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Updated Mar 23
Updated Mar 23

🌻Meet Me, Ally!🌻

Meet The Posher


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Hi! 🌸I'm Ally! What can you expect when you shop in my closet? I treat EVERY order with the same care - no matter how big or small! I truly appreciate each buyer & I want you to LOVE your items! No pets. No smoking. About me: I'm a PA raised Florida transplant married almost 9 wonderful years! I'm a Posh Ambassador, Co-Host & Mentor! You'll find brands like H&M, J.Crew, LOFT, SOMA, Express, Banana Republic, GAP & more in my closet! My style is always changing so look for new items often!


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allyoop23 @nami001 Meet Me! How did I do?
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 Finally Introducing Myself! 🌸@hrachal🌸@nikle714🌸@justcandy26🌸@sweetbee17🌸@lorilouie🌸@conniemarie12🌸@kewpiedoll🌸@larochelle🌸@alise28🌸@ashbashes🌸@hopesparkles🌸@chicagdl🌸@kookc🌸@loveaclosetfind🌸@lauras_boutique🌸@kden_wallace🌸@chicagdl🌸@bellalize🌸@jteach23🌸@resthomas🌸@dierks24🌸@sammy🌸@moreforyou🌸@teresamarie01🌸@jaekuma🌸
Jul 10Reply
candybycandy I finally meet you!! Cute pictures❤💙💜💜💙❤😃😃
Jul 10Reply
nadsssss Absolutely stunning 😍
Jul 10Reply
sammy @allyoop23 I knew I liked u from the start little one. Love all the pictures. U are adorbs and sweet! Where do u live?
Jul 10Reply
loveaclosetfind @allyoop23 love it!! You are so beautiful! & the hubby isn't bad looking either ;-) you guys are pretty darned cute together! Are you a sign language teacher ally?
Jul 10Reply
nikle714 This is great!!! Love all the fun pictures!
Jul 10Reply
lorilouie I love your photos!!! Thank you for doing all the tags.😃 You are adorable and such an asset to Poshmark! 🙆 💕 🎉 😙
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 Thank you!! @justcandy26 @nadsssss @nikle714 It's nice to meet you ladies too! It took me waaaay too long to say hello 🙈haha
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @sammy Aww thank you Sammy! You're so sweet! I live in Tampa now - moved here 2 years ago when we got married. Im still getting used to Florida life! Im originally from PA!
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @lorilouie Thank you Lori! You always tag back! You're just as awesome PFF!! 👍👍
Jul 10Reply
nikle714 @allyoop23 I probably should do one, someday I guess. Yours is one of the best I've seen!
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @loveaclosetfind Thank you Leah! You're gonna make me blush! Haha Yea he's a keeper 😍 No I dont teach sign but its funny you ask cuz I do know a bit of sign language and wanted to teach it when I was growing up! I started working for a bank though 😕 haha Im a tiny bit Italian and veeerrryyy expressive
Jul 10Reply
kewpiedoll @allyoop23 Ally great photos Ally 📷📷 So nice to meet you 😍😍
Jul 10Reply
sammy @allyoop23 I have a HS friend in Tampa. She hates it. I will probably eventually retire in either Fla like a nice Jewish girl, or the new Fla, north Carolina. Do u like Tampa? I went to the World Series in Tampa. How are u feeling now? What do u take for pain? U are such an inspiration and don't worry about ur weight. That's the least but we are girls!
Jul 10Reply
sammy @allyoop23 I'm from ny and wish I could move back except the cost of living and weather . Keeps me in Cali with just a few friends still here. I don't do much because of my back. My prayers are with u that u get better! xo
Jul 10Reply
nadsssss Its nice to meet you. I love seeing other interracial couples. It makes me so happy ☺️
Jul 10Reply
lauras_boutique I loved reading this sweet Ally! You are an inspiration and such a lovely person inside and out!😘xoxo
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @nadsssss It's a challenge sometimes when people are ignorant but thats their problem not mine!
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @kewpiedoll Thanks! So nice to meet you!
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @sammy Tampa isnt my favorite place 😕The weather is awful. Its either too hot or thunderstorms alll the time. Theres a few months in the winter when its great not to have snow & freezing cold but the rest of the year stinks! Im not used to the southern pace of life yet either. And my experience with healthcare has been a nightmare! My faith has helped me to make friends otherwise we'd gone. Theres strip clubs on every corner here.....
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @sammy My brother lived in Cali near San Francisco but it was too expensive so his family moved back East to PA again
Jul 10Reply
sammy @allyoop23 doesn't sound fun. Glad u have friends there. It's hard changing coasts. So different. Hang in there! 💓💗💓💋
Jul 10Reply
nadsssss Oh yes it is. I definitely can testify to that but yes it their problem not ours.
Jul 10Reply
nadsssss Oh yes it is. I definitely can testify to that but yes it their problem not ours.
Jul 10Reply
nami001 @allyoop23 I ❤️❤️❤️ it PFF! You're so stinking adorable. Good job with the collages. I love your bio, I should probably update mine lol. Thank you for sharing. I absolutely love it. You have such a sunny personality and I just love your smile. Big hugs to you my sweet pff!
Jul 10Reply
kewpiedoll @allyoop23 👍🏻😍😘😍👍🏻
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @chicagdl Yes the pics in the middle are at my wedding! Thank you! It took me a while to do it too cuz I can be very private too! I totally get that!
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @nami001 Thank you!!! 💜💜 I thought you might like it! I used beFunky!! I picked lots of "smiley" pics just for you PFF!!
Jul 10Reply
original_couve @allyoop23 I love uour Wedding picks! So cute! Do you have kiddos?
Jul 11Reply
jaekuma @allyoop23 Ally, I love the photos! Your About Me is way better than mine! Haha. 💕
Jul 11Reply
allyoop23 Thanks! @conniemarie12 My wedding photographer was a close friend! He also happened to take the pic I used for the covershot too - at a party! He has a great eye for good shots! No, we dont have any children. Ive got an ADORABLE little nephew though!
Jul 11Reply
allyoop23 @jaekuma It just a lot of pictures! I didn't know what to write in the description lol
Jul 11Reply
jaekuma @allyoop23 It's still awesome! Lol. You have way more pictures than me. The collage idea was great by the way! 😁💕
Jul 11Reply
allyoop23 I got that idea from my PFF Emy! @nami001 She told me about this cool free app beFunky! And a bunch of others too!
Jul 11Reply
allyoop23 @jaekuma oops forgot to tag ⬆⬆
Jul 11Reply
jaekuma @allyoop23 That's awesome! I'm going to download it. In the past few days, I've found many free apps too! I'll share them with you just in case you're interested in any. 💕
Jul 11Reply
jaekuma @allyoop23 Pic Jointer, VSCOcam and Aillis are great apps too! They are also free. 😁
Jul 11Reply
original_couve @allyoop23 I think it is great you didnt take yourself too seriously! It shows more feeling then when people just stand still and fake smile.💖
Jul 11Reply
51twenty Wait! Wait! Are you a JW Ally?
Jul 12Reply
1smalltowngirl So super cute!!!
Jul 12Reply
allyoop23 Thank you Linda! @txan66
Jul 12Reply
alwaysem_ @allyoop23 hey my dear PFF!!!! Such beautiful pictures! You and your hubby are such a lovely couple <3 xoxo
Jul 13Reply
51twenty Ally are you a JW?
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @kookc Yes I am Carolyn!
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @kookc Sorry I missed your comment earlier! I've been very sick this weekend and got behind on my feed
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @seksi_em Thank you Mia! He makes me smile!!
Jul 13Reply
51twenty Me too!! SCREAMMMMMM MM
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @jaekuma I'm going to check those out Abigail!
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 Your listings are always so nice - I love how your closet has a chic "look" - I haven't really discovered my style yet I guess @jaekuma
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @conniemarie12 Thanks Connie! I always feel more comfortable making a silly face - or getting caught in a candid moment. I hate posing for pictures cuz I just dont like my smile posed. It always looks tense and fake to me too. But when it's natural, I dont know, I just like it better. Haha. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my bio intro!
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 YAY!!!!!!! LOTS OF LOVE AND HUGS!!! @kookc Always nice meeting a fellow sister! I've bumped into a few on here and it's like INSTANT FRIENDS every time! I was actually introduced to Poshmark by a sister who was selling/buying her clothes here!
Jul 13Reply
51twenty Have you met jaydeek?
Jul 13Reply
51twenty I'm so sorry Ally to hear about your health condition. I can not imagine what you go through daily @missrochelles this is Ally!
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @kookc No I haven't met jaydeek yet Thanks for the intro! I know it's only temporary ;) Waiting for that permanent fix! Doctors only know about a tenth of what goes on in the brain but our Creator made it, so he can fix it :)
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 Hi @missrochelles!! I was following you and didn't even know!
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @kookc Just as soon as I get a few sales I have to make my way back over to your closet to look at those caftans! I might like to wear one to our summer convention coming up in August!
Jul 13Reply
alwaysem_ @allyoop23 that's all that matters! My jellybean does the same <3 great guy hes in my closet as well, had to give him some props as he shares my closet in the parties lolol btw I hope you're feeling better xoxo
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @seksi_em Wow that's a good supportive man lol! My hubby keeps me balanced. I have to give him credit for sharing some of our time with Posh so I can share at better times. But mostly I try not to be on Posh too much when it's "our time." It's important that we spend quality time together :)
Jul 13Reply
51twenty @allyoop23 a Sounds good! Ours is this weekend.
Jul 13Reply
51twenty Yes! I've met them. It's been so nice. 💕💝
Jul 13Reply
jaekuma @allyoop23 Thank you Ally! You're oh so sweet. I love your closet by the way! 💕
Jul 13Reply
missrochelles Good to meet you "sister" 😘😘🙏🙏 The weather in AZ is the same. We are having Monsoon season so it's 50-100% humidity and thunder lightening & flooding. I've been going to Hermosillo Mexico as much as I can. There's a newly formed English hall there and they have only 35 publishers!!!
Jul 13Reply
missrochelles My health is very poor but I hope to visit there at least once a month. So you're young & gorgeous. So you're sick too??😿😿😿 It's horrible when our bodies fail on us. We can chat more on my "about me" page. So happy to meet you!!😘😘😘
Jul 13Reply
missrochelles I think I'm following her but I'm off & on PM very sporadically 😖 I'm having to go to 3 conventions to make all the days. I've made 1/2 of the first day so far. I'm hoping to have a RV come with me to a day!!! We hadn't spoken in almost a year but now she lives only 2 hours away from me!
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @kookc Ours is not until August. It usually is this coming weekend - which is our wedding anniversary! We spend out first anniversary at the convention!
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @missrochelles Nice to meet you too! Wow! 35! that's tiny! My hall is one of very few English ones in our area of Tampa. Most is Spanish here. but we have close to 120. Young and gorgeous? Hmm awww thanks! My health is not good either - I have a post in my closet here that explains. I have a rare brain fluid disorder. These summer months in Tampa kill me - HUMID!!! and STORMY! I stay inside mostly :( a lot of letter writing and phone calling.
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @missrochelles Great news about your RV! I hope she makes it! I have one that I'm trying to help progress to a consistent study but she just started college and now we have these hot summer months when I'm not out as much.
Jul 13Reply
51twenty Aww! That's sweet💝 Ours is around the same time then. TODAY🙆🏻
Jul 13Reply
hautehina Nice pix... You seems like really fun and lively person 😃😃
Jul 14Reply
allyoop23 @hsohailk Aw thanks Hina! 💐 I try to keep a sense of humor
Jul 14Reply
kden_wallace I LOVE THIS!!!💕💕💕Ally you are so darn cute!!!🙆🏻Great pictures my gorgeous Friend!!💐💐💐💐
Jul 14Reply
allyoop23 Aww thank you Kathy my super sweet PFF! @kden_wallace Glad you enjoyed it!
Jul 14Reply
grace4d HI Ally, thank took for sharing. Love your pics! Yoh had a nice place for a wedding! And you obv enjoyed yourself. I love it. Congratulations! And it's nice to meet you. Dee
Jul 15Reply
allyoop23 Thank you Dee!! @grace4d Yes we did have a lovely park to take photos for our wedding! Right across the street from my old apartment believe it or not! And my good friend took the pictures so I could relax & Enjoy myself! Thanks for checking out my closet & intro!
Jul 15Reply
thecatwalk @allyoop23 so glad to see pic
Jul 15Reply
cmc514 Awww aren't you and your hubby just the CUTEST!! I love getting to know my PFF's, seriously. This is a great post, thank you for posting it and letting us into your life! ♡
Jul 15Reply
habanera87 @allyoop23 Ally you guys make the most adorable couple ever! So nice to meet you! you look like a lot of fun lol
Jul 16Reply
classyvintage Love this! Beautiful couple and a tad nutty as well😎🌸👍🏻
Jul 16Reply
allyoop23 Thank you for checking out my post Claire! I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's nice to know the face behind the closet a little bit @pre_pa514
Jul 16Reply
allyoop23 Awww thanks Marie! I'm glad you liked it! Yes we like to find the humor in life! Have to! @classyvintage
Jul 16Reply
allyoop23 Aww thank you Grecia! My hubby has a great way of making me smile :) Thanks for enjoying my post!
