get easier (and the carbs thing-make sure your carbs are good, worthy ones!) ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 03Reply

@susanleeyogi Down THIRTY?!?! Woot! You GO GIRL! @andine that's mighty fine inspiration right there, that is!😱😊👍👊
Feb 03Reply

This is great!! So inspiring! Thank you for sharing my closet 😘
Feb 03Reply

@fab_fashionista Thank you! Happy to share your lovely closet. :)
Feb 03Reply

Hi Brenda, any other tips or trick to being a successful and steady seller? Should I add more listings, and do you suggest I change anything in my closet? Any assistance you provide will be appreciated!
Feb 04Reply

@mrsdiva703 Hey, GF! Thanks for seeking me out for Posh help! I haven't seen any sellers who have reached that "steady, successful sales" point without some work involved - and constant closet upkeep. Were it a magic pill or word, I'd divulge it because I want everyone successful on the app. It makes for a better community. That's the cool thing about selling here -- we really aren't competing with each other. We all want sales and are happy when someone is making them because the trickle down effect can bring success to everyone who has patience and drive. I suggest taking a look at my tips, ie steady sharing of your closet (3X a day AT LEAST) and sharing other closets (HOST PICKS) to gain both shares and followers. Also, read up on my tips regarding marketing off the app and making your closet Host Pick worthy. That kind of exposure is easy and accessible to anyone who is following the rules and takes the time to go after it. You have a lot of listings already - don't think of it as a certain number you have to list - consider quality over quantity and let that shine in your listngs. My blog details traits of amazing closets on Posh, covering branding and covershots. I'll be adding part 2 soon. Just click on the link at the top of my closet. After you've taken it all in, lmk if you need clarification. And keep me in the loop on how it's going. Good luck and Happy Poshing! :)
Feb 04Reply

Thank you so much for all the advice!
Feb 04Reply

@queenmumm u look fantastic. 3 yrs ago I gained a ton of weight. I had always been thin. I actually started my diet hoping to take wright off my chest as I have a very bad back and shoulders. Good and bad. I lost almost nothing up on top but everywhere else. Over 30 lbs. I started with Medifast as a kick start and then just cut out the bad stuff. How did u lose the weight.? So proud of u!!!!! 💓💓💓
Feb 06Reply

@sammy Thanks so much! Trust me, I've yoyo'd my whole life. Finally found the answer in the Lose It app. Highly recommend it to EVERYONE! It's free, you control how fast you lose, you take food control. My hubby has done it too - lost 27 lbs. so far!
Feb 07Reply

@queenmumm hi Brenda. U look fantastic. Thanks for the info. I only need to lose the last 5 lbs although everyone says, why!? But u know how that is. I really need to tone but I have fybromialgia and I can't exercise other than walking . Everything else is very painful. I'm still paying for the gym, god knows why. I was talking about a breast lift but I'm scared about that. Close up, my face could use some work too. Lol. Anyway, bravo to you. Btw, I took more than half the weight off on Medifast. Most pple hate it but I did it for 5 to 6 months and lost a little over 20 lbs. then I just cut out dairy, most pasta, bread, starches.... When I find myself gaining a few lbs, I know it's bad, but I eat very little and it comes right off. Just struggling with 5 lbs which would give me wiggle room. Thxs beautiful . U are sooo sweet! 💓💓💓
Feb 07Reply

@queenmumm Congrats on the weight loss! I have to get back on the wagon. Christmas did me in after losing 30 lbs!
Feb 07Reply

@queenmumm Good Morning Congrat's on your weight loss what an Accomplishment😍😉🎉 I was wondering if you could give me some tips I have had a Posh Closet now for a while and my business is just Null and nothing??? Could you take a peek into my closet and maybe tell me what I am doing wrong and give me a few pointers? I am ready to pack it up! 😒Ty and God Bless Cheryl😉
Feb 07Reply

It was soooo nice meeting you at the stl posh party. You looked amazing 😊😊😊😊
Feb 09Reply

@queenmumm just wanted to say thank you thank you!!! Love the skirts and the bag!! One is a little too big but easy peasy fix! Loved opening your packages! It was like opening a piñata party!! 😜😜🎉 and thanks for the extra gift I wore it yesterday on a date with the hubby! Will order more!!
Feb 09Reply

@fuzzynavel Christine, thank you for letting me know it arrived safely! I was so excited to wrap it all up for you. POSH💗LOVE, GF!!! Missed you at the party this weekend. Can't wait to finally meet you at a live meet up. Cheers and Happy🌹Valentine's Day!!!😘👑😘👑😘
Feb 10Reply

@queenmumm posh love GF!! ❤️❤️ I'll see you at Poshfest! Any idea where it will happen yet? 😄
Feb 10Reply

@fuzzynavel No clue on next Poshfest dates! I'm sure we will get a "memo" as soon as it is decided... :)
Feb 10Reply

@desireehicks Thank you so much! It was a true pleasure meeting you as well!! Happy Poshing and Happy Valentine's Day! :) <3
Feb 10Reply

@mary447 Get back on that wagon, missy! I'm also behind from the holidays and a weekend in St. Louis. I'm hitching a ride on that wagon, too. I'll make you a deal - I'll work my wagon off and you work on yours. Let's meet back up on this post in 1 month and report to each other. Deal? :)
Feb 10Reply

@ladybugger1965 Don't hang it up yet, GF! I've taken a look and there are a few guideline issues in your closet. To get the best exposure on PM, you want to try for an evening party Host Pick. They aren't hard to attain, and they really do help to get your closet noticed, but hosts are instructed to pick only from closets that are adhering to all of the guidelines. This spills over directly into closet sharing. Many Poshers will only share closets that are in full-compliance with the rules and guidelines. You want those shares because they mean followers and sales. Take a look at the guideline list under Poshmark's FAQ and comb your closet to make sure there isn't a reason for a host or fellow Posher to overlook you. I will also tag you to a tip in my closet regarding host picks. Check back if you have any questions. :)
Feb 10Reply

@queenmumm Ok you got it! March 10 we will meet again. I am getting my Nutrisystem and am ready to go, especially since I am between sizes. We need each other for motivation! My hardest thing is portion control and sweets. But I did it once and I can do it again.
Feb 10Reply

@queenmumm DEAL!!!!!
Feb 10Reply

Love ur cover pict on this one 😍✨❤️✨
Feb 11Reply

@jules2209 Thanks, sweetie!!!👑😘👑
Feb 13Reply

@queenmumm Hi, I'm Clara and I've been sharing your tips to new users a lot. I wondered if you would mind if I just tell them up front to check out your closet for tips and tag you in the note. Thanks.
Feb 16Reply

