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Updated Feb 05
Updated Feb 05

Meet your Posher, Jolande

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jo. I’m super passionate about re-using the abundance of clothing already in existence. Changing our shopping behaviors can truly help change the world, reduce waste and clean up our air! All the while saving a little bit of your wallet and finding vintage and designer items at a steal. Sounds like a dream! Shopping and selling pre-owned clothing doesn’t have to mean you can’t afford to buy new. (That’s how I used to think.) It just means you care! Happy shopping!
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mariacanada Obsessed with your closet! Welcome to Poshmark!!
May 31Reply
good_market @mariacanada 😍 gosh thanks!!!
May 31Reply
juniperclothing LOVE your closet!! Welcome to Poshmark, I’m excited to see what you bring out. 💕
May 31Reply
good_market @_stellamarie_ thank you so much!!! Excited to be here.
May 31Reply
witheveryfiber Hey there! Welcome to the Poshmark community! I'm Megan, if you have any questions I'd be happy to help :)
May 31Reply
good_market @dashofnutmeg That’s so kind! Thank you for he warm welcome! ☺️
Jun 01Reply
ashleynichelle7 Absolutely love your closet!!
Jun 03Reply
laceygraceybtq Happy Poshing ✨
Jun 05Reply
koshfinds Absolutely LOVE your closet!! 💖
Jun 16Reply
good_market @koshfinds aww thanks!! 😊
Jun 16Reply
e_s_t Hi- sorry but i seem to having problems processing the offer. Idk why. I will try figuring it out today
Jun 22Reply
myshowcloset Daaang I like your closet 👀
Jul 20Reply
good_market @myshowcloset hahaha yaaaah thanks!! Lots of goodies lol
Jul 20Reply
suburbanresale @flashmrkt hey! I follow you on insta, as a fellow seller I just want to reach out to say how amazing your closet is...unified, trendy and great photos!! Love seeing your solds!
Aug 07Reply
good_market @suburbanstyling thank you so much!!! That means a lot! I have lots of things I want to do still like videos but just can’t find the time. So I focus my efforts on photos and hope that’s enough :) thanks for following. ❤️
Aug 07Reply
suriaputra1992 Hello. Just wondering if you forgot to ship my order since it's been 2 days?
Aug 14Reply
good_market @suriaputra1992 hey! 2 days actually is actually a pretty reasonable window but yes, I dropped it off yesterday and it says pending shipment scan on my side. Assuming it doesn’t notify you until it’s scanned. :) enjoy!
Aug 14Reply
suriaputra1992 @flashmrkt Ok that's what I assumed. Just wanted to make sure it didn't slip through the cracks considering how many sales you are making 😀
Aug 14Reply
good_market @suriaputra1992 😂😂😂 I’m on it!! 😘
Aug 14Reply
gerowpamela Thank you for your interest in the lemonade sweat shirt but unfortunately $40 is as low as I can go on this particular item!
Sep 12Reply
good_market @gerowpamela all good!! I had my eye on this sweater before and you must have been the one to snatch it up. I’m gonna love it I’m sure ☺️
Sep 12Reply
gerowpamela @flashmrkt shipped! I find when I ship on a Friday it usually doesn’t start tracking until Monday but it was dropped in the box this morning!:)
Sep 13Reply
good_market @gerowpamela awesome thank you!! I’m sure it will come quick. Likely won’t be able to wear the shorts until next summer anyways 🙄 thanks!!
Sep 13Reply
gerowpamela @flashmrkt shorts? Haha didn’t you order a sweater?
Sep 13Reply
good_market @gerowpamela 😂😯 yes. I also ordered shorts from someone else hahaha my bad!!
Sep 13Reply
kelownadaisy How long is pink cashmere free people in length from shoulder to hem thanks😊
Oct 07Reply
kelownadaisy Thank you for the offer on your Free People sweater ..... 24 inch length is just slightly too short for me & I usually take a XS/S but I will ask my sis if she would like. Thank you 😊
Oct 18Reply
sonmac Loving your closet! Question, I see items of different sizes... 2-8. Are these just variations that can happen in sizing? I was because I’m a 27 waist/size small fit. Thanks 😀
Dec 31Reply
good_market @sonmac hey!! Each item should have a specific size. I’m a 27 waist so there’s LOTS in our size!! Comment on a specific item if you have questions and I’ll help you out.