Jul 16Reply
valuecomm Nice to meet you Ally, you are beautiful and look like fun to be around
Jul 24Reply
allyoop23 @mimismenagerie Aww thank you dear thats so sweet! 💜 I have a photographer friend who is great at catching me "natural" aka looking silly haha (he took our wedding photos too) Thanks for checking out my bio post!
Jul 29Reply
marlanap I have been sharing with you for quite some time and never really noticed this listing. Great photos! You look like you are enjoying life to the fullest. You and your husband make a cute couple too. 😊💗💗💗💗💗😊
Aug 16Reply
allyoop23 @marlanap Aww Marlana! Thank you for reading my post! And sharing my items! We try to be happy, positive and enjoy the simple things as much as we can! 💜💜
Aug 17Reply
pamcakesyumyum ADORABLE couple!
Aug 20Reply
resthomas ally, been readng your comments... i agree, lately the weather here kinda sucks. but i live real close to the coast and it seems to be a bit cooler... abt the strip clubs.... they suck being close to home. there are quite a few of them up n down US 19 too,near me... i try not to look at them to much... next time you come to clwtr LMK... we'll have to meet up. BTY georgous pics!!!!
Aug 23Reply
allyoop23 @resthomas Hi neighbor! Thank you Robin! Glad you enjoyed my photos! I haven't been getting out much lately. The humidity & stormy weather here set off my illnesses. I've had a lot of doc appts preparing for surgery by October (I hope) I'm not sure if my health will let us stay in Florida much longer but I'm trying to stick it out. Ugh those strip clubs....Never seen so many in one place. Enjoy your week my friend and let's get some sales!!!
Aug 24Reply
shari23114 @allyoop23 Happy Anniversary! 👍😊
Aug 28Reply
vixen676 the more i visit your closet, the more I love this covershot of you. Your personality and beauty shine! You and your husband look fun and beautiful in your wedding pictures, as well :)
Aug 31Reply
allyoop23 Thank you Shari! @shari23114 This summer was 2 years!!
Aug 31Reply
allyoop23 @vixen676 Thank you Kristen! Welcome back! Haha My good friend snapped that pic when I wasn't looking! I picked that one because it's fun :-p The same photographer took our wedding photos! I hate posed pictures - my face always looks weird to me! But he has a knack for catching me off guard so it's more natural. I'm glad you're enjoying the photos! Thanks for the shares! I love sharing your awesome closet too!!
Aug 31Reply
mailecabral Hi @allyoop23 it's so nice to "meet" you. I'm Maile 😉 Thank you so much for the posh love and celebrations. You have a great closet... Keep up the good work and keep in touch. 💐
Sep 06Reply
allyoop23 Thank you Maile! @mailecabral Its great to meet you too! Thanks for checking out my closet! You've got a great closet as well!
Sep 06Reply
evolvingalways Thank you for all the shares. That means a lot to me being that you closed your closet. I did follow your sister in law.
Sep 22Reply
allyoop23 @tta3410 You're welcome! I still love to share a great closet! 💕 And thanks for checking out my sis's closet!
Sep 22Reply
original_couve @allyoop23 I forgot you don't have anything left right? How can I share and give you a HP?
Sep 30Reply
allyoop23 @conniemarie12 Aww thank you for thinking of me Connie! Yes everything is donated now. I didnt have room for it when we moved last week! You can share and search for an HP in my sister in law's closet if you'd like! 💜@tylovely💜
Sep 30Reply
original_couve @allyoop23 Can't wait to see when your closet is back!
Sep 30Reply
tylovely Love you sis!!! Muah!!!
Oct 14Reply
allyoop23 @tylovely 💕Love you too sis! 💕
Oct 14Reply
janimack7 Hello, Ally!👋🏼 My name is Jan! it is really good to meet you!🌹 You two make a gorgeous couple!💞
Oct 16Reply
allyoop23 @janimack7 Thanks Jan! Its great to "meet you too! 💟 Thanks for stopping by my closet!
Oct 16Reply
smchop You are adorable! ♡♡♡♡♡
Oct 21Reply
allyoop23 @smchop Why thank you! 💜
Oct 21Reply
runwayposh Ally!! You are back. 😃😃 It means you are doing well!! I was praying for you my friend😇. Have a nice night!
Oct 25Reply
melo719 You're a jw??? Nice to meet you !! 💚💚
Oct 25Reply
allyoop23 @melo719 Nice to meet you too!
Oct 25Reply
allyoop23 @runwayposh Hi Aga! Yes my tests are coming back good so they pushed back my surgery one month. Its not so urgent 😀 And I couldnt pass up an opportunity to host my first posh party TOMORROW!! 🎶🎊🎶🎊🎶🎊🎶🎊
Oct 26Reply
runwayposh Ally. Great news! I just wish you didn't need a surgery at all:( Good luck tomorrow. Very excited for you! I actually wrote to PM for a co host as well. Hope I will get to be one sometime in the future:)) I still rock your shorts!! Love them both! Take care my friend. Aga
Oct 26Reply
sureina Hi Ally!! I'm new to Posh. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm not getting any offers on my dress and I wasn't sure if maybe my closet is set up wrong or if it's just such a specified item that no is interested yet. Any advice is greatly appreciated!! ☺️
Nov 06Reply
jzel39 Thanks for all ur shares! Have a great day and happy poshing! 😉💜👍
Nov 10Reply
kbarkhimer Your closet is super cute! I love it all!
Nov 16Reply
andithorpe Hi there. Love your closet. And the bio-collage is great. I'm from Florida, used to live not far from Tampa. ☺️ I agree, I don't love the heat. I'm curious, one of your pics looks like you & your husband were at a convention, he's wearing a badge? Was that a district convention by chance? ☺️
Nov 17Reply
allyoop23 @andithorpe Hi Andi! Yes that's his attendant badge, my sister???
Nov 17Reply
allyoop23 @andithorpe Thank you! You have a great closet too! I wish I still fit your size!
Nov 17Reply
andithorpe I knew it!!! Yes, we are indeed SISTERS!☺️😉😄 I saw one of the listings on a page of the bible, that's when I knew it had to be. I'm so excited to "meet" you!! 👏 I'm from Ocala but I lived in Ft. Myers for 8 yrs. Now I'm in Chicago. But WOW, this is so great!
Nov 17Reply
andithorpe And I read the other bio on the rare health problem you deal with, I feel for you. You'll be in my thoughts & prayers. 😘 Such a great attitude. I can only imagine what you must go through. I have fibromyalgia and endometriosis. So I started selling because sometimes all I can do is lay in bed. But I'm glad to find a friend on Posh. 💕
Nov 17Reply
allyoop23 @andithorpe Wow! Its so nice to meet another sister! 😄😄😄 Oh yea its fun picking up the little "clues" in our sisters closets - bible pages, badges, kingdom hall signs, etc!
Nov 17Reply
allyoop23 @andithorpe Oh Im sorry to hear about your health problems 😢 So many are struggling with their health but we have to stay positive, take it one day at a time & remember our hope 😀 I try not to expect too much from docs so I dont feel as discouraged when I get the same answers "we dont know" I know daily chronic pain is an energy sucker & joy sapper at times! You'll be in my prayers! Sending love and patience your way 💕🙏💕🙏💕
Nov 17Reply
andithorpe 💞💕❤️ Hugs to you. Lovely to meet you. Yes, that hope is all we have that we can truly rely on. I agree, chin up... We have a hope that is sure and a brotherhood that reaches beyond all barriers. There's so much to encourage us... but the we get what we need, always at the right time. I, like you, am determined to stay positive. Some days it's hard but always worth it.
Nov 17Reply
allyoop23 @andithorpe Thats why we support each other 💕 We will all have bad days and need a reminder to smile 😄 I love our new Just A Smile song - it really makes me smile! A good night to you my new friend!
Nov 17Reply
andithorpe Goodnight! 😊
Nov 17Reply
allyoop23 @andithorpe Let me introduce you to my good friend Maddie! @mamarein She is also our sister! 😃 And has cute clothes!
Nov 17Reply
mamarein Thanks ally! :) @andithorpe nice to meet you dear sis! :-)
Nov 17Reply
jina123 @allyoop23 Your wedding photos are so pretty!
Dec 04Reply
allyoop23 @saucedojeneen3 Thanks Jina! My friend was the photographer and he does an excellent job!
Dec 04Reply
jina123 @allyoop23 Definitely! What state did you get married in? I'm hoping it doesn't rain here on our day so we can get nice outside photos too!
Dec 04Reply
wildfox Cute pics!
Dec 06Reply
allyoop23 @wildfox Thank you!
Dec 06Reply
scjoelle @allyoop23 thanks for all the shares. I need to make more room in my closet.
Dec 07Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 Ally yall look like such a perfect couple. He's a cutie so glad u have each other. 😇😇 Back when my husband and I got married he got transferred to Fort Lauderdale and I was not the fondest. Fast forward 26 years and we are in his home state of Texas. I was born and raised in Ohio. 😇😇😀😀🎀🎀
Dec 08Reply
allyoop23 @marcie0707 Why thank you Marcie! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the kind words! Wow youve moved a bit! Florida is like a different world! Im not the fondest either. I miss my family, cool crisp Autumn days & my doctors who understood or at least cared. Tampa is too big for me. I grew up in a small town, moved to a small city. Im not a big city gal
Dec 08Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 Ally I know what you mean about your doctors. It takes along time to build that comfort with a dr and yes if they don't understand your condition it's horrible. I have had 4 major back surgeries and a lot of Dr's do not have a clue about the pain when it's bad.
Dec 09Reply
allyoop23 @marcie0707 Oh Im sorry to hear you've been down that road too 😢 I think since docs dont actually LIVE with the pain & just rely on our descriptions, less compassionate ones will doubt/question or just simply cant relate. I find I get better care from the nurses! This will be my 6th surgery. My neuro system doesnt work right so Im constantly choosing btwn surgery & meds. I usually prefer surgery. One of my surgeries was my upper spine. My neck has never been the same since
Dec 09Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 I am so sorry you have gone thru this also. I cringe at the thought of you or anyone having to feel this kind of pain. I was rear ended by a drunk driver and he charged my life forever. I have had 4 major back surgeries in 7 or 8 years. Yes there are a lot of Dr's who can not fathom the pain we are in. I Thank god for getting me thru it. It has given me a strength I never had before. I gotta go for now my sister is out of surgery
Dec 09Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 Oh my I thought 4 surgeries was bad. I can't imagine 6. My neuro said this is last surgery on my low back Due to complications this time and he said he is to scared to go back in unless there was no other choice. You'll be back to work in 2 weeks to you can never work again. Depression hit hard. Thank god for helping me find posh. It changed my life in a good way. I love the caring and helping each other succeed. Gods greatest gift is my new posh friends. Thank you for everything!! 🌹🌹
Dec 10Reply
aladdinboutique Beautiful pics😍nice to meet you🌹
Dec 10Reply
allyoop23 @aladdinboutique Thanks Fouz! 🌹
Dec 10Reply
chico2014 Beautiful couple!! Luv ur style😃
Dec 12Reply
allyoop23 @chico2014 Thanks Ty! 💐 And thanks for your likes! Let me know if I can make up a 40% off bundle for you or drop a price 20%! Posh is giving $1.99 shipping again on price drops!
Dec 12Reply
lamoore1676 Thank you for the share! Great photos! 😊
Dec 18Reply
allyoop23 @lamoore1676 You're welcome Elle!
Dec 18Reply
sammy @allyoop23 hi baby girl. Are u still in the hospital? Hope the surgery went well. Been thinking about u for days. If ur still in, how much longer. If ur home and get bored, text or give me a call 858-395-0116. I'll cheer up altho I don't know any good jokes. Are u going to posh at all when u get home? Have books and movies? Hey, I haven't been anywhere since almost Thanksgiving. Living in my pjs all Winter ! But never mind me.,. All my love, Shawn❤
Jan 01Reply
poshgarden 😘😘😘shares! You on vacation?
