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Updated Dec 11
Updated Dec 11

Meet your Posher, Elizabeth

Meet the Posher



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Hi I'm Elizabeth! Happy to be a posher and love all the fabulous closets and super cute stuff :) Feel free to leave me a comment so I can check out your closet too. :) Thanks for stopping by!
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aquaflower Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for the follow!! Let me know if you have any questions about anything in my closet!! Happy Poshing!😀🍭
Aug 18Reply
aldent89 Hi there and welcome! Let me know if you need help with anything! Have a wonderful day and happy shopping!😀☺️😊
Aug 18Reply
mylovelycloset1 Hi dear . Welcome to check out my closet . Let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to make an offer.👍❤️
Aug 18Reply
buffalogypsy Hi Elizabeth!! Welcome to Posh!! 😄🌞 My name is Brandi. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Wishing you a great day of shopping & many awesome finds!!👢👚👜 Happy Poshing!! 😊🎀💟
Aug 18Reply
buddyscloset Welcome to Poshmark 😉
Aug 18Reply
casey49ersgyrl2 Welcome to Posh 👜👢👗👚👟👖👡 Thanks for stopping by 😃
Aug 18Reply
sunflowergirl53 Welcome to posh!!! Should you have any questions about posh, please do not hesitate to reach out!! Also feel free to browse my closet, and feel free to make me and anyone else an offer! If people say no, no risk no reward. If they say yes, all the better! Also if you like someone's closet, like something in their closet so you can go back thru your "likes" and see what's new in their closet! Well enjoy and happy Poshing! 😉😊🌞🌻🌻🌻
Aug 18Reply
diryan0912 Welcome Elizabeth, Hoping you enjoy Poshmark as I have! Any questions do t hesitate to ask. Enjoy shopping and selling. Don't forget to stay close as I'm going to be downloading more jewelry when get back from this trip.
Aug 18Reply
lauradeubel @miamimania Hello! Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hope you are enjoying looking over the many beautiful closets this website has to offer. I must say, it's addictive! If there are any questions you have please feel free to comment back to me anytime. I would be happy to help if I can. Happy Poshing!!
Aug 18Reply
annluggen Come visit!❤️☘🍀
Aug 18Reply
celinamarie77 Taking good offers In bundles If Interested
Aug 18Reply
annaciaccio Welcome to Poshmark! You will love it. I'm relatively new as well & already addicted. Such a wonderful community. Please let me know if you need help with anything!! •xo• Anna Lisa 😘
Aug 18Reply
jazzyfran Welcome to Posh, it's a wonderful community to belong to. Happy Poshing!!!!!
Aug 19Reply
aulauni Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to ask if you have any questions. Just tag me @aulauni. Happy Poshing! 💕😃
Aug 19Reply
poshermrtz Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Aug 19Reply
celinamarie77 If interested in any items from my closet I give really good prices in a bundle everything is Name brand excellent conditions
Aug 19Reply
aj2108 @miamimania Welcome to Posh!
Aug 19Reply
camryncook3 Hi!!! I see you live in Florida. I have a few bathingsuits and crop tops to fit the weather!!
Aug 19Reply
cutenthrifty Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions about posh let me know! Enjoy!!
Aug 19Reply
shopqueenxseven Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Any questions let me know or any help with your closet also! Have fun and good luck!
Aug 19Reply
fashnlov3r Thanks for the follow doll!❤⛱🎈
Aug 19Reply
renecgthebest Hi pretty!
Aug 19Reply
cupcake1843 Hey lady🌹and I'm new to Miami. ❤️it here. Check out my closet anytime...
Aug 19Reply
sweetabell Welcome to My Following on Posh Mark ! The greatest group of buyers and sellers anywhere. This is the Best App I have found for selling from home. The more Followers, the more your items are seen. Happy Poshing my friend💞💞 And if you ever need help, just ask me. And please visit my closet. 480 listings @ 25 % off 3 or more items. 😘💖
Aug 20Reply
legolover Happy poshing!!!
Aug 20Reply
threadfactor Welcome 🤗💓 you're going to have so much fun on Poshmark 😆 please let me know if you have any questions I'm happy to help 👍🏼 Happy Poshing 👌🏼🛍🛍 and don't forget to stop by and say Hi ☺️. My #1 Tip :Try to share your closet as much as you can and share others and they will share too👍🏼
Aug 20Reply
almaofatx Welcome to PM! Its soooo addicting lol im new also! Have a good one!
