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Updated Mar 04
Updated Mar 04

Meet your Posher, Brandy

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Brandy. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, PINK Victoria's Secret, 7 For All Mankind, and Aeropostale. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jebloomis Thank you so much for the Item like in my closet!! If you see anything else you can't live without I give a 10% bundle discount on anything 2 or more and take reasonable offers as well!! Happy Poshing!!!
Mar 07Reply
gsims1177 @ms_beau hi thx for like:) lmk if interested
Mar 07Reply
lala_runs Cute puppy! 🐶
Mar 08Reply
eholder Hi Brandy, Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to ask me any questions about Poshmark or about the items in my closet. Happy to help! Makeup bundles are up to 50% off! If interested, make a bundle offer on 3 or more items. Offer $10. I will counter with the best discounted price. Thanks for looking!
Mar 09Reply
peppedup @ms_beau OH Cute pup! Coloring is very similar to my female, ( I have 3 poms - too much fun at my house lol) Welcome to Posh btw :)
Mar 13Reply
turtledove56 Thanks for the like . Lmk if you have any questions 🌸
Mar 13Reply
lesterwife Welcome to Poshmark!!!
Mar 14Reply
maidmarian Hi Brandy! I'm Marian - glad you're enjoying my vintage jewelry<><> If you'd like to bundle them, everything is 30% off using the bundle feature! Any questions please ask! Have a great day<>
Mar 15Reply
terri_lynns Hi Brandy 🙋🏻 Welcome to Poshmark 🌷 Hope you enjoy it as much as I do 😍😳😂 Ask questions. We're all here to help 🦋💙🦋
Mar 17Reply
ohmyfrecks hi there! Are you interested in the item you liked? I am currently offering a 15% off 3+ items and with bundle purchases am offering a FREE gift of a full-size cosmetic/beauty product! Happy poshing!
Apr 13Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great community 😊😉😙
Apr 19Reply
stagliatela Hi Brandy! Your MEK jeans will be in the mail tomorrow! Sorry about the delay...I'm a new Posher and just learning the ropes. Let me know if you have any other questions! Have a fabulous weekend!!
May 06Reply
blingnthings Hi Brandy! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you're loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Have a fabulous evening ✨ 💝 Carol
May 14Reply
tweetboo55 Brandy welcome 🎈
May 17Reply
poshermrtz Welcome to Poshmark 🌺
May 23Reply
lizfus Welcome..and thanks for the likes. Let me know if I can be of any assistance, get some deals going here.
Jun 02Reply
lizfus Thank you so much for your purchase, I will package it up and drop off in the mail tomorrow. Hope to see you back by my closet soon. Thank you
Jun 02Reply
lizfus Hi hun just checking to make sure that you received your package. I see that it was delivered today ?
Jun 07Reply
glamhoard @ms_beau Love your doggie pics! 🐾
Jun 07Reply
ceolizbiz218 hello, Brandy. thank you so much for the like and thank you for visiting my closet. please let me know if you have questions. I gladly accept offers. happy poshing 🌺🌹😊💕
Jun 07Reply
sbfashions 🙌🐶🐶✔😘🖤
Jun 09Reply
shelbylov3s Thanks for the interest make me an offer on anything :) lovely closet btw😊
Jun 19Reply
stylebright Thanks so much for stopping by my closet! I'm a SAHM and appreciate all the love and likes :D Have a great day and let me know if you have any questions or are interested in a bundle to save on shipping <3 --Jen
Jun 21Reply
cruella24 Welcome to my closet and let me know if I can help you with anything ! 😊💐💕
Jul 12Reply
jinglejump57 Good morning Brandy, if there is anything else you would like to add to your bundle I will send you a private discount.🌹
Jul 29Reply
toriduplisse Hi brandy! If you are interested in the suit feel free to make any offer! I'm trying to clear some space! Xo
Jul 31Reply
zoobeedoo Beautiful puppy 🐶 dog 💕💕💕🐾🐕
Aug 10Reply
lorenmiller22 🌸hi there ! I'm just letting all my customers know that I will be having a HUGE sale tomorrow ! All prices slashed !!! Come on by for a visit and take advantage of these low prices and bundle discount ! Maybe even start your holiday shopping early !! Hope To see you tomorrow ! 🌸
Aug 12Reply
a_osterholm Hi! I'll be sending out your mossimo swim skirt tomorrow. Sorry for the delay but I'm home with a sick kid today.
