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Updated Feb 12
Updated Feb 12

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Hi all! I’m Bri and I currently live life in Charleston, SC; originally from Pasadena/OC, CA || POSH STRONG since Sep. 2013❤️ Buyer, trader and seller! || Co-hosted ✨three✨posh parties || Take pride in timely shipping, quality product and honesty! || Some of my favorite brands: Madewell, gorjana, Anthropologie & Lucky Brand || THANKS for shopping with me and please say hello! 💕 4.9⭐️ from over 530 reviews! 1-2 day shipping Over 780 total sales ~ individual items & bundles!
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fashionfever88 @sallynrn @jkm12345 in my first two pictures i'm sporting my wonderful necklaces i purchased from you both. thx again, i love them!!! 💗💗
Apr 06Reply
kdegreek The bag in the photos is great!!!
Apr 07Reply
fashionfever88 @kdegreek hi Kelly, thanks! It totally is, it holds everything without looking too big! It's actually listed if you're interested ;)
Apr 07Reply
rebabilly05 Ur gorgeous :) 😍😘😊🌹
Apr 08Reply
fashionfever88 @rabiha86 aww you're so sweet, thank you =)
Apr 08Reply
mfanning Love this! So glad to have met you on here! 😊
Apr 08Reply
fashionfever88 @mfanning thank you, michele! You too!!!💕💕
Apr 08Reply
amayzinggg You are gorgeous now girl! Wow 😘
Apr 10Reply
fashionfever88 @mpatel5 you're so sweet, may! thank you :)
Apr 10Reply
nikkishizzay love your style. OC girl!
Apr 12Reply
jbthompson Oh my gosh u r beautiful!!! Oh what I wouldnt do to be in my 30's and 40's again so take it from me dont mis dr appts take care of yourself and u rock girl lol have a super weekend. Jackie
Apr 13Reply
fashionfever88 @jbthompson you're amazing, i needed to hear that today. i'm sitting in a tank top with coffee and no makeup sharing sharing sharing on posh--two days in a row! although i'm always happy to find people on posh! i need to get out...LOL glad to meet you!
Apr 13Reply
fashionfever88 @nikkishizzay thanks, nichole! YAAAAA OC!!!! i'm excited for possible rain! haha
Apr 13Reply
jbthompson Girl u look like u have the world by its tail but isnt nice just to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor ur home ur things and most of all Your Health Wish i lived close id be sipoing in a decaf nonfat latte haha I might have to sell my lifes possessions but im still buying some too so heck I have to stop looking and share the heck out of everyone and rverything its hard to let your pretty things go but id live in a tent to be healthy again this is the first time in years ive started talking to people ive been out in the country at home 24/7 i talk to bella alot hehe a hairless tcup chiwawa who has her own little closet of clothes sooo funny. Well hugs from Texas
Apr 13Reply
fashionfever88 @jbthompson you're so sweet---and i have decaf starbucks here, too! hehe thank you for your encouraging words--glad to hear your're well--and you do look amazing!!!!! health on the inside shows on the outside ;) and omg, your dog is soooo cute! i have a little kitty named nora and we were just playing...she's like my bff Lol. stay in touch!
Apr 13Reply
jbthompson Oh girl im not well): but im trying to be strong and fight here I have some extra angels sending your way . Ur so sweet we shall chat more. Have a great evening
Apr 13Reply
jbthompson Hey girl afternoon lol I was wondering if u could look at my gold and diamons i listed and tell me if u thinks its a good price
Apr 13Reply
blackcherry7 What an adorable couple 😍 and you're beautiful ❤ i used to play the piano too 🎶 you must be really good! I'm Kathy by the way- nice to meet u!
Apr 14Reply
fashionfever88 @jbthompson hello! hope you're having a good day :) i'll check 'em out! :)
Apr 14Reply
fashionfever88 @blackcherry7 hi kathy, nice to meet you! and thank you for all the shares!!! yes...i used to be really great at it...started in 4th grade and majored in college for a bit...but without practice, i've lost so many of my muscle memory! ;( someday, once i have a full 88 key piano again, i'll start practicing. a keyboard just doesn't do it for me when playing bach or chopin! ha!