Jan 01Reply
allyoop23 @sammy Hi Shawn! Im home resting 💤💤 Im doing ok. Pain is a bit more than expected but its only been a few days. I expect it to get better. My hubby & I have been playing board games & watching movies 😃 Of course Im living in PJs too! I was able to take a short walk today 💪 Im checking Posh every so often but not really regularly
Jan 01Reply
sammy @allyoop23 awww baby girl. It's so good to even here from you! Glad your home. Sorry about the pain. I thought u would be in the hospital longer and was going to send something to there. I'm so glad ur keeping busy and I'll check on you again soon. Hope it worked and is the last surgery! Much love . ❌⭕❌⭕Shawn
Jan 01Reply
allyoop23 @callie5510 Always happy to share a great PFF closet! No I just had surgery on Tuesday and Im home recovering now. Thank goodness for a soft bed and pain killers! 🏥💪🏥💪
Jan 01Reply
allyoop23 @sammy Thank you again Shawn! Dont worry yourself with me! Enjoy your weekend! My hubby is taking good care of me! They let me come home the day after surgery. Everything looks good. Just takes time to heal
Jan 01Reply
sammy @allyoop23 ok babe. U take care. Don't over tire yourself. Glad hubby is there and really there!!! Take good care of yourself PFF.
Jan 01Reply
karebear51 @allyoop23 💐💕Thank you so much for choosing my shoes for the party💕💐
Jan 03Reply
allyoop23 @carlyjung Thank you Carly! 💖I should be able to sell/ship by the end of January if my recovery goes well!
Jan 09Reply
kmcnett Hope you're always as happy as you look in your pics! ♡
Jan 12Reply
allyoop23 @triplea2000 Hi Ashley! Im Ally! 🌸Welcome to Posh! 🌸 I hope you'll check out my closet!
Jan 13Reply
allyoop23 @ayl66 Hello Alexia! Im Ally! 🌸Welcome to Posh! 🌸 I hope you'll check out my closet!
Jan 13Reply
allyoop23 @aleg1 Hi Allegra! Im Ally! So nice to meet you!! 🌸Welcome to Posh! 🌸 I hope you'll check out my closet!
Jan 13Reply
allyoop23 @raychelanna 🌸Welcome to Posh Raychel! 🌸 Im Ally! Nice to meet you! I hope you'll check out my closet!
Jan 13Reply
allyoop23 @brittani_e23 Hello Brittani! Im Ally! 🌸Welcome to Posh! 🌸 I hope you'll check out my closet!
Jan 13Reply
allyoop23 @tinap6 Hi Tina!Im Ally! 🌸Welcome to Posh! 🌸 Nice to meet you! I hope you'll check out my closet!
Jan 13Reply
allyoop23 @jaylmorg Im Ally! 🌸Welcome to Posh Jayme! 🌸 I hope you'll check out my closet!
Jan 13Reply
ricksmthree Love your pictures!!
Jan 18Reply
allyoop23 @ricksmthree Thank you! 💖
Jan 18Reply
allyoop23 @bmarsh515 Thanks! ✌ As you can see, I like to have fun! 😋 Thanks for stopping by!
Jan 21Reply
stylenu Hoping for a quick recovery, Ally 😘
Feb 06Reply
allyoop23 @cbltrio Thank you! 💐
Feb 06Reply
stylenu Glad to see your back in POSH business 😘
Feb 06Reply
shari23114 @allyoop23 Beautiful wedding and beautiful groom too! Love your headress! 👍
Feb 24Reply
janimack7 Oh, Ally❣ What a beautiful couple!💞 Congratulations ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣
Feb 25Reply
jeanrevolver Thank you for telling us about yourself I always love hearing what other girls are up to and about here on posh! That does encourage me to write about myself and tell a little about my adventure here and in life. I will get my "meet the posher" created soon. Thanks for the motivation. Also, just wanted to say I love the pics the black and white ones are especially pretty 😊and may I ask what nationality you are without being to personal? So.... Have a wonderful day and talk to you sometime ok
Mar 01Reply
allyoop23 @jeanrevolver Hello Jean! Thank you for stopping by and reading my "Meet Me" It's always nice to read/see a little bit about the Posher you're buying from so I definitely encourage you to personalize yours! Thanks for the compliments on the pics! I'm a big fan of black & white photography. I'm mostly German, some Welsh and a very little bit Italian.
Mar 01Reply
ginga69 Yes this is totally confusing from pm editor! We are picked as a home host not online 😳very misleading to me and other poshmark users I feel AWEFUL 😔I feel like clarification needed to those who want there items shared at a party not online😬how to fix this??
Mar 12Reply
ginga69 I need to make this right and true! How can I co-host a party online not to loose faith in those wanting to be part of something not happening? The day comes up and no theme no party. For us new poshers this is tough to build trusting relationships then this😱I feel like shutting my closet down 😔I e -mailed my disappointment hoping the pm editor would help.
Mar 12Reply
allyoop23 @ginga69 Posh Support usually answers in a few days. Im not sure what a sip party is? Im sorry. You could try tagging everyone who responded toyour party announcement in a post or comment and explain what happened. Most Posh ladies are understanding & kind. If it wasa simple misunderstanding, it will be ok. And if you'd like to host email and ask, but it usually takes a couple months or so til they get you scheduled.
Mar 12Reply
allyoop23 @ginga69 What does a home host do if you dont make picks? Im sure the ladies of Posh would understand if you clarify.
Mar 12Reply
goodcents Morning @allyoop23! Hope this is a good day! Apologizing because I mass tagged you on the 3/30 host announcement. Was just trying to spread the joy to the closets I first followed that vickyss had recommended as PC. and I thought were just lovely. Sorry, again!
Mar 13Reply
thegarbmovement @allyoop23 Hey Ally I am Dana from Ga!! I so enjoyed your pics and learning that you are my sister in the faith. Keep up your positive attitude despite your trial we have so many wonderful this to look forward to soon😉😘
Mar 19Reply
allyoop23 @thegarbmovement Hi Dana! Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post! It's so nice to "meet" another sister!! <3 I've met quite a few on here! You're right we have so much good to come soon! Thanks for the words of encouragement! My hubby and I send our love to the brothers and sisters in GA!
Mar 19Reply
janimack7 ALLY! You are amazing! I love how your spirit dances through your closet!! Beautiful wedding pics! Configurations❣
Mar 23Reply
mickydkat Thanks for all the shares Ally! 😘💕
Mar 23Reply
allyoop23 @mickydkat You're welcome! 🌺 Your closet is looking great! 👍
Mar 23Reply
mickydkat @allyoop23 aww thanks!! ☺️ So is yours!! It's always good to see you!
Mar 23Reply
allyoop23 @mickydkat Thanks Kate! It's nice to be back, even if just for a little while :)
Mar 23Reply
ramonarosario @allyoop23 Welcome back PFF. Hope you are feeling better. XOXO
Mar 23Reply
allyoop23 @ramonarosario Thanks! I'm not 100% yet but I'm hoping it keeps getting better! :)
Mar 24Reply
southerngal0724 Thank you for sharing my closet - I've enjoyed sharing yours as well! You have great style, and I look forward to seeing your new listings in the future. Hope the rest of your week is as awesome as you are!
Mar 24Reply
allyoop23 @southerngal0724 Thank you Lisa! I hope you enjoy the week as well!
Mar 24Reply
ginga69 Thank you for the tips🎉🎉💞💞should be fun!💞🎀🎉🎉😘😘
Mar 24Reply
allyoop23 @rinniespringer Hi Corrine! Im Ally! 💜Welcome to Posh!💜 I hope you love it as much as I do! I have a purple New Poshers help post in my closet. Also, check out @official_forum for party updates & great Posh tips!
Apr 07Reply
allyoop23 @shondamae90 Hi Shonda! Im Ally! 💗Welcome to Posh! 💗
Apr 07Reply
allyoop23 @chelsey328 Hi Chelsey! 💞Welcome to Posh! 💞 I'm pleased to "meet" you!
Apr 07Reply
allyoop23 @gingyc Hi Jennifer! 💐Welcome to Posh! 💐 Im Ally! Great job starting your closet! 👍 Im happy to help answer questions you might have about buying & selling!  👭 "You Can Always Tell Who The Strong Women Are. They Are The Ones Building Each Other Up Instead Of Tearing Each Other Down." - Unknown 
Apr 07Reply
annahalsey 💕Thank you for all the tag work you do with new follow games, new party hosts and new suggested users. I'm Farley new to Posh and very much appreciate it! 💕
Apr 12Reply
allyoop23 @annahalsey Im glad it's helping you to meet new ones and celebrate! You're very welcome!
Apr 12Reply
ankalo Hi Ally, nice to meet you! Love your pictures and am sorry to learn about the health problems you are facing. How comforting is to know soon Jehovah will end all this. Your possitve attitude inspires me to rely on Jehovah always. Best wishes to you!!!! Love, Anka 💕💕💕
Apr 19Reply
allyoop23 @ankalo Hi Anca!!!!! It's so nice to "meet" a sister! Thanks for reading my post! I'm so grateful Jehovah gives me the support of a worldwide family now to help me get through the days til our hope is realized!
Apr 19Reply
ttd2 Hi Ally 😃 thank you for the tag and your likes, just got started recently with the following game and it's so much fun. I love it. So nice to meet you 😘💕❤️🌷🌷🌷
Apr 20Reply
lindsaysue_ Hi Ally! Are you a JW? I saw a convention badge in one of your photos.
Apr 22Reply
tezza630 Hi Ally! Thanks for sharing today! So, I'm a bit out of the loop perhaps? - did you get married recently? It looks like from comments maybe end of last year? The photos are adorable - you are beautiful and your husband is oh-so handsome! Either way, hope you're having a wonderful weekend! 💚😽
Apr 24Reply
vegas2004 Totally love this!!! You are so fun and bright and fab!!
Apr 27Reply
allyoop23 @vegas2004 Thank so much for reading my post! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love this Meet The Posher idea from Poshmark! It puts a face with the clothes you're buying!
Apr 28Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 Ya'll are such a cute couple!! You are so sweet love having you as my friend!!
Apr 30Reply
allyoop23 @marcie0707 Thank you so much Marcie! We are celebrating our 3rd anniversary this summer!
Apr 30Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 Aww congratulations!! We are celebrating our 27th anniversary in September. Enjoy every moment it goes by very fast. 🎉🎉💥💥
Apr 30Reply
allyoop23 @marcie0707 Wow! 27 years! What an accomplishment! Marriages dont last like they used to! And the time sure does fly by! I cant believe its 3 years already!
Apr 30Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 I was so blessed when I met my husband. He has always been so good to me. I Thank god for blessing me with him!! So proud of ya'll !! Your right most marriages don't last like that anymore. So glad ya'll have each other !! God bless you my sweet friend!! 😘😘💋💋🎉🎉😇😇
Apr 30Reply
autumnlynn3 Hey hun! So lekohn just messaged me because she was worried that you possibly hadn't seen her name on the share list since you had already signed out and she said you hadn't shared her closet today??.. I'm sure it was an honest mistake, just wanted to let you know! Thanks 🤔
May 12Reply
allyoop23 @autumnlynn3 Oh no! I probably did miss her! I'll go share her now!
May 12Reply
autumnlynn3 No worries at all!? 😉.. Thanks dear! Have a great day! ❤ ❤
May 12Reply
sparrowsage I'm sorry the doctors don't have any idea what's going on. That's the story of my life! I have a permanent ankle injury like that ,and a shoulder injury much the same. I'm sitting here in a neckband just trying to yawn, and bcuz of the brace, I can't. I certainly hope your situation gets better! I think eye problems are the worst! (Says the girl who may have to do spinal surgery again and could become a quadriplegic! ) Oh well, they all suck and the doctors suck worse!
May 12Reply
allyoop23 @sparrowsage Oh Im hoping you dont need a spinal surgery! Ive only had one & its been my worst surgery out of all of them (that includes several brain surgeries) My surgeon opted out of another spinal surgery cuz it was too risky. So I have permanent nerve damage but Im not paralyzed! I tell myself theres always someone worse off than you, so no sense feeling sorry for yourself! God's strength to you dear & a successful recovery!
May 13Reply
sparrowsage @allyoop23 thanx. I've already had it. I'm in a neck brace now. I might need and surgery. You ate so loving of a person!!!!#
May 13Reply
dizzyval Fun closet. I enjoy sharing these and thank you for the generous shares. Wishing you much success. Any tips you can give me will be appreciated
May 15Reply
allyoop23 @dizzyval Thanks! ❤ I took a look at ur closet & you're off to a good start! You're compliant! 👍 If you want to make a follow game, I will share & tag it for you. Share groups are great for exposure & making news friends & followers. @official_forum has lists of share groups & also party listings so you can follow the hosts & attend.
May 16Reply
allyoop23 @dizzyval U can try modeling or styling your items on a mannequin. I gave away my mannequin to a little girl who loved it & I miss having it! @hvandyne has a fab post in her closet about great jewelry photos
May 16Reply
janellno5 Ally loved seeing your pics. The wedding pics especially...congratulations!! Thanks so much for sharing my listings!!!
May 17Reply
allyoop23 @janellno5 I'm glad you enjoyed them! Thanks! Thanks for stopping by Janell! And thanks for the shares too!
