Meet your Posher, Kara
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Hi. I'm Kara, i love all kinds of vintage&boutique closets of rad items.
The Fashion Powerhouse🖤Donna Karan🖤is an inspiration and I love sustainable designs and practices when possible in the garment industry especially, thanks for following as I re curate soon! ☑️⚜️

235 others
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@sbfashions So sorry to hear about your health issues🙁. I'll pray for you!
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions P.S. You live in my favorite city🙂
Feb 12Reply

@kjoyhm thank you! We take everyday for the joys we find in small ways and I love helping others and have to reshoot a lot of pics w my real cam soon but it's a lot of work, I did all 100 items I have only in last two weeks! I still work hard to stay above water bc it takes every penny to stay healthy with right food and natural stuff. Thx for your support! 😘💚
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions You're off to a great start!
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions I just wanted to encourage you to read up on the dos and dont's of Poshmark. There's so much to learn when you first start out! Under your account icon on the bottom right, there's a Poshmark FAQs section that tells what we can and can't sell. I found that really helpful 🙂
Feb 12Reply

@kjoyhm thank you that's sweet! 🌈❤️👌
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions 😊You're welcome!
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis @shawna_bee Ladies, meet a sweet new posher😊
Feb 12Reply

@kjoyhm ok will review thx
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions You're welcome 😊
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions Hi Kara! Great to meet you, I'll help as much as I can and share your closet! 😊💕
Thanks for the introduction Kristin! @kjoyhm
Feb 12Reply

@shawna_bee thanks doll!!! Totally appreciate all the help and love I can get! 😘 meant to start this years ago but got my diagnosis and been dealing with things as I can! Hugs! I'll keep my eye on your items to share etc too
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions Yes! Teamwork! WooHoo! 😄💕
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions @kjoyhm @shawna_bee Welcome, you have fabulous pieces! I'm also sorry about your medical and health challenges and want to do everything I can to support you. Kristin is a great mentor. She taught me almost everything I know!
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis awww that's so kind to say! I'm letting go of a lot and used to do Etsy and need to restart my shop w fresh banners resized I never did plus I sell on all local platforms on fb groups in my area and use other apps so it's hard to manage when I also have 6 fairly good IG accts and the true Donna Karan herself followed me last year when we both had more recently started accts and she still follows 2 of mine! Gives me hope...xo
Feb 12Reply

Beautiful pups, I just followed you on IG. You can see my fur kids too. They are my heart! I am so sorry to hear of your health challenges too my dear. I will pray for your healing. Thanks for introducing yourself.
Feb 12Reply

@iamwarrior awwww kindred spirits as I say that same thing always..."they are my heart"❤️ and I will catch up with you on IG...Donna Karan herself truly follows my accts @channeltheinsanity and @burtonview so it's a good tribe!!! Xoxo
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions what are you handles on IG and FB? I will follow you! I met Donna Karan once and she styled me in an amazing coat made from goat. I should have had her sign it! I miss her very much!
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis omg I love her soooo much and was looking at a goat coat on here yesterday!!! Wow! So the main one is @channeltheinsanity which I have a feeling she found cool because it goes along with her idea to find the "calm within the chaos" and her new project @urbanzen
Feb 12Reply

I had messaged her personal account about seeing her on a talk show re: @urbanzen...her follow was so shocking! I was so flattered it gave me impetus to use it as a tool to heal when I was stuck on the East Coast the last few years. I credit her in part with saving my life!!! I definitely hope to meet her, near NYC flagship store &her home in ny all the time when I'm with my boyfriend's mom in Nj 30 mins away and on Lisland
Feb 12Reply

Hopefully the stars will align when they're supposed to. The other personal one with my tiny life van adventures/vintage sellers/personal Lyme stuff is @burtonview and if you would follow the music my man creates you might enjoy it @2amsoecial and it's free on SoundCloud too etc, try Voice of an Angel 😘💚
Feb 12Reply

The others are listed in bio but are @chiandred @karacentral @channelthecontainerhomes(new) and yes it's insane bc I don't use apps and should bc I am overdone managing them now
Feb 12Reply

Oops @2amspecial IG and on SoundCloud/iTunes/band camp same, he plays guitar and piano that makes really awesome club music that is really very interesting electronic dance music of quality that I feel should be in movies commercials etc. and our cousin is the creator of broad city
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions you're amazing! I feel so blessed to have met you!!
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions I have very vintage bags that I bought in the mid '80s when I could not afford them and a store went out of business. I am so glad I held onto them, just because. I can see why she's a billionaire. When I met you, she talked to me like I was the only one in the room.
Feb 12Reply

@sbfasions when I met her...
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis awwww that's my fave thing to hear I'm so thrilled!!! It means the world to make my female friends in this world even online and I'm really building my tribe and know that I have huge things ahead for me if I can stay healthy such as a few books and projects to help others who are chronically ill through our fashion and more so I'm trying to keep people in my corner who get it! You're on the list now girl
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis that is what everyone says about her and that's why I truly know I could be her best personal assistant ever but she's had some amazing ones and I'm waiting for the right astrological moment to offer my services to her for real
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis I know what you mean about the bags… My grandmother passed away a few years ago and a lot of these items I'm selling wear hers and it's very hard for me but I know she wouldn't want me to starve or suffer when I have things that others want and although I love them sentimentality does not put food on the table. I know by making room in my life more good things will happen for him to enter and I'm operating off of that philosophy.
Feb 12Reply

Other point about my fashionable grandmother she knew a man named Mr. Hardy who has Lucite bags that are now in the Smithsonian! He sold them to ladies in the neighborhood like her, years later send his assistant around to buy them back again sort of underhandedly for not much of a profit or discount when he found out the museum wanted his pieces and didn't tell them why and my grandmother regrets ever having given them back
Feb 12Reply

…Believe my aunt is holding onto one secretly, i have an owl &three pc bath set he made she didn't sell back! Its so amazing the things hindsight make so clear… Luckily I'm a huge vintage vinyl fan and hung onto all of my exes DJ records and bought them from his best friend when his wife who is now divorced him this year made him sell so I am going to start my Karacentral Instagram for vinyl sales so if you know anyone interested send them my way as I have a really awesome records very rare
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis and of course I am so grateful to have met you as well and I'm very glad I decided to name drop I have an intuition for these things and have learned to trust my gut more within my own this as it was how I found my own diagnosis without much help after 30 something years. I know Donna is a big astrology person so when I read her biography/memoir over for five times in the last few years it's really given me insight into some of who and how she is
Feb 12Reply

Since I live in such a wealthy area of Santa Barbara and have worked for people that are absolute movie stars him I can't name because of legal agreements, I have a great tap into the real Hollywood not the actual one where it's smoke and mirrors but where people actually live with their children and I used to state manage for their types and professionally org homes and closets before anyone else except Helen buddy gig on in Canadian HGTV called neat
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions You're extraordinarily talented. With so many "trends" on Posh, maybe you could specialize in advising Poshers like me on what to buy? What seems to be missing is that one item in the first icon that says, for example, here's what's coming. Or -- don't buy anymore fringe!
Feb 12Reply

@sbfashions I assumed fringe must be over but the new Vogue has several pages of fringe bags in the first pages. What's a girl to do especially when you don't have unlimited funds and don't want trends anyway?!
Feb 12Reply

It was excruciating to try to consign they're unbelievably perfect private designer brand to the max trunk show status sample sale P style closets bc there really weren't arenas like this to sell things so it was very hard to make these wealthy women feel it was worthwhile. I'm considering asking several ladies like you who are really top sellers to partner with me and using my amazing tap list to attempt to get top consignments from these women. Let me know if you'd be interested!!!
Feb 12Reply

My friend runs a local swap group and it does a killing in all of the handbags like coach and Alexandra and I'd like to do more of the men's untapped area because everyone in town and told me that we could not hold a men's consignment store and I know that to be untrue especially now and I'd really like to start an online one and then maybe have an actual physical store because Santa Barbara is in desperate need of one and we have men's estate sales that probably go completely wasted
Feb 12Reply

Oops ^*coach and better etc I'm not going to try to compete with her because she gets consignments all the way down through LA and San Diego for bags and shoes but I do know I have a different style of working slightly than she does and would like to have all of our talents on the team in the future so if you'd consider it let's stay in touch perhaps via email so I don't have to keep commenting here
Feb 12Reply

At the moment I need to acquire a few manikins and just ahead or bust for jewelry etc. and have been on a budget but if you know anyone with extras or who might want to trade or donate to me I would be so grateful. I have a professional camera but have not been able to interface it at the moment with my computer since I've moved five times since April not by choice
Feb 12Reply

Lastly I have a retro RV that is perfect for having pop-up shops and I sell vintage Pyrex/vinyl/clothing/shoes/objects, has a closet and bathroom for a tryout area so I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to drive around central California and sell all of these things but I'm having it repaired currently. If you know anyone in my area that would like to join me for travel out to help and bring small things like jewelry and accessories it could be really rad!!!
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis oh that's a great idea I'm really big into supporting others more than doing my own items sooner than later so that's a great tip for me to think about… I was considering running an at sea promotion site on Instagram but instead started one called at shop local Santa Barbara which I forgot is my other one that is growing rapidly and will allow me to do some of the things I'm suggesting with increased credibility after 20 years of working in town professionally
Feb 12Reply

.Plus I started the home services category in our newspaper because nobody did things like this back then can you believe that?Nice to pay $90 a week to have my professional organizers adds up before anyone knew what that even entailed and I would get calls to balance checkbooks! Eventually people got it but then the economy failed me after I was making really good money and a lot of the ladies all dropped their extra home help so now is the time to revamp all that I have to work with
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis dude totally I feel like they say French is in laces in all of this stuff but the minute it's in it's out so when I used to work for this online company called blaec.combut you can still see a believe but is like a dead site that the owner wouldn't sell to me even after I was the last girl standing running the whole business by myself except for our color corrections people in New York
Feb 12Reply

