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Updated Jul 09
Updated Jul 09

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I collect vintage and Bohemian pieces mostly. I run an animal rescue I try to mail on time but sometimes animal issues surface and delays a day or two are not uncommon .A few pics of some of the animals I have here. Zeus looking for 'The Dracs'... Nena insisting she fits in the tiny bed and refusing to move.... The Cat, the Dracs, mad about Canine antics.
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mjkern Oh My!! It's the sweetest little house ever!!
May 02Reply
gypsyangel @alu0515 @warlenerene @onikaday @scarlettstained @bupak @tattooedkittee @nightnurse @dmmousa @emmita @laurast @jmerc3 @heatheryearber@treasuretreats.... to a few of my favorite poshie girls... This is where I live in about 900 sq.. Laffin and why I don't TRADE, I can't fit anything else.
May 02Reply
gypsyangel @mjkern Well thank you dear I appreciate that, and most all that fence is recycled material. I probably got about nine dollars into it. Someone had all that wood in a burn pile I pulled out, took it home, cut n paint and TA'DA a fence for free.....
May 02Reply
tattooedkittee @gypsyangel OMG I love these!! It's perfect! It's the cutest lil house ever. Home sweet home.
May 02Reply
onikaday Awwww it's sooo adorable! And honey, I WISH I had 900 sq ft in Ny!!! Hahahah
May 02Reply
gypsyangel @tanyav1020 hmmm I tagged you on this but I don't see your name on the tag....
May 02Reply
treasuretreats @gypsyangel That's just adorable! What, about the size of a 1 bdrm apt? How much yard space? How many pets do you have? I love it. I have been trying to downsize. From 5 acres in the suburbs to 3 lots on the edge of a little town. The house I bought belonged to a 90 yr old lady who survived 2 husbands and lived here 60 years.
May 03Reply
sprisco I love your house! 😃🌺🌺🌺🌺
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @sprisco here's my house
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @sprisco hahaha,never mind that tag, your already here...I should really learn to read everything instead of acting like a speed reader
May 03Reply
sprisco Love it! It much be so nice inside. I love your choice of colors. Is it in the country?
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @tanyav1020 laffin , hmmm wine would better since I have plenty of that. I make it myself....:) bring cheese!!!!
May 03Reply
sprisco I'm the same way. Sometimes my attention span is like a 5 yr old 😛
May 03Reply
sprisco That's my dream one day to have a house like yours. Country style with style. Do you have a lot of yard space?
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @treasuretreats I have two bedrooms and 1 large mudroom were I made into a room for the dogs where I have all the crates and toys. I live on five acres of trees and wildlife. And the animal count changes, today I have 9 dogs here... 7 waiting to be adopted and 2 adoptable birds (parakeets)
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @treasuretreats This house is 115 years old and I am the second owner. It sat vacant ialmost 20 years before I bought it. I have constantly been working on it for the last 15 years
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @onikaday I have an idea girlfriend why don't you send me you're very cute things and I'll keep him here for you as long as I can wear them...:)....
May 03Reply
onikaday @tanyav1020 @warlenerene yesss! I'll bring dessert!! ☺☺☺
May 03Reply
onikaday @gypsyangel it's a deal!! ;)
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @sprisco Yes it's way out in the country I live on 6 miles of red clay road I have to drive that before I get to the bad roads.hahaha, I'm about 25 miles one way to my job.
May 03Reply
sprisco Wow! But it's probably worth the commute once your home 😃you have a sweet home, like Dorothy said "there's not place like home "
May 03Reply
treasuretreats @gypsyangel You are simply amazing. I admire you. Keeping your life in harmony. Sweet. You are indeed blessed. :-)
May 03Reply
nightnurse Omg I LOVE this house!!!!! Just as I imagined 😘
May 03Reply
heatheryearber @gypsyangel Well that is just the sweetest house I have ever laid eyes on! It fits you perfectly!! It's just how I thought your house would be. The colors are sublime, and it's just perfect. Thank you for sharing with me!!!
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @alu0515 ... I told you before you could come and live here...hahaha....
May 03Reply
warlenereneshop @gypsyangel somehow I knew you would live in a home like this 😘
May 03Reply
scarlettstained This is the exact little home I envisioned you living in!!!! It's so you! So much life and personality!! It makes me wanna come over and play dress up like little girls! Can I raid your closet? Oh wait I already have!!!! But I'm sure there are those favorite treasures hidden away ;).thank you for sharing a peice of you with me :)
May 03Reply
emmita It is really so you! I couldn't see u in a different one! I love it so hip and unique! You are one of a kind... That is precisely why I love your closet! Cutest house ever!!!🏠❤🌺🌳🐕🐩🐈📬🏡
May 03Reply
gypsyangel @emmita ... On my sweet Emma, And how are you my lovely? I haven't seen you much on the posh front lately... Your closet looks amazing!!!! I love all the new jewelry pieces!! I see that the bling"shoes" have sold, yay!!!!! Thank you for the gracious compliment on my house, have things been okay in your world?
May 03Reply
emmita ❤❤yeah I haven't been buying much lately! I'm trying to watch my spending 🏧which is kind of hard😃😃😃 I'm doing some investment for the future👀 you know? Life is good around here though!! Looking forward to a deserved long and restful summer🌞🌊 how about you? So nice to hear from you!!!
May 03Reply
tammyk289 Hey lady-o! Thanks so much for the shares today! I noticed a vintage party last night and immediately thought of you so I had to find you to share your stuff! When I did I found your adorable house! This is too cute. One of these days I am going to make my way to come see you! Just Presh!
May 03Reply
laurast It's so cute!!! I love it!!
May 04Reply
jmerc3 Oh my heck, @gypsyangel!!! I absolutely ADORE it!!! 😍🏠❤
May 04Reply
aishling1541 Soooo cute love the feel of it
May 05Reply
ailin012 @gypsyangel I love your house! Wish we had a home sweet home of our own. Just like yours! With pets, garden, and the whole 9 yards. My husband hates city life. Now with the little one I'm more inclined to have a place like yours. And since the pregnancy I've been trying to be even more green. It's hard in The city.
May 09Reply
gypsyangel @tfoycma Thank you for the compliment I really do appreciate that. Have a great day😀
May 17Reply
gypsyangel @tfoycma yep, I know exactly what your going thru... My kids are grown and long gone, my husband passed and this little house now fits my lifestyle perfect. Who needs all that extra space to care for???downsize girl, it makes your life easier!!! 😊
May 17Reply
beeboperin @gypsyangel what a BEAUTIFUL home! It definitely suits you! 😄
May 17Reply
gypsyangel @beeboperin thank you sweetie.. And how are you?