Dec 31Reply
rosequartzplus hey! I'm living in York, and am looking to host. Posh N List! I need 2 other poshers to host with me. we can choose a location and bring our closets together to hopefully make real time sales! let me know if this is something you'd be interested in 😊
Jan 30Reply
good_market @rosequartzplus hey! I live in Toronto! Lol that’s a bit far - I’m sure there are many poshers in NY you could reach out to! Thanks for checking in tho. Love your closet!
Jan 30Reply
rosequartzplus @flashmrkt York, east of Toronto. Weston and Lawrence is the closest intersection, and the UP stops right at my building ☺️ let me know if that changes your mind!
Jan 30Reply
good_market @rosequartzplus hahaha I thought I read NEW York!! Gosh I’m sorry. Let me think about it!
Jan 30Reply
acookie96 Hey Jolande! You have a lovely closet! Feel free to check out my closet too! If you see an item you like please don’t hesitate to hit the like button and make an offer or purchase the item! Happy shopping and stay safe :)
Apr 10Reply
diligentdiva74 Hello & Welcome to Poshmark 🇨🇦. Feel free to shop my closet for fabulous items 💖. I’m a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions ask away😊. FYI Tips: 🇨🇦 Bundle to save on shipping & some sellers offer additional discount if you buy more than 1 item from their closet 🇨🇦 You can negotiate the purchase price 🇨🇦 When taking pics of your item have a solid color background & good lighting Happy Shopping & Selling🛍.
Apr 15Reply
scarlettywzhang Hi dear I’ll ship out the hat latest Tuesday thank you and wish you a blessed day! 🙏☺️
May 10Reply
good_market @scarlettywzhang thank you!! Really looking forward to it :)
May 10Reply
beatabing hi Jolande, i received your package of 7 items including the robert Rodriguez sweater. thank you for getting it here so quickly. i gave u a 5 star rating bc i saw you took pride in your items but i have to de-ball the sweater, the long one, it also has a hole in 1 arm pit, plus it has been sewn up in the back i see. the jeans fit great, but there are 2 stains on them as well. i am not going to make a fuss bc i really like everything and they all fit. just wanted you to know. your thoughts?
May 12Reply
good_market @beatabing I’m glad you love your items! I washed the jeans after I repaired them But must’ve missed any of the spots you mentioned. Sorry about that! All items are used, so little things here and there can happen unexpectedly. I do my best to look over and address any issues, but I am human and every once in a while things like this happen. As long as you’re happy! Enjoy!
May 12Reply
beatabing no worries, I'm very happy with them all. thank you.
May 12Reply
jayeculture Hi, I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark so far! If you’re looking for greeting cards, feel free to check out my closet, I have some awesome Papyrus deals right now. Happy to help if you have some questions. 🙂
May 17Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize 😊 I hope you can find items of interest in my closet, your $50 credit will get you a lot, all offers accepted and every item comes with bonus. Have a great day !
May 17Reply
idbdjfkdl Hi! What an amazing closet! 💕💕💕
May 21Reply
scarlettywzhang Hi thank you for the note. Unfortunately the hat was like that when I got it from the store, and the last one they had. Will try to take better pictures and provide better descriptions going forward. Have a good weekend!
May 22Reply
good_market @scarlettywzhang thanks for letting me know!
May 22Reply
scarlettywzhang @flashmrkt thank you so much for your understanding and kindness in adjusting the rating. Wish you lots of sales! 🙏❤️
May 27Reply
good_market @scarlettywzhang you’re welcome! I wore it around the house a bit and it’s relaxed a bit - maybe bc of the humidity! I get that things aren’t coming perfectly neat from a store so I thought it was unfair of me. :)
May 27Reply
scarlettywzhang @flashmrkt I still appreciated your honest rating and feedback as I could have done a better job in item description ☺️ Thanks a lot again. Have a great rest of the week 💕
May 27Reply
mpd_closet I just went on a sharing spree because your closet is so lovely! 😍
Nov 25Reply
good_market @mpd_closet thank you that’s amazing!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Nov 25Reply
mireasimovic Beautiful closet 😍 One of the best that I have seen ♥️👍
Dec 14Reply
trendygirl501 Hi! I’m Jo too 🥰 Love your closet and your message. Have a great day and sell lots!! 💕😊
Dec 16Reply
good_market @trendygirl501 wooooooo hi Jo!!!