May 17Reply
ginger_nj Ally your closet is amazing... Full of wonderful items & so much knowledge! THANKS for sharing with us newbies! THANK Y💟U for sharing my listings! Happy HUMP 🐪 Day! ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Yesenia
May 19Reply
allyoop23 @ginger_nj You are very welcome Yesenia! I'm glad they were helpful! Thanks for reading my posts! Your closet is off to a good start!
May 19Reply
poshgarden @style_shanty did you two meet? She's in Tampa too🐠🐬🌴🌞
May 19Reply
style_shanty @poshgarden We didn't meet in person but we've talked about that a bit and share each other's clisets☺️
May 19Reply
allyoop23 @poshgarden @style_shanty Yes she is! Actually very close to me too!! 🌻🌷🌻🌷🌻 But Ive been struggling with my health again . Summer is always the worst time. So doc appts & rest have been keeping me busy! Good thing I can Posh from my couch/bed & get the post office to pick up lol
May 19Reply
poshgarden @style_shanty yay, good to know. Ally, I'm sorry to hear that Summer is the worst time for you and hope that this one won't be as bad. Winter is the worst for me, luckily we finally had a mild one here. I'm really glad you're not in TX, those 110 degree days are right around the corner 💩
May 19Reply
allyoop23 @poshgarden Oh goodness...110 😱 Is it a dry heat though? The humidity is what kills me here! Everything swells like crazy! 🙏💪🙏💪
May 19Reply
poshgarden Oh no, it's humid here. We have the South wind blowing the Gulf of Mexico straight up. And the mosquitos are bad, just like in Tampa. One carried me off into the bay one day😛
May 19Reply
allyoop23 @poshgarden Oh yuck! Callie I feel for you! The bugs are terrible when it gets like that! I just cant stand the "palmettos" here! Flying huge roaches! Gross! 😨 I wanted to plan a surprise anniversary for my hubby this year in New Orleans! But our anniversary is in July, when its humid & buggy there too! I think its Mardi Gras time too so a bunch of crazy tourists!
May 19Reply
sillymoon @allyoop23 hi Thank you for the shares☺️ I would like to tag you for parties and follow me game. Let me know if you would like it. Have a great day ☺️💐💕
May 22Reply
allyoop23 @sillymoon You're welcome! And thank you for the offer. I'm between surgeries right now so I don't think I can keep up with more on my feed right now
May 22Reply
sillymoon @allyoop23 That's is alright. I am so sorry to hear about your surgery. I hope u get better soon 😊💕hugs
May 22Reply
liss_luvlace Super Cute Closet!!!! I love it 💕💕💕
May 25Reply
allyoop23 @lissalynn26 Thanks so much Alissa! I love your style too!!
May 25Reply
hopesparkles ☀️🌴 Hi sweet PFF! Now that I'm in Winter Garden I'm only an 1 1/2 (ish) from you! In fact my hubby works on all the military bases in FL & there are several your way. Do you have a day job? If not maybe my hubby can drop me off somewhere near you on his way to work! 🌴☀️
May 25Reply
allyoop23 @hopesparkles Hey! How sweet of you to think of me! Welcome to Florida! Maybe we can figure something out! Honestly, the summer is the WORST time for me. The heat kills me. Like, literally lol. I have a lot of doc appts & adjustments. They're talking about another surgery in June/July. Same broken shunt. But anyway....we'll see what we can do!
May 25Reply
hopesparkles ✨ Heat is bad for me too. That's why they made air conditioning, lol! I'm so sorry you might have to have another surgery! I'll 🙏🏻 for you!!! ✨
May 25Reply
ginger_nj Ally THANK Y💟U for your SUPPORT & SHARING my HOST PICK! Happy P💟SHING! 🛍 ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Yesenia
Jun 07Reply
colleena You're pictures are so cute. You look like you would be so much fun.
Jun 07Reply
allyoop23 @colleena Thanks so much for visiting & enjoying my pics Colleen!💜 And thanks for the shares! 💐
Jun 07Reply
dingberts Your closet is beautiful!!!
Jun 19Reply
hvandyne Seriously, Ally - I am SO happy I "met" you on Posh. You are such a sweetheart!!!! 😘
Jun 23Reply
allyoop23 @hvandyne Wow! What a sweet thing to say! Now stop, you'll make me blush! 😸 Thanks! Have a lovely day Holly! And let me know if you're interested in a jewelry share group. My PFFs @lauras_boutique & @51twenty are great! 😉
Jun 23Reply
hvandyne Yes, @allyoop23 - that's exactly who I signed up with! Yay!!! 😊
Jun 23Reply
jaimee83 Thank you for all the likes and shares!! Hope you are having a wonderful night and enjoy Poshing.
Jun 24Reply
koshik Your closet is lovely!!
Jun 25Reply
alittlefabshop Absolutely beautiful closet! So easy to share!!! Much love Xoxoxo
Jun 28Reply
allyoop23 @cdelancey1018 Thank you Christine! 😘 Yours is beautiful too! I'll be back to share again & maybe even shop!
Jun 28Reply
alittlefabshop @allyoop23 Thank you Ally! Same here! Have a wonderful day pretty girl!
Jun 28Reply
tristenh11 you're gorgeous! I also love your closet ☺
Jun 29Reply
allyoop23 @tristenh11 Wow thanks so much Tristen! ❤ That made my night! 😎 And 🙌WELCOME TO POSH! 🙌You'll be addicted before you know it! Your closet is off to a good start! I'll tag you in a few things to help you keep going! 😉
Jun 29Reply
tristenh11 @allyoop23 don't mention it! ❤ I'm glad that it did ☺ thank you so much, I'm very glad to be here! everyone is so nice so far and I'm loving it here, I have a feeling that I definitely will be addicted in no time. Thank you so much! you're way too kind and it's great to have such sweet people like you on here ☺
Jun 29Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Promoting or advertising any other selling sites or codes for them is not cool. While many do cross list or use other sites like "m" to list things that Posh doesnt allow, thats fine, but encouraging others to shop there doesnt belong on Posh. I report that when I see it either in an email to Posh Support with the username or by reporting the listing as "Non PM Transaction"
Jul 10Reply
allyoop23 @crockell As far as any action Posh takes...Id imagine that depends on how many complaints they get. If enough people report it, Posh may shut them down or ask them to remove any of those "M" code listings
Jul 10Reply
latedecember @allyoop23 Ally, (my daughter's nickname 💞), thank you for all the shares! 💕💕 I hope you are having an amazing day!! 🌺🌻💐
Jul 14Reply
allyoop23 @kellegrey You have a lovely closet! Small world! Ally is my nickname too! Only my parents and doctors call me Allison lol
Jul 14Reply
sparrowsage Hi. @sparrowsage 🐨🌼🍀💜
Jul 21Reply
stylestarterz Hey,great to meet you! I'm new here and was wondering how to start listing get items? Any help much appreciated ♡♡
Jul 25Reply
trendycutedeals 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Jul 27Reply
zoijoi I love your "Meet the Posher" photos! They are so "FUN"! Thanks for sharing. 😃
Aug 03Reply
allyoop23 @zoijoi Thank You!! 🌺 I love your closet too!
Aug 03Reply
niyaabandz @allyoop23 can u send me 25 credits plz
Aug 06Reply
bjonescat I recognize your convention badges, nice to meet you, sister! I am from the High Desert , CA and in the Valley Cong. Just had our Regional this weekend and it was the best one ever, Jehovah certainly loves his people! 🐈💕
Aug 08Reply
allyoop23 @bjonescat Hi Barbara! We have ours in 2 weeks! We've been waiting & hearing its so great! Very nice to meet another sister! 💕 We are in Town N Country in Tampa 😀
Aug 08Reply
allyoop23 @bekkanicole91 Nice to meet you too Bekka! There's actually quite a few sisters here on Posh! Carolyn, can you help introduce our sister to some of our other JW friends? @51twenty
Aug 10Reply
51twenty @bekkanicole91 Yes Ally! Hi Bekka
Aug 10Reply
iselita15 Hello from NC!! It's always nice to find other sisters here💕💕
Aug 10Reply
allyoop23 Nice to meet you too sister Isel!! @iselita15
Aug 10Reply
allyoop23 @dogpacksports Aww thanks so much Sandy! I appreciate all the shares & comments! 💕💕💕
Aug 12Reply
herroseattle Are you a physician assistant? I'm a pre-PA student! Thank you for the share (:
Aug 17Reply
allyoop23 @herroseattle Hi Marilyn! No Im not a PA but I wish I was so I didnt need to see so many docs! 🏥 Hope your training goes well & thanks for stopping by! 😅
Aug 24Reply
allyoop23 @dogpacksports Hey Good Morning Sandy! I thought of you when I was sharing @rcristela25 today! She has so many hats to choose from in different styles at great prices! I think she has the beanie types you were talking about! I'll tag you in a few! Check em out! Take care my friend!
Aug 24Reply
allyoop23 @dogpacksports That is so great! I'll keep an eye out! 👀
Aug 24Reply
allyoop23 @dogpacksports These women amaze me with their generosity! 😍
Aug 24Reply
pinacra I really enjoyed reading about you and love your closet. I'm trying to get more followers, so if there's a listing in my closet you like please share it to help me grow my closet! Thank you for the follow and nice to sort of meet you :)
Aug 30Reply
allyoop23 @pinacra Hi Megan! Thanks for stopping by! Nice to "meet" you too! 👋 If you're trying to gain followers, a Follow Game is a good place to start - they really work when you follow everyone & they follow back! I have one in my closet I'll show you! Also, keep your closet compliant so more will follow & share you! I have a couple posts in my closet for new Poshers tips too! FYI - Used/Swatched Makeup is not permitted 😉
Aug 30Reply
pinacra Thank you for the advice and reply! I really appreciate it :). Have an awesome day and okay I'll definitely try that!
Aug 30Reply
allyoop23 @pinacra My pleasure! Tag me on your follow game when you get it up and I will spread the word to help it GROW!
Aug 30Reply
ellissusan971 Hi Ally, that's my daughters name, I l❤️v your closet!
Sep 08Reply
cindychic1 Awesome girl! You rock!
Sep 08Reply
allyoop23 @cindychic1 Thanks Cindy! 😘
Sep 08Reply
squeaky20 Hi ally your closet is so beautiful. I am a new posher. I am also from Florida you have so many followers how dose that work? The posh community it so supportive and nice.💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱⛱
Sep 11Reply
dotsandjems Look at you you are like a movie star bride👰🏼💯👌🏼💎❤️
Sep 29Reply
allyoop23 @dotsandjems Aww thanks Jamie! 💜 I had alot of help! My best friend did my hair. Another friend did my makeup. And another friend was my photographer! Comes in handy having such talented friends!
Sep 29Reply
dotsandjems Honey I know trust me it takes a village on a day like that! I do make up and wanted mine done but it just didn't work out financially! And being a lil bit crazy about my growing out SHAVED to a millimeter in the back pixie cut I enlisted a lot of friends that I never knew I had! Called Amazon Prime clip in 18inch wavy hair extensions lol! But your hair gown and makeup are just so stunning old school glam! You look awesome either way but nicely done girlfriend!
Sep 29Reply
allyoop23 @dotsandjems Thanks! I love vintage looks. Theyre so classy! I didn't want to do a "vintage" theme wedding though cuz its been done so much I didnt want my wedding looking trendy. So we just kept it classic without any real theme. It still came out kind of modern vintage looking haha
Sep 29Reply
allyoop23 @dotsandjems My husband's mother made my dress from scratch & my friends gifted their services to me (minus the photographer but he gave me a DEAL!) so the cost was kept down. Thats not all my real hair either 😉 Mine is long but thin so it needed some help. We all get one day to be a pampered princess right?
Sep 29Reply
dotsandjems You nailed it girl! Vintage Mod .... princess 👸🏼 shouldn't we have more than just one day for that Cinderella feel?! I think! And u must be an awesome person to have all those amazing people who love you and your husband so they were all over you! It's a great feeling to be ❤️ed! Imagine that dress was handmade but BY YOUR FAMILY?! How awesome! PS I got mine on a whim from clicking away on Pinterest to a site in the middle of nowhere for $200 bucks!
Sep 29Reply
dotsandjems I wasn't planning to save that much but boy did I look like I saved alot!Honey I have to admit I was so blessed and blown away! Because my dress was gorgeous and looked like I went to visit Randy at Say Yes to the Dress! Lol! $200 bucks imagine the money they make on the mark up! Wow!
Sep 29Reply
allyoop23 @dotsandjems I can imagine! All wedding stuff is a huuuuge markup! We made our own centerpieces, invitations, everything...and thr materials were still enough money! Im just checking if you made some final decisions on items you might want me to hold onto for you? Im boxing up items for donation & consignment now. If you've still got your eye on something, I'll put it aside for a few days
Oct 01Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 Hi Ally!! I've missed you so much!! Thank you so much for your shares. I tagged you on my upcoming party post. Please tell me you will have your closet opened back up soon.
