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Updated Mar 09
Updated Mar 09

Meet your Posher, D

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm D. Some of my favorite brands are Vintage, Supreme, Lacoste, and Stussy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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brandonpena32 Interested in my cream shirt I’ll give you a cheap price on it
Apr 17Reply
db_nyc @afactor69 what are you talking about?
Apr 20Reply
db_nyc OH...was it the tie-died one?
Apr 20Reply
db_nyc Black and red with a white logo...I had gotten notice that it was sent to the wrong address. This is the first I'm hearing of a wrong item being sent to me by mistake. I should be home by the end of next week. Will tell you what I find and take care of it ASAP
Apr 20Reply
llathleticwear Hi!! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! Feel free to check out my closet 😁🧘‍♀️🎾🏃‍♀️🏌️‍♀️👖👕🌸
May 20Reply
belen18 They I apologize for the wait, I was out of town
May 29Reply
momandpopshop Greetings i come in peace. I have a new mom and pop shop here on poshmark that specializes in unique finds at a great price. As a result my inventory is moving pretty steady and i would like to invite you to join in on the fun. Come shop with us and save money. Peace and blessings to you and your family.
Jul 20Reply
db_nyc @mmott42 "other sweaters"?. Which ones do you have?
Sep 12Reply
fancyynancy17 Thank you for your very kind words and 5 star rating! I appreciate your support! 💕 You made my day. ❤️
Sep 21Reply
rgj17 Sorry I had to cancel your order on the men’s adidas size 11. Unfortunately that shoe isn’t available but I do have another pairs of interested! Thank you and again I’m sorry for the inconvenience!
Sep 25Reply
theposhfinds Hi @db_nyc 💕 I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself - my name is Katelyn 🤗 It’s always nice to meet a fellow Posher ❤️ I’m a Posh Ambassador with a 5 ⭐️ Rating - so if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I hope you have fun on Poshmark! If you have some spare time - I was wondering if you could check out my closet, I have some great deals and I add new listings daily 🙏🏻🥳 Thanks so much for supporting my small business! It means the world to me!
Oct 13Reply
lovewantposh Please don’t spam my listings 😺
Nov 03Reply
sherman2250 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet. I have women’s and men’s clothing plus home goods. Happy Poshing 🌻👗👠👔👖🌻
Nov 05Reply
db_nyc @hautenloaded spam? you're selling an item at Double retail price. please don't try to scam shoppers 😁
Nov 06Reply
dweygand I plan on shipping your order tomorrow. I am Sorry, I normally ship the next day but was not home all day today.
Nov 22Reply
db_nyc @dweygand not a problem. thanks for keeping in contact
Nov 22Reply
bregan712 Hello sir! Would you mind please accepting the delivery to release payment? Thank you so much 😀
Dec 01Reply
matteoalfred Did the kappa joggers come in, if so can u please accept?
Dec 20Reply
db_nyc @matteoalfred haven't even gotten home yet. and you beat poshmark's delivery notification by 3 hours! lol. but yeah, I'll definitely look for the package later 👍
Dec 20Reply
matteoalfred @db_nyc sounds good, thank u brodie!
Dec 20Reply
sdjean Thanks for purchasing this shirt. As noted in the description, the shirt looks smaller than a usual medium, so please be sure the measurements work for you. If I don’t hear otherwise from you, then I will ship on Wednesday.
Jan 14Reply
wfva54 Welcome to posh
Jan 31Reply
thicckthicck Hi, I said if I got anymore Modern Amusement shirts I’d contact you. Well I just listed an awesome one! If you want it, like it and I will drop to $28 like you paid for last one and you will also get discounted shipping for closet clearout! Let me know. Thanks💕
Feb 09Reply
db_nyc @thicckthicck are you sure I bought a modern amusement shirt? can you tag me on the listing? I don't remember it right now
Feb 09Reply
thicckthicck @db_nyc Shit, you are right! Sorry wrong person. Happy Sunday!!
Feb 09Reply
drip1ord Please buy my hoodie I beg
Feb 10Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 14Reply
moevintage918 please stop spamming my listings, you dont have to shop my closet if you dont like my pricing.
Feb 21Reply
db_nyc @moevintage918 spamming listings? as far as I know I made one single comment on one listing. that's not spamming. I'll ask you again, are you aware that the well worn shirt you're selling for $35 is always available for $25 brand new on Powell Peralta's website? If you don't know, now ya know 😁✌ please price fairly ❤ and happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply
db_nyc @moevintage918 spamming listings? as far as I know I made one single comment on one listing. that's not spamming. I'll ask you again, are you aware that the well worn shirt you're selling for $35 is always available for $25 brand new on Powell Peralta's website? If you don't know, now ya know 😁✌ please price fairly ❤ and happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply
db_nyc @moevintage918 spamming listings? as far as I know I made one single comment on one listing. that's not spamming. I'll ask you again, are you aware that the well worn shirt you're selling for $35 is always available for $25 brand new on Powell Peralta's website? If you don't know, now ya know 😁✌ please price fairly ❤ and happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply
db_nyc @moevintage918 also it doesn't even have a tag, so there's no way to verify it's authenticity. could definitely be a knock-off. just sayin'. I do wish you good luck in your poshing and many fair sales👍 All the best!
Feb 26Reply
soccerkid231 Interested in the shirt?
Mar 13Reply
girlmeetsluxe I saw your interest in the Gucci ghost shawl. I have a brand new one with tags available in teal with red letter. Take a moment to visit my closet ❤️
Mar 21Reply
thicckthicck Hi! Deuces to drop the price of the shirt you liked for closet clear out. Take advantage of discounted shipping as well! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks💕
Mar 27Reply
supgod777 hello my friend i see you have interest in the bape shark flu mask i have one also for sale custom made for a much more affordable price under retail im also doing free give away deals if interested check out my closet hope to establish business with you soon have a good day
May 08Reply
vintagestyleny Check my closet out
Sep 11Reply
apextim Thanks for liking my item If you buy today, I can Ship Saturday (my only day this week for shipping )
Oct 15Reply
db_nyc @apextim sorry, which item?
Oct 15Reply
apextim @db_nyc cheap blue lands end down vest sie M
Oct 15Reply
therealray23 Hey bro, you still want the Bape Jersey?
Oct 21Reply
wawils25 Hi D, thanks for stopping by my page and taking a peek inside my closet. I see that you ❤️ a few Custom Tie Dye T-Shirts in my closet, if you’re interested feel free to make an offer. I’m pretty reasonable. Again thank you for looking in my closet. FYI: ⚠️⚠️⚠️Bundle Special: 2 items or more receive 30% off and Discounted Shipping (-$2.11) ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Nov 22Reply
vintagelini Hello! I saw that you liked a listing of mine :) if you’d be interested in a bundle, at the moment all bundles are 50% off (or more for larger bundles)😃 Let’s work something out!
Dec 25Reply
sergio1987shore Hello I’m very sorry but I have to cancel your order. I notice that they have a really bad stain and it wouldn’t be fair to send them in that condition
Feb 15Reply
db_nyc @sergio1987shore What? How about letting me decide?
Feb 16Reply
db_nyc @sergio1987shore post a photo of the stain. you'll probably have to make a new listing since I already purchased them. And you can offer a better price if they're in worse condition that you thought, or what you showed. but really, they were $15 sneakers that had marker on them. I obviously wasn't expecting them to be flawless. Cancelling the order was not the way to go. Contact the customer and let them decide
Feb 16Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Feb 22Reply
vvintagebabyy Hey! If you are interested in re-purposed designer jewelry like Louis Vuitton, Gucci & Dior check out my Insta @thebrandsocietyy All of my pieces are 100% authentic & created out of high quality materials! 🤍
Apr 08Reply
lar905 I am so sorry about the shoes! My son just got home from work and I told them I couldn’t find them, he sold them to a friend without telling me. I am truly sorry, this has never happened to me before. 😩
Apr 20Reply
kingslayer97 Hi I saw you had bought a green jacket from “styleyougood” awhile back and I wanted to ask did you ever recieve it? I ordered a jersey from them too but got the same “emergency” response as you did. About to be 2 weeks since I bought it but no other replies.
May 28Reply
db_nyc @kingslayer97 which green jacket? was it a reversible bomber, green one one side, camouflage on the other?
May 28Reply
db_nyc @kingslayer97 I'm not sure. I had it and a few other items from other sellers sent to a friend's house. haven't had a chance to pick up the packages yet, so I'm not sure what's there. according to tracking it has been delivered, but I can't verify
