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Updated Jan 09
Updated Jan 09

Meet your Posher, Chanel

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Chanel. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, Coach, Chanel, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ want me to post a pic of amount left? I it's at I would estimate half but this is the large bottle.
Aug 02Reply
_frenchvanilla_ So which ones Are kinda full? @zoozoobee
Aug 02Reply
fabgoround _frenchvanilla_ N3 is the least full.
Aug 02Reply
_frenchvanilla_ Which ones are the lightest color of them all? @zoozoobee
Aug 02Reply
fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ not at home a.t.m but I have N3 because I have two offers on it right now...
Aug 02Reply
fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ I would do both for $25
Aug 02Reply
_frenchvanilla_ What's the difference between the N3 and C2? @zoozoobee cause I'll take both if anything
Aug 02Reply
_frenchvanilla_ Okay I'll take both @zoozoobee
Aug 02Reply
fabgoround @_ frenchvanilla_ ok, but since I only grabbed N3, I will have to ship on weds or Thursday, that ok? If so, I will create a bundle for you now😉
Aug 02Reply
_frenchvanilla_ That's fine with me, take your time @zoozoobee
Aug 02Reply
fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ ok thanks, I am going to decline your current order, so you can purchase the new listing ok?😊
Aug 02Reply
fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ hey sweety did any of them match you?😊
Aug 07Reply
_frenchvanilla_ Yes they both did surprisingly @zoozoobee
Aug 07Reply
fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ was wondering also if you could maybe leave me some feedback in addition to your rating to help me with future buyers, I would appreciate it greatly💕Thank you💝
Aug 07Reply
fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ awesome I am so happy! It is a very shade versatile foundation! That's what I love about it🤗
Aug 07Reply
_frenchvanilla_ Oh of course love @zoozoobee
Aug 07Reply
fabgoround @_frenchvanilla_ thank you soooooo very much again !!! and btw I have MAC concealers I am about to list so check back if that interests you at all, I need to clear out my kit😉😘💕
Aug 07Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving in two weeks and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, Michael Kors, MAC Cosmetics, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 27Reply
graceycoco Hello! Welcome to poshmark! Hello! I noticed you like my apple airpods in my page,  let me know if you have any questions,  have a good night
Oct 22Reply
bluesea38 @_frenchvanilla_ hi dear Chanel, thank you so much for all the likes and for visiting my closet! Offers always welcome👍also when you want to buy more than one item, just go to “ add bundle” key and send your best offer, that way, you will receive a huge discount and pay only for one shipping👍 I hope this tip can help you for future purchase, stay blessed and beautiful dear🌹🙏🙏
Oct 24Reply
johnseal1 Would you like to purchase any of my items I’ll sell them for reasonable prices
Oct 31Reply
timerose Bundle your likes to save on shipping
Dec 23Reply
kendramurphy18 Thanks so much for the like! Feel free to take a look at the rest of my closet to see if there is anything that is of interest to you! If there is more, I LOVE to give bundle discounts to my customers! 🤗💜 Let me know if you have any questions! ☀️
Jan 28Reply
kaylaulsas55 I just sent you a comment on an item in my closet.
Feb 06Reply
kendramurphy18 Hey there! You bought from me in the recent past and I just wanted to let you know I added a TON of new items that I think you may like! I LOVE giving good discounts to previous customers! 🤗💓
Feb 17Reply
welovelalv Hi Camel! Stop by my closet and take a look. Create a bundle of your favorite items and I’ll send you a private offer and $4.99. Make sure to hit the like button if you like something so you’ll be notified of any private flash sales. Happy Poshing!! ❤️☮️😃
Feb 22Reply
monicaschwender Hey! I have some victoria’s secret PINK stuff I think you’d like - including swimsuits :) I’m also price negotiable.
Apr 28Reply
crystalvirgil Hi!! I want to personally invite you to my closet!! I make rolling trays and many more items!! Come check me out! ♥️😊
Jun 17Reply
shereesresale Welcome to Poshmark!!
Jun 22Reply
smokebox What a rolling tray? Check out my page! 25%off :)
Sep 22Reply
hobblebunny Thank you for your like on my VS bra and thongs! Feel free to make me an offer! Have a great day!🥰
Jun 18Reply
loribeth2162 I accepted your offer. I think you need to update your payment information.
Jul 22Reply
maggiewillia684 Hey Chanel feel free to bundle any items you like from my closet and I can send you a discount❤️
Mar 05Reply
lopezkrystal51 I saw The Sneakers you gave a like I made an Offer feel free To counter offer im willing to accept most offers if you are Interested thank you 💝
Jun 30Reply
phalonc Welcome to posh!🥰❤️
Jan 09Reply
destinyysanchez Hello! I have lots of cute kids clothes for both boys and girls. From Carter’s, zara, janie and jack, old navy! If you’d like to check my closet out 🥰 and if you bundle 2+ more you can provide an offer or I will provide a discount!
Jul 15Reply
terowafashion hi I see you like some items in my closet if you do a bundle I can do a better price for you.
Jul 21Reply
amandal428 Hi I see you liked a couple items from my closet. If you’d like you and bundle them and submit an offer. I can ship out tomorrow.
Jul 22Reply

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Last Active: Feb 22

Waynesboro, VA
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Last Active: Feb 22

Waynesboro, VA
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