Dec 22Reply
good_market @mireasimovic thank you!!! 🥰
Dec 22Reply
idbdjfkdl Hi! I am doing a super sale for the reseller. If you need jeans, top, bottoms, skirts, kids clothes...including items new with tags. I will do a big bundle of stuff on same items and do a huge discount. Let me know if you are interested!!!
Dec 28Reply
mireasimovic @good_market Thank you for the prompt shipping 🙏😃
Jan 08Reply
mireasimovic @good_market Thank you for the prompt shipping 🙏😃
Jan 08Reply
mireasimovic Thank you for the prompt shipping 🙏😃
Jan 08Reply
drea_posh hi, was wondering when you could ship the boots? 😊
Feb 07Reply
good_market @drea_poshcloset they’ve been shipped!! I’m still seeing tracking delays w all carriers but they’re on their way :)
Feb 07Reply
s_falkenberg Hi new to postmark and hoping to make my first purchase your Dr. Handbag
Feb 14Reply
s_falkenberg hi can you contact me about your bag
Feb 14Reply
ajooj Hello 😁 it’s closet clear out time and I’m accepting all reasonable offers so bundle up your likes and send me an offer! ☺️
May 16Reply
nadiamakita Heeey so glad to see there's Toronto Poshers on here too, 🙋🏼‍♀️❤ Beautiful closet btw!! Happy Posshhinggg xo
Jun 20Reply
good_market @nadiamakita hiiiii!!! Yes TO! And thank youuuu ❤️
Jun 21Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize!
Aug 02Reply
2ndhand_seller Congrats on your Make a Deal Days win! 🏆
Oct 18Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize!
Oct 18Reply
noreen_racine Hello Jolande this Noreen, I was wondering if younwould be interested in trading your coach purse for one of my coach purses.
Oct 19Reply
noreen_racine Hello Jollland, I’m really sorry I missed your offer. No excuses, but I was at the hospital with my sister sad to say she passed would you still be willing to give me another offer on the coach handbag. I totally understand if you don’t want to . Thanks Moreen
Nov 21Reply
lakesidetrades Hello from Upstate NewYork 🥳
Mar 06Reply
joanne_jansen Hi there, I noticed an email this morning saying I won an auction item which I was confused about as I never knew I was even on poshmark -let alone an auction but I'm worried my five year old mistakenly got onto it when he was on my cell. I contacted poshmark about what to do and they said I would have to contact you to see if you are willing to cancel the order. I'm sorry to be a pain but I don't even know what size it is or anything! Any help would be much appreciated. ☺️❤️ Joanne Jansen
Mar 20Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿👑 Best of luck with sales 🥂 Nice to meet you. 💙✨️ Happy 🌹 Poshing!!! ✨️💙
Apr 29Reply
bellesblues Great Closet❣️
Jun 13Reply
projectluxe Nice closet!!
Jul 31Reply
flairandstyle @good_market - I purchased the rebundle - please cancel the 3 orders
Aug 17Reply
florida_1990 Hi there, can you please tell me what the name was of the purple Lululemon pants that you just sold before you ended your show?
Aug 21Reply
good_market @maddy_goetz Lululemon run: leader of the track were the purple ones and the black ones were the street to studio pant
Aug 21Reply
florida_1990 @good_market OK thank you will you have any larger sizes of Lululemon pants like around a size 16 in black of jogger type?
Aug 21Reply
teevaclothing Hi Jo! 🌟 I’d love for you to check out my new shop, Teeva, on Poshmark. We offer unique, handmade, and vintage pieces in limited quantities. You can also find us on Instagram @teeva.collection for more updates and style inspo! 😊
Sep 06Reply
avifedergreen I purchase an item on the online store yesterday and would like it sent along what I purchased from you yesterday Store order # 10893 And I purchased the puma xxl velour sweatshirt from you in your first show yesterday
Oct 03Reply
beanstalk55 Hello, pls hold my purchase of the TNA orange v-neck embroidered sweatshirt that I bought on Saturday till after next week’s shows. So I can take advantage of bundling.
Nov 03Reply
flairandstyle Naomi, please cancel my rebundled orders $56 & $7
Dec 10Reply

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Toronto, ON
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