Meet your Posher, Colleen
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Hi! I'm Colleen. part of a small extended family reselling clothes new and pre-owned. I will always do my best to describe each item as best as possible. Our motto, REUSE, RECYCLE, REMAKE!

48 others
like this

Hello! We want to hear how we are doing
Our mission is reducing global waste by rescuing well loved gently used textiles.
We feel EVERYONE should have textiles that make them feel good when worn & bring joy to their space.
So @houseofanaya ALL offers are
@houseofanaya expect:
*A space welcoming YOUR questions
*Pricing YOU call fair
*Prompt responses & frequent interaction touch points
Stop by & tell us what you think,
🌱Tamara & Stephen
Feb 04Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 10Reply

I look forward to seeing more from you! 🎉🥳 Good luck selling. -alana
Feb 19Reply

@steeletradingco Thank you, struggling at the moment, trying to work things out. Lots of sellers have been very helpful. Thank you for the encouragement.
Feb 20Reply

@candy258 Thank you! just found this page today.
Feb 20Reply

@bbight24 I love the name Colleen. It was my favorite grandma's name. I ended up making my son Collin after her. 😀
You can do it! It took me several years of struggling. There's a serious learning curve. If you have any questions, seriously reach out anytime. I had some mentors along the way. It takes a village. There are so many directions you can go in, you have to figure out what your niche is. Don't give up. It took me from 2017 to February of this year to get PM Ambassador.
Feb 20Reply

@bbight24 👍🏼
Feb 24Reply

Hello Colleen and I just wanted to say thank you so much for kindly and selflessly sharing an item from my wardrobe. I’m so grateful 💛.
You already have some fantastic items listed and you’re so wonderfully organised for a new Posher! 👏🏆
Thanks again and don’t be afraid to say hi @FourBirdsFlying as I’d be more than happy to share your pieces as often as possible for more views. Take care. Monica 💛.
Feb 28Reply

@monicamoroney Thank you Monica, I am far from being organized, I google or check the fact pages for everything. One of the group pages said that we share everyone's listings, so I share away, it seems to be a great way to get listings out there. At the moment everything is confusing, am I too cheap, too expensive. Photos, etc; Followers I wake up every morning and there are100's. How long has it taken you get established? Ramblings of a mad woman, all the best Colleen
Feb 28Reply

@bbight24 ⚠️ This is a detailed response so I’ve had to break it into several pieces due to word limit - sorry x @bbight24 Colleen, I completely understand your questions and feel so similar. Poshmark Support are terrible in my recent experience, I be been getting offers from people in USA band Canada- and they still, since the 2 incidents early last week, have not replied.
Feb 28Reply

You have probably noticed that every morning you wake or anytime really, you’ll have LOADS of new followers or even likes. These are mostly from America and when I asked Posh ‘Support’ why this was happening, they stated that they haven’t been able to fix this or update it on the AU platform😫.
Feb 28Reply

In regards to pricing, it’s totally up to you. As a vintage lover, I try to price at least 60% discount if it’s been used. If I just want to get rid of stuff, I lower prices or offer free shipping. It’s so frustrating, especially when you first start and spend your own money to purchase the bags, stickers, wrapping paper, mannequin etc. (which I did prior to January and I’m close to $200 of overheads).
Feb 28Reply

It was until today, waiting for the profit of me selling a BNWT pair of shoes which have only just arrived at the buyers home. I made a profit of $4.75! That said, I made my second sale yesterday and as you start researching (don’t go overboard- I have and it’s so deflating) stick with the basics in terms Brand, Size and Price (I add the RRP if I can, especially if it’s a new or basically unused item.
Feb 28Reply

Another tip I have only just figured out, if looking at the experienced and high selling Posh Ambassadors Wardrobes. Adjust your search in each one that you look at to ‘sold items’ and you’ll get a quick gauge as to what pricing actually sells.
Feb 28Reply