I have tons of dresses from Philip Lim 3.1 exclusives we had with just Barney's and us or bundles and us brands that very few people have like Laprairie de Paris and things like that so I was very lucky we had Alexander Wang we had a lot of Australian up and Commers like Sass&bide
Feb 12Reply

So I was crashed when I lost that job after gaining so much flooding being there custom order girl and gift wrapper I spent countless hours making everyone's order perfect and sending out Mackets jackets and things that would get returned with perfume and lipstick on them and every other thing and we had no real protection as a retail site to not give ultimate customer service. So we lost a lot of money and she decided it wasmore lucrative to trade Apple stock and overnight shut the thing down
Feb 12Reply

Footing^ mackage jackets^
Feb 12Reply

So yes maybe we could chat off-line somewhere or on Facebook or text whatever you prefer email etc. that would be great because I really want to make my next 10 years for filling and lucrative along with helping manage my boyfriends music career until he has for management privileges as he should and deserves. Right now he's working with Rick Derringer of the McCoys if you know who that is.
Feb 12Reply

@slambidakis when you say in the first icon do you mean the first icon in people's closets? Just wanting to understand. I'd love to be a trend advisor and have always been known as a trendsetter in my town and just as an example I have that Midas touch where if I like something and go back to buy it the next day it's gone so I love to share other peoples listings knowing that is usually the best way for me to help if Ilike something someone else suddenly feels the energy and purchases it
Feb 12Reply

Are used to have a magazine subscriptions to every different thing and keep up with it all but my narrow disorder makes it hard sometimes to read and with six Instagram's and counting I sometimes should be looking at 5 to 10,000 photos a day just to do my like back so I'm going to have to start an app to do that for me soon but it feels crummy and dishonest and I don't like it.
Feb 13Reply

Sorry typos I said with my neurological disorder… Anyway I'm working to get subscriptions back to home and fashion design magazines because the fashion ones got away from me with budget. Once I'm tapped back into that and follow a few more blocks again I will really be in a better position to give advice other than my intuition. However that's been known to be solid as well LOL
Feb 13Reply

You're so sweet to give me ideas and just let me know what you think after you read that novel ha ha I had to split it up so that's why private, would be preferable. I have to run a load in my big van to my new renter for my back pain takes me over but you've totally brightened my entire weekend and probably month
Feb 13Reply

New rental^ it's so tiny and it's literally my fifth move since coming back in April trying to clear out my storage to sell all of these things and it's really hard to store things appropriately and get a footing on listing everything nicely with spaces that don't stay the same for photography, keeping them organized when I keep having to move!
Feb 13Reply

RV is stationary in storage, so I'm going to fill it back up with everything listed, then reorg&kit it out right before it's ready to drive, recruit people like you to do it with me.Some super successful ones go down to Venice Beach and LA area for pop-ups and I know it would do similarly or better up here because of being a college town.
Feb 13Reply

@sbfashions I will send you a message from one of my sold listings. Posh makes it so hard to have a conversation. as in, you can't have a conversation without it being public.
Feb 13Reply

@slambidakis OK thank you it's making me insane to have to keep my messages short and will keep reposting them I appreciate it talk to you soon and I really look forward to it
Feb 13Reply

Thank you for the wonderful review, you are truly a kind person. Hope to posh again with you 💚😊😁
Feb 26Reply

Hey. Can you check if the item arrived? Than you.
Mar 06Reply

@samson7832592 yes I went just now and only got one item but often my po makes errors and puts my large items on floor and denies they arrived! I'll show tracking tomorrow if says here and see. Thx
Mar 07Reply

I asked them to double check and he said no but I think it might be there I just wasn't told yes. I'll check tomorrow if possible sorry 😐
Mar 07Reply

Tanx for the love!
Mar 08Reply

@dermot1 no prob! Like men's closets bc I used to and still do lots of ties and some other stuff plus I buy things for my music producer of a man 😉🙌🖤✔ looking for darker pieces in s/m/l slimmer fits in gen bc we were raised in those OG baggy days and need to look like 35 now 😂 so I'll keep my eye on your things. I will have more men's ties and such soon too🙌✌️⭐️
Mar 08Reply

@sbfashions ha! I get it... I woke up a few years ago and realized that none of my clothes actually were my size! Had to migrate back to my European roots!
Mar 08Reply

@dermot1 exactly the case! He's been swimming in stuff and looks so dapper in slim fitting things that I'm guiding it slowly 😉 glad u get it ✔🙌
Mar 08Reply

@sbfashions i am sorry i was asleep earlier! I got your messages and i am thinking if you buy the clogs i will throw in the shirt for your mom and the steve madden leg warmers free...hows that sound?
Mar 12Reply

@crystal17044 ok that can work I think! Let me see what $ I have, should be able to asap I hope, so u want me to do a buy now? Would you be willing to try and lower it to trigger less shipping?? If not no worries. I'll mAke it work somehow. Xo
Mar 12Reply

@sbfashions i can make you a bundle jack the price up and you can like it. Then i will drop the price to 25. I cant do it individually because it doesnt offer less shipping if the item is 10 or under. Ill tag you in your bundle!
Mar 12Reply

Hi ☺️ I'm Alixe!!💕 wishing you many sales and finding the the best deals! Happy poshing 🛍💕
Apr 03Reply

@abmccaig hi sweetie! Nice to meet you! Happy poshing and thanks for checking out my closet! I'll follow yours now! Xo 😘
Apr 03Reply

So good to meet you, Kara! What a rich full life you have Your fighting spirit is beautiful! Living with passion and grace in the face of such challenges, you, go, girl! YᎾU ᎶᎾ Ꮆℐℛℒ!! You raise us ALL up❣️Love and light, Jan
Apr 21Reply

@janimack7 thank you for those kind and lovely words...I'm humbled! I am proud my efforts show and I aim to maintain that in the face of my glad your a new PF!!! I'm adding tons more of my items and new too so thx for following! Can't wait to help u get something awesome when u find an item u love! Xo 😘
Apr 21Reply

@sbfashions 😘💋🌬💋💨💋😍
Apr 25Reply

Awww, such adorable fur sweeties! 🙂💕💜💕😘🐾
May 02Reply

@zardiva1 thank you!!! I'm such a proud fur momma 🙌💓🐶🐶 I appreciate your love! If u ever need a great deal just ask and I'll do my best to help! Love to style and give good deals! 💚
May 02Reply

@sbfashions Awww, *you're welcome*, hehe! 👍😁
May 02Reply

Hi Kara. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
May 08Reply

@hmsimon1 it's my pleasure! You have a unique style! How cool?!? 😎🖤✔
May 08Reply

@sbfashions thanks
May 08Reply

@righteousrebelz hey Jenny and hubby… There's a child meme in this post with all of my Instagram is except for one or two… I totally went overboard LOL some maybe more to your liking then others but they're all fun
May 13Reply

Um...I wanna be your friend in real life. Pleeeease?
I Posh to cover medical bills myself. I know the feeling love. I like your pic from Muscle Beach because my hubby just took me there for my 33rd Birthday in March. We live in Vegas and I have fallen in love with trips to SoCal and we wanted to pick a place we hadn't been yet. It was so much crazy fun!
May 15Reply

{That stupid 500 character rule in comments was not for my nutso ass.}
Go to my "Meet The Posher" listing to see my two adorable small dogs. If you'd ever like to give me advice on how to certify a therapy dog/animal like for PTSD or anything medical- I obviously don't know what private reasons yours are for. I'd love some tips. I want to make my black shitzu my medical dog, but I can't figure out how to do it.
May 15Reply

You look online and there are people that just buy a vest online and call it a day, others that get a doctor's note, and still others get a dog that's been trained at birth to be a medical alert animal. Sorry if I'm weird. Lots of unlimited mimosas at Mother's Day Brunch and then a bottle of Moscato at a concert just now. I'm not exactly proud, but we all need to relax some days, amirite? God, I'm just a weird stranger at this point. 🤐
May 15Reply

@kathol7827 no not at all I'm totally the same way kindred spirit I talk to anyone about anything and then worry about it later I'm very glad you reached out I will do my best to help you because I get discrimination and I'm in the middle of looking for a real deal ADA lawyer to sue the garbage out of Whole Foods for completely harassing me while I'm by the letter and my dogs are actual service dogs signed by my doctor.
May 15Reply

@kathol7827 i'm totally happy to relay my story I'm so glad that you love the muscle Beach picture in my boyfriends from New Jersey and Maine he has farm property also's and he hadn't been out here until four years ago and now is almost a local. We're living in Carpenteria near Santa Barbara now and I'd be happy to see you anytime if you get out to SoCal again. I live about an hour and a half from muscle Beach if I drive without traffic
May 15Reply

@kathol7827 and I would totally have helped you finish that Muscato and basically only able to drink stuff like that in very small amounts or I get super sick I'll tell you more about it but I have chronic Lyme disease and a couple other things so more later my email is neat freak as message me anytime and pardon if I don't respond right away because I have like 10 emails and seven Instagram is and all of that stuff but I really would love some new female friends
May 15Reply

And by the way my boyfriends literally the only person I know that I can hand $50-$100 with and he can come back with over 1000 at poker so we should definitely go to Vegas I've never actually been just driven through
May 15Reply

Hoops sorry my email is and I literally have to cut copy and paste and delete in different orders to make the 500 common thing work it's ridiculous I hate it I want to hash posh Mark to change it but I'm pretty sure they won't
May 15Reply

I'll play type of central am so sick tonight I'm using voice text so pardon me it's so unprofessional to not edit it but I got excited too and I haven't even been drinking LOL I can barely get through one so will definitely have to share some day ha ha
May 15Reply

Goodness typos!!! Let's email? Xo consider me your new friend for sure and I'll check out your closet and we can talk more about dogs I'm just literally so tired I've had a really really bad day and you just made it better but I don't want to misrepresent things by being too tired
May 15Reply

@dermot1 hey there I just added a few things to a bundle for the future I don't have the funds now but my memory is so bad I won't remember otherwise thanks for understanding have a good night
May 15Reply