Aug 14Reply
ms_beau @a_osterholm no problem. Thank you for letting me know.
Aug 14Reply
baileyonthrocks Thank you for the like!!😍
Aug 16Reply
tweetboo55 🎋Brandy welcome to Postmark
Aug 19Reply
sofftside I raised the price to deter people from possibly buying it cause I didn't hear back from you! I'll mark as not for sale now and you can still have the price you saw them at! No problem.
Aug 24Reply
ms_beau @sofftside perfect, thank you so much.
Aug 24Reply
sofftside @ms_beau of course! Your dog is adorable by the way 😍😍😍
Aug 24Reply
ms_beau @sofftside thank you, my diog is like another one of my boys. Ok, so do you lower back to sale price and I buy it? Please let me know what to do next. ☺
Aug 25Reply
sofftside @ms_beau yes I will lower the price back down in just a second. Do you happen to remember what the price was? LOL I can't remember and I trust you thanks!
Aug 25Reply
ms_beau @sofftside It was either 5 or 6, not too sure cuz it was between this one and another bottom.
Aug 25Reply
sofftside @ms_beau got it. I was thinking $6? If you're okay with that i just lowered. Otherwise offer me $5. 6 would be great though! Xoxo
Aug 26Reply
ms_beau @sofftside $6 was fine. Thanks for everything. Enjoy yoyr weekend
Aug 26Reply
sofftside @ms_beau you're very welcome! These will ship out tomorrow morning xoxo
Aug 26Reply
mochaisis @ms_beau Hi there! Thank you for your offer I apologize, but the current listing is the lowest I am able to go for this item.
Aug 26Reply
rozzypoo75 Hi love. I see you offered $28 for the bundle. I countered with $30, & I'll throw in a free 🎁. How's that?
Aug 26Reply
rozzypoo75 By the way, do you have a cellphone, & what model? 📱
Aug 26Reply
ms_beau @rozzypoo75 $30 sounds goos. And yes a lg stylo. Thank you
Aug 26Reply
rozzypoo75 @ms_beau Thanks love. I'll be shipping your goodies out by Monday am. (If you ever get an iPhone 7plus, let me know. Lol. )😘💋💋💋💋
Aug 26Reply
tstrasburger Hi Brandy! Thank you for your purchase! You won't be disappointed or ignored in this hot costume! It's super sexy without revealing so much! I was on a long weekend trip at a lake sitting beachside when I saw the offer! That's why it took me so long to respond! Hopefully you'll see this by Thursday if post office isn't behind due to Harvey. I hope you love the outfit💝
Aug 28Reply
tweetboo55 🎈Welcome to Postmark Brandy & tks for the likes🎈
Aug 30Reply
pwall2012 So so cute your little dog is, welcome to Poshmark❣️
Aug 30Reply
rozzypoo75 YAY! I see your goodies have arrived. I hope you love them as much as I loved sending them to you. If there's ANY problem at all, plz let me know✍🏼 & I'll try to make it right. 👌🏽
Sep 01Reply
rozzypoo75 Thank you soooooo much for the 5 stars! I'm so glad you were happy with your stuff. If I can be of any more service, just give me a holla. God bless😇💋💋💋💋
Sep 02Reply
mochaisis @ms_beau Hi there. The iteam you placed an offer for has just been lowered! Let me know if you're still interested :)
Sep 02Reply
crunyon037 This ring is gorgeous you will love it! Congratulations! Please pick a freebie if you are interested :-)🎄
Sep 25Reply
crunyon037 Hi there! Thank you so much for the five stars! But I wanted to make sure you're completely happy. Is that what you expected? And if you don't mind what could I have done to have make it a better experience? Thank you so much again! If you need something for the holidays for giftgiving I will be happy to give you a discount. Thank you again, Christine🙏🏻😇💝💐
Sep 28Reply
ms_beau @crunyon037 Just as I expected, its beautiful! You couldn't have done a thing to make it better, really. You were quick to respond and mailed it right away ( got it sooner than I expected), and the little extra gift was really sweet of you. I will definitly be a repeat customer. ❤☺
Sep 28Reply
crunyon037 @ms_beau That makes me so happy!!!! Yay! I love that ring and I am so happy you do too! Thank you, for the beautiful comments. You made my evening! Finding good product and selling it at a price that's affordable is hard but this is why I do it, people like you! Thank you, God bless you and yours! 🙏🏻😇❤️️
Sep 28Reply
solangelababe Welcome to posh! Thank you for Liking my closet! Lots of ❤️😉Solange
Sep 29Reply
alaskaminnie Thank you for your purchase! I will get those wrapped up and out in the mail today. Please do t hesitate to let me know if I can assist you with anything! Best wishes and happy poshing!