Oct 09Reply
allyoop23 @marcie0707 I relisted a few items to support both you and Ramona in your upcoming parties! 💞 I will keep on touch with you by email dear!
Oct 11Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Nope. Headphones will fall under electronics so they cant be sold here 😉
Oct 11Reply
heavensparadise @allyoop23 Aww Ally Thank you for reopening for my upcoming party. I know you were taking a break and I don't want to keep you from enjoying yourself and getting rest and relaxation.
Oct 11Reply
ashleylynnocs Hi ally! You have some nice pics! I like the convention one 😉 nice to meet a fellow sister posher
Oct 19Reply
allyoop23 @ashleylynnocs Very nice to meet you too! 💗
Oct 19Reply
lindsey302016 @allyoop23 thanks for all your shares in my closet!! :)
Oct 24Reply
ccprice74 Hi Ally, I'm Cicely one of your spiritual sisters. Pleasure meeting you❣
Oct 26Reply
allyoop23 @ccprice74 Hi Cicely! So nice to meet you! 😃
Oct 26Reply
allyoop23 @ccprice74 I thought I recognized the Kingdom Hall in your wedding photos! Beautiful!
Oct 26Reply
ccprice74 lol, that's what gave you guys away... I recognized the chairs❣
Oct 26Reply
pink_ladybug Hi Allyyyyyyyyyyyy----just checking in to see how you are doing 💕
Oct 28Reply
allyoop23 @pink_ladybug Nealie!!! 💜💜💜💜 Hello my friend! Thanks so much for checking in! You always keep me in mind! Im holdinv up ok. Getting nervous for my upcoming stent procedure but hopeful 😀
Oct 28Reply
pink_ladybug Ok, I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and send positive vibes your way!!! When is that procedure? Otherwise, I hope you are feeling well 😘
Oct 28Reply
allyoop23 @pink_ladybug Nov 18 is my first surgery and I hope the last one will be a week or two later...waiting on scheduling
Oct 28Reply
pink_ladybug Ok, I will check in with you in a few weeks to see how you made out 😊
Oct 28Reply
allyoop23 @pink_ladybug Thanks! I hope my nurses are as sweet as you!
Oct 28Reply
happyhaz @allyoop23 love all your beautiful pics... they capture your personality!! You have a gorgeous closet....why are you closing it? If you don't mind me asking! 😬
Oct 30Reply
allyoop23 @happyhaz Thanks so much! I never consider myself photogenic but I do have personality lol 😃 Im having another round of brain surgeries & expecting recovery to be rough this time so I'll need all my strength for that. I want my buyers to have the very best experience in my closet & wont be able to keep up 100% for quite a while.
Oct 30Reply
happyhaz @allyoop23 omgosh we will send so many prayers your way!! You are photogenic girl!! Def a big personality!! Love it!! 💗💗💗
Oct 30Reply
allyoop23 @happyhaz Thats sweet! Thank you!
Oct 30Reply
happyhaz @allyoop23 😊😊😊
Oct 30Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Thanks! @crockell Im back until my next procedure! Trying to raise some extra money before the hospital bills come in! Im working on getting some new items listed
Nov 13Reply
allyoop23 @thriftens Same to you Rosemarie!
Dec 07Reply
margaretleighp Just want you to know that I have been thinking about you all day. Hope your day was a good one.
Dec 08Reply
allyoop23 @margaretleighp Thank you ☺ Im actually going on for emergency surgery tomorrow. Surgeon didnt have good news for me today 😔 Just keeping my spirits up and praying for the best! 🙏
Dec 08Reply
margaretleighp @allyoop23 PLEASE PLEASE, REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I will be praying for you and your surgery team! It is obvious that you bring light, life and joy to so many women on this sight. That will never be returned void. God will honor your faithfulness with strenght, peace and courage. Right now I will pray for rest for you.
Dec 08Reply
allyoop23 @margaretleighp Thank you sweet Margie! 😘 Ive met quite a few inspirational, strong & kind-hearted women on here! I appreciate your support & encouragement! 💪
Dec 08Reply
ddz Loving your photos
Jan 05Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Oh yea I remember that! I emailed Posh support. Let me see if I can find their response email.
Jan 27Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Well this is quite embarrassing 😰 I cant find the email! I keep all my Posh Support responses together just for situations like this. I'll look again & I emailed Posh Support to ask again about the extensions. It might be that their guidelines have changed? Hopefully you will not have to take them down. 👎
Jan 27Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Oh sorry! I didn't even notice you'd taken them down. You've been so attentive to playing by the rules (even when they change or are unclear) You are a true Champion for Posh! Email them back & let them know you took it down so they can get you approved! I will email on your behalf too! I would love to see your closet get the recognition it deserves!
Jan 27Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Let me know! I'll share your announcement like crazy! 💓
Jan 27Reply
barbandjerry Hi, Ally . Thank you for your shares‼🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️Looks like you love life, GRrrrrreat👍
Jan 30Reply
allyoop23 @barbandjerry You're welcome! And thanks for checking out my closet too!
Jan 30Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Hey! Just letting you know I got a response from Posh Support about wigs/extensions. The official answer is that they ARE ALLOWED but only if they are New With Tags. Were your extensions brand new? If they are, you CAN list them. I can forward tou the email for you to keep if you'd like
Jan 31Reply
allyoop23 @crockell Oh! That must be why then. Sorry for not getting the FULL details last time! Hopefully they will sell for you somewhere else!
Jan 31Reply
barbandjerry What medication do you take for your nerve paid? ( I'm not complaining) It just hurts 24/7 and I am allergic to all pain mess that I've found . My min ended up with a Fentinol pain patch that worked for her back. I was thinking about maybe asking if that would help.? Nuff of that, Did you have great sales over the weekend. I hope.👍😬
Jan 31Reply
allyoop23 @barbandjerry No sales for me this wknd, its been a bit slow lately. I take gabapentin and amitriptyline. My Dr also recommended trying baclofen. I know some have had good results with topomax especially for headaches. But everyone is different. Definitely talk to your doc & be careful with those allergies. I cant take topomax & Ive had some scary reactions to meds i never knew I had a problem with
Feb 01Reply
barbandjerry They tried the gsbapentin. I got up to go to the bathroom and my legs were like rubber. Fell on my Jimmie and crawled back in bed. Too late to pee. Ha hs
Feb 01Reply
allyoop23 @barbandjerry oh no wow! Ive been taking it for over 5 years. It definitely has its side effects & ive had numerous dose changes. But it's the one I can tolerate the best that still gives me some relief. They tried lyrica too. I couldnt sleep for days & got worse headaches & fatigue. Not for me. Unfortunately there's too many drugs to choose from & they all have side effects & warnings. Some days Id rather just have a strong sleeping pill and get a few days of good rest!
Feb 01Reply
stella67luna @allyoop23 my dear sister, I'm Sandi from WV, attend Charles Town Congregation. My heart aches for all you've had to go through with your health... how we long for the day when no one will say 'I am sick'! Right now we are dealing with a relapse of my husbands cancer, which has genetically mutated into a more aggressive type that won't respond to his previous chemo regimens. Waiting on a new drug to be delivered next week that may buy us a couple more years, if he can tolerate the side effects.
Feb 04Reply
allyoop23 @stella67luna Oh Sandi my sister Im so sad to hear of your husband's relapse! 😯 Yes we need the Kingdom NOW! This system is so wicked and unfair. I hope that new drug buys him a few more years & pray for your strength as a caregiver. I know it takes alot from my husband to support me through all of this. We had a surprise visit from our CO today - what a nice blessing! They chose to visit our hall on their pioneer week off! 😁
Feb 05Reply
stella67luna @allyoop23 What a wonderful surprise and such a spiritual boost! It always seems like it's when I'm feeling really low but drag myself to the meeting anyway there's always a blessing! Hang in there, my sister - it can't be long now! Since reading about your health issues I've been including you in every prayer. Much agape!
Feb 05Reply
s2thedizzy @allyoop23 hello! Nice to find other sisters on here! I'm Sarah, grew up in Ocala FL. So I understand the horrible hot weather. I was in an Asl cong. My last 8 years there. Have some friends in Tampa too... I'm in KY now. Mild seasons here :) Hope you are coping with your health ok Ps 41:3 Take care (best life ever)
Feb 07Reply
urbeauty1 @allyoop23 Thank you for sharing my closet my beautiful sister❤️... I'm new here!! Ha ha we always find each other where ever we go even on Posh !!! 💕😘
Feb 07Reply
allyoop23 @s2thedizzy Hi Sarah! Ocala isnt too far from us! You escaped the heat! We've been seriously thinking about moving further north but my hunny hates the cold, so we will have to meet in the middle! Maybe the Carolinas! Its a beautiful thing no matter where we go, we have "family" 😉 💞😘 Ps 133:1
Feb 07Reply
allyoop23 @urbeauty1 Yes we do! Nice to meet you Verushka! I know you will love Posh!
Feb 08Reply
ginamamabirks @allyoop23 love love love your closet! Thank you for the shares.
Feb 14Reply
allyoop23 @ginamamabirks You're Welcome! 💕 And Thanks!!
Feb 14Reply
celis___closet Nice to meet you Ally! You and your husband make such a cute couple! God bless 🙏 btw, your closet is beautiful! 😍😊💕
Feb 27Reply
jlz1396 Ally what are the chances that we would find each other on Poshmark through sharing? Lol. It's Jen from PA 😋 I just started on Poshmark 😄 Zach and I are doing great and busy with our little one now. Hope you two are doing well!😘
Feb 28Reply
allyoop23 @jlz1396 Jen!!!!!!! 💗💗💗 Hi!!! 👋 Wow! Its so nice to run to you here! And you've got a jewelry line! Awesome! 👍You're both so talented! Congrats on the little one! 👶 You must be so excited! I saw photos on IG - so cute!! You'll love Posh, careful, its addicting lol I'll share to help you sell! 😍
Feb 28Reply
jlz1396 Yes I've been making jewelry for a few years but thought I'd try selling it on here. I have a lot more pieces to add I just have to to take pics. Glad we found each other on here! Aww thank you Landon has been great! We love being parents😀 Thanks for the shares and any help. Ive been sharing away and trying to get some more followers as well. I see from the comments we have some other sisters on here so I will start following them😊 I love your closet by the way!
Feb 28Reply
jlz1396 When you get a chance please PM me on IG your number so I have it. It would be nice to catch up! 😊❤️️
Feb 28Reply
brokesh0paholic Love the silly picture of your wedding!
Mar 15Reply
greatnanacloset @allyoop23 hey there nice to meet you. You have a lovely closet love the photos 💖🌹HAPPY POSHING🌹💖
Apr 01Reply
lavenderlilylin @allyoop23 hello Ally I would help out with care package but unfortunately I couldn't find things that were my size. I love the floral dress but it's not available in my size. That's great thing you're doing for a friend, keep up the good work.
Apr 01Reply
allyoop23 @lavenderlilylin Thanks for browsing Sherri! It's the least I could do for a friend! Her package is coming along nicely! I found some great items in various Posh closets with money from my sales! 😀👍
Apr 01Reply
allyoop23 @sfpatterson Hi Sherian! Nice meeting you too and thank you!! Im currently running a 🌹Spring Cleaning Sale 🌻All proceeds go toward a care package for a pregnant friend in need! 👶 Choose any 1 item 40% Off!
Apr 01Reply
greatnanacloset @allyoop23 that is very sweet of you!!! 😊❤️😊
Apr 04Reply
keeperskloset88 @allyoop23 hey lady! I usually creep on people when they share an item and i noticed your watchtower header right away lol so had to say hi! 🤗 I'm in Kenosha wisconsin! Nice to meet you,Il try to remember your closet and share your goodies😘
Apr 05Reply
allyoop23 @keeperskloset88 Thanks! Thats why I use the Watchtower sign - it's an instant giveaway! You've got a great closet too! Thanks for sharing! Im trying to sell as much as I can right now to fund a care package for a sister in need. She needs maternity clothes!
Apr 05Reply
nami001 @allyoop23 Hiiiiiiii PFF! I haven't "seen" you in awhile. How are you doing? I think the last time we connected you were moving or going to the hospital? I hope you're doing well. Big hugs xoxo
Apr 18Reply
allyoop23 @nami001 Thanks for dropping by Emy! I did have a series of surgeries and a lot of Physical Therapy and we did move too! It's been a busy start to the year! I'm getting stronger now and starting up my closet again. I haven't been able to share like I used to - mostly just from my feed - since we are in a wedding coming up and have a close friend having a baby so we've been busy busy busy with showers and wedding stuff now!
Apr 18Reply
nami001 @allyoop23 I'm so happy to hear you're doing better. I remember you were going through some very trying times & had to put your closet on hold for awhile. Spring is usually the busiest time for weddings and such. I'm so glad you're active. I remember (could be wrong) but your health made you unable to be very active. Healing and positive vibes going your way. Big hugs PFF xoxo
Apr 18Reply
allyoop23 @nami001 Thank you! I remember your friend was having a procedure or fighting some illness too and you closed your closet to help her! You're such a sweetie!