@sbfashions thank you for letting me know
May 15Reply

Hi Kara, so I figure I'd answer some your questions here since I already commented previously on this listing👆🏻. Thank you again for all your compliments & interest in my process. First, as you can see, I like to experiment with flat lays & mannequin/modeled photos to use as my cover shots. I wish I had the magic answer to what works, but I do try to keep a "fresh" and organized appearance. Unfortunately there's no app to do it for you. It's all manual work!
May 15Reply

As far as an app for combining photo and brand names, just search in the App Store for "photo collage" & "photo text" apps. There are plenty to choose from! You are doing a great job!
May 15Reply

@iamwarrior I appreciate that my boyfriend just was convinced that it was impossible with all of the Instagram related apps that there was not one that worked for Poshmark I'm trying to get one of my super coder friends in Palo Alto to figure it out because I don't understand why it's not possible or why it hasn't happened yet I feel like we should be able to drag and drop tiles around without any issue and I'm sure the right person could figure it out...something I feel is in works idk tho
May 16Reply

@iamwarrior I still work for a lot of high-end retail and should be one of the more experienced people at doing Flatley's manikin styling and even sometimes helping with color correction which are boutique sent it to specialists in New York. We had exclusive's with say us and bundles. I ended up running the whole place until the owner decided she was making more stock trading and I'm still hoping to buy the company from her someday.
May 16Reply

Pardon my totally unprofessional typos I'm exhausted with arthritis tonight and using voice text and forgot to edit them, my apologies.sometimes it gets it perfect and other times it makes it crazy ass and I forget to triple check. I've been using a beautifulmess app and fontcandy and a few other free ones until I have more money to spend on additional in app purchases.
May 16Reply

So thank you for your return complements!!! Flattered that mentors of mine think that my closet is ready for SU application which I'm going to try to start in the next few days. I have a white fur throw, going to grab a few more backdrops for my Flatlays/ I don't own a manikin/looking for a good used bc I'm sort of picky. I put a nice hook up on my wall mirrored closet corner for now/do some hanging shots/some flat lay/then upgrade from there when I find the right manni!
May 16Reply

I hope you have a good night or as best you can with our unpredictable health things… I have so much work to do it's totally daunting and I'm sure you know the feeling very well. You inspire me💚🌟🌈thank you🖤
May 16Reply

@sbfashions Cute closet!😍 Nice to meet you! I live in Ventura. I liked 1 of your listings for a possible HP! I'm hosting July 5th. I'm thinking of having a Posh N Sip somewhere in Ventura. Would you be interested in coming if I do?💕
Jun 03Reply

@rposen sure I'd love to as long as my chronic illness allows which can sometimes be unpredictable it would be my pleasure I really hope I can make it and any advance notice is appreciated… Would be great to have a few gals around I know one of my PFFs is in Ventura also 💓💓💓
Jun 03Reply

@rposen and thank you so much for considering anything for a host pick 6/5 I really do appreciate it, it makes my week whenever I get one and I've been so lucky to have some great ladies in my corner so far… Please do stay in touch and if I miss a tag somehow please feel free to re tag me and we can exchange other information… XOXO💓💚😘🖤
Jun 03Reply

@sbfashions Sorry about your illness & accident!😘 I will definitely stay in touch!🌷
Jun 03Reply

@sbfashions My Party is July 5th, not 6/5.🌼
Jun 03Reply

@rposen oops gotta make that into a 7/5! Be there 😘
Jun 03Reply

@sbfashions love your fur babies. I too have medical issues and have two service dogs I would not be alive today if it was not for them. PERIOD !!!!!!!!!! Another on the way Love your strength Have a beautiful day !!!!!!! 🐶😃🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾💖🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 Lisa
Jun 06Reply

@otiszoe04 she so much for your sweet message, I'm so glad to know that others like you are getting similar help from our fur babies… People really don't always realize how much they truly do for us. We are so blessed! I'd love to see pictures of your new one when you can! Xo and do stay in touch!
Jun 06Reply

Thanks so much^*
Jun 06Reply

@sbfashions I will for sure post pics of the new fur baby. 😃🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾🐾. Have a great day Lisa
Jun 06Reply

@sbfashions God Bless! Love our service dogs! My son is 21, he was born with cerebral palsy, he's orthopedically disabled, he's in his 2nd year of college!
He published his 1st book 3/21/16 on Amazon & iTunes Roger The Worlds Greatest Therapy Dog! Pets are the best therapy & our service dogs are amazing
Jun 11Reply

@soulcrusher716 I have total full body chills after reading what you wrote…I'm having a very challenging number of months/years and to think of what he has faced and overcome is absolutely overwhelming in the best way. Thank you again for sharing. I started using #servicedogssavelives On my early Instagram accounts and there were almost no posts of that nature and now there are so many I can't even tell you what the current number would be…cont...
Jun 11Reply

@soulcrusher716 I would love to buy his book from Amazon when I have any spare funds…I too am trying to write a memoir and my father is a prolific but mostly unpublished writer, so I would like to publish his things for him, as he's not getting any younger! Deep gratitude and love for sharing that with me today; it means the world. Cont...
Jun 11Reply

@soulcrusher716 Please tell your son I say hello and send my love and support of his endeavors and congratulations on doing so well in college…I graduated early at age 20 because I felt a ticking time bomb in my lizard brain and was correct that it would've been a true challenge to attempt to graduate school or any further education right now because of my neurological difficulties...cont
Jun 11Reply

however I face nothing like what he does andi'm so impressed! It's also a testament to your wonderful mothering I'm sure! Please do keep in touch and I would always love an update on things if you feel like it…Does he have any other social media or Instagram etc. to follow? If he likes dog accounts or other things like that my Instagram's are all listed in one of my Memes/I can tag you! 💓💓💓💓💓💚💚💚💚💚💚🐶🐶🖤✔❤️
Jun 11Reply

Happy your here to talk about it.. your a warrior👏🏻 rescue is the only way.. I have 2 rescue chihuahua's too my favorite breed
Stay well girl & have a great day 😊
Jun 13Reply

Thanks a bunch ✌️🌸💐 🌺🌻✨for the follow 👣💃👣
Jun 23Reply

Hi Kara , it's kim, I saw my awesome bundle now what do I do?? You're the leader I'm taking direction from you. Hope you had a good night and are feeling better!!!
Jun 26Reply

@deantalia2 hey Kim, sorry I have a sounding great if I just accidentally shared my profile to you ha ha anyway what you can do now is either let me offer you a private discount if I did not already or if you can accept the discount if I did it… Or we can negotiate further regardless… I'll check and see what the status is right now
Jun 26Reply

@deantalia2 OK I think I'm a little confused but everything's fine… You added the available ring to your bundle and the other ones I have placed orders for but they have not arrived yet and probably won't for at least a week. Would you like to buy the black one and another item for a discount now? Or would you like me to sell you all of them together?
Jun 26Reply

@deantalia2 if you like that Argento gold plated ring it's quite thick it does then toward the back but it's larger all the way around then some I can show you a photograph of the back later when I have a chance… But it's a great deal because I paid a lot for it on jewelry TV and just don't wear as many rings with my arthritis as I mentioned
Jun 26Reply

@deantalia2 that one has real called and is a cool luck with the white sort of enamel plated style so if you like it hit add to bundle and then you'll get an automatic 10% off both of those rings and we can get those out to you with discounted shipping if you wanted to get them right away and then we can transact the other rings when they get here? How does that sound to you
Jun 26Reply

I didn't know if you could get it in black then I was going to order the black. But Yep I like him so I guess set the price and I'll purchase nail or whatever you want to do but we didn't talk about discount or anything let me know chickie
Jun 26Reply

@deantalia2 I have the black one here/it's the other colors you requested/placed special order for you…still listing all of the colors but had put a few of them up for you to see, The discount I'm referring to is 10% off if you buy two or more items, Add anything else that's available for sale to your bundle and then I can offer you a slightly better price if you would like to buy those things now and then we can do that with the other rings when they come in. Does that make more sense?
Jun 26Reply

@deantalia2 I can share items to you but you have to add them to your bundle otherwise I can't make you a better offer on them. Usually I hold boutique and brand-new item price is quite firm but if you're going to be a repeat customer and already so enthused about my items I'd like to maintain that and help you get some things while we're waiting on the others and while I'm looking for some really thick ones
Jun 26Reply

@rposen how are you doing? Do you have any more information on the posh n sip I have to check your page! Was thinking of you after I was making the dressing room offers and remembered why you had marked it… Thanks for inviting me and I do hope I can attend.
Jun 26Reply

@sbfashions I'm hosting my 1st party on 7/5 so I am very busy with that right now but a Posh N Sip is next on my radar for Ventura County. I will keep you posted! I've been very busy because my husband broke his elbow & has had 2 surgeries to fix it. My life is crazy but I am excited about my virtual party! I should know the theme tomorrow!🌷
Jun 26Reply

Welcome to my closet hun ❤️ if u like something just make an offer with your price and I will accept ! Have a wonderful day ✌️🌹😀
Jul 02Reply

Hey, any updates on the order of the rings? Hope you are feeling well
Jul 03Reply

Hi Kara! I hope you had a happy and safe 4th! ( It's still happening in California) The pups are having a really hard time today with the fireworks. They started earlier than usual and they are terrified poor babies. Still waiting to go outside since this morning!! TTy soon. Think of you often-hope all is well.
Jul 05Reply

@deantalia2 hey there, I can tell you that I still need to order a few of them! I have a few others that should be on the way but I'm not sure exactly of the arrival date I'll keep you posted… I will list more clearly for you all of the colors there are quite a few so I want to be sure that you would like them all in and which size? Could you confirm for me when I tag you again in the listing? Thanks so much for your patience! I really appreciate it🙌🙏💚🐶🐶✔️
Jul 05Reply

@danciaw you're more than welcome! I wrapped it up last night and will be putting it in the bus this afternoon for you I hope it's everything and more that you're looking for! If not of course just let me know first and will take care of it. I'm actually wearing the silver buckle with the stamp words on it right now because I hadn't fully sample that one yet! What fun🖤
Jul 05Reply

