Meet your Posher, Elaine
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Hi! I'm Elaine. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

12 others
like this

Thanks so much for your like. Have a wonderful week!!
Dec 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Bre, I am a suggested user and top seller. Please feel free to follow my page and I will be happy to share your future listings. I would also love to help answer any questions you might have as you start out💗there is also a FAQ section that might help 🎉Happy Poshing!💕
Dec 09Reply

Ok, thank you!!!
Dec 10Reply

Hi Elaine you bought two Patricia Nash wallets from me and why I paid two shipping fees when you can pay one? My suggestion would be go to the other website and just buy them together you get a better price... either way I'll do just about what you want me to but it seems ridiculous for you to pay so much in shipping fees😳lmk❤
Dec 26Reply

@covenant777z hi Elaine, welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for visiting my closet ❄️
Jan 06Reply

Hi Elaine. Thank you so much for your order. I will get that out to you on Tuesday as tomorrow is a holiday. Have a great night!
Jan 16Reply

@thegirlingrey no rush, thank you!!
Jan 16Reply

I can accept your offer for the Dooney & Bourke wallet but I can not ship till Wednesday. Let me know if that is okay so I can accept offer
Jan 28Reply

Yes of course, no rush, as you can
Thank you!!
Jan 28Reply

Hi lovely, I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I've accidentally switched shipping labels for your purchase and another Posher's. Poshmark and I are getting it remedied now and I truly apologize for the inconvenience! Please let me know as soon as the package arrive and I hope to get this sorted out as promptly as I can!
Feb 04Reply

Hi I will be shipping the ugg coin purse within the next two days!! Just wanted to keep you updated 💗
Feb 06Reply

Hi lovely! I apologize for the inconvenience and wanted to reach and see if you had received Poshmark's updated shipping label for the mishipping for your order - your wallet is on the way from my lady who received it! Thanks so much and again, my sincerest apologies for the mishap!
Feb 10Reply

Oh, no worries, I understand. No I have not received any label at all. How do they send it to me.? Thank you!!
Feb 11Reply

@covenant777z hi lovely! They should have emailed it to your email address if you have provided one for Poshmark - they just ask if you can kindly repackage with the shipping label provided in that email addressing this case
Feb 11Reply

@sokhorntem I have received nothing as if yet.
It's still sitting in the box, I have not touched it other then first opening it & seeing the name on the dust bag I realized right away there was
a problem. Can you ask them to send it again,
cuz I haven't received anything.
Thanks again!
Feb 11Reply

@covenant777z hi Elaine, thanks so much for your quick response. I had received an email from Poshmark telling me that they had contacted both buyers - I'm not sure what else to do if you had not received any contact from them other than maybe both of us can contact them again. I am sending an email again to Poshmark to see what I can find out more info. Thank you again so much!
Feb 11Reply

@sokhorntem the only thing I saw was that they were investigating the problem & then I saw another message that said the wallet was
reshipped. Both of these messages were in my purchase history
Feb 11Reply

@covenant777z I gotcha, and nothing was followed up in your email with new reshipping label?
Feb 11Reply

@sokhorntem Exactly, I'll do whatever they ask & send it out again promptly, just as soon as I receive the label.
Feb 11Reply

@covenant777z thank you so much Elaine! I sent them another email to check in and let them know you had not received any re-shipping label
Feb 11Reply

Hi! I was hoping to make it back into to town today but I wasn't able to so your package will be shipped out Tuesday. I apologize!
Feb 13Reply

@covenant777z hi Elaine! I'm glad your wallet made it to you, I was just checking in to see if you heard anything back from Poshmark on a reshipping label?
Feb 13Reply

@sokhorntem I have never received anything
I don't know why it says delivered
I'm getting discouraged. I had some things listed & nothing happened, so I deleted
I think you have to sell things too cheap to
make a sale.
Thank you!!
Elaine <><
Feb 13Reply

@covenant777z that's really odd, so you didn't receive a package with the Dooney & Bourke wallet?
Feb 13Reply

@covenant777z hi Elaine! I'm so sorry disregard my previous comment, it's out for delivery right now where you are, you should be getting a package sometime today
Feb 13Reply

@covenant777z hi Elaine! I just checked the delivery status of your package and it should be there already on your porch - I haven't heard anything back from Poshmark on my inquiry for your missing re-shipping label? Would it be possible for you to ship to me the backpack?
Feb 14Reply