Oct 06Reply
fefe69 Hey there, thanks for visiting my closet and the like! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, and all reasonable offers and bundles are welcome, Njoy your day!!🌻
Oct 10Reply
meluverik75 Hi brandy 😲 omg your doggy is beautiful. I had a puppy like that once. Thank you so much for the like. I'm open to all offers..
Oct 16Reply
abstractdreams Welcome to Posh!❣I hope it's going well for you so far! I've been here since 2012, if I can help or you have questions, just lmk. I'm on everyday & check in often!👍🏼Lots of additional info in my closet as well!
Oct 16Reply
alaskaminnie Thank you for your purchase! I will get that wrapped up and out in the mail Monday. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if I can assist you with anything! Best wishes and happy poshing!
Oct 21Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from South Carolina. Such a cute little fur baby.
Nov 05Reply
jpkurek Thank you so much for your purchase! Would love to send you out another T shirt for free, just tag me whichever one of Hollister or Abercrombie, or a belt (I have 2 posted) It’s my way of saying “thanks” because 1. I’m not a fancy packer with all the pretty bows and ribbons 2. Just trying to clear out some clothes my son no longer wears and 3. Love your dog! Will get these shipped out on Monday
Nov 11Reply
latraviesa03 Thans you visiting my closet and like on the boots
Nov 11Reply
jpkurek Okay, I am so sorry to tell you this. I have spent my weekend looking for that hair styler. I think my sons ex walked away with it because I wouldn’t still have it posted. Please please please pick whatever hoodie or shirt you want to replace it. I can’t apologize enough
Nov 13Reply
jpkurek Hello! Thanks again for your purchase. I hope everything got to you okay and you enjoyed the “extras”
Nov 19Reply
ms_beau @jpkurek yes everything was great. And Thank you for the extra's, it was very sweet of you
Nov 20Reply
monica49ishere Hi Brandy! Happy thanksgiving I will send your purchase tomorrow morning..hope you like them all
Nov 25Reply
texter88 Hi Brandy. I am so sorry but when I took the dress off the hangar off the window display it had faded. I feel terrible about this but I can’t send it in this condition. You are welcome to pick out another item and I will just swap it out for the dress or I can cancel your order altogether. Please accept my most humble apologies. I have never had this happen before. Xoxo Bella 💕🌺💕
Nov 25Reply
ms_beau @texter88 I will just cancel order at this time. Please let me know how to proceed, I'm still new at posh. I'll be back again next year to see what goodies you have. Have a happy holiday season
Nov 25Reply
texter88 @ms_beau ok I can cancel at my end. Again I’m so sorry. 😥
Nov 25Reply
texter88 @ms_beau all set. I have cancelled. 🤗
Nov 25Reply
ms_beau @texter88 it's ok, things happen. I will be back later to shop again, you can count on that☺
Nov 25Reply
ms_beau @texter88 thank you for cancelling that for me. Hope you have a nice weekend
Nov 25Reply
texter88 @ms_beau thank you so much that means the world to me 🤗💕🤗💕🤗
Nov 25Reply
texter88 @ms_beau Yay! USPS delivered your ring today. Please let me know if you got it. Thanks so much for your purchase. Xoxo Bella 🤗💕🌺💕🤗
Nov 27Reply
ms_beau @texter88 yes I just got it and its beautiful...Thank you
Nov 27Reply
texter88 @ms_beau awesome so glad you like it. That is so important to me. Xoxo Bella 🤗💕💕🤗
Nov 27Reply
sbfashions @ms_beau hey brandy doll I have to grab your shoes from my storage unit so I’ll aim to get those out tomorrow bc I have an appt now, thought had here in my room but I kept safe away from stuff when I moved prob! Xo thx for the posh they were $$$
Dec 05Reply
tx1977 @ms_beau Thank you for your purchase ❣ Will get that out to you. Have a wonderful day💕🙃💕☺!!
