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Updated 5 days ago

Meet your Posher, Dana

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dana. I am a mother of 3 who absolutely LOVES thrifting in my spare time. I personally find it relaxing and therapeutic searching through the chaos to find great quality barely used items. I always seem to find such incredible gems that Attract a ton of compliments. So I have decided to turn my hobby in to a way for me to earn income for my family. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: Canada

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wearreclaimedco Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy your selling/buying adventure as much as I do. 👒👠👗🧣👜👓
Oct 04Reply
coatsncardigans Thanks! 🙏🏼 Im absolutely certain I will! I’m really excited to get started on this! 😎🎉🎉
Oct 04Reply
coatsncardigans @laundrydaze thanks!! I’m really enjoying it so far!
Oct 07Reply
marloweposh Thanks for the shares🌻Have a poshin' week!
Oct 07Reply
jennyfantastic1 Thank you for all the shares ! Happy Poshing! 🥰
Oct 13Reply
justthrifted_ Welcome to Poshmark Dana ❣️
Nov 21Reply
coatsncardigans @coco_rouge Thanks 🙏🏼 Im absolutely loving it so far.
Nov 21Reply
daniellebursey Hi, I wanted to thank u for all the shares. It’s greatly appreciated, I will return the favour. 😄also just to let u know I’m open to trading.
Nov 23Reply
coatsncardigans @daniellebursey oh you’re very welcome and thank you for them as well. Normally I’m just sitting here nursing my baby so I figure I might as well be multitasking 😉 lol how does trading work on here?
Nov 29Reply
daniellebursey @coatsncardigans good thinking. As far as trading goes firstly u both have to agree, of course. Once u both agree on items to trade u then list ur item at at least $3(minimum amount that can be entered) as well as the other posher and u both pay $12.99 for shipping plus $3 for the trade.
Nov 29Reply
alana_5 no problem, what goes around comes around 😁
Dec 09Reply
coatsncardigans @annapleinsoncas Thank you so much, for taking your time to express this. I do feel incredibly blessed every single day for this little family of mine. I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum during pregnancy for all 3 children. So that fact we all made it through that and we are all healthy is a massive miracle that I will never stop being grateful for. Wishing you happy holidays as well as health, wealth and happiness in this new year! 😊💜
Dec 20Reply
montrealposher Welcome to Poshmark 🇨🇦 what an Exciting time for us Canadians. Wishing you much success. The key is to Share, Share & Share your closet & others.
Jan 09Reply
dandelions216 thanks for all the shares luv! welcome to Poshmark!
Jan 24Reply
rkoolen you're the best! thanks!
Feb 09Reply
acookie96 Hey girl! You have a lovely closet!! Feel free to check out my closet too! If you find an item that you like please don’t hesitate to make an offer or purchase. If you find an item that you think is cute please don’t hesitate to show some love and hit the like button! Happy shopping and stay safe :)
Apr 17Reply
iamnita Thank you for sharing my closet. Happy poshing!
Apr 28Reply
staceylynham69 Thank you very much for the shares - much appreciated 😊
May 01Reply
coatsncardigans @staceylynham69 no worries, thank you for the returned shares ☺️🥳
May 01Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize Dana🤗 I am happy for you and maybe you can use portion of your prize to purchase from my closet 😊 Have a great evening!
May 02Reply
coatsncardigans @laundrydaze thank you so much! I was so excited waking up to that notification this morning 🥳
May 03Reply
drop_deadthread so happy to see you won!!! Congratulations 🎉
May 03Reply
sincerelytrue86 Hello how are you today and hope you're staying safe too. Kindly see my little closet full of clean and gorgeous items for your stylish self at already good and negotiable prices. Here to serve,let me add to your already fabulous wardrobe. Thanks
May 03Reply
kidsfashion2020 Thank you so much for sharing my listing 😊
May 05Reply
oak_sage @coatsncardigans ever since i started my journey on poshmark your name has always popped up for sharing my closet, i just wanted to take some time to thank you for your kind gesture! i really appreciate it. i hope you and your family stay safe and healthy during these crazy times ❤️
May 27Reply
coatsncardigans @jillianv15 awww thanks for stopping by to say that, it was very lovely to read and of course it’s always nice feeling appreciated ☺️ so thank you!! also we are all well here and wishing you the same 😊💕
May 27Reply
glamfriperie Hi! How are you? I just saw you liked one of my articles😍! Let me know if you have any questions... i am giving a 15% off on all your articles when you purchase 2nd and + articles. Also i pay your shipping when you buy for 125$ and more!! Thank you! Enjoy your shopping!! ❤️
Jun 16Reply
514lenab Thanks for the support, Dana, have a fab day!🥂🍾
Jun 24Reply
relovedplus Thank you so much for your purchase 🥰 just dropped it off at the Post Office. Should be on its way soon 💌
Jul 01Reply
coatsncardigans @ladylouise25 awww thank you so much for taking the time to write this to me 😊 feels good receiving compliments for hard work. ALSO I definitely appreciate you sharing my whole closet! 🙏 so kind!