May 17Reply
sherlyperez Love it!!!! Beautiful... Blessing!!!!!
May 17Reply
sharapost Seriously? I love it!!!
May 18Reply
gypsyangel @sharapost Well Hello dear it's nice to see you again 😀 I hope things are going well for you thank you for the compliment on my lil house....
May 18Reply
sharapost Great to chat with you too! All is well here. Love your cute home. I'd scoop it up in a heart beat.
May 18Reply
treasuretreats @gypsyangel I'd like to see pics of your rescue pets. I miss my German Shepherd.
May 21Reply
sarainsalem Oh my very sweet home there! Purple and Green are also my favorite power colors!
May 22Reply
nightnurse How are you my friend? Just leaving a little love in your closet. 💜💚
May 29Reply
gypsyangel @treasuretreats hello Bobbie😘😘😘 I posted a few pics of a few of the animals I have here now. German shepherd looking for the cat is Zeus, the second German shep pic is Adonis, he's new and the two. Lil white dogs are Taz n princess. Princess was dumped in the country and Taz was an emergency rescue out of town. I'm trying to find them permanent homes. I run a German shepherd rescue but take in other emergencies.
May 30Reply
gypsyangel @sarainsalem thank you Sara for the kind comment. Much love to you😃😍😍
May 30Reply
gypsyangel @nightnurse awww, my miss lovely Kim. Thank you so much for all the shares. It's been so hectic with all the tornados here, tons of damage. And power off and on. I hope things are going well for you dear. They are having a huge concert tonight in Oklahoma City to help raise money for all the damage here. I haven't had alot of time to posh, so I can't even tell you how much I've appreciated you running and keeping my closet active. Your a true blessing... Thank you Kim 😍😍😍😘😘😍😘
May 30Reply
treasuretreats @gypsyangel OMG! They are both extremely gorgeous ! Wish I had the patience for a pup. Maybe a full grown German Shepherd is what I need. I sure miss my two.
May 30Reply
gypsyangel @treasuretreats and I added the 3rd pic which is Nena, the older grouch of the German shepherd who think she actually fits in this little bed for the white dogs. Haha. And the 4th pic is the Dracs (KAT) the very cat Zeus is looking for under the door
May 30Reply
treasuretreats @gypsyangel You are the coolest person ever. I need to see a picture of you to complete this phase. I love all ur dogs. I get a new kitty tomorrow. Pics forthcoming.
May 30Reply
gypsyangel @treasuretreats ohhhh, your getting a kitty today?? How wonderful!!!😃😃😃and where is your new feline baby coming from?
May 30Reply
treasuretreats @gypsyangel She's a rescue. Has been wormed and first shots. Dob 3/22/13. Approx. 10 weeks. Gray tiger striped.
May 30Reply
sleewalker @gypsyangel I adore your house!!!! And the flowers are beautiful !!!!! What state?? You are beautiful inside and out!!!!! ❤❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🍒🍒🍒😘😎👑
Jun 08Reply
gypsyangel @sleewalker What a very kind thing to say😍😍😍 Thank you so much, I really appreciate hearing that. I am in the state of Oklahoma, But from the West Coast originally. Where are you from?
Jun 08Reply
sleewalker @gypsyangel Were on west coast outside of Sacramento. I love Oklahoma !!! I spent all of my summers there growing up with my grandparents. Outside of Shattuck OK what town are you near???? 😃🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jun 09Reply
gypsyangel @sleewalker Well isn't this crazy amazing, I have a nephew that lives there where you're at and some of my families in Napa and have a little bit of them again in Modesto. That's where im from originally. I live in a town called Prague, It's about 20 miles from Shawnee Oklahoma
Jun 09Reply
gypsyangel @betsy_chacha Is this the Betsy that I know? That I haven't seen for a long long time?? Who disappeared From posh?
Jun 11Reply
betsy_chacha @gypsyangel Hey sweetie. Why yes it is. I was thinking about you earlier today so I decided to see your latest treasures. Been crazy around here with the little one, trip to see the fam, not to mention all of us had a round of the summer cold (yuck!). Finally getting back to normal. How have you been? I absolutely ADORE your house and the babies! You have a precious family! 😉
Jun 11Reply
gypsyangel @betsy_chacha Well it's so nice to see you Betsy, I'm glad to hear you're good and the family is okay. Yes sometimes weather can really put a damper on things. We had major tornadoes come through where I live and did a lot of damage, Then we had a ton of rain. I have more babies than those three, Posh only allows you so many pictures. Hahaha. I have several here now waiting for permanent homes. I'm so glad to see you and I appreciate your comment on my house. And I noticed you still don't have no listings. Girl you need to clean out your closet and sell some stuff😀😀😀😀😍😍😀😀😜
Jun 11Reply
adrapek @gypsyangel Hi friend, your place is ADORABLE! I can't explain how beautiful it is! Hope all is well with you...
Jun 16Reply
gypsyangel @adrapek Well hello dear, it's nice to see you again. I met you when you first joined we had a long talk you, me and Betsy and then I didn't see you again. I'm happy to see you on posh and listing things and selling things 😀😀😀
Jun 17Reply
adrapek @gypsyangel It's nice to hear from you! I'm back at work after a second sick leave and finally feeling much better, but BUSY AS HECK! Your closet is driving me crazy! You have some gorgeous items!! Wish I could wear all of them!
Jun 17Reply
cmhowald Cute house! Cute house! Cute furry friends! 😍
Jun 24Reply
innerchi I just want to say you seem totally amazing! What a gorgeous little place.
Jun 27Reply
gypsyangel @innerchi Thank you so much for the compliment on my house and the compliment on my character, that means a lot and I really appreciate that. Much love to you and blessings😘😘😘
Jun 27Reply
couturegirl Just stopping by your house to say hi😘💕
Jun 30Reply
gypsyangel @couturegirl Thank you so much I really appreciate that. I've actually been putting a fence the last three days for animals. All the painting and everything, I'm exhausted . I hope you have been well dear😍😍😍😍
Jul 01Reply
couturegirl That's wonderful and I'm sure you are exhausted!! You are so amazing😊That's why I was thinking of you today. OMG I had our deer who is here every year eat an apple from my hand today. It was amazing to see a wild animal trust me. She doesn't even mind having her babies around us. But I didn't try to pet her. She came to me.
