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Updated May 13
Updated May 13

Meet your Posher, Helen

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Hi! I'm Helen. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lexusimar Thank you so much for your purchase.......picked up by USPS on Monday
Jun 11Reply
apearls_closet Thank you! I'll ship them out tomorrow!
Jul 17Reply
thenewby @hmunoh hello there... Just needed to give you a heads up. I just moved andneed another day or 2 to locate your tem. If sale cancels just make same offer immediately. It will go out by saturday latest!.. Thanx for your patience!
Aug 03Reply
msbellaluna Thank you for your purchase. Mailing tomorrow but usps won't scan until Monday
Oct 16Reply
cc31004cc GUCCI patent leather boots for 650 thr p a y p a l I just saw your offer ...
Oct 23Reply
cc31004cc Let me know
Oct 23Reply
cc31004cc Please respond to my offer
Nov 02Reply
lm789 Hey! Thanks for your purchase! Will ship out tomorrow. Just wondering, would you like anything from my Lancôme set instead of the belif cleanser? I have Lancôme shower gel, dry skin toner, and dry skin cream. If you prefer to keep the belif cleanser then that's fine too. Please let me know
Nov 21Reply
lm789 Sorry. The last one is a Lancôme foamy cleanser, not a cream
Nov 21Reply
girlslovefash Hi you can just purchase through my website
Dec 31Reply
bgglobal Hey, I hope you got my counter offer. I am open to negotiation. These are gorgeous all suede brand new boots! 💕 would love for them to find a good home. 😉
Jan 02Reply
cw1088 Thanks a lot for your offer. But I can't accept the Gucci scarf less than $300.
Jan 07Reply
eva12 @hmunoh hello dear. I have countered you however plz put an offer for 500 again and I will accept.
Jan 10Reply
chloexkoo hey! your item was delivered it is dropped off in front door/porch. i hope you enjoy!
Jan 12Reply
newemporium Sorry I am out of town on a business trip. Be home Monday night, reason for the late reply.
Jan 15Reply
newemporium 🙋 Congratulations! 🎉🎈 I have excepted your offer. I will ship your suitcase tomorrow Wednesday. Thank you for your purchase! 💝Ann
Jan 18Reply
newemporium 🙋Hello Helen, I went to the post office today, and mailed your package. 📦 You should receive it in a couple of days. Thank you 😊 again for your purchase. I hope you will be happy with your new suitcase set.👱🏻‍♀️Anna
Jan 19Reply
chikabella Hi Helen! I know you are interested on the Versace Sunglasses. Would you be willing to offer at least $135? Thats the lowest I can go those are in great conditions like new. I know you will love it!! Let me know please 😊. Have a great week!
Jan 30Reply
gentlytouched1 Hey if you made a higher offer I can ship to you off .. h e r e
Feb 07Reply
haha3950 @hmunoh Hi Helen, thank you so much! It will ship out tomorrow. I hope that you get lots of enjoyment out of it! 💖
Mar 12Reply
misswritenow 8322771868
Mar 14Reply
kamaiama115 Hi Helen--I would accept $360 for my Apple Watch series 2 with shipping through PPal. Its the best I can do with shipping and you will be getting the extra. I just can't do it with the fees as where it is at at $400 is leaving me with $320 in cash. Let me know on my site if you are interested and we will figure it out. Thanks!
May 02Reply
hmunoh HI I try to make 360 offer but not. i accept the 360
May 02Reply
hmunoh you said 360 and 1 put 375 to pay through postmark i don't have a ppal account
May 02Reply
kamchotka Hi Helen, my listing is an ISO, "In Search Of." It's not for an item I have for sale.
Jul 21Reply
kamchotka An ISO listing is for an item someone is looking for.
Jul 21Reply
kscny Hi! I just saw your counter offer from 2 weeks ago. It was too late to accept so I countered for a $1. Let me know you're still interested in the YSLs. Thanks!
Aug 07Reply
delpapc1 @hmunoh hi Helen 👋🏼. I hope you see my counteroffer in your notifications! Excited to keep poshing with you 🤗
Sep 04Reply
delpapc1 Hi! If you are still interested, I will accept your original offer on the Juicy Couture Pea Coat!
Sep 06Reply
mrslizzyg Hi Helen, thank you so much for your offer 😊. I’m willing to meet you 1/2 way.. I hope this price works for you😉💕
Feb 09Reply
rosegirl206 Hello Helen , Thank you for shopping my closet and for your purchase. Your item is in the mail and on it's way. If you shop again with me please remind me of your past purchase for a extra saving .. you are appreciated .