Apr 14Reply
salenalu Hey friend! I'm back. 🙋 I loved learning about you above! I played the piano as a kid, I really would love to get lessons again. That's so awesome that you play! And I didn't know you were a Jesus lover too. 😉😘
Apr 14Reply
blackcherry7 Ha! Same here, started around 3rd grade maybe? And played for about 12 years, and it's so easy to forget 😞 hopefully ill start playing again. So therapeutic isn't it? 😌
Apr 14Reply
fashionfever88 @salenalu yes ma'am!!! :) jesus lives!!!! <3 and thank you, i'm a bit of a nut job sometimes LOL but it makes life fun. ya...i have a huge passion for classical music and piano. that's so fun you played, too! did you play modern/classical, etc.? i wish i were better at contemporary/jazz but i grew up reading classical music. i love to practice but i hate to play for people. some call it selfish, i call it modest/embarassed. lol
Apr 14Reply
salenalu That is so awesome!! I learned classical mostly. But I am no where near where you are in skill, I'm sure of it! I think you're probably super amazing. Let your talent shine!! You only live once!! I actually should take my own advice, I have a similar issue with singing. I was always in choir and singing groups, but I have a terrible case of stage fright. My dad was a singer and my younger sister is also a singer. When I was 18, I had an infection in my throat and had to have major surgery and it changed my singing voice forever...My talking voice changed so much that my friends didn't recognize my voice on the phone.. I can still sing, but I don't have the same range or strength. And even my husband has never heard me sing seriously. It's funny how God works through those things though. I've found peace in singing to my daughter. We are always singing together, acting like a Disney princess. Lol. And now I will sing out loud in the house when I sing with her. I've swallowed my pride and realized that I will never have the voice I had. And there is such joy in seeing my daughter enjoy singing. She recently was singing the harmony in a song instead of the melody and it freaked me out! 😁 Anyway, I've been married for 6 years and I've been with my husband for 9 years, and just in the last 2 years has he heard some of my voice. And I'll only sing if I'm singing with daughter along to a song. I still cannot sing in silence, even by myself, it's unnerving. But I just picture singing like an angel with Jesus in Heaven when I die. Haha! Sorry I am going on and on....but I understand your reluctance to let people hear you play. Life would be so much easier if we weren't so hard on ourselves!
Apr 14Reply
fashionfever88 omg that is SO me with singing--except i love performing in duets or groups but by myself is weird. i can't believe you had throat surgery :( the only time my husband ever gets to hear me sing seriously is in church. he likes to complain to his friends and family that he never has heard my "real voice." haha i totally know what you mean--it is so much easier to just hide our gifts/talents. if only we weren't prideful! gahh i could go on and on about this subject! but i'll save that for another time haha and 9 years?! crazy!! that is so cool!!!! i can't wait to have a little daughter so i can do the same. right now i do that with my kitty....LOL anyway, we need to talk on ig or something! ;) <3
Apr 14Reply
a2z6 Bri u're so pretty 👍💖😀 I love your eyes 😀💗.
Apr 14Reply
salenalu Oh my goodness! That's so awesome that you sing at your church! I have a friend that sings at her church and she lives kinda in your area. What church do you go to, if you don't mind me asking? You will make an awesome, music loving Mom one day! How cool is that, that you will be able to share such beautiful gifts with your kids! My husband says the same thing to me btw. And we will have connect on IG one day!
Apr 14Reply
fashionfever88 @a2z6 you're so sweet! thanks girl :) :) and yes you can call me bri! hehe thank you for all the shares!!!
Apr 14Reply
a2z6 Aww thx 😘💖. Ok cool 😀. Np Ty too. 😘
Apr 14Reply
fashionfever88 @swissmistress thank you for all the shares!!! <3 <3
Apr 17Reply
methodclothe You are super cute! I'm in so cal...high desert.
Apr 19Reply
fashionfever88 oh that's awesome, yay SoCal! ;) @methodclothe
Apr 19Reply
moi1988 Thanx for sharing @fashionfever88
Apr 22Reply
fashionfever88 @charlottefitz aww thanks. usually i am..LOL i saw that! you're in oceanside?
Apr 25Reply
fashionfever88 @charlottefitz same! i don't know why, but i've never gone. i'd love to just to experience it. and of course maybe buy a few things...! OC is great for shopping--i prefer it to l.a. south coast & fashion island are amazing.
