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Updated Jun 05
Updated Jun 05

Meet your Posher, Alicia

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Alicia. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) im into everything...literally. i love learning and thinking outside the box. The past 2 years my mental health has affected my life more than ever :/ but im trying. I lost over 70 pounds last year so i have a tond of clothes and undergarments that i need to rid if. Hopefully ill have the energy soo. go start listing. I have hirrible anxiety so getting outside is the hardest part.
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rezzydavis Welcome to Poshmark! Enjoy the shopping and let me know if you have any questions. 🦄💜🦄
Jan 24Reply
aliciamp87 Thank you :)
Jan 24Reply
lexxsbazaar Thank you for your purchase will ship out Monday Morning 🌻
Feb 03Reply
abellevoyage Sweet purchase... will be shipping tomorrow 😍😘
Feb 15Reply
abellevoyage @aliciamp87 hello, have you received your heels. I haven't got a notification yet
Feb 19Reply
aliciamp87 @rezzydavis just gave 5 stars :)
Feb 20Reply
abellevoyage @aliciamp87 Thank you darling 😍😍
Feb 20Reply
cinnamonsugar Hi! 😊Thank so much for your purchase! I will get your bag shipped out asap💕
Mar 28Reply
ladybugluxe Thank you so much for purchasing this adorable ASOS dress. It will be mailed out tomorrow
Apr 05Reply
aliciamp87 @ladybugluxe I can't wait I saw this and had to have it. I have three dogs and two cats and have a black and white dog that will look really cute what a matching black leash and white paw prints
Apr 05Reply
ladybugluxe @aliciamp87 aww!! It will be perfect then ❤️❤️ I have a 16 year old cat and 6 year old dog
Apr 05Reply
zonbiegrl71 Good Morning. I just seen that you bought the Fantasia platforms. I will for sure get them out to you today!!
Aug 23Reply
zonbiegrl71 Good Morning. My Dad wanted me to message you and apologize for taking so long to send out the shoes you bought from my Mom. We’ve never actually had to do this before. My Mom passed away. We didn’t know she had sold them. Til I seen the message from Poshmark. My Dad gave me her phone. I’m just glad we didn’t delete all of her Apps. So yeah my Dad wanted me to let you know we did send them. Anyways we were going to maybe just delete her account.
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 Then again my mom had a huge shoe collection, she had like over 240 pairs. I was thinking to maybe sell most of them. Like the ones that don’t fit me. I’d like to use the money in her honor and give it to the Human Society. Or does that sound bad. It’s all just too much. I’m sorry to ramble on so not your problem. Hope you love the shoes!! Again sorry for the wait.
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 first of all feel free to ramble on your mom sounds like my spirit human because I have a huge Shoe collection maybe I would even call a fetish. I had cleaned out my closet and I had gotten rid of over 50 pairs of shoes the last time I counted all of them I had over 250. Including sandals now I'm 31 so that's a long time to be collecting heels and choose and everything else. I think it would be cool to take the money and donate in her honor.
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 they were on dolls kill and I think they're a little bit more but they were also selling fast like hotcakes and I didn't know if I was going to get the chance to buy them quickly and that's when I saw them on here sorry if I sounded demanding I just really wanted them and I was hoping that I was going to be able to get these ones. Your mom seemed like she had a great sense and fashion cuz these are amazing
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 my condolences go out to you and your father I can't really say anything that's going to make anything better but just know that your mother will be with you always maybe not physically but spiritually in your heart and your soul and messages carry on with traditions and stuff that she would do. I take birthday cards and stuff over to my best friend's grave usually in December on 24th when he was killed by a drunk driver. I know that's silly but I feel like he reads them
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 @aliciamp87 thank you I appreciate your kindness. I would say fetish too. My Dad said it was crazy. But how can a man who has over 500 hats think my mom’s shoe collection was crazy lol!! He probably still has the very first hat he bought. He also has a collection of knives. But like really cool knives. He has gets one from every new place he goes too.