Mar 19Reply
chasisflowers @rosegirl206 Hi Rose. These are custom made dresses. Trust me, it’s a lot of work. I will work all night for 3days to get your dress made. Most times I end up with swollen eyes when I finish. Please reconsider my new offer. Thank you. Don’t forget to send your measurements too ma’am👌
Apr 12Reply
chasisflowers Ma’am, each braids wig takes a month to make. They’re all hand made. That’s the final price ma’am. Thank you,
Apr 12Reply
mariv2018 Hi. I give you the Prada Espadrilles for $280
Apr 13Reply
hmunoh I have gone way above my budget. Try and accept my price
Apr 13Reply
mariv2018 @hmunoh Can you give me $260? Counteroffer me Again
Apr 13Reply
mariv2018 @hmunoh counteroffer the $250 so I can mail them to you today before the post office close!
Apr 13Reply
rosegirl206 @chasisflowers oh your dresses are beautiful and high quality in every way
Apr 14Reply
chasisflowers @rosegirl206 awww thank you so much ma’am 🙏
Apr 14Reply
mariv2018 Good Morning! I haven’t been able to print the label for the Prada espadrilles the system doesn’t show that they were sold!
Apr 14Reply
hmunoh The money has been taken from my account
Apr 14Reply
mariv2018 Hi hmunoh! 🤗Thank You for your purchase! I hope you enjoy your new Prada Espadrilles Sandals! You will received them today! Can you please accept and rate them as soon as you received them! THANK YOU🙏 and I would really appreciated!
Apr 18Reply
mariv2018 Your Prada Espadrilles Sandals we’re deliver! 🙏Thank You so much for your purchase! I hope you Enjoy them and you are pleased 💐Your feedback is very important to me...Rate me Please!!!
Apr 18Reply
pinkpoppy Hi hun I countered you my absolute bottom dollar for the Dior case/ bag
Apr 24Reply
nolimits Sorry not able to offer a discount on the wig its handmade and take a lot of time to make
Apr 25Reply
stevierae1717 Hey !! I just sent you a new offer for the Escada Blouse :) It comes with a beautiful gift as well !!! You will love the top and the gift !!
May 07Reply
monithestylist Can u messenge me (205) 651-0401
May 08Reply
ttonitone Last offer with YSL cap toe pumps will be $325 and nothing lower. Thank u!
May 09Reply
pechuga_vintage Hello Helen- apologies I had to run home for a family emergency. I will be back in Los Angeles tomorrow morning and your Margiela dress will be going out first thing! Million apologies but I thank you for your business and your patience. Kind regards, B. ❤️❤️
May 11Reply
xavibee I really appreciate your offer, but $ 300.00 is my last price on these shoes. This style of shoes is no longer available in designer stores, and my price is below the original price. Thank you for your interest in my beautiful shoes. I hope you take advantage of this offer.
May 16Reply
poshgal_1970 Hi Helen - I just read your review. The description of my item clearly stated the dress size and my own dress size for reference in the images. The description also clearly stated the fact that the dress was missing two buttons (along with two pictures that showed this). I would never try to sell a slightly defective item without letting the buyer know about it! Best, Melissa
May 27Reply
saundracrawford @hmunoh I dear I can do $350 on that Cucci shoes from $450.
Jun 09Reply
jennhowe Hi Helen, thank you for the greater offer on the dress. It's a consignment item from a client so if you could of work with me on the price a little I'm sure she'd be happy! Also, I saw some notes about p@yp@l if you'd be willing to do that I can offer you a better price for sure ! My e mail is askjenhowe @gmail. It's seriously stunning. Let's make a deal! Can we settle on $300?
Jul 14Reply
jwls4keeps @hmunoh Thanks for offer on MK earrings, I countered at my best. You’ll love them!
Jul 18Reply
xavibee @hmunoh Hi Helen... Just to let you know that the shoes you liked 11Cm Heel Ayers Shoes from Dsquared2. I offer a discount of $ 20.00 and free shipping. If you still interested put them on bundle and I'll send my special offer. Thank you.
Aug 06Reply
nonajane @hm Thank you so much Helen. This gorgeous suit will be shipped in the next day or so. Best wishes Nona
Aug 20Reply
middlebrooke Appreciate the offer on my NWT Escada dress, however I would normally decline a 50% offer. If you are a serious shopper the lowest I will go is my counter offer.
Oct 04Reply
swissgirll Hi, sorry I can't go lower. The fees are too high and it's already lower than I intended. 😁 they are great shoes, very much worth the money!