I won’t lie, I’ve been so deflating and exhausted by the endless hours spent following the guidelines, researching and sharing, msging fellow Poshers, but it’s actually been the best investment and education I’ve received. Meeting and befriending ‘virtual’ kind and considerate Poshers has been my main incentive to keep going.
Feb 28Reply

Poshmark is not letting me post as they think I’m trying to buy something off the platform so the rest of this msg will be attached to one of your items but if you go to comments, it should appear in order 🙏
Feb 28Reply

The wonderful ones, share your items for you and a community of like-minded and considerate peeps are formed.
The last game changer for me was YouTubing an Australian Posher, Cass. I’m SO SORRY but PM won’t let me continue my msg and advice b/c they think I’m trying to break the guidelines. YouTube Poshmark AU and you’ll find her xc
Feb 28Reply

Feb 28Reply

@monicamoroney thank you, we will boost each other and as many as we can. I understand about the out lay, it can be overwhelming. Everyone has been very helpful. happy selling
Feb 28Reply

@bbight24 same to you lovely Posher and person 💛 xx
Feb 28Reply

Hi 👋 Welcome to Poshmark. I'm Krystal, one of many Posh Ambassadors. Poshing is so much fun, I hope you are loving it also! I have shared some of your items with all of my followers in hopes of a speedy sale🧾. Let me know if you have any questions, and Happy Poshing!!🛍
Mar 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, I hope you enjoy buying and selling as I do. Please come and follow me and visit my awesome closet. Good luck and have a great time 🍀
Mar 06Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! If I can assist in anyway, please let me know. When you have time checkout my closet @324starr. If you see something you like, let me know. The key words for Poshmark is share, share, share and follow. Good luck and have a great day.
Mar 06Reply

Colleen and this stunning wardrobe continues to blow me away with her exceptional items priced so generously and her support in regards to sharing fellow Poshers pieces selflessly and so consistently, reminds me of the beautiful Posher AU community that for me personally, keeps me going. Thank you 🙏❤️💛❤️. Monica xx
Mar 07Reply

🎆🎆Closet Clearout Big Sale🎆🎆
All items that are $50 and under are by one at regular price and get 1 of equal value or less free. Just bundle your items.
All items $51 and over are 25% off regular price.
There are a few items not included in the sale. They are marked "Not part of any sale" in the description.
Mar 08Reply

@monicamoroney thank you for your kind words, still struggling long here. Thank you for sharing my items.
Mar 08Reply

@bbight24 I totally understand where you’re coming from and have recently really struggled after a Seller abused and harassed me. The process and aggression was mind blowing and I was not expecting it on here - but we are warriors and we rise above the BS because we/I’m inspired by the extraordinary Poshers (including yourself) who remind me that we hold our heads high & are supported by the people that truly matter. As hard and frustrating as the slog is; you’ve got this. I promise you 💛 xx Mon
Mar 08Reply

Did you report the seller? Did she buy something from you and was not happy?
Mar 08Reply

👋 from Cali, USA!
Mar 08Reply

Thank you for sharing, from bayside Melbourne.
Mar 08Reply

Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Mar 08Reply

Thanks for the follow ❤️ and the shares! 🙏🙌💯
Mar 09Reply

Welcome to poshmark 🥳
Mar 09Reply

@monicamoroney Hi I cannot find your message? What did you say? Col
Mar 14Reply

@bbight24 I wanted to thank you for your incredibly generous support and shares! I was really struggling yesterday and could only mentally do the bare minimum on here. I’m so grateful for your phenomenal kindness Colleen. You’re a truly beautiful woman, a treasured Posher and friend xx Thank you 💛. Mon xx
Mar 14Reply

How can I help? Is it the seller who abused you, it looks like you are so close to becoming an ambassador, it is exhausting. My office looks like a recycling dump, large tubs of clothes everywhere. My goal is to get to 200 listings and then settle down and see what happens. Col
Mar 14Reply