@sokhorntem I could, just send me an address. I'm still at work, so not home yet.
Talk you tonight.
Thank you!!
Elaine 🌸
Feb 14Reply

@covenant777z thank you very much Elaine! That would awesome of you - I'm so sorry for all the troubles, do you have an email address I can forward my physical address to? Or if you still have the original shipping label from the package - my address is there as well
Feb 14Reply

@sokhorntem I have the original box
I will send to you or your buyer, just let me know. Finally, received the wallet!!
Thank you!!
Elaine 🌸
Feb 14Reply

@covenant777z yay! I'm glad it made it to you! 😊 you never received an email from Poshmark on the re-shipping label? That would be fantastic if you can ship the backpack to my buyer, would there be any way to track it so she has an idea of its status?
Feb 14Reply

I have it all packaged. I will do my best to mail it back to you tomorrow & will follow up with
tracking info. I will let you know the cost. All I
ask is that you reimburse me for that.
Thank you!!
Elaine 🌸
Feb 14Reply

@covenant777z hi Elaine thank you so much! I really appreciate it, just let me know how much it is and I'll forward reimbursement for your generous help! I'll let my buyer know it should be coming her way in a few days
Feb 14Reply

Ok, it's mailed. The tracking number is 9534 6143 5141 7045 0406 28
Expected delivery is Tuesday 2-21
The cost was $16.06
Please send me a check to me at my address
Thank you!!
Elaine 🌸
Feb 14Reply

@covenant777z hi Elaine! Thank you for doing that! I will go ahead and send that out your way
Feb 14Reply

@sokhorntem I believe it's coming back to you.
I sent it to your return address. That's all I had
Ok, thank you!!
I'm happy to send you a copy of the receipt as well.
Take care!
Elaine 🌸
Feb 14Reply

@covenant777z thank you so much Elaine! It's no problem I'll keep a look out some time next week for it : ) I really appreciate it!
Feb 14Reply

Hey! I just figured out how to leave a comment to someone... newbie! I'm glad you loved your bag! Thank you for the great review. I appreciate it! Have a fabulous day! 💕
Mar 14Reply

I just received an offer of $15 on the Dooney strap. Since we were already chatting about it, I wouldn't feel right accepting it without giving you the same opportunity.
Mar 25Reply

If you can let me know by tonight (say 7 eastern time) that would be great!
Mar 25Reply

Hi, sorry, I had to work, I just got your message.
Thank you!!
Elaine 🌸
Mar 26Reply

Happy poshing beautiful lady! Bundle and save.God bless!
Mar 27Reply

Hi Elaine,thanks for checking out my closet and liking 😊 any questions please feel free to ask 🌷 💕 🌷 happy Poshing 💖
Apr 09Reply

Hello! Thank you for your purchase. Your Brahmin wallet is on its way! USPS Priority. Have a lovely day and please shop again.
Apr 14Reply

Right now I have 3 offers for the Brahmin clutch. Just let you know, $40 is a great deal for the quality, trust me. All my Brahmin sold one after another.
Apr 27Reply

Hi I'll lower now for save on shipping:)
Apr 28Reply

If u offer $12 for the blue tassel necklace i will accept it,ill be closing in a few days:)
May 02Reply

Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 03Reply

@covenant777z I'm sorry, my friend took the swimsuit coverup without telling me and now it is no where to be found :( I hope you can find another beautiful cover up. Again, sorry the inconvenience. Have a good night <3 Janelle
May 09Reply

It's ok, I understand
No worries
Have a great week!
Elaine 🌸
May 09Reply

@covenant777z hey thanks so much, you too :)
May 09Reply

Mailing tomorrow thanks
May 29Reply

Thank you for the purchase! Great choice! I love that bag! I'll be sending out today. 💕
Jun 15Reply

Thanks so much for inquiring about my Dooney & Bourke bag. I hope we can come to an agreement. I would love to ship it your way in the morning. Keep me posted. 😇😴
Jun 21Reply

@teen_quee11 it's ok, I understand, no worries
Thank you for letting me know
I had a couple of things listed once, nothing sold, I sell a lot on EBay
Have a great week!
Elaine <><
Jun 29Reply

