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Updated Jul 27
Updated Jul 27

Hi! I'm Cassandra. It's nice to meet you!! 😀




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Thanks for stopping by my closet. My family is my world. I was an assistant buyer for Macy's and when my girls were in elementary school decided to devote my energy to them at home. I have 2 daughters - Ashley and Delaney and 2 stepdaughters - Amanda and Deanna. And 1 husband - Curt 😜 (Continued in comments)
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cassandraknox I'm very lucky that my girls love to dress up and model for me and they love to shop your closets!! I love my fur babies. They are party poms!! Jock is the sweetest boy. Princess is ..... Well......... A princess! I lost my little red lion to coyotes. We miss him much. 😢
Aug 28Reply
cassandraknox I've been poshing since April 2013 and I love it! I've been a party host - tons of fun! I'm a suggested user - very happy! Top 10% seller, fast shipper, top rated seller, top 10% sharer and posh mentor! Whew! But mostly- I love making posh friends and hope to meet you all in person. 😍
Aug 28Reply
cassandraknox Hi, Cyndi. What a pleasant surprise!! 😃 Thank you for the shares! 😘 I hope you are doing well. @iheartpurple
Sep 01Reply
iheartpurple @cassandraknox hello, Cassandra. I m doing great & your welcome💕I love seeing your lovely family and the girls. They looked absolutely gorgeous like their mother 😘 btw, thanks so much for the shares & stay beautiful PFF xoxo💜
Sep 02Reply
cassandraknox @cody7150. Hi, Virginia!! Just wanted to tag you so I can find you fast!! It's been a long time..... Hope all is well. 😍
Sep 02Reply
cody7150 @cassandraknox Hi Cassandra! I miss you & our chats. It's been crazy busy here. Soon, hopefully, things will settle down or something!?! LOL
Sep 03Reply
thewitchinghour How funny, you have the exact same name as one of my really good friends. Keep up the good work 💕
Sep 03Reply
cassandraknox @thewitchinghour First and last? That's a first! Nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my closet.
Sep 03Reply
thewitchinghour Yes first & last, couldn't believe it, thanks for all the shares ❤️️
Sep 03Reply
eholder Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Elizabeth from LA!
Sep 03Reply
sarahmartell Hi Cassandra!! Nice to meet you!! You have such a beautiful family!
Sep 03Reply
shethkh Nice to meet you Cassandra!! :) :) Beautiful family!! :)
Sep 03Reply
cassandraknox @shethkh Thank you! It's nice to meet you, also, Khushboo. Thank you for stopping by and sharing! 😍
Sep 03Reply
cassandraknox @eholder Nice to meet you, Elizabeth! Thank you for stopping by and sharing. 😍
Sep 03Reply
cassandraknox @sarahmartell Thank you, Sarah. It's nice to meet you, too. That little family of mine will love your closet! Thank you for stopping by and sharing! 😍
Sep 03Reply
cassandraknox @vivaware Hi there! I added a pic of my red Pom that I lost. Have a great weekend! 😃
Sep 11Reply
vivaware @cassandraknox what a beauty! I'm sorry you lost her.
Sep 12Reply
cassandraknox @miszxandrea19 Thank you, Andrea. It's my husband and my pup, Jock, against all us girls and Princess!! 😂😂😂.
Nov 01Reply
mackenziecloset @cassandraknox Hi Cassandra, what a beautiful family you have :) I have been working hard for a short period of time at my posh listings and I wondered If you might advise me where to go to try to get retail listings? I am between jobs and would love to pursue full time selling if possible. You have such a classy closet! Thank you in advance for any advice you might have.
Nov 04Reply
kinbea @cassandraknox Hi Cassandra! So nice to meet you and what a gorgeous closet! 😍 Can't wait to see you at the Seattle Posh Party 😄
Nov 16Reply
cassandraknox @skibbyama Ugg! Thanks for popping in, Amanda. I had to dash to a Dr, appt. Thank you for all the shares! I'm really heading to your closet right now!!! 😀💃💃💃
Nov 16Reply
cassandraknox @goodchic Howdy, back! Happy Thanksgiving. The holiday season is here!! 🍷💃💃💃💕
Nov 23Reply
kylej Hi! Nice to meet you 🎉🎉🎉🍀
Dec 17Reply
merileeann Thanks for the shares Cassandra! Nice to meet you. Your models are gorgeous 🌟I'm a newbie but totally hooked! Thanks for helping my closet along. Will return the favor. Merry Christmas!
Dec 17Reply
scarlettstained Nice to meet you!@cassandraknox beautiful girls u have and puppies!💗💗
Dec 30Reply
grace4d It's nice to meet you.. Terribly sorry to hear of your pets loss to coyotees.. I lost a beloved cat that way so my next cat is totally indoors - but hates me for it.. Better that.. Anyway.. Love ur pics.. Thank u for stopping by & sharing posh love! Much appreciated. Happy New year! Dee
Jan 02Reply
donnastreasures Love your closet!
Feb 10Reply
cassandraknox @couponer920 Thank you, Donna! 😊
Feb 10Reply