Aug 20Reply
oncloudwine Welcome!! Be sure to check out my bundle feature! It's 10% off 2+ items until I lost more items. Let me know if you have any questions!💜🎀🎉
Aug 20Reply
professormel Welcome to Poshmark! You will love the community here. 💞💖
Aug 22Reply
mysticalblue POSHMARK WELCOME Hello❣ I'm Carolyn😊Welcome to Poshmark❣ You will find a community of Poshers who will be willing to help you, encourage you and share their Posh Love💜. Check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum for Posh other info for Beginners.💖 If you have any questions, I'm always here to help, just message me at @mysticalblue. I wish you much success and Happy Poshing❣😃🌹🌷
Aug 24Reply
agaveworld Hi and Welcome to Poshmark,let me know if you need help.
Aug 26Reply
the_blue_topaz Thanks for the follow lovely! Great closet 😌
Aug 26Reply
yellowmacsam31 Hello, thank you for stopping by my closet. We are glad you have joined us here at poshmark. as a new family member we can't wait to see what you will bring us as a seller or buyer. Whatever it is I'm sure we will love it and it will be Fabolous honey. Please do come check us out again or maybe even shop with us :-)
Aug 31Reply
stephieeec welcome to poshmark! feel free to reach out with any questions. happy poshing ❤️
Sep 02Reply
picky_nicky Hey! Welcome! I'm new here too! It's my first time really using it although I've been signed up for a while! Let me know if you need anything!
Sep 18Reply
hmcfall7788 Hey just wanted you to know I'm accepting offers tonight if you see anything you like let me know :-)
Oct 05Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😊
Dec 21Reply
shopninjas Welcome! Have a blast!🌠. Thanks for following me!😃
Jan 11Reply
cc192 Welcome to posh Mark ! Love Florida. My grandmother lived at Clearwater forever '
Jan 11Reply
gsims1177 @miamimania hi there:) thx for the like lmk if interested can ship tomorrow:)
Jan 27Reply
lenalory5 Hi Elizabeth, welcome to Poshmark ❣
Feb 08Reply
mannababi21 @miamimania Hi Elizabeth! Welcome to Poshmark 💖...home of the Worlds Best Fashiom Closets!! I wish you much success with ur closet 😄 Let me know if I can help in any way 💖👡👜💄👠👢👒💋 Happy Poshing!!
Feb 10Reply
parramore99 Hi Elizabeth. Thank you very much for your purchase. I will be sending all of it out tomorrow for you. Going to add a little extra gift to go with it. If you have any questions please just let me know. Again thank you for your purchase! Posh Love to you😘 -Holly
Feb 15Reply
parramore99 Hi, Elizabeth Your package is all wrapped and ready to be sent out. Can I verify that it's not going to a Florida address just to make sure it gets to you. You don't need to respond with your address just let me know it's going to a different state. Thanks ..~Holly
Feb 15Reply
parramore99 Hi Elizabeth, thanks for letting me know that. Jealous you live in such a awesome place. Always wanted to live there. Love Florida!!!! Your package was mailed out this morning. You should get a email for tracking. I added two extra things for you..Really hope you enjoy. Thank you again so much for your purchase. Posh Love 😘 ~Holly
Feb 15Reply
sochor65 Thank you for the 5 star rating & kind words. I'm so glad your happy with your new jacket!
Feb 17Reply
parramore99 Hi Elizabeth. Great news your package should arrive to you tomorrow!! Yeah🎉 I really hope you love everything, even the two added extras I added for you. After you get your order would you please let me know if there's any problems. If not would you be so kind to rate your package and me and write a little note. I would greatly appreciate it. Excited for you. Looking forward to see if you love all your goodies. Posh Love 😘 ~Holly💕
Feb 17Reply
parramore99 Hi Elizabeth. Says your package is waiting at your front door. Hope you got it. Please let me know if any problems. If not if you could rate and write a note if all is good and you are happy and love it. I know you will love it. Enjoy! ~Holly
Feb 17Reply
empressxdesign Thanks for the follow hun 😊 💕💜💕💜💕💜😊 Happy Poshing!
Feb 18Reply
gappmayer75 Hi! My name is Cindy you bought the BB Dakota jacket from me. I have some not so great news for you I shipped your jacket to the wrong customer. I'm so sorry about that I had so many orders going out and I don't know how that happened. I will get it to you as quick as possible. Is that going to be OK? I will throw a surprise in for you as well for the inconvenience!! I'm so sorry!! Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks
Feb 22Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania Thank you for your purchase!!
