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Updated Mar 06
Updated Mar 06

♠️Meet Me♠️

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Meet me, Cami. People don’t ever really call me Millie, but I do love the movie/musical. 😂 I'm a mama of 2 crazy, fun-loving, volleyball 🏐 playing girls, and 2 of the most adorable morkies on the 🌎. I'm married to my BFF. I am recovering from post-concussion syndrome & chronic migraines. I ❤️ fashion. Fav brands include Tory Burch, CAbi, Michael Kors, Kendra Scott. I offer BUNDLE discounts!
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jacquigoddess Hey! Thanks for sharing :) @cscc
Oct 22Reply
inspiredstyletx You're most welcome, @jacquigoddess ... just trying to return the favor 😉 Have a great night!
Oct 22Reply
tenetinytina I feel your pain (quite literally) with chronic migraines! I stopped working full time in January 2015...some don't realize just how disrupting or exhausting a migraine can be especially with all that comes with it and the many days it lasts. Hugs to you!!
Nov 08Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for all your likes and sharing my closet !!!😍😍💞💞💞😍😍
Nov 10Reply
inspiredstyletx @tenetinytina Thank you for taking time to comment. I so appreciate knowing someone else identifies with what I'm experiencing, although I'm also bummed you can relate! Your note brightened my day 😍 Happy poshing and I'll be praying we both have many pain-free days in our future! 🙏🏻😘
Nov 10Reply
inspiredstyletx @verona2016 Thank YOU ... we have to help each other! I just love "meeting" sweet poshers ❤️
Nov 11Reply
verona2016 Nice to meet you too!
Nov 11Reply
oughttobehaute @cscc I love the way you designed your closet! What app did you use? I'm using several, which takes a long time. The photos above are too cute! Especially I love your lil Yorkies. I can't sell pup posh on here, but I have tons I'll be listings NWT, until posh allows, just ask. Thank you!
Nov 12Reply
oughttobehaute @cscc ps. Botox got rid of my migraines, but I've really had a lot of water. A gallon a day. The site has distributors in Texas. Im not affiliated but you can ask my posh friends I've studied Holistic alternatives, and new chapter inflazyme with that water rid my chronic migraines! I'd be disabled til early evening, lost weight,... im a free resource of info. Now I must POST!
Nov 12Reply
inspiredstyletx Thanks so much, @oughttobehaute! I appreciate the feedback. I joined Posh a few years ago, but never really used it until the last month, so I'm still learning. I use 3 different apps - Phonto, Retype, and BeFunky. And, thank you for the morkie love ❤️... I love them bunches. Best wishes for your closet. You'll be posh-tastic 😍
Nov 12Reply
oughttobehaute @cscc Thanks! 👏🏻🌺💞🐾🌱✨🌎♻️
Nov 12Reply
inspiredstyletx @oughttobehaute Migraine sister! I'm sorry you've suffered too. I'm pro-holistic & been doing any and everything in that arena, but will look into the water! Waiting on insurance approval for Botox (nervous about it, but am desperate), so praying it will start before Christmas. I'm strong in my faith. I trust the Lord's plan and purpose and know He will use this time. in my weakest moments, He has sustained me. God bless you for offering me another treatment today 🙏🏻💗
Nov 12Reply
oughttobehaute @cscc I overcame colon cancer, was dropped to Medicare in 2007. Told I needed a colonic sack and chemo. I found a specialist that worked with me holistically, without marking me AMA (against medical advice) if I needed help in future. My moto is Faith over fear daily. I did tons of research on water, is only one I'd buy.
Nov 13Reply
oughttobehaute @cscc don't be frightened about Botox. I paid out of pocket for years. As a model I tried it, my gf was scared of needles. Six months later I realized my migraines started coming back! Now neurologists do cover! But I've not needed. I've also been vegan since 13, and raw foodist vegan past 20. All starts from acidic diet, emotions, faith and forgiveness rids toxic emotions, spirulina, greens, organic is how God made, not man manipulated. 🙏🏻💞💝🐾♻️
Nov 13Reply
inspiredstyletx @oughttobehaute Yes, I've completely changed my diet in the past few months to eliminate inflammation and my migraines haven't gone away but my body feels better. My neuros are supportive of homeopathic/alternative/natural approaches in conjunction with conv. medicine, so I feel blessed. I've looked up the water. I've been doing dry needling and acupuncture for the migraines, so I will try the Botox. I'm not afraid of pain ... just don't like seeing needles. 😂 Appreciate you!
Nov 13Reply
inspiredstyletx @dikey75 Nice to "meet" you, Mary! I'm so sorry you understand, but it is so nice to know there are people who relate to where I'm at right now! Thank you for your sweet note. I'll be praying for your relief too & a cure for all of the migraneurs ... it's rough 💗💕💗
Nov 13Reply
donnaprisco Hi Camilla. I wanted to reach out to you to apologize for delay in getting your ski jacket to you. Our beloved wonderful little cocker spaniel took a turn for the worse yesterday and we had to make the most difficult decision to put her to sleep this afternoon. My heart is just broken. I'm going to be so lost without her. I'll be sure to take care of your pkg on Monday. thank you for understanding.
Nov 20Reply
inspiredstyletx @donnaprisco Oh my goodness, no worries! I am SO sorry 😢! I am such a 🐶 person, so I completely understand. Dogs are family members and family comes first. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family 🙏🏻💕
Nov 20Reply
lunaphemera Glad you're here!
Nov 23Reply