Absolutely ty👍
Jul 05Reply

@siberianhusky1 hi Elizabeth! So good to hear from you… That's really too bad about your pops… I'm lucky that mine are fairly still like about fireworks. My younger big boy Red is a terrier and definitely alerts me more than my chill Chi...cont
Jul 05Reply

@siberianhusky1 and things like that, his ears popped up but he really didn't freak out this year…I'm very blessed. However other things are not always the same story ha ha you know how it goes.
Jul 05Reply

@siberianhusky1 Today so far they have already been to the coffee shop and are going to go on a few more errands afternoon so hopefully that will sufficiently tire them I'm sure you know the drill😄😆 i'll keep you updated on my situation as I'm probably going to do a bit of travel that I was not expecting but will make the best of nonetheless
Jul 05Reply

@deantalia2 you're awesome! So far I had ordered some and size 7 can you please remind me if that's what you're hoping for? Thanks so far I remember there was a black one I have in stock and can send to you right away with your other bundle items if you'd like to transact in the dressing room… Also out they had available red green pink and I believe a light sky blue and I will check what else… Let me know what size and colors in that list sounds good and I will update you as well. Xo
Jul 05Reply

You're amazing!!! Yes size 7 and I think you got all the colors
Thick ring
Jul 05Reply

💚 15-20% off private bundle offers 💚
☀️ LA BASED ☀️
Jul 12Reply

Sorry to hear about your health, mine is horrible too. I have FMS and suffer with pain 24/7. Love your closet.
Jul 12Reply

Hi hope you're doing well I couldn't find you for a while I wanted to share for you still stay in touch and have a super wonderful day
Jul 13Reply

@sbfashions 🐶Nice to meet a fellow animal lover💜 Your babies are so lucky you rescued them, and gave them a very important job to do❣️I'm sure they are very secure and happy in their pack🎉🐬
Jul 19Reply

@deantalia2 OK great on I'll see which ones arrive at sometimes the manufactures send what they want instead of what I ordered
Jul 19Reply

@deantalia2 ! Always a fun problem ha ha either way I'll check up on them as I think they were supposed to arrive this week sometime or shortly after but sometimes they're delayed overseas. I listed another thicker rhinestone ring and also found some thick metal ones I will post some photos on one of these other ring photos and see if you like them before I order because my budget is getting tight right now
Jul 19Reply

@danciaw thank you so much you're so kind! I did find more of the belt bracelets and I will try to order for more before they are out of stock! I've got so many things to budget for them really glad you asked because I love them and I'm very pleased to have a future gift/sale for you
Jul 19Reply

@schracl thanks hon! I will try to help them out your things more when I have a bit more time and your items are beautiful! Perhaps we can collaborate with one of my Instagram's to promote the sandals or something let's talk soon
Jul 19Reply

@reyna1955 i'll Esperanza I just saw this comment! Well no wonder we understand each other. I will send you some healing light whenever I can and just know that I always understand people with chronic problems of any sort are doing the best we all can and it's great that the world helps us be in contact support one another this way🖤
Jul 19Reply

@reyna1955 . My gratitude for your patronage especially during your own troubles. Hugs! Can't wait for your other items to arrive and to continue to style fun things to brighten your life😎💚😘🖤✔️🐶🐶❤️
Jul 19Reply

@pepedoodles thank you so much you're so kind to do that I just shared back a lot of your items and put a few things in a bundle as my boyfriend is a small medium or large if he's going over sized and tops and pants usually 29 to 32 waist and need some new shorts. I have to budget but hopefully I can do a bundle sometime soon
Jul 19Reply

@vynyssa thank you that's so kind I love you you're a rescue efforts as well! I'm very blessed exactly as you say that I not only could rescue them but they also rescue me! Read the rat terrier likes to teach himself new alerts and things that when I get to more specifically train into what I want it's quite funny and excellent! Even in his older age he learns new things
Jul 19Reply

@vynyssa when we go back east my boyfriend's mom's dog is a chunk named Harley and he loves his buddies and waits for his pack pushes the door open in the morning and stays with us as much as you can it's really fun
Jul 19Reply

@danciaw i'm so glad you understand Anaca, I'll get them ordered us as I can I have to deal with car and some other unpleasantries and moving this week so wish me luck and I will keep my eye on my purchase order to make sure I can get them… If you think you would want any in the silver what the stamped words let me know before they run out also I do like both but then it dark is very sophisticated
Jul 19Reply

I saw you added the duster to your bundle, so I sent you an offer, even if you're not ready to purchase just yet. Whenever you are, feel free to submit that same offer and I'll accept!
Jul 30Reply

@lillylife thanks hon I appreciate u sorry I missed this some bad days in court and catching the landlady slander but I am fine I am loved by those who see me clearly 🙏🤞😘 so glad we r pals now! Let's keep up
Jul 30Reply

@ctedesc08 ok ty will do ur sweet and I appreciate u so much it's been so hard but I'm trying harder
Jul 30Reply

I loved visiting your closet! I really like your style! Hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do. ✨☺️✨☺️
Aug 10Reply

@kjoyhm 😘thinking of u
Aug 11Reply

@cwood008 that is so kind and truly makes my tough day much more rewarding and validating. My deep gratitude! Say hello anytime and my bf and I combo ship from co closets w unisex boutique items his is 🎶@2amspecial and ask if u wish to combo 🙌😘
Aug 11Reply

@sbfashions Thank you! 😊
Aug 11Reply

You are beautiful my dear. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Aug 12Reply

Hey.. my name is Saundra 💋 @bethybd wanted to introduce us. She had told me that you also contend with health problems and would be somebody who would understand the things I struggle with everyday. Such amazing ladies here ♥️ Just wanted to say hey and I hope to get a chance to get to know you. 😊
Aug 18Reply

@sfpatterson 😘🖤🙏💓ty
Aug 18Reply

@rosebisou5 hi Sondra what a pleasure and thank you for introducing yourself I'll be glad to get to know you further… I love to make long-term relationships with my clientele and I'm happy to help with anything I can at any point
Aug 18Reply

@rosebisou5 . Please do excuse any delays or if you need to retag me as sometimes I miss comments with so many coming through… I appreciate you understanding the chronic illness struggles and I'm here anytime if you'd like to talk. I am having some moving woes but am around to help anyway xxxooo
Aug 18Reply

@sbfashions I only tell the truth 🙏🏻💖🙏🏻
Aug 19Reply

@sfpatterson awwww sweet! I say same thing so we are kindred! Xo ttys 🙏🐶😘😘🐶🐶✔️💫😉💚
Aug 19Reply

@sbfashions I believe we are 🙏🏻💖🙏🏻
Aug 19Reply

@sbfashions Hey!💖I am so excited to have met you and made a new friend! You are so sweet and I can't tell you how happy it's made me to read all your sweet notes; it's like omg you totally get it! You are such a sweetheart. I'm sorry it's took me a minute to reply. Had to drag myself outta the house yesterday. Lol. I'm about to go do replies under each that you left.💖
Aug 19Reply

Thanks for your purchase 😊🌷 hope all is going great with you & your pups
Aug 20Reply

@pepedoodles , I wanted to thank you for being so sweet and supportive things are not really great but we're making it work for us because that's what we do! I'm buying some things for my boyfriend that I shouldn't be but I would like him to have a class when he's here and he really doesn't have any shorts at the moment that I know that fat so I'm trying to collect a few things plus I just got him some winter hats and A Henley etc. so it all be good! Xo
Aug 20Reply

Have his clothes ^* 😆😘🐶🐶✔️
Aug 20Reply

@rosebisou5 hey that's how I am today I'm really tired so I'm gonna need to talk to you later and read all your responses again later because I'm really tired and muddled. I went to look for a manikin and then realized I had no money but there weren't any at the thrift stores I'm going to look for one online it's just a pain I don't know
Aug 20Reply

@rosebisou5 I really just need to model the stuff but I can't deal with it are used to model for this lady I'll tell you about it later huge fiasco but I looked fine I just wasn't fun at all and totally turned me off of ever doing it again... I barely got like two packages out on time today and didn't mix them up to my sweet customers, love to chat more later I'm forcing rest now!I treated myself to alo goddess leggings, way too many, but hey that's what profits are for right ugh 😆ttys xo
Aug 20Reply

@sbfashions well good luck and hope things get better & better for you .. say a little prayer for one of my pups.. he's 15 & not doing well and I'll have to say goodby to him.. don't know how😕
Aug 20Reply

@pepedoodles omgoodness I will and I'm here if u need me, I have reliquaries if your going to cremate or other remembrance pieces I'll gladly send one with condolences from us here @sbfashions and @2amspecial who lost his 17yr old pug last year w me there...we are thinking of u and wishing only peace🙏🌈😘🐶
Aug 20Reply

@sbfashions thank you my friend , yes he will be cremated & thank you for being so kind.. hugs to you💜🐾💜
Aug 20Reply

@sbfashions @2amspecial is yours too?? Great closet 😊
Aug 20Reply

@pepedoodles yes he's my long-time boyfriend and we've known each other since childhood so we do long distance relationships and times of the year it's really hard but he has property on the East Coast and I prefer California. Anyway he realized I was doing well and thought he could to and he's really great at it!
Aug 20Reply

@pepedoodles I do the giftwrapping and, shit for both of us so he has it pretty easy ha ha but he gives me credit so it's very sweet we enjoy doing it and it gives us some cool common ground besides just his interests and my own separate from one another. It's cool to make money together to a nice way to bond with always enjoyed things like his poker talents and we did bitcoin investing and I'll kinds of stuff so
Aug 20Reply

@pepedoodles I'm really glad he's so good at it and I've been able to help his numbers are amazing 🙌💫🌈🙏🐶
OK well thanks for letting me know about your 🐶sweetie bc from us I'd like to send you one of the necklaces I'll tag you in it and you can tell me if you'd prefer a color or one of the ones
Aug 20Reply