Apr 25Reply
fashionfever88 oh wow, yes it's late! i wanted to do laundry but the husband "gave me the look." (we live in an apt so i have to walk outside to do it) haha nice to meet you, too! goodnight kelly!
Apr 25Reply
pharmchick You have an AMAZING closet!💙
Apr 25Reply
fashionfever88 @pharmchick thanks so much!!! :) <3
Apr 25Reply
fashionfever88 @corinthian35 thx for all the shares, laurie!!! <3
Apr 27Reply
corinthian35 My pleasure. What a fun closet you have - and of course I always want to support another OC girl. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
Apr 27Reply
jkdressler You're adooooorable!!!
Apr 28Reply
fashionfever88 @jkdressler awwww thank you <3 i'm obsessed with your hair!!!
Apr 28Reply
jkdressler Ha ha thanks!!!
Apr 28Reply
eliteapplause @fashionfever88 Hi I am Mary and glad to meet you! Be back!🌻
Apr 29Reply
fashionfever88 @mary447 hi mary! nice to meet you, too :) thank you!!!
Apr 29Reply
fashionfever88 @thebrightside Sammy! Thanks for all the shares sweet girl!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 29Reply
thebrightside @fashionfever88 😘😘😘 your so welcome returning all the posh 💞💞💞
Apr 29Reply
shorty820 Love my earrings ;)♥♡♥♡ Thank you darlin!
Apr 29Reply
fashionfever88 @shorty820 horray! so glad, judy!!!! thanks again :)
Apr 29Reply
hollynoel25 @fashionfever88 beautiful!💕🌺💕✌️
May 03Reply
fashionfever88 @hollynoel25 aww thanks! ❤️
May 03Reply
hollynoel25 @fashionfever88 YW! Nice to meet you! I'm Christine. My posh name refers to my being born on Christmas . Happy Poshing, love your bridal bouquet ! 💕🌺💕✌️
May 03Reply
fashionfever88 @hollynoel25 nice to meet you too, christine! thank you! burnt-orange is one of my favorite colors so i had to have it in my wedding somehow! :)
May 03Reply
marykat 💕 Hi Bri, welcome to Poshmark! Lovely closet!
May 18Reply
fashionfever88 @marykat thanks, mary!!! <3
May 18Reply
jyih Hahaha so Nordy is having their half yearly sale. Lots of Skagen watches at around 40% off. I may or may not have picked up something new 🙈
May 22Reply
sweetie21 ❤️❤️❤️❌⭕️thanks luv!
May 23Reply
fashionfever88 @sweetie21 anytime, great closet! and thanks for the shares :)
May 23Reply
sweetie21 ❌⭕️❤️❤️❤️❤️ditto 😉
May 23Reply
christinaktan @fashionfever88 omg! I ❤️ your closet!! Beautiful pictures of you!
May 23Reply
hiilei So nice to meet you!!! 😊😄
May 27Reply
fashionfever88 @hiilei you too girl!!!!!
May 27Reply
fashionfever88 @christinaktan aww thank you and thank you! :)
May 27Reply
tehmina0 I am in OC too :)
May 28Reply
fashionfever88 @tehmina0 awesome! Where in oc are you? I love it here, it's home to me. But I'm over the hot weather!
May 28Reply
tehmina0 Aliso Viejo :)
May 28Reply
bluevase @fashionfever88 your closet is amazing!!!!!!🌸💃🌺💃🙀🎀🌻😁👯
May 31Reply
fashionfever88 @bluevase thanks, stephanie!!!!! <3 ok, ballade no. 1 is my favorite, too!!!! so quick storytime: not sure if you've seen it, but when the film "the pianist" came out with adrien brody, he played ballade no. 1 in this abandoned building in the midst of the destruction of the warsaw ghetto. anyway, i immediately fell in LOVE with the piece! i told my mom, "that's what i'm playing for my senior recital!" (i think i was a junior in hs?) i quickly learned that he only played from FOUR of the FOURTEEN pages of the piece. i thought....holy crap! well, time to practice!!! LOL i studied it again in college when i was more advanced to master it. i wish i could still perform it the way i used to! but anyway, i just love it! ;) i think it's so cool that you teach!
