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Updated Mar 15
Updated Mar 15

Meet your Posher, Foster

Meet the Posher



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Hey! I'm Foster. Some of my favorite brands are Jordan, Nike, Parish Nation, True Religion, Burberry, Cartier and Polo just to name a few. Don’t have anything to sell, so I just shop. Thanks for stopping by though. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet!!
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coescorner 🎉Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉 Please let me know how I can help. Blessings! 😀
Oct 28Reply
therealjewliana Isthatrockstar at gmail dot com
Nov 05Reply
justine_steph Welcome to Poshmark! Congrats on starting your closet. If you have any questions feel free to ask me - I’m a Posh Ambassador and always happy to help _ and please feel free to check out my closet sometime too :)) Happy Poshing!!!
Dec 23Reply
keyzplayer @justine_steph thanks for the follow. I'm obviously very new to poshmark. Only been buying so far, but I definitely plan to put some items in the closet and will definitely need some assistance.
Dec 23Reply
sunnimoments @keyzplayer - Enjoy The ⛄Season⛄Thanks for the Follow💙 & the Visit💞. Happy 🌞 Poshing.
Dec 24Reply
rainydayspour Hello! Welcome to poshmark I am one of the poshmark ambassadors here 🎊 if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask me I will do the best I can to answer them for you. Feel free to check out my closet I give discounts of 15% on bundles of two or more as well as private discounts. Happy poshing ✌️🌟
Dec 26Reply
keyzplayer @rainydayspour how are you? Thanks for offering your help. I do have questions that seem really simple, but I'm missing something. What am I missing when trying to share followers??
Jan 22Reply
dunamus2018 Great evening thanks for liking a few items in my closet I really appreciate it. Happy selling and shopping bro. 😉🤜🤛🤑
Jan 23Reply
rainydayspour @keyzplayer you simply just click on an item for sale click the share button which looks similar to this "🔄" and that's it you shared their item to your followers. The more you share the more people will share your items. Shares = 💲
Jan 23Reply
ben_savage The Kobe’s you liked are actually sz 9.5. I just updated listing.
Feb 23Reply
clothes_4_you Check out my store if you’re looking for Retro Jordans or really any other athletic trainer. Message me with any offers or questions! 👍
Mar 26Reply
jj33msw Dude do not buy those Jordan's from Kevin he is scamming us...took 300 from me on cash app...just warning people.
Apr 20Reply
keyzplayer @jj33msw much appreciated.
Apr 20Reply
trendsetterdiva Thank you for your purchase. Will ship out by tomorrow for you. Wishing you a wonderful evening and Happy Poshing.
Oct 10Reply
keyzplayer @trendsetterdiva thanks for the deal. I've been so busy I kept missing your offers. Thanks again and hope the rest of your week and weekend are amazing.
Oct 10Reply
vero123 Please come check out my closet you might find something you like thank you
Nov 30Reply
a_girl_thing Hello! 🌸 If you would like to check out my closet, everything is new and boutique. Bundle any 2 items and receive an offer of $40 with discounted shipping. A free gift is mailed with every purchase.🎁 Have a nice evening!😀
Jan 07Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Feb 17Reply
bryanq____ hey man I've seen you were interested in some foamposites I got some in really good condition you should check out(:
Apr 10Reply
bryanq____ hey man I've seen you were interested in some foamposites I got some in really good condition you should check out(:
Apr 10Reply
different_babe @keyzplayer I just sent you an offer hun!!
Jun 16Reply
rosesullivan576 @keyzplayer hey! your payment never went thru to my account I'm not quite sure how this works but I can't send em til I got the payment ya know I got em all boxed gotta print the label and ship. I'm in the middle of moving so finding some time can be tough but also I need to make a few extra bucks and those sneakers are half size too small lol so let me know what's up???
Oct 16Reply
keyzplayer @rosesullivan576 I'm at a loss. On my end, its saying "Awaiting shipment". Need to contact Postmark and see whats up.
Oct 16Reply