Oct 05Reply
cc430 Hi! The Prada shoes I will sell for at 150 that’s a very good deal. Hope that works make me another offer if interested
Nov 14Reply
cc430 If you want Prada shoes for 100 I will sell to you :) Just need to get rid of stuff
Nov 14Reply
lmdc62 I'm sorry you are not happy with your purchase. That IS the very ring that was listed as I film everything 24/7 from posting, labeled, stored, packaging process to the actual postman picking up all packages. I would have gladly refunded your purchase. So, I don't understand why you decided after 5 days that you had a problem? 🤔😏
Nov 19Reply
revoltandsubmit hi there i'm really sorry but the offer you submitted on the gucci boots is a bit too low if you're still interested let me know and I could counter an offer but i do appreciate the offer -- thanks!!!
Nov 21Reply
tanchachin Hello I’m sorry I’m can’t accept your offer but if you still interested to buy my item im offer my last lower price $180!!!
Dec 08Reply
heatherbene5 I’m sorry but I just can’t go any lower- I paid full price for these.
Feb 08Reply
btbj2400 At least 300 for the fendi
Apr 07Reply
btbj2400 I could make a deal
Apr 07Reply
zam246 Hi I will give you the Fendi glasses for $250. I can’t go any lower. Those glasses are in outstanding shape
May 26Reply
zam246 I hit decline by accident. Was supposed to hit counteroffer
May 26Reply
loribethb85 @hmunoh hey! I noticed your order was delivered today! I hope you enjoy your brand new sandals! Thanks for your purchase, I hope you have a great week!
Jul 16Reply
dawnmoore12 Hello, I see you received my purple Prada! Could you please accept so funds can be released! Thank you so much
Oct 11Reply
trendyneedle Hi Helen, thank you so much for your purchase, I dropped it off at USPS yesterday morning, you should be able to track it now. Thank you again & have a great day❣️ Alba
Nov 06Reply
annette2213 I'm very sorry you're not happy with your purchase . The size is indicated in the skirt and the measurements were posted in the description. I'm not sure how the size up being not as described could be the reason for the rating since the measurements were in the description I apologize for any misunderstandings You may have had.
Nov 20Reply
victory0714 Welcome to Posh Helen🙂
Dec 11Reply
aidacoronado @hmunoh hola Helen! Thanks for your offer! Just let me know if blue/black (as listed in description) is ok?
Sep 02Reply
angvic22 I am glad you received your shoes. Thank you for your review.
May 18Reply
bluesuits Hello, Would you like to return the shoe suitcase? Please let me know. I will be happy if you like to return it. Thanks.
May 26Reply
bluesuits Hello Helen, you have received the shoe suitcase three days ago but have not yet accepted the suitcase please return it to me or kindly accept it. Thank you.
May 26Reply
hmunoh I am out of my home and will only return tomorrow. I will accept tomorrow
May 27Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Moschino, Dior, Wolford, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jun 03Reply
luxurycage Hi Helen, please accept the item you received yesterday so that Poshmark can release the funds. Enjoy.
Jun 10Reply
udllc Hello dear, thank you for your offer, all the gowns on my page are brand new and wholesale prices, but the vender can’t go lower than the price I sent you and I want to tell you it’s a gorgeous gown by Aidan Mattox and I’m sure you will love it 😊 thank you again 🥰🌺
Nov 17Reply
amamore Hi there :) thank you for your offer on my recent listing. Unfortunately I can’t go any lower than my last offer. Let me know if you are still interested. Have a great weekend!
Nov 20Reply
gemma16 Hi. Thank you for your purchase. As I’m packing the dress I notice there is a stain on it. Let me know if u still want it. I didn’t realize it when I was taking pictures.
Dec 05Reply
hmunoh Let me see pictures of the back and front and the stain areas
Dec 06Reply
dianapaltamiran Hi there. Thank you for the offer on the Ferragamos. My counter is the lowest I can take for the. If you can do something close, I can ship tomorrow. Thank you either way. 💗
Aug 30Reply
honey77 Thank you so much! This will ship out tomorrow. Have a great afternoon ! 😊
Aug 30Reply
blondyscastle I’m sorry, $100 on my $250 Pradas is too low.
Sep 01Reply
hmunoh 150 is ok?
Sep 01Reply
adareina Hi there thanks for offer on our Melina Perfume You can buy it on our website Poshmark doesn’t allow for now to send perfumes
Sep 26Reply
tropicalkitty Well hello! I too, do not understand selling empty perfume bottles and boxes. Someone needs to explain this to us!!🤣😂
Oct 26Reply
darkmocha43 hello, I accepted your offer, but your payment was declined b/c of card issues.
Nov 04Reply

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