inspiredstyletx @lunabeamsgirl Well, aren't you a sweetheart ❤️️. I appreciate your encouragement so much 😘💕I've been blessed to "meet" the nicest people on Posh
Nov 23Reply
donnaprisco Hi Camilla😊Thank you so much for the wonderful rating, and thank you so much for your kind, understanding words. This first week without our furry baby has been very sad. I keep expecting to see her by my side. I hope you're feeling well and enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving 💗
Nov 26Reply
inspiredstyletx @donnaprisco Of course! You've been in my prayers. Many blessings to you and your family. And the 5 ⭐️ rating was well deserved.
Nov 26Reply
sullengrl74 @cscc Hi there! I just read your bio and i wanted to let you know, in case you didn't already, that Botox in combination with Imitrex works wonders for migraine suffers. I suffered with them for years, often even losing my sight during them. Then i found out that most insurances will cover Botox for chronic migraine sufferers. I still take an Imitrex if i think one is coming on but i am telling you since receiving Botox just once every 3-6months i almost never have them!!! Hope this was helpful.
Dec 13Reply
inspiredstyletx @sullengrl74 Very encouraging! I finally got approved for Botox last week and will get my first dose before end of year. Imitrex doesn't help mine, but Relpax helps a little. Praying Botox is the answer. Thanks so much for the information. It is so nice to hear from others who've had positive results 💕💗💕
Dec 13Reply
sullengrl74 @cscc Lots of luck!!! I really hope it works for you like it did for me!!! It was a life changer!!!
Dec 14Reply
abstractdreams Emagerd!! That 'Despicable' pose is too cute! I don't buy movies but own LOTR & the Despicable movies.👍🏽And those lil' furbs!!💋
Dec 14Reply
inspiredstyletx @abstractdreams Thank you so much! It is one of our favorite 🎥 too. And, thanks for noticing my fur babies 💕 I checked out your closet & learned a bunch. I joined several years ago, but just got active about 6 weeks ago. Appreciate the shares 😍
Dec 15Reply
abstractdreams Happy to hear u found the info helpful! I'm on many times every day if you have questions.👍🏽 Hope you all have a safe & happy holiday season!🎄🎉🎁
Dec 15Reply
inspiredstyletx @abstractdreams I appreciate it so much! Have a blessed holiday season 🎄❄️
Dec 15Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come visit sometime. Happy poshing! Love ur doggies!
Dec 27Reply
inspiredstyletx @glitzylife Thanks for your 📝, Jan! I visited your closet ... so cute. Sorry for my delay in responding. I took a little posh detox over the holidays. Back now and ready to get a lot of new listings uploaded 👊🏻💗👏🏻❤
Jan 05Reply
boshea10013 Thanks so much for all your sharing and likes. The Yoda picture I had to 😂😁😁
Jan 18Reply
inspiredstyletx @boshea10013 Hysterical 🤣😂
Jan 23Reply
thesaltypit @cscc Botox changed my life! I went from 1-2x a week to a couple a year and usually only between injections. Good luck! And adorable puppies!! 😊😊
Feb 09Reply
fanzy_pantz How cute is your closet name💞💞💞 ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I LOVE IT!
Feb 12Reply
inspiredstyletx @mkribs Thank you so much for your sweet note. ❤️🎀❤️ Appreciate you leaving a ray of sunshine ☀️ here! Hope you the best Sunday afternoon EVER 😘❤️☀️
Feb 12Reply
joycemanorr Hi would you mind taking me off your tagging list? It's just that I get too many notifications. Love your second pic btw!
Feb 20Reply
joycemanorr hello?? please?
Feb 21Reply
inspiredstyletx @joycemanorr So sorry! I didn't see this ... get a lot of comments myself and hard to keep up. I'll get you taken off. I apologize for the delay. In the future, I check the TAGS pic for comments for removal. Please unlike that listing and that way I won't accidentally re-add you. Thank you for being in the group! 💕
Feb 21Reply
joycemanorr @cscc Thank you so much! 💞
Feb 21Reply
dsf58 Nice to meet you. I had chronic migraines for years until I got Daith piercings. Not one for 6 weeks now. I'm a RN so I was very skeptical but desperate. Google it. It might be your answer. Just make sure you get someone who knows how to test for correct placement or it will just be a piercing.
Mar 10Reply
inspiredstyletx @dogpacksports Thank you SO much! Sorry for the delay in responding. I went on vacay & am just catching up 😘❤️😘
Mar 10Reply
inspiredstyletx @dsf58 Thank you! My osteopath is an acupuncturist & he just put in leave-in needles in my ear in chronic pain points. I'm trying them out & will wear them to the piercing place so they know exactly where to do it! My headaches are the result of head trauma, so I'm being patient & praying that this will be one thing that helps with pain relief. Thanks for caring & sharing the info. I'm sorry you suffered too & am happy you're better. I've been blessed to "meet" so many great women on Posh! ❤️
Mar 10Reply
dsf58 @cscc that's awesome that your Doctor is able to do that for you! I will be praying that you have found your answer. Migraines are life altering as you so very well know!! Please keep me updated on your journey to wellness!
Mar 10Reply
inspiredstyletx @dsf58 Thank you so much for praying! 💕
Mar 10Reply
montreasures Thank you for visiting my closet❤️I wanted to let you know that my most popular sale is BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!! 3 for $25 EVERYTHING is eligible 🎉 As you already know, I have TONS of items in my closet. Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jul 26Reply

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Last Active: Dec 23 2023

Southlake, TX
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Last Active: Dec 23 2023

Southlake, TX
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