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Updated Nov 15
Updated Nov 15

Meet your Posher, Brigida

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Brigida. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Louis Vuitton, J. Crew, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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coveralldoll I'm in mn too.
Nov 17Reply
raffyandmikaela Thanks for letting me know, just check my card ,for some reasons when I make a lot of transaction ,it was declined but maybe tom will be okay,sorry,just bought 4 or more today ,it went fine
Nov 17Reply
pralinequeen Thank you Brigida, I appreciate you exploring the Praline Queens Closet !
Nov 17Reply
raffyandmikaela You are welcome ,
Nov 17Reply
sayers84 Hey good morning i accepted but something went wrong with payment :)
Nov 17Reply
raffyandmikaela I know I bought 5 bags in one day and went fine then my last purchase got issues could u hold it will call my card issuer sorry
Nov 17Reply
raffyandmikaela Will call the card issuersoon
Nov 17Reply
annievince Hi there thank you for stopping by on my page..I just want you to know everything on my closet must go. So if you have some like let me know I am very happy to negotiate with you. YOU Can make me offer if you want. But I suggest make a bundle and save more..alright don't hesitate to ask me offer..xoxo
Nov 17Reply
raffyandmikaela Thanks, will check again ,I appreciate the note
Nov 17Reply
kat0110 Hi there, welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for stopping by my closet and for your like. I am open to offers. I especially love big bundle discounts! Happy Poshing! I hope you are enjoying it here. 💕
Nov 19Reply
habish123 Hi @raffyandmikaela welcome to Poshmark! Great to meet you! Thanks for liking my jacket! Let me know if you are interested, I'm sure we can work something out! Feel free to tag me or ask any questions! Happy shopping!
Nov 19Reply
habish123 @raffyandmikaela oooooops! Liked my bag! 😊😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
Nov 19Reply
retro_deals_327 Hi if there's anything in my closet you like feel free to make a reasonable offer. Or bundle for 10% off (: happy poshing
Nov 19Reply
raffyandmikaela Thanks ,but w are out of power bec of the storm last night could u hold the purse till I can access internet
Nov 19Reply
coupe2 Thanks for liking the Coach 💼 I encourage questions. I am ready to sell.😄
Nov 19Reply
retro_deals_327 @raffyandmikaela I have some more coach listed if your interested
Nov 20Reply
raffyandmikaela Thanks,the one I like was sold
Nov 21Reply
skiinginutah1 Hi! This is Debra, the person you bought the 2 pairs of sunglasses from. I accidentally shipped the sunglasses to another customer in error---sorry---and in return, shipped to you her LV pouch. Could you please reship this item back to me, and I will get your sunglasses to you. I am soooo sorry! Just a busy, busy time of year! I apologize for the inconvenience, and will pay for any extra shipping costs. Thank you so very much!!!
Dec 03Reply
blingnthings Hi Brigida! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you're loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Have a fabulous evening and Happy Holidays ✨
Dec 06Reply
jassieboo92 Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Dec 11Reply
katzkoz Hi. & Welcome to Posh! It's a very supportive& social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer then. Or ... ...visit my closet& I'd be happy to help U! More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me....
