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Updated Feb 25
Updated Feb 25




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My name is Courtney and I'm 33 years old and live in Long Island New York. I'm a teacher at a school for children with special needs. Everything in my closet it either brand new or worn a few times close to new. I am an honest seller and provide fast service. All the items come from a smoke free home. Enjoy browsing my closet. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'm always willing to negotiate!
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

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eeelisag @xxcourt16xx hey fellow long islander :) I'm in coram. Whereabouts are you? Of all the people on poshmark I just happened to read your profile and see your a neighbor lol. I dont know why my profile says NY AL. I dont know how to change it. Gotta try n fix it. Anyway cool to see a fellow longuylander on here (said like a native LIlander haha)
Dec 03Reply
xxcourt16xx @eeelisag haha I'm from Nassau county, Oceanside. Coram is in Suffolk county? A lot of people I meet on poshmark are all over the states it's rare to find someone from Long Island
Dec 03Reply
eeelisag Ah ok yea I'm in suffolk lol. My sister Dana has a hair salon in glen cove if you're in need of an amazing hairdresser. Shes been in the business for almost 30 years. Would be funny if you knew her lol. So yea thats why I was like hey someone from LI! What are the chances lol.
Dec 03Reply
eeelisag @xxcourt16xx forgot to tag you. I hate that you dont know if someone replied to you unless you tag them. Ugh. I sometimes go thru my stuff or items I commentes on just in case I missed someone
Dec 03Reply
xxcourt16xx @eeelisag thanks glen clove is a little but of a drive but I will keep it in mind! Long Island is a very small Island I wouldn't be surprised if somehow we knew eachother through mutual friends. Good luck selling on poshmark! 😊
Dec 03Reply
eeelisag @xxcourt16xx yea I'm not that familiar w oceanside or Nassau really. Would be funny tho if we know mutual people. It truly is a small world!
Dec 03Reply
bsweets1lv @xxcourt16xx hi! Thank you for the heads up about bigsf! I'm always thinking everyone means well like I do in here, so appreciate you looking out for other poshers 💕
Dec 07Reply
kaysfashion Scam buyer beware she is a flake
Dec 13Reply
kaysfashion Had to get a refund because she was too lazy to ship!
Dec 13Reply
kaysfashion She will not reply about why she didn't ship !
Dec 13Reply
xxcourt16xx @kaysfashion what listing did you purchase from me? There are no listings that we ever even communicated so nice trying to make stories up
Dec 13Reply
kaysfashion Flaker she is a lazy seller!
Dec 13Reply
xxcourt16xx @kaysfashion tag me in the item I never shipped...I would LOVE to know what you are talking about
Dec 13Reply
kaysfashion You don't need a lot of followers to buy I buy many stuff on posh she is the only flaker scam so far!
Dec 13Reply
xxcourt16xx @kaysfashion never have done business with you so I'm not sure what you are talking about and you keep ignoring me. If I am such a scam tag me in the item you "purchased". Keep making stories up :)
Dec 13Reply
kaysfashion If you can sell what's the point of not wanting to respond and ship !
Dec 13Reply
kaysfashion I'm not trying to butt in peoples business just trying to save future hassles and time she is a flake!
Dec 13Reply
xxcourt16xx @kaysfashion what item did I "sell" to you? Seems like your the flake if you can't answer a simple question
Dec 13Reply
kristen651 @xxcourt16xx Honestly I wouldn't indulge in the trolls. It's just a waste of your time. That is exactly what shoebuyer1 wants. Anybody who has the least bit of common sense will recognize this as trolling and will disregard this user's remarks as a false claim.
Dec 13Reply
kaysfashion Don't trust this drug addict!
Dec 14Reply
kaysfashion Flake! Surprised posh let's her page up still the only one suporting her is her followers of course they will cover for her!
Dec 14Reply
classictrends Kay thanks for letting me know!
Dec 14Reply
eeelisag @xxcourt16xx strange how kay has no listings or followers. Whos the scammer now? Wonder why people do this? Just for fun?
Dec 14Reply
xxcourt16xx @kaysfashion @shoebuyer1 @classictrends obviously you have no life to create fake accounts and write false accusations to people. Plenty of people have written complaint emails against you and your old worn smelly shoe obsession so it's just a matter of time before you are banned!
Dec 14Reply
jmoretta Thanks Kay for your heads up girl I have my own shop on posh I don't want her to know also she does look untrusted girl! seems like her followers are covering for her.
Dec 14Reply
jmoretta I won't purchase from courtney I hate when they don't ship items and claim they will its just a waste of time I do have my own posh site but I wouldn't want her to know it and I hope I don't deal with sellers like her ever!
