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Updated Mar 10
Updated Mar 10

Meet The Posher, ღeye4beautyღ #BBlogger ⍏ Synergy


$0 $707,017


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Hi, My name is Synergy. I'd been a beauty blogger since 2008 when Cancer and a life-altering Hysterectomy left me feeling empty for Beauty until I broke my neck in late 2017✍️ Now I AM fighting my way back to my dreams! 💪 Some of my fave brands are Michael Kors, Adidas, Ivanka Trump, Chanel, Gucci, Coach, Dior, YSL, Anastasia, etc! 🛍️ I love anything Prince, Angels, Roses, Makeup and Beauty.🌹 Leave me a comment and follow, I'll take a look at your closet and follow you back. Thank you! 💋


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jessaliceresell Hi 🖐️ Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for the add!! If you have any questions I'm happy to help! Wishing you a wonderful day and happy poshing 😁
Oct 11Reply
eye_4_beauty @jessaliceresell Thank you so much. That's very sweet, I'll definitely keep you in mind - I'm sure I'll be needing help, because this is all new to me! Again, thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 11Reply
sargebill Hi there and good morning, had to follow ya, have a super poShy day, Bill
Oct 15Reply
eye_4_beauty @sargebill Hi, Bill, and thank you. 😊
Oct 16Reply
sargebill @synergybydesign Hi Synergy, cool name has style, anyways you're so welcome , buzz me when you can, Bill
Oct 16Reply
eye_4_beauty @sargebill Will do. Thanks. 😊
Oct 16Reply
szoutenb Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Stephanie. Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 16Reply
convintageous Good morning Synergy thank you for the like beautiful 🙂🌼
Oct 16Reply
eye_4_beauty @convintageous you're very welcome. Thank you for stopping by 😊🌹
Oct 16Reply
davidclark873 Happy poshing! I love your closet’s aesthetic! 🤗
Oct 17Reply
eye_4_beauty @davidclark873 thank you ❤️
Oct 17Reply
gweningram Hope all is well! Come check out my closet for brand new beauty products. 🌸💫
Oct 29Reply
dodger13 Hi my name is Gina. 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. Whether you are buying or selling have fun.🤗If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.🌻When you get a chance stop by 👣 my closet and have a look around.👀
Nov 08Reply
missludic Hi Gorgeous:) Thanks for the shares! I hope you're enjoying Posh-mark! come and have a look around:) I'm negotiable ! bundle 4 for $100 deal. if the bundle doesn't apply i will counter Lo v e. AMY!
Nov 14Reply
eye_4_beauty @luxurycloset_xo thank you so much!
Nov 17Reply
eye_4_beauty @missludic not a problem, loved the items! ❤️
Nov 17Reply
eye_4_beauty @dodger13 thank you ❤️
Nov 17Reply
eye_4_beauty @gweningram I'm always loving beauty. thank you.
Nov 17Reply
dodger13 @synergybydesign you are very welcome.
Nov 17Reply
dodger13 @synergybydesign you are very welcome.
Nov 17Reply
saviah1 Hello, I see you are interested in the white and the black Prince Caps. I can give you a special discount for ordering 2 caps. 2 for $30.00 Send me offer in a bundle I will accept,Thanks.
Feb 02Reply
jakesheart Welcome Hii Happy Poshing! Thank you for your visit & likes ❤️💫🌹! I’m moving in 2 days & shipping Monday At 1st thing! Please feel free to bundle any 2 or more items (as many as you’d wish) & I’ll send you a fab offer! Or shoot me one☺️💫 Starting at 20/25/30%+ depending on your bundle, especially clothes which l have lots more to list! Individual items all depend! I’d be happy to send gifts w/any/all bundles as well! Have a blessed night! Fun Sunday,Smiles & warm wishes, Adrienne ☺️🎈🛍
Feb 02Reply
luvmee40 Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%!  I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Feb 22Reply
eye_4_beauty @luvmee40 Thank you so much! ❤️
Feb 22Reply
crepesuzanne Thank you for the great rating ☺️ I hope you get some relief. Migraines have made me wish my head would just 🤯so I could get out of the pain. I resorted to bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, diet & lifestyle changes for my migraines. I still occasionally use sunglasses, ice & peppermint oil to keep them at bay.
