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Updated Dec 16
Updated Dec 16

👠Brown/Gold Jessica Simpson Heels👠

Jessica Simpson

$22 $110


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My favorite shoes i cant wear because they're too small!!! 😕 Brown/Gold Jessica Simpson Heels. ❤ They have the cutest shape, almost elfin, so adorable! 41/2 in. heel. ❤ Gently worn,(a little you can see around toe) but, in excellent condition! These are meant to have a distressed look. Bundle and save! 🔻Make An Offer!🔻
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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melissa_anne_83 @muneewoo hey hun, i think you got the wrong person! If i was a host, though, i would definitely give you my vote 💟💗💟💗💟💗💟💗
Sep 15Reply
melissa_anne_83 @muneewoo i so totally just got that lol, i can be pretty dense sometimes. 😕 Thank you for the nomination!! You are so sweet!! And you are the BEST!! 😙😙😙😙👍👍👍💖💖💖💖💖💖
Sep 16Reply
melissa_anne_83 @muneewoo well...ive had one...👍💗💗💗
Sep 16Reply
stevannie 😀likewise! Nice to meet you.
Oct 23Reply
missrochelles2 Its soooooo wonderful that you're following guidelines!! I'm a veteran posher here since 2012. Your closet is so cute!!!!
Oct 26Reply
missrochelles2 Welcome to Poshmark! I'm a veteran 2012 Posher who would be more than happy to let you in on tips it took me years to learn! I love mentoring! The rules can be confusing at first😥I made mistakes at first & wouldn't want you to make the same mistakes.😝This is the best site for sales and supporting each other! Once you start listing I'll introduce you to some great Poshers! Don't hesitate to ask me anything! Please visit my closets @missrochelles2 & @babyknits
Oct 26Reply
advopharmacista @melissa_anne_83 would you like me to create a bundle for you for items that you bundled? Or did you do that by mistake? I can do 25% off all items those if full price. Or just the bra? Sorry I don't have tons of items to select from.
Nov 03Reply
advopharmacista @melissa_anne_83 I just made suggested user but got diagnosed with melanoma. And have had my hands full with a 4 and 5 year old, a FT high stress job, a side business. And a hubby with 8 hour commute. 😫. So SU does nothing for empty closet. LOL. Tons of stuff to sell with little time. 🙈
Nov 03Reply
1curatedcloset @melissa_anne_83 😘 Your closet! 🛍 I'll be back...💞
Apr 20Reply
datpiff99 Thanks for all the likes! Let me know when you are finished shopping and looking to make a purchase, I will work with you on the price!
Jun 06Reply
malbatarseh @melissa_anne_83 hi I saw you bundled some items. I had to make minor update to one of the listings and therefore lost the item(s)in the bundle. Please let me know if you would still like or delete your items in your bundle--- I can accept the offer. ;)
Jun 08Reply
boommegatron Hey love! I see your bundling some items. I wanted to say that I would give you the counter kit and Eyeshadow Palette free with the purchase of everything else in your bundle. If you wanted to take those items out! Thank you for shopping and happy Poshing!
Aug 13Reply
boommegatron Contour*
Aug 13Reply
boommegatron With your current bundle I would add the Eyeshadow Palette free 💗💗
Aug 13Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!💕☺️
Oct 19Reply
rawhemclothing Hey Melissa, I'm sorry you're not happy with the scent of your package. I packaged them with a downy dryer sheet. I don't wear purfume so that would be the scent your smelling. I'm sorry if it triggers a migrane for you, that was never my intent. Luckily it's only a dryer sheet so the scent will disipate soon. Again, sorry!
Nov 07Reply
melissa_anne_83 @jlimholt2315 The dryer sheet was okay, idk, but it's INSIDE? I was okay until I went to put it on, and it was very overpowering, like old, strong perfume. I'm sorry, I wouldn't say anything unless I was sure, and I HATE writing it. I love the jacket and sweatshirt, that's why I gave 5 stars, but then had to change. I wish there wasn't an issue, because it causes us both stress 😕
Nov 07Reply
melissa_anne_83 @jlimholt2315 And if it was just the sweatshirt it MIGHT come out, but it's iffy, but wool is another story, but I had my mom smell it as well, and she was said..yes, I get it, thats pretty ba. I asked her as a witness and another nose, for my own peace of mind.
Nov 07Reply
rawhemclothing @melissa_anne_83 I honestly don't know if it's not the dryer sheet. I truly hope it airs out so you can love them. Again, I'm sorry you're unhappy. That is never a goal of mine!
Nov 07Reply
amargo1 😘
Nov 08Reply