@monicamoroney congratulations, just noticed that you have made it!!!
Mar 25Reply

@bbight24 thank you but I had no idea and can still not find any indication but I’m super happy that you did too!!! I noticed today and would have congratulated you (as you so, so deserve it) but the nightmare that is today does allow for our minimal word count. Thank you so much dear friend- it means more than you could know xx I’m truly so grateful for you xoxo ❤️
Mar 25Reply

@bbight24 I’m so sorry beautiful Colleen. I’ve only just read this. Yeah, I reported it twice but they simply requested the same information photos and the info I’d already provided so when they asked again; I was too deflated to continue.
Mar 26Reply

Bully’s are bully’s. As a HS teacher for the past 20+ years, you learn that ‘the powers that be’ only do what is deemed ‘necessary’ to tick a box. I don’t play those games and have recently left teaching because of it. Anyways, thanks so much on the Ambassador info and support. I couldn’t have done it without extraordinary Poshers and friends such as yourself. Thank you incredible friend xoxo ❤️💛❤️
Mar 26Reply

@bbight24 other way around. The necklace was broken and even though the postage process was said by Seller to be the only explanation, I realised that the metal clasps required, were nowhere in the packaging. I’d attempted to resolve it personally but I’m unable to swallow lies these days and after a bit of research, simply reported it and then the onslaught began. Ol’ news now but if you ever come across a similar situation; I’m your person. Always xx
Mar 26Reply

@monicamoroney all sounds very distressing, hard to get over and move on. But now you have a positive to look forward to, you have reach your goal, and It is all fun, now. I am sitting surrounded by tubs, and now my pile of washing and hand washing is taking over the study. Try not to think about it, just wait for the karma train for pay back. Col
Mar 26Reply

@bbight24 I’ll definitely be waiting for that train but focussing on the beautiful diamonds I’ve been blessed meet and admire is the best incentive ever! Congrats to both of use incredible Colleen xoxo 🎉🥂🥳❤️💛❤️ xoxo
Mar 26Reply

Hi @bbight24 Congrats! You’ve been randomly selected to win Posh Credit per your automatic entry by listing on Poshmark during our 10, 20, 50+ listing event in March. 🏆 We've gone ahead and added the Posh Credits to your account and also sent you an email with more details! 😊 Happy Poshing!
Mar 29Reply

@monicamoroney Good evening, I want you to go to - join it is free. (do not join pro) select your photo, then background, and look to the side and select Poshmark, this will make your photo large to fit onto the Poshmark listing and show the full photo. ie: full dress. My grandson helped me with this when I first tried to start. If you need help, write. Col
Mar 29Reply

@bbight24 you Colleen are an absolute goddess and I will definitely follow up on this invaluable advice. I honestly cannot thank you enough beautiful friend xx Send huge ‘virtual’ cuddles of gratitude 🙏❤️. Thank you 💛 Mon xx
Mar 29Reply

You are welcome, lots of other things you can do, Leon (middle grandson) just started me on the basics, mainly to get everything in the photo. Good luck, I am sure you will handle it better than I did at the beginning. Col
Mar 29Reply

Thank you so so much for the shares 🥰! Really appreciate it xxx
Apr 03Reply

monicamoroney xx
Apr 07Reply

Thank you phenomenal woman, warrior and beloved friend 💛❤️💛. I’m so truly thankful for you and all you are xoxo
Apr 07Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet. Have not long started and I'm still learning, I really appreciate it
Apr 30Reply

@margretleayr you are welcome, I start just a few ,Months before you and still struggling, everyone is very helpful. Good luck, let’s keep the good karma going. Col
Apr 30Reply

@bbight24 Cheers Colleen, will do my best
Apr 30Reply

@bbight24 Hi 👋🏼 Thank you so much for generously sharing my items. I really really appreciate it. Thank you for sharing the Posh Love 💕 Cheers!! Helen 😊
May 01Reply

