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Updated Mar 21
Updated Mar 21

Meet your Posher, Donna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Donna. One of my favorite brands is American Eagle Outfitters. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jamochel Hello and welcome
Apr 05Reply
sidthekid_10 Had you paid for the White and Blue striped Sperrys yet so I can ship them off?
Apr 17Reply
djc1150 @sidthekid_10 yes the way I understand it is that I agree you ship it i accept u get paid...I have never had an issue with my other purchases wondered why they haven't shipped...I definitely want the.
Apr 17Reply
sidthekid_10 Okay this is my first sold item so I ship them and how do I get your money. In not meaning to sound needy or rude if I am😊
Apr 17Reply
djc1150 @sidthekid_10 not to worry I am not offended. I only buy as soon as I receive them and accept them poshmark should release the money to your account. I have already paid poshmark.
Apr 17Reply
sidthekid_10 And do you know if I pay for shipping? And thank you so much for the help
Apr 17Reply
djc1150 @sidthekid_10 no the shipping comes from what I am credit card has been charged...go to the little account icon on the screen...there are a bunch of titles of how to..that may help :)
Apr 17Reply
djc1150 It is guide to poshmark go down to HOW DO I SHIP MY ITEM ONCE IT'S SOLD?....that way you will be sure to get paid right and NOT PAY for shipping. Really anxious to get these let me know if you have any problems.
Apr 18Reply
sidthekid_10 Alright I will try my best to get them shipped as soon as possible
Apr 18Reply
djc1150 @sidthekid_10 ok that's great. I will be sure to accept them as soon as I get them so you can get your credit. Did it make more sense on the tip screen? Remember don't pay for shipping!
Apr 18Reply
djc1150 Have you figured out how to ship yet?
Apr 20Reply
nikburnone Hey thank you for the purchase :) I'll ship them tomorrow!
Apr 21Reply
djc1150 @nburnitz Thanks!! You are on it and I appreciate your fast replies! Can't wait to see them! :)
Apr 21Reply
nikburnone @djc1150 you're welcome :) but hey there was a problem with the box I had, so they will be shipped tomorrow morning!
Apr 22Reply
djacc11 Pleas make sure to hit accept when you receive.package
Apr 23Reply
djc1150 @djacc11 I will be sure to accept promptly...if they come during the week it won't be till that evening. I truly appreciate your prompt shipping to Poshmark and have had so many bad experiences with sellers so I do appreciate good ones and will be sure to rate your promptness. :)
Apr 23Reply
djacc11 Thank you! And a good customer is a happy customer
Apr 23Reply
nikburnone Hey, I apologize for the poor description of the shoes. I saw the pictures and I'm sorry for the inconvenience of sending them back. I'm going to be more careful of this in the future.
Apr 27Reply
djc1150 @nburnitz No problem...probably because they are black didn't show up ...all is good...they are on the way back ;)
Apr 27Reply
nikburnone @djc1150 yeah I didn't really look that closely either. If you're still interested in them or anything in my closet I'll sell to you cheap or even throw in something free. Again I feel really bad, but just let me know.
Apr 27Reply
wigglelily Welcome to Posh🌺🌺
Jun 17Reply
ivynn Thank you for your purchase. Will ship tomorrow early morning. Im at work will be home late.😊
Jul 21Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Sep 04Reply
ntalercio @djc1150 hey girl- I just wanted to let you know I have more Nike XL stuff coming in- I am a buyer, so I am constantly purchasing merchandise. Please let me know if you're looking for any brands, styles or sizes :) great doing business with you:) hope you're enjoying the shorts
Sep 30Reply
prettypimpen Hello. Thanks for the follow. I have tons of items in my closet, and I need to get rid of somethings before I put up more. If there's anything you like, feel comfortable to make me an offer! Also, if there's anything specific your looking for that you don't see, lmk, I may have it. Thanks again!
Nov 07Reply
sharpsgirl69 Did u get its 5 inch on these
Nov 10Reply
sharpsgirl69 I am soooo very sorry for the wait, but I have had a hard time finding the nike pants because they are in storage and i will get them out tonight. i apologize. I could jut mail the two items today and the pants tomorrow if you want, or just wait. let me know if you can before 5
Nov 16Reply
sharpsgirl69 I finally got all together snd mailed. The tracking number is
Nov 17Reply
sharpsgirl69 Hetes the tracking 420446019405510899359193
Nov 17Reply
sharpsgirl69 4204460194055108993591903
Nov 17Reply
sharpsgirl69 Could you tell me what the problem is please
Nov 22Reply
djc1150 @sharpsgirl69 the Nike pants and shirt were both listed as XL but are both L.