@pepedoodles I have in stock the silver on the block and I'll gladly send it to you so you can have it in advance not to be in anyway morbid but just to keep for your heart knowing you'll be able to use it if that suits your mindset and if not I'm glad to send you something else you prefer just let me know there are other ones I could special order for you if you don't love the look of these are fairly small and dainty in person the picture makes them look larger
Aug 20Reply

Hi Kara thanks 4 your shares. I love your bio, I am a animal lover too. I am sorry about your health issues. Sending good juju your way.😊Your very inspiring..😘
Aug 23Reply

@candysrevenge25 hey Candace, you're so welcome I appreciate you reaching out here to say hello it means a lot to me. Happy to chat anytime or if you see something you love please add it to a bundle and I'll make you a special offer. Really great to meet you hope and hope you have a wonderful posh weekend!!! The fur kids are the best 😘🐶🐶✔️
Aug 24Reply

@miaflora that's so kind of you to say... I'm really glad! Comments like yours absolutely make my day so thank you for taking the time. Your closet curation is lovely and I will try to check it out more…I've been so busy as I have to continue to move a lot not by choice because the area I live in is very expensive and difficult. Try to see it differently so it manifests that way! Lots of love hope to talk again soon
Aug 24Reply

Hey Kara
So glad you are happy with your purchase.. thanks so much for the awesome kind review.. wish there was a way to chat besides posh for the world to see 😕 are you on FB ?? And again thank you my friend so glad to have met you.. my pepe will be going on Monday 😕
Aug 25Reply

@miaflora thank you sweetie well I do get down to LA and I know it's a big area and then people don't always want to specify because they think I want nowhere but I'm pretty well-versed in it as I lived and worked down there many years ago. I go down to visit friends but not as often unless I have more so I'd like to do in LA posh and sip with a few girls would you be interested
Aug 25Reply

@pepedoodles oh my that's so sad I will have my heart with yours on Monday for sure it's going to be a tough week for me not having a place yet either to live with the dogs but I'm working it out. Trying to manifest the right thing. Let's definitely try to connect on Facebook or Instagram which ever you like I have both but may have set myself less findable on FB so let me know and I'll look for u or u can send me message on @ chi and red on IG
Aug 25Reply

@sbfashions thank u 💜 it's easier if you request me on ig @melaav. I'll accept & go from there
Aug 25Reply

@sbfashions I think I answered everuthing on the listings but let me know if I missed something!! Happy Labor Day! ❤🖤❤💋
Sep 05Reply

@sbfashions Hey Sweet Girl 😊love all your photos but I especially love the one of you throwing a kiss.
Sep 06Reply

@pepedoodles need to email u and send your gifts xxxoo hope Pepe is not in pain xo
Sep 06Reply

@sbfashions no more pain for my Pepe .. he passed last Friday
I'm crushed & so lost I miss him so
Sep 06Reply

@sbfashions Hey Kara🙌🙋♀️, just wanted you to know to👀 look on 💓🎉the pink pattern flowy top💓🎉I got for comments when you have a moment. I know notifications are sketchy at best some days for me..😐🙆♀️🙅♀️. Thanks for all! 😘😍You are the best!!🌷😍😎💁♀️💞👏💜💗💝💘🐶🐾🐾🐶😘💋
Sep 12Reply

@bethybd did I send wrong pattern or Is it weird? I'm confused
Sep 12Reply

@bethybd I saw the bra comments just now and I am glad the pouch ones worked bc I loved them too, they are running out which stinks bc i want to sell more!
Sep 12Reply

Also just I guess keep all the ones u want and tell me which and how many maybe in one of your cistom listings comments and we can make work w what you've paid and maybe exchange the shirts for Bras until shirts come in bc I'm not sure what's up w order, must check so much this week
Sep 12Reply

@sbfashions hey Kara, sorry for confusion... I was just directing you to that listing for initial comments since Posh notifications just are making rough--or should I say LACK of notifications...I LOVE the pink pattern top I just didnt really know how to refer to that top lol
Sep 13Reply

@bethybd it's ok it's my weird brain I need a chat page too I guess it's hard I know! Xo no prob I figured it out lol
Sep 14Reply

@sbfashions so glad to see this. I love it💞💖💞
Oct 01Reply

What an incredible story...God bless you!
Oct 03Reply

@katsal824 thank you for stopping in to say so...I'm very grateful to be here serving all of you lovelies and hope you will shop anytime! Sending love from me and the furkiddos 🙏🐶🐶✔️😘
Oct 04Reply

@sbfashions Hey Kara, my PFF and personal shopper!! I sent update messages on your sold 2x white flowy top/dress I bought. Thanks seeetheart🐶🐾🐶🐾🐝🌝😍😘
Oct 10Reply

Boy since I spoke to you last PM has really got me stooped????😰
Oct 11Reply

Thanks for following my closet!!💕☺️
Oct 17Reply

@canarygreen that's really too bad did I already reply to us he told me something about a mermaid thing going missing? What exactly happened I have been traveling and I'm so stressed out I have to find out on Trenton remember what exactly went wrong it was a shipping problem or a customer being shady? Either way I'm so sorry sending you hugs I had really slow sales because I've been trying to keep my price is firmbecause once I drop them it's like the never ending dropping story ha ha
Oct 18Reply

@bethybd hi sweet bath, I'm thinking about you today I had a her Renda's trip, and I'm trying to be positive but just being honest it was hell on wings and wheels ha ha… Thank God my landlord was so kind and showed up with his truck like a true gentleman and picked me up and helped with my suitcases and had taking care of my plants and my mail and everything and said that he was actually glad to have me back and to have someone else in the house with him and to not be alone
Oct 18Reply

@bethybd but unfortunately Ravi is tough and I just really wanted to stay with Gabe we didn't get the chance we deserved because his brother who is a troublemaker literally came home right when the night I got there within hours of me walking in the door and he wasn't expected at all I only went because I thought he wouldn't be there and he left this morning the exact same as I did I mean come on
Oct 18Reply

OK well here we go with our special lingo it's doing some very choice typos today and it's scheduled for another update so I'm concerned with the spelling wrong choices will be by tomorrow… Anyway I think you get the draft I just miss the person I love and his work is not going as well as it should back there so I wish you could just be back here with me but at the moment it is going to take a little bit for him to get back
Oct 18Reply

@bethybd out here, for us to figure out what to try, I'm determined&committed to loving my way...I've had a few very serious long-term partners and it's just the way I operate.
Oct 18Reply

@bethybd I don't really know another way to pay so I pray that things are going to somehow shift to better again because right now it's just a deep struggle to know how to afford the going back-and-forth or how to plan where to live and how to live and we were doing fine until two months then lawsuit! It's still so sad...
Oct 18Reply

Thank you so much for sending back the box I have to go to the po tomorrow! absolute nightmare just the amount of things that I have on my bed that came to my house is crazy &forwarding address changes that I did didn't work and so I didn't receive anything in New Jersey like I was supposed to for three weeks forwarding order and I definitely lost some sales but the post office does nothing about anything like that it's too bad it's not a company I can actually complain to effectively!
Oct 18Reply

No biggy hun! I sent my mermaid to my favorite buyer and she could not understsnd it was in a seperate box. I put 2 boxes on top of eachother. She found it or I guess figured it out??? All good. Anyway what is up? You ok? You sound like you ate scramblin'. I know how ya feel. Posh is crazy busy. I am in med school plus homeschool etc....Yikes. Nuts! 14 boxes in 2 days! Oh well...Chat soon. Thanks for your concern!😉😉😉🤗🤗🤗😥😥😥
Oct 18Reply

Hello I DM you on ℹ️G
Oct 18Reply

Hello my beautiful friend 💜 I am a little late but needed to tell you THANK YOU for the beautiful heartfelt gifts.. you made my heart a little lighter ..
I left you voice mail hoe you got it..
Speak to you very soon
Your amazing 💜🐾💜
Oct 19Reply

@debbshops I’m sorry I see this comment here but I don’t know which I G just as I said I have money and I tried to check I don’t know what name you’re on there I’ll check again later tonight but I’ve been really busy and just want to make sure Its handled correctly thanks
Oct 19Reply

@sbfashions your channeltheinsanity on Instagram right? It's on your about page. I DM you
Oct 19Reply

@sbfashions Hey sweet Kara I have missed you!! The box is on the way back to you finally!! I appreciate you so much! I put in a gift but I switched to a different surprise because I didn't want to send you lip products since you told me your concerns. I hope you like what I sent!! I always appreciate your candid opinions.
Oct 23Reply

@sbfashions I am so sorry to hear the brother came in for your whole trip!! Glad you got to see your man though!! I hope things improve soon! Yay for the landlord for helping you!!
Oct 23Reply

@sbfashions dont worry about typos im with you as usual! The comment feature has been a problem for me for over a week now. Thats why less emoji and shorter comments lol
Oct 23Reply

@sbfashions you should have the box next few days for sure. I am missing comments left and right I just came over to check on you and saw that you wrote me few days ago! If I don't answer in 3 days just assume I didn't get it and send another please. I dont like the besties getting left waiting for me to respond 😉😜💗💞🌷💋
Oct 23Reply

@sbfashions hey update is you should have the package by Wed to your po box. Thanks 🌺🎃🌺🎃🌺🎃🌺🌺🎃❤💋
Oct 23Reply

@debbshops I didn’t see it but I’ll check again I really don’t know what to do about all this but I hope that we can figure something out because I’m really sad about it everyone else’s camera in perfect shape and I just want to make it right. I’m trying to help you out but It doesn’t feel great
Oct 24Reply

Thanks boss I appreciate it I’m just so picky about what I use on my body because it all goes into it affects me and with Hasek I get a cure for it to make any mistakes that are really intentional. I try not to wear much make up at all unless I leave the house which isn’t that often anyway. I appreciate your communication I haven’t been well I wish I had more leeway to text applications but I just can’t I’m struggling to keep up with anything
Oct 24Reply

Omg whole thing a mess @bethybd lol wish u were my boss I had a terrible day idk gabes mia since sat im so alone and tired idk why to even bother anymore
Oct 24Reply