Mar 04Reply
boutiquebisel @miamimania Hello, well I'm a Miami Beach born and bred guy. Love fla. I really want to thank you so much for generous ity I'm visiting my boutique and for the purchase you made. It's a serious statement ipiece that I'm sure you'll look great in. Please next purchase free shipping for supporting me and over $50 10% plus free shipping. I post everyday. Best Brian🌹
Mar 04Reply
boutiquebisel @oscarsgirl Leanne. Where would you like me to send your shawl? Brian🌹
Mar 04Reply
lesnowich Welcome to a world of unbeatable prices and unbelievable styles. Feel free to stop by my closet. 💞
Mar 06Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania I'm thrilled that you love your bundle!!! Thank you so much for the great rating and your sweet comment!!
Mar 10Reply
boutiquebisel Just wanted to let you know that I have another gorgeous Makali shorter jacket coming in this week. Please let me know if you want me to tag you. Best Brian🌹
Mar 13Reply
miamimania @boutiquebisel Yes definitely please notify me when the new Makali arrives! Thanks so much for thinking of me Brian! 🤗
Mar 13Reply
boutiquebisel @miamimania Oh, oh how I love thee....the jacket is beautiful and quality in the construction is very clear..thank so much Miami. Best brian🌹🌹
Mar 20Reply
boutiquebisel Hi Elizabeth, thank you again for your generous support of my boutique by purchasing beautiful garments by this very special designer. The last two days we didn't get our dead end street plowed, but we're set to ship today. Next time you find something that moves you over $30, I'd like to extend for your next purchase 10% discount and free shipping. I have four surprises coming in some, fun casual and reasonable. I'll wait awhile til I show you. Best brian🌹
Mar 22Reply
miamimania @boutiquebisel Thanks so much Brian and especially for having such a great style and closet! I'm excited for my new blazer and look forward to seeing any new fun postings! You're the best! 😙🤗
Mar 22Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Elizabeth. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 24Reply
miamimania @hmsimon1 Your art pieces are fantastically beautiful! They are truly creative!
Mar 24Reply
hmsimon1 @miamimania thank you for your purchase. 💕 I will ship tomorrow AM.
Mar 24Reply
boutiquebisel @miamimania You are so generous, coming back again to my boutique. I was going to tell you before I saw your offer that I have many Makali coming in this week. I know this sounds like pressure, but I wanted you to know from now on if something moves you and you want it, but funds might be tight, I'll hold whatever you're going to get up to ten days in your name. I'm very grateful to you. I made an offer to you after your last purchase. Let me find it and I'll get back to you tonite. Brian🙏🏼🌹
Mar 24Reply
boutiquebisel Hi Elizabeth, hope all is good for you, here in New York our last snow might have come and it is 55, unbelievable. I hate pushy sales persons and have tried to stay clear of that tactic as it just isn't me. But I wanted you to know that I have purchased a score of last years and this years collections. There are three beautiful pieces that I bought because I knew it would sell, but I thought they would move you.
Apr 04Reply
boutiquebisel I'm starting to post a few each week, but as we talked about before, whatever I show you has no strings attached what so ever . It thrills me when I find someone who really appreciated my style, like you do with Makali. If you are interested in previewing, just send me a message and I will post the ines I thought you would like under not for sale. If you see something that rocks you're world
Apr 04Reply
boutiquebisel As I've said before, I'm not interested when I get paid by you if you want them. If not, more will come over the next two months. Wishing you well, best brian🌹
Apr 04Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks 🌹🌹
Apr 09Reply
mjbp @ welcome to Poshmark enjoy you selling and buying experience as a suggested user any questions that you may have please feel free to ask💕💕💕💕 I invite you to my closet for a great fashions at affordable prices I do take fair offers many sales and discounts going on clearance center so hope to see you thank you💕💕💕💕@mjbp
Apr 10Reply
mjbp Thank you 💕💕💕
Apr 15Reply
boutiquebisel Hi Elizabeth, I just posted a gorgeous Alberto Makali golden embellished tunic size large. Seriously terrific piece, but priced lower because when I bought it, they had used fragrant dryer tissue and I can't stand to touch it. It's been out in the open for two weeks. If you buy, a few ash or dry cleaner will fix it. Talk to me.....if your interested, no pressure on you, but take a look. Best brian🌹
Apr 15Reply
scarlet224 Hi, hon! I see you bundled 2 items. I take offers on bundles also 😊 on 3 items, there's an automatic 15% discount
Apr 16Reply
mjbp Hi I sorry the item came back from cleaners gold threading is loose I sorry I dint want u to be unhappy. I feel bad hope u understand I will not send out damage items to make my customers feel bad I giving u 5 credits to use when ever u like
Apr 17Reply
spreadlove Hi 🙋 I know there are so many great closets on posh but I would love for you to check out mine! I'm currently offering a free sheet face mask with each package and 10 % off bundles! I also have plenty of sizes and a bunch of items new with tags! Thanks so much for your time have a great night! 😊
Apr 22Reply
sthibeault1 Thank you for your purchase I will ship out tomor! Have a great night!