@katz2 Hi Clara! No, I don't mind at all! I invite all new Poshers to check out the tips here and on my blog to help them get their closets up and running and making sales faster. I appreciate your dedication in helping all of these new Poshers. Thank you so much!😘👑😘
Feb 16Reply

@magali14101982 EXACTLY! It's a CROWN-a-rama in there! 👑👑👑👑👑
Feb 18Reply

I can't believe you were on the news regarding posh, lol! That's hysterical, you really are addicted. Great closet!
Feb 18Reply

@queenmumm Brenda can you help me get more attention to my closet?i have been poshing for 6 months follow all the rules and need a push in followers. I am saving all my posh money from sales to attend the next posh fest in Vegas. Thank ou in advance for your attention!
Feb 19Reply

@suefladeboe Sue, your closet is amazing! I suggest you read a few of the tips I have posted in my closet as well as my blog that speaks to the traits of amazing closets. (Part 2 dropping shortly). Continue to share your closet 3 times a day during the parties. RSVP to the parties and share those host picks on a daily basis. You've already tagged my girl @bbarnes362 and she's a share machine as well as a great tagger of other gals who want in on the latest new closets worth stalking. I wish you the best of luck and I HOPE to meet you at Poshfest! I think you'll make it there - just wondering if my October out of country plans will allow me to do the same :)
Feb 19Reply

@lovecolor7 Thanks, Kitty! I think we're ALL addicted at this point and could all be on TV for this thing called Posh. There are more and more girls getting interviewed by the media as it becomes more popular. Did you happen to see the Poshmark segment on Good Morning America a few weeks ago? It was so cool! :)
Feb 19Reply

@queenmumm your the best! Thanks again.
Feb 19Reply

No, I didn't see it, wow, that's really wild. I don't have cable so that's why but I'll try to find it online. Poshmark has taken over! I've learned about a lot of new clothing lines I didn't know existed and picked-up some great ideas and clothing finds. I'm so glad it's all women, I've seen some men on here but I don't think many of us pay attention to them, lol! We still have to clean up some of the pettiness and ignore the few that try to control others and start nonsense. I saw a debate around "is lipgloss liquid?" that carried on forever. I was given a lot of misinformation so I find emailing posh directly is the best way to go. Yes you can sell make-up and bikinis provided they are brand new with tags. Nail polish stickers? You bet. Things like that. But those are just the kinks. You can still be on posh and run an honest closet and do just fine. And I've met a lot of great gals through posh. It's a great app. I just have to curb my 3am Poshing so I can see straight the next morning, lol! But so much to see and shop, it's endless fun😻
Feb 19Reply

Ok Brenda...your hotness !!!!...do tell how the app works pleaseeeeee...:)
Feb 21Reply

@lauralee6511 No, the black turtleneck is sleeveless. (taking the discussion here so as not to confuse a buyer. I don't want them thinking the turtleneck is part of the dress). You could do the same with a regular one by cutting off the sleeves or tucking them. Just be wary of any resulting bulk. I've also seen sellers paint the white of the damask to turn it completely black but the color is never a perfect match and I would worry about residual color staining my items.
Feb 21Reply

@queenmumm what an inspiring story. You took your life back!! Kudos! 👏👍👏😍
Feb 23Reply

@allwinedup Thank you for the sweet comment, Laura! I did indeed take it back and make it a lot more interesting than it ever was. The community here has been an integral part of that and I'm so inspired by every woman I meet here, and women like you who take the time to throw support my way. Thanks and Cheers! :)
Feb 24Reply

@gettumgirl Loseit.com Very simple You just log what you eat and how you exercise. It has a barcode reader plus listings for all fast food, etc. to make it a simple click to record. The best part is you tell it how fast you want to lose and it takes care of the math. You know, 4 out of 3 people have trouble with math. I'm 5 of them. LOL... ;)
Feb 24Reply

@queenmumm it's my pleasure to support such great women as you 👏👏😊
Feb 24Reply

Oh my😬😬..I'm getting the app tooodaaay!!...I will take a chunky photo today...and do a update in 30 days?...thank you...hail to the queen💂👸💨💨💨💨😘
Feb 24Reply

Hi Brenda, I just think that you are so amazing & wish you good luck. The weight loss is great. How did you gain so much?? The followers I mean lol. I've been on posh for almost a year and loving it but would love to get involve more. 😇
Feb 25Reply

@ahron2633 Thank you so much for the sweet post, Rachel! I'm betting you are just as addicted to Poshmark as I am - you are SU, after all! Congrats! I've been an SU for a while, and that's how my follower number has grown, but I assure you, followers do not sales make. It really has to do with networking outside the app, sharing during party times and getting host picks for exposure. Every closet is capable of this. I've seen a few that have sold hundreds of items and only just made SU recently. They have great marketing technique, know how to run sales and get customers interested in bundling from them. I'm in the process of writing a series of posts about this on my blog - I invite you to read it. Just click the link at the top of my closet and let me know if you have any questions. As a long time Posher, you understand the nuances of being on the app, so I invite your comments and suggestions as well. Thanks again and have a great week! :)
Feb 25Reply

Hello beautiful! I have had a bunch of ppl ask not to be tagged in sales, and I haven't had a chance to make another tag list. I'm going to try and do it this weekend! I'll share, share, share until then! Hope all is well😘
Feb 28Reply

@bbarnes362 Oh, no need on the tagging. Shares are quite enough. Thanks, sweetie! 😘😘😘
Feb 28Reply

Ok! Well, I can do that all day. Hehe
Feb 28Reply

@queenmumm Thanks for all the shares. You're up late. I just had time to read through this post. Congrats on the weight loss! You look fantastic! Wow, I can relate after losing 89 lbs. on Weight Watchers back in 2010-11. I use the lose it app now and really like it. Keeps me on track. The Poshing has taken on a life of it's own lately and I have yet to figure output a good balance, so if you have any tips, I'd certainly appreciate them.😊
Mar 05Reply

I'm up late nearly every night, Clara! @katz2 And I'm so proud of you and your weight loss! How fab. And yes, the lose it app is a Godsend and helps to keep us accountable. I've been off it a while and the weight is trying to creep back but I'm starting it again to keep it at bay. I have no good tips for balancing the Posh life with the non-Posh life except to turn off my phone periodically and enjoy other priorities. Posh will always be there to catch up later. You have to make the time and enforce it on yourself. :)
Mar 05Reply