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 dont apologize, I apologize though. I I think that's an awesome idea about selling her shoes especially if you don't want them. I love funky stuff like no other I will definitely dress things up or down just to run errands like these will probably be worn just to run errands. She seemed like a very fun woman just by her taste. If you ever want to talk about her feel free to one here because she seemed like a fun woman like I said just based off of her shoes
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 now if she has any vintage shoes like springolators or just shoes from the 60s I will go and saying I love vintage pieces to I actually have a few shoes that are vintage and I also found some very expensive designer shoes on here I have purchased for well under the original price like Louis Vuitton and Giuseppe zanotti and a crap ton of Betsey Johnson
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 Now my grandma her collection of spoons was probably hands down the craziest lol. Same prolly as my dad’s knives like from all over the world. My thing is if the person loves what they collect it shouldn’t matter what it is. My Mom really loved her shoes, though. My Dad built these like 12 foot shelves on their bedroom walls. She obviously couldn’t fit all of them up there, so the ones she really loved went up there.
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 She has a lot of Jeffrey Campbell Lita’s and I started to collect them too. We would have a contest to see who could find the rarest or hardest to find. Then on the end date we would compare. This passed Christmas was our last one and instead of her beating me like she always did. She bought me like 5 really really hard to find pairs.
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 So I think I’m definitely keeping her Lita’s. I’m in study hall right now and it’s about to end. Gym is next and we’re in swimming, I just don’t like getting my hair wet and having to go thru the rest of school with wet hair. I’m on the swim and diving teams, so I should be used to it. But yeah it’s saying you should get your shoes today. Have a great day!! You
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 @aliciamp87 that means a lot! She was the Best. I’m one of 8 kids and the only girl!! My Dad told me that my mom would say she would keep on trying til she got a girl. After the 7th boy my Dad was like yeah I think we are done trying. Then she got pregnant with me!! Honestly I feel the worst for my Dad. He loves her so much, soul mates you know what I mean??
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 They would have celebrated 19 years this passed Sunday. I have never seen my Dad like this. Almost like a zombie. Just going through the motions. He just basically sits there. I had to get out of the house. So I went back to school. But yeah there are a lot of vintage and funky shoes. She even has a pair of cute as heck sandals that were my Aunts when she was like 20 and she’s like 68 now. They started to get dry rot I think is what she called it.
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 But she took them to her shoe guy. He’s awesome. So I’ll go through all of them this weekend and let you know what I find. Maybe something you’d be interested in. I’m off to gym blah
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 Death of someone that you love or very connected to never gets easier I don't care what anyone says. Sometimes it's worse than others . I've always taken death pretty easily but I am now sober too so I do feel all the feels as I dontnturnnto drugsbto numb my pain. Very recently I found out that I don't know how to cope with death too well when I found out someone very near and dear to me passed, it really really took a toll on me. I understand death is a part of life
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 however the person that pass and it's a long story but we had such a close Bond that because I am sober I didn't know how to cope and I just cried for weeks, felt guilty I stopped eating, my hair started falling out it really took a toll on me and still is
Aug 29Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 I would definitely love to see if you have any other really cool shoes your package came today and I absolutely love them and may your mother rest in peace she had a great taste
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 @aliciamp87 I’m glad you like them!! Death is hard trusts me. I am young but death has been apart of my life since we’ll forever. I’ve lost like way too many people a lot not so close to me, but some very close like my Mom and my best friend. She died 1 year ago. Her mom found her in the shower. Turned out she had an undetected heart issue. I still cry for her. My Dad now isn’t my biological Dad. My Mom married him when I was 8. My real Dad drowned when I was 5.
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 But he has been my Dad ant that’s what counts and matters!! I was deaf til I was like 11. He started learning sign language, even before my Mom brought him to meet us so he could communicate with me. Always has gone above and beyond. Now my Aunt is talking about wanting me and my 3 brothers to come live with her. We’re still under 18. Sure they were only together 9 years but that shouldn’t matter right
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 @aliciamp87 that’s awesome that you bring cards to your friend. He sees them!!