Dec 14Reply
xxcourt16xx @pm_editor @manish the harassment and spam from these users doesn't stop
Dec 14Reply
michyboo kay and jmoretta thanks so this user sell fakes and overprices them?? that's not how you do business with customers. I wonder why she is complaining to posh when she's trying to screw people over! will let my followers know.
Dec 14Reply
michyboo I also have my own shop hun and I would not sell a fake watch or anything and overprice them its just wrong!
Dec 14Reply
xxcourt16xx @michyboo that's funny because you don't have any followers..keep commenting back and forth on your fake accounts and try to talk bad about my closet. I have had tons of sales and tons of happy customers if you notice the pic in the listing. Keep making false accusations no one will believe it when it's backed by REAL accounts that comment how great my items and service is. Not my fault you are a pervert that enjoys sniffing peoples dirty old shoes, get a life.
Dec 14Reply
carolyndel87 Michy,jmoretta will block her she's probably on drugs, she sells fake replica watches I can see why its probably to buy drugs!
Dec 14Reply
carolyndel87 Her true colors are coming out ! don't know what she is talking about but she does need to quit selling replicas and scamming people.
Dec 14Reply
carolyndel87 Sorry hun but you're an addict and you just need to quit accusing everyone of being the same person must be the drugs!
Dec 14Reply
eeelisag @xxcourt16xx ok just went thru your whole closet...interesting how you're selling fake watches yet I didnt find one watch in your entire closet. They must be invisible watches lol what are these girls or girl doing? Very strange indeed.
Dec 15Reply
xxcourt16xx @eeelisag yea it's the same person harassing me making up different fake accounts to post mean things yet I never had any business with this person. Someone found out it was a guy asking people for sweaty dirty shoes and asking for weird requests and when everyone called him out on it he started making false accusations on fake accounts. It's pathetic
Dec 15Reply
eeelisag @xxcourt16xx sad and pathetic. Get a life you know? Sorry its on your page. Too bad you cant delete it.
Dec 15Reply
sequingirl @xxcourt16xx I totally forgot to give you praise. Loved my new shirts! You are an excellent Posher! Happy New Year!
Jan 03Reply
believenfaerys @xxcourt16xx sexy girl! You are beautiful
Feb 21Reply
believenfaerys @xxcourt16xx oh my god girl! I cannot believe stupid *#&! $/& writing on ur page like this.. And all the other girls that follow along and create more drama! OBVIOUSLY they dont have anything better to do than harass people. Very low is what they are. Theyre just jealous if you ask me!!
Feb 21Reply
xxcourt16xx @courtneym91 I'm just seeing your comment now..thank you for the nice comment, I wish everyone was as kind as you! Enjoy poshmark and god bless!
Mar 01Reply
samantharemy @xxcourt16xx - hi- your from oceanside that's so cool! I grew up in RVC and I now live in lynbrook! I go shopping in oceanside at least once a week! Good to meet u!😉
Mar 15Reply
xxcourt16xx @samantharemy its a very small world! very nice to meet you as well! :)
Mar 15Reply
sexylynzy You are so gorgeous!
Mar 15Reply
xxcourt16xx @sexylynzy awww thank you! :)
Mar 15Reply
everythingpolo Beautiful
Mar 25Reply
ashesk6 @xxcourt16xx I had around 20 something rewards cards and the values for all the ones that started with 6006 on the back were all $10 the rest were more
Mar 30Reply
xxcourt16xx @ashesk6 damn! I have 3 and two of them are 6006 but I'm not sure what the 3rd one is cause it's in process of being emailed to me..I was hoping for it to be a good amount! I spend so much money there as it is! Lol thanks
Mar 30Reply
ashesk6 @xxcourt16xx haha I'm sorry and I know I spend around $500 there each month, but if you sign up for their Angel card they always send me amazing deals!
Mar 30Reply
thesequinhanger Gorg! 💜💚❤️
Apr 02Reply
thesequinhanger @eeelisag I'm right by you in Wading River - I grew up in coram 💜💚❤️
Apr 02Reply
xxcourt16xx @valeriaa25 congrats you are my 20,000th follower! In order to thank you for following me I'm giving 20% off anything you would like to purchase. Take a look through my closet and let me know if you are interested in anything!
Apr 05Reply
valeriaa25 Woohoo 😃 thanks I will so take advantage of it!!
Apr 05Reply
eyeheartu2 Thank you for following me! I am so new to this ! 😰
Apr 05Reply
xxcourt16xx @rayasunshine thanks for following me! You are my 20,100th follower so I'm offering you 20% off any item or any bundle! Let me know if you are interested in anything!
