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Updated Aug 13
Updated Aug 13

Meet your Posher, Dolores Delrio

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dolores Delrio. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Coach, Kate Spade, Betsy Johnson, Liz Claiborne, Jones of New York Skechers and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lollypop1128 @tahniecar - bundling means if you are buying more than one item from same seller and you meet the requirements meaning a certain amount of money then the purchaser gets a discount on the shipping costs.
Jun 24Reply
lollypop1128 @tahniecar - I just found out that Bundling also means that the seller receives s discount if she sells two or more items at the same time. I think it is a 10% discount.
Jun 24Reply
lollypop1128 @tahniecar - I think I did 😏 I'm learning how to do this and need to start listing some things from my closet. Did you list a red bag that was sold already? If u did then that was when you told me that you had another one in red if I was interested and I said absolutely.
Jun 24Reply
gatulita buy 4 items for $15 dollars or less each for $20 dollars only 3 hours
Jul 08Reply
robynb611 @lollypop1128 I'll do $60 if your still interested. I'm new at this so can't figure out any other way to respond but here!
Jul 15Reply
lollypop1128 @robynb611 - Hi. Yes still interested at $60. You need to change the price and then I will accept/buy. Thank you. You will do just fine. Happy Selling 🌹
Jul 15Reply
lollypop1128 @robynb611 - hi again. I don't see the change in price on ur site. You need to change price to $60 so I can accept. I'm still reading about how to start selling and open my closet. When I'm done doing my research on how to sell I can help you if you when you need help. Happy selling 🌹
Jul 15Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! 😃
Jul 21Reply
hanyearout Welcome Delores !! I saw you shared that Kate Spade. You have such great taste :) I am more than willing to offer them to you for $52
Jul 21Reply
jassieboo92 Would you be interested in me reducing the cardigan 10% so that you can get reduced shipping?
Jul 22Reply
lollypop1128 @jassieboo92 - hi - which cardigan I have Bid on several and don't know which one u r talking about 😊
Jul 22Reply
jassieboo92 @lollypop1128 It's the Apt 9 rose gold cardigan I tagged you 😊
Jul 22Reply
lollypop1128 @jassieboo92 - Hi. Yes I would. I also want to buy the Karen Scott peach colored short sleeved shirt if you will bundle both of them and then reduce by 10%
Jul 22Reply
lollypop1128 Hi again. The Karen Scott shirt is Coral not Peach sorry 😏
Jul 22Reply
jassieboo92 @lollypop1128 Ok sounds great ! Add them both to a bundle then I'll lower price
Jul 22Reply
jassieboo92 @lollypop1128 Just add them both to a bundle then I'll reduce the price so that you can get discounted shipping
Jul 22Reply
jassieboo92 @lollypop1128 Hey I'd love to ship both tops out for you tomorrow, but you have to add them to bundle first
Jul 23Reply
hanyearout Hi Delores!! Thanks for liking the Purple leather coach Cross Body in my closet. To show my gratitude and as a compliment to your good taste I'd like to offer it to you for
Jul 31Reply
hanyearout Hi Dolore !! Thanks for liking the Kate spade eyeglasses in my closet. To show my gratitude and as a compliment to your good taste I'd like to offer it to you for $45 OBO. Thanks again @lollypop1128
Jul 31Reply
ejeveryday Hi Dolores!! Lovely to meet you 🌷
Aug 01Reply
modestme I've made you an offer on the two tops you submitted offers for. I've bundled them together so you can get the 15% discount and save $6.95 on shipping, because they will come under one shipping label. Hope this helps.
Aug 04Reply
modestme I wAs looking at your earlier messages and you've almost got the bundle concept. You added the two tops to the bundle. The next step would be to make an offer while you're in the bundle window. I made the offer to you to help you out. You can decide to accept or make a counter offer or decline. Let me know if you have any questions.
Aug 04Reply
lollypop1128 @modestme - Hi. Thank you so much for your help. Now I understand. Ur very sweet to have taken the time to teach me. 😊🌷
Aug 04Reply
modestme @lollypop1128 of course! Glad to help and thank you for your purchase. I will ship it today. If you have any other questions, just type a comment on one of my listings or from your listing type "@modestme" and then your question. You'll be a pro at this in no time. Happy Poshing!
Aug 04Reply
lollypop1128 @modestme - Hi again. I just read that the green shirt was not available for me to purchase. I believe I was charged for both items. How do we eliminate the green shirt?
Aug 04Reply
lollypop1128 Hi. Both items were no longer available. Do I guess this order will be cancelled. Thank you
Aug 04Reply
modestme @lollypop1128 Both tops were purchased as a bundle. The individual purchases will show as unavailable. They will both go away after a while or you can cancel them.
