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juicegrl Tattersall Barbie 😱😱😱💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl I know, lol. It's more adorable in person :) That and the Juicy dolls belong to my daughter.
Oct 05Reply
juicegrl @fun_family I have TONS of dolls. My daughter hates dolls, so I bought so many dolls and played with them by myself. She's more into video games since the age of 5. Now she's big in the orchestra. I kept all her moxie dolls, barbies, brats and monster high dolls. 💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
juicegrl @fun_family did u see the bag on my page? It's not my pic, so I just wanted u to see it then take it down.
Oct 05Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl Darn, I missed it! Can't find it... Did you take it down? I'm here now if you want to quickly post it again :) Or tell me the style number if you know it?
Oct 05Reply
juicegrl @fun_family I'll put it up again.
Oct 05Reply
juicegrl It's up💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl My daughter outgrew dolls really young too but I kept these as more of a collectible (you understand that, lol). Never played with still in box. She was mostly a tomboy growing up and now a writer and game designer / coder. Our girls would get along :)
Oct 05Reply
juicegrl @fun_family that's my daughter rite down to a T. Playing with dolls is a waste of time when you can be using your brain. Smart as a whip.
Oct 05Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl She does still love Betsey Kitsch things and the fun Juicy charms though. Some of what I'm starting to sell she doesn't want now but I'm trying to talk her into letting more things go. She never uses it, lol. She's a collector too :)
Oct 05Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl Got it, And the style number. That is a nice one - the travel design. I will ask around and see what I can find.
Oct 05Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl Going to bed now but I will look into that bag for you. I'll ask my friend tomorrow too. He mostly collected the rarer fob's and limited small handbags but ya never know :) Next week I'm meeting at a nearby boutique and the owner is an avid Coach collector too so I'll ask her to look into it. Have a good night and chat soon 😘💕🌹
Oct 05Reply
juicegrl @fun_family Nice! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 05Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl Hey there! I've asked several more Coach collectors about the Tattersall travel tote and so far no one has it. They have other tattersall designs but not the duffle style that you want. They will lmk if they find one and I will continue the search for you. There must be another one out there, lol :) Have a good night 💐
Oct 12Reply
juicegrl @fun_family You are amazing! I only found 1 and I missed out on it. That particular bag is hard to find. Thank you so much for keeping an eye out for me. Is there anything that you're looking for? I'll return the favor and keep an eye out for you. 💕💕💕💕
Oct 12Reply
love_buzzz @juicegrl It's no problem, I always try to help :) I know what it's like to be on the hunt for something, lol. Thank you but I'm good for now - can't think of anything in particular but will let you know for sure. Got our rare Coach pink Swarovski crystal elephant. That truly made my year finding a replacement for my daughter. That was such a looong search! Will keep ya updated on your tattersall.
Oct 12Reply
balticqueen @fun_family U are very smart to do this. My daughter vidieo tapes everything as well. I don't but I guess I should. I have only had two weirdos buy something from me and then return it within the past year. Thank God they are gone. Sad that you do have to do all this work though. Well have a great day .
Oct 16Reply
love_buzzz @balticqueen It is sad but unfortunately there are a lot of scammers, especially in the purse and electronics markets. They will swap a newly purchased item for their old one and claim that the seller sold them damaged goods. The security bands make transactions more secure because the buyer can't replace it onto the old item. I only do this for more expensive purses and valuable vintage / antiques. It is time consuming but necessary. Have a wonderful day 💐
Oct 16Reply
kriss10fashion Great idea!!!
Oct 31Reply
love_buzzz @kriss10fashion Thank you... it protects everyone :)
Oct 31Reply
robinmclaugh951 @love_buzzz I can’t believe how people have become, that would do something like that. My brain would even comprehend such an idea. Just that is why I have been takin for a ride a few times. Karma is all I can say. Good information thank you very much. Now to figure out fake juicy charms. Haha sometimes it’s so hard to tell on the crowns. I wonder if the tarnish or wearing off is a good clue? I know the first ones made were very high quality but that changed soon too, like everything sadly.