cassandraknox @lchouser Ugh! Me too, Laura!! Life's been crazy. My mom got seriously ill. I almost lost her. 😓😢. I haven't been much on posh or fb. Doing the rehab thang! We have our family Palm Springs vacay coming up. I need it! It'll be hard at times to be away, tho. I plan on going to the June meet up. You?
Feb 25Reply
cassandraknox @lchouser Take care, girl. Sweet dreams! 💤💤. Look forward to seeing you. 😘💕
Feb 25Reply
barthels88 Beautiful family ! Love your closet 😍
Feb 28Reply
cassandraknox @barthels88 Thanks, Hannah! It's nice to meet you. You gave a beautiful family (and closet) as well! 👍🏻👍🏻
Feb 28Reply
barthels88 @cassandraknox !! Thank you for sharing so many things from my closet 😘
Feb 28Reply
carolynqx @carolynqx nice to meet you
Jun 23Reply
purpleandlace @cassandraknox This pups are too cute! I just lost one of my kitties unexpectedly so I know how you feel 😓 💜💜
Sep 29Reply
purpleandlace Oops **those**
Sep 29Reply
herbiedog Cute puppy 🐶 dogs!!!
Feb 22Reply
1curatedcloset @cassandraknox 💝 Beautiful family! Sending healing energy your way & hoping you & the family are doing better now. 💕
Oct 10Reply
bluesea38 Hi dear Cassandra, thank you for all the likes and. for visiting my closet🌹much appreciate it! Beautiful family❤️. Stay blessed all of you💝🙏🙏🙏
Apr 15Reply
cassandraknox @bluesea38 Nice to meet you, Lourdes and thank you. You have an amazing closet!! 💕
Apr 16Reply
sncarmona @cassandraknox Hi:) if you happen to be interested in the LV shoes in my closet I can negotiate a price :)
Apr 16Reply
yinilet Hi I saw you liked my listing of the Gucci heels !! Make me an offer I am open to negotiation !!! Must clean up my closet !!
Apr 17Reply
shegunmed @cassandraknox Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jul 07Reply
tbabes12 Hiii!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! Wishing you many sales💞Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Jul 09Reply
g1arlock Check out my closet I have some cool stuff 🐶
Feb 23Reply
goldenpolkadot @cassandraknox 🙋🏻‍♀️Hi Pff! Thinking of you. Hope you are staying well. 💐💕 Olga ✨🟡💫
Jun 21Reply
cassandraknox @goldenpolkadot 🙋🏼‍♀️ Hi, Olga!!! Thanks so much for stopping by. Still dealing with some things but I’m hoping to open back up again!! Stay healthy. 😘💕🤗
Jun 21Reply
goldenpolkadot @cassandraknox glad you comin back luvie! First things first! Poshing comes later. Thats how it is for me then n im good and ready im REALLY Good n Ready! Stay Well too 💋💕 Olga
Jun 21Reply
cassandraknox @goldenpolkadot 😘💕💕 You, too!
Jun 22Reply
zardiva1 Little fuzzy cuties, haha! 😀 Awwwww! 😍😘🐕🦮🐕
Jun 25Reply
tanyaspoms Hi! Are those Poms? I have one too!!!❤️
Jul 09Reply
cassandraknox @tanyaspoms Yes, they are. So cute. Sadly we have lost them all. Princess and Joc recently passed- 7 months apart. 😢 But they were so fun. What kind of poms do you have?
Jul 09Reply
cassandraknox @tanyaspoms I just saw your Bandit. So cute.
Jul 09Reply
tanyaspoms @cassandraknox yep that’s him, so sorry for your lost. I lost one 8 years ago after 13 1/2 years,. Then I got Bandit. He’s my second Pom. I didn’t see these pics of yours. Love them! Think you’ll get another?
Jul 09Reply
cassandraknox @tanyaspoms Well, never say never but, as much as I’d love to, I don’t think so. It was too hard to lose them. And we like to travel and are gone a lot. Chase passed years ago. He was taken by coyotes right out of my yard. Jock passed 2 years ago and Princess 7 months after that. I did certify Princess as an emotional support animal after Jock passed. She got to fly with us to Palm Springs and went on some other getaways. Now we’re hoping for grandkids!!!!
Jul 09Reply
tanyaspoms @cassandraknox awe... I hear ya! I never thought I’d get another so soon after my loss.
Jul 09Reply
tanyaspoms @cassandraknox you have 4 girls?
Jul 09Reply
44kellysgirls @cassandraknox Hi Cassandra! I’m your neighbor & Delaneys elementary school friend Tina’s mom 😃 I’ve recently found Poshmark as a great place to buy & sell....& I sure LOVE buying...😘 So I must sell to make room! Haha! Great seeing you on here! Hope you & your family are doing well 😊
Nov 08Reply
cassandraknox @44kellysgirls Hi Kelly. Nice to see you here. I’ve had my closet on hold and have for quite some time. I love finding good deals! So much to choose from. But I still shop, share and follow! Thanks for getting in touch. Pop in anytime. Have fun!
Nov 08Reply
44kellysgirls @cassandraknox I was wondering why all of your items say “not for sale” ...😉 I appreciate all of the shares 😊Thanks you & take care! 🤗
Nov 08Reply
cassandraknox @44kellysgirls Yep. I hope to start up again soon. And you’re welcome. 😀
Nov 09Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 23Reply
cutehosiery @cassandraknox Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 27Reply

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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Seattle, WA
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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Seattle, WA
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