@bethybd I didn’t not contact you back because I didn’t see it I just saw them go Byam figured it was OK to wait up because I’m just too tired to do anything it’s a little TMI but I’m basically having a really bad girl time that is causing me a lot of weakness and passed the point that I feel comfortable but I don’t have insurance to go to the doctor over nothing so I’m just dealing with it and it’s a little absurd.
Oct 24Reply

@bethybd my PO Box mail is being forwarded, it’s multiple freeway exits away more than I can afford to drive, the farthest point north can be called a very livable area, it’s the place I never thought I’d ever agree to be but have to be grateful lest I Lose it.
Oct 24Reply

@bethybd What I have right now is not what I want. I’m sitting in a mess and everything has to be re-organized and I just got done doing it all back east like I said so I’m pretty much ready to throw in the towel on most of my projects and that’s not the right attitude I have to readjust myself I never get to the beach anymore I mean I’m just so deeply unhappy and sick
Oct 24Reply

Hi, I know there are many closets on Posh but I’d be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I was just stopping in to say hello and wish you a lovely night! ☺️
Oct 30Reply

@spreadlove Show Dolla check it out thanks for stopping in to say hello it means a lot to me as well nice to make connections on here with other ladies I’ll share a few of your items now and I apologize if I miss sharing back in the future but I’m always happy to be supportive when I can… I mostly only have time to try to deal with some of my listings my sales and do party listings but I love new friends! Glad to meet you
Oct 30Reply

We must know each other. Firstly thank you so much I got my shoes today and I love them. They fit and they are super cute I just have to learn how to walk in them ahaha. Secondly. I was also from Bridgewater that’s where I grew up as well in Dover and Randolph when I was younger and rockaway!!! Lol. We certainly must know each other.
Nov 01Reply

Yours is such a story! After all those shares and comments for me, I was compelled to read about you- wow. Some have so much to bear, but you're not letting anything get you down it seems and that makes you a role model for all😊 Love the pups (have 2 of my own) and the sweet smooch photo with your love💕 Also- we're practically neighbors and should go shopping together one day!
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc Wow that’s amazing! I was born in 82 so 136 now in April I always start to add a year early LOL technically him 35 right now. I had a bad car accident in March so my brain just gets weird around the time of year after Christmas so I sort of over prepare ahead of time I don’t now at PTSD is a weird thing
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc That’s amazing about knowing the areas in going up in them at Cetera my aunt still has a house behind this gigantic temple that they’ve been doing construction on forever I don’t know that it was there how many years ago if you would have a reference point but it’s kind of this joke with my family like when are they ever going to finish construction on the temple in front of her house Street
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc I mean the thing is like the Taj Mahal it’s unbelievable and they’re still adding to it and we always are like what the heck could they possibly add?! Hope I’m not being sacrilegious but trying to keep it light… I just woke up and I’m trying to adjust into my day. Let’s definitely catch up some more and remind me where you are now?
Nov 03Reply

And I’m just so glad you’re happy so I definitely love to figure out the connection and if you might know some of my family or friends my mom as I said being born in Danville plus my dad from Hillsdale gives me a lot of Jersey people I might know LOL but it’s such a big state that it’s always funny to find anyone who knows Dover it’s not that big of a place
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc I’ll definitely mention it to my boyfriend and that sticker sticker I included that says 2 AM special that’s my boyfriends music name producer Ouis and composer wise and it’s free on SoundCloud he’s the one that lives in Dover and is there right now if you know anyone who is good at making phone calls for charity were looking
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc to hire people so just a thought to throw out there great job for college kids or people who are chronically L need to stay at home and work remotely etc. or just make some extra cash it’s really easy and it’s for firefighters and police just putting it out there because I have to start calling this week to help him
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc nd it’s a lot for me and we need more people who are good at just reading the script almost verbatim and excepting the nose and looking for the yeses if that makes sense. It’s really easy just needs persistence and someone who won’t give up. I’m so glad you’re pleased with your item and let’s chat more‘s ASAP you can always contact me through my Instagram is but sometimes I don’t see the private messages properly so u can use as put together ..,
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc And then we can chat more about personal things. It’s so hard to make friends with people and exchange information on here because of trying to be compliant but I refused to let them prevent me from making
Nov 03Reply

@teresajayc friends when I have so few in this life it’s definite synchronicity that brings me to people like you I’m so glad I thought to mention what I did but we never would have known! My chattiness can be my downfall and my salvation in one! Sending love...
Nov 03Reply

@magdacloset Love to you and I love all of your black items that’s probably why it went so nuts! I think I was having a posh crazy night and now I have a poshhangover LOL that’s got to be a thing! Open way better make the shirt before someone else! I would love to shop with you! You seem totally awesome and fabulous! Where do you live again exactly? I mean I don’t need the coordinates ha ha but generally where? Hehe
Nov 03Reply

@magdacloset And I love your pups mine were supposed to be big ones like yours but I ended up with Littles and it’s been a huge blessing because as service dogs they aren’t always easily recognized as such everywhere but I’ve been doing it so long that I’m good at standing up for
Nov 03Reply

@magdacloset myself! My little guy wears a vest every time we go out and my older one who rides in a bag has a tag on her bag. People don’t know that service dogs don’t have to be on the ground! People really don’t know anything about it. Yours looks so sweet in that photo I just love it! Might have their own Instagram and I really have to get back to it I probably lost a lot of followers but I have seven and I’m just struggling to keep up always
Nov 03Reply

@magdacloset thank you for the sweet complement I definitely have my down days and times but I try not to put that on my customers or the very few friends I have left in my life… This illness and car accident and
Nov 03Reply

@magdacloset everything combined as taking some of the most important things away from me but I’m left with a lot of gorgeous material possessions that I’ll be at our unimportant in the long run at least our value for me to liquidate so I’m working on that to simplify my life and then live what’s left of it! Sending love for hopes of future shopping endeavors with you I need more gal pals
Nov 03Reply

I love your closet Cara thanks for sharing it with me
Nov 09Reply

@dodger13 No problem Gina it’s always my pleasure both Gabe and I love to help you find the things that you like and I’m glad that our previous posh experience went well and hope to help you anytime in the future… No pressure of course but if you see anything you like just add it to a bundle and we can wiggle prices or whatever I’m really trying to clear out some inventory because I have hundreds of items to list!
Nov 09Reply

The silver sandals and the makeup bundle have been sold already
Nov 09Reply

Holy cow! I just saw about your wreck!!! I’m so glad you (and your fur babies) are ok! I’m a momma of a chi/terrier mix as well. 💛
Nov 13Reply

@chelsey9903 yes it’s crazy right? I walked away but am messed up diff ways plus more ptsd etc but the dogs were so lucky and me to not lose them omg awful 😢they r laying on me eating cuz they like to nibble kibble at odd hours! Whatever works I mean I do too I am Starved right now hahahah
Nov 13Reply

Hi, I️ just wanted to let you know I️ am dropping your top by post office tomorrow morning. Sorry for the delay; Monday’s are always a little crazy and I️ didn’t make it over there today. But it’s packed up and ready to ship first thing in the AM. Just wanted to let you know in case you were in the lookout for it. Thanks for shopping my closet😊
Nov 28Reply

@ejfberry thx for update I understand I overdid it with outings today and have not been sleeping to deal w this stuff so I get it xo
Nov 28Reply

Hey Hun, I invite you to visit my posh store, for great deals, on name brand and slashed prices. Great bundle discounts, reasonable offers, and I ship the next day as well. 💕🎁
Nov 29Reply

As soon as I saw SB in the beginning of your name, I knew instantly you were from Santa Barbara. That's home to hubby and I, miss it terribly. After he and I retired, we knew we could not afford to stay. Now, here we are in the Midwest where prices are good and the weather SUCKS!!! Kiss Stern's Wharf for me.🤔🤔
Nov 29Reply

Awwwww so sweet! I find ways to make it work but it’s really tough and I’ve moved about 8 times this year not kidding and did vsss
Nov 29Reply

Thank you for the advice I changed it I just hated giving them away because I spent so much on them
Dec 01Reply

@sbfashions Hi Kara! On this Christmas Eve, I just want you to know that I am thinking of you, and I am so grateful for 2017 bringing you into my life. I was so touched by my last order contents, your sweet card, and gifts. I really appreciate you! I hope you are enjoying your break away and having wonderful times with Gabe, your fur babies, and family. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you my special friend!xoxoxo🍭🎄🌹💝🛍🛍💋
Dec 25Reply

@sbfashions Hey lady! Happy New Year!! Girl when are you coming back? I sure do miss you!!💖💗😍
Jan 20Reply

Really cute closet!! Love all your puppy love!!!💕💕💕
Mar 23Reply

cool..thx much for liking my leggjngs.
Apr 15Reply

Apr 15Reply

Just wanted to say Hi. I used to fly out of SBA loved it! Lived in Santa Ynez.
Happy Poshing Kara
Apr 15Reply

@sbfashions .. hi, I'm Julie and I also have this closet and one more on another sight so I can support medical expenses. I have Lupus, fibromyalgia, and never know if it'll be a good day or a bad one. I am so sorry to see anyone go through what you are... especially since you're sooo BEAUTIFUL.. and I'm for you're a more than beautiful person as well. God bless you and you're in my prayers. I love love your attitude....I can learn from you. 💗💗💗
Apr 16Reply

I just thoroughly understand. For now I won’t cancel the order. Just ship it when you find it and it really means a lot to me that you’ve kept me updated 😍😍😍😍
Apr 22Reply

@rosemarief thank you dear! If you knew the totality of my situation you would be possibly overwhelmed so I’m trying to be brave but it’s pretty harsh right now...responses like yours make me willing and able to not give up when it gets to feeling too much to do this which I love to do dearly when I’m well or suffering, giving brings me great joy. I’ll be sure to include extra gifts for your patience and kindness. 🖤🖤🖤
Apr 22Reply

@mahollie Thx doll! I appreciate your saying so! I’m with the fur kids right now as always...xo from the beach! 😘🦋💚🌠
Apr 22Reply

