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Updated Apr 09
Updated Apr 09

Meet your Posher, Greta

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Greta. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lyfeisbeautiful 🌷 Happy Poshing 🌷Check Out My Closet for Awesome Savings 🌟
Mar 20Reply
mandygailg Welcome to Poshmark:))))💘
Mar 22Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Mar 30Reply
sharimom Hi Greta 🤗 Thank You For Visiting My Closet and Sharing the Love 💕 Have an Awesome Day 😊
Apr 04Reply
nclementel I sell lots of pink check out my page!!❤️❤️
May 30Reply
sellingking Welcome to posh. Thank you for the likes. I have tons of nike and jordan stuff. Please feel free to bundle and make offers. Thank again
Jul 20Reply
jennifero2004 welcome ! I noticed you liked a pair of jordans I was selling ! if you are interested in buying them , please let me know ! :)
Aug 04Reply
cruella24 Welcome to my closet and let me know if I can help you with anything! 😊💐💕
Aug 17Reply
djkixs Hey there I saw your like on a pair of shoes iam selling a similar pair if interested please let me know thanks!
Sep 16Reply
luscious224u Hi! I saw that you liked a Jordan romper are you interested in purchasing? I
Sep 23Reply
leo2912 Heyy I’m sorry I took a little long to send the shoes you purchased I really appreciate it, I sent them out today , again thank you 😊
Nov 24Reply
leo2912 Heyy I’m sorry I took a little long to send the shoes you purchased I really appreciate it, I sent them out today , again thank you 😊
Nov 24Reply
dakotaflipz @mrs_slinger I see you were not happy with my shipping time and you purchased these on a Thursday afternoon and I had already gone to the PO that day. I did leave town Friday for the weekend to see my son again 10 hours away to visit him in the hospital as he had a accident before Christmas. I was planning on being back Monday but I got back Tuesday and mailed yours and several others that day.
Feb 03Reply
dakotaflipz @mrs_slinger I didn’t contact anyone bc I didn’t feel like I had to when I was still in my “7 day window” I am a Poshmark Ambassador and have a great score for shipping, I’m just dealing with a personal issue right now and as long as I am within Poshmarks rules for shipping than that is good enough for me. You had your item within 5 buisness days of purchase. I have not had any other complaints yet besides you.
Feb 03Reply
dakotaflipz @mrs_slinger I have a average of 1-2 day ship time as you can see on my stats. It’s all good but I did happen to notice that in the 11 months you have been a Poshmark member you have only left 2 full 5 star ratings so I won’t take it personally as if it wasn’t the shipping time you probably would of not been happy about something else.
Feb 03Reply
mrs_slinger @4seasonsfashion I am very sorry to hear about your sons accident and sincerely hope that he is abel to make a full recovery. As a Poshmark Ambassador I am a little botherd by you lashing out and attacking me for giving my honest opinion. I was asked if I had any comments or ideas that I thought could be helpful and I gave them.
Feb 03Reply
mrs_slinger @4seasonsfashion I did NOT mean them in a negative or rude way and 4 out of 5 stars is still considered a good and above average rating so im not sure what your issue is or why you felt the need to criticise me. Rest assured that you will never recieve another rating from me again.
Feb 03Reply
dakotaflipz @mrs_slinger I was not lashing out at all, I was just explaining to you why I mailed on the 3rd buisness day. You don’t have to worry about shopping at my closet again, you have been blocked. I don’t sell to people that are ungrateful. Like I said so far you are the only one that has had a problem with it out of 6 packages. And no I don’t need to message you as you stated on my feedback to let you know why I don’t ship them immediately! I have 7 business days!
Feb 03Reply
mrs_slinger @4seasonsfashion oh wow you want to make a comment about me only being on this site for 11 months, but miss Ambassador over here has only sent out 6 packages hahahaha. Thank you for blocking me so i dont make the same mistake twice and if you want to call someone ungreatful look i the mirror. Get over yourself and leave me alone. Thanks.
Feb 04Reply
dakotaflipz I said I had mailed 6 packages that day! “Grateful” is spelled liked this. Not “Greatful” Apparently you can’t read or spell, maybe you shouldn’t shop online and shop at the store so you don’t have to wait for someone to ship and you can have your item immediately. Your poor husband. You must be a real treat 😂😂🤣🤣