May 28Reply
ambermarie1231 Why be a douche? If you think something is not worth what I have it priced- send an offer. You may be surprised. Otherwise- take a flying leap
Jun 24Reply
db_nyc @ambermarie1231 please be polite, and honest in your listings. thank you
Jun 24Reply
ambermarie1231 @db_nyc polite? You commented cussing at me! Take your own advice
Jun 24Reply
db_nyc @ambermarie1231 I definitely did not. could you screenshot or tag me where you think that occurred please?
Jun 24Reply
twinsdesign @db_nyc Love Poshmark!! Love how everyone has something different and open 24/7. Stop by anytime I have One Of a Kind handmade jewelry and more. @Twinsdesign
Jun 25Reply
jonasskates Hey so sorry about what happened with the shut shirt I can send it for free. I completely forgot about this Poshmark account. If you give me your # or email then we can work it out
Jun 29Reply
db_nyc @jonasskates wow! thanks!! I don't want to get into any trouble with Poshmark, so I'd rather go through the app. could you repost it and send me an offer?
Jun 29Reply
brujanegra anybody from Harlem who was born in the 70s like I was knows what real Deptford and stuff looks like oh, you don't have to explain it, it did not have a Gucci tag on it. You knew where to go, and when you went in there if you had to ask, then you probably couldn't afford it. Straight Hustlin and rappers would pass through oh, I know because I was one of them. 😈
Jul 04Reply
db_nyc @brujanegra you talking about Dapper Dan? what's this in reference to?
Jul 04Reply
brujanegra you made a comment about a two piece fake Dapper Dan outfit on here I was just agreeing with you that's all
Jul 04Reply
db_nyc @brujanegra cool. can you tag me on the listing though? I remember a year or two ago a lot of people were in here trying get away we with selling generic Canal Street fakes by saying they were Dapper Dan pieces. I know exactly what you're talking about
Jul 04Reply
db_nyc @jonasskates what up with the shirt? 🙂
Jul 04Reply
brujanegra damn hun oh, I got so fed up with that listing that I just commented to the user and blocked it and I don't know where it is but is a two piece set in the Dapper Dan category there's not that many and you guys were really going at it LOL but like I said I'm from Harlem I used to hustle I'm an OG everything you said was official, most young people don't know this
Jul 04Reply
jonasskates Just send me your email so I can mail it to you
Jul 12Reply
martinez_margie Hi, I'm selling beautiful Jewelry and Purses. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 🌻🍷🌻 HAPPY POSHING 🌻🍷🌻
Jul 20Reply
dhessinger So glad you are happy with the Astral shoes!
Nov 15Reply
db_nyc @dhessinger they're great! Big Thanks
Nov 15Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 28Reply
db_nyc @lmoore840 ? I have no closet
Nov 28Reply
lmoore840 @db_nyc Lol I know, was just being nice.I like you profile very original.
Nov 28Reply
lmoore840 Be sure to still check out my closet!!!
Nov 28Reply
shopthesun @db_nyc Hi! If you bundle the two items, you can received a lesser price.
Dec 14Reply
db_nyc @shopthesun which 2?
Dec 14Reply
shopthesun @db_nyc Hi! You liked two AlpineStars hats. If there is ever more than two items you like, click the bundle button and we can make a deal on price. I can ship right away.
Dec 14Reply
db_nyc @shopthesun 👍 thank you
Dec 15Reply
shopthesun @db_nyc absolutely!
Dec 15Reply
modnaya_koshka Hello! Hope you have a minute 🙏 to visit my Artisan closet! Variety of quality items, Choose 3 of your favorites for a great deal 3 for $25! Perfect for gifts))) Thank you for looking 🌿 Albina
Feb 18Reply
nonajuice Hi. I see the shoes were delivered. Would you mind accepting please. Thank you.
Apr 12Reply
deli126 Hi there, 💕Welcome to Poshmark. Stop by anytime and check g out my closet. I have so many great stems to chose from. Open to Reasonable offers, also bundle and save! 🛍😊💜
Apr 14Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 25Reply
ssecondhandd Hey, accepting all reasonable offers on my inventory now. Shoot me an offer to negotiate + receive quick shipping !
Aug 21Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Oct 02Reply
makeupaddict187 Hi I saw you were interested in a Gucci bracelet! Just listed one brand new.
Apr 04Reply
deannie24 Thanks for the like on the Jansport, fair offers are always welcome 😊
Jun 19Reply

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Last Active: 19 hours ago

Staten Island, NY
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Last Active: 19 hours ago

Staten Island, NY
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