Meet your Posher, Chris
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Hi! I'm Chris. Some of my favorite brands are Burberry, Calvin Klein, Cole Haan, Gucci, and J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by!

Welcome! Here to buy? Look for the items on sale. Also don't be shy to make a reasonable offer. If you find 2 or 3 items from the same seller you usually get a discount & will save on shipping. If you are here to sell get free boxes from the Post Office. A very important thing is to learn how to price your items using search. Of course there's a lot more to learn. If there is anything I can help you with let me know. Good luck and happy Poshing. sobama1 Posh Ambassador Men's Clothing.
May 02Reply

Welcome to the Poshmark Community! Don't hesitate to reach out and ask questions!
May 02Reply

Greetings my friend! I would like to personally invite you to visit my closet, come and SEA vintage style with a beachy vibe. No better time than now to DIVE right into a more relaxed you.
Advice from a mermaid: Roll with the tide, don't forget to come up for air, be enchanting, get enchanted, sing your song, and never get your seaweed in bunch.
May 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark...home to great fashion and deals. I wish you success if you plan on selling items on Poshmark. It's easy to sell on Poshmark. I'm a seller, buyer, and an Ambassador. If you wish, you can peek my closet/store and see if anything catch your eye. I do provide sales and you can see that offer at the top of my page. If there's nothing in my closet that catches your eye...there are thousands of closets on Poshmark.
May 02Reply
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