Jul 05Reply
kate4162 @coatsncardigans Thank you very much for sharing my closet! Have a beautiful day 😊
Aug 12Reply
painttownthread How nice to read a personal story here. Wishing you all the best
Sep 01Reply
lovedwinnipeg Thanks so much for the shares, Dana! Have a great long weekend! 😊
Sep 04Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) welcome ;) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss, stay safe and blessed :)! Dont miss out on nice items for Him, Her n Home xx :-)! And the Fall Special :-)
Nov 16Reply
poshchinch Just wanted to say that this is a very endearing photo for such a loving family.
Nov 17Reply
coatsncardigans @raingerbil awww thank you so much, that’s so kind, it’s was captured at my cousins wedding, definitely one of my fave photos of all of us 😊
Nov 17Reply
laceriley This is such a beautiful photo shoot!🥰🥰
Nov 18Reply
coatsncardigans @laceriley Thanks so much a friend of mine captured it at my cousins wedding. 😊
Nov 18Reply
jessietucker22 @coatsncardigans thanks so much for the shares, also you have a beautiful family, Gorgeous photos! ❤️😄
Nov 19Reply
valleystyles Thank you for all the shares. 😊 I ♡ your closet and the quality of your items 🎽👔👘👗👙👖👕👚👞👡 Stay Safe, Cheers 🍻🍷
Dec 02Reply
17pizzazz Great thanks for sharing my listing!!! Take care & happy poshing!💗
Jan 08Reply
missionposhable @coatsncardigans Hi Dana! Thank you for the great offer! Impatiently waiting for balance... sales landing hopefully this week 😊
Mar 22Reply
mika2565 Hi 🙋 Just dropping by to say Hi and invite you to kindly check out my closet when you get a chance ❤️😊 I do have some items that may be of interest to you and I’ll be listing more so be sure to follow me 👍 Take care! Stay safe and Happy Poshing
Mar 23Reply
shopabstyle I’ve reached 40,000 followers!! And to celebrate I’m having a 3/$40 sale this weekend. Any listings with 🎉 in the title qualify. Please check it out and thanks for being part of my Poshmark success 🤗💕
Apr 03Reply
coatsncardigans @shopabstyle sounds great, I’ll check out your closet and maybe you could check out mine 😉
Apr 03Reply
shopabstyle @coatsncardigans thanks Dana! Will do 🤗
Apr 03Reply
xxxx_s Thanks for sharing items in my closet😊
Apr 18Reply
coatsncardigans @xxxx_s oh your welcome, you have a very lovely closet 😊 and thanks for sharing mine back ☺️
Apr 18Reply
xxxx_s @coatsncardigans Thanks! Ofc😊
Apr 18Reply
lolliirot hi there. just looking around & came across your closet & OMG your family is the cutest. your oldest is the perfect blend of both u & papa bear.! haha. i still feel very new here & don't even have a closet to check out yet. but ive found lots of good shopping. i suppose i will have to start a closet eventually since I've bought a few things that didn't end up fitting me quite right & i could really use the money back.
May 23Reply
lolliirot i guess its the risk u take w/online shopn vs instore. its hard to find plussize instore. at least in the punkrock style i luv. honestly i'm on a disability income & most of the reason i haven't started a closet yet is related to my disability. but one day i hope to figure Poshmark out & it will  become easier for me to also make some extra cash for my little apartment-hold. lol. i wish u much luck in your thrift store hunts.!
May 23Reply
coatsncardigans @lolliirot hey!!! Thanks for the sweet little comment ☺️ and for reaching out! There I definitely lots of great shopping here on Poshmark, which can be kind of a bad thing for the bank account sometimes. Lol I actually made a rule for myself that I can only spend what is in my Poshmark redeemable credit section so I don’t go overboard on spending lol
May 24Reply
coatsncardigans @lolliirot I think starting your own closet is a great idea especially if it’s to resell the items you already purchased on here. Great way to get your money back so you are able to spend it on other things you can use. And actually if you have any questions I would totally be willing to help you figure it all out. It’s actually super easy to REPOSH something, so message me if you need and guidance 🤓
May 24Reply
hayleybruce96 Hi!!! I noticed you liked a few off my listings! Totally make a bundle and I will give you a great offer! Shipping discount as well 😊Hope you have a great day!