rosesullivan576 @keyzplayer that's weird I never had a pending payment or anything did you see if it came out of your bank account
Oct 16Reply
keyzplayer @rosesullivan576 Never had any issues before. I have no notice regarding non payment. They generally hold funds until shipped. I've always received a message saying once shipment is accepted funds will be released. I'm lost.
Oct 16Reply
keyzplayer According to my bank, it was payed.
Oct 16Reply
rosesullivan576 @keyzplayer okay man I believe u I'm new to this ebay thing my bad we'll see what happens 🤷🤷 I was holding off cause I hadn't seen the payment but now that I spoke with you I'm gonna send em out tomorrow ok.?
Oct 16Reply
keyzplayer @rosesullivan576 No problem. I don't know how it works on the sales end. I'm always buying.
Oct 17Reply
rosesullivan576 ayeeee I'm mailing them today my dude 🤙
Oct 19Reply
rosesullivan576 @keyzplayer all shipped we good it'll be there in two days
Oct 19Reply
keyzplayer @rosesullivan576 Cool. Once here, I'll get a message from Poshmark asking to accept or return. Once accepted, they'll release the funds.
Oct 19Reply
rosesullivan576 yo did you get those it says delivered oct 22 what's up
Oct 23Reply
keyzplayer @rosesullivan576 Nah, not here yet. It should be today. Just checked USPS. It arrived late to the facility. Should be delivered today.
Oct 23Reply
rosesullivan576 @keyzplayer alright man sounds good :)
Oct 24Reply
rosesullivan576 did they come ?? omg usps so slow lately 🙄🙄🙄
Oct 26Reply
rosesullivan576 ok I got confirmation they were delivered u have em???
Oct 27Reply
alyasuh Hello! My message about your order Converse Lucky Star Black Canvas Men’s Sneakers Size: 9 Unfortunately, I don’t have this size right now. I am sorry. Would you like to get any another model instead from my Store? Let me now , pls. If you don’t want - I will cancel the order. Sorry again.
Sep 17Reply
keyzplayer @alyasuh thanks for responding. Those were the ones I wanted. Thank you, but just cancel the order. Much appreciated.
Sep 17Reply
alyasuh @keyzplayer Ok, sorry again
Sep 18Reply
flagoddess *Buyer Beware!* Longliveasap25 on Poshmark merchant is a scammer! Do not contact soletrenchiez on instagram! I paid my money & never received the shoes & did not receive my money back & they stopped communicating! They are thieves! Please do not do business with this merchant on Poshmark (Longliveasap25) or instagram (soletrenchiez), It is a scam!
Dec 21Reply
keyzplayer @flagoddess much appreciated. I've come across a lot of scammers on here.
Dec 21Reply
cheeseheads40 Hello. Thank you for your purchase. I will drop off your order tomorrow afternoon. I’ll let you know when I do ok.
Jan 25Reply
keyzplayer @cheeseheads40 Much appreciated. Can’t wait to get them.
Jan 25Reply
cheeseheads40 Hello. I just dropped off your purchase. They said the tracking on the shipping label was a little blurry so they asked me to give you the tracking info ok. Here it is. 9405511202061789127280 I’ll keep a look for it as well until it is delivered to you ok.
Jan 25Reply
cheeseheads40 It was sent through USPS.
Jan 25Reply
keyzplayer @cheeseheads40 Bet. I'll keep check. Poshmark sends the info too.
Jan 25Reply
cheeseheads40 @keyzplayer ok cool. I jus like to keep communicating. This is the First time they weren’t able to scan the label.
Jan 25Reply
keyzplayer @cheeseheads40 I appreciate that. Most people could care less. Communication is definitely appreciated.
Jan 25Reply
cheeseheads40 @keyzplayer most definitely man. Whenever I buy something I rarely even get anything back when I say thanks or anything really. To me communication is important. Thank you for that. You right tho. Most people don’t care and don’t do nothing.
Jan 25Reply
keyzplayer @cheeseheads40 I meant to ask, doesn’t really matter now, but are the shoes coming in the box?
Jan 25Reply
cheeseheads40 @keyzplayer I’m sorry. I don’t have the box they came in. I keep all my sneakers on a sealed shelf. I hardly ever keep the boxes because they usually get beat up.
Jan 25Reply
keyzplayer @cheeseheads40 it’s all good. That’s facts tho. I’m about to get some shelves myself. Half my boxes are getting kinda beat being stacked.
Jan 25Reply