Nov 22Reply
sharpsgirl69 Are you kidding me. Im so sorry. I had my daughter list them for me. I am sorry do you want to trade out or kerp what does fit?
Nov 22Reply
djc1150 @sharpsgirl69 I can't I have to ship the whole order back. I really wanted the shorts...they worked.
Nov 22Reply
djc1150 @sharpsgirl69 hey i am sending the entire order back tomorrow morning. If you will give me the bundle discount for the shorts I will repurchase just the 2 pair of shorts.
Nov 23Reply
sharpsgirl69 I can sell gor 27
Nov 23Reply
sharpsgirl69 I paid 25 esch and rhete new j7st doing because infeel bad
Nov 23Reply
danimgodi @djc1150 Thanks for your purchase, items will be mailed out tomorrow by noon.
Nov 29Reply
djc1150 @danimgodi thanks for fast shipping...I am like a kid when I order things excited to get them fast!!!
Nov 30Reply
brizee9 Hi! Are you doing one of the leggings? Just checking because I can do you offer if it's multiple
Mar 07Reply
djc1150 @brizee9 i planned on 1 and if i liked would consider the others whats your best price for all 3
Mar 07Reply
brizee9 @djc1150 I could do $50 for you
Mar 07Reply
djc1150 @brizee9 excellent flaws, holes, rips or stretched out waistbands? Sorry to be so precise but its beat for both of us.
Mar 07Reply
brizee9 @djc1150 that's ok. No they are in great condition. I'm super matchy matchy with some things so I didn't wear them much.
Mar 07Reply
djc1150 @brizee9 can u bundle them and i will buy all 3. TY
Mar 08Reply
brizee9 @djc1150 does it let you select 3 and then make an offer? I'm still trying to figure the app out. Lol it doesn't let me change the quantity available. If not I'll make a new listing
Mar 08Reply
djc1150 @brizee9 no i dont see where I can do that. Sorry.
Mar 08Reply
brizee9 @djc1150 if you select add to bundle did it let you select it again?
Mar 08Reply
brizee9 Then I think you can offer 50 on the whole bundle
Mar 08Reply
djc1150 @brizee9 it will only put 1 pair in will not add any more than that
Mar 08Reply
djc1150 if you can create the bundle i will buy but wont be on here much longer this morning
Mar 08Reply
brizee9 @djc1150 I'll do it when I get to the office!! Tx ❤️
Mar 08Reply
brizee9 @djc1150 sorry today has been crazy. I'll have to do it this evening. Thanks for being patient!
Mar 09Reply
brizee9 @djc1150 updated and ready for you ❤️
Mar 09Reply
abbysummers Thank you for the wonderful review, Donna! I hope you get lots of mileage about of the items!🏃 ;)
Mar 12Reply
mjbp @mjbp 💕💕💕💕welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕as a mentor 🌹and suggestive use please feel to ask any question u may have 💕💕💕I thank u and invite u to stop by my closet big price drop going on 💕💕💕😰@mjbp
May 23Reply
anka0921 Hi!! Check out my closet! Hope something catches ur eye and of course don't forget to follow....🤑🤑🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘🤗🤗🤔🤔😉😉😉🤑🤑🤑😇😇😇😇😻😻😻
Jul 02Reply
djc1150 @elenayvonne I understand....thanks for the safe!
Aug 25Reply
linds31289 Hey there!! I can do you a better deal for the VS lot and bra if your interested!!! Just let me know. I need gone.. cleaning out my closet!! Thank you!!!!
Feb 07Reply
djc1150 @linds31289 please send me a deal!
Feb 07Reply
linds31289 @djc1150 I can do all three pieces for $30 on here (normally $42 or $38 with bundle discount) or if your on M, I can do for $33 with free shipping. They don’t take out as many fees
Feb 07Reply
djc1150 @linds31289 33 with free shipping is a deal
Feb 07Reply
linds31289 @djc1150 are you on M? My username is Lindsaygill7
Feb 07Reply
djc1150 @linds31289 I was ...driving ...will check
Feb 07Reply
linds31289 @djc1150 okay! It’s on there under “Kate Spade And Victoria’s Secret Lot”
Feb 07Reply
linds31289 Hey there! I made the lot for you. Let me know if your still interested!!
Feb 09Reply
djc1150 @linds31289 never checked on M.