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 My family owns a funeral home, I’ve been around death my entire life. When my Mom met my dad it was my 7 brothers and me and he adopted us. But I really think that my 2 older brothers are his. It’s a really messed up story. They were actually together before my mom met my real Dad. No one will ever tell us the truth. But too many things don’t add up. Like they were only married 9 yrs but if you ask how long they have been together they would say 19 years.
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 He always said after I came they were done having kids but he obviously wasn’t around when I was born. There is something there. But maybe a good thing I don’t know. My aunt says my dad says things like that cause it hurts him to know he isn’t our biological Dad. He is a very good man though. We couldn’t be luckier! I’m sorry you lost someone so close to you it totally sucks. I had a dream the other night. My Mom and I was sitting at outlets kitchen table, just talking but it was real
Aug 29Reply
zonbiegrl71 Like really 100% real!! I know in my heart she was there and she was talking to me. She didn’t say like oh everything is going to be ok or that she’s in heaven and not to worry. No we talked about what was going on that day and my diving meet coming up. It made me feel like so much better.
Aug 29Reply
mar112233 Hey Alicia! Just wanted to let you know I carry a ton of Free People, Anthropologie, and many more designer brands, all New With Tags and at 50% - 70% off retail prices. I am open to reasonable offers! Hope you have an amazing Labor Day weekend ❤️❤️Meg
Aug 30Reply
aliciamp87 @mar112233 you too love and thank you I will take a look
Aug 30Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 u wouldnt mind working in a funeral home. I wanted to be a police officer and almost got there but life took a turn for the worst. Your mom sounded like a lovely woman it's sad about the heart thing because it's so common for women :(
Aug 30Reply
zonbiegrl71 @aliciamp87 nah I was practically raised in the FH. My mom worked for the FBI. She was a computer analyst. She was a basically a legit hacker. Yeah she was great.
Aug 30Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 oh wow! That is freaking amazing! Yeah I was going to be a homicide detective and in order to do that you obviously have to be in law enforcement and at a job offering I was going to go straight to patrol but I have to work the jail cuz his for the Sheriff's Department. But again unfortunately life had other things in mind for me I guess.
Aug 31Reply
aliciamp87 @zonbiegrl71 I would love to get into mortuary science but I also know that it's very hard to get into that field because it's not really what you know it's well it is what you know but it's also who you know
Aug 31Reply
zonbiegrl71 Trust me I know about life taking a different turn. I was a figure skater for like 10 years. I was supposed to start qualifying for the next Winter Olympics. I had an accident and basically my ankle bone protruded right out of my skin. Completely cracked. My career was over in a minute.
Aug 31Reply
zonbiegrl71 @aliciamp87 I started my apprenticeship through the FH about 6 months ago. It is hard you have to know so much. The tests are killer, my Uncle showed them to me. You basically have to know a bit about every religion on top of medical. Then there is the legalities!
Aug 31Reply
zonbiegrl71 There is this one thing yeah I just can’t do. Maybe when I’m older. But you’re supposed to massage the parts that have rigors. Yeah not me!!!! Too freaky. I won’t do it as a full time job. Just part time like the rest of my family. I’m following in my Mom’s footsteps. My Dad builds custom motorcycles!! Not for me either.
Aug 31Reply
shopwithcess Hey hun If you are ever in search of high heels,boots,or flats feel free to let me know what colors and sizes you are interested in and I can get some more and sell them to you for a good price also feel free to check out what I have now love,Happy poshing. 💚
Sep 23Reply
aliciamp87 @shopwithcess do you have specific shoes? Or in general? Also how do I post pics and ask to find similar?
Sep 24Reply
shopwithcess @aliciamp87 In general hun mainly high heels flats or boots my best finds are always heels. And you can email me some pics if you want
Sep 24Reply
franfrancisca @aliciamp87 I'm shipping today love!!
Oct 10Reply
aliciamp87 @franfrancisca yay thank you!