Jul 01Reply
osu1958 I love Purple !! Cute house
Jul 01Reply
gypsyangel @osu1958 Thank you so much, yes my favorite color is purple😍😍😍...OSU, you in Ok?
Jul 01Reply
osu1958 I'm from Ohio .. Now live in Florida .. Down south ..
Jul 01Reply
gypsyangel @osu1958 Oh okay, I'm in Oklahoma right now and OSU is Oklahoma State University too. 🌸🌸🌸💐
Jul 01Reply
osu1958 I get that a lot .. I love Ohio State , big handbags , lol
Jul 02Reply
sprisco 🐶🐱Love your furry pets! 😻
Jul 04Reply
lalalalola I LOVE IT!!!!!
Jul 14Reply
mamagriz Absolutely adorable! Great closet!
Jul 17Reply
marykat 😘OMGOODNESS they are too adorable!!'
Jul 22Reply
stapler6202 I love your house! And such cute babies! Everything is perfect!
Jul 22Reply
gypsyangel @stapler6202 Thank you so much I appreciate that😍😍
Jul 22Reply
nugget_love 😍😍your house is sooooooo cute!!!
Jul 23Reply
gypsyangel @nugget_love Thank you so much❤ Almost all the fencing and everything is from recycled materials. Stuff people are throwing away. It's been a lot of work so I always appreciate when someone thinks it's cute😍😍😍
Jul 23Reply
creativegypsy OMG your house is precious! That fence is to die for! 😍
Jul 24Reply
gypsyangel @creativegypsy Good morning dear, well you are the kind of girl that would really appreciate this. Both you and I do most of our artwork on recycled materials. Housing or fashion. I love taking something that was slated for the Landfield and creating something new out of it. 95% of my house is made with recycled stuff.
Jul 24Reply
5diane5 @gypsyangel What a cutie pie ! ! ! Your closet is soooooo deep. 10x more than mine. If I bought everything I liked in your closet, I'd be dead broke and you'd have very little left.
Jul 25Reply
donnamgarcia Cute house!
Jul 30Reply
gypsyangel @donnamgarcia thank you Donna😊😊
Jul 30Reply
gypsyangel @tinker_bell Good morning Tinkerbell. Thank you for such a nice complement. I have a lot of work into this old house. The peacocks are metal statues, I just love them😍
Jul 31Reply
tamarat70 I love your house!!!!! So adorable!
Aug 03Reply
gypsyangel @tamarat70 🌺🌺 thank you Tamara🌺🌺
Aug 03Reply
gypsyangel @tinker_bell ❤❤🌺tinkerbell🌺❤❤ty
Aug 03Reply
classyvintage I love this!
Aug 06Reply
stapler6202 Such a cute house, makes me smile every time I see it!
Aug 10Reply
gypsyangel @stapler6202 aww, thank you💐💐
Aug 11Reply
lottenotte OMG so cute....
Aug 11Reply
lriegel What a lovely house! I love the colors, your very creative. Your fur babies are so sweet as well. Nena looks a lot like my Coco.💕
Aug 27Reply
andrea_27s What an adorable home and your little honeys are precious as well :)
Sep 03Reply
gypsyangel @andrea_27s Thank you so much dear, that means a lot I appreciate it😍
Sep 04Reply
deborahobrien @gypsyangel just had to say that I love your little home! Purple and green is my favourite colour combination. Love the cute pet antics. Lovely closet! Happy poshing :)
Sep 04Reply
gypsyangel @deborahobrien Thank you so much Deb that was a very kind thing to say😍 I really appreciate that💐
Sep 04Reply
carenhelm @gypsyangel Sweet, I want to sit on your front porch!
Sep 21Reply
janicegw Adorable! I love the color scheme and the walk-way.
Oct 02Reply
elizabeth3374 So cute of a house
Oct 04Reply
thejunkboutique Are you still in the house?! I thought you were Texas bound! 'Git!
Oct 04Reply
gypsyangel @thejunkboutique I'm running three hours behind All the dogs I have to take some to babysitters the couple had to be kenneled. I've got troublemakers in the pack that have to go certain areas, And I'm only going to be gone one night. Leaving here in about 20 minutes yeah Just in time to get all that Dallas Texas traffic
Oct 04Reply
thejunkboutique Well damn!!! Drive safely!
Oct 04Reply
tinated I love the gingerbread! My in-laws used to have a house like this.
Oct 04Reply
praj Very nice to meet you! absolutely love your fun house and all furry babies in it!!! 😍😍
Oct 10Reply
desidooo @gypsyangel what a lovely house!!!! You must smile every time you come home :)
Oct 16Reply
gypsyangel @desirem628 lol oh yessss, I'm smiling till open the front door.... Then I have at least six or seven animals all trying to tell me what the day was for them... Then after I get my second foot in the door, Then I look and I'll start to see what's been happening since I've been gone at work... Has each new discovery is made I have Nina the ringleader barking up a storm throwing everybody else under the bus. And I can always count on that half a cup of coffee I left on the counter or the table knocked over.... Yes wonderful little house... And I do smile every day until that second foot steps in....haha
Oct 16Reply
sharapost Can't think of anyone sweeter to host! So happy for you.
Oct 16Reply
auzie "❤"
Oct 16Reply
cmhowald WHOA!!! BACK UP!! ⚠️🚚🚨 *beep *beep *beep🚨 you make your own WINE???? 🍇🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍇 I'm even more in 💟 with you than I was before!! 😍 Btw, I'm sharing closets on Instagram right now. I'm time strapped so I can share more at one time. Shared yours but couldn't find you to tag ur Instagram username but I "#" your posh name!! ❤️❤️❤️😘💕
Oct 17Reply
cmhowald WHOA!!! BACK UP!! ⚠️🚚🚨 *beep *beep *beep🚨 you make your own WINE???? 🍇🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍇 I'm even more in 💟 with you than I was before!! 😍 Btw, I'm sharing closets on Instagram right now. I'm time strapped so I can share more at one time. Shared yours but couldn't find you to tag ur Instagram username but I "#" your posh name!! ❤️❤️❤️😘💕
Oct 17Reply
gypsyangel @cmhowald Well hello there girlie I know you've been MIA lately, Busy with children and life stuff.... Nice to see you roaming the halls.. Yes I make wine😊....., I make dandelion wine for medical reasons and whatever fruit or something I can find growing out here in abundance I make it out of that. This year I made pare wine, Although I had to fight the raccoons, the Deers and possums from taking all of the pears.... I managed to get a couple pounds of pears and a gallon of wine was made. I have Instagram, I signed up for it but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do over there... I don't have any friends or anything over there. I'm not even sure if it's a place where you talk to people or if you just put pictures, I'll have to go look it up and see what my ID is over there cause it's been a long time since I've been there, But I think it was poshgypsy 1960 I'll have to doublecheck.