Aug 04Reply
modestme @lollypop1128 if you are on your phone, click your closet name at the bottom right. You should see your closet if you have listings. If you click your closet name again, you will see a list. Scroll down to "my purchases". When you click that you will see the purchases you have made. I think you will also see that I shipped them earlier today. Let me know if you can't find it.
Aug 04Reply
modestme @lollypop1128 Thanks for the great rating. Have a wonderful weekend!
Aug 12Reply
lollypop1128 @modestme I'm so sorry 😏. I thought I had rated ur bundle as soon as I received it. I have a question - when u bundle do you rate each item separately?
Aug 12Reply
modestme @lollypop1128 Don't worry. I appreciate you taking the time. When you get a bundle, you rate the entire bundle together. How is everything else going? Any Poshmark questions?
Aug 12Reply
lollypop1128 @modestme - No questions. Thank you for asking. I'm still contemplating whether I should open my closet.
Aug 12Reply
kletlaw Hi Dolores, I hope you are enjoying Poshing I invite you to check out my closet Bundle and save more and i accept most reasonable offers Happy Poshing and have a great evening Thanks
Aug 16Reply
janeequua Hey! I have an awesome plus size closet, please check it out!
Aug 19Reply
mulleng63 Hi see you liked my listing for the top. Feel free to make an offer. Thanks Geri. Brand new !
Aug 22Reply
closet_2_closet Thank you for shopping with me! Your leather jacket and Blouse will ship in the morning!!!follow me on twitter @hkymom93 and Instagram @closet2closet93
Aug 22Reply
dals_boutique Hi :) Thanks for dropping by my closet and for the like on the Tie Dye Top! I'm having a super sale today!! Making all kinds of deals!! Feel free to submit an offer and it's yours! Have a great night!
Aug 23Reply
janismarie78 Thank you! You're all set! The order will ship out Tuesday morning. 😊
Sep 03Reply
lollypop1128 @janismarie78 Thank you so much 😊👍
Sep 03Reply
eholder Hi Dolores! Welcome to Poshmark. I'm Elizabeth from Los Angeles. I've been poshing over 3 years and love it! Heads up, it can be quite addicting. :) Please feel free to ask me any questions about Poshmark or my closet. Happy to help! Have fun and Happy Poshing!
Sep 06Reply
lollypop1128 @eholder Thank you. I'm undecided as to whether or not I will open my closet. I'm learning different things by reading comments and purchasing listings. As soon as I feel I'm ready I will get my closet ready. It will be helpful to me that I know u will help me if needed. Happy Poshing 😊🌷
Sep 06Reply
dkayscloset @lollypop1128 You assumed that items that don't fit can just be returned to Poshmark. I can't get paid for any of the items you bought. Not fair. You told me I did nothing wrong & I incl. all measurements. But you wouldn't accept the items & contacted Posh because jeans are too big. This case has me rethinking Posh & how I feel about selling here. 2nd time recently with new buyers because items don't fit. Very disappointed in Posh. I'm not a big time seller & try so hard to make buyers happy 😞
Sep 12Reply
lollypop1128 @dkayscloset Hi. I just saw this message. I don't know what you are talking about. I accepted my order from you. Did Poshmark say that I didn't? If they did then they have made my mind up for me and I will not be opening my closet. I'm so very sorry that this has happened to you. Please let me know what happened if u contact Poshmark. Maybe we should both report Poshmark!
Sep 13Reply
lollypop1128 Hi again. I'm feeling so bad now. I also gave u a 5 star rating and I don't see it under My Purchases as it is on my other purchases. I will send a check to you for the full amount. I think I saved ur label with ur address on it. Then I'm taking myself off of Poshmark. So very sorry for this unwanted mix-up 🙁🌷
Sep 13Reply
baggaliciouz @lollypop1128 I just sold brand new boots buyer said could do better lol! I'm too Seller over 15 yrs. eB...Brand new gorgeous boots were 75. Stop by. Closing out all CHANEL more ❤️
Sep 14Reply
matadora1978 Hello there !! i hope your loving pm as much as i do!! My closet is at your service if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask, happy poshing!! :)
Oct 09Reply
toptncat Hello Dolores, I'm sending this msg because you "liked" item(s) in my summer closet. I'm offering an opportunity to all "likers" before I have to close up for the winter. I'm having a sale this week, and whatever remains will be unavailable until next May. *I have a closet @ my up North cottage, and a closet @ my Tn home, which rotate as I travel to and from each. So if you see something you really want, just let me know. Thanks for taking a peek into my closet! ❤️Cathy🌸
Sep 24Reply

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Last Active: Sep 17 2017

Deland, FL
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Last Active: Sep 17 2017

Deland, FL
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