Oct 10Reply
mjbp ❤️🎄❤️🎄welcome to Poshmark ❤️🎄❤️❤️Merry Christmas ❤️🎄@Happy Holidays ❤️🎄❤️
Dec 05Reply
reid_makaila Welcome to Poshmark 😀😀🛍
Jan 25Reply
aliciamp87 @reid_makaila thank you. I would like to sell eventually but due to my mental health is really hard for me to get out of the house and go to the Post Office so I'm hoping to better myself so I can start selling on here again because how to cancel the two orders that I sold originally due to anxiety
Jan 25Reply
reid_makaila @aliciamp87 I am very sorry and I hope the best for you😊😊😊😊
Jan 25Reply
designinpink Thanks so much Alicia for your purchase! I'm shipping out today 😘 XOXO-enjoy!
Feb 06Reply
ladestiny29 Thank you for the rating and review. I greatly appreciate it. The gift was for the inconvenience as I didn't get the chance to send package same day. Glad to hear you are happy with your order. Come again! Have a great weekend and be safe.🙂👍
May 08Reply
aliciamp87 @ladestiny29 no inconvenience at all! everything is crazy right now anyways, so shipping times dont bother me tbh. ive had items come (on ebay) like 3 months after purchase. im def patient esp during this time <3
May 09Reply
ladestiny29 @aliciamp87 Thank you for understanding. Post offices now are closing earlier and if they don't get funding soon, they risk of having to close permanently.🙁 Anyhow, indeed it is crazy the way life is today. It is surreal.
May 09Reply
aliciamp87 @ladestiny29 i would say esp fedex is slow but theyre always slow.....this has made them slower haha i can't even begin to express how much i hate fedex never had a good experience with them at all.
May 10Reply
katzkloset Alicia, Thank you for stopping by my Kloset and paying me such an awesome compliment! Yours wasn’t a stupid question. I appreciate your inquiry. You are correct about the size. Feel free to make an offer if you’re interested. I have lots more Clip ons. Maybe we can make up a collection for you once I get them all posted. Your “hussy” comment was a hoot! Reminds me of the elders talking about our style choices when I was much younger! Be safe, stay well & much Posh 💕 Kat
May 12Reply
aliciamp87 @katzkloset oh yeah im def looking you have a great closet! i have a nunch of vintsge earrings like that majnly because the yps and ups are my fav but also my ears are you know whats......haha ive been a monroe fan for over 20 years now i barely found out her ears actually werent pierced!
May 12Reply
indigostarlight Hi Alicia! I was preparing your skirt for shipping, snipping loose threads and I cut a f*ckin hole in it. 😖it's small .5cm so I tried to sew it I can send you pics if you would like, but I can cancel your order if you don't want to risk it. I'm so sorry. LMK
May 14Reply
aliciamp87 @indigostarlight i have fabric glue no worrries :)
May 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 28Reply
franfrancisca added new listings!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙
Jul 01Reply
aliciamp87 @franfrancisca oooooo checking out NOW
Jul 02Reply
mariposamc hi!! check out my closet, I have a lot of cute dresses & things I think you’d love 💗 have an amazing day!
Jul 09Reply
shopper411411 Hello! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Women's clothing is in the bottom section. Happy Poshing! @shopper411411
Aug 01Reply
acceptoffers1 thank you so much. i will ship out tomorrow morning
Aug 16Reply
twiggsy Hi! Can you let me know if you want the box with the shoes?
Jan 03Reply
aliciamp87 @twiggsy yea please
Jan 03Reply
bellanova14 @aliciamp87 🌺Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and I will give you free gift 🎁if you buy $50 or more & if you bundle will give you a discount 🌺
Apr 25Reply
meltrendsshop Hi please check out my closet. Accepting almost all reasonable offers
Apr 14Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 26Reply
nicoleee653 Hey girl check out my page I’m open to all offers bundle to save mostly all new with tags! If u like something offer me let me know if you’re interested I can work prices with you trying to get rid of everything!!🤗💖
Mar 14Reply

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Last Active: Feb 21

Castroville, CA
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Last Active: Feb 21

Castroville, CA
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