@helmur12 you are welcome, I just sit there listening to my audible and click aways, which is why sometimes I double click (depending on what I am listening too) All the best Colleen
May 02Reply

Hello!! Welcome to Poshmark. It’s a wonderful platform whether you are selling or buying. I wish you much success.
May 03Reply

@bbight24 Hey Colleen, Paula here from Team Posh Australia. We're hosting our first Posh Show event in Melbourne CBD this Thursday evening. We'd love the opportunity to meet you in person and to share our exciting new selling feature - Posh Shows! We've flown in a special guest from the Poshmark HQ too. Let me know if you'd like more info and I'll email you. Best, Paula
May 22Reply

@styleposs thank you Paula for the invitation, sadly these days I am just about house bound, good luck with your show. Regards Colleen
May 22Reply

@bbight24 thanks Colleen, and I'm sorry you can't make it. You can always tune in from home if you're interested to see what it is all about. We go live at 7:15pm on Thursday. Just follow @poshshowsau and you'll get a notification 🌼
May 23Reply

Hi Colleen, I just wanted to say a BIG thankyou for your ongoing support on Poshmark through shares, sharing the Posh love!💕I really appreciate it and glad to be able to support aswell in this wonderful community.
Take care and stay awesome😃
Kind regards,
May 23Reply

You are welcome, starting to get more organized with my sharing. Good luck Colleen
May 23Reply

Thanks for the shares 😍😍😍~ please join me for my next live on Thursday at 8 we have fun and learn from eachother
May 29Reply

I'm just buzzing 🐝 around to say 👋, and have an awesome and abundance poshmark day 🤗
Jun 01Reply

Funny I was just watching the Aussie Flipper I love your closet excellent items and pictures, the very best of luck to you, oh can we buy and sell to your country yet on posh ?
Jun 01Reply

@dsgreely Hi, thank you for your kind words, sadly international sales are not available yet, I hope it happens soon, best of luck regards Colleen
Jun 01Reply

Hi Colleen, thank you for sharing my closet , that was so kind of you , this is only week 4 for me
I signed up in 2021 but never did anything with it until 2nd of May , there is so much to learn , thanks again have a lovely weekend ❤️⭐️👛
Jun 02Reply

@monicamoroney thank you Monica for answering this question, I believe we cannot buy or sell to the US is that correct?
Jun 06Reply

@lisazarewicz we are unable to sell internationally unless we are an Ambassador II. Yeah, it’s really confusing when you get so many US and Canadian ‘follows’ but please be mindful of any requests for photos sent to an interested buyer’s email. I could be harmless but on one of the occasions I responded, having asked Posh AU Support but hearing nothing back; my email & all the social media liked to Poshmark were hacked. Take care💛. Mon xx
Jun 06Reply

Thank you so much Monica for this information, this is officially only week 5 for me
I signed up in 2021 and then my word was turned upside down , I am just getting very slowly the hang of it ,
I only know how to share and respond to requests/ sales / bundles etc
Don’t know yet about parties.
You are so lovely, have a beautiful Tuesday evening 🛍️⭐️❤️
Jun 06Reply

Jun 17Reply

@jimmyoliveira hi jimmy, rain and hail here in Melbourne, Australia tonight, happy posting regards Colleen
Jun 17Reply

hi Colleen, how are you? want to let you know how much I appreciate all your shares, it certainly helps with sales 😊, you have an awesome closet, sooo much to choose from, and a great variety. hope your Poshmark journey is becoming easier 😊, I've been here for 2 years or so now, and still learning 😊😊. if I can help with anything, I'd be happy to help in any way I can. Have a wonderful weekend 😊💓 frm Michelle .
Jun 24Reply

p.s. I'm in Australia 😊😊😊😊
Jun 24Reply

@michellebail894 Thank you for your kind words, I am still struggling to understand how things work? Sharing - you are welcome, this is one thing that I do struggle with, it is exhausting. I share when I am listening to my audiobooks, so if I repeat some, you will know that I am either at a sexy part or a scary part. Closet, hmmm, Do, you think it is better to have a certain style? mine is all over the place. All the best with your shows and thank you. Col
Jun 25Reply