Oct 17Reply
gypsyangel @cmhowald Okay it is posh gypsy 1960 but they're all capital letters, And I have pictures of stuff over there that I'm not sure how they got there it's on my Poshmark stuff, And most of the pictures of the stuff is sold. Hmmmmm,
Oct 17Reply
gypsyangel @tanyav1020 Good morning dear, Honey I know you have Instagram.. And I did too but I never went there because I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of it is. I'm not sure if it's a chatting place or just for pictures. Some of my Poshmark pictures have went over there, but most of that stuff is sold so I know it's been a long time ago. It's one of those things I signed up for never really went back to it. Can you tag me over there Or however they do it My ID over there is poshgypsy 1960 and it's all capital letters. I need to learn how to do that over there it seems like the popular thing going on right now
Oct 17Reply
gypsyangel @tanyav1020 Okay let me open it back up and find you now is that just to post pictures on? Or do people talk there ?
Oct 17Reply
gypsyangel @tanyav1020 Okay I added you has a friend but I'm not even sure how some of that stuff is even getting over there with my pictures from posh. Hmmm
Oct 17Reply
gypsyangel @tanyav1020 Ha ha I've made comments to you over there it's official I'm in Instagram"er now
Oct 17Reply
lacci916 Awe sweet
Oct 22Reply
crazyposh Absolutely ADORABLE house!!!! Ah 😊😊😊
Oct 23Reply
janicegw Thank you so much for sharing my listings! So kind.
Oct 23Reply
melodicmistress Adorable 🌺🐺🐱
Oct 26Reply
andine @hipatia too cute!! LOL thanks for tagging me!!💖💖😘😘
Oct 26Reply
knikolnolan Gorgeous! ❤️
Oct 26Reply
thesequinhanger I want that poofball! 😻
Oct 26Reply
janicegw Love!
Oct 27Reply
0chel_001 Congrats HP for tonight party🎉🎉🎉😘
Oct 27Reply
elizabeth3374 Sorry to ask me I know u find a few items in my closet that u were going to do ask host pick but I seem to be having time tonight seeing because I cannt find them did u changes your mind r I am just blind
Oct 27Reply
mrsmadariaga @gypsyangel Sooo cute! I love the purple -- my fave color💜💜💜
Oct 27Reply
britgirl2 💓💓💓love your cottage reminds me of being back home in England, soooo cute😍
Oct 27Reply
jaydenjsjemz Super cute!
Oct 28Reply
vele I'm very curious as to what's like inside? It's very charming! What abt the owner? Pictures, please!
Oct 30Reply
gypsyangel @vele This is the front porch... I am the owner... The inside is small two bedroom one bath hardwood floors. That are around 100 hundred years old. I'm only the second owner of this house. It's sat vacant over 25 years before I bought it. I have put a lot of work into it mostly with recycled materials all that wood you see was free, It came from old shipping crates I had to tear them apart cut it and paint. Anybody that knows me can testify I'm always working on my house...hahaha, For the last 15 years...
Oct 30Reply
pickletoes Such an adorable little fence!!
Oct 31Reply
pickletoes And adorable fur-kids, of course!
Oct 31Reply
sdshopper 😆that's my pug and kitty!!! Lol!!!
Nov 07Reply
celie @gypsyangel How adorable!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!
Nov 11Reply
bellasbeauties OMG your cat is so (f) cute!! I have a seal point Himalayan who's face is black , his expression looks identical to Mr. Bosco.... My guy his face is so dark sometimes we can't tell if his eyes are open .lol I'm a cat lady so to speak ,I'm 45 I've never been without a cat or two in my whole life can't get enough of them. Ok I'll shut up don't want to take up so much room. But your baby just has a squishy face not smushed it's just a saying... Bella my closet has pics of my babies . I had to put my little girl down beginning of Oct. ok I'm done.
Nov 11Reply
mannajoy @gypsyangel Love your house! Precious fur babies too!
Nov 13Reply
gypsyangel @mannajoy thank you for your kind words 😊🐾
Nov 14Reply
mannajoy You're welcome!
Nov 14Reply
queenmumm Love your colors and your babies! :))
Nov 14Reply
mandavais OM gosh, Can i Live with you!!!! haha I love your house, looks so cozy and inviting :)
Nov 14Reply
magnoliabelle How cute! I finally know now that I'm not the one who is an animal advocate. Yes I am the weirdo who picks up the un squished animals off the road, has dog and cat treats always in the car (I don't even own a cat) and a pair of thick gloves in case a snapping turtle needs a boost to cross the street. Thanks for spreading the word!
Nov 17Reply
leeannleeann What a cute house! And cute furry friends! I love the colors you've painted - the rooms inside my little rental house are all different colors thanks to the lady before me - the la floors was going to paint everything all white again and I said no! It's perfect the way it is :-)
Nov 28Reply
gypsyangel @leeannleeann lol thank you and I agree, bring in the color!!! White is so boring
Nov 28Reply
leeannleeann Hmm, well thanks to auto correct and typing on my phone, you got "la floors" instead of "landlord", I'm glad it didn't correct to something really weird or obscene! I'm loving the colors here but I'd like to change it up in the Spring :-)
Nov 28Reply
ashley1985 I still love looking at these pictures! Can I come live with you? Oh I can?? Oh good! I'm all packed and I'm on my way! 🚗🔜🏡 😃
Nov 28Reply
gypsyangel @ashley1985 lol sure come on over!! Your welcome here😘😁
Nov 28Reply
ashley1985 Your so sweet! I love knowing good people! I sure would in a heartbeat! 😄 I love animals too and yours look so cuddly!
Nov 28Reply
bellasbeauties @gypsyangel , I love your purple little house it's so cute, the colors are gorgeous,,purple is my fav color since I was a little girl. I love your fury babies too. I have some fury babies but one had to go to heaven in Oct. she was my little princess who was the sweetest girl ever.. She got really sick in a matter of two weeks. There's a house in Maine that I drive by and it's accent colors are purple.. I found a saying once, PURPLE MAKES LIFE BEARABLE ,!! I love it... My name is Bella nice to meet you.