@queenmumm Thanks. I find that I need to limit myself to an hour in the am, check when I can during the day & party🎉 at night. When summer is finally here, it may change again. Your insights are spot on! And those fat cells of mine keep calling, so yes, it's a lifestyle change. Some days are better than others.😊
Mar 05Reply

@queenmumm Brenda!! You are fab & so helpful to others-- do you do this full time ??
Mar 06Reply

@keg90 Yep, pretty much!😊
Mar 06Reply

@queenmumm - good for you!! We spoke before, I am Kim, I lost about 20lbs- mostly being a vegetarian & cutting back on snacks, walking more, more S_ X, oh well, work related stress, now I don't have that job, need a job- (would of this but don't make enough $$) & personal tragedy. So life carries us through day to day & this helps -- : D take care & keep inspiring beautiful Brenda
Mar 06Reply

@jfitzwater meet @queenmumm, another of my favorite phenomenal poshers. She's got an amazing closet & awesome tips on how to be a peer seller! Follow her closet & tips as well 😂
Mar 06Reply

@queenmumm miss ya lady 😘👍
Mar 10Reply

@mizfabulousity Miss ya SO MUCH, sweetie! <3<3<3
Mar 12Reply

@keg90 Such a sweet post, Kim! Thank you so much. I do remember meeting up a few months ago. I hope everything is okay - it sounds like you've suffered some setbacks. It's never easy when you are challenged in multiple ways. I want you to know that you inspire me, too. Please stay strong and let me know how you are doing when you get the chance. We can get so much support on Posh that it can literally move mountains. Take care and cheers, sweetie! <3<3<3
Mar 12Reply

@ellebee206 Smooches, doll! <3<3<3
Mar 12Reply

@queenmumm 💟📝 thx - came at the perfect time - major water damage in my kitchen this week -- today sunshine & trying to be positive, thx 😊🌟💟💟
Mar 12Reply

@keg90 I'm so sorry to hear about the water damage. Just breathe and remember: this too shall pass. You have my prayers, Kim. Chin up! 😘👑😘
Mar 12Reply

@queenmumm Hey other Brenda! Love the crown photo. Adorable as usual. Can't wait to meet up at poshfest again this year and don't forget to lmk when that book of yours comes out!! Sincerely, the other, less cool Brenda who is not a queen.
Mar 13Reply

@bschuler Thank you, Brenda - but don't be a goof! You are SUCH the queen of hearts <3!! Don't sell your regal self short (that's what a publicist does...). You just keep on being your cute cute self! When I finally get the time to finish the book (I have to stop Poshing to write which is nearly impossible) you will know immediately! As for Poshfest, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it occurs when I am NOT in Indonesia for my 25th. I would hate to miss it because I wouldn't get to see all your lovely faces! Oh, wow - I hope I can be there!!!! :) XOXOXO
Mar 13Reply

@queenmumm ok. Can u mentor me!!!!.....:)
Mar 13Reply

@donnid Welcome to Posh, Willie Mae! I would love to offer you my help - my first suggestion involves some reading. I have numerous Posh "Q-Tips" listed in my closet. Read those tip listings plus all the comments below each listing. There's a wealth of info and suggestions there and many of your questions will be answered. If you have specific questions not covered, please feel free to ask. I am on vacation next week, so if I'm not quick with a response, please forgive me. I'll certainly touch base with you when I return. :)
Mar 13Reply

Forget your anniversary. What's 25 years!? This is more important! Totally kidding of course but I'm crossing my fingers on the dates too do you can dance with Katjo and show us how it's done. Muah!
Mar 14Reply

You look amazing!!! Wow! Congrats!!! Sorry it's belated! But congrats nevertheless!😊💕💖💖💖Poshfest looks awesome too! I'm slightly addicted to posh as well....scratch that I'm on it almost 24/7 lol!! Great closet btw!!
Mar 19Reply

I'm new at Posh. Thanks for your inspiring testimony! :)
Mar 22Reply

@chenlalaland Haha! Thanks for the wonderful comments. Sorry that this response is belated, too! :) I've been on roller coasters all week. Glad to hear you are addicted - yeah, it sounds weird, but there are worse things that can take up this much of your time. This is way more fun and the friendships are golden. Happy Poshing! :)
Mar 24Reply

@ringleader Thanks, Holly! I hope you are having fun on Posh. It's the best thing since sliced bread, and the shoe options are so much better. ;)
Mar 24Reply

Hey lady! Hope you're well!! 💝
Mar 25Reply

@gordomom I am! Hope you are well, too! Miss you - can't wait for the next party that puts us in the same time-zone! :)
Mar 25Reply

@queenmumm Hi Brenda! Nice to meet you! How awesome & inspiring. To lose 50 lbs is no small feat! You look great!
Mar 25Reply

Yay! Roller coasters! My fav! Lol! Nah no problem, everyone's got a real life to live no matter how obsessed with posh they are☺️💖 yes I totally agree, some of my friends spend all their free time surfing the web or YouTube browsing, and I think I treasure and use my time better being on posh!!😃👍❤️just gotta love this POSHFAM! Thanks for the reply, made my night!😘❤️❤️❤️
Mar 25Reply

@lmfashion Thanks, Lynn! It took me a while to figure out what I needed to do, and I still struggle with craving the wrong foods. Posh helps to distract.. sometimes to the point where I "forget" to eat. And sleep. And generally everything else... ;)
Mar 25Reply

@queenmumm Very interesting. I have 30 lbs to lose. I have Fibromyalgia so I take lots of meds. When I went out on leave at work I started gaining. I used to workout every day of my life..sometimes two. Then my metabolism slowed way down in my late 20's & even after working out I wasn't losing. I got very discouraged at that point in my life. I crave sugar from the pain meds but I know can overcome that! I just need motivation at this point & PM is helping there. Hoe to talk to you again! Have a great night!! :)) L.
Mar 25Reply

@queenmumm thanks for the shares today! 😘 I hope all is well and that your enjoying your weekend! I had a question? Will there be a poshfest this year? How often do they have this type of function? I'm dying to go to one and my husband has already told me find out when and where and it will be my birthday present!! 🙋 yay I hope they have one every year!!!! 👯
Mar 30Reply

Just back for a trip to London, and thought about you at just about every crown I saw! You're very popular over there! Your insignia is all over the place 😄
Mar 30Reply

@carlysmommma Oooo, Karen - I envy you. Have never been to 🇬🇧London🇬🇧 but I hope to remedy that this summer! I think that crown 👑motif is for some other "queen" who lives there, but it's awful sweet of you to think of me. (Btw, 👑she👑 has some serious explaining to do...😉)
Mar 30Reply

