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Updated Aug 12
Updated Aug 12

Meet your Posher, Carolyn

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Hi! I'm Carolyn. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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crashrb Hi Carolyn! Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you find many bargains and if you begin selling I wish you nothing but success! Happy Poshing! Ronda
Aug 12Reply
sincerelyrose22 @cbeck1958 welcome to poshmark! Feel feel to add your LOGO likes to a bundle and I’ll offer you a discount on them 😊
Oct 20Reply
laurag_finds Morning, Carolyn! Thanks for the like on the beautiful floral print top from Cato! It is really so vibrant in person. I’ve sent you a private offer with discounted shipping. I can send it out today!
Oct 21Reply
kstork1 I noticed that you liked the teal top in my closet. If you would like to buy it I can ship it tomorrow!! 😁
Oct 23Reply
laurag_finds Evening, Carolyn- thank you for the offer on the lovely floral top. Unfortunately I can’t accept it because at that price I would end up losing money. Please check out my closet if you haven’t already, perhaps you will find something else you like and I can send you an offer on a bundle .
Nov 10Reply
yazlene Hello it appears I sent you someone else s package today, I used your label by mistake because I have not sent your blouse yet, I have had a brain injury recently and I guess I got confused. Please let me know when you receive it is a very small light package and yours will go out today and weigh more. I will find out how to handle this with the mailing it to the right person. Thank you for your help 🌸
Dec 10Reply
cbeck1958 @yazlene Oh no. I will certainly help anyway I can but I too am in a predicament. Broke my ankle in two places and my leg in September and now am being treated for infection. My mailbox is a half mile away and I am not mobile. It may take a couple of days to help you. Do you think a return to sender on the package would be sufficient. This is so odd as I was admiring those earrings.
Dec 10Reply
yazlene @cbeck1958 I'm so sorry you're going through what you're going through I know what it means to be a mobile I've not been able to do the normal stuff either I lost my job because of the confusion, what I'm going to do is include an envelope with her label on it inside your package and if you could just stick that other envelope inside without your label on it that would be great I think you should be able just to stick her whole envelope in the one I'm going to send I hope your leg gets better.
Dec 10Reply
yazlene by the way I do make the jewelry by hand but I'm not been able to do it lately because of the brain injury what is your favorite color?
Dec 10Reply
cbeck1958 @yazlene I will be keeping you in my prayers and thank you so much.
Dec 10Reply
yazlene @cbeck1958 what is your favorite color?
Dec 10Reply
cbeck1958 @yazlene I ed to go neutrals but the animal prints are gorgeous. Prayers are all that is needed.
Dec 10Reply
yazlene @cbeck1958 pray I will do, it is the most valuable thing, because He hears us. Have a great day 🌸💙
Dec 10Reply
yazlene @cbeck1958 ok so I need your name and mailing address and I will send it to you today from my post office priority mail and will then send you the tracking number because I can't do another label with your information on it. I was waiting for poshmark port to get in touch with me but haven't heard from them so I was going to go and get it out so both of you can get your items as quickly as possible
Dec 11Reply
yazlene @cbeck1958 I sent your package today and will have your tracking number for you in a little while
Dec 11Reply
cbeck1958 @yazlene Carolyn W Beck, 4095 Louella Ln., Walnut Cove. NC 27052
Dec 11Reply
yazlene @cbeck1958 I was able to get it from the first label, it's already coming to you🌸
Dec 11Reply
cbeck1958 @yazlene Thank you!
Dec 12Reply
tvdks Good morning, the postal service sent me notification that they don't have access to your shipping address. Is there anything I can do to help?
Feb 29Reply
cbeck1958 @tvdks You don’t want me to share my thoughts on this. Will pick up package tomorrow at Post Office. Thank you for letting me know.
Mar 01Reply
tvdks @cbeck1958 Thank you. I sure hope I didn't do anything wrong. I do hope you love your shirt:)
Mar 01Reply
cbeck1958 @tvdks You did not do anything wrong - no thinking that! It is the mail carrier.
Mar 01Reply
tvdks @cbeck1958 Oh, I am so thankful! I want everyone to be happy with their purchases:)
Mar 02Reply
bnaposhgirl Hey there! 🤗 Thanks for liking an item in my closet! 🛍 Just wanted to let you know that I give a 10%-15% discount on most offers!🛍 & a 20% discount on all bundles of 3 items or more!🛍 Happy Shopping! 🤗
Apr 01Reply
_the_rack Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for the visit ❤️
Apr 25Reply
ladykrc @cbeck1958 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Aug 05Reply
casastsomewhere Hi Carolyn, Thanks for the purchase! We will ship on Monday. All the Best, Dani & George
Dec 27Reply
cbeck1958 @casastsomewhere It will take me a few days to submit payment. Going to be out of town. I apologize and hope this isn’t an inconvenience.
Dec 28Reply
casastsomewhere @cbeck1958 Not a problem, If you don't accept within 3 days I will automatically get paid. Enjoy your trip. All the Best, Dani
Dec 28Reply
casastsomewhere Thanks for the great rating! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Dani
Jan 09Reply
cbeck1958 @casastsomewhere I should have noted how nice the pants are! Thank you.
Jan 10Reply

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Last Active: Jan 26

Walnut Cove, NC
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Last Active: Jan 26

Walnut Cove, NC
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