Jun 01Reply
fashionfever88 @lindsaybruno look at my fourth pic! ;)
Jun 01Reply
fashionfever88 @lindsaybruno_ look at my fourth pic! ;)
Jun 01Reply
lindsaybruno_ @fashionfever88 SO cute!! You're making me want to keep it! 🙈
Jun 01Reply
fashionfever88 @lindsaybruno_ lol well don't let me sway you! i do love it though! :) usually when I'm feeling "eh" I don't wear a belt and it just hangs. I love loose-fitting things--especially now because I'm 10 pounds more than I was in that picture a year ago! haha if it's meant to be someone will buy it soon :) in the meantime just enjoy it! Nice to meet you on here 😁💕
Jun 01Reply
bluevase @fashionfever88 lol... Well... I think it's more cool to play everyday then to TEACH everyday. 😋👯👯 that's great!!!!! Love to meet up with people who loves classical music and playing musical instruments 😁🌻🌹⭐️😆
Jun 01Reply
fashionfever88 @marymc1166 aww thanks so much Mary!!! If you ever have questions lmk, I do my best to give the best prices I can. I love yours, too; so glad I found your closet tonight! Congrats again in your host pick :) 💕
Jun 02Reply
canaryscloset @fashionfever88 I just adore your closet! So happy to have discovered it☺️
Jun 07Reply
fashionfever88 @canaryscloset thank you so much, you're so sweet! if you ever have any questions i'm happy to help!!! :) <3
Jun 07Reply
tmybr @fashionfever88 you are so pretty!!! I have you bookmarked now too ;) What a neat idea to have a specific listing for this purpose!
Jun 07Reply
fashionfever88 @tmybr aww you're so sweet! thank you! i know, you should make one so i can like it!!! i felt funny "liking" that you were leaving on vacation hehe
Jun 07Reply
creneelifestyle Such a lovely closet:)
Jun 09Reply
fashionfever88 @ivyanne hi cynthia! thank you so much! and thanks for the shares!!!! :)
Jun 10Reply
creneelifestyle You're so welcome! Thank you for the shares also :)
Jun 10Reply
dollface86 I love your style!😍 & we love the same 3 things! Awesome! 😄
Jun 17Reply
kimberlygorman @fashionfever88 What a doll you are! Keep following your king girl! Jesus is so proud of you! 🎀🙏❤
Jun 25Reply
fashionfever88 @kimberlygorman you're so sweet---thank you for your kind words! i'm going through a tough time right now and He has been SO merciful...i don't understand it but i trust He'll provide! <3 have a great week, kimberly!
Jun 26Reply
fashionfever88 @dollface86 aww thanks! and YAY! those three things are the best! haha
Jun 26Reply
kimberlygorman @fashionfever88 Brianna just stayed focused on Jesus and keep following the narrow path. His plan is the best and the only plan you want anyway! Stay strong thru the storm and enjoy your blessings when you are victorious!
Jun 26Reply
fashionfever88 @hotmommy thanks for the like! 😁💕
Jun 27Reply
salenalu Hey girl, do you have any casual maxi skirts or dresses to sell? I don't own any and I'm hot everyday in my jeans! I know it's crazy that I don't own any. 😱 anyway, I hope you've had an awesome weekend! And you are having a good Sunday! Mondo just left for a whole week. And when he gets back, we move back in, hopefully then we can find a time to come and see you guys!
Jul 06Reply
dierks24 Such great and sweet pictures!:) nice to meet you!:)
Jul 20Reply
bkimh I adore your closet. It is so stylish and organized. I have tried keeping mine organized and it has got to be more than a job. LOL so I now have it all over the place. Very nice.💖💖
Jul 20Reply
emilyrubin Awesome style and great photos love!!! 👍👍❤️❤️
Jul 21Reply
julie48 Ok - I have serious hair envy! You're haircut is gorgeous!!
Aug 02Reply
fashionfever88 @julie48 hehe thank you Julie!!!! You made my day! I have a big forehead so bangs just work for me! I've tried growing them out but I don't know if I'll ever be able to...they're a part of me now lol 🙊
Aug 02Reply
julie48 Also...awesome closet!!
Aug 02Reply
julie48 Keep the bangs :-) you are rocking the look!! I think I'm going through a mid-life hair crisis. I can't get it to do anything whatsoever! Plus, it's been so humid this summer whatever I do to it falls flat the minute I walk outside!
Aug 02Reply
fashionfever88 @julie48 omg, humidity definitely plays a role in determining your hair style!!! Thankfully I'm in SoCal so it's doable (most days). Where do you live??