Apr 05Reply
kcoop22 @xxcourt16xx thx for the like!!!!!!! New to this super appreciate😆👏👍☺️
Apr 05Reply
alixwest2014 Hello im new to posh just joined last night. And your items look so cute. Im very excited about this app. Thanks for the follow!
Apr 16Reply
alixwest2014 @xxcourt16xx what do you use to edit your pictures??
Apr 16Reply
xxcourt16xx @alixwest2014 nice to meet you! Welcome to poshmark! It's an app called a beautiful mess.
Apr 16Reply
alixwest2014 @xxcourt16xx thank you i am very excited and happy to be here. :) do you ever try and sell guy clothes? Or just your own? And thanks. :) i think it be a nice touch with some items. Im trying to get the hang of the app before i add some clothes :)
Apr 16Reply
xxcourt16xx @alixwest2014 men's clothes aren't permitted on poshmark. Although some people or try selling them, I have not sold anything. I'm sure there is another app for selling men's clothes though. It would be nice to sell some of my boyfriends clothes! Haha
Apr 16Reply
alixwest2014 @xxcourt16xx right my fiance is always growing out of his clothes and i dont know what to do with them all i just want to sell them all. Haha hopefully soon posh will have a section where its for men haha.
Apr 16Reply
sethjoanna @xxcourt16xx nice to meet you! My name is Joanna:) I fairly new to pm. You are so pretty and I think it is wonderful what you do for those kids! Your closet is beautiful 😍 it is pretty pathetic how those people just get on your page and trash you like that!! I give you applause for the way you handled it. It is disguising to see how people spend there time trying to hurt people! 😤
Sep 18Reply
hwiginton @xxcourt16xx Nice to meet you Courtney!! Love your closet!!
Sep 26Reply
sass83 @xxcourt16xx very nice to meet you Courtney😊🙋 I'm also a special education teacher yet I live on the "other" Island: Staten Island lol I've been working with children and adults with special needs since I'm 15. I'm 31 now. I love what I do, like I'm sure you do as well.💕 Nice to see other New Yorkers on here!! Happy Poshing!!😊
Oct 11Reply
sapphire_hawk Love your style babe!!! You remind me of me!
Oct 13Reply
pregomom29 Beautiful darling 💗💜💗💜
Oct 14Reply
ezraahna Thank you for all the shares :) if you're interested please check out my closet. I do bundles, ship within 24 hours, and I am willing to negotiate :) let me know if you're interested and if you have any questions please let me know! (:
Oct 19Reply
kvon1509 @aviescas how do you block/ban someone?
Nov 18Reply
kvon1509 Or @xxcourt16xx do you know how to block/ban someone? Some people need to get a life
Nov 18Reply
xxcourt16xx @pink2linda it was people making fake accounts and writing on my listings because they have nothing better to do. Never even did business with them. All my reviews are 5 star and I've sold over 75 items with no negative feedback so I'm not really worried about people lying.
Nov 30Reply
sugarspyce Nice to meet you pretty young lady😃🙏🎄
Dec 06Reply
paigekristin @xxcourt16xx omg I just had a guy on vinted ask me for shoes!? Two days ago he sent me a message asking for any work shoes or sandals I had? Didn't even care if they were men's or womens or what size? I told him I didn't have shoes for sale and he kept asking? That's seriously weird???
Jan 11Reply
ellie128 Cute closet you and your bf look cute together
Feb 03Reply
circasamaxo @xxcourt16xx I am from Long Island as well, I grew up in Wantagh/Seaford area, small world!
Feb 10Reply
xxcourt16xx @circasamaxo oh wow! Yes definitely small world! Nice to meet you 😊
Feb 10Reply
ericaluz @xxcourt16xx & @eeelisag I'm from Long Island too! Ronkonkoma, close to coram, well pretty close. Nice to meet you ladies! 😉
Feb 17Reply
ericaluz 😳@xxcourt16xx ewwwww....what's yo with those fake accounts! Do you have you shop shared on Facebook? Maybe someone doesn't like you or took it as a joke to harass you (Obviously) discusting. I went ahead and blocked all of those accounts, that's so immature!
Feb 17Reply
carlitad God bless you girl for what you do!! I have 7yr old twins on the Autism spectrum and people like you make a world of difference in their lives! Your beautiful inside and out! Love your closet! 😁💙
Apr 03Reply
xxcourt16xx @carlitad thank you so much for the support! It's definitely has its challenges but I love working with the children and making a difference in their lives and they honestly bring me happiness. God bless you and your family 💕
Apr 03Reply
jennzter @xxcourt16xx Yay! I'm from Long Island as well :) in Oceanside (Nassau County) as well just near the Post Office :) Nice to meet you! xoxo ❤
Dec 30Reply
terrypierce U willing to sale the blue shirt you have on in pick
Jan 01Reply
xxcourt16xx @terrypierce sorry it's not available
Jan 01Reply
higgy67 very cute!
