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Updated Sep 11
Updated Sep 11

Meet your Posher, Alane

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Alane. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kyliecosmeticsx Hi! Thanks for your purchase. I'll be shipping it out today, enjoy! 💕😊
Dec 27Reply
natrea33 Hello! Thank you for the like on the MICHE Shells and Prima Bag. If you would like to bundle your likes, I will send you a discount!
May 11Reply
ejzma @jordo23 welcome❤️ i can do $4.99 shipping on the bundle you liked. Thanks
Jun 28Reply
erinh1107 Welcome to Poshmark🌸 We’re so happy to have you! 💕Feel free to check out my closet and if you have any questions I’d love to help💕
Jan 31Reply
ciaobellacloset You have to decline the bundle offer so I can add 2 items.
Apr 23Reply
samiandrosie Thank you for the like🌸 if you accept my offer I can have it shipped out today!♥️
May 18Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Jun 07Reply
leahguzick I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark🥳🥳 Feel free you check out my closet if you’d like🤗
Jul 06Reply
diegothreads Hi! Thanks so much for liking and purchasing the sequined Bebe tank top! Did you want the black one or the pink one? I will ship it out tomorrow!
Aug 04Reply
jordo23 Black please. Thank you
Aug 04Reply
jordo23 @diegothreads Black please. Thank you
Aug 04Reply
diegothreads @jordo23 Awesome - Black one comin your way. Thanks again!
Aug 04Reply
kidz_shop_ Hello There!☺️ I hope you are having fun on Poshmark! I would love for you to check out my Closet!💕 I have a KidzShop which sells amazing and affordable kids items. I am always adding new items weekly and if you are ever interested in anything I am always happy to give you a fabulous bundle deal as well as help you save on shipping 💌📮I am excited to connect and make a deal with you soon! ❤️
May 14Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Jun 15Reply
bkgrenier Hi Alane, My name is Barbara and I invite you to check out my closet 😃 I have a variety of items and garments in several sizes 💞 Private discounts are given on bundles of 2 or more items 🤗 The larger the bundle the bigger the discount is 🎉 I hope you will stop by next time you are on Poshmark ❣️🛍️💙💐
Jul 27Reply
bkgrenier Hi Alane, Woops I guess I made you an offer before you were done shpg. Just decline my offer & I'll start a new bundle for you. Sorry about that 😊 Barbara
Jul 27Reply
denejkivdom Hi! how are you 🤗 Can you please find a minute to check my closet. Offers are welcome. Thank you. Viva
Feb 21Reply
jump98 Your purchase will be shipped out on Monday, Our post office is closed till then..
Mar 19Reply
jump98 I see you got your bag, I hope it is all that you expected.... Thanks so much my friend...
Mar 24Reply
jump98 Would you mind, clicking on your purchases and excepting your mom's bag, please... Thank you so much in advance...
Mar 26Reply
jump98 Good morning, Its Brenda , you have purchased from me before, just wanted to let you know, I am having a buy one get one free in my closet, if you are interested, have a look ... Just bundle your items and let me know when you are done, and I will send you a price quote. Happy poshing and have a wonderful weekend, do not forget Mothers day is next Sunday...
Apr 30Reply
jump98 Good morning, Thank you for your purchase of the Betsy Johnson bag, as soon as you let me know what color, I will get that in the mail for you.... Thank you.... Brenda
Feb 06Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Aug 18Reply
alyssa_soileau thanks again for the purchase! I've got some new items added since then. feel free to check out my closet!
Jan 22Reply

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Last Active: Feb 27

Belen, NM
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Last Active: Feb 27

Belen, NM
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