@bbight24 I know sharing to USA is not worth the effort yet, as we cant trade, to find out if your sharing to an Aussie, go to their page and tap on 'about' I find most of them have their suburb and state there. and yes, quite time consuming. sharing only one or two items is all you need, they will not only share back, but are also likely to visit your closet.
Jun 25Reply

I have found having a diverse range of items, helpful, therefore there's something for everyone. it takes a bit of work, but once you reach ambassador status, you'll find you have more Aussies following you, you'll get there, keep playing around with the app, that's the way I learnt. introduce yourself to other Poshers, new and already established. hope this helped a little bit, and hang in there. it does become a lot more fun. 😊😊💓
Jun 25Reply

hi Colleen, thanks for the shares 😊, always appreciated. How's it all going?
Jun 26Reply

Hi Colleen just a little thank you note for your selfless sharing of my items , it is so much appreciated I also love sharing yours , Lisa ❤️⭐️🥳
Jun 26Reply

@michellebail894 ok today, your listings are lovely 😊 I have to stop myself from buying when doing my shares, so far I have a new Doona, purse, two handbags, new earrings, several bras plus new slippers. Haha, have a good night. Col
Jun 26Reply

@lisazarewicz you are most welcome, I share while listening to my audiobooks. Listening to a five volume invasion mystery conspiracy at the moment, so will be sharing a lot. Have a good night. Col
Jun 26Reply

sorry, I know it's late, but that is so funny 😆😆😆😆, yeh, I'm a bit of a sucker for great deal 😄 night.
Jun 26Reply

@michellebail894 perhaps it is posh’s big plan, get us to share each other’s listings, then we buy? I wonder if there are any buyers or just sellers😉
Jun 26Reply

oh no , wow. there are heaps of buyers, in the beginning I felt exactly the same
I'm in bed right now? very early WA time, watching movie 😊, but tomorrow? I'll send you a detailed method, on connecting with buyers. 😊😊
Jun 26Reply

hi Collen, how are you? okay here we go, to help you find Aussie Poshers to share with and introduce your closet to.
Go to the page where you find
your closet
your drafts
your likes etc
Tap on 'find people' I know you'll probably find a lot of USA Poshers, but there's Aussies there as well, last msg I explained how to find out if their in. Australia
Jun 27Reply

Tap on a Posh Ambassador, their page will come up, tap on 'about' scroll down to 'love notes' there you will find who has bought from them, and who she's bought from (all in Australia) your can share and introduce your closet to these people.
another way. 'Tap on 'feed' (down very bottom of screen.
Jun 27Reply

then tap on 'search" very top of screen, and tap in @cathybeale (or any Aussie zposher) then tap on 'about' and there you have all their info, including their 'love notes'. I so hope this makes sense. their are plenty of ways to share and introduce your closet, but you'll work that out as you go. I really hope this helps. Have an excellent day Colleen, and stay patient 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😊😊😊😊
Jun 27Reply

@michellebail894 Hey Michelle, Thanks for the mention 😀
@bbight24 I am a regular & happy to help. it surely is a journey, but I’m loving it as well. A little tip I can share, I recently realised that when you receive notifications of a live show and it’s from U.S “Unfollow” & you no longer get their notifications, I hardly get any notifications from U.S now especially since becoming ⭐️Posh Ambassador II, while we can’t trade with the U.S. there is no point in my opinion. Happy Poshing 😜🥰
Jun 27Reply

@cathybeale @michellebail894 Thank you ladies, I will try to work it out later tonight, evenings are pretty much taken up caring for my husband. I will let you know how I go. Colleen
Jun 27Reply

well, you remember to also take care of yourself 💜 and family first 😊😊💓
Jun 27Reply