Dec 12Reply
lynchgirls Hola Brigida :) may you please let me know when will you ship my LV pouch? I have shipped your sunglasses and tracking number shows you received them. Please get back to me. Thanks 😊🙏🏽 ¡Que tengas un bonito día!🤗
Dec 16Reply
raffyandmikaela Hi , I asked the poshmark to send me Label but would not show on my computer I already asked y husband to inquire abt returning to the seller,since I could not print label but the postman said that I need to pay since it is already open,guess you know that I told the seller I cannot just go out of the house since I am taking care of my in laws , I cannot leave them alone aside for the fact that the weather is pretty bad, guess u know how Minnesota is,don't worry I intend to send it
Dec 17Reply
lynchgirls @raffyandmikaela hi again. It took me a while to find the shipping label to return it to you too 😀 I had to literally open every single Poshmark email I received to find it. Make sure you scroll all the way down to the page because is where the attachment will be. Thanks for getting back to me. 😊
Dec 17Reply
raffyandmikaela thanks for the info ,thanks also for your understanding I am just telling the seller that I cannot do it right away bec my father in law just died and I'm caring for his wife ,can't leave alone,aside for the blizzard we are stuck in the house can't even go to church
Dec 21Reply
raffyandmikaela I am sending it because you are nice in comm and very diplomatic , I don't like being ordered ,as I said the reason I shop online is bec I got no time
Dec 21Reply
lynchgirls @raffyandmikaela you don't have to apologize 😊 things that are out of our control happen sometimes. Am sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences ❤️ and thank you for sending the pouch. You can just arrange a pick up or hand it to your mail man. Prayers 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Dec 21Reply
raffyandmikaela Thanks ,you are very nice and hope many will learn fr your patience,I appreciate the message of sympathy
Dec 22Reply
at1212 Happy holidays, check out my closet when you have a moment, I am currently offering 25% off bundles, best of luck buying and selling, happy poshing👠👜👗
Dec 30Reply
itsajonesthang HI BRIGIDA, I'm Brandy🤗. Nice to meet you😊. I'm a Posh Mentor so if you have any questions or you need anything at all, please feel free to ask😉. Until then, HAPPY POSHING💞💞
Jan 10Reply
nbaines3 Thank you for liking my coach listings. Please let me know if you have any questions. If interested I'll sell you both pieces for $20.00 plus shipping.
Jan 24Reply
thortam Hi Brigida!Welcome to Poshmark & to my closet! Thanks for the LiKE! I’m always willing to negotiate price through the Offer Button. Pick a price you are comfortable with and we can negotiate from there. Questions??? I am always happy to help in any way I can, so please don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing!
Jan 26Reply
ally_marc Thank you for sharing
May 04Reply
afterglowstyle Hi! 🤗 I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet 🎉 I have over 400 items available in a variety of styles and sizes and I am always open to offers! 😁 Happy Poshing!
May 20Reply
lmat4 Saw your offer on the bundle of Havaina flip flops. Just making sure you know that the bronze ones sold so it would be 4 pair. Before I accept your offer I want to make sure you know that the bronze pair are no longer available
Jul 18Reply
kifah4b1g Hello there@raffyandmikaela ! I have shipped the pair of Fitflop past Thursday but I got an email from the app that they might if not scanned the label to track the order. I will go by the post office first thing tomorrow and see what is going on. I will keep you posted. Sorry for any inconvenience
Jul 30Reply
raffyandmikaela I am out of town but my husband will accept them, thanks for letting me know
Aug 12Reply
fashnminx Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking my Coach bag listing. If you have any questions please send them along. Happy to negotiate prices and encourage. BUNDLES!! No trades. Will follow you too. Happy Poshing!! 🎀😊
Jan 21Reply
bellafootcandy Make me an offer I’m having a closet clean out!! Make a bundle with as much as you want and tell me what you want to pay
Jan 21Reply
tashikea79 Welcome to Posh 🎈🎈🎈🎈thanks for the like, feeling free to make offers
Jan 24Reply
divadsd Greetings!! Thank you for your interest in the coach purse— unfortunately I mistakenly edited the price to 3.00; it was supposed to be 30.00 let me know your thoughts
Jan 30Reply
raffyandmikaela @divadsd you can cancel it
Jan 30Reply
simpsdan Thanks for the likes and checking out my closet 💕💕
Feb 02Reply
gems1955 Hi Brigida welcome to Posh and have a beautiful weekend 😊
Feb 02Reply
sebq Thx for like and visiting my closet 😊
Feb 02Reply
jlanoce Thanks for the like make me an offer on the crossbody and I t's yours :)
Feb 03Reply
jlanoce Hi there ! I see you have liked a bunch of my items if you wanted to do a big bundle o am trying to clear out I could give you an amazing deal let me know. I also private discounted your current bundle :)
Feb 03Reply
raffyandmikaela @jlanoce thanks will look into it
Feb 03Reply
mycreationsplus Thanks for the like. 😊
Feb 03Reply
kdufty Offer sent, lmk!