Aug 02Reply
julie48 I WAS in SoCal for 10 years!! 😭😭Then somehow I ended up in Nebraska😖. The things we do for love, right? Haha!
Aug 03Reply
julie48 Where in Orange County are you? I still own a condo in Laguna Hills!
Aug 03Reply
mft915 Hi Brianna you sound so sweet thank you for the host picks and shares eArlier good luck tonight so far your doing great just pace yourself don't forget to have a ball yes funfun fun xoxo marci
Aug 03Reply
fashionfever88 @julie48 oh my goodness, how did i JUST see this comment?! haha i'm in brea but i work in newport! you should visit me if you're ever in fashion island :)
Sep 19Reply
fashionfever88 @tdkbkt6 thanks for all the shares, tracey!!!!! and for giving vivienne a nice posh hello!!!!
Apr 22Reply
veenessflytrip You're adorable! I love your bangs! I used to have bangs too💋
Apr 24Reply
katolarae Your closet is beautiful! I love it! 😍😍😍
Apr 28Reply
fashionfever88 @katolarae hi Kato😊 thanks so much!! I appreciate the like and shares 💕💕
Apr 28Reply
hellogwenny I saw in Ediza's post that you were moving from Brea to Pasadena! If you enjoyed downtown Brea and DTF, you'll love Old Town Pasadena too! 😊 I moved to the city of Orange last summer from the Pasadena area, but I graduated from CSUF so the Brea mall and DTF were my jams, too, haha.
May 02Reply
neeenbean How funny! Emilio was my manager at J.Crew! What a small world. Tell him I said hi. ☺️
May 05Reply
fashionfever88 @neeenbean OMG 😂😂Nina!!!! I've heard about you! haha what a small world! You have cute stuff, naturally 💁🏼
May 05Reply
karahosmer10414 Thank you for the share, Brianna! 😊
May 10Reply
wolleatj Your cute! :-) k im ready I have decided that I have to pass on the white button up can you do 135 without? But im ready to bundle the others when you have time! Im excited I cant wait to get these things!!
May 10Reply
fashionfever88 @wolleatj you're so sweet, thanks 😘 it's all set!!! 🙌🏼
May 10Reply
fashionfever88 @lindsayann22 hi lindsay! you are my 11,000th follower so i wanted to let you know that you can have 35% off anything in my closet!! :)
May 11Reply
cjtang Cute closet yourself! 😍 Nice to meet a fellow SO CAL posher!! I'm between LA/OC most days myself. Thanks again for the shares and very sweet note. ✌😊💞
May 20Reply
fashionfever88 @cjtang aww thanks carol! oh ya? where in LA?? we've been in brea for 5 years but we'll be moving to pasadena next month--i'm so excited, i've lived in orange county forever!
May 20Reply
cjtang Oh crazy! I live in the Walnut right now (and before in Irvine/Tustin) so definitely know Brea! We're practically neighbors 😉. Know the Brea mall / Birch street area well lol. Work in LA/lots of my work is in LA so I'm going back and forth a lot these days. Pasadena is a gorgeous area and even closer to LA! Sure you'll love it. It'll be a nice change of scenery. The beauty of living in so cal is all these places are less than an hour apart, right? Good luck w the move! ✌😊
May 20Reply
mrsgype Nice to meet you as well!!! Yes we live close by. I live in Canyon lake about an hour away from OC. Love your closet 😍
May 21Reply
fashionfever88 @hot6774 thanks! that's a pretty place to live :)
May 21Reply
fashionfever88 @cjtang how funny, we're definitely neighbors!! i used to work in costa mesa and then newport beach--used to stop by the rutabegorz in tustin on the way home haha we are frequent visitors of downtown fullerton and the yard house here in brea ;) i'll miss running down bastenchury and st. college, it's soooo beautiful. but i'm excited for "city life" in pasadena! what do you do for work??
May 21Reply
cjtang Pasadena is great + LA will be so close! If you ever need recs for LA please reach out! Spend like 80% of my time out there. There are so many great restaurants and concert venues. I worked in film development and took a break last year. Moved to Paris for two months and traveled to Asia, and now I'm independently developing film/digital projects. I've loved meeting people on Posh and it's been such a great way of creating a good side income. How about you? Is your work bringing you to Pasadena?
