Meet your Posher, Adam
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Hi! I'm Adam. No closet yet but it's coming . Right now I'm just enjoying shopping out of e everyone else's closets gang gang

8 others
like this

Hey there Adam! I seen you liked the LOtR ring from my closet. Just wanted to let you know I am currently having a buy any one item from my closet and recieve any one item for free worth up to the same amount. If you are interested make a bundle and I will adjust the price. Happy Holidays and stay safe!
Dec 20Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark! Hope you like fashion here you can find amazing items at affordable price and you can sell your items too! I am Alex, posh Ambassador and top rated Seller&Mentor, if you have any questions navigating Poshmark or anything feel free to ask.
Also please visit my closet too!👍
Dec 30Reply

🙋♀️Hi sent you an offer on an item that you liked, please check it out🙂Thanks
Jan 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hoping you and your family are keeping safe and healthy ☺️💕
Jan 19Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Have fun and enjoy your new shoes 🎉📸
Jan 23Reply

Thanks for your purchase! Your item will start tracking shortly
Jan 27Reply

@666wlrd22 thanx
Jan 27Reply

Congratulations 🎉
Feb 09Reply

Congratulations on your prize!🤗🌷
Feb 09Reply

Hey, thanks for the offers on the skull belongs to my husband and he won’t let it go for too low (after Poshmark fees). He’s already annoyed I listed it for $10 🙈 Lol
Feb 23Reply

@adamchapman712 Hi there! Are you interested in purchasing the Nikes? I’m open to offers so please feel free to make one. Also, you can bundle to save.
Feb 24Reply

@nibeh yeah I am just have to wait for payday b4 I can make an offer
Feb 24Reply

@adamchapman712 sounds good 🙂
Feb 24Reply

Thanks for liking my listings man
Mar 31Reply

hey..wanna sell those possibly non authentic adidas xl pants you bought a while back? let me know..
Apr 05Reply

@unclec69 like I said to person I purchased them from in quite happy with them I had thought they were Inauthentic but she had proven me wrong , until then I yet to see stripes down the middle of the leg opposed to down the side. in my defense I have had issues with people passing off Inauthentic as the real deal with regards to masks, jatyziñ
Apr 05Reply

Are you interested for GUCCI SCARF,,?
Apr 19Reply

Hey man any belt buckle, hat, and t shirt
you can mix it if you like
8 items $100
Jul 10Reply

Hey Adam, Just sent you an offer on the doggie shirt. I can’t go any lower than what I sent you based on the app algorithm. Perhaps there is something else in my closet that you like and we could bundle it!
Aug 17Reply

Haha that caption 🔥
Sep 20Reply

any 2 belt buckles in my closet $20
Sep 25Reply

@articpalmtress I got 2 liked I’m just waiting for a sale to complete I be already shipped or my pay is Tuesday so could you hold the two I like til Tuesday ?
Sep 25Reply

@adamchapman712 perfect man i will not sell those 2 consider them yours cheers bro
Sep 25Reply

@adamchapman712 hey i noticed you liked 3 you want the three of them for $25 on Tuesday?
Sep 25Reply

@articpalmtress you got me I can’t say no that . Thanks the third one I may have unliked while I was trying to find two but yeah I’ll do three then
Sep 25Reply

@adamchapman712 sounfs good Adam, i have them ready for you and ship them out on tuesday
Sep 25Reply

@articpalmtress would you be pissed if i changed one of the three? I’ll make a bundle with them so you can see cool ? Sorry you have so many I want lol it’s hard
Sep 27Reply

@adamchapman712 haha now thats a great complaint thanks dude. by all means change it how ever many times you wish bro.
Sep 27Reply

@articpalmtress hey bud for some reason my Ei didn’t go in i may babe called my cards in a bit late. I still want them i just have to wait for the deposit Friday at latest if you don’t want to hold them that long I understand
Sep 28Reply

@adamchapman712 hey dude i just accepted your offer i will have it shipped out today
thanks bro
Sep 29Reply

@articpalmtress thanks brother is that a cap gun or just an ornamental revolver?
Sep 29Reply

@adamchapman712 just ordamental
Sep 29Reply

Hello 👋 hope your doing well☺️
Its closet clear out time!
Check out my closet and bundle your likes. Ignore the price and send me your offer. All reasonable offers are accepted😊
Oct 12Reply

Welcome to my Posh Mark. I am ambassador here in Sydney check out my closet and if you didn’t make a purchase yet use my name @capebretondeals as a signup bonus code and you get $15 FREE of your first purchase
FREE Shipping Fridays . Now and for a limited time to promote my store bundle 3+
Bundle any 3 items or more of $33 dollars or more for a total price of $99 after any discounts or offers net price of $99 pre tax will get you free shipping if order is placed and paid on Fridays
Mar 07Reply

Hi feel free to make an offer on the chain and if you're interested in anything else you can bundle up to save!✌️
Apr 23Reply
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