Dec 01Reply
sunnymaybray @gypsyangel - hi!!!! I hope u enjoyed the holiday season- how r u & the dogs??? @sunnymaybray
Jan 08Reply
gypsyangel oh im so glad the holidays are are all ok, i have one or two extra here now...did you have good holiday?@sunnymaybray
Jan 08Reply
abstractdreams Too cute! 💕
Jan 09Reply
gypsyangel @linmp1031 thank you😊
Jan 09Reply
closetgems2 I LOVE It💜💜💜💜
Jan 29Reply
sblaze17 @gypsyangel i love...i can only wish one day i will a home like this
Mar 08Reply
gypsyangel @sblaze17, hello Shannon, thank you... this house is over 100 yrs old, tiny and needed alot of work. most everything i have done is done from recycled objects, like this fence..all free out of the dumpster.. i belieive in GREEN building and recylce/reuse and it shows in my house...
Mar 08Reply
sblaze17 @gypsyangel the earth Gods Always provide....blessings. This is a beautiful ur creativty...
Mar 08Reply
ladybookworm @gypsyangel Love your little house. Mine is much larger and so much to clean. I will trade. Yours is so sweet😊💁💃
Mar 18Reply
classyvintage How are you? Boy time flies🌹
Mar 24Reply
gypsyangel @classyvintage...doing ok, just been busy with online stuff, real work, animals and so forth...You?
Mar 24Reply
classyvintage You know me- never a still bone in my body lol!🌹
Mar 25Reply
blondemoment35 @gypsyangel OMG!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱 I love your house!! Your posts are awesome!! You're awesome' hope all is well! I've sold a few things in my short amount of time I've been on Posh now, one month on April 18... Hehe... Just sharing a little.. Again!! I love your house!!!!!!! Ttyl
Apr 11Reply
gypsyangel @lauraknowles good morning Laura!!! Thank you for your wonderful comments :), it's very much appreciated... Congratulations on your sales I have looked at your closet and it is awesome. With such nice pieces I'm sure you'll have continued success... Keep up the good work, and Bright blessings to you and yours...angel
Apr 15Reply
blondemoment35 @gypsyangel thank you very much!! I appreciate that, I needed that...
Apr 15Reply
cmhowald Hi sweet friend. Miss that you're not here, even though I've been less active myself lately. If you happen to see this I could really use your help. We are moving to CA and found out we can't take our two dogs with us. I've been trying to find them homes but no luck. Most of the shelters here are kill shelters, that I know of. If you know of any place that would be the best to take them please tell me. I've been sick to my stomach and crying all week about it. I have pictures only wall of my oldest with Luke when he was a pup and Hadley was 3. They're best buds. I'll never be able to look at any of those pics again. I appreciate any advice. Love, Chanda 😘💕
Jun 03Reply
gypsyangel this is my other closet, I have im re-organizing it at the moment but you can read my feedback n stuff here...the closet your in at bohemian crystal is my new one..@csweetttt
Jun 17Reply
gypsyangel I think you and I have a particular style that is timeless..Its just always going to look 'right' @csweetttt
Jun 17Reply
alegria4rl @gypsyangel I like your humour!
Jun 28Reply
redsapphira @gypsyangel : such an adorable house! Love the fence!
Jun 30Reply
generationxgirl @gypsyangel - Your house looks like it belongs in a fairytale and that dreams come true within those walls :)
Jul 03Reply
gypsyangel @generationxgirl...Thank You Gina....see my comment to you in my other I see you found that one too...
Jul 04Reply
mollys3 What an adorable home. 😊
Aug 04Reply
gypsyangel @mollys3 Thank You Molly....and thanks for stopping by!!
Aug 05Reply
scarlettstained @gypsyangel I came to visit but you are not home yetplease let me know when you come to Hot Springs my friend and we can have a Teatime or coffee
Aug 12Reply
chichimom @gypsyangel Oh my. I love your pretty fence. Beauty
Aug 30Reply
cintelis Love your pie safe!!
Sep 08Reply
inik @gypsyangel lol, very cute !
Sep 12Reply
zipper @gypsyangel Just saying hello you posted on my new closet when I first started... Love this home❤️😊😘
Oct 02Reply
gypsyangel @zipper Hi Diane, well thank you for popping in.. I hope your doing well...:)
Oct 02Reply
sunnymaybray @gypsyangel -Hi - i have not heard back from u- i figure maybe u did not get my message? ??? It was for a month back- i think! !! Glad u r back - hope u & the babies enjoyed the Holiday! !!! I got a new Assistance Dog- we got him from Chain of Love down in Miami. I needing a walker, but now I have My Judah♡♡♡ Long time ago I but a black angora sweater from u. I sold so much & I wasn't doing well- i realized she really got me good!!!!!! I want u to know I'm moving to NC in 3 months & I wishing I had that back. So if u have 1 or run across 1- it means more when u have things w/ sentimental value♡♡♡ I hope u get this message. I hope u and the babies r doing well. Gd luck with ur whole new closet!!!!!!! I hope u get this message. U MUCH JOY HEALTH & MANY BLESSINGS☆☆☆ ♡ @sunnymaybray
Nov 28Reply
sunnymaybray @lmpasternack -this is another great lady- she run German Shepherd Rescue!!!! We all have lots in common♡♡♡ @sunnymaybray
Nov 28Reply
sunnymaybray @gypsyangel -oh and I buy any angora color from u!!!! I'm looking 4 tunics and funky sweaters' u know if it ain't VINTAGE & not from a friend- it's worth nothing in my heart!!!!! @sunnymaybray
Nov 28Reply
gypsyangel @sunnymaybray hello Sunny I got your message. I may have a couple angora things I just haven't got them listed yet but if I think they'll fit you I'll tag you when I do. Have you got your new service dog yet? And what kind are they giving you?
Dec 08Reply
sunnymaybray @gypsyangel- im so happy u r not mad!!! And thanks 4 getting back to me. Please LMK what u have as far as angora- i believe I will buy it all, as I am supposed to be moving to NC and have NO warm clothes. I am asking a favor to buy and bundle first. I have been trying on EBAY, but I bought all the wrong sizes and it doesn't feel the same to buy from a stranger. It may sound weird, I guess that's why I Love Vintage- i know there's a history there. Now a days people who sell vintage just want $$$$!!!!!! I got my service dog. Go check out my closet- there is a beautiful picture of him!!! He's my new boyfriend :) !!!!!! I hope u and the babies r well. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE- can u LMK b 4 u list and I will just buy everything I need and want. I don't know what I'm doing and I know u will help. I will regret losing that black cardigan from u 4 the rest if my days. Makes me so mad @ myself. Please LMK what u think of my JUDAH- it means: Sent from G-D. I love him so very very much. Again so gd to hear from u!!!! Please LMK b4 hand and I hope soin. I'm running low on fund :( looking foward to buying from a friend I care about. MUCH PEACE AND JOY @sunnymaybray
Dec 08Reply
hollynoel25 @gypsyangel lol I was looking at your pics & my German shepherd is right now camped outside of my tv console lol cuz my Kiki is in there! Too funny!