@krissysfinds glad to! Xo 🖤🙌😘
Apr 22Reply

@swak1323 yes it issssss! I am uplifted here always...almost lol...I weed out the baddies fast haha! Love to meet sweet ladies and gents here too xoxo will stop in soon I’m in move hell but I’ll struggle on! 🖤💚🙏
Apr 22Reply

Thanks so much for your lovely and heartfelt comment. You’ve got so much going on and I really don’t mind waiting even if it is a month or more. Take care sweetie 🌸🌸
Apr 22Reply

@linbrit007 awesome!!! It’s such a dreamy little exp of flying instead of the big ones...thank you for stopping in! I’m sure you noticed I love photos and have more on my IG accounts! So glad you stopped in to say hello! Maybe we will cross paths someday in transit! Where do you find yourself traveling lately?
Apr 22Reply

@jsnuggs16 awww thank you...I bet your struggle is very real too so I truly am grateful if I’m any help to anyone in chronic illness community bc it’s sooo hard...I’m in my van between places so it’s even harder. I will share some items of yours...xo chat anytime sorry for delay I’m moving and not very well this month...🖤💚🦋
Apr 22Reply

@sbfashions I stopped flying about 10years ago.
Apr 22Reply

Hey Kara !!
Thanks for the FOLLOW hun, and likewise did the same!!
Really appreciate the support.
This is such a fun community full of so many fabulous women (men) & I'm having a great time!! Here's to HOPING I see you in my closet soon, till THEN
Have a fantastic day :):)
Always, xo, Lips & Lashes💋💋
Btw. your total healing is in my prayers gf🙏
Apr 23Reply

@linbrit007 oh I see...hugs to you💚
Apr 29Reply

@rosemarief ty I’m a wreck in a motel bc tried glamping and was in too much pain and broke emotionally. I just want my life back together and it’s so hard...xo I think about sending your package daily. I should get to the storage redo soon bc I need my stuff! Ttys xo ur so kind. 🦋
Apr 29Reply

Thank you so much for the likes and shares. I will share your closet with my followers and applicable posh party’s. I add new Items every day please come back soon, I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll love. Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 29Reply

You take as much time as you need. I’ll still take the scarf even if it’s still a couple of months away. Take care of yourself first. 😍😍😍
Apr 29Reply

@sbfashions Hey sweet friend! Whats the latest on your move and how are you doing? Im thinking of you!! Miss you and love you!! Update me sweetie! Even if it's not good, I am doing better healthwise finally! Love to hear from you!!😍😘❤💋
Apr 30Reply

👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
May 01Reply

May you have the best of health now and in the future. I wish you a great experience on Poshmark, new friends and many sales. 🛍🤗
May 21Reply

So glad you found me !! Your story is inspiring. I found you on IG. Hope you will find me too. #MuthaLiveVintage. I had to change the spelling for Posh. I am waiting on Alberto to hit and listing. My Sunday Funday. Hope we can be great Posh Friends. Alicia 💋💋💋
May 27Reply

hi my name is george im just stopping by to invite u to come check out my closet all items posted on my closet look just like the pictures or even better in person I really take pride in the product I'm offering if u happen to find something u like don't hesitate to make an offer I usually shipout with in 24 hours of purchase i hope u can stop by my closet to like and share my closet thanks for taking the time to read this message I hope u have a wonderful rest of your day ☺
Jun 22Reply

I just read about your issues with unkind buyers. I had no idea. I’ve only sold one item here so far and it was great. I had given 4 stars before, but after seeing your discussion went back and changed them to five stars. Being picky about packaging is no reason to give less than 5 stars. Thank you for opening my eyes to the fact that this is livelihood for many people and shouldn’t be taken lightly. I look forward to receiving my purchase and to doing more business with you in the future.
Jun 24Reply

Hi I’m just wondering about the origami earrings I purchased from sent me a sweet extra with a card that said I should have gotten them by this past Tuesday or Wednesday. Just checking in! Thank you!
Jul 07Reply

@sbfashions Hi there! I was hoping for an update on the origami earrings? I already left feedback for them. I appreciate it!
Jul 09Reply

@sbfashions 🌼💛🌼To anyone reading to decide if this posher is a good person to buy from, she IS. She is the ideals of honesty and integrity. Makes sure buyer is happy. And just one heck of a gal! Thank you doll for everything. Much Poshlove 💛🌼💛
Jul 19Reply

@saucyhaven did you get them? I mailed them and hope they didn’t get lost? Sorry i missed this comment
Jul 20Reply

@mooniekins I’m so glad ur pleased 💚
Jul 20Reply

@muthaluvvintage thanks dear! Sorry I was so busy I missed some sweet Comments here...I’ll check out your accounts again ASAP. Be well! Xo
Jul 20Reply

@rosemarief still finding things, was out of state and moving more robes it’s so hard...I know I’ll find it soon and I’ll tag u in case u still want it! Hugs, I think of it almost daily!!!
Jul 20Reply

@tricitymerch that’s so sweet of u! Ty! I was out of state and trying hard to kept up with all things! I missed a lot of comments when in Maine woods w my bf! Hope you are well and happy poshing!!! Thx for the 💚!
Jul 20Reply

@jessyjosh no problem I am behind in lots of ways and the good people don’t get upset, the silly ones fall away as they should 😉 I appreciate u! Hope ur well! 💚
Jul 20Reply

@diansdsign thank u so much! Means a lot, my own family doesn’t even stop in and look or comment as u did! I’m humbled...🙏😘💓
Jul 20Reply

@kokoewone will do I shared shoes to the kids party...enjoy your day, thanks for stopping in!
Jul 20Reply

Thank you for the note!!! I’m so happy you’re pleased 😊🌺🎉 have a wonderful evening!
Aug 02Reply

@sbfashions Stay Blessed!!💞💞
Aug 13Reply

Hey fellow Kara. Im sharing 10 + follow for you. You closet featured today
Aug 15Reply

@sbfashions love your closet. Your dogs are adorable btw. Thank you for sharing your story.You are an encouragement. Praying for your health issues and wishing you many sales. God bless you
Aug 16Reply

💞💞Hi love! Sorry for taking long to ship, I was looking for a big box to fit the bag😉🤗 I'll send it today🤗
thanks to my mixer's kindness😅lol
Aug 17Reply

@happystar71 ty! I collect these bags! Love this one
Aug 18Reply

@kiwistreasure awww my pleasure! Happy posh evening! 🙌🌈💓!
Aug 18Reply

@frenchstone5 thank you!!!!!u gratitude for stopping by!
Aug 18Reply

@fergie0307 awww thank you! Much appreciated! Tried to keep up! Xo
Aug 18Reply

@camocrazy17 thank you for taking time to say that, it means so much when people choose words meant just to encourage or validate my’s not been easy! But what is?!? Hugs to you, I’m working on a memoir and maybe van life vlog so we will see!!! Xo be well too!
Aug 18Reply

@happystar71 ps the Ig vintage lovers and sellers like me love to complain about box issues for giant bags bahaha lotta diaper ones etc lol so I get it no worries on time it’s tracking now!
Aug 18Reply

@sbfashions your very welcome dear. Life is not easy but our struggles in life are what make us stronger and shape us into who we are today. That would be awesome if you did a memoir or blog! I followed your Instagram accounts. I hope you have a great weekend girl. Ttys. Hugs <3
Aug 18Reply

@sbfashions 😉❤️💞 I hope you enjoy it, also another mishap of mine😖😖😖 I left OUT a lil gift I was planing to send it along with the carrier. After the Box was all taped out, I see the 🎁 sitting next to me. I owe it to you, sorry PFF🙏🏻🙃🤗
Aug 18Reply

@sbfashions After this, I'm going to reconsider and sell only jewelry Lo 🤣🙃🤣
Aug 18Reply

@happystar71 hahaha I know I have bad brain days and forget things, it’s hard this life! We do the best we can. I forgive ya! Hahaha next time...I like to include extras too but sometimes don’t have my best ones and make do! Ps I swear it’s so much easier to do small items and things not needing crazy measurements.
Aug 18Reply

@happystar71 I’m going back to my vintage sales I think on Ig to clear out old stuff and I just wanna find a person on here to buy my used stuff in bulk for their closet! Really aiming to refine it this year now that I’m at 100k almost today! Woooot! I’ll enjoy the bag a ton, they look so right in my vintage rv and my van I sometimes live in etc...thank you for caring new PFF! Hugs! Enjoy your day! 💓💓💓
Aug 18Reply

@camocrazy17 thank you for that validation get it! I am grateful for the Ig follows and if u buy anything from me just remind me and I’ll take off the extra % for doing that! Xxooo hope I can get to writing more this year, David Sedaris helped choose my title!!!!
Aug 18Reply

@sbfashions that's awesome. Your welcome dear.xoxo
Aug 19Reply

Hi there!💓Ready to pick up your carry on? you know, it's getting more vintage seating at your P.O Box Lol 😂
Aug 27Reply

Love your doggies. Stop by my closet and like Annie the pomeranian💗Feel for you girl💗live in the moment and stay positive❤💗
Sep 01Reply

@anneadellestyle thx Cynthia ur too sweet! I’ll stop in fast now, been too busy ugh time to get back on it!
Sep 03Reply

I left you a couple of other comments about me possibly getting the wrong box. If the Saint John bracelet was in there with all the other stuff it’s rolled under the sofa. LOL but the note is to someone named Beth talking about changing things out it cost etc. I see you have left on vacation I hope there’s someway I can get my bracelet If you think you shipped it to another person. Please please respond ASAP
Sep 21Reply

Thank you so much for the 5 star rating and kind words. So glad you're mom loved her present!
Sep 24Reply

Hi, i got your offer for the "WTF Fireball tee"
I pulled it out and noticed the dragon is cracked a little. Just wanted to let you know before i accept. I'll add an additional photo. Let me know if you still want it and ill accept🙂
Nov 29Reply

HI my name is Bessie, I am in the same place as you, love your page your work is good, when I love something it's not to buy, thanks for sharing I like your page! !
Dec 02Reply