Feb 04Reply
dakotaflipz PS out of all 6 packages that I mailed “that day” You were the only one that was upset about my shipping time. It must be exhausting to be so entitled. Have a great day!
Feb 04Reply
craezee_daezee Hi there 👋, Welcome, thanks so much For visiting my closet, I noticed you had several likes and/or have purchased W/ me, or have not been yet..I am having a huge sale!.if you would like to put your likes into a bundle, I can either send you an offer Or you can send me one, you get 10% off 3 or more items + an additional discount from me..All prices are negotiable and I post new items daily..Let me know what you decide please, and I will check out yours too, thanks again, Brandi🦋
Feb 15Reply
5starfinds Hi. I would like to invite you to visit my closet sometime. Have a wonderful weekend 🌻
Feb 17Reply
cristadoll 🌸🌸🌸🌸WELCOMES 🌸🌸🌸🌸 The Best place ever to buy clothing and so much more. You will truly find the best deals and prices on amazing New clothing. Top top of the line. Posh is the best. Stop by if you have any questions. 🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆
Apr 06Reply
seconds2love Good morning! Just showing some Posh Love! Have a good one!
Apr 09Reply
thecolorplum Hey girly 😘 I have a pair of NWOT Air Jordan FLIGHTS size 5.5 y (women's 6.5/7) for only $30! And I am super open to offers ❤️❤️
Apr 19Reply
mrs_slinger @thecolorplum Thank you so much for the shout out about the jordans you have for sale! Good looking out!! But unfortunately I already have that pair 😕 sorry... Again i really appreciate your offer.
Apr 20Reply
thecolorplum @mrs_slinger darn haha, figures 😋 xo
Apr 20Reply
karabetsos23 hey you should check out my closet :)
Apr 28Reply
griffingirls18 Hello!🦋 My name is Heather. I've been on Poshmark for about a month. I'm am totally enjoying being a Posher!! ❤️🌸Feel free to check out my closet and let me know what you think. Happy Poshing! 🤓🖖
Jun 23Reply
crazycutethings Hi, thanks for liking my listing on the Juicy Couture BFF charms. Be sure to send me an offer! Also, if you bundle 2-3 items from my closet, I can offer you an amazing discount ❤️‼️
Aug 05Reply
grace_bryson If you're interested in miss me Jeans I have some :)
Aug 31Reply
tamekiarobinson Hello📦📮I'm a Poshmark Ambassador. You receive 15% discount if you purchase a bundle of 3 items in my closet🛒If you have any questions, please ask. Share💌Like❤Follow💞 Happy Poshing🤩
Sep 11Reply
dfashions13 Hey! Welcome to the Poshmark community. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Feel free to browse my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!😊
Oct 30Reply
mhd5 Hi there! Good morning 😃 I noticed you like y Miss Me Jeans... send me a reasonable offer and I will accept 💞
Nov 01Reply
mhd5 Thank you for the like ☺️
Nov 01Reply
iaptekar Hey doll! Hope you enjoy this community as much as I do!! Check out my closet and make an offer🤩💋
Nov 02Reply
owengail Make a bundle for buy one get one free
Nov 19Reply
dennisediaz94 Hi! I'm selling Invicta watches and a Invicta case!! Check out my closet and feel free to make me an offer!!
Nov 30Reply
abrightfuture Hello there, thank you so much for stopping by my closet and liking 😊 feel free if you have any questions 🌹
Dec 18Reply
loveclothes11 CONGRATS!! 🦋💓🌈You have $5 credit towards anything in my closet! I did a random giveaway and I chose you!! Just make an offer that is $5 less of the asking price for any item or bundle and I will accept it! Expires in 2 days!
Dec 30Reply
kmurchison Your package is ready for pick up
Jan 02Reply
styledbylhei Welcome to Poshmark, beautiful!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!! ♡
Jan 08Reply
sara_b21 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet I hope you find something you like! Have a great day!
Apr 09Reply
esthersells321 Hey I saw u like my closet would u like to buy anything ?
Jul 08Reply
soulfinds Hi 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, Kappa, Umbro, Puma, Champion, Band Tee’s & Licensed Tees for Men, Women & Kids. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30-50% discount 🤗 📌 NEW ITEMS POSTED DAILY!!
Dec 04Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Oct 10Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
May 11Reply

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Last Active: Aug 31 2019

Forks, WA
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Last Active: Aug 31 2019

Forks, WA
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