cheeseheads40 @keyzplayer yea. That’s exactly what I went thru myself. I use to keep the boxes and stack them like that. But from handling them and them just sitting they stared to look terrible. So I got shelves with a glass door to close them in so they stay fresh and don’t collect dust or anything like that. Shelves just look better too. Less bulky looking.
Jan 25Reply
keyzplayer @cheeseheads40 yeah. I just ordered some. Should be here in about a week.
Jan 25Reply
cheeseheads40 @keyzplayer nice! Yea you’ll definitely like that better.
Jan 25Reply
ashk770 Thank you for your purchase. I will have them shipped out today. God bless
Jan 27Reply
ashk770 Order just shipped. You should have tracking information. Thanks again. God Bless
Jan 27Reply
keyzplayer @ashk770 much appreciated. I just got the Kapernick jersey.
Jan 27Reply
ashk770 @keyzplayer awesome!! thank you for the purchase. I wish you would have bundled it with the shoes. I just dropped off the shoes. I might not be able to ship the Jersey until tomorrow if that’s ok with you?
Jan 27Reply
keyzplayer @ashk770 that's cool. I tried to bundle, but it kept dropping one of the item's.
Jan 27Reply
ashk770 @keyzplayer oh ok sorry bout that. I will see what the problem was as to why it was doing that. I’m new to this so I still have learning to do. I have a lot more items in storage I just have to pick up and list including SnapBacks. You probably could have found a hat to go with it lol. Just check back and I’ll try to get everything on. Thanks again and God Bless
Jan 27Reply
ashk770 Hey I shipped your Jersey. Check tracking later on for updates. Thanks again.
Jan 28Reply
ashk770 Hey I shipped your jersey. Check tracking later for updates. Thanks again
Jan 28Reply
keyzplayer @ashk770 thanks. Can’t wait to get it.
Jan 28Reply
ashk770 @keyzplayer sure thing. Woman who packaged it actually tried to buy it for her son. I’m sure you’ll love it. God Bless
Jan 28Reply
cheeseheads40 Good morning bro. I am sorry. I wasn’t able to check phone until now. Busy week! I’m happy you got them and even More happy that you like them!!! That makes me feel good bro! They are a pair of killer J’s!!! I have two pair of them. I wear mine only in the summertime. The ones I have are a size 9. I wear a 9-9/12. I got the 10’s first and they were too big. Anyway. Thank you for the great review. I also give you 5 stars!
Jan 29Reply
keyzplayer @cheeseheads40 no problem bro. As far as a busy week, I understand completely. I work 12 hour shifts. Definitely love the shoes. Definitely summer kicks only!! Thanks again for the sale.
Jan 29Reply
ashk770 @keyzplayer Hello I hope you are satisfied with your items. I appreciate your purchases Thank you for the rating. Have a blessed day.
Jan 31Reply
svenn125 I’m sorry for delay in shipping your bag I’m having trouble finding a box to fit it without folding...I can’t find one to ship it in without it being way too big. I’ll drop off on Monday my friend says he has a box with dimensions and I don’t want to ship in a bag or it will get damaged. Thank you for your patience
Feb 26Reply
picsonly Happy Poshing, Foster :)
Mar 04Reply
34luhjay @keyzplayer This the dude with Jordan 5 text my number 4045166534
Mar 07Reply
pink_anarchy you are my first sale on Poshmark. I'm new to this and learning how it goes. I'll have those out to you a.s.a.p. thank you for your patience.
Apr 02Reply
keyzplayer @pink_anarchy it’s all good. I understand.
Apr 02Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 15Reply
laylowlab2 Order ships first thing tomorrow bro. Thank You!!
May 30Reply
picsonly Happy Poshing, Foster 😊 🌺
Jun 09Reply
keyzplayer @picsonly thank you!! 😊
Jun 09Reply
flavour_market Hey just wanted to keep you updated about your supreme Tee purchase I will be getting back home tonight and will be shipped out tomorrow morning if that is okay?
Jul 19Reply
solesoledef Hello, my guy! Please check out my closet! 👟🎼🎶🎉😄
Jan 30Reply
solesoledef Thanks for stopping by! Please let us know if you need anything 😄
Jan 30Reply
ltdadondada Hey I see you liked my Cartier Glasses in my store feel free to ask any questions and btw price is negotiable 💪
Mar 18Reply
solesoledef Happy October!
Oct 26Reply

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Last Active: 26 hours ago

Fayetteville, NC
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Last Active: 26 hours ago

Fayetteville, NC
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