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Updated Oct 14
Updated Oct 14

Meet your Posher, Claudia

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Claudia. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, Michael Kors, MAC Cosmetics, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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leravaldez Hello! I would like to invite you visit my closet to find great deals! I have items that hopefully you may like. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to you visiting my closet!
Jul 30Reply
ellespages01 @leravaldez Will you please let me know when you intend to send my necklace back? I thought you would’ve made sure it went out in the mail today. Please advise
Jan 04Reply
lafemmilitia @ellespages01 you’re necklace has been mailed out this morning. I’ll send tracking asap
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 hello to clarify you,i have not sold a necklace for you mam 🙂
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 you did not bought a necklace from me and i am not selling jewelries here,i only sell bags,clothing and shoes.
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 @leravaldez pardon me, you have my Tiffany & Co. necklace. Since it is obvious it wasn’t shipped out today, I would like it to be shipped out tomorrow. No exceptions. You’ve had it long enough in your possession and you don’t want it. So, I would like it back asap. Thank you
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 huh?are you serious? can you looked up my closet and look it uo in my listing if i ever sold a neck to you?maybe you got the wrong person mam and you got confuse on who sold you a necklace.
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 So, just to clarify, I only read your last message. And, it’s obvious that you’re not selling anything on Poshmark. It’s also known that you bought a necklace from me and I’m waiting for you to send me back my necklace. If you sent it out this morning you could’ve messaged me hours ago to let me know that in was mailed and what the tracking number is. So, I was reaching out to you for some confirmation. I would like the tracking number now. Thank you!
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 So you have to Poshmark accounts one has nothing in it and the other one has thanks for sale OK! I have the right person you have my necklace I would like the tracking number thank you don’t get confused it’s not that tough
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 I’m not confused you were the person that I sold my Tiffany and Company necklace to and you want to return it so I want the tracking number he said he sent it off in the mail this morning what’s the tracking number?
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01. back read and you can see the other person who got the necklace 😉
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 did you ever looked up my profile? i would suggest you to look it up so you will see ok?
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 @leravaldez What are you talking about I have not received my necklace back I sold you that necklace and then you didn’t want it and you said you were going to send it back to me and you said it was in the mail this morning I want my tracking number I want my necklace back
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @lafemmilitia @ellespaiges101 maybe this person you meant. am i right?
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 @lafemmilitia Where is my tracking number? I would like my tracking number now please
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @lafemmilitia @ellespages101 i guess this is the person you i right?
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 i guess this person @lafemmilitia you meant who got your necklace am i right?
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 @leravaldez That would be a very good assumption.
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 lera and claudia are different name lol so my name is lera i am asking you would please take a look at my closet so you will know whos having your necklace mam.
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 @leravaldez I have no idea how you got into this thread but I understand you’re not the right person it’s obvious to me I’m not dumb I’m pretty quick but somehow you got involved in this thread I apologize for that but we can drop it now
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 click my profile so will see if i am selling or not.jeez thats easy and you will find out whos you accusing for your necklace that i have not gotten from you 😱
Jan 04Reply
leravaldez @ellespages01 yeah cause what i saw i message you for a reason to invite you to visit my closet cause i saw liking one of my item so that is why my name appears on your page.
Jan 04Reply
lafemmilitia @ellespages01 9405511202061797280892 ma’am i want nothing to do with a fake Tiffany’s necklace. You should get your money back for it too. Good luck to you lady
Jan 04Reply
ellespages01 @lafemmilitia it was given to me as a gift the necklace was given to me as a gift. In a Tiffany bag inside a Tiffany box. So if it’s a fake it’s a really good one. I will have it checked out when I receive it. Thank you
Jan 04Reply
shopjewelsnmore Hi Claudia! How are you doing? I hope safe & well🙏🏻. My name is Diana and my closet name is @lovelv187. I would like to invite you to visit me sometime and see if perhaps anything catches your interest 🤩. I ship right away and please review my previous sales and reviews. Thank you 💐
Jan 21Reply
txmav411 @lafemmilitia Hi! I want to know if you have any dresses and tops that are available for sale but not posted yet.
May 29Reply

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Last Active: Feb 01

Anchorage, AK
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Last Active: Feb 01

Anchorage, AK
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