Dec 20Reply
3rdeyekiss Your house is THE best!!!!♡♡♡♡
Jan 12Reply
lifeinstiches Your house is so cute💕💕💕💕 & I love the colors. Hey DYI can make anything fit in any tiny space so can you👍💕💕💕💋
Jan 18Reply
bnhdanes Cutest house ever!♡
Feb 03Reply
gypsyangel @bnhdanes thank you so much!!!
Feb 04Reply
simplymissglam Im in love with your closet, everything is so cute, I'm new to poshmark! So I just need to get some sales going and I will be back to back to shop! 💕 nice to meet you! 💕😘
Mar 01Reply
gypsyangel @simplymissglam Hello Sama. thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it! And welcome to Posh Mark, you'll have a blast it's a really good community if you have any questions feel free to ask
Mar 01Reply
milo6456 Too cute, luv it & your pets!
Mar 02Reply
gypsyangel @milo6456 thank you Stacy....i appreciate that :)
Mar 03Reply
warlenereneshop @gypsyangel hey beautiful would you happen to have any potion bottle necklaces? Seems like something you'd know about or have
Mar 08Reply
gypsyangel @warlenerene well hello how are you, long time no see? I don't have any available right now for sale but I do know where they make some really nice glass necklace locket and they're pretty reasonable they would have those at Michael's or you can check hobby lobby. If you don't live close to either one of those stores I would go online and look on eBay. If you want empty ones to make your own jewelry out of those of the three best places to try. Have you been creating any new designs in fashion?
Mar 08Reply
warlenereneshop @gypsyangel no designing! I've found a new passion. Aromatherapy. Been doing tons of research on oil and their healing properties 😀 fun fun. I've just been working on fixing me lol long story short I wanted the necklace to store some of my fav oils in. Or fragrance. I'll definitely look online. I did buy one from Amazon for like 40. It's Victorian. But I need some inexpensive ones as well.
Mar 08Reply
blondemoment35 Hi!! Just saying hello! I remember you! You were so sweet to me and one of First Ladies to comment on posting I had in my closet. I started a year ago and just noticed on my listing when you commented back then. Just saying hi!! Hope all is well!!!
Mar 10Reply
habanera87 😍 I absolutely love your house! And your pets! Such a clean vibe! Love love it! 🌺🌸
Mar 14Reply
flowersnmyheart @gypsyangel....Hi Gypsy Angel!!!....LOVE Your ADORABLE HOME!!!!....AND...."Fur Babies" too!!!!....GREAT!!!....After 'Speaking' With Nikki @nikkinoodles...Just had to Check Out Your FABULOUS Closet!!!...Nikki said You are a Silk Expert and she Advised No Dry Cleaning of Any Silk At All (???).....Recently I used My LG Dryer and "Steam Cleaned/Refreshed" 2 Silk Suits and that GREATLY Eliminated the Wrinkles/Creases the Suits had from being Stored Away Folded Up.....I appreciate ANY and ALL Advice You can Lend on the BEST Care for My Silk Clothing..Present and "Future"!!!....Thanks So Much!!! 😻💋😻👏😻🎉😻👍🐈🐈
Mar 18Reply
nikkinoodles @flowersnmyheart I can't wait to hear @gypsyangel 's advice!💖 I have had very little luck with dry cleaners in the past (silk and chemicals can be a tricky thing...) but since silk is a perfect natural fiber, I have had great luck with cold water hand washing and light steaming (and never had color run that way!👍). I've had items for 20 years that are still in perfect shape because I treat them well💘👑) @gypsyangel , what say you?? ⭕️❌⭕️
Mar 18Reply
gypsyangel @nikkinoodles @flowersnmyheart well hello there girls!! I see the topic of the day is silk, one of my favorites😁... I have never used a dry cleaner for my silks, I usually always use warm water because cold water tends to put stress on the silk fibers I find, And to help the color not fade I always add a little bit of vinegar, white vinegar, I never let my silk item sold more than 10 minutes. The biggest deal is to get the film of the soap that you have used off of the silk so that of course requires a lot of rinsing in Coolwater. You always have to remember, silk needs to be treated like hair because it is a hair type fiber. I have used in the past a little bit of hair conditioner in the rinse water, Has I find this softens the silk fibers. I never twisted or ring it out. I roll it in a big thick towel and I always iron it when it's still damp, I never use steam on dry silk I find sometimes Iit leaves stains or spots. I always just drip mine over in the shower until it's dry enough to iron, and silk dries pretty quickly. Now there are some silks that you can wwash inthe gentle cycle but I rarely do this and if I did I would invest in a silk washer, You can get a silk washer, made in the USA for royal silk it's just basically a bag with microfiber. I love anything silk and a lot of people are afraid to purchase it because they're afraid it's hard to take care of, and it's really not. If you have hard water or a high salt content that will leave a white stain on your silks
Mar 18Reply
nikkinoodles @gypsyangel you're the best!! I use a little conditioner too, but I rarely use warm water - I'll try it next time💜 You know I love my silks too! One of my fave pieces is the bubble gum pink jacket I got from you last year 💖💖💖
Mar 18Reply
flowersnmyheart @gypsyangel....WONDERFUL Silk Care Advice!!!....I will Heed the 'Care Warnings' you Advised and Take "Better Care" of ALL My Silk Clothes from Now On!!! 😃👏😃🎉😃👍💋💋😻🐈😻🐈
Mar 18Reply
gypsyangel @nikkinoodles oh yes I love that jacket, if it would've fit me I would've kept it!!! If you think about if you wash your hair in real cold water, it's harder to comb out and it becomes tensed the follicles become stiff and if you wash it in cool/ warm water it's more relaxed it's the same thing with the silks. And adding a couple tablespoons of white vinegar really holds the color. I think everybody has their own secret for caring for their silks and if you got beautiful silk that you still had for 20 years and they still look great then obviously you're doing something correct. People don't realize it but a lot plays on the type of water we have available at our house to wash stuff in. Yes I love the hair conditioner trick in that, you just have to treat silk like really good hair!! I hope you have been well, I still got to get my closet up and running some more I've got so much stuff to list, Speaking of silks I just got a beautiful Robin egg Ralph Lauren silk dress it's gorgeous! I need to get that listed.. And a bunch of other stuff. I don't think I've been that busy, I just got distracted on working on my arts and Crystal collecting... Oh and all the animal drama...