Jun 06Reply
angela1chaisson Hey Lady ! just checking in on your package, I have notifications saying it's been delivered, have you received your order ? please let me know of any issues 🙂
Jul 06Reply
laughinglindsay Thank you so much for sharing my listings!! I appreciate you so much, thank you also for being so helpful, Feel free to come check out my closet anytime and that I'm always open to any offers 🤍🤍
Sep 20Reply
fancy_gypsy Hey 💕 thank you so much for all the shares! Have a great evening 🤗
Sep 21Reply
classy_posh Hello from Kelowna to PG! Thanks for all the shares! Nice closet too. Check out my sales on now 🔴$5 Add ons, 🔹3/$20 and more! Questions and offers always welcome! Thanks and happy shopping 🙏
Oct 17Reply
a_fashion_life Hi! thank you for sharing my closet. for the pcs you like, you can bundle and make an offer. it will be my pleasure to look into it. Happy poshing 🤗🌸
Oct 17Reply
bluenose2 @coatsncardigans …Hi there…thanks so much for all the shares…so grateful ❤️ You have lovely things!
Oct 19Reply
abcollyer Hi I ordered a shirt from you but I think you might have sent a piki pop game by mistake?
Dec 06Reply
abcollyer oh my gosh! nevermind it was just the box lol Thanks so much!
Dec 06Reply
coatsncardigans @abcollyer hahaha sorry for the confusion. I try to recycle, reduce, reuse as much as possible.
Dec 06Reply
abcollyer @coatsncardigans no worries thats a good thing!
Dec 06Reply
kristenb1980 You are so thoughtful!! Thank you soooo very much for my purchase. Beautifully packaged too!!! Happy holidays to you and your family!
Dec 15Reply
coatsncardigans @kristenb1980 oh yay, I’m so glad that it arrived way before Christmas and that you are happy with your purchase!! Wishing you guys the best holidays as well!! 🎄hope to serve you again in the new year 😎
Dec 15Reply
modaboutique170 Hi thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my closet. Sent you an offer on the item you liked,I do accept reasonable counter offer. Feel free to contact me with any questions 🙂
Dec 30Reply
l_winick Hi Dana. Thanks for sharing a listing from my closet. Really appreciate your support. Should you be interested, I'm offering 10% off 2 item purchase. Love your closet. I wear M/L and Sz 12. Will keep checking. Happy new year! Linda
Jan 04Reply
kindposher Hi There 😉🤪😜🥰😊👻☠️💀👽👹👿😈 My Name Is Shannelle 💋💋 I’m a Poshmark Ambassador! Welcome To Poshmark! Happy Poshmarking your stuffs 😜🤪🥰😍😚😘😎🤩🥳 Come Check Out My Unique Vintage Store 🏬 Full Of Interesting, Rare, & Special Stuffs. Super CHEAP & Mind Blowing Price.. Hardly Won’t Decline Any Offer 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 & you will receive some Spooky 👻 🪳🪰🦇🐸 Gifts!!!! My Listings A lot can be good to resell it as my price is just crazy CHEAP - Bundle To Get Even More Crazier price!!!
Jan 10Reply
stephanie_1207 Hi, just want to invite you to check out my closet when you got a moment. Although I mostly carry sizes M, L and XL. But I also have a few items that might interest you, like shoes😉. Be safe and take care. 🥂🙏🤗❤️
Jan 27Reply
upcycle_ @coatsncardigans Thankyou so much for your purchase, I think you will love the slip 🤞🏻 (pictures don’t do it justice !!) it will be shipped out asap Monday when post office re-opens🌸🤍
Jul 10Reply
clodina Hi! Just wanted to know the color of your ardene pink swim top. Is it like a dark/ light pink ( flashy/ washed off)? Thank you in advance 🤗
Aug 05Reply
call_me_momo Hi Dana…. always great to meet another Posher ☺️ Come give my closet a peek. Its contents has all my own personal stuff. Very eclectic. Some brands you’ll recognize and some you likely won’t. I’ve collected a lot over the years working in fashion. So, when you shop my closet, you’ll automatically receive my discount of 15% if you buy 2 items or more. I also encourage anyone to make offers to me. If you don’t ask, you don’t get 😉 ❤️ Hope to connect with you soon. Momo xx
Nov 10Reply
roomefind Hi! Welcome to selling on Posh! One thing I have found helpful in boosting sales is sharing every item in my closet at least twice a day to parties and my followers. And when someone shares your items, share back. This increases by 100,000’s the people who see your stuff. Good luck and have fun! 🌷
Nov 27Reply

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Prince George, BC
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Prince George, BC
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