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🌸🌸BLOW OUT LIQUIDATION SALE! We’re moving everything must go. Make a bundle of your faves. We will make a great offer. Hurry before it’s all gone!!
Mar 20Reply

I just sent you an offer....with free shipping.
Mar 20Reply

I’m not sure if my meds. Came through so I’m doing it directly on your closet!! You liked 2things on my closet. If you bundle them I’ll give you 50% off and free shipping!! Just wanted to make sure you knew!!
Jan 14Reply

Also decline offer I did on men’s shirt!!
Jan 14Reply

I’m sorry to bother you again but do you want the bundle so you only pay one shipping or do you just want me to make an offer on the woman’s top? Just trying to be helpful
Jan 14Reply

Thank you so much for your offer and your purchase!! The shirts wills be shipped out Thursday morning!! Have a great evening!!
Jan 16Reply

Mrs Stacey, Houston(where I live) has a problem!! I moved 2 months ago and apparently I lost a posh box somewhere!! I didn’t realize the problem till a customer made 2 separate orders and a shirt was missing in each one!! Well I have your green top but I don’t have the golf shirt!! I have a medium blue Ralf Lauren t-shirt a solid light blue golf shirt which is Charleston threads and a light blue with 3 stripes by Penguin.you can pick out 2 and the 2nd one will be free
Jan 17Reply

Please let me know how I can fix this!! I’m so sorry!!
Jan 17Reply

Mrs Stacey are you canceling your sale
Jan 17Reply

Mrs Stacey did I do something wrong?
Jan 17Reply
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