May 21Reply
aliciafilomena So you totally inspired me to reorganize my closet! Take a look 👀
Jul 02Reply
vkane15 I saw you were interested in the free people Emma dress! Check out my closet
Aug 05Reply
janimack7 Brianna! You are absolutely TOO CUTE! You & your hubby are adorable!😄🌹✨🌹😄
Oct 23Reply
seiseiseis the way you've organized your closet is so simple and efficient, love it :)
Dec 09Reply
tavoosfashion Hi sweetie, I am Shirin. Welcome to Poshmark! I follow & help u share :) if u ever need any help please let me know. I'll be happy to help u :) Enjoy shopping & selling 🎀
Dec 14Reply
kylej Hi! Nice to meet you 🎉🎉🎉🍀
Dec 18Reply
thefunkyroyals Beautiful pics, beautiful couple!👑
Dec 19Reply
eholder Hi! I'm Elizabeth from Los Angeles. I live in Santa Monica, so without traffic, we are neighbors. : ) I'm originally from Baltimore and NYC. Nice to meet you!
Dec 19Reply
lilytags @fashionfever88 i deleted all the candles that were for sale :) thank u for letting me know the restrictions- i had no idea
Dec 19Reply
fashionfever88 @lilytags oh yay!!!!! thanks for letting me know!!! :) you're welcome ;)
Dec 19Reply
angie561973 Could someone please explain what host pick is? I keep seeing this and not sure what it is
Dec 21Reply
lorig93 @fashionfever88 Beautiful closet!
Jan 04Reply
fashionfever88 @lorig93 hi lorraine! thanks for checking out my closet :) you have some beautiful pieces in yours !!
Jan 04Reply
fashionfever88 @angie561973 hi angela! i am so sorry, i just saw this message! so poshmark holds virtual "posh parties" every day and night where you can share your items to gain more visibility (you may have known that part already). anyway, there are different categories that you can shop by and certain items are hand-selected by hosts and shared in the special "host picks room." usually when you have a listing shared to the party, people will congratulate you and share your item to cheer you on :)
Jan 04Reply
fashionfever88 @angie561973 host picks also (should) show that your closet is posh-compliant. hope that helps!!!!
Jan 04Reply
angie561973 Thanks a lot for responding I guess my best question is who is a host? And how?
Jan 04Reply
fashionfever88 @angie561973 good q! poshmark hq chooses the co-hosts. it often takes some patience until you're chosen to host but it helps if you email posh and let them know you're interested (i did this). and like i said, they want to make sure you follow posh rules and have a good standing within the community (sharing other's listings, clear & pretty cover shots, etc.). it's similar to being chosen as a suggested user.
Jan 04Reply
angie561973 Oh. Ok. That makes sense. Thank you very much for the info
Jan 04Reply
harp625 Hey girl!!!! Hope all is well! I know you like Madewell and I am on the hunt for this Madewell indigo tile scarf (see my closet). Do you have this or know anyone that does?! Willing to buy! 😍👍🏻💕thanks!!!
Jan 23Reply
kdegreek I emailed you. Sorry it took so long. I had an oophorectomy on Monday and still moving very slow.
Feb 04Reply
fashionfever88 @kdegreek kelly ! i'm so sorry ! hope you're not in too much pain? ;( i just got the email! you have so many! i love the black and brown one in the back :) i think it's a newer line?
Feb 05Reply
fashionfever88 @harp625 LAUREN! how did i just see this comment?! i'll totally help you share your listing, and i'll keep my eyes peeled for you! i'm always searching away on posh for madewell anyway..haha
Feb 05Reply
kdegreek Yeah, that's an Emerson Satchel. I have it in blue/gray too
Feb 05Reply
kdegreek That's not close to all of them. I have more at my moms and some in our basement in a bin too. The ones I showed are what's in my bedroom. Easier to photo those today.
Feb 05Reply
fashionfever88 oh my goodness!!!!! i can't even imagine what else you have! if i weren't typing on a keyboard right now i'd insert the happy face emoji with the big heart eyes! lol
Feb 05Reply
kdegreek The pain isn't bad until I had to sneeze today. I really thought I was on the verge of death!
Feb 05Reply
fashionfever88 oh my gosh, so not fun!!!!! i'm sorry. i remember the same exact thing after having back surgery. i would try my hardest to hold them in!