@roxyporter Hey, Christina! We haven't heard for certain on Poshfest but I think it's safe to say there will be another this year, just not sure when. Last year it was mid-October. I hope to go again but I'm traveling overseas for my 25th anniversary in mid-late October - so unless the dates change, I'll miss it.😩 I hope you can go because it will probably be the most fun you've ever had! You get to meet the entire crew of Posh as well as all your PFFs. The conference itself is informative and entertaining and the Posh Party was rockin! I learned so much! 😘 @manish
Mar 30Reply

💞gonna find your blog!!! Congrats on weight loss!!!! 🎉💞🎉💞 love your style and variety!!!! And you were on the news?!?!?!? Omg, that is way too cool 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎!!
Mar 31Reply

Nice to meet you Brenda! Happy to share your fabulous closet.🎀✨💖😘💞
Apr 02Reply

@sweetvintique Erika, here's the post I said I'd tag you in. Brenda is the other Brenda on Posh (the cooler one). She has a ton of tips in her closet and on her blog so should really help accelerate your learning curve. She's absolutely amazing. Which is why she's "Queen"
Apr 03Reply

Thanks @bschuler will check her out
Apr 03Reply

@queenmumm ok found the link to your blog! Congrats on your weight Loss wow!
Apr 04Reply

@kimsthings Kim, thank you for your lovely comments. I really do appreciate it! I hope you are having a great time on Posh thus far! :)
Apr 08Reply

@imherrera Nice to meet you, too Irenea! Thank you so much for the shares. Happy Poshing! :)
Apr 08Reply

@sweetvintique Hi Erika! Welcome to Posh and I hope you are having fun! Brenda is such a sweetie to mention me - my goal is to see you makes more sales via my tips. Brenda @bschuler is such a wonderful mentor and Posher in her own right and you are wise to follow her. She inspires me more than she knows! :) <3
Apr 08Reply

@liz3 Hi, Lori! Thank you so much! I hope my blog/tips help you make more sales. Please let me know if you have any questions. Always happy to help! Cheers! :)
Apr 08Reply

Brenda, you know I am😀😀😀😀we are "cut from same cloth" remember??💞💞💞💞💞I'm trying to be of service to newbies now. It's very rewarding. I was finally able to figure out how to spice up my twitter page!!! Yay!!! 😘😘😘☀️
Apr 08Reply

I need to lose 35 lbs. any advice?
Apr 08Reply

Apr 08Reply

@kimsthings Wtg on that twitter page! :) And yes, mentor the newbies and pass on the knowledge. Kudos, sweetie! <3
Apr 08Reply

😀thanks Brenda!!!! I appreciate it gf!!!!! Your tweets are fantastic!!! Love your humor😎😎😎😎😘
Apr 08Reply

@bamagirl017 Kristi, the one thing that worked for me (and has also helped my hubby lose 25 pounds) has been the LoseIt app. It's a free downloadable app that keeps track of your caloric intake and output. It works with you and puts you in CONTROL of your eating - which for me has been the ONLY thing that has worked. I've yoyo'd my entire life and have been on every diet imaginable (WW, Jenny Craig, Hi protein, low fat, body in ketosis, etc.) LoseIt works because it is so simple. It isn't a diet which means you can choose what you want to eat but the app keeps you accountable - and when you become accountable you tend to make better choices on how to fill those calories. It automatically adjusts to how much you want to lose and how fast you want to lose it. It rewards you for exercise (even just cleaning your house) and it even scans the barcodes on foods. I also suggest weighing every week at the same time. It doesn't matter if you go over your calories in a day, but over a week is where you want to be right at your caloric limit or slightly under. Finally, set SMALL goals. First 10 pounds. Then if you survive that, set another goal. Don't go for the full amount at first. It makes for an easier overall target. Good luck and keep me posted on how you are doing! :)
Apr 08Reply

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me the great advice. I will try it. I have been yo-yoing for years. I have been starving myself lately and of course that is not working. You really are so sweet to give me all this info. Thank you again!!! Have a great week! I am taking vacation until next Wednesday!! Yea!!!!💐💚💜❤️💖
Apr 10Reply

@bamagirl017 You are so welcome, Kristi. I wish you so much luck because I know it's hard to lose that weight. It's tricky. But hey, have a blast on vacay!! :)
Apr 10Reply

@queenmumm hi Brenda! I love the price you picked for this post-Great flashback to the 80s! LOL
Apr 10Reply

@didigro Thanks! I can't help but sing it when I list.🎤🎶
Apr 10Reply

U look great! Way to go!!!
Apr 10Reply

@sassysuzzy Thank you, Sue!😘😘😘
Apr 10Reply

Can you tell me how you got to be a party host? Someone said, just ask. My life is too crazy right now but at some point I would like to co-host. How is that done anyhow? Does each co-host just pick x amt? Is there communication between the Co-host or Host. Can u follow along or do u just look up Host Picks after the party. I've had several picks but I never have found a Posh site explaining it.
Apr 10Reply

You look A-mazing! 😍
Apr 12Reply

@queenmumm awwww I LOVE THIS ABOUT ME. It's probably my favorite one on Posh.
Apr 14Reply

@sassysuzzy Hi Sue! It is true that you can email to PMHQ and ask to be considered for an evening Posh Party Host slot. The pool of applicants has grown considerably over the past few months, so just email to customer service and give it some time. In the meantime, always be improving your covershots and listings. Share share share your closet as well as others. Participate in all of the parties and get onto the other media sites (twitter, tumblr and instagram) and tag Poshmark to your status updates there to show when you are listing items or rsvp'ing to the parties. Posh loves those who love to advertise both themselves and the app. Once you are selected to host, you will receive an email from one of the PMHQers that will detail everything you need to know. You are limited to 100 picks from your closet as well as other closets. You need to make sure your closet and those you select from are adhering to all rules and guidelines as detailed in the Posh app FAQ section. The easiest way to see a past party is to go to the "SHOP" link at the bottom of your smartphone and then click on "PARTIES". You can then go into the party archives. Only the evening parties offer the Host Pick category and from there you can scroll through what has been selected. I always go into past parties and share from the Host Picks. It triggers a lot of activity in your newsfeed to do this - helping with both re-shares and followers. Host Picks are seen by anyone registered with the app, which at this time has grown to over 2.4 million users. This is the reason why you always want to aim for a Host Pick in your closet with every new listing to you offer. It's the BEST exposure for you and your closet, no matter how many followers you have. Hope this helps answer your questions. Good luck! :)
Apr 14Reply