Feb 03Reply
twistedhangers Thanks for the ❤️on the boys Polo t shirt. Feel free to ask any questions, bundle or make an offer if you are interested- would love to make it yours!
Feb 08Reply
shoesdf @raffyandmikaela are you interested in the coach handbag? I can give you a discount
Feb 09Reply
gretch1011 @raffyandmikaela hi! Thank you for your interest in the bag- I sent you an offer but definitely feel free to counter. 😊
Feb 09Reply
whiteboard1111 Hi Brigida, it's nice to meet you. I hope I'm not bothering you. I saw you liked an item and I'd be happy to offer a free item of you choice in a bundle (lowest value). So buy three get there fourth for free. Thank you for looking, xoxo
Feb 12Reply
lyndsay_c Willing to work out a deal on the coach bag
Feb 14Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes peeled. 😳Lol. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will try and help. When you have a moment pls check out 👀my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Feb 15Reply
alanaschmidt025 hi! if you are interested in anything make a bundle and get 10% off and make offers :) 💖
Feb 19Reply
annmahrii Hi, I want to stop what I was doing and welcome you to our Poshmark family? I see you liked those lavender purses. If you should have any questions, reasonable offers are considered and measurements can be made upon your request. I hope you enjoy yourself using your creativity in posting those items you plan to sell now and in the future. Gain so many followers and follow as many as you possibly can! Keep Smiling and keep on Poshing!
Feb 19Reply
hillscreek Thank you for the like 🌹 Let me know if you have any questions 😊
Feb 19Reply
jeg0622 @raffyandmikaela Hi I noticed you added an item to a bundle. Add more to get a personal discount. Thanks for the interest 😊
Feb 20Reply
zardiva1 Hi, there! 👋😃 Thanks for putting “Likes” on my 👜👜👜! 👍😃 *😘*
Feb 20Reply
jmgd19711989 👚🎀🌷🌺🌻 Welcome to Poshmark 👚🌷👖🎀🌺👗🌻👜👡
Feb 25Reply
candiemom Hi 👋 Brigida Welcome to Posh please feel free to check out my closet. I have styled you with a beautiful summer 👗 dress in your closet if your interested. Ty and have a wonderful day.😀😀
Mar 03Reply
wrforrest Hi!! My closet is loaded with treasures!!! Please come see me.
Apr 18Reply
iwillsellit You placed Girl's Flip Flops in Bundle. I have an identical blue pair, same size, can offer you both pair for $10, if interested.
Jul 07Reply
raffyandmikaela @iwillsellit hi put them in a bundle
Jul 09Reply
jibloom11 Hi Brigida! I can’t go any lower on my juniors lace coral shorts you put in a bundle. Did you see anything else you liked from my closet that you could add??!! I could make you a better offer (:
Jul 13Reply
raffyandmikaela @jibloom11 will look into your closet thanks for the info
Jul 13Reply
content777 🌸Hi! You liked one of my Coach purses and I have updated the description. Please see before you might make an offer. Thanks so much!🌺
Jul 16Reply
content777 Hey there! I saw where you made a bundle. I wanted to make sure you saw my updated Coach purse description. I want to do my very best and not disappoint anyone. I feel like they are well priced, even with the wear. I will look again at the bundle and see what I can do! Thanks for looking at my closet. Have a wonderful day!🌸😊🌺
Jul 24Reply
raffyandmikaela thanks,by the way is that diff bag you have two?
Jul 24Reply
content777 @raffyandmikaela Hello dear one! I declined your counter offer(my original had expired) and sent a new one with discounted shipping. It is the Brown one only. My husband pointed out that the bag was still in good condition and I am including a free scarf, which is a $30 value. I sold the black one that was just like it at a higher price, so I am giving a shipping discount😊. Feel free to counter or accept, but I wanted to explain. I thank you so much for your interest. Have a wonderful day!🌺😊🌸
Jul 30Reply
rombie16 @raffyandmikaela Hi! Thanks for all the likes. Feel free to create a bundle if you would like a private offer. Thanks again.