Mar 18Reply
nikkinoodles @gypsyangel thanks for the excellent advice! (And yes, the warm water does make sense - I guess I've always been worried about the weave changing, but if you've had luck, I'll try it next time😻). I'm glad you've been building your closet back up - I know how it is....I've had a bunch of really cute things to load, but have been too busy to think! What's up with that???? What kind of animal drama have you had? Hope your fur babies are ok!
Mar 19Reply
lisadraper I love your cute house...should be in a magazine :))
Aug 03Reply
researchd What a cute house.
Sep 03Reply
raquel91407 @gypsyangel i love love love this....specially the last picture!!...hahahahahahaha. .....It's great!!🍃💘💕🍃💘💕🍃💘💕🍃💘💕🍃💘💕🍃💘💕🍃
Sep 16Reply
gypsyangel @raquel91407 good morning Nadia, thank you for the compliment on my house. And I agree DAC's is awfully cute...hates the dogs too, for no reason really... Haha
Sep 16Reply
raquel91407 @gypsyangel I still looked at it and I had to laugh!!....did they grow up since small??....but the face she has on this picture....fits so well the saying!!
Sep 16Reply
gypsyangel @raquel91407 well I have an animal rescue so different ones are here at different times they come and go. But Dracs he just used to sit on the kitchen table and give all the dogs dirty looks but he particularly disliked Zeus the big German Shepherd, and you should be aware that no dog had ever attempted to chase or harass Dracs. He didn't care too much for the Pomeranian, Taz either. And for some reason Dracs felt that the parakeets were boring and uninteresting. ...
Sep 16Reply
grannax4 I know--I totally agree with your assessment of Carole Little! I couldn't afford very many pieces when her line was in stores, but now I'm on the hunt! Thanks for listing the top and shipping it so promptly!
Sep 26Reply
vacat Still beautiful closet!! I can't believe the steals in here! 😘💐
Sep 29Reply
hippieheartsoul @gypsyangel with all those $7 items in your closet, you should take the auto bundle feature off or set it to 3 or 4 items, so that if someone Bundles 2 $7 items, they dont get the 10% off the already low prices.... Unless u don't care about that 😜😜😜😜
Sep 30Reply
gypsyangel lol wasnt thinking that far ahead...but good idea...ill figure out how to change that now..@elisaamari...
Sep 30Reply
hippieheartsoul Yeah I would take it off completely or just set it to a higher quantity
Sep 30Reply
gypsyangel @elisaamari OK I changed it, why didn't you tell me about that days ago hahaha, I seriously did not even remember it or think about it. Thank you for bringing that to my pension
Sep 30Reply
hippieheartsoul I actually didn't think about either until now😜
Sep 30Reply
slewis234 I love your sweet little purple house! I want to move there...I promise not to take up too much room! I bring with me one sweet little wire fox terrier annie! thanks so much for the beautiful blouse I received in the mail today and the wonderful crystal. I will treasure it for sure! Hope you are having a fabulous day.
Oct 01Reply
gypsyangel @slewis234 oh good I'm so glad you got your package! That piece you picked out was beautiful I love the colors in it, I hope it fits you good. Have you tried it on yet? Thank you for the compliment on my house sure come on down I'm sure I can dig up a extra crate to fit one more animal in the house... I've officially almost got dogs everywhere in this tiny little house.
Oct 01Reply
gypsyangel @slewis234 They are not allowed in the posh room, but sometimes I get a real sneaky smart dog and, I've got a beagle here right now Judy that's waiting for home and she's like that smart and sneaky.. I cannot guarantee that the occasional dog care runs away in a package.
Oct 01Reply
thattopsit 💜OMG!!! Your home is beautiful & it's my favorite color...your closet is just as beautiful & unique...wish u many sales & happy poshing😉💜
Oct 06Reply
theoo7doc God Bless your heart. It's more beautiful than the house. We've 5 cats (we in the woods & people constantly throw unwanted cats out of cars by the woods) we've had up to 20 till we find homes & a Grivet monkey who detects my seizures. She's a little sweetie. So smart. No door can remain locked & we recently found she can use a key to open a padlock. Unbelievable! Your crown in heaven is brighter than hers (she's my avatar pic). God Bless Maegi
Nov 01Reply
gypsyangel @theoo7doc hello Margaret, thank you for all the wonderful compliments and thank you for saving cat! Like you I live in the country and I'm constantly getting animals dumped out here. I never know exactly how many animals or what emergencies or what drama I'm going to have hour by hour. I think that's wonderful that you have a companion animal that can help you so much
Nov 02Reply
gypsyangel @theoo7doc I know sometimes we miss defects on items that we sell so I just gave her the benefit of the doubt when she said she had no idea has I bought this off of posh Mark myself. I agree with you about some of the jewelry that we see on here, it always kind of makes me laugh like who are they trying to fool?? Haha
Nov 02Reply
fofam @gypsyangel Thank you for all the shares!! Hope you are doing well.
Nov 10Reply
gypsyangel @fofam you're more than welcome, I'm trying to repay some of the shares that you've been doing for me all week long it seems. I haven't been on Poshmark for the last week or two so I'm really far behind of course
Nov 10Reply
fofam @gypsyangel I'm always happy to share my friends' closets.
Nov 10Reply
gypsyangel @fofam thank you Kris I appreciate that! Me Haswell
Nov 10Reply
jmerc3 My dear Posh friend! How have you been!? Your pictures are just darling! I've missed our chats!
Nov 17Reply
theoo7doc @gypsyangel Crazy people here but I'm surprised to be meeting so many awesome rescue folks. We've 2 new family members from the shelter, unplaceable they claimed. A deaf Siamese and her blind and deaf sister. It's amassing to see them together! The sighted sister never leaves her sisters side. Beautiful & so loving. How could anyone say they're unplaceable? We've been getting husy, 9 rescues now including a box of kittens. Never ends does it? God Bless Maegi
Nov 22Reply
gypsyangel @theoo7doc good morning! I understand I am like you I live in the country and constantly get dumped dogs out here I'm sorry you have so many cats but thank you for taking care of them. With people like us, our rescue work never stops. I hope one day it will.