@nutn2fear Hi, Shelly! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you are having a lot of fun with both the app and the community. It is such a fabulous place to not only sell but to make life-long friendships. I noticed that you are in TN. I'm south of Nashville. It's great to see another Tennesseean on the app. Happy Poshing! :)
Apr 14Reply

@tuesdaymundy Awww, thanks Ashley! I hope you are doing well. Love the new items that you've posted! Your item descriptions are still my FAVORITE on the app. :)
Apr 14Reply

@linmp1031 Thank you, Linda! Your denim jacket is going out in today's mail and I hope you love it. Have a great week! :)
Apr 14Reply

You know I will! It was one of the first things I loved when I got here!! 👍 I can't wait!!
Apr 15Reply

@nutn2fear I lived in Memphis for 4 years, Shelly and just traveled through there last weekend for a Posh party in Hot Springs, Ark. I finally made it to Jerry's Sno Cones which I HAD NEVER visited until now. OMG - now I'm hooked and I live SO far away! Aargh! ;) I have advice that I offer to new Poshers and much of it is listed in my closet as "Posh Q-Tips" I cover everything from covershots to how to get a host pick. You can also click on my blog link at the top of my closet which takes you directly to an article on creating an "Amazing Posh Closet" One of your first goals should be to get a host pick as it increases your exposure exponentially in all directions. It helps you gain shares, followers and sales. Make sure you abide by all the Posh guidelines which are listed in the FAQ section of your Posh account. Share your closet 3 times per day during the parties and go into past evening parties and share the host picks. It helps you hit a lot of closets at once. I also go into my feed periodically and share items because those users are active and will likely go into your closet to share back. Please feel free to tag me with specific questions. I've just hurdled a bunch of info in this post so I'll let you catch up.... :)
Apr 15Reply

Hey darling how have you been😘
Apr 18Reply

Congratulations would you tell me more about loose it?
Apr 20Reply

@britgirl2 Hey, Diane! I've been fine! Maybe a weeeeee bit busy - perhaps as busy as a toothless man at a corn on the cob eating contest....
Apr 22Reply

@milamckeown Hi, Mila! Welcome to Poshmark and yes, I would be happy to tell you more about Lose It. It's a free app that you just download to your smartphone and then use daily as a means to keep track of your calories in and calories out. It is very easy to use and once you get the hang of it, you'll be logging everything. It does all the mathematics for you - which is a big deal for me as I absolutely SUCK at math - and it even has a scanner so you can just scan the barcode on your item to have it instantly deduct from your daily calorie count. I lost 52 pounds in one year and kept it off for another year. I've recently put back on about 10 pounds (didn't log and did a lot of traveling to exotic locales) which I'm tackling again on the app. I've found that I need it to keep me in check. It's helped me drop a few pounds just in the past week. My husband is currently on Lose It and he's lost over 25 pounds. I highly recommend it to everyone as it isn't really a diet but a way to teach you how to eat for the rest of your life. You can also check out other apps and helpful ways to keep track of your walking, water intake, sleep, etc. with such gadgets as Fitbit. Anything you can do to take charge and put yourself back in control is key. Good luck! :)
Apr 22Reply

Thank you so much
Apr 22Reply

😍love it💕💕💕hey it's good to be busy keeps us young darling😘
Apr 23Reply

Oh my, fantabulous Closet! I will be visiting often! I am going to try Lose it! Wow, you look fantastic!
Apr 26Reply

@queenmumm Congratulations on your weight loss!!!! I just lost 60 myself . I feel like I just got rid of a couple of toddlers lol! I was always thin until Menopause ! Then happened so fast I was a size sixteen. We went to Hawaii and I saw pictures of myself and that did it . Plus I had a baby in my forties All those crazy hormones lost my head . I thought ....But now he is nine and my life wouldn't be complete with out him ! Keep up the good work💃
Apr 28Reply

@queenmumm congratulations on your weight loss! That's awesome! And thanks for sharing!! It's great that you're inspiring women and letting them know that it CAN be done!! 😊 My mom has been on a healthier lifestyle path for the last 5 years and she's almost at 50lbs. I remember all the fad diets that she did while I was growing up (grapefruit, Adkins, caffeine pills), but nothing kept it off until she changed her whole mindset. Again, congratulations! (And AWESOME closet!!! 😊)
Apr 30Reply

@solangelababe Thank you, Solange! I highly suggest Lost it to all my friends and family. It definitely works! Cheers! :)
Apr 30Reply

@lovelm You are my 784th comment and one of my most precious. Love to you, Jodie-girl! I'm sorry if I've missed shares and I will try to catch up to you. Things went and got hectic on me again. Hope you are feeling well - please give those sweet angel babies a big hug! :)
Apr 30Reply

@longca1959 WOW! Fabulous results! Shedding 60 is like losing a Backstreet Boy. So proud of you. It is hard work and takes some dedication to get back onto the wagon when you fall off because of the holidays, etc. which happened to me but Lose it is steering me correctly when I let it. I'm also doing the hot flash, whoa nelly, no one prepped me for this, pausing of the menses thing. Mine is still called Perry. I don't care for old Perry on certain days but then I go back to my normal "where the hell am I" behavior a few clicks at a time. Hey, and mega CHEERS for a baby in your forties. I nannied for 3 years to two under the age of 4. That's kind of like having a baby in your forties but then I got to pawn them off every night and weekend. I certainly don't miss the diaper changes and non-immunity to all illnesses for weeks on end. Keep up the great work and continue battling those moaning hoards. I'll do the same here... ;) Nice chattin' with you!
Apr 30Reply

@trimadesirar Thanks so much, Trina! Tell your mom that I am very proud of her, too. It does take a lot more than a simple nod of the head to do anything these days, much less battle the scale. I did all the fads as well. Even hypnosis which I STILL can't believe I did but you know, when you get desperate you'll try ANYTHING. I'm continuing the battle even now. Stressful situations seem to be made better by Baskin Robbins and a huge bag of Cheetos. Must learn to bite my tongue and not the closest food item. That's the hardest part - doing the right thing on the bad days as well as the good ones. But then that's true of everything facet of life. Cheers and thanks for stopping by! :)
Apr 30Reply

@saintchic Wow, best comment ever! I'm so flattered and I feel mega empowered now! Thanks, Jen for such kind words. It's my Posh community that has made a tremendous difference and keeps me flying but also grounded. I think it's best to have a mixture of both to really live and tackle things like scales and giant bears. ;) Thanks again and CHEERS! 👑😘🌸💗🌸😘👑
Apr 30Reply