@teen_quee11 I'm sure I will. Very sweet of her. What a doll!!
Thank you!!
Elaine 🌸
Jun 30Reply

Hey! It shows your item delivered today from USPS tracking. Can you accept your item. Hope you love it! Thanks again!
Aug 04Reply

Greetings to you from South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime.
Aug 10Reply

Aug 18Reply

Hi just wanted to give a shipping update. It was placed in the mail yesterday and tracking should be up for it.
Aug 22Reply

Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! I offer a bundle discount! 💕 If I can answer any questions about buying or selling, let me know! 🎀 Have a happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Sep 04Reply

@covenant777z Hi I'm Cindy! ☺️
Welcome ot Poshmark!
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Happy poshing!
Oct 20Reply

Hi.In case u decide to purchase I'll go to $82 and meet you halfway.If not -no worries
Nov 05Reply

Hi.The satchel is my mom's and she'll go to 135.The small shoulder is mine and I'll sell for $75
Nov 06Reply

Hi.Im sorry it's my mom's Just spoke to her and she is firm at $125
Nov 06Reply

Hi.Not sure if you found a bag yet but I would sell my shoulder for $65 if you are still interested.
Nov 12Reply

Nov 27Reply

Hi. Please release payment for your purchase. Thanks. Happy New Year.
Dec 31Reply

I am so happy you like purse from me 💖😍
Jan 06Reply

Thank u hun! Welcome to Posh! That bag is so adorable. You will just love it! I will send it tomorrow filled with extras!😍😘😙🤗
Jan 23Reply

I am glad you are happy hun. Great for Valentine's Day!🤗😉Thank u!
Jan 27Reply

Thank you for your purchase I will ship your dress out tomorrow 💜😊
Feb 26Reply

Hi Elain, my name is Ignacia, I can let you have the DB Crossbody handbag for 50 if you like, posh keeps 20% let me know 🙏 thanks or just use offer button thanks again
Mar 03Reply

Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet. Hit like on any item and I will send you an offer✨🦄Or you could bundle several items! I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Mar 04Reply

Hi Elaine just checking u received your bag enjoy and have a nice weekend
Mar 04Reply

Hi Elaine did you get the bag enjoy
Mar 05Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 21Reply

Happy holidays 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Dec 01Reply

Thank you for the great rating. Just let u know I have 2 Hunter green available. I can do 22. If u bundle u will save on shipping. if u r interested in just let me know. Have a great day and wishing you and your family a happy Christmas season.
Dec 19Reply

Dec 19Reply

Thank u again for continuing to shop my closet. I will mail tomorrow. Have a great and safe Christmas season.
Dec 23Reply

Thank you for the purchase of the palm tree hook 🌴 it’s going out soon have a great evening
Jan 21Reply

@mochamom23 your welcome, I have 1 already, always wanted another
Many blessings!
Elaine <><
Jan 21Reply

Happy to hear it arrived and glad to hear you like it😀🌴have a good night
Jan 25Reply

Hi Elaine 😊
Thank you so much for your purchase. Very much appreciated ❤️. Will ship first thing tomorrow morning.
Feb 04Reply

Just wanted to let you know your package was shipped early this morning and should start tracking later this evening. Have a great day ❤️.
Feb 04Reply

@covenant777z So glad to see you received your purchase and that you love it ❤️. Thank you for your promptness in accepting your purchase and for the 5 star rating and kind review. Was a pleasure doing business with you and hope you revisit my closet again soon. Have a great night .
Feb 08Reply

Hey. I'm not sure if u know, Posh takes 2.95 of anything under 15. & 20% of anything over $15. So when you offer me 4 on a mug, I get 1.05 of it. It's just not worth my time & i'm actually losing money on the deal. I don't really like selling things under 10., I probably won't in the future. I countered 6
Feb 11Reply

@covenant777z Hi and thank you so much for your purchase. You will LOVE this pretty starfish! I am shipping it in a few hours :) Have a blessed day!
Feb 11Reply

@chrisrvt I didn’t realize. I’m a little on the fence, let me ponder on it.
I have to go to work soon. Thank you! Elaine <><
Feb 11Reply

@covenant777z Ok no problem.
Feb 11Reply

Hi Elaine I messaged you about your offer on the hat. I'd love to accept but will wait for you to read my last message. Sincerely, Ashley. ❤️
Mar 15Reply