Dec 07Reply
imarrero20 Hi😊 . The items are BRAND NEW or in Excellent condition in my closet. If it is not brand new, you might mistake it for new. I am posh Ambassador and 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rated seller. These items worth more, I am just getting rid of everything that is why the price is so low. Get your favorite before gone. I also have 15% bundle discount. Please visit my closet and feel free to ask if you have any questions. Happy poshing 💐💐
Dec 07Reply
smccain2 Hi! Welcome to my closet! Feel free to drop by and visit today! I'm having a NAME YOUR PRICE SALE! Thanks
Dec 22Reply
dallasdenae7 thanks for the likes. If you bundle both I'll give a discount!
Dec 24Reply
monica49ishere Hi brandy thanks for your likes, just to let you know I accept most offers and most of my items are New with tag feel free to make an offer..except for bags those are all ready marked on sale price
Dec 29Reply
vegasposh83 Cute puppy!! I’m sending the dress out today!
Jan 02Reply
maidmarian Hi Brandy! I’m glad you’re enjoying all these beautiful closets! Any interest in anything (like the shawl & pearls), make an offer! I’ll drop the price if you’d like it
Jan 17Reply
omistress Thanks for following and welcome to Poshmark. Please feel free to make me a reasonable offer.
Jan 17Reply
dejavuboutique Hi! Thank you for your like on the rhinestone barrette and for visiting my closet!
Jan 29Reply
newbeginning_ Good evening, I love that picture of the little dog is it a girl or boy it's so precious. I wanted to thank you for looking and liking at my veil.🌷💖. You have a wonderful evening and if you ever need anything from my closet just let me know and we can bid back and forth.💝🌷💌
Jan 30Reply
pretty_ascanbee Hi Brandy I’m happy you joined Posh and thank you for visiting my closet. 🌹
Feb 04Reply
hayley08_2 Thanks so much for the like! Currently accepting all offers to re home these items & offer bundle discounts too would love to work out a deal! xo
Feb 10Reply
susanshadow @ms beau You would look wonderful in this nightgown, Ms Beau!
Feb 13Reply
saragay25 I would love to sell the corset to you for $15. I’m just out of town for the week and forgot to put my closet on vacation mode. If your still interested I can have it shipped by the 20th. Please let me know.
Feb 14Reply
ms_beau @saragay25 that would be great, thank you.
Feb 15Reply
saragay25 @ms_beau awesome on the 19th I’ll list for $15 and you can purchase! Thank you!
Feb 15Reply
lilmb3 Thank you for your purchase! Ships Monday. 👍🏼
Feb 17Reply
dodger13 @ms_beau are you still interested in the ring hun
Feb 18Reply
dodger13 I haven't even given you a different offer if you would like to do it we need to start over
Feb 18Reply
angela1726 Thanks so much for all the likes in my closet🚀🚀🎈🎈🦋🦋🦋 if you are interested in anyone item bundle your wants and I’ll reduce the price of the ideas. You also get an auto 10 percent if you buy more then one item. But thanks for stopping by🙉😻😻🌸🌸🦋
Feb 20Reply
jrazeq Welcome to posh ❤️
Feb 22Reply
angela1726 Hi Brandy, I tried to except your 40 dollar price and posh wouldn’t let me except. Would you please place the offer again? I have it all packed for you ready to go. Thanks so much sorry for the inconvenience.
Feb 24Reply
getback2it Welcome to posh. I see you peeked in my closet and you like a few of my items. If you like feel free to bundle and I can give you a private offer.