Aug 01Reply
claire8787 Hi Brigida! I recently listed a Kate Spade handbag and was wondering if you were interested. Feel free to take a look, I am open to offers:)
Aug 03Reply
raffyandmikaela @claire8787 thanks for letting me know
Aug 03Reply
lilyvelasquez96 Hey! Interested? Items $3 or bows are free with purchase!!!
Aug 08Reply
poshmark8530678 I ship packages same day for CLOTHES YOU’LL LOVE😃 Simply hit the “like” button on all the items you want and it can be yours before some else takes it☺️ -Happy Poshin’💕
Aug 10Reply
sarasmartt @raffyandmikaela hi doll, if you would like to bundle all or some of your likes I'll be happy to send you a great offer! 😀 Almost everything is marked down until midnight tonight. I'm trying to clear a few things out. ❤
Aug 19Reply
raffyandmikaela @sarasmartt hi thanks will have to decline you other offer so I could make another bundle ,thanks for letting me know
Aug 19Reply
sarasmartt @raffyandmikaela no problem hun. I decided to have my sale for 1 more day.
Aug 19Reply
savichick Happy Poshing! Please feel free to visit my closet! I just added some handbags. Check them out! 🐥
Aug 24Reply
alemanlola Hi there! You liked a CPL of boys shoes in my closet, send me an offer on the bundle...I'm negotiable! Happy poshing
Sep 19Reply
samstreasures I no linger have the lip gloss, can you pick out another $5 and under item for your order please and I have the rest all ready to ship.
Sep 21Reply
samstreasures Just comment on item you want and I will pack it up. No need to change bundle.
Sep 21Reply
sebi_herrera Hi and welcome to PM. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Sep 26Reply
sharonbruder Hi ! Thank you for checking out my closet. If you are interested in item or would like to bundle, I am open to offers.
Oct 05Reply
sheenarok Good afternoon! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that my closet has many new items available and I am currently accepting offers. I think you may be interested in viewing my closet when you have a moment. Thank you and have a blessed weekend 💕💕💕
Oct 07Reply
tashikea79 Welcome thanks for your likes👍👍👍👍Bundle them and save more💰💰💰Happy Poshing🎁
Oct 20Reply
lindahunnie Welcome to posh! Check out my closet you might find some clothes you love 💞
Nov 04Reply
alligatorcat Hey hey, if you are still interested in that item you had liked a couple days ago, just let me know. Thanks so much 😘Happy Poshing!!! Alli A.
Nov 05Reply
luckyladybug4u @raffyandmikaela Just a heads up that I have a maxi dress with beaded neckline in the same size you liked. I'd be delighted if you took a look at it and I can do better on the price.....thanks and have a blessed day!
Dec 10Reply
shoplushglam 🎉Great to see you on Poshmark!🎉 It’s a fun place to shop! If you’re looking for something to wear that’s GLAM 👠 or casual 👚 you’ll find it in my closet. I have all sizes & add new items monthly. 🦋 Visit me anytime 🦋 @lushglam ⭐️Prices are Negotiable⭐️ 🌈MAKE ME AN OFFER🌈 🛍Bundle for a better deal💰 Free gift 🎁 with $20+ purchase 😘 📦Ships ASAP
Jan 16Reply
hollywoodthrift Please take out time to browse my closet? I'm currently hosting the $3 sale!
Feb 07Reply
maddieshea8 Hey! I saw you liked a coach bag, and wanted to let you know I have a similar one in case you wanted to take a look! Have a great day!!💗
Feb 15Reply
jaspers201409 Hi!❤️ I think I have alot of great brands you may love! Come check my closet out! If you see something you like make an OFFER or like and I love making reasonable deals and others happy 💕😊
Feb 22Reply
tjmschet Place the 3 dresses you liked in a bundle for the reduced sale price! Thanks for checking out my closet.