UP to 20% OFF
⭐️Prices Negotiable⭐️
🛍Bundle for better deal💰AM
📦Ships ASAP!
May 02Reply

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! Feel free to check out my closet 😁🎾🧘♀️👕👖🏌️♀️🏃♀️
May 06Reply

Welcome to my poshmark closet Rossette flower🏵✌️😊🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋
May 07Reply

Hey Elaine,
You made an offer on my Astal Rahmal Sydney. I counteted your offet but will pay the shipping if my offer is accepted. Wasn't sure how to include that in my counter offer. Just an FYI.
May 19Reply

ᒍᑌᔕT ᔕTOᑭᑭIᑎᘜ ᗷY TO ᔕᗩY ᕼI
Jul 19Reply

Hi love and happy week 🤗can you check my closet when you have time and thank you
Aug 02Reply

Hi, check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style. You can find both NWT and preowned items. Bundle your likes & save. Get 15% off 2 items , 25% off 3-5 items, 5+ items save 35% and I will pay for free shipping. I respond quickly and ship quicker. I can’t wait to hear from you.Blessings!
Aug 03Reply

Hello! My name is angelina🥰 I am a posh ambassador😁I would love if you checked out my closet🌹 I am moving and my house can’t fit all my clothes. My closet is running a 3/$20 sale! I love offers! Bundle your likes for a private offer. Have a nice day and happy poshing!❤️
Aug 08Reply

Hi @covenant777z 💕 I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself - my name is Katelyn 🤗 It’s always nice to meet a fellow Posher ❤️ I’m a Posh Ambassador with a 5 ⭐️ Rating - so if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I hope you have fun on Poshmark! Don’t forget to check out my closet for some great deals and to look for new listings which I add daily 🙏🏻🥳 Thanks so much for supporting my small business!
Sep 19Reply

Thank for the purchase. I will wrap and post the package this morning. Drew
Oct 15Reply

Hey there & welcome to Poshmark. I’m an Ambassador, so feel free to ask me any questions. Also check out my closet, rather you’re buying or selling. You’ll find some cool items or tips to get started! Thanks & Happy Poshing 😉
Nov 01Reply

Thanks for stopping by the Sigi Bebe' Closet and showing us some ❤️!
Nov 01Reply

Hello lovely I am fairly NEW to posh & just wanted to introduce myself 🥰 I’m Grace & I am currently a broke college kid just trying to clear my closet out to help pay for my a School books & I have a lot of awesome deals going on right now & I would love for you to check them out ❤️🌹🌸 & if you like absolute anything I will make sure to give you an awesome savings deal😘 hope you have an awesome week! :)
Nov 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%! I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Feb 10Reply

Hi Elaine! I hope you're enjoying this awesome place 🤩😍😎💃 just wanted to introduce myself I'm Dalila feel free to visit my closet. Have a wonderful day!! 😘🙋♀️
Apr 18Reply

Hi! 😊 Welcome to check out my closet. Let me know if any items you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Happy Poshing and all the best for you!! ❤️
Sep 11Reply

Hi!! 🥰 just wanted to pop in to let you know I'm accepting all offers in my closet and giving free shipping this week through Wednesday when people make a bundle!!
Nov 02Reply

🙋♀️Hi, I love finding new Poshmark friends to share and shop. 🛍 Please stop by my closet when you get a chance. 🌸I have FAB designer flip flops and am getting in new merchandise every day🌼
Mar 04Reply

Hi, I’m always looking for new Poshmark friends shop 🛒 & sell 🛍with. Stop by my closet. 🌸I’m posting new merchandise for Spring every day 🌸
Mar 06Reply

Hi there, Elaine!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet. If you like anything, I’ll be happy to work on the price with you! 😊
Apr 10Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Apr 19Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 08Reply

Hey there! 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark! it’s great to have you here! If you don’t already love it, you will soon! Feel free to check out my closet, I offer great deals and most likely have your favorite brands and styles in my closet! Happy poshing!
Dec 31Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 18Reply

@covenant777z Love Poshmark!! Everyone has something different open 24/7. Stop by I have One Of A Kind Jewelry and more. Have a great day! @Twinsdesign
Jan 27Reply

Thanks for you rating and kind words!!!!
Feb 15Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Apr 29Reply
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