Feb 26Reply
fabvintagefinds So happy you loved bracelet!! It is gorgeous enjoy!! Lisa
Mar 02Reply
fabvintagefinds Love your puppy💕💕
Mar 02Reply
kbugg2601 Hey I was wondering if you would like to check out my closet. I am always open to offers and if you bundle you save more.
Mar 02Reply
dallasdenae7 I can offer a discount on the silver jeans and white top if you want to create a bundle!
Mar 13Reply
dressbuyless Thank u for like my Coach Cristen hobo hand bag, I am accept all reasonable offers if you like it just give me offer😍👍🏼💞
Mar 15Reply
ruizespieces WOW!!! Thank you Brandy for your patience, your purchases, your help in figuring this out. I will get your package in the mail today. Contact me if you have any questions about your items. Thank you. Maria
Mar 26Reply
emeraldheart42 As I was about to package the shirt I saw a place that I hadn't noticed before , likely with it being a print it camouflaged it. There was a torn place , a hole . I had an iron on patch that blended in with the area . I trimmed it then ironed it to the underside. The place is on the upper arm area. Let me know if you still want the bundle . If you like I can re post the bra alone .
Mar 27Reply
ms_beau @emeraldheart42 Thank you for letting me know and for doing the repair... Yes I'll still take the bundle.😊
Mar 27Reply
emeraldheart42 After washing , if the patch loosens at the edges , put paper inside the sleeve then iron over patch again. If you don't have an iron , a flat iron or curling iron would work. Check every few seconds to avoid scorching. I used these in denim color inside the knees of my sons jeans often . :)
Mar 28Reply
tracygirl922 Hello 👋. I just wanted to thank you 🙏 for all the likes. I always appreciate positive feedback! Have a great weekend and happy 😃 Poshing! Tracy
Apr 07Reply
tracygirl922 Hello 👋. I just wanted to thank you 🙏 for all the likes. I always appreciate positive feedback! Have a great weekend and happy 😃 Poshing! Tracy
Apr 07Reply
lanadoherty Hi Brandy, thanks for liking ☺ any questions please feel free to ask.😃 happy poshing 💗
Apr 07Reply
avma Thanks for the like! I can ship today if you are interested in anything 😊
Apr 10Reply
abigail1018 Thank you for the positive review! Have a great weekend!
Apr 13Reply
pjk1963 Thanks for visiting my closet. I am a very motivated seller. Feel free to make an offer on anything you like.
Apr 20Reply
nanna216 Thank you for the like Diva Doll. Happy Poshing and may all your fashion dreams come true!
Apr 24Reply
miasun Thanks for the closet likes, I do offer bundle discounts.
Apr 24Reply
briardmom Cute pooch!!
Apr 26Reply
cathiv Hi😊it’s nice to meet you😊thank you for the like! 🌸🌺
May 05Reply
damo0501 @ms_beau Hello, there. My name is Monica and I came across your Poshmark page. I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I sell many brand new GAP, Joe Fresh, Carter’s, and other name brand new baby, toddler & Kids clothes. I also sell brand new women’s & men’s clothing as well. Check out my closet and if you have any questions please let me know. 😀
May 27Reply
silvergemdeco - [ ] Hello my closet is @VINTAGECULTURE1 . I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. 🦄💜 - [ ] I really hope you love it here 😍. - [ ] Want more followers ? - [ ] 1. Follow me - [ ] 2. Share my items - [ ] 3. I'll do the same - [ ] Happy poshing! - [ ] POSH MENTOR , AMBASSADOR,TOP- RATED SELLER & FAST SHIPPER 🥇🏆
Jun 03Reply
lynseylou82 Hi, I hope this message doesn’t get lost and all of the above comments. I can sell the World market bedding for 44. I can ship tomorrow if you were interested. Thanks
Jun 08Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jun 26Reply
beautytreasures Hi, I just wanted to let you know, that these clip in extensions are on sale for $29 on my site. The link is in the description, and you can click my site from my closet about me section. Thank you. 😊😊🤗
Jun 27Reply
luvspongr Sorry I missed your offer,but I am willing to negotiate.
Jul 03Reply
luvspongr I’m sorry I missed your offer but if you resubmit I will except.