Mar 05Reply
eye_4_beauty @crepesuzanne I'm totally down with the ice, peppermint oil, sunglasses, but I'm always searching for a large scarf to you're my head together and discovered there aren't enough scarves, ropes, sashes, lol! I can't do traditional HRT because of the hysterectomy and clotting issues, so I use natural salts, but I'm praying the drs. will do something, but hey, I've been saying that since I was a kid, lol! 😆😆😆😳🤯
Mar 05Reply
eye_4_beauty @crepesuzanne lest i mention, I quit caffeine (my beloved Pepsi was so hard), sugar (no more Carmelo's 😔), etc, but my brain hates me. I'm hoping it will help. If not, I'm hoping Botox, who knows? 😳 Thank you for sending it so quickly. ❤️
Mar 05Reply
crepesuzanne @eye_4_beauty 💗 I have felt your pain 😢 My first « recorded » migraine at 5 years old took milk, eggs, chocolate, peanuts, dogs, cats & stuffed animals from my life but still no relief for 35+ years. Had my first ocular-only migraine last month. Bizarre! No pain except in my eyes. Please update me if you try the Botox route. Keep searching!! 🤗
Mar 05Reply
eye_4_beauty @crepesuzanne I'll definitely let you know if they let me try Botox and how it works. I've been told it works really good, which would be a blessing! 🙏❤️💋
Mar 05Reply
claudiagil01 Hi there, come in to my closet for some great. I’ll be posting new items in a regular basis, check it out!!❤️
Mar 31Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 08Reply
wilhelmx Hey superstar! Thanks for the awesome rating. So glad my items went to a good home. I will be on the lookout for Dior and Givenchy.
Apr 14Reply
eye_4_beauty @wilhelmx you're welcome, hon! And thanks again! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 14Reply
makeupqueen878 hi, I just saw your comment about receiving order. I'm sorry I had no idea that Perricone Md even has expiration dates or about the screw thing, I never open them to look, but my vendor does to check what he is buying. I hope everything works out for you using them. thanks Amanda
Apr 19Reply
eye_4_beauty @makeupqueen878 I'm hoping it'll be ok. I'm researching it. I think if I keep them in the fridge, they'll be fine a little longer. It's not your fault, your vendor should always check that Pericone MD cap is screwed tightly. The exp. date is on the box and on the bottom of the bullet lipstick. Don't worry I'll use them 😉 If you can find more with a good exp date, esp in lighter colors for me to sleep in, I'll buy. All is well!
Apr 19Reply
refreshedfinds Hi, I’m sorry for your loss, I pray for you and your family to find comfort and your dad Rest In Peace.🙏🙏🙏🙏
Aug 03Reply
eye_4_beauty @refreshedfinds thank you 💔😔🙏🏼✝️
Aug 04Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 19Reply
montreasures Thank you for visiting my closet❤️I wanted to let you know that my most popular sale is BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!! 3 for $25 EVERYTHING is eligible 🎉 As you already know, I have TONS of items in my closet. Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jul 25Reply
txgratitude 🙋🏻‍♀️ WELCOME to the Poshmark (Posh) Community. I’ve been here since 2016 and am an Ambassador II. Feel free to ask questions, I am to happy to help. If you have listings, I am sharing them with my 100k+ followers. Please STOP by my HUGE Closet: - Genuine Designer GEM Rings 🚹🚺 - Vintage + Accessories 🚹🚺 - Plus Sizes 🚹🚺 - Designer Purses - Shoes 🚺 - Skin Care & Make Up - Electronics - Home Goods + Vintage - Pet Items - Once and a while a MYSTERY BOX Happy Poshing!🙏🏻🇺🇸
Jan 31Reply
suzeeq73 Hi I saw you in a show and saw you were looking for pink and red bags. Check out my closet. Recently listed both colors. 🌸❤️
May 03Reply

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Last Active: May 06 2023

Eastpointe, MI
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Last Active: May 06 2023

Eastpointe, MI
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