Meet your Posher, Jorge
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Hi! I'm Jorge. One of my favorite brands is Polo by Ralph Lauren. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. Where it’s fun to buy and sell. Happy Poshing! 😊❤👠👜💄💍👗👖👢
Oct 20Reply

@marirvrs Hey!! I seen you liked the green POLO & that you’re a Medium. While I cleaned out his closet he took out all mediums. Are you interested in a bundle of hardly worn polos (shirts, button ups, Long Sleeve)? We need GONE lol
Oct 24Reply

Hi, could I ask what was wrong with the shoes?
Nov 04Reply

Welcome new posher, I'm here to warn you this apps is very addictive, so whether buying or shopping have fun,and if you have any questions feel free to ask!😂😂❤️🎀💸🎉😱👋👋👋👏🏻👍🏻👍🏽🎊😊🍄🌞
Nov 07Reply

A little behind on doing this 😀 but I just wanted to say a quick thank you for the great feedback and kind remarks after your purchase from me! If you ever feel like buying from me again, I'll give you half off any item. Just comment something like "I just made a returning buyer offer" on the item page so I'll know to accept right away!
Nov 26Reply

Dear Jeorge,
This is regarding your recent purchase on men’s market for polo Ralph Lauren pant. We would like to confirm you were looking for waist 42. Please confirm and will deliver it tomorrow. Thank you and have a good night.
Jan 21Reply

@mensmarket Hola
Gracias por su información busco cintura 32/30
Jan 21Reply

@mensmarket Hello
Thanks for information i am looking size 32/30
Jan 21Reply

Hey Jorge, the pant we have is waiste size 42 and it is mentioned in main description and we had typo with 32. Sorry about that.
Thank you.
Jan 21Reply

OK thank you very much
Can you cancel the purchase for me please because it is a size
Jan 21Reply

Good Evening, This message is in reference to the Polo Rugby purchase, I shipped this item out last week, I have already contacted Poshmark about this issueand I am awaiting a response. My dearest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. I will let you know something as soon as I get a response, hopefully 🤞🏾the package was misplaced in transport and you shall receive it in the next day or two
Mar 16Reply

Thank you for the kind note. I appreciate and I hope you enjoy the shirt!
May 07Reply

Hello - your payment could not process on your recent purchase of my Ralph Lauren hat. Are you still interested in the item? I would like to ensure timely delivery if you are! Thanks!
Jul 11Reply

@brinaharan thanks
Jul 11Reply

hi!! you have been a past buyer from my closet! just checking in to tell you i am accepting many offers and i am offer extreme bundle deals!!!!
Mar 19Reply

Hello you purchased for me recently and I wanted to reach out and let you know that my closet is having a major sale right now so if you’re interested in anything just send me an offer or create a bundle and I’ll give you a great seriously a great deal!!!
Apr 19Reply

Hi there I was just reaching out to let you know that I have to shut down my closet for the summer and since you’re a past customer I want to let you know that I’m offering crazy bundle deals and offers on all my items so if you’re interested please let me know I’m reaching out because u told me you had a great experience in my closet so thank you!!💖
May 12Reply

@jorgeb563 hi! If you accept the offer, I will also ship today 😀
Dec 10Reply

Hey there! Feel free to check out my closet and send me any offers if you see something you like! I love accepting offers ☺️ Happy Poshing with the start of this new year 🥳
Jan 06Reply

Hello Jorge I hope you are doing fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing on my products. As a token of my appreciation, I invite you to have a look to my closet. I can provide you the best deal ever if you are interested in some of them. Talk do you very soon
Feb 25Reply

Hi! Send me an offer on any polo items you might like in my closet! Thanks Jorge!
Mar 12Reply

Thank you! Your item will be laundered and will be ready to wear. Your item will be shipped today! If you are allergic to Tide ©️ please launder again according to your preference. Free gifts will be ready to wear too!
Apr 02Reply

Hey if you make a bundle of shirts you want I’ll make it free shipping
Apr 02Reply

@lawrence_dirk I'm interested in two more shirts from your closet
Apr 02Reply

@lawrence_dirk Hello, it is possible to receive an offer for the other two shirts
Apr 02Reply

@jorgeb563 yes I sent it to you
Apr 02Reply

Hola Jorge, si recibiste el Polo rojo? Come te quedo?Pudieras empujar el boton que si lo recibiste?
Apr 14Reply

Jorge thanks for your offer, please check out my closet for lots of polo shorts and shirts that my son outgrew, most are worn once or twice😉
Apr 28Reply

@amiller9680 Thank you very much 😀
Apr 28Reply

@savjadegreger If you still have them I'm interested.😊
May 26Reply

Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️❤😍
Jun 10Reply

Hi Jorge
Thank you for liking my item - purple mega pony polo
Note: I am shipping in the next On Tomorrow morning (please see my love notes too)
Buy this great item and I’ll ship it nice 👍
Note if you buy 2 items you save 15% and get combined shipping
If you only want 1 item feel free to make a fair offer
Stay safe and thanks for being on POSHMARK
Jul 12Reply

(✿ ͡❛ ェ ͡❛) Hello 🖐 welcome to the closets of all poshmark, if you see 👀 something flirtatious 🛍 before your eyes, let me know from my closet, Happy day.
Jul 17Reply

Thanks man, will ship that cool Polo shirt TODAY!
Jul 23Reply

Hi, Thank you very much for your availability to send the article, have a nice day
Jul 23Reply

Hello Jorge. Thank you for your purchase. I will mail it out first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great day! ~ Nancy~
Jul 25Reply

Hi Jorge... Thank you for your purchase. I will mail it out tomorrow morning. Have a great evening!
Jul 26Reply

Hi, thank you very much for your availability to send the article have a nice day
Jul 26Reply

Hello Jorge. Thank you for your prompt acceptance and perfect rating. I appreciate you! ~ Nancy~
Jul 29Reply

My pleasure Jorge
I have a NEW 4XLT if you need a 2nd one
Aug 06Reply

I am so sorry that I missed your counter offer back in July. If you would still like the shoes please offer again. They are women's.
Sep 29Reply

Hello, sorry to ask but can you accept your order from me if it came?
Oct 21Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2500 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 06Reply

Hi! can you send me the offer for the coat again? Sorry that I missed it!.
Nov 07Reply

I sent you and offer and you can counter offer again.:)
Nov 07Reply

Jan 03Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 01Reply

Good Morning Jorge- I just mailed your shirt to you this morning. I went to two different post offices yesterday before I realized that they were both closed for a national holiday. Enjoy your shirt! - Gail
Jun 21Reply

@gotogail Hello, good morning thank you for your availability to send the article again thank you have a nice day 😊
Jun 21Reply

Jul 18Reply

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that a bunch of inventory just got listed! As a previous customer I wanted to let you know so you would be able to get first grabs. If you’re interested go ahead and check out my page and hopefully you find something you like! 🙏🏾
Jul 30Reply
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