Feb 23Reply
kaysboutiquebin Welcome to Poshmark! Please message me with any questions you may have about getting started. Happy shopping and selling.
Mar 06Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brand like PINK, Torrid, Lucky Brand, Steve Madden and Converse 🛍️ as well as a few luxury items from brands like Frye, Coach and Valentino 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Mar 10Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Michael Kors, Victoria’s Secret, Coach, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Mar 11Reply
yasminskye Hey love 🧸 feel free to check out my closet! I currently have a sale going on $10 and under!!Happy Poshing, stay sweet 🍒
Mar 23Reply
gaby9747 Hello my name is Gaby! It’s so nice to meet you on Poshmark! Please check out my closet! 😊👠👗
Apr 01Reply
sofia_medina Hey girl! Feel free to check out my closet 💓 All prices are negotiable!
Apr 16Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brand like PINK, Torrid, Vera Bradley, Betsey Johnson, Vans and Converse 🛍️ as well as a few luxury items from brands like Frye, Coach, Kate Spade and Valentino 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Apr 30Reply
msmillicent Thanks for the like on the bag.
Jul 23Reply
edenstrickland Thanks so much for liking two of my listings! If you buy two you get the cheapest one free, just put them all in a bundle and I’ll take off the price of the last one +5% off !
Aug 17Reply
reaganstewart Hi there ✨ I wanted to share that I have a beautiful Marc by Marc Jacobs dress in size 2 if your interested :) authentic, classy & stunning! I carry lots of women’s apparel in this size :) hope you have a wonderful day!
Aug 22Reply
styleplanet Hi, thank you for the like on the Longchamp bag, it's a great choice! Please consider browsing for other great sale items in my closet, and bundle all of your likes when you're ready🙂
Aug 25Reply
kenscloset3 Hello there 👋 I am just dropping in to introduce myself & my closet👜👗 If you have a free moment, I would love if you stopped by. I make great deals on bundles & always ship within a day. Hope you will come by and check it out. Happy Friday Eve😎🎉
Nov 07Reply
lindanguyen236 Happy Poshing! come and visit my closet too sometime:)
Nov 17Reply
naturallybecca Hello there shopper! I hope you’re having the best time on this app. If you’re looking to make a purchase in the future, look no further! I am offering HUGE discounts off brands including aerie, GAP, and many more! Deals include... ♡ 25% off bundles of 6+ items ♡ Items available FREE with a purchase ♡ All offers $4 and up accepted or reasonably countered I am a Poshmark Ambassador, so please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your time on here more worthwhile ♡
Jan 10Reply
bubbletoes1 Hi there! I'm selling Rip Curl, Billabong, O'Neill, Split, and Roxy items that you may like as well as other items. Please check out my page and make an offer. Selling items ASAP! Happy Poshing 🌺!
Jun 19Reply
kkobee13 Hello, my name is Sara I wanted to invite you to check out my closet I have many items at great prices.Dont like a price shoot me an offer I'm very flexible. Sending you Good Vibes 😊 Stay safe
Dec 01Reply
abel6583 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫, Ashleigh here. Whether you are a buyer or seller, Wishing you happy poshing ❣️
Jan 22Reply
aries1989 Hi I have a closet full of wigs I would love for you to check them out I also ship next day thank you 😊
Apr 06Reply
trulycorie Hi there. Just wanted to let you know... RAFFLING OFF Rosetti Geri Convertible Purse! Staring May 13, 2021 through May 15, 2021. Easy to enter! For every item you purchase you will be entered that many times. Happy Poshing! Thanks for your time.
May 12Reply
lmdaisylove89 hi! I have a cute floral American Eagle dress that you may like. Check out my closet. Happy to take offers!
Sep 11Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jul 20Reply

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Last Active: Sep 14 2023

Excelsior, MN
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Last Active: Sep 14 2023

Excelsior, MN
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