@queenmumm congrats on loosing weight you look amazing 👏👏👏🎉😘💋💕💕💕💕
May 01Reply

@rabiha86 Thank you so much for that lovely post! 😘👑😘👑😘
May 02Reply

May 02Reply

@queenmumm ur very welcome 💐💐
May 02Reply

Wow! Congrats on your weight loss! You look great! 😊👍
May 04Reply

@queenmumm : You looked lovely (wearing jeweltones) @ NC Posh Party!👑
May 05Reply

Very nice to meet you! You look fabulous!
May 06Reply

@dimatteo Thank you, Sheila! It's wonderful to meet you, too. :)
May 06Reply

@linmp1031 Thanks, Linda. I'm never been a shy girl with my fashion. Love the jewel tones the best. :)
May 06Reply

@lchouser oooooh, I love that kind of prophesying. It's gonna involve chocolate, right???💗👏😁😉👯
May 07Reply

@queenmumm Happy Mother's Day my friend!
May 11Reply

every time I see a crown, even my crown ring, I think of you. :)
May 29Reply

nice to meet you, and thank you for all the shares! :)
May 29Reply

Girlfriend!!! I absolutely HAD to get u some of the most awesome posh CROWN note/thank you cards today!!!! I just couldn't help myself!😜I saw them and literally said out loud in the store "queenmumm"! Got a few weird looks, but doesn't matter...I got u some cards for your bundles❤️❤️❤️hope to see u soon so I can give them to you!!! Love ya!
May 30Reply

@kimmiedee Lol! I can't turn away from any crown. It will be difficult in London next month. Elizabeth had better check her crown constantly. I'm after that puppy! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I certainly hope I get to see my G momma soon!!!😘👑😘👑😘
May 30Reply

Way to go on your weight lose👏👏Cingrats now can you
Jun 03Reply

OMG that post button is making me😡 especially when trying to correct something & my finger gets in the way! sorry about that let's try this again👍 Congrats on your weight loss🎉🎉👏👏 Awesome job😘 is that really you on the news if so how cool👍 ❤️❤️❤️ your closet great for newcomers. Now hopefully this will come over correctly this time so you don't think I am crazy 😂😂😂
Jun 03Reply

@hotpantsrhoads Lol! You are definitely not crazy. I'M the crazy one. I've pressed the post button so many times by accident that I'm not allowed to comment past a certain hour. My 😱 wakes the neighborhood. Seriously, thanks for your lovely post, Heidi! I'm still on Lose It, some 65 weeks after starting it. Though my weight has fluctuated somewhat, I I like that it keeps me grounded and exercising. Cheers! 👑😘👑
Jun 04Reply

Love your closet! Love all the advice. I'm new to POSH. Your closet is very helpful! ! Thank you!
Jun 07Reply

@cdelp116 Thank you, Cheryl & Welcome to Poshmark! I see you are already getting excellent advice from @cody7150. Virginia is my sweetie! I know you will have a blast with the app and the community. Happy to share your closet and answer questions. Cheers! 😘👑😘👑😘
Jun 07Reply

Thank you so much for the shares @queenmumm I truly appreciate it 😊😘💛
Jun 08Reply

@tfilip04 My pleasure, Tara! Cute closet! 👑😊👑
Jun 09Reply

Thank you so much @queenmumm And yours is fabulous!
Jun 09Reply

Wow!! That's super awesome!!
Jun 10Reply

@lana88fan Thank you, Lana! :)
Jun 13Reply

@queenmumm Just wanted to let you know that I downloaded the LoseIt app because of you. ✌️😁I hadn't heard of it before and I haven't started yet, but I'm excited to in the next day or two. Thanks so much! (I have about 80lbs to lose and it feels like it will take forever!)
Jun 17Reply

@ybf Hey, GF! So lovely to hear that you are joining the Lose It team! If you set your goals small to start (like, 20 pounds at 1-2 pounds per week), pick a great couple of exercises that you love and shop with an eye towards filling ingredients that are low in calorie counts, you will do GREAT! My DH has been on Lose It for 11 months and has dropped 30 pounds! He looks fantastic. I had a small rebound over the holidays when I put the app away momentarily, but I'm back on it again and very happy with how I'm doing. It really is the easiest and most effective way to lose weight. A few more tips - every morning, without fail, I eat a big calorie meal - Greek yogurt and granola, OJ and chai tea with a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon added. The cinnamon helps maintain blood sugar and I'm less likely to sugar dip and break into the snacks too early. Always make sure to stoke that furnace before you work out. Don't be scared to go over your calorie allowance every now and then. It keeps your metabolism on high alert for changes and helps with plateaus. As long as you are keeping within the calories over a week, it's all good. I wish you the very best. And PLEASE keep me updated on your progress. It takes a week or so to get used to the changes, but just stay with it! Cheers! :)
Jun 20Reply

@queenmumm Awesome! Thanks so much for the pointers! What does your workout regimen consist of in general? And, did you purchase a wifi/bluetooth body scale or any other gadgets to monitor yourself along your journey? And, finally, did you upgrade to the paid version or just do the free version? Not sure why to do (free or paid) and I can't figure out which scale to buy (their brand, FitBit's or that other brand; starts with a W?). lol
Jun 20Reply

@ybf I started with the free version and have never upgraded. I think it's okay to do either that or the premium plus all the other gadgets that you want - it's all personal preference - like choosing economy or first class on a plane ;) I like to be able to say that my weight loss didn't cost me anything because I've been on about 10 different programs and there was always a book or membership or meals to buy. The fab thing about Lose It is it teaches you how to eat and make good choices using your own instincts. It puts YOU in charge of the food - not the other way around. If you have 1600 calories allotted to you, you "could" eat 8 Snickers bars and call it a day, but in the long run, you won't feel good and you'll still be hungry. Sorry, but Snickers really DOESN'T satisfy the needs of a human being ;P. My main workout is cycling. I do about 10 miles 4 times a week. I live next to a green space park and there's 30 miles of trails - it's my fave exercise. In between, I do stationary bike, stationary rowing, elliptical, water jogging in a pool or just walk 3-4 miles in the park. My DH does a lot of these activities with me - so that helps with momentum. If you can find a buddy, I highly suggest it. Otherwise, get earplugs and an hour's worth of workout music and just tell yourself that you're gonna break a sweat. The endorphins you release are going to make a world of difference in your everyday mood. Lose It even lets you customize an exercise (as well as inputting your own recipes) and would you believe that EVERYTHING is capable of being listed for exercise - including, well... ya know ;) LOL...
Jun 20Reply