Feb 05Reply
leksisterritt Great closet!! 💕😍
Feb 10Reply
fashionfever88 @leksisterritt hi leksi~~thank you :) YOU TOO!
Feb 10Reply
fashionfever88 @kdegreek you bought a new bag today?! Which one? 😃
Feb 14Reply
kdegreek I just got emailed about being a Suggested User! YAY!!!
Feb 23Reply
fashionfever88 @kdegreek YAY KELLY!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼SO excited for you!!!! :)
Feb 23Reply
feelosophy Hi nice to meet you I am Irene☺️ i am new to posh and was browsing through and wandered into your closet✨✨ your closet is so lovely🙆🏻 i grew up in So. Pasadena!!!!!! Just got really excited reading this post and wanted to introduce myself 🙋🏻
Mar 09Reply
fashionfever88 @feelosophy hi there! That's so cool! I love Pasadena, it's such a pretty place and there's a ton of great eateries 😊 thanks for saying hi! Where r you living now? I'll share your closet (which btw is gorgeous!!!) when I have time later tonight :)
Mar 10Reply
feelosophy Thats so nice of you😃 thank you🙆🏻✨ i live in boston now☺️ still getting adjusted to snow and cold 😔 i miss cali 😆☀️
Mar 10Reply
creneelifestyle Hi! I was just going through my 5-star ratings & came across your rating of my GAP top. I wanted to thank you again for buying from me & giving positive feedback. You have a great closet! I hope you'll visit me again! 🎉😇
Jul 19Reply
julie48 @kdegreek Oh my! What an ADORABLE closet!!
Jul 25Reply
kdegreek @julie48 I know, and she is so sweet and awesome! Wonderful lady to deal with. Bre is great!
Jul 25Reply
fashionfever88 @julie48 @kdegreek aww thanks ladies! Y'all are so sweet!!!😘😘😘
Jul 26Reply
pulchritude Happy Poshing!
Oct 26Reply
amymayme Very nice closet!
Apr 03Reply
kirei_ Hi! If you could please accept/rate the choker I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Jun 01Reply
fashionfever88 @kirei_ thx for the reminder!! I completely forgot 😖love the choker, thank you 💕💕
Jun 01Reply
fashionfever88 @radicalrebecca hi! I purchased the kelsi dagger Brooklyn bucket bag from another seller and noticed you had liked it! It ended up being too big for me and I decided I'm going to re-posh it. Would you be interested? If so I can tag you :)
Jun 07Reply
debbi7777 Hi there! I've talked with you a couple times on the FB share site. I was wondering if you could walk me through the Share groups on Posh.. For some reason, I'm not How do I sign up, know whos closet to share and let them know when I'm done? Thank you for all your help!! ~ Debbi
Jun 13Reply
fashionfever88 @debbi7777 of course, hi debbi! do you mean the "follow and share" groups? i actually have never done them b/c they seem confusing to me lol plus i never know if people will return the favor (and it takes a long time to share!!) my understanding is you first "like" the listing, then follow that person, share some listings for their closet, and then go back to the "follow & share" listing & do that for everyone else who has liked the listing. hope that makes sense!! :)
Jun 13Reply
fashionfever88 @debbi7777 how is posh going for you so far?
Jun 13Reply
debbi7777 @fashionfever88 I w been doing really well- I'm averaging about 2 sales/ day... I'm sharing a ton from the Share group on FB. I'm having so much fun!!! This is super addicting!
Jun 13Reply
fashionfever88 @debbi7777 WOW! that is so great, debbi!!! keep going! seriously, the more you share the more views your closet gets for sure <3
Jun 13Reply
emdelgado Thank you for the share!
Jun 22Reply
closetofsloths Hi there! Because I'm going back to school and am going to take a break from Posh, I would love to sell that Madewell Island skirt, if you're interested feel free to make an offer! No pressure 💕
Aug 26Reply
fashionfever88 @hbottenfield, @jamie101, @modafrancesca, and @melissmcd hi ladies!!! What time will y'all be sharing tonight?
Oct 06Reply
tbabes12 Congrats on Hosting!!! Wishing you lots of speedy sales!! 💞
Oct 06Reply
thephoenixmama I love that denim jumper! 😍
Oct 06Reply
fashionfever88 @thephoenixmama aw thank you! I'll be listing it soon!! I will tag you if you want 😃😘
Oct 06Reply
modig 🌷
Oct 06Reply
ekswift09 Hey so sorry I missed your offer on the fossil charm bracelet! I can do $10! Lmk. Thanks!