Jan 07Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 😊❤️
Dec 11Reply
nicolenystrom OMG u are honestly so pretty!!! And such a great seller!!! Love your closet so much!!!!!! And as for anybody writing fake accusations against this seller, I have purchased multiple times from her and she is super fast with shipping and all items came just as promised!!! Best closet ever! 💗
Mar 03Reply
kfadair I want to thankyou for for following my shop! I'm glad you enjoyed my items have a beautiful day and I wish you great success with selling! :)
May 14Reply
califabnow Thanks for the special work you do.
Nov 27Reply
burtonka1974 I cut the Goodwill tags out of the shorts I bought from you..I am done with you..
Mar 18Reply
xxcourt16xx @burtonka1974 I don’t buy stuff from goodwill lol was it purple tags by any chance?
Mar 18Reply
xxcourt16xx @burtonka1974 I can guarantee you all 3 shorts purchased were from wet seal. I wore them when I worked in a bar, and all of them were dry cleaned. I’m thinking that’s the tag you took off. It’s purple with numbers
Mar 18Reply
burtonka1974 Hi..Please forgive my stupidity ,and bad eyes..The tags were dry cleaning..I am so sorry ..I love the shorts..Please forgive me..
Mar 22Reply
aries_boutique Hi Courtney, Thank you for your recent purchase from my closet, so sweet of you. Your VS Bikini Bottom will be processed today and shipped next business day. So, it should arrive soon. You might notice that I am also now following your closet. I follow everyone who buys from my closet, just my way of saying thank you! I hope you will consider following my closet in return. If you have any questions please just ask. Again, thank you and hope you will visit us again!
Apr 05Reply
shill1981 Welcome to Poshmark. My name is 🍀Selena. I recommend checking out, “Your Guide to Posh”, to ensure success. Come check out out my closet, my new Follow Game and also join my new Tag list, so you can be apart of all the fun, meet new people(PFF) Posh Friends Forever, and gain more sales. The more closet exposure, the better chance at more sales.We all work together to help each other grow together. You’ll see 😊♥️😁!!! Happy Poshing!!!!! Sharing is Caring ❤️💛💙
Aug 22Reply
tinamsb @skalcher check her closet out!! I think of you
Sep 12Reply
b_holdiness She sounds like a jerk🙈
May 28Reply
1397sunset I absolutely love love love your closet! Your style is where I wanna be! You just motivated me to sell some more so I can buy your dresses
Aug 02Reply
megan274 Hi! 😀thanks for following me! Just wanted to invite you to take a look at my closet. 👚👗👜👍🏻👢👠Hope you find something you like. 💚I am open to deals and bundles, happy poshing! 🎉
Nov 11Reply
sleon382 Hi and welcome to Poshmark my name is Janelle and it is my pleasure to welcome you to this community. You'll find that people are nice and that sharing is the key to everything. If you have any questions navigating or any questions about how to get to different places on the site please let me know and I will do my best to help you. If you get a chance please check out my closet as all prices are negotiable. I'm also gonna leave some posh love... :)
Nov 14Reply
westeros638 Good to see a fellow NYer. NYC here.
Nov 24Reply
aprilbigham hi! @xxcourt16xx I was wondering when you would be able to ship the swim suit I ordered. thank you!
Aug 05Reply
stephaniebal124 Hello Courtney, thank you for the follow! I love your style! Happy Poshing❤!
Nov 17Reply
kiransinghusa Hello, Thanks for following us. If you look to buy any closet from us, you can visit our boutique store also. thanks.
Nov 17Reply
nikkianddrake Thanks for following me! If you have a chance, please check.out my closet. I have a 50% off sale happening all weekend. 😁
Feb 27Reply
livingbutterfly 🌟🦋💗May The Lord Keep You All The Days Of Your Life And Share His Word To All🙏 ☦️🛐Thank you! 🙏God Bless I send you Peace☮️ Hope✝️Love💗And definitely Butterflies 🦋 I’m A Handicapped Single Mom Trying To Raise My Teenage Growing Young Men. Please Assist Us By Sharing Our Closet.☮️ No Price Is Written In Stone Feel Free To Send Offers. Our Closet Is Smoke Free. 🌟☦️💜AlSo ChEcK OuR WeBsItE🧜🏼‍♀️🦋 WWW.LIVINGBUTTERFLY.COM
Feb 27Reply
3littlebirdss Hi! Love your closet! 💁🏼‍♀️✨
Apr 16Reply

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Last Active: Feb 24

Lynbrook, NY
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Last Active: Feb 24

Lynbrook, NY
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