Hi! I am a Nashvillian as well! Nice to meet you! You have a lovely closet! 😘💕💕
Jun 23Reply

@queenmumm love your closet 😍❤️❤️
Jul 05Reply

Now that you are Posh Celeb, will you still talk to us "non-celebs" at the Poshfest????? OMG, love the NY Times article!
Jul 19Reply

@yoyojody Silly Jody rabbit! 🐰We are ALL celebs because we are all 🌟POSHERS! 🌟 Can't WAIT to see you at Poshfest, love. Will you save me a 💃dance at the Posh party? Start brushing up on your moonwalk... 🚶🚶🚶😘😘😘.
Jul 19Reply

Thanks for your thoughtful response to my query! Much appreciated.
Jul 29Reply

@ridinghood13 Wow! Fabulous weightloss! 👏👏👏Congratulations. It's not an easy journey, but it does feel amazing to reach that destination. Keep up the great work. Cheers! 👑😊👑
Jul 29Reply

@sgschulz2006 Thank you, Sarah! I'm always so thrilled to meet other Nashvillians here. Do you mind if I add you to my list of area Poshers for possible future meetups? 😊😊😊
Jul 29Reply

@intrepid 'twas a pleasure! 👑😊👑
Jul 29Reply

@ridinghood13 Jen, you are so sweet. I'm checking out your closet and just read your seller page. Omg, your story is another truly amazing one on Posh. Many forces have brought us here but the friendships we develop through this app are one of the main reasons that keep us logging on each day. I'm very sorry about your friend, and I know you have fought your own battles. I hope you find continued comfort (and success) with Poshmark and its community. They've been a Godsend to many. And btw, you are the strong one, m'dear! Cheers! 💗👏😊👍
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm Brenda, Hi- love this page👆😜😘Someone else who loves Hugh,,??💘😍👭😛haha- Anyway great job on the weight loss👏👏👏👏🎊
Jul 29Reply

@pmgr22 Hi, Ari! Thanks so much! And yes, I'm definitely a HUGE Huge fan. Just missed him by 5 days in Florence Italy. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out. Can't believe he didn't amend his travel plans to wait for me.... ;)
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm 😂lol too funny - I loved him in Someone like you-🙌 although he is really a versatile actor - 😛😍and so think he sings too / Whaaat?!! The man is "all kinds of talented" lol! I've seen a lot of "eye candy man break" - listings / but had to put the skids on when I saw yours 😁💋😛😘😍Thanks for the reply 💓😙
Jul 29Reply

"Typo" 😜Blame it on Hugh😛
Jul 29Reply

@pmgr22 LOL - I get weak in the fingers for Hugh, too. ;) Typoo00s evrywear.
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm 🙌😍💋Now I have watch a Hugh flick lol! 💓😂🍸💘have a fun day, Brenda💕💕💕Nice chatting🌸
Jul 29Reply

@pmgr22 May I suggest anything Wolverine? Just one word - shirtless.
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm 😳Can you believe I have seen "W"? I know I can knock you over w/a feather right about now 😂Well... what... the... I will take your advise! 😆😋😘
Jul 29Reply

😁advice 😂😂😂
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm Brendaaaa- 😂you are sooo much 🎉FUN🙌😘💃🎉👏😙🍸Soul Sista! 💘😙😂
Jul 29Reply

@pmgr22 AARGH! NO Wolverine!? I'm "marvel"ing at your disclosure. Please, just watch one (or an X-Men) and skip through if you must to the scenes where he's got his shirt off. You can even mute it so you won't be tempted to go and purchase a comic book ('cause the comic book versions are very cartoonish and not Hugh-like). The newest X-Men (still in theaters) even features Hugh's derriere in full nakedicity. He wore nothing but a green sock for the scene. It was the most glorious gluteus max I've ever seen. Btw, you can retrieve your jaw from the floor now....
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm 😍Omg 🙌OMG🙌 omg🙌😍😍I WILLLLL! And you had me in stitches 😂😂😂👍😛😛😛💋💋💋Dang only a sock???? Glorious, ChilLd!! 😜💃💃💃That MaN! 🎉😍thanks for the tips👍👍👍👍😜🍸💓💋💋💋
Jul 29Reply

@queenmumm yes - absolutely! Would love to be on the list and have the opportunity to meetup with other Nashville Poshmarkers! Thank you!! 😘💕💕
Jul 29Reply

@sgschulz2006 Cool! 👍👍👍
Jul 29Reply

Wow what a great personality. Wish you the best
Jul 29Reply

@aputnam9 Awww, thanks Agnes! That's so sweet of you. I'm a bit of a goober and tend to act my shoe size rather than my bra size. Cheers! 😘👑😘
Jul 29Reply

You make me smile😊
Jul 30Reply

Your closet is AFREAKENMAZING! I so wish I was going to Poshfest to see your lovely face😘 I'm still holding my breath on seeing your book! I'm learning how to do E-books on Amazon. Is that what your doing? If not let me know cuz they practically do it for you.
Aug 05Reply

I think u should be on the Ellen show! Your story is very interesting and could help lots of women take charge of there lives. ⭕️⭕️❌❌ just sayN
Aug 05Reply

@wenrella Thank you, Wendy! You are a hoot and a half and we'll miss you at Poshfest. :( I appreciate your comments about my story - but I think it's amazing how almost every Posher has a unique story that brought her to Posh. It's because we talk to other Poshers constantly and keep up with each other on app that it's become such a phenomenon. Re: my book, it's on temp hold while I attend to a few very important matters.... :) Cheers, GF!
Aug 05Reply

Brenda you are awesome and amazing and so gorgeous! Your heart is so big because you love helping new poshers and old poshers alike. And now you are famous! So proud of you! 😘 @roxyporter Did you see this?!?
Aug 06Reply

@mottsie Linda, thank you! You are so sweet. After a decade of being stagnant and having no career, I'm now doing what I love. I'm just so fortunate to have found Poshmark and this wonderful community. Both have changed my life in profound ways. I'm VERY blessed! 😘💗💕
Aug 06Reply

@queenmumm, love this post and love your closet! 💕 Thank you for sharing your love of Posh and your Posh 💜💜 with me!
Aug 06Reply

I can say ditto to that! I have made some of the most wonderful friends on posh. Good Christian ladies. I never had this happen before but a lady purchased my new coach wallet and I knocked $20 off of it and sent it to her. She felt so guilty after she received it because it was brand new she sent me a $20 cashiers check because she felt I was getting ripped off and then purchased another purse. She sent me the nicest note with the cashiers check in it. Said her conscious bothered her. Wow! Take care Brenda and we do need to get together sometime.
Aug 07Reply