Thanks Colleen, you ate a SUPER sharer 😆 it’s so hard sometimes to reciprocate but I will try my best to keep up 🥰
Jul 06Reply

Are** not ate 😂
Jul 06Reply

hi Colleen, how you going? good to see you sharing, I appreciate the shares, don't forget that introducing yourself ( to Australian Poshers, is also very helpful, and also remember, I'm here to help, if I can, 😊😊💓💓 . Have you watched any of the live Posh shows yet?
Jul 06Reply

@cathybeale That is ok - I share to thank the people who have included my items in their live shows, which I appreciate. Have a great night. Col
Jul 06Reply

@michellebail894 I think I am the sharing queen, which I do when my husband is sleeping. Not sure if it is helping at all? Certainly, getting a lot more followers and other people sharing, which means more sharing from me. I will get there just not sure where I will get. I have spent most of this week, getting a system up and running, as the stock/tubs are taking over the house, Thank you for your help. Colleen - ps - please add 1 x jumper and 1 x tee to my list.
Jul 06Reply

@helmur12 @astonwedding @gzou81 @swiftiishop @monicamoroney Thank you ladies for sharing my items on t, sadly I am not on this platform, mainly because I am a 70-year-old dinosaur and have to google everything. I will continue to share as a thank you - I know how to do that. Take care everyone and stay warm Col
Jul 08Reply

@michellebail894 @cathybeale @chictrade @14daisyscloset @myflorence @fairydewcloset @helmur12 @23_anjie @missjess149 @ 1_am_woman_3 @florencealamode Thank you ladies for sharing my items on your shows/parties, Sadly due to home commitments, I rarely have any time in the evenings, I wish you all the best and sincerely hope you all do well, I will continue to share you items as my small way of saying THANK YOU. Plus, I really do appreciate your help and advice. Col
Jul 08Reply

i_am_woman _3 sorry I messed up your name - Thank you ladies for sharing my items on your shows/parties, Sadly due to home commitments, I rarely have any time in the evenings, I wish you all the best and sincerely hope you all do well, I will continue to share you items as my small way of saying THANK YOU. Plus, I really do appreciate your help and advice. Col
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 Omg you are doing so good, no need to Thank us as I can’t keep up with your efforts 😂
Jul 08Reply

@cathybeale No pressure Colleen, you cruise your way, and I'm certain I speak for everyone, we are all very grateful for your shares. Keep smiling 😊❤
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 You are a beautiful soul and I appreciate you taking the time to even write this. Wishing you well and all the best 💕💕 Jess
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 and a big thank YOU for always sharing my items! It’s a great community here on Poshmark and we’re all here for you! 🥰🙌🏼 sending you lots of love, Lu 💞
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 Thankyou so much Colleen for your lovely message! And for my daily shares too! 🩷🙏 Much appreciated and will continue to return my shares too. Hope you have a blessed day and again a big thanks 🥰❤️
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 @bbight24 THANKYOU so much for all the support you have given. you are such a valuable member of the Posh community. I hope your doing well 🩷
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 Thank you for your kind message. Please don’t feel pressured to do parties or live shows. You do what is best for YOU. Don’t feel obligated. Just sharing a few items here and there so we know you are doing ok. You have an awesome closet and you have done so well. Thank you so much for your generous sharing of my closet. Take care. Cheers!! Helen 😊
Jul 08Reply

@helmur12 thank sorry about the 500 plus that my husband shared from your items, do not ever feel obligated to share them back. He has had a stroke so this is great therapy for him. Plus we both listen to audiobooks, sit in the lounge with the fire and share and listen. Not sure about my closet, I struggle a bit trying to research. But it has been interesting and certainly kept us busy. Thank Col
Jul 08Reply