Apr 18Reply
iknowspiffy You were one of the first people I followed randomly on Poshmark a while back. I just went to share something in your closet and saw your watchtower background then your link to the website. 😁 Nice to meet you sister!
May 03Reply
allyoop23 @iknowspiffy Oh! How great! 💓💓 Thanks Hannah! It's always a pleasure finding sisters on here! So nice to meet you!! 💞💞💞 What a small world! It's such an awesome thing we have a worldwide family!
May 03Reply
chick55 @allyoop23 thank you for all your shares Beauty! 😍😘💋💟💟💟💟💟💟💟
Jun 03Reply
sayers84 Good afternoon Ally :) Come check out my closet, i have tons of items at low cost. I also offer great bundle prices. :) PS your closet is super cute :)
Jun 03Reply
kden_wallace OMG Ally, it is so awesome to see your pretty face sharing my closet! I feel like it has been forever since our paths have crossed! How are you doing/feeling? Have missed you sweet friend! 💞💞💞
Jun 13Reply
allyoop23 @kden_wallace Thanks for stopping by Kathy! It has been so long! I've been recovering slowly and having some setbacks but still popping up on Posh as I can! Your closet is still one of my favorites! You are THE sweetest Kathy! I'm making the best of good days!
Jun 13Reply
kden_wallace @allyoop23 Im sorry Ally to hear about the setbacks, hopefully your recovery will move along with good results to come for you! I will continue to pray for you. And most definitely make the best of the good days that's what helps keep you motivated and smiling! 😊 And girl I have always thought the same of your closet, it's always so beautiful, I even have an eye on a couple of things! Take care of yourself PFF!! 😘💞
Jun 13Reply
jqphillips @allyoop23 Wow, Thank you for all the shares sweety! I really appreciate it. 😊
Jun 14Reply
allyoop23 @jqphillips Thanks for dropping by! 😁
Jun 14Reply
allyoop23 @kden_wallace Thanks for the encouragement PFF! Your kindness always means so much - and helps me keep smiling! 😁
Jun 14Reply
allyoop23 @sashaflorez Nice to meet you! ❤
Jun 16Reply
seasonsofflavor Thanks for all the shares ❤️ your closet is lovely 😊
Jun 26Reply
tezza630 🐾🐾💚💚💚💚💚🐾🐾💚💚💚💚💚🐾🐾💚💚💚💚💚🐾🐾 Hello, sweet Ally! Always nice to see your face - ty for the shares! I'm just getting back into the swing after the most fabulous getaway to Norway to spend time with friends - reality is smacking me upside the head, lol! i have a lot of catching up to do! Hope you're doing well and that you have a lovely week! 🐾💚😘
Aug 15Reply
allyoop23 @tezza630 Oh wow Tari! Norway sounds BEAUTIFUL! I hope you enjoyed yourself! Take all the time you need to get back to "reality" Im gearing up for a 7 day cruise and I'll be taking an extended Posh break next month. After all the back to school madness....
Aug 15Reply
tezza630 @allyoop23 🐾🐾💚💚💚💚💚🐾🐾💚💚💚💚💚🐾🐾💚💚💚💚💚💚🐾🐾 Ally, i cannot even begin to describe how amazing Norway was - and we only saw a small part of it. Our hope is to return to see the "other" side of this beautiful country. A cruise!! How fun!! Where are you headed?? And when you say "back to school" - are you referring to your kids (do you have kids? sorry, don't know.....). Or are you in school, taking classes? I hope your cruise is wonderful!! 🐾💚
Aug 15Reply
arshmani @allyoop23 Thank you so much for all the Posh love Ally🤗😘😍
Aug 23Reply
debrasattire Hi Ally! Love, love, love ❤️ 💕❤️your closet! Any suggestions on how I can increase my sales? And how does one become a suggested user? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!😘
Aug 24Reply
allyoop23 @debrasattire Hi! Thanks for stopping by and sharing the love! You have a lovely closet. Your cover shots and clear and look great. SHARE SHARE SHARE & share some more is my best advice. Share active Poshers fromur feed (ones with high # of shares on their profile). Try to share at different times throughout the day. Share a portion of your closet in the morning then another section in the afternoon etc..
Aug 25Reply
debrasattire Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the shares and great words of advise!💕❤️🎉🎈❤️💕🎉🎉💕❤️ You're the best❤️💜💙💕🎉
Aug 25Reply
leeza113 Hi Ally:) thanx for the shares
Sep 03Reply
dremariev Hi, Ally! Thank you for the follow and shares! Your closet is gorgeous!!! I am fairly new to Posh and am in the process of accepting my mom body but also trying to lose weight and tone up. I want to sell my old clothes that I have come to realize will never fit the same again. But when I achieve my goals, I will definitely shop your closet!!! Thanks again for your support and happy poshing!!!😙
Sep 18Reply
afroditie77 @allyoop23 Thank you very much for sharing some of my items, it is very much appreciated. Happy Poshing to you ⭐️
Sep 20Reply
bjt41157 Hi Ally! I left you a message on the page for the bra you liked but I don't know if you'll see it. I'm new to Poshmark and "older" in years so sometimes my grasp of using technology is s..l..o..w..! :)
Sep 21Reply
snyflot Thank you SO much for your shares. Such cute pictures. Good luck to you!!!❤️
Oct 02Reply
allyoop23 @dremariev Oh I understand! I have a post hysterectomy (+other surgeries) body that just wont ever fit some of my "skinny girl" clothes the same way. Posh has been excellent for recycling them to new closets who can use them while making some $$ to replace them. Enjoy!
Oct 02Reply
allyoop23 @afroditie77 You are welcome! And THANK YOU!
Oct 02Reply
allyoop23 @bjt41157 Hello dear! I saw this message here but not the one on the bra 😕 I'll look through my likes and find it! I share from my likes often so I may have liked it to save your lovely closet so I keep sharing you! Technology isnt for everyone but Im sure you will catch on quick! 😉
Oct 02Reply
snyflot Hi Ally, Bless you! What a touching comment to me. What cute pics yours are. I hope 40 yrs. from now you will think back to this, smile and think how fast the years flew by. Thanks ❤️
Oct 06Reply
jovigraham Hello Ally. Thank you for sharing 🤗🌸🤗
Oct 13Reply
snyflot Hi again Ally.....I LOVE THESE PICS.YOU ARE SUCH AN EXQUISITE COUPLE AND YOUR PERSONALITIES ARE PRECIOUS!!!! I can tell you after 43yrs., Always carry joy together, share all together. You will have happiness and sadness and everything in between. I know you will always be best friends.Hugs, Sandy 💕
Oct 27Reply
allyoop23 @snyflot Aww so sweet! Thanks! We will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary next summer so we are still learning and enjoying each other along the way!
Oct 27Reply
spreadlove Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely weekend!
Nov 03Reply
allyoop23 @spreadlove You have a lovely closet! Cute items!
Nov 03Reply
poshkitty10 your order is going out Monday, so sorry for the delay...i did not realize the holiday weekend meant no deliveries! 😭
Nov 12Reply
numyumee Hi my sister! I'm Pam from Stockton, CA and go to Lafayette congregation. Luv to meet fellow poshers that are my dear brothers and sisters! U have a cute family! 💟💟💟
Jan 03Reply
allyoop23 @numyumee So nice to meet you sister! 💖💖💖 Posh is a lovely place to find many of our sisters (and great clothing finds!)
Jan 04Reply
numyumee @allyoop23 I know right!! Luv it here! Very addictive! I love a good bargain!💟
Jan 04Reply
themodexchange What a beautiful couple ! Thanks for following me ... I OF COURSE ..followed you back and also shared s bit of your items ... I wish you a lot of success going into this new year and many more to come ! HAPPY Poshing :) ❤️
Jan 06Reply
e24alfaro @allyoop23 love meeting fellow JW I saw ur badge and was like ahhhh¡ greeting from CA 💕💕💕
Jan 23Reply
allyoop23 @e24alfaro Those badges are a dead giveaway! 😄 Nice to meet you sister! You have a lovely closet too!
Jan 23Reply
leeannza WELCOME, You have a beautiful closet I shared it with my followers!HAPPY POSHING AND SHARE THE POSH LOVE PLZ 😍
Feb 08Reply
allyoop23 @leeannza Thank you!
Feb 08Reply
sparkandblue Ally, thank you for sharing the posh love ❤️
Feb 10Reply
dorrifa Hi @allyoop23! Love your wedding pics!! [I was married in June] I’m having a Valentine’s Day sale through Thursday (midnight) - 10% off everything (including bundles)! The dress you liked would be $23 (I’d take $22) - just send me an offer and I can have it out tomorrow! ~ from someone stuck in the PA cold~ 🤗
Feb 12Reply
allyoop23 @dorrifa Thank you! I'll check out your closet. I'm a PA native too so I know what that cold can be like! I'm still getting used to how HOT Florida can be.
Feb 13Reply
dorrifa @allyoop23 hey Ally I’m so sorry I missed that you put the one dress in a bundle yesterday! I sent you an offer on it. If you want me to make it NFS just let me know: I don’t want you to miss out this time if you want it! 🤗💚💙
Feb 18Reply
allyoop23 @dorrifa That's ok! I think I'm going to hold off for now
Feb 18Reply
dorrifa @allyoop23 okie doke - it was nice meeting you! Hope you are safe down there!
Feb 18Reply
allyoop23 @valentine5074 Thanks Jan! 😁 No rush to return shares! I just share as I see it - not expecting share for share returns! Have a lovely day and thanks for stopping by! 💋
Feb 20Reply
kdtlove @allyoop23 thank you so much for the share❤️
Feb 27Reply
fashion_n_site Hi you're my sis .nice to meet you .I'm Alayna .😊
Mar 01Reply
a_closet_affair Thank you for the shares.
Mar 21Reply
vintage_cb Lovely closet❤️. thanks for the Shares❤️❤️
Mar 28Reply
maximumfashion awesome closet. AND I LOVE BIO FOTO.... so fun & welcoming! You have a poshers eye!
Mar 31Reply
yatatude Thanks so much for the Shares 🤗
Apr 05Reply
trishofdc Hi Ally, The funniest thing happened...I purchased your cute floral cross body bag for my daughter. I knew it was meant for her when I saw your name. Your name and her's are the same! So funny when I saw that. Her middle name is Nicole..what are the odds? Thank you again for the quick delivery! She will love it! 💞
Jun 06Reply
allyoop23 @trishofdc lol what a funny coincidence! I hope she loves it! Its such a cute, pretty bag!
Jun 06Reply
snyflot Hi there Ally, how the heck are you? I did share 20 or maybe more? Times😁 I hope all is well with you.. you two are the cutest❤️
Jun 25Reply
aabecky Hi! Make me ann offer! 😉🤗
Jun 26Reply
lovenushuz @allyoop23 i LOVE these pics Ally! 💕💕💕
Jul 03Reply
allyoop23 @snyflot I don't know why I didn't see this sooner. 😢 Thanks for the shares! I shared 20 plus some extra 😉
Jul 04Reply
allyoop23 @lovenushuz thanks dear
Jul 04Reply
snyflot Oh Ally, no worries. You are so silly! I still think you have the most beautiful wedding pic I have ever seen! Except for mine😎😘
Jul 04Reply
dorae1 Thank you for the shares 🙏
Jul 08Reply
dorae1 Thank you for the share.
Jul 09Reply
kloset_konnect 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 🎀HAPPY🎀 POSHING🎀 DOLL🎀 CONTINUE 🎀WITH🎀 MUCH🎀 SUCCESS 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Jul 12Reply
yvette_6462 Ally, I didn’t know you were until I was returning shares & decided to look at your “meet the posher”. I’m in CA. I skimmed a few comments & saw the name Jaydee. I actually told her abt PM. Looks like has done very well! I also saw you were having health problems. How are you doing?
Jul 31Reply
allyoop23 @yvette_6462Hello! What a coincidence - we've been sharing without knowing! So nice to meet you! Yes Jaydee has done well. Ive been on here several years now amd always nice to meet a sister. 💜 My sister in law was in Cali! Im doing ok right now. I have some chronic conditions that flare up. Florida's heat doesnt help 😔 Maybe a move is in the future. Thanks for checking out my posts! Again, so nice to meet you! 😘
Aug 01Reply
moomoomom Hi hun! Looks like you’ve received you boys suit! I hope you love it! Your pics are beautiful ❤️
Aug 14Reply
allyoop23 @moomoomom I did! Thank you! The suit is perfect! Its for my growing nephew! He will look so handsome!