Nov 23Reply
gypsyangel @theoo7doc that's so sweet about the siamese sister cats. Animals can be truly amazing. And I'm glad you guys are writing down license plates and turning them in you're fortunate enough to see it happen and be able to do that
Nov 23Reply
lindanovak I am so loving the color scheme of your home & fence! I love purple & green combined. (Well purple & any color) ♡. I love vintage everything♡
Dec 20Reply
gypsyangel Hi Linda, thank you so much and yes Purple is my favorite color, even my mailbox is purple..hahaha, have a great holiday..stay safe...@lindanovak
Dec 20Reply
gypsyangel @mally6029 thank you Pat.. Lotsa work this house is a tiny place over 125 yrs old.... No closets lol
Jan 28Reply
apriljerseygirl Yes very nice house..I too am a rescue animals! ! I have 2 cats so fsr. Looking for a dog next!!
Feb 11Reply
gypsyangel @apriljerseygirl hi April, thank you for the compliment on the house. Also thank you for being part of the solution by helping rescue animals, blessings to you!!👼
Feb 11Reply
slewis234 Hello sweetie....I was thinking king about you today as I was holding the beautiful quartz crystal you sent me. I love it and it has such good energy. How are you? How are all your animals doing? Any new fosters? Hope you enjoy your evening. My life is about the same. Lots of physical pain. Just trying to make it thru each day! Cheers!
Mar 10Reply
gypsyangel @slewis234 good'morning...I understand what you mean about the crystals, im happy you love yours and feel what it was intended for. i just got back last week from Oregon, my son who has been very ill with cancer took a bad turn so i went to be with him. i had to board most my animals, over 500.00,my daughter babysit cats n birds so that helped alot. i need to find dogs forever families, i still have Judi animal parents are very hard to find...
Mar 10Reply
slewis234 @gypsyangel Awe honey I'm so sorry to hear your son is so ill. I'm glad that you were there to spend time with him. I pray one day there will be no more illness in this world. I'm sharing your listing about your sweet rescues and hoping it will bring some added interest. Do you mind if I put something on my Facebook page. You Never Know When The Right Person Will see. Even if it's someone out of state I work with a lot of people who can arrange transportation even out of state.
Mar 10Reply
gypsyangel @slewis234 aww, thank you shelley...sure add Judi to your page, she is at this moment the most adoptable and if i can get one dog adopted thats a huge deal..
Mar 10Reply
slewis234 Do you have a pic of judy I can post? What about the others?
Mar 10Reply
hacsince91 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💚💜💛🦄💕👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💪🏼😻😻😻😻👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💜💛👯🤘🏼 you're so inspiring. Am looking into volunteering weekly for either a group similar to but much smaller business to SPCA or SPCA itself. You must just be a wealth of knowledge from all your experience !! Ah I'd love to learn tips // pointers !! Xo, Holly
Apr 04Reply
gypsyangel @hacsince91 good morning Holly, thank you for the note. It is so easy to volunteer and it doesn't have to be a big commitment on your part all animal shelters and rescue groups appreciate any help their offered, and the possibilities are endless
Apr 04Reply
gypsyangel @hacsince91 you can commit to once a week or even once a month and it can be anything from helping clean kennels to giving dogs a bath or simply putting them on a leash and socializing them. All these things benefit the animals in the situations. Come if you want to start today the best thing you can do is watch what kind of products you buy and do not buy anything that has been tested on animals.
Apr 04Reply
gypsyangel @hacsince91 many don't realize that that's one of the most important things we can do to help animals all over is being mindful of the products that we buy. I don't buy any shampoos or make up a hassle products that have animal testing has part of the process. So I would say start there! That is a huge important step, if you're already doing that then volunteer one day a week or one day a month however your schedule allows at your local animal shelter.
Apr 04Reply
gypsyangel @hacsince91 and thank you with people like you and me and there's many of us, we are changing things every day there is change!!😘😊🐕🌷
Apr 04Reply
slewis234 Hi honey just stopping in to say hello and hope you are doing well with all your precious babies! I'm looking for something nice but casual for an afternoon wedding at 4pm in mid October in a size 4x or larger. In case you spot anything let me know! Hope you've enjoyed your weekend. Shelley
Apr 10Reply
gypsyangel @slewis234 hi Shelley, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I haven't been doing much on posh Mark. My son who was ill for very long time has passed away this March 16 so I've been walking around in a daze mostly. And posh Mark went to the back burner
Apr 12Reply
gypsyangel @slewis234 I think your message said you had a wedding or something to attend, are you looking for any specific color? Or any type of dress?
Apr 12Reply
slewis234 @gypsyangel oh sweetheart. I'm so terribly sorry to hear that. If there is anything I can do please let me know. You dear lady I'm just so sorry. Hug your pets and they will bring you comfort. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry.
Apr 12Reply
tamalama56 @gypsyangel Love your home💜. So great your love for animals🐶🙏💞Love the pics
Apr 28Reply
gypsyangel thank you, actually i think you and i have talked before, been a while back tho..@tamalama56
Apr 28Reply
mgreenb239 Your profile pic looks like you're more of an ice queen Than a gypsy angel. But then again I don't know how into meth gypsies are so... beautiful lab though
Jun 02Reply
riclovely That ice looks good hun..
Sep 27Reply
riclovely Keep up the good work
Sep 27Reply
gypsyangel @riclovely thank you, that idiot went through and blasted a bunch of people's closets. So sad he has no life
Sep 27Reply
katiah94 😊 Thanks for liking my dress! 😁
Jan 21Reply
mimieux71 Thanks so much for the awesome rating! So happy you liked the dress 👗☺️
Apr 28Reply
gypsyangel @mimieux71 it was a nice piece and your a great seller, you deserved a awesome rating!!
May 01Reply
mimieux71 @gypsyangel *blushes*☺️😘
May 02Reply
milmar17 Cute precious hour. And thank you for rescuing. I just lost my English Bulldog. I’ll be looking for a new pup soon!!!
May 17Reply
thepumpkingirl Hi! I just wanted to say thank you! I plan to get this out to you tomorrow. (And, a huge thank you for all you do for animals!)
Oct 13Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Mar 24Reply
betsy_chacha Hello My Dear! It has been wayyyyy tooooo long! Hope you and yours are well! 😘
Nov 09Reply
mazyodc Hi, I am Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Sep 02Reply
scarlettstained @gypsyangel I miss you my wonderful Posh sis❤️Angel
Feb 12Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 07Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy Almost New Year’s 🥳!! My closet has discounted shipping and/or free shipping until January 1st 2025. If you get a chance, would love if you’d take a look! 🎄
Dec 31Reply

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