Oct 10Reply
fashionfever88 @bentwater aw thank you! 😘❤️
Jan 05Reply
katrincloset Thank you for you purchase, Please leave me a feedback, your 5* rating will be highly appreciated.
Mar 01Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 26Reply
fashionfever88 @spreadlove hi Melissa! Thanks for stopping by :) following you now 😘
Apr 26Reply
alexaksmith Thank you! So excited to receive the necklaces!!! 💕💕 following your page for future items. I love gorjana anything !
Apr 29Reply
fashionfever88 @alexaksmith aww thanks lady! I’ll be sure to tag you on any other gorjana things I list 😊❤️by the way, I’m from Anaheim 🙃💕💕
Apr 29Reply
alexaksmith @fashionfever88 oh wow, that’s so awesome!! Neighbors 🤗 thank you so much! I Defintely will always be interested if it’s not something I already have!!! 💕💕
Apr 29Reply
caramias_island Pretty hair and great pics! Congratulations on Posh success! I'm knew!
May 27Reply
fashionfever88 @kdegreek hi love! i’m going to be running a special soon and wanted to give you a heads up — if there’s anything you’re interested in-especially bundles-I’ll hook you up 😘🙃 lmk! how are ya?
Sep 17Reply
pennycrawford Gorgeous closet!!!!
Feb 22Reply
fashionfever88 @pennycrawford Aw thank you! Lmk if you ever have any promos, you can tag me to help you share :)
Feb 22Reply
dakotashyres Hi my name is Dakota I also went to Biola!!!!! Xoxo 💕🎉
Feb 22Reply
fashionfever88 @dakotashyres nice! great professors there :) I was in BOLD (back in ‘09) so I didn’t take classes on campus, but I enjoyed it!
Feb 22Reply
fashionfever88 @dakotashyres I’m Brianna, btw :) thanks for saying hi!
Feb 22Reply
iloveitstore Hi Brianna, thank you so much for all the shares!!! I’m new at this and I’m now addicted lol 😂 I’m loving the community and I look forward to learning from all of you. Wishing you lots and lots of sales 💕💕
Mar 07Reply
fashionfever88 @awoha09 hi there! It’s definitely easy to become addicted to posh 😂 lmk if you ever have any questions, I love helping! Posh has been a huge lifesaver for me quite a few times. Tag me if you ever wanna share 10/10 (I share 10 items from your closet & vice versa). Happy posting!!!! You’re off to a great start 👍🏻💕
Mar 07Reply
iloveitstore @fashionfever88 aww thank you! That’s so sweet of you. I will do! Love sharing the love 🥳🥳
Mar 07Reply
fashionfever88 @estademoda Hi, thanks for the like!💕I’m running a buy two get one (under $20) free sale💫I’m happy to help if you have any questions!
Apr 28Reply
luvmee40 Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%!  I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Mar 02Reply
fashionfever88 @luvmee40 hey, thanks. I’ve been on posh for nearly 8 years now. Please don’t solicit on my page.
Mar 02Reply
fashionfever88 @petraluca hi Sheryl, thanks for saying hi! I hope you can get a sale or few today! Shares coming your way 💫
Mar 15Reply
chicnation @fashionfever88 hi I’m Vanessa w Chic Nation Boutique wishing you a Happy 4th of July :) 🇺🇸
Jul 03Reply
fashionfever88 @curatedcool hi Melinda! Thank you again for my gorjana necklace, I love it! I wore it for pictures with my family; see the second pic ☺️Merry Christmas! ❤️❤️
Dec 16Reply
curatedcool @fashionfever88 OMG you are such a beauty! So happy you love it xxx
Dec 16Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 18Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Oct 25Reply
cutehosiery @fashionfever88 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 31Reply
danadin14 Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 02Reply
gearheadgirl50 Hi! please check out my closet and look under the black box listing that says everything must go!! it will change as I add different sales but I'm adding over 500+ items.mens ,women's ,household,jewelry vintage clothes my profile to check back often. please share! I do!
Feb 20Reply

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Last Active: Feb 27

Charleston, SC
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Last Active: Feb 27

Charleston, SC
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