jessrosestyles @melissa_anne_83 hey!!! I just wanted to let you know that double sharing everyone who shared tonight wont really make up for yesterday bc different people sign up everyday. So everyone who signed up yesterday did not get shares from you. Before you sign up for a new day you have to complete shares from the day before first.
Nov 14Reply
jessrosestyles @melissa_anne_83 so instead of double sharing if you can please share yesterdays share groups instead. If its too much to do yesterday and today i can cancel your sign up for tonights groups and u can just finish yesterdays.
Nov 14Reply
melissa_anne_83 @jessrosestyles Okay, was trying to help. Just go ahead and take me off for now, I really wanted to share, but I'm still fighting this terrible migraine! I'm sorry we started off so rocky! When I know for SURE that I'm feeling better I will sign up, but I don't want to let people down by taking the time to share mine if I'm not 100%, and are unable to reciprocate. Which I just can't, not today. Usually I can push through, but this is a little different than the norm. I'm so sorry.
Nov 14Reply
melissa_anne_83 @jessrosestyles I really do feel terrible for not being able to follow through for you guys! I think its a great group! I work hard, sometimes too much, which is what happened. I pushed my limit too hard trying to get a foothold in Posh again, I had to stop to caregive for my gramma, so I feel like I'm playing catch up.
Nov 14Reply
melissa_anne_83 @jessrosestyles I can do that. I'll share yesterday's and you can take me off today. Thank you ❤
Nov 14Reply
jessrosestyles @melissa_anne_83 no worries!!! Yea def dont push yourself. Sharing can become alot sometimes! I hope you feel better :)
Nov 14Reply
melissa_anne_83 @jessrosestyles Thank you so much! I was afraid I'd get yelled at! There are some people that are not kind. And as I said, I can push, but I'm so exhausted just can't today. Sheesh, I'm 34, you know the song, I'm too Young to Feel This Damn Old, by Garth Brooks, yup! I just have to laugh or joke and stay positive! Thank you again, I hope I see ya'all soon! 💖💕☄
Nov 14Reply
jessrosestyles @melissa_anne_83 lol. No worries if you can try to share some from yesterdays thatd be great. Ill tell the ladies just to skip your for tonight. All good 💗
Nov 14Reply
revolveher OMGosh! I just had to say hi b/c I noticed you and I share the same first and middle name! Spelled exactly the same! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 hahahaha! Happy poshing! 😁
Nov 15Reply
melissa_anne_83 @revolveher That is so funny! I don't see many Melissa's & I definitely don't see many Anne's with an 'E' lol. I have a couple of cousins w the same middle names, but I got the e to be special! So, we can be special, together! ❤☄😙
Nov 15Reply
revolveher @melissa_anne_83 Same here! Got the “e” because I was “special.” Hahaha! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nov 15Reply
bbunny420 Lemme know what you think. I’d love to get u that dress it’s beautiful!! I’d love to work something out with you! 😽
Dec 02Reply
theposhqueen1 @melissa_anne_83 hi melissa, I see you like several items on my closet, feel free make an offer 🙂
Dec 09Reply
modernowlbtq @melissa_anne_83 GUESS WHAT?? You've been chosen to be my 💚 of the DAY!! YEAH!!! Please follow tons of people today so you get the MOST follows and shares!! Thanks so much and CONGRATULATIONS Melissa❢❢❢
Feb 11Reply
makeupgurlrox Hello!! I just wanted to stop by to let you know that I have some new gently used makeup in my closet for sale! I will be posting some more items tonight as well! And as a returning customer I will offer you a 20% off any bundle purchase of 2 items or more AND 5 free (gently used) makeup items with purchase!!!Please let me know if you are interested!! Thank you!
Mar 18Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 15Reply
chicnation @melissa_anne_83 Hi I saw you liked boutique clothing! We are running a pre-fall special 30 percent off 5 or more
Jul 26Reply
unique_by_me @melissa_anne_83 hi! I wanted to stop by and say hello, share your listings, and invite you to check out my closet. I have a great variety of products including STUNNING authentic Swarovski pieces, unique handmade jewelry, silver jewelry and more! Shop with confidence! I am a Posh Ambassador, top-rated seller with over 280 5-star ratings and a fast shipper. Happy poshing 🌻
Nov 28Reply
cutehosiery @melissa_anne_83 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 08Reply

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