@helmur12 I will add he usually falls asleep, except if gets the seller who has all of the honey birdett underwear. 😏
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 Oh no! Please thank your husband for all the wonderful shares. I really really do appreciate it. He is welcome to share my items anytime. Do only what you can do. We want you to enjoy the experience. Take care. Cheers! Helen 😊
Jul 08Reply

@bbight24 That is hilarious….😆😁🤣😂😆
Jul 08Reply

thankyou for all the shares beautiful lady 😊💓
Jul 10Reply

@bbight24 Hi beautiful, don't worry if you can't be at the elegant parties, we are here to support each other and thank you for sharing my closet, I appreciate it very much, have a wonderful day, sending love♥️🌷🌷🌷
Jul 11Reply

@yollanda12 you are welcome, I cannot do the live parties, so this is my way of saying thank you to everyone, your closet is beautiful I look at the items and wish they were small sizes. Good luck, it is hard work, but we will get there. Some days you wonder if it is worth it, and then something lovely happens. The posh family are so helpful and very kind - keep in touch regards Colleen
Jul 22Reply

🙋♀️Hi 👋It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything that you love ❤️on Poshmark🛍️ Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of luck ☘️
Jul 22Reply

@yollanda12 Hi Yollanda, not sure if I am the best person to ask as I have only been doing this early this year. Most of my sales have been to other sellers. I do not think your prices are too high, you are selling a lot of high-end style clothing, and the other end of the range appear to be priced accordingly. I would invest in a tape me with cms as I lot of buyers may not be bothered to convert from inches? You need to share, share and more sharing.
Jul 23Reply

@yollanda12 the more you share, then other sellers share your items, and it keeps going. Do you share you own items 3/4 times a day? do you know how to do this with the little crossed tools? It is hard work, and a lot of patience is needed, you are selling great items, hang in there. Colleen
Jul 23Reply

Hello & thanks for visiting!
Jul 25Reply

@yollanda12 again you are welcome, this is a new venture for me, I purchased a friend of a friends stock, time will tell if I have made a good decision. I am learning a lot, and yesterday. You have some beautiful items at good prices, you will do well, talk soon regards Colleen
Jul 26Reply

@yollanda12 You are doing nothing wrong, I am the same, no sales, sending offers but no response. Your items are unusual and great quality, mine are everyday. Are you sharing your listings several times a day? Colleen
Aug 01Reply

@yollanda12 everyone is saving their money, it must have been a relief today, no interest rate rises. We have to be patient. Keep sharing your listings, at least 3 to 4 times a day.
Aug 01Reply

@michellebail894 hi Michelle, not sure what I am doing wrong? No sales, not much interest at all? I was going to wait until Xmas to work out if I this is a good option for me. I have decided to keep going until the end of this month and if it stays the same, then I am selling the wrong items. I will try to keep sharing for everyone, but I do not even that is working. I do get some incredible low offers, and had to block my first buyer this week. Talk soon Colleen
Aug 04Reply

@yollanda12 Hi, same here, sold a few things but the money is very low, had a week off last week, is it worth the effort, two hours sharing per day, plus listing, and I made around $20. Not sure if I am selling the right items, I will give it until the end of the year and see if there is any improvement. Your items are wonderful, modern, edgy and unusual, I am sure they will sell, we both have to be patient. I purchased 50 huge boxes plus about the same full garbage bags full of clothes. cont
Aug 16Reply

@yollanda12 my house has been taken over, my garden now has hand washing hanging from racks. It is now overwhelming, I used to have a pretty guest room, now it is full of garbage bags. There is so much. That is my tale of woe, we will both be super posh sellers by the end of the year!!
Aug 16Reply

@yollanda12 Thank you but I am in Melbourne, my friends, sister-in-law - moved overseas and I purchased her stock. We spent last week setting up shelving and racks so I can unpack and put everything into sizes etc. Each box/bag is a surprise mostly good. I have just turned 70 so, a market is not something that I would be able to do. I just have to keep positive. I am off to finish my sharing before the Matilda's start playing. Can I ask - what are you using to list, phone, ipad or desktop.
Aug 16Reply