Jul 03Reply
lacey54 Hi saw that you liked a stunning topaz ring for $72. Go on u can get same ring for $1 yo $3. I didn't want you to get ripped off. I DID twice awhile back. I'm tired of people trying to rip people off. Be careful
Jul 12Reply
brandysmith26 Hello Brandy! 👋🏼 Please do not hesitate to make me an offer! 💸 I know what it's like to shop around for a great deal! 👛 Happy Poshing 🤘🏼
Jul 26Reply
catsaysrawr Hi brandy 👋 your puppy is adorable ❤❤ hope you're loving poshmark 😁
Aug 02Reply
conniecampos @Conniecampos@msbeau did you ever get the offer on the coat?
Aug 07Reply
ms_beau @conniecampos I don't see one. Will you please send the offer again?
Aug 07Reply
emboodie Welcome to posh best of luck on your sales and happy Poshing ! Please stop by and check out my items anytime, I’m sure you’ll love them.
Aug 08Reply
beautytreasures Hi, the clip in Extensions are$29 on my site on sell. This is my lowest here. Thank you.
Aug 17Reply
fadhionlover @ms_beau hi, I've added items to my closet. hopefully you can find items to bundle to save on shipping. I offer bundle discounts and love offers. I wrap with care and ship fast. let me know if you have any questions.
Aug 23Reply
sharleenmarie Hi!! Thank you for liking 🙏☺️
Sep 07Reply
brandysmith26 @ms_beau some how I sent a package to you and it says you received it yesterday. It's a navy dress. It was suppose to go to another posher.
Sep 28Reply
brandysmith26 @ms_beau did you see my message about sending you the wrong package. I seen where you received it please let me know something.
Oct 05Reply
cgramirez01 Hello there! Shows that you received my items on Friday. Is there any reason why you haven’t accepted to release payment?
Oct 07Reply
blckpicktfnce 🎃Thanks for checking out my closet! Dont worry about the prices, bundle all your favorites for 1 low price! #BlackPicketFence #CheapMomma
Oct 12Reply
auroradaisy Hey there my name is Ashley and I create custom color 100% Premium Remy clip-in hair extensions. Some Hair Extensions are already made and ready to ship and others are custom order sets that take up to 4 to 10 days to make because I have to perfect the color and hand make everything. They are all in my closet😘 Stay fabulous 🎀🎀
Nov 19Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving in two weeks and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, Michael Kors, MAC Cosmetics, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 27Reply
totoro12 Feel free to make me an offer on the O’Neill pants!
Dec 11Reply
thelemonheaven @ms_beau Hello There🤙🏼! Do not forget to checkout our cool closet. Boardshorts, Hats, tees and shirts etc. We offer brands like RVCA, HUF, Quiksilver, Volcom, Vans, Hurley, PacSun. New Hurley Nike Dri-Fit Hats. Please feel free to ask us any question or if you would like a specific item. Thank you very much
Dec 11Reply
nanna216 I plan to ship your item this week. I have been very busy with work over the holidays. My apologies.
Jan 02Reply
ms_beau @nanna216 I'm so sorry I let a message asking about shipment before I saw this message. This weekend is fine. Thank you for letting me know.😊
Jan 03Reply
nanna216 I will be shipping your purchase tomorrow if you still want it. My apologies for taking so long. It has been such a long 2 weeks for me.
Jan 07Reply
ms_beau @nanna216 yes please. Thank you
Jan 07Reply
nanna216 I will be shipping tomorrow. Had to request a new shipping label. I appreciate your patience. I will be sending you a free gift as well.
Jan 08Reply
chaescloset Hi i saw you like a sexy sleepwear if you’re interested I take 8$ for it 😊
Jan 10Reply
cashnieboutique Hi dear, I'm sorry I had to cancel your order.
Jan 22Reply
warmandfuzzy Hi! Thank you for your purchase! I'll have your shoes out to you as soon as possible. Have a great night 😀
Jan 30Reply
wilkinson121113 Hello! ❤❤ feel free to check out my closet. I have Victoria's Secret, PINK, Hollister, Nike, Under Armour and so much more! Plus feel free to shoot me offers! Happy poshing❤
Feb 26Reply
marisatal22 Hey! Love your closet! I have tons of free people come check out my closet :)
Apr 30Reply
joyful633 Hey Brandy, happy weekend. Thanks for liking one of my pieces and also for stopping by my closet. Have a beautiful and blessed day.