@ridinghood13 Hey, Jen! Good morning! 🌄☀😘☺Whattup, missy?
Aug 10Reply

@ridinghood13 Four Host Picks! 😱 Whoop! You go, girl! 👏👏👏 I know you are mega proud of that. I totally get where you're going with first day of school. Hope Thor has a tremendous year! My youngest starts his Senior year tomorrow. 😫😫😫About to attend my last public school open house in a few weeks and then work on the college apps with him. Empty nest is looming and I'm starting to get devastated. 😱😭Where did the time fly off to???⏰⏰⏰🚀🚀🚀
Aug 11Reply

That is an incredible journey💋👏👏👏 what an inspiration. I am going to read your blog I can't wait to! I have been cooking , sewing, crafting , taking pics for 2 years to start my blog. I started 1 that I shouldn't have bc I wasn't prepared & felt I lacked relevant content . Now I have way more then I need. My fear now is bombing....the tip I read when I 1st started my original blog is most of them fail based on different criteria. In the description you said you have Posh Stories. I told pmgr22 a few weeks back I was going to incorporate my Poshmark family as well. I'm not sure when but health & fitness is also very important as well .with that your weight lose story is incredible, I'd love for you to maybe either be a guest writer & tell your story or if you were too busy maybe I could just saw a few things about the app you used & how much you lost. all of that of course with your approval I would never violate anyone's privacy without their permission. When I started on PM I needed a job & income to help support my family of 7. I took so much time taking pics getting great covers going to parties it was overwhelming. I made a few great friends right away, but the big share teams & games weren't around so I just balanced all I could. Now I'm
Following, Sharing ,Picture Taking, Pricing my products w/ other pricing, re doing my listings, congratulating all the Co-hosts. I've been in sales 27yrs I've Managed a cosmetic company , owned my own boutique , trained people for Dale Carnegie & on & on. I'm doing more & not selling a thing...I'm not a quitter so that's not an option so if you have any advice at all please let me know. I'm so sorry this is so long. Lastly I'd love to go to Poshfest I missed all the priors. Have you went? If so is there anywhere I can go to get a ballpark of what I might spend? Thanks Brenda I'm
Glad I met you💋❤️💃 you may not be glad you met me after all these ???'s sorry ....
Aug 14Reply

@queenmumm I am GROOT! 💕💕
Aug 25Reply

@queenmumm Brenda good for you losing that weight. I'm going to check that app out💞👍💞
Sep 03Reply

@queenmumm thanks for the recognition and the follow. Have a great night!!!! MichelleAnnette
Sep 15Reply

@michelleannette My pleasure, GF! You have a kickin' closet! Thanks for the shares, too! 👑😘👑😘👑
Sep 15Reply

Oh Brenda, it was great seeing your story! You look utterly amazing!!! Beautiful inside and out 50 lbs or no 50lbs I saw your pic collage in the posting and saw the Fox TV segment. Back in early 2013, PM reached out to me to go on Fox59's style show and talk about my PM experience, as they really wanted the midwest exposure. All set to go when it occurred to me that I should seek permission from my employer...who also happens to be the largest owner of retail real estate in the world. Depending on where you live, I would almost guarantee you, a Simon mall is close by.. So I shared what I was doing with my boss and albeit a cool thing to have done, the nature of our business prevented me from doing so. They considered it a form of on line shopping, which it is...(but with a twist!) and they preferred I back off graciously. The gals in San Francisco were so kind and so sweet and they understood 100% but I have always regretted not doing the piece. I could have just played dumb...my employer wouldn't have thought anything of it! hahahahaha My theory with PM is simple. Women have a common bond...shopping...another common bond....sharing. Putting the two together was a brilliant idea and something I wish I would have thought of first! LOL - Have a great week darlin!
Sep 15Reply

@tinamarie_33 Hey, Tina! Thank you so much for your kind words. I also wish that you could have just done the newsstory without requiring permission! What is that old saying? - "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission!" LOL Not that we should be doing that but sometimes it is rather tempting. I do recognize the Simon name - we have Opry Mills in Nashville and it's rather awesome. If you are ever in the area, please look me up - we could shop there together when we aren't shopping on Posh, right?! Poshmark really is a fabulous place and I'm more than thrilled to sing their praises. I was a couch potato with no sense of direction one minute and a biz-owning fashionista with a tv crew in my Posh closet the next. It really is amazing how the app has taken off so quickly, but you are right - it's the community that keeps us logged on for recordbreaking sessions. We're truly lucky to have found Poshmark. Again, thanks for stopping by to chat! I hope we meet in person very soon. Cheers! :)
Sep 16Reply

@julia_rose Julia, I'm so sorry that I missed your comment above in the feed. It's just now that I'm seeing it and I'm definitely interested in chatting with you! :) If you'll go to my blog and comment under any of the listings, I can contact you via email. We need to chat about Poshfest and the like. Also, I would love to invite you to join the group "Real Women of Poshmark" on Facebook. There are hundreds of us on there now and we just chat about any old thing but we do have great tips and stories that we share with others It's a fun group. Just look for the page on FB and request permission to be added. Cheers! :)
Sep 16Reply

Lol we are so much alike 💋😘😘 there are so many sharing games & congratulating suggested users & Co-hosts it used to be so much easier to select the comments button & see a few comments. Now with the tagging I sometimes over look comments as well. I guess we should both feel better that were both human & it's ok to oversea a comment here & there we can still be amazing & awesome! Lol , I definitely will join the Facebook group thanks for all the info can't wait to to get to know everyone better
Sep 16Reply

I saw the cover pic for this and thought it was a pair of shoes you were selling and got excited lol!!! If only they were real! 👠Congrats on the weight loss, you look great!
Sep 22Reply

@lissa413 Thank you, Melissa! LOL. I'm sorry for the deception! Trust me, if these pups were real I wouldn't be selling them. But I will definitely keep an eye out and tag you if they ever materialize. Have a fantastic week. Cheers! 👑😘👑
Sep 22Reply

@lissa413 Ya know, you totally piqued my interest on if these are in fact real. They are! 😱 Made by the UK co called Schuh. These are the Colette style but they are sold out and HTF. But hey, at least we have a name to search by, right? 😉Who knows? These could show up anytime on Posh!
Sep 22Reply

Haha that's amazing! I can't believe you found them! And yeah you never know, one day they could show up in the feed lol
Sep 22Reply
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