Oct 18Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 Yes, it is sad. Counterfeits are everywhere now for most major brands, especially high end designer handbags. I’ve been collecting Juicy charms since first released in 2004. Most I purchased directly from the retailers back in the day. Our collection is over 650 charms now, my last count...
Oct 18Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 Any charms that we purchased in recent years I examine closely (under my jewelry magnifying glass) and inspect carefully. I compare the clasp to charm clasps models from of the same year, and also compare it to ones purchased from the stores. My friends are long time collectors too and a few worked at Macy’s, Bloomingdales, and Nordstrom so we always compare each other’s charms for authenticity. What I don’t own, they do and vise-versa...
Oct 18Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 You just have to know the charms and when you plan to buy one on these selling platforms, very carefully inspect it and compare the photos to an authentic charm photos. The fine details will usually be obvious. Some of the older charms can still be quite shiny - especially if they’ve been polished or well maintained over the years. Most of mine have been properly stored and new in box so some still look new...
Oct 18Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 The current replica productions are now high quality, and some even use authentic Juicy clasps so the clasp is not always the best way to authenticate. Juicy charms are real gold-plated so it’s usually obvious to tell in person. And authentic charms are a heavier metal in weight - replicas tend to be lighter in weight. Unfortunately there are many replicas on here - even mixed in with sellers who sell a lot of Juicy items. I see it all the time...
Oct 18Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 Again, you just have to diligently research the charm and closely examine and compare it to photos of an authentic charm. NIB does not mean authentic either as Juicy made an overstock of boxes during their retail days. Be cautious if someone is selling duplicates of a lot of super rare charms, or if they are selling rare charms well below market value.
Oct 18Reply
robinmclaugh951 Thank you so much for your time in answering my questions and so detailed. My biggest problem is that I can’t find true picture or list of charms made to know if that is the right one to compare. Everyone tells you a different thing. If you can help with research info, you would be for everything in my thanks.
Oct 18Reply
robinmclaugh951 Judge Juicy is a friend which is how I came in contact with you. Not her telling me but throw following messages looking for information that I can trust. I have literally spend thousands and worried now how many fakes I actually have. Scary 😧
Oct 18Reply
robinmclaugh951 I would love the hamburger and hotdog bog food and dog if you are going to be selling them. Can you let me know.
Oct 18Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 I recommend doing a basic internet search for original photos of the charm in question. You can find Juicy retail stock pictures online for most charms. I have most original pics on my old computer hard drives but it is not easy for me to access at the moment...
Oct 20Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 Unfortunately, it is not always possible to authenticate through photos. Often, you have to physically see the charm in person so you will not know until you buy it. Some sellers use pictures of the authentic charm but send a replica. I purchased several charms on Poshmark that looked good in the pictures but I could tell they were fake when I received them...
Oct 20Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 Sadly, Poshmark is notorious for selling replicas - Juicy, Betsey Johnson, high end designer handbags, Tiffany, fake silver and gold jewelry, etc. I have been buying and selling on these platforms for over 20 years and Poshmark has more replicas than any other site I’ve ever seen. And they do not do enough to stop it. The fakes I report rarely ever get removed here...
Oct 20Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 I am just being honest about what I see and experience on these selling platforms. You can contact me if you want to discuss the charms you are concerned about. My business card is on my “about me” page. I’m super busy currently but will do my best to be in touch when able...
Oct 20Reply
love_buzzz @robinmclaugh951 Yes, we own the hamburger and hotdog dog charms - both are new in box. Those are my daughter’s so it’s her choice if she wants to sell them in the near future. I’m glad I could help but really, you just need to research and familiarize yourself with the charms, quality, clasps, and history. Chat soon 🌹
Oct 20Reply
robinmclaugh951 @love_buzzz thank you so very for taking the time to answer my questions when you are so busy. I will wait a bit and give you the time you need to answer any additional questions. Have a great day.
Oct 21Reply

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