Aug 14Reply
becca_bean What absolutely stunning photos, and what a gorgeous bride!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 08Reply
allyoop23 @becca_bean thanks so much dear! 😘 It was a wonderful day! We just celebrated 5 years! 😍
Sep 11Reply
allyoop23 @melissas188 thank you! I saw the offers too late 😢 I just purchased some clothes for my neice but I'll keep yours saved for another time 😀
Sep 11Reply
allyoop23 @moomoomom Thank you! The suit was a hit! My nephew looks like a little gentleman!
Sep 11Reply
janon_benson Thank you so much for the shares!!
Sep 11Reply
kyliescloset11 @allyoop23 Thank you! I so much appreciate the share backs👍🏼🌸~
Sep 11Reply
moomoomom @allyoop23 you’re so welcome!
Sep 11Reply
jeweled_by_elle Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good night 💫 P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Sep 17Reply
ehoffman22 @allyoop23 hi Ally, shared 10 tonight. Thank you!!
Oct 11Reply
mandajane223 @allyoop23 Hey Ally!! Just wanted to stop by and tell you I really enjoyed sharing your beautiful closet 😍 I love finding other Poshers from the Bay area... I'm in Tampa too 😊 I hope you have a fantastic week!! 💜💜
Oct 29Reply
allyoop23 @mandajane223 thank you for stopping by! Your closet is great too! Such cute booties! Right on trend!
Oct 29Reply
mandajane223 @allyoop23 Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!! 😘 And thank you I think the booties are so cute... I cant wait to send them a lucky girls home 💜 lol Gorgeous closet.. I will be back 😘
Oct 30Reply
allyoop23 @mandajane223 I love booties! I would wear mine more often if it got cold enough here! Im sure yours will sell soon to a happy buyer! I'll keep sharing your closet! Feel free to join my sharing game and come back for more! I try to return shares within a day or two!
Oct 30Reply
mk_rose_bud Hi Ally, I’m so happy I noticed your a JW (this time around), I was making a comment for your follow game and after I sent it I noticed the website. We are all so proud! My son and daughter in-law live in St Pete and spend a lot of time working in Tampa. We just returned not long ago from visiting them. I haven’t gotten to read all the comments yet but will try to in the near future. Have a great day. 😍🐬🌹🐳
Nov 02Reply
lovefashionyay Hi Welcome! ❤️ I’m Jacquelyn 🌺 POSH AMBASSADOR! & followed u! I shared ur cute closet! I hope you’re enjoying Posh as mush as I do! Ty for any and all shares! I’m here to help! ❤️ ✌️ 🌸 Join my posh mosh tag & grow ur followers!& join us for Gr8 Parties! 🎊 ***Come Say Hello!👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share plse! I will do the same! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌺Happy 😃Poshing! ❤️
Dec 04Reply
kaybird17 Hi Sister! Cute pics. 🌷🌷🌷Kay-from Boston
Dec 09Reply
allyoop23 @kaybird17 Hapoy to meet you sis! 😚
Dec 09Reply
esprit14 I reflect on so manybothers wonderful comments. So glad you found mycloset and an opportunity to meet you. Loft top won't post until Tuesday because of Presidents Day, just so you know. My best lynn
Feb 17Reply
piscatorem Thanks for all the shares! 🌴🎣
Feb 20Reply
thegilmoregirls Hi - love sharing with you 😀😀
Mar 31Reply
agleiss Stopping by to say hi 👋🏼 and that I really love your style!! Wishing you lots of sales! 💕
Apr 07Reply
3southerncharms @allyoop23 Hi!😊 Thank you for visiting us and for the like on our beautiful New With Tags Loft Dress. It is such a cute style and print! It will be perfect for Spring and Summer.☀️ We would love to wrap it and mail it out to you when we make our post office run!🎁 We are Sending you a discounted offer that includes discounted shipping. We hope that you will accept it🛍 Either way, we hope that you will visit us again soon!😊 Your Friends @3southerncharms 💖💖💖🌸🌸🌸
May 30Reply
photofrient Are you a JW?? 😁
Jun 15Reply
allyoop23 @photofrient Yes I am Alea! 😊 23 years!
Jun 15Reply
photofrient @allyoop23 me too! My whole life! I noticed the convention badge in the photos, then I noticed how modest all the clothes you were selling are. ☺️
Jun 15Reply
allyoop23 @photofrient Yea its a giveaway when you spot the badge! Thanks for your offers on my green skirt but I'm actually not selling it anymore right now. I'm giving away some things to a sister in need here.
Jun 17Reply
allyoop23 @photofrient If you look on Amazon, I think you can still find that skirt. Search "Yige High Waist Midi Skirt" They have alot of colors and sizes. I love this skirt. The green one just wasnt my size
Jun 17Reply
msplf1949 🎊🎊🎊hi there, I there I shared 10 on your share game, but it's full🎊🎊🎊
Jun 23Reply
allyoop23 @msplf1949 🌞 thank you dear! Shared back! New share game going up today! 🌞
Jun 24Reply
bryllianz 😯🤗❤️🥰.. I love getting lost in a fab closet.. Lol 💯🍒🥰💋😲💖😲Love!!.. What a beautiful Closet!! Simply Gorgeous 🍒💞💕💯🤗🥰😘....
Jul 05Reply
allyoop23 @bryllianz. Thank you thank you thank you!! 🍦🍭🍬 I appreciate all the shares! 💟 I'll go check out your closet now too! Happy to return the Posh love! 💜💜💜
Jul 05Reply
ladiesmoods Thanks for the like make sure to bundle and save
Jul 13Reply
allyoop23 @ladiesmoods. Thank you!
Jul 13Reply
jojomall Hello doll, It's an honor to meet you‼️Please pop in & check out our closet. We've got all sorts of goodies we'd love to make a deal on from women's clothing, maternity to a huge selection of kids and baby items🥰 New, Newish & Always Worthy Items. We are a Mother & 2 Daughters Fashionistas Closet with 6 Grandchildren so lots of variety👠👠. Feel confident in your purchases with us because we are a top rated seller. We hope your having a really great day‼️ HAPPY POSHING🌈💜.
Jul 22Reply
kfab333 @allyoop23 hi there love! 💕I hope all is well - I am running a VIP SALE Today! I thought I would extend you an invitation- Today- Please accept Buy 3 Get One Free!! 🥰 Please let me know when you have completed your bundle and I will take off the lowest priced item.
Jul 25Reply
wanderloot @allyoop23 Thank you for returning the shares! Happy Poshing 🛍🍵😁
Aug 06Reply
allyoop23 @intstyle Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by my closet! 💞
Aug 06Reply
dancingbee05 Ally! Are you going to Poshfest??
Aug 27Reply
allyoop23 @dancingbee05 Nope. Ive never gone
Aug 27Reply
dancingbee05 @allyoop23 was hoping to meet you!!!
Aug 27Reply
allyoop23 @dancingbee05 aww well thanks dear! Enjoy it! 💞
Aug 27Reply
allyoop23 @a_girl_thing wow that's fantastic! I definitely have enough likes to do that! I'm putting my closet on hold the rest of this week though. Hurricane Dorian is coming for us next week and the storm keeps getting stronger! I need to prepare some supplies and get or patio sandbagged for flooding. I'll be back to shop and share next wee after the storm passes! Thanks for your offer!
Aug 29Reply
tezza630 @allyoop23 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Hi sweet Ally! Always such a treat to see your pretty face in my closet! I hope you and your handsome husband are faring well with Dorian? No ill effects? Thank you for the shares. Hope you have had a wonderful summer! I’m looking forward to fall - I’m a spring/fall person - cooler temps. Love & purrs! Tari 💚🐾💚😘
Sep 04Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 hello there 👋thanks so much for stopping by🥰 Please reach out if I can help! All orders shipped with gifts and discounts on bundles! We wish you lots of sales! 🛍💕
Sep 11Reply
allyoop23 @tezza630 Hello my dear Tari! Yes we made it through Dorian just fine - it missed us over on the west coast! Its just so heartbreaking its effects on the Bahamas 😢 I'm keeping those ones in my prayers 🙏 Thanks for checking up on me and dropping a friendly note! 💟
Sep 11Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm thank you! I've had my eye on your boutique! Unfortunately I bought a starter pack from another seller I thought I could trust & it turned out to be a bunch of knockoffs so now I have to recoup the $$$ so I can buy new items to stock my boutique. I will absolutely be coming back to your shop as soon as I can! I love your retail closet too! 💟
Sep 11Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 oh my heavens!! Lovely- I am so sorry! That truly makes me sad - if there is anything I can do to help or direct you in going forward please don’t hesitate to reach out - I would be honored to assist you! 🥰💕😊
Sep 11Reply
tezza630 @allyoop23 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Hi! Oh, it makes me so happy to know you are doing well! Indeed, the devastation in Bahamas is mind boggling and heartbreaking. Terrible. I cannot begin to imagine what they are experiencing. All the best to you, my friend! Xxxx
Sep 11Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm Oh you are such a sweetheart! 💕 I remember sharing your Post closet in share groups years ago and I always loved your style! I'm so happy for you & your success. I appreciate Posh for the amazing women like you who stay humble & honest when they fulfill their dreams! I'll be treating myself to some goodies from your retail shop when my profits come in 😊 Its a learning experience! There's still many good honest sellers like you I can trust! 😉 I'll bounce back from this!
Sep 11Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm Thanks so much for offering your support! 💟💟💟 It means the world!
Sep 11Reply
allyoop23 @tezza630 I was terrified when the hurricane was headed for us! Those were some tense days watching the forecast and not knowing! But I did my best to prepare us and pray and stay calm. My hubby is much better at the calm part than I am. I just wanted to freak out! Stores were running out water & food, gas lines were crazy. These storms just bring out the worst in some I'll 😣
Sep 11Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 yes ma’am you will! 💕🥰and you have a strong network of women that love and support you! We are here for you - don’t ever hesitate to reach out 🥰 I appreciate and admire you!
Sep 11Reply
lammysloft Ally, thanks so much for your shared!! I overshared back!!💓💞💗
Sep 12Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 hi sweetheart! 😊🥰thanks for coming by! I thought about you this weekend- hope things are getting much better 😉
Sep 17Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm thanks so much for stopping by and sharing my sweet friend! 😚 How nice of you to think of me! 💞 Thank goodness the storm didnt hit - hurricanes are my worst fears living in Florida. Things are slowly looking up for my boutique. Ive been sharing ALOT & had some sales 💲💲 Busy season is starting! Your closet is looking great! You have beautiful items I love to share!
Sep 17Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 ooh thank goodness!! I was worried! Happy 😊 to hear you are doing great! 💕🥰 and thank you so much ☺️ I appreciate you ❤️❤️
Sep 17Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm One more month and the hurricane season is over! 🌀 And I appreciate you too love! 💞💞💞 You are the best!
Sep 17Reply
sleon382 @allyoop23 Hi Ally its nice to meet you. Thank you so much for the shares beautiful !!!!!
Sep 17Reply
allyoop23 @sleon382 thank you for stopping by!
Sep 17Reply
sleon382 @allyoop23 it was my pleasure beautiful
Sep 18Reply
kfab333 @allyoop23 hello my sweet friend 😊🥰thanks a bunch for sharing- how was your day?
Sep 19Reply
allyoop23 @kfab333 Hey there love! 💓 It always brings a smile to my face when you pop up! 😁 Thanks for the shares! I'm still here - sharing, sharing sharing! 😃
Sep 19Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Sep 19Reply
allyoop23 @bobbett328 You're welcome! 😘 I love your style! I love butterflies and you have a gorgeous bag! Im a size 5/6 in shoes too! I wish I could still wear pumps! I'll be sharing again! 👞 👡 👠
Sep 20Reply
bobbett328 @allyoop23 Aww, Thank you 🌺🥰
Sep 20Reply
denimmunkies @allyoop23 💋⭐💋⭐Hello,thanks for the like!!! I am actually managing the sizes 00-12 24"-31" & XS-XL Of denimmunkies large closet we have just began to seperate due to the amount of items sister has in her closet! We ship same day Offer 15% all 3+ bundles only pay one shipping fee! While these size item remain in her closet they will remain on sale so make sure to stop by there! Rock Revival Miss Me Hudsons Big 🌟 Kancan Vigoss Silver Jean Co. We accept all FAIR OFFERS! Ty Stacy
Sep 20Reply
allyoop23 @denimmunkies thanks for letting me know!
Sep 20Reply
allyoop23 @bobbett328 It's so hard to find cute shoes in small sizes like that! I'm sure yours will sell soon! you have some cute sandals!
Sep 20Reply
51twenty Hi Ally. Your closet looks Amazing! always. How are you feeling?