May 31Reply
theposhunic0rn Good morning! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Jun 02Reply
emacmannis Hi! I would love if you could check out the bikinis that I’m selling from my newly opened closet! Thanks😊💕
Jul 03Reply
carriebradbury I’m literally the WORST shipper on planet earth!! Your ring got to hang out in the trunk aaaaall day with us, just WAITING to be dropped off at the post office, and I forgot. Until right now. I’m so stinking sorry!!! It will go first thing in the morning!!!! Cross my heart!🙈
Jul 26Reply
open24x7 Thank you for liking the V-neck tee listing in my closet. Don’t forget to take advantage of the buy one get one free offer. For details, see the buy one get one free listing
Aug 27Reply
neeknauti @ms_beau I'm just wondering if your items have arrived yet so please don't forget to rate me thanks in advance for your purchase
Sep 04Reply
neeknauti @ms_beau Hello it have come to my attention that your items have arrived could you please submit a rating to complete this transaction thanks in advance for your purchase.
Sep 04Reply
niyahscloset32 Welcome to Poshmark! Come check out my cool closet.
Sep 15Reply
bydonnywu Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Oct 27Reply
queensdh He’s such a little cutie. Give him a pet for me !!!
Nov 08Reply
vidami77 Welcome to Poshmark. Happy to see you here. I know that Poshmark can be a little overwhelming so if you need any help navigating through this platform please let me know. Have a blessed day hope to see you soon.  
Nov 14Reply
foxburrowboxes Hi Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions don't hesitate to stop by my closet @foxburrowboxes and ask! I'm always here to help! I love your cute puppy btw!! Happy Holidays!
Dec 19Reply
semperfi23 Thanks for the like. Let me know if you have any questions
Dec 20Reply
classygirl41 @ms_beau Welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like. If interested let me know. I typically ship same day or next. Happy Poshing 😊💕❤
Jan 16Reply
lanadoherty Offers welcome
Jan 18Reply
kristiekc Hi, First i thank you for taking the time to shop my closet. If you bundle two or more items i offer a discount. I love your tiny fury friend he or she is so cute. I ship within 32 hrs of orders. If you have any questions just ask away. Thanks again , Your posher, Kristie Kc.
Jan 27Reply
dajco Thanks for the Likes on the Yankee Candles. I just lowered the price on all 4 yesterday so they’re a great deal right now. Wishing you much success and fun Poshing 🛍📬📦
Jan 29Reply
cheripi Thank you for shopping my closet and for liking the argyle sweater. I offered you a discount and if you accept, I will ship immediately!
Feb 10Reply
my_style_ Hi there 🙋, you can bundle the items for a package deal and save money on shipping
Feb 28Reply
kathysingz Hi Brandy 👋 Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked my vintage linen tablecloth. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles of 2. I’m running a March sale with many items listed 3 for $15 and a few at $15 Sale. Happy Poshing! 💖
Mar 22Reply
sinsofcyn 🐳Appreciation coming Your Way........... .in Vast Amounts 💗 Thanx to you for Sharing some LOVE Today🐕 🛍Remember BUNDLES just make sense and even more cents in your 👛  Brandy🐶 Please allow some LEISURE🍷 TIME, Further STROLL💃my Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET Unique Junque👛  🐓 IF POSSIBLE ......... 🐛STAY HOME, BE SMART, STAY 🐕ACTIVE,  Play with Pets ALOT🐈🐶 & BE HEALTHY 🙏 Cynthia
Mar 30Reply
luckichuchua Welcome to my Closet Brandy😊🎉🧡 I Accept reasonable offers & Offer Bundle discounts 😊💚🛍🛍 Happy Poshing 💜😁
Mar 30Reply
_moon_light_ Welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕 My name is Jess and I'm a college student😀 Feel free to check out my closet for great jewelry! 💎Happy Poshing💎
Mar 30Reply
nancydresp Awww so adorable 😍
Apr 22Reply
misslfoxx hello, Brandy how are you? Thanks for your purchase I really appreciate ya. But I must apologize for sending the wrong unit in a rush to the post office this morning😫, I'm doing everything I can to get you the right unit asap. I will even pay for the return shipping for you, but I'm unsure of poshmarks policy on this. again I truly apologize for this mix up and I will keep in touch.