Hey Colleen! I’m Damini :) Just wanted to thank you for the constant support by always sharing my items 😘 I appreciate all the love and support for my closet. Love, Damini ❤️❤️
Sep 15Reply

@64cyclamen @yollanda12 @chictrader @ariko_and_v @florencealamode @14daisyscloset @i_am_woman_3 @sandyjc2022 @ammie_lou @j_tia @coolyajets @fairydewcloset @krysgrace This is a BIG THANK YOU for all of your shares and to everyone who has included my closet in their shows. As most of you know, I will not be having any shows of my own, and I will continue to share as much as I can. THANK YOU!
Sep 26Reply

@64cyclamen @yollanda12 @chictrader @ariko_and_v @florencealamode @14daisyscloset @i_am_woman_3 @sandyjc2022 @ammie_lou @j_tia @coolyajets, @wotsnewpussycat @wuv11y_stuff @fairydewcloset @krysgrace OOPS I forgot I am now a Posh Ambassador 11 - not sure how that happened. But thank you to all who have helped me. If I could work out how to put kisses on this message, they would be there for you.
Sep 26Reply

@wotsnewpussycat @wuv11y_stuff This is a BIG THANK YOU for all of your shares and to everyone who has included my closet in their shows. As most of you know, I will not be having any shows of my own, and I will continue to share as much as I can. THANK YOU!
Sep 26Reply

@bbight24 always a pleasure lovely Colleen 🌹. How gorgeous of you to thank us, and congratulations your milestones woop woop!💫⭐️🤩🎉💗
Sep 26Reply

@bbight24 How lovely is that Colleen !! 💖💖 Many congratulations to you being a Posh Ambassador 2! You deserve every bit of the love you receive 😘😘 Thannk for you sharing my closet too. All my love to you ❤️ Best, Damini (Cyclamen) 😘
Sep 26Reply

@bbight24 With new success come new goals and new will power to hustle more. Heartiest congratulations and blessings multiplied, 🥰😘🎈Kathy
Sep 26Reply

On the milestone, your an asset to the Posh community! I will continue to share your amazing items whenever I can.
Thankyou so much for your continued support aswell.
kind regards☺️
Sep 26Reply

@bbight24 Hii Colleen 🌸 Congratulations on being PAII 🎉 especially so quickly🥳 i remember coming across your closet page when you started earlier this year and sharing your items, wishing your all the best! Thanks kindly for all the shares 💞 Best wishes 🍀 Happy Poshing 🤩🛍️ Jarm @j_tia
Sep 29Reply

Thank you Colleen for the ongoing selfless sharing of my closet , you are such a wonderful person 🦋💐🙏💗 , Lisa
Oct 01Reply

@lisazarewicz you are welcome, you have such a beautiful closet, Wishing you all the best!
Oct 01Reply

@j_tia thank you for your lovely comments, it has been a struggle, it is 😓 work, nearly gave up a few months back, a special thank you for including my items in your shows. I appreciate your help. Colleen
Oct 02Reply

Hi @bbight24 - I hope you are having a wonderful week! I wanted to personally invite you to our Class of Posh Session at 12PM AEDT where you can learn how to sell multiple items instantly - Team Posh will be live and you can ask questions in real time!
This session will be a tutorial and BTS of Posh Shows, where you can learn to sell live (without even needing to list items to your Posh Closet!) You can follow @poshshowsau to be notified.
Hope to see you there!
Tiffany & Team Posh xx
Oct 11Reply

Hey Colleen! It was a shocking news this morning that Posh aus is closing down! I’m glad that I got to meet you here. If you’d like to stay connected- my De.pop is 64Cyclamen and my personal i.nsta is daminideshwal. Hope to see you there xx
Oct 20Reply
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