Sep 21Reply
allyoop23 @51twenty Hello Caroline!! 💞 Thank you! I tried stepping into the boutique market! 👌Lets see how this goes...Im running out of room to store it all! 😂 I've been fairly stable for a stretch now, enjoying the beginnings of our Florida "Fall" trying to enjoy the cooler days to come! The summer heat was awful this year! It's so nice to see you pop up! 🌹🌹 Your closet is FANTASTIC👍
Sep 21Reply
bobbett328 @allyoop23 Aww, Thank you 🌺🥰
Sep 21Reply
allyoop23 @bobbett328 Your dresses are so pretty! 👗 👗 👗
Sep 25Reply
bobbett328 @allyoop23 Aww, Thank you 🥰🥰 You have a fabulous closet 🌺🥰
Sep 25Reply
allyoop23 @connie_posh Aww Connie! I'm pleased to "meet" you! 💜💚❤💛💙 Thank you for stopping by and sharing my little closet! I'm happy to follow back and share yours too! I have a share game at the top of my closet. Not a commitment, just share whenever you want, sign in & I'll share back up to 10 at a time 😊 It helps me keep track of who's sharing & make sure I return them the favor! 🔄
Oct 03Reply
mirthandwhimsy Thanks for your shares!! Your pictures are so cute! I bet you enjoy Florida's weather a lot better than Pennsylvania! God bless! Hope you enjoy my closet also, Wendy from mirth and whimsy 🥰
Oct 04Reply
allyoop23 @mirthandwhimsy Hello! Thanks for stopping by! I actually miss the seasons in PA. I have some health issues that don't do well with Florida's heat so we've been planning to move. The summers are unbearable & the humid heat/stormy rains last from May til late October sometimes! Its 95 degrees today! In October! 😝 I'm happy to share - always a pleasure! Enjoy your weekend Wendy!
Oct 04Reply
allyoop23 @mirthandwhimsy And I miss being abke to wear anything but shorts! 😂 All those cozy Fall & Winter layers! I *might* pull out a cardigan for a week in January & I only needed a coat 2 days last "winter" 😝
Oct 04Reply
mirthandwhimsy Yes that's true I love all those cozy winter things and you sure don't get a chance to wear them in Florida LOL
Oct 04Reply
mirthandwhimsy gosh I'm so sorry you have health issues! I wouldn't be able to deal with the humidity and heat in Florida either! I have health issues also asthma and fibromyalgia arthritis and a lot of gastrointestinal problems and migraines to name most of them. Not fun I hate getting old! But my daughter has a ton of these issues also and she's only 34 and has been struggling for many years
Oct 04Reply
mirthandwhimsy I will say a prayer for you that you guys can figure out the best course of action for your health and family! The Lord bless you!
Oct 04Reply
allyoop23 @mirthandwhimsy Oh I'm so sorry to hear you have to struggle with pain - and I'm no stranger to migraines. I'm about your daughters age, 36, and Ive had a brain disorder since I was 19. It causes hypertension & fluid flow issues which gives me migraines and nerve pain, causes vision loss, nausea, etc etc
Oct 05Reply
allyoop23 @mirthandwhimsy The humidity is awful for inflammation. My husband has asthma too, it's triggered by allergies - also bad in Florida haha But we make these best of it. Thanks for the prayers. My faith is an anchor for me. It gives me hope, strength & courage to face all the health surprises & not get too upset about what I can't do anymore. 🙏 I'll pray for you too 😊 I trust God listens & we weren't meant to live in such pain.
Oct 05Reply
mirthandwhimsy Oh my goodness you are both so young to suffer so much! I woke up and prayed for both of you! Yes this world is filled with much suffering, I can't wait for heaven!!! May the Lord bless you and find a place for you in this world where you can have less inflammation and breathe easier for both of you! Love from your fellow Christian sufferer in the flesh, Wendy 😘🙏🕊️
Oct 05Reply
kristine1967 Good Morning 🌞😃☀️ Have a Fantabulous Sunday 😃 Happy Poshing 🌻
Oct 06Reply
allyoop23 @kristine1967 thank you!! 💜💜💜 And thank you for your shares! Enjoy your Sunday!
Oct 06Reply
mirthandwhimsy I continue to pray for you by the way! 😘
Oct 06Reply
lakedwellerhb Hey Alli, thanks for following us!👍 I'm Jimbo & my wife is G.🤠🙋 We are still working on our Posh' closet. Our new printer arrived today.😎 Soon we can REALLY get to Posh'ing.😉 I hope you have many sales and find lots of bargains. Have a great day!☮️n💗
Oct 06Reply
allyoop23 @lakedwellerhb Welcome to Posh Jimbo! Sounds like you're getting prepared! If you have questions, I'm happy to help! You'll love the community here!
Oct 06Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 Good Morning Beautiful ☀️hoe is your week going? 💕
Oct 08Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm Hi Kimberly! So far very good! Sales are picking up and the weather here is *finally* cooling off so my pain issues arent flaring up! 😊 I saved a few likes from you! I might be ready to buy soon. You've got some great new fall inventory! Love the dresses! 😍
Oct 08Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 oh good! I am so happy to hear that! 😊💕I have a ton more coming! 🥰💕 all these Backorders 😂 I am super glad you are feeling better! Keep in touch love! I would love to show you these stocking stuffers I can’t decide they are all so cute!
Oct 08Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm Ooooo! That sounds fun! I'll definitely be keeping an eyd on your closets for the new goodies coming!
Oct 08Reply
angidabartender @allyoop23 hello. May I please ask you, I’m pretty new to posh. Is it normal for people to treat your closet like a garage sale? Offer 1/5th of what your asking? Or less? I’m selling most of my possessions preparing to be off work for 3 months with no sick time, so I’m selling everything I can, but, it seems a lot of people want garage sale prices. I paid retail for most of this. Any tips? Love your wedding pics, btw!!! SO cute!!!
Oct 10Reply
jennymess822 Hiii...Thanks so much for the shares! As a thank you I'd like to offer you a bundle deal for any 2/$20 or 3/$30 items (excluding some shoes & AK watch) or feel free to make me any offer(s) on any item(s) you may like! I am very reasonable with pricing. The Poshmark support is always appreciated! Happy Poshing and wishing you many sales! 😊🤗🛍🤝
Oct 10Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 hello lovely 😊❤️ Happy Monday! I hope you had a nice weekend
Oct 14Reply
allyoop23 @kfabdesigns_pm I did! Thank you! 💟 Re-organizing my likes tonight! I see you got some really cute new items! 😉 I hope you're having a fabulous start to your week! Thank you for the shares! 🔄
Oct 15Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @allyoop23 yes ma’am 💕🥰thank you so much
Oct 15Reply
allyoop23 @angidabartender thanks so much Angi! I'm sorry to hear you'll be on leave w/o pay 😨 I've had my share of medical leaves. I pray you'll come out stronger & healthier 🙏 I've noticed very lowball offers becoming more common 😒 I know it's frustrating.
Oct 15Reply
allyoop23 @angidabartender My advice is to counter their low offer with a more reasonable fair offer. If they want to be cheap, they'll ignore it. Only accept offers through the offer button. Even though some ppl are inconsiderate, you'll still find buyers who are respectful. Some post an offer guidance chart reminding buyers Posh takes 20%
Oct 15Reply
angidabartender @allyoop23 thank you for the advice. Greatly appreciated. I’ll take it for sure. A-
Oct 15Reply
irenecase Such pretty items !!! I enjoyed looking today and will be back to visit 💚💚💖💚💕😊💚💖💚💖
Oct 18Reply
allyoop23 @irenecase Aww thank you! You're so sweet! 💜💜💜 Im having fun (ans going broke 😂) building up my boutique! I hope you enjoyed your SIC day! 💕💞💕💞💕 I'm thinking of starting up a similar featured closet share post. I like the idea of spreading the love 😘
Oct 19Reply
jenlpfeiffer Hello! I shared 10. The comments were full on the share 10 listing. 😊💕
Oct 23Reply
allyoop23 @jenlpfeiffer Thanks! ✅💜 Shared back! I didnt realize it was full already! 😁 Time to make a new listing!
Oct 23Reply
vanillabutter Hello ! Nice to meet you! 🌈🕊
Oct 25Reply
lammysloft Hi Ally! Your share message is full! Shared your lower price plus 10!!🔥🔥
Oct 25Reply
allyoop23 @lamercurio Shared back! There's a new listing now! I have to delete the old one
Oct 25Reply
lammysloft Ok, thank you for your shares!! ❤️😘
Oct 25Reply
mirthandwhimsy Good morning Ally🥰 sorry I have been MIA. This last week and a half I have had nothing but migraines. In-between I've tried listing a lot of stuff on poshmark and work on my life to keep it going LOL. How are you? from some of your posts it sounds like you've been having a pretty rough go of it 😰 you've been in my prayers a lot this morning!!! 🕊️🙏😘💐🌺🌷💕🥰❤️
Oct 27Reply
allyoop23 @mirthandwhimsy So sorry to hear its been a rough week for you Wendy. I think the changing seasons have us all turned upside down & inside out 😝 Thinking of you & keeping you in prayers too my friend 🙏 💕 Have a great Sunday!
Oct 27Reply
mirthandwhimsy @allyoop23 thanks sweetie pie! And I'm keeping you in my prayers as well! You suffer way too much! My daughter Tiffany also suffers way too much for one so young! God bless you sweet Ally 🥰🕊️💕
Oct 27Reply
hugsandprayer Thank you!!!
Oct 31Reply
rociointeriano Hi my sis, may be we'll run into each other in an assembly 😘 great closet!!!
Nov 03Reply
posh_dame ✨Hey Ally, 🙋🏼‍♀️welcome back! I remember you were really sick and off posh for a while. If I remember right it was Lupus? I have Lupus and it can be debilitating at times. Anyways, you may not remember me and that’s okay, but I just wanted to say hi and I’m happy to see you are well (ish😉). Happy poshing, Ana💐😘
Nov 05Reply
allyoop23 @wilds_flat Hi Ana! I think I do remember you! ! Did you maybe change your closet name though? I keep bumping into ones from old share groups but with new closet names. I was off Posh for some months because I had to go back in for brain stent surgery and had a long recovery w/some complications. I have intracranial hypertension along with nerve damage issues.
Nov 05Reply
allyoop23 @wilds_flat I have a few good friends who have Lupus though - and it's a challenging disease. My heart goes out to you! I am glad however to see that you're also well(ish) :) I'm cutting back my Posh time again because now they need to do some heart tests & monitoring to see what kind of long term effect my brain condition has had on my heart - they didnt know years ago that they affect each other and now I'm showing some symptoms. I'm not leaving Posh though - just limiting my time.
Nov 05Reply
posh_dame @allyoop23 ✨Oh goodness, brain🧠 surgery, that’s scary stuff. You are a real trooper! You’re prob sick of people telling you to take it easy. So I won’t say that, but I will say take care of yourself.💝 (you know your limits).
Nov 05Reply
posh_dame I did change my closet name. It was @ep2chr before. Which was something i came up with off the cuff just so I could join posh.😆 And yeah a lot of us have changed our names. If someone changes their name AND their picture on the same day, it completely throws me for a loop. I’ll be praying for your next procedure. For the doctors to have wisdom and you to have strength. 🤗😘
Nov 05Reply
allyoop23 @wilds_flat haha spoken like a true Spoonie! Yes, I get tired of hearing people tell me to sit down. I already miss out on so much and don't get to offer the help or company I'd like to most of my friends. I take advantage of the good days & try not to pay for it too much the next day. I don't always get it right. It feels good to do what I can though, feel a little "normal." 😉
Nov 05Reply
allyoop23 @wilds_flat Thank you so much for the prayers my friend! I do remember that closet name now! Mine is an ancient nickname from my early 20s. If I'd known I would be on Posh so long, with this many followers in a "grown-up" (😂) closet I might have chosen differently. Who knows, maybe I will update mine too. I sometimes recognize ones by their style but w/all the boutique pieces, its harder recognize the personal styles.
Nov 05Reply
allyoop23 @wilds_flat Ha! Well, for my next surgery I get to choose between re-doing the brain stent or whatever heart surgery they come up with - let's pray for neither of those and option C = No Surgery. 😉 My body is already like a roadmap of scars & functions like I'm 76, not 36 😄 Ive had 9 surgeries to date, got through them all just fine, but they leave their marks
Nov 05Reply
posh_dame @allyoop23 ✨Lol, yes option C is ideal.🤞🏼!” And your closet name is adorable. My 4 yr old calls her lalaloopsie (spelling?) dolls allyoops. Don’t change it, I love it!😍
Nov 05Reply
posh_dame I can relate to feeling like an old woman (I’m sure not to the extent you do, with all you’ve been through).👵🏻 but I’m 34 and my bones creak! I have unexplainable nerve pain and random muscle pain when I didn’t do anything...
Nov 05Reply
posh_dame Even getting out of bed is difficult some days. I’m like, “what the heck?” Can’t imagine how frail I’ll be when I’m actually 70. Sometimes I cry not for the pain but because it’s frustrating. I want to do normal things for my age. Now and then I sound like a mad woman rebuking my body.
Nov 05Reply

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Last Active: Jun 26 2024

Greenville, NC
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Last Active: Jun 26 2024

Greenville, NC
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