Feb 09Reply
linds31289 @djc1150 oh okay! That’s where it is listed for $33 and free shipping
Feb 09Reply
linds31289 @djc1150 I’m leaving town Tues for a little while so if your interested.... I’d like to get it sent out! It’s on M-E\R-C-A_R-I for you at the price we discussed
Feb 11Reply
aggirl41 Thank you for your purchase! It’s all ready and will be shipped out tomorrow!
Jun 18Reply
mizztisha Thank you for your order. I will ship out ASAP so that you may start tracking. Have a great evening
Jun 28Reply
djc1150 @mizzstisha Thanks I truly LUV fast shippers!!!
Jun 28Reply
natalieguess hi hun, i am sooo sorry i missed your offer!!!
Jun 28Reply
mizztisha Thank you for a great rating. Enjoy and have an awesome day
Jul 01Reply
ohmygoshyposhy Sorry for the late response to your offer! I just signed up yesterday and received over 100 notifications for followers and your got lost in the mix. Thanks!
Sep 04Reply
wdpaynter I’m on a business trip until Thursday, but will ship your Tribe shirt the moment I get home. Go Tribe! Go Purple Raiders!
Oct 01Reply
djc1150 @wdpaynter No problem but I was wondering if you could do a deal on the blue Indian shirt that is 10 and include both for 4.99 shipping?
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter @djc1150 I don’t know how to ship them both together now that you’ve already purchased the first. I can do $10 and 4.99 shipping on blue one, but don’t think I can change the shipping charge on the first (Grey) one
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter It’s already charged you for it
Oct 01Reply
djc1150 I'll just leave it with the 1st one. Must of missed it when I was looking at the gray one. Thanks.
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter @djc1150 if u like it or add it to bundle I’ll offer u $8
Oct 01Reply
djc1150 @wdpaynter I wonder if you can cancel the first and we can bundle these
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter @djc1150 I can try. Stay tuned
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter I canceled it. If u put both in a bundle I’ll send you offer and will be able to combine shipping $29+ $4.99 shipping
Oct 01Reply
djc1150 @wdpaynter I thought it would be 8 each and 4.99 shipping (?)
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter @djc1150 sorry, that was typo, supposed to be $20, but I’ll do $18 for the two (& $4.99 shipping) Poshmark takes $2.95 of each shirt and then I’m paying the $1.49 for reduced shipping. Thx
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter If you put them in bundle I can create offer, but can’t do so until then
Oct 01Reply
djc1150 @wdpaynter I can't bundle gray one is marked sold
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter @djc1150 dang. Let me see what I can do. I’m new to this!
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter I think I fixed it. Can u try again please? Thx
Oct 01Reply
djc1150 @wdpaynter ok I made the bundle
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter @djc1150 bundling gave you %15 discount so cheaper than $18 + 4.99. U can just go ahead and buy it like that. It’ll be $15.30 + 6.49
Oct 01Reply
wdpaynter @djc1150 great! Thx! Hope you enjoy them
Oct 01Reply
mwoodyf4 Let me know when your set with your bundle.
May 06Reply
djc1150 @mwoodyf4 I am good now TY
May 06Reply
mwoodyf4 @djc1150 thank you Donna I will get this packaged up tonight when I get home and it will ship out tomorrow morning.
May 06Reply
mwoodyf4 Thank you for shopping my closet enjoy!
May 12Reply
joanie2017 Hi, I hope you are happy with your order
May 15Reply
jojomall Hello doll, It's an honor to meet you‼️Please pop in & check out my closet, Iv'e got all sorts of goodies I'd love to make a deal on from women's clothing, maternity to a huge selection of kids and baby items🥰 If you bundle 1 or more items I will send you my best no obligation offer. Or you can send me your best offer🥰 Feel confident in your purchases with me because I am a top rated seller. I hope your having a really great day‼️ HAPPY POSHING🌈💜
Jul 04Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Oct 28Reply
anitracarter Hey there🤗 I’m an Ambassador & would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer. If you have any questions ask away! Thanks & Happy Poshing😉
Sep 02Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 20Reply
trishsfashions Hi Donna! If you are interested in purchasing the fila 2 pk biker shorts that you liked in my closet , I can discount the price by adding to closet clearout and you would also get discounted shipping for $4.99 (that's almost a $3 savings!). Let me know if you are interested and I will get an offer sent out. If you are just browsing, no worries 👍. Thanks for the like. Have a great day!
Oct 28Reply

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Last Active: Mar 29

Alliance, OH
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Last Active: Mar 29

Alliance, OH
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