Apr 30Reply
misslfoxx hello, in a effort to get this resolved please reach out to poshmark yourself asap, everything is ok they are working on it.
May 01Reply
aysha_h hi! just wanted to stop by to tell you I’m selling a pair of short combat boots from Aldo that are super similar and in the same size as the ones you liked! I’m also selling them for less and I am accepting all offers on them ❣️ I ship same day or early next morning too!
May 05Reply
kaysuniverse @ms_beau welcome 2 Poshmark 🙋 thanks 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 i specifically carry brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Banana Republic, Guess, and Ralph Lauren. im very flexible on pricing and i luv offers... so if ur interested feel free 2 make me an offer 😀 happy poshing!
May 07Reply
sharimom Welcome Aboard and Thanks For sharing The Love 💕
May 15Reply
salinaverderame Like omgoodness!! This is the cutest dog EVER!
May 16Reply
barbandjerry Thank you for sharing:)
Jun 02Reply
barrowsdebra hi what a cute little dog
Jul 07Reply
barrowsdebra hi Brandi let me know if you're interested in any of the things that you have pushed that you like and then we can go get deal going thank you
Jul 08Reply
ketaj21 Welcome to my Poshmark closet✨ Thank you for the likes😊 I hope you find other fabulous items💕 Happy Poshing and Good Luck🌺
Jul 21Reply
atouchofgold @ms_beau Hi! I sell brand new clothes with various sizes. Please let me know if you have any questions. All clothes are negotiable and it comes from a non smoking household and no pets.
Aug 25Reply
amyll_thrall Hi there! I noticed you liked something from my closet, if you add it to a bundle I can offer you a lower price. If you add three or more items to your bundle you can also get a discount on top of that! Hope you find everything you’re looking for, happy shopping:)
Jan 03Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 17Reply
judys54 Hey Doll, thanks for your purchase! Your bundle ships out tomorrow 💖💞
Jan 23Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 08Reply
suewilson1969 Hello Brandy, “cute puppy” as my daughter would say! Thank you for your “ likes” in my closet, much appreciated. Take care, Sue
Feb 12Reply
tspille11 Hello! If you are looking to do a little shopping I invite you to check out my closet. I am a college student trying to sell this stuff to help pay for school. I just moved so I need to sell everything. I am very willing to negotiate any price. Free shipping on bundles over $40! Thank you!
Apr 20Reply
pinkystorel Hi, Welcome to my closet!! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel You get automatically 15% when you add 2 items to your cart. When you add 3 to your cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you🌸 🍩😊🌸
Apr 30Reply
rosell15 Hi! Thank you for Liking my Listing for the Banana Republic Cardigan, please make an Offer, Ciao!
Jul 17Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 1000 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 08Reply
danawar Hello Brandy and thank you for your purchase of the beach blanket and maternity pants!!! I will be able to ship your package tomorrow, or maybe today.....Congratulations on the baby, do you know if you are having a girl or a boy?
Dec 27Reply
amberkarels Hi Brandy! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Dec 27Reply
raelynnmomshop_ Hi:) Thanks for checking out my posh shop. I accept reasonable offers on my items and ship 5 days a week. I offer 15% off discount on bundles with two or more items. Let me know if you have questions.
Dec 29Reply
rposen Hi Brandy! It’s great to meet you!😍
Jan 12Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Jan 13Reply
hopefulchange1 Awwww my goodness. I love your teacup long hair chihuahua!
Feb 20Reply
amyc608 @ms_beau Hello, I see that you liked a shirt from my closet. Feel free to send me an offer for a price you’re interested in. Thank you for checking out my closet:
Apr 01Reply

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Last Active: Feb 28

Stockton, CA
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Last Active: Feb 28

Stockton, CA
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