Apr 26Reply
spreadlove Hi! Happy Sunday! Just stopping by to say hello🙋. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
May 07Reply
hmsimon1 💐👋
May 08Reply
sharicee @miamimania Hello!! Welcome to Posh💕 I hope you have as much fun on this app as I do!
May 12Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania Thanks so much for your purchase!! It's such a great colour!! ;)
May 17Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania I am so happy that you like it! Thank you for being a repeat customer.. It means a lot to me! And I appreciate all the Stars and the nice rating!! Come back soon! ;)
May 24Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet. . We are "The Indiana Hillbillys"
Jun 01Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are so many great closets on Posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine. Either way just wanted to stop in and say hello! Have a great day!
Jun 02Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania Hi there! No Pressure At All.. But just want you to know that because you've been such a great customer! you will receive 20% off on a bundle.. Please let me know if you have any questions.. ;)
Jun 02Reply
ally_marc Welcome to Poshmark 😍 Have fun buying & selling
Jun 10Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania You're the best!! Thank you so much!!
Jun 26Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania So happy you like it!! As always thank you so much for coming back again and again. I really appreciate your comments and rating!!😘
Jun 30Reply
hmsimon1 🙏💐😁
Aug 13Reply
hmsimon1 Thank you 😁🌹
Aug 16Reply
gamer_princess hi elizabeth im hannah welcome to.poshmark hope you have a great week!!
Aug 22Reply
lesnowich Welcome 💞
Aug 28Reply
hmsimon1 Hi😁🌹
Sep 04Reply
trendsavvy Thanks for the liking and visiting my closet. If you are interested feel free to make an offer. Happy poshing! 💐😍
Nov 15Reply
babesalamode Welcome to Posh! 🖤
Nov 15Reply
asolispink Thank you sweetie for following me 😊. Check out my bundle for a great saving plus you get a FREE gift 🎁 with any bundle you get 😁. Will take reasonable offers on bundles ONLY. Let me know how I can help you 🕉💟☮️💖🤗
Nov 17Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Liz. Long time no hear. Wishing you a great thanksgiving 😁🙏💐
Nov 20Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks Liz💐😁
Dec 08Reply
xavibee @miamimania Thank you for that good purchase you have made. Your order will be delivered to the mail office early tomorrow morning. Enjoy.
Dec 08Reply
cruella24 Welcome to my closet and let me know if I can help you with anything 💐
Dec 08Reply
bekalynn Welcome to Poshmark!
Dec 09Reply
xavibee Thanks for your 5 stars rating, Enjoy your vest.
Dec 10Reply
playboy_jewelry 👙👯😘❤️😍🐰
Feb 24Reply
simpleseller Thank you for your purchase! it is all packaged up and will go out tomorrow priority 2day ! Thanks again for shopping my closet and come back anytime
Feb 26Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania Welcome back!! Thanks so much for your purchase!!
Feb 27Reply
oscarsgirl @miamimania Always a pleasure Poshing with you!! Thank you for your kind rating.. come back soon!
Mar 04Reply
rosepetals3 Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet. Hit like or Bundle any item(s) and I will send you an offer✨🦄Or Make your own offer! I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Mar 07Reply
methmeth4 Hi 👋Welcome old & new Poshmarks , I’m Lecci hope for all great success I’m an AMBASSADOR I do fast shipping , big discounts 👌🏽so if you have any questions or need help let me know,😊 Sharing closets, like & sale or buying it’s a great start but remember to have fun . See you in my closet while I’m in yours 😂😁🙏🏽
Sep 15Reply
mk_rose_bud Hi Elizabeth welcome to Poshmark. I’m Donnarose and we’re following each other now. You’ll see I love to share. Thanks for checking out my closet when you get the chance. Meanwhile have a great day. Enjoy Poshing 😍🐬🌹🐳
Sep 15Reply
shopaholic100 @miamimania Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! I have extended my Black Friday and Cyber Monday SALE to the BIGGEST Holiday Sale Ever! Every single item qualifies for BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🌲❄️🛍💸 I have some beautiful Tiffany, Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch and Victoria Secret items! 😃
Dec 22Reply
bellanova14 @miamimania Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 20% off on your total plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Mar 27Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jan 03Reply

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Last Active: Feb 03

Miami Beach, FL
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Last Active: Feb 03

Miami Beach, FL
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