Hi Kara, I'm Roxy and I'm trying to raise money for medical expenses, I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I was a shopaholic so most of my items are new or in excellent used condition. I'm glad that you survived you're accident and I pray that God will heal your other issues. Stay positive! Best of luck to you! Happy Poshing and Happy New and Healthy Year. Roxanne
Jan 15Reply

Thank you for the follow!
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for my ring it finally came
Jan 22Reply

@sbfashions this is still a favorite photo!
Missing you 💖
Feb 09Reply

@stylestream sorry dear I just saw this, and yes I really appreciated being able to give her a gift that she does so much for me. Hope you’ve been having good posh sales and I’ve been having a lot of personal difficulty but will do my best to share some items from your closet soon, thxfor your kind words. 💚
Feb 10Reply

@bessiebray hi dear just saw your message and thank you for your support of my closet, I will try to remember not to send you private offers when you like things and to just know that it’s for support. Please tag me if you are interested to shop ever… Thanks again and be well💚
Feb 10Reply

@roxyrn86 hey Roxanne I’m so sorry to hear that and my uncle actually passed from non-Hodgkin’s and I’ve missed him dearly sense. It was very hard to watch him go through that and I was far away so I didn’t get to spend much time with him toward the end. I feel for you and I hope you’re doing the best you can… I will share some items for you now and I hope that you are getting excellent care.💚🙏✔️
Feb 10Reply

@leahleuschner Hey welcome dear and thanks for checking out my closet… I appreciate it and wish you speedy posh sales.
Feb 10Reply

@12gzafke I’m so glad and I hope that you were able to get the stone to go back into position. I’ve been very sickAnd once again for what feels like the millionth time in several years I’ve lost my housing because people are unscrupulous and lie and more… If I were in a better position financially I would just order you another one and send it again. I can offer you half price on any other ring in the future that you like. I will mostly wait to special order size 10 for people
Feb 10Reply

@12gzafke who request it since otherwise they often sit and don’t sell for me but I’ll gladly put in an order on any of the new ones if you tag me and ask. Thanks for trying to work with me and I never want anyone to be unhappy with the purchase or have it be of poor quality so I’ll do whatever I can to re-boost your confidence in my shop selections, esp Bc the others had no
Feb 10Reply

@12gzafke probs w it 😞 . I’m sorry I’m not in a better position to help more at this moment but I am thinking of you and appreciate your kindness.
Feb 10Reply

@sfpatterson u too xo ty
Somehow I ended up on here even though I’m supposed to be sleeping… Like you I often work on it all night but I am off to bed now… Talk to you later dear friend
Feb 10Reply

@sbfashions I think we are truly soulmates!!
I have adopted you!! You are mine now.... any worries you come to “Mama, Nana, friend... whatever you want or need me to be!!! 💞💖💞HAPPY POSHING 💞💖💞
Feb 10Reply

Thank you!!!! Just am unlucky I guess but thank you for your sweet message!!!!
Feb 11Reply

@12gzafke I am too...just lost my housing for the millionth time and I’m in poor health So I try to not define it only that way lest I attract more to me...I understand how frustrating things not going as hoped can be. I just hardly catch breaks but I try to really be glad when I do ...🙏 once I’ve been homeless multi times it keeps it In perspective more...🙏💚✔️
Feb 11Reply

Hi !!! I just bought a bracelet from you and the first day I put it on it broke I’m so bummed about it ... I love it but I only got to wear it for a couple of hours ...
Feb 23Reply

@pawa1920 hey hon oh that’s so no fun!😞 my apologies as I hadn’t had feedback on it otw that it was of any quality about I send u another item of similar value or less w shipping on me? Xo
Feb 24Reply

@pawa1920 I have a silver chihuahua necklace ?
Feb 24Reply

Oh that’s so nice of you ... I would so appreciate that very much... I love silver chain bracelets but whatever you can do it will be great .. thank you
Feb 24Reply

Do you have any bracelets? Like silver chain kind ?
Feb 24Reply

@pawa1920 Hey Paul I just saw your comment… I do actually have a silver chain sort of typical could be used as a charm bracelet or just plain I haven’t listed it but you might like it I can post a picture or you can choose from the other things I tagged you in… Let me know if you’d like a photo of the bracelet or the other choices I’m fine with either
Feb 24Reply

I actually would love a picture of the bracelet plz ... thank you
Feb 24Reply

I appreciate it, thank you for taking the time, but it’s not really what I was looking for ... thank you anyways !
Feb 24Reply

@pawa1920 ok well if u like anything else around 10 lmk I’d like to leave you with a good exp If possible! Thx
Feb 24Reply

I LOVE the closet you have assembled🎁
Feb 28Reply

@gullprint thank you so much! That is such an awesome compliment. I’ve worked in exclusive retail boutiques and for myself for many years and organized/styled closets for very well to do ladies in large estates here in town etc. I take a lot of pride in being able to select my own inventory now and I am adding new things to the shop all the time, also to the co closet my bf started @2anspecial...ty again for your support and look forward to staying in touch.🙏💚✔️
Feb 28Reply

Hello. This is Lindsey Turnbaugh. I'm not sure if you got my message so I'm trying again. That is fine and yes I'll take a refund until the ring is in. Can you let poshmark know because they will not refund my money unless you tell them to. Thank you and can't wait to shop with you again!
Mar 07Reply

@l_turnbaugh thank you I’m so sorry I just charged up it’s really hard to keep it going sometimes on the road and was about to confirm what you wanted to do so I will cancel the order now. I pulled a size 10 ring in the gold flat version with little white sapphires just in case but I will gladly resell it to you when it comes in if you’re still interested and thanks again. I’ll be in touch and I really appreciate you
Mar 08Reply

I do love that top! Wish I could gorgeous, gotta send the C Monster off to college! Have you looked at what I’ve done in my closet? I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. Woot woot! Text me if you see any improvements I can make!
Mar 30Reply

@raytchell Awesome yeah I just checked it out and I’ll totally share more of your stuff and I’ll have Gabe do too, need to get his to be an ambassador status I just don’t have enough listings on his… I’ll give tips and tricks privately I’ll message you later or we can have a phone chat or something sometime. I’m having a bunch of fun arthritis problems, bunch of packages lost in the mail right before my trip, lost a lot of $$because of either theft or I don’t know but
Mar 30Reply

@raytchell eone took a bunch of things from the same day and screwed a lot of my customers and it’s really upsetting. Not sure if it was my underhanded ex roommates or if it was someone who knows that Poshmark items labeled boxes contain potentially cool things but it’s way too weird the three orders from the same day disappeared so someone did something… I’m right in the middle of trying to move in a place and everything is really crazy so I’ll get back to you ASAP I love you
Mar 30Reply

@sbfashions wow that’s balsy! I drive to the post office or catch the mail person due to something like that with eBay and a pair of Manolo’s. Love you too! BTW I’m back in Ca❤️💋
Mar 30Reply

@raytchell yay let’s chat soon and yeah I’m in IV now so I’m gonna have to change my shipping but i was on good areas for a bit w no issues so I got spoiled then I lost big time last month and I’m
So upset
Apr 05Reply

@raytchell which top do u love again? I’ll send it as a gift if I can mb? Xo
Apr 05Reply

@sbfashions how bout ya send me you for a couple of weeks? 💕
Apr 05Reply

@raytchell awwwww I want to c u!
Text me and lmk what’s up
Apr 05Reply

@sbfashions had to replace phone back in the summer. Lost most important numbers including yours. Mines still the same
Apr 05Reply

You guys are sweet....I’m trying to talk my BF into starting a closet too....I think he’d enjoy it and we can Posh together 👏🏼👏🏼💯❣️
Apr 09Reply

Cute ass closet girly💯
Apr 09Reply

@sbgirl805 Oh thanks you’re so sweet… I really appreciate that I’ve worked for so many different companies that I am enjoying trying to be a
Apr 09Reply

@sbgirl805 good stockist for my own! I run a bunch of IGstoo … Definitely encourage your bf! Once mine figured out it was basically like a competitive video game that pays, he started to beat my numbersLike it was nothing so he does pretty well and he puts effort into it! He stopped for a bit and has just restarted again more!! It’s definitely cool to be able to ship people things from two closets and it’s funny how few people take advantage of ir but it’s still worth doing! And
Apr 09Reply

@sbgirl805 you can follow each other’s followers and bounce back-and-forth and all that so it’s fun
Apr 09Reply

@sbfashions 3242426 you know the area code and come check out my set up some time sweetie!! I’m a mother of 5 and totally young at heart I have a shit ton of gear and I have 3 teens and a toddler still at home with me so I’m always busy with something and honestly I just discovered posh and sold my first item in February. You can teach me how to use IG because I feel like a total dumbass on that thing
Apr 09Reply

Hi sbgirl805 here letting you know I changed my closet name to a_stellarcloset
Apr 12Reply

Ok girl sounds good hi.
Apr 12Reply

Hun^* 😂 @a_stellarcloset Ttys Kelly
Apr 12Reply

Thanks so much for the follow.Take a look at my closet.I do take reasonable offers. Thanks so much!!!
Apr 27Reply

Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
Apr 30Reply

Thank you for the share on Twitter 😃
Apr 30Reply

Hi Kara:) Thanks for the follow. Am following you now too. Will check out your closet. All I can say is "Go Girl". Looked at those pics. You have a lot of struggles, but not giving up & the dogs are the best. They really do provide a lot of support when you need it. I was in a rollover as a passenger once, so I know what that feels like. Hope you have a great night & Happy Poshing!!!
May 02Reply

Hello doll, thank you for following me, its an honor. Please pop in & check out my closet, I have many items I think you would love🥰
PS your closet is Awesome! Im sharing 10 of your great items Right Now💘 It would be great if you could share back. May all your fashion Dreams come true🌈 ❤️
May 02Reply

Thanks for shares!!!
May 03Reply

@vynyssa 💚ty so much I am retracing comments And so appreciate your kind words 💫hope u are well
May 03Reply

@lillylife 💚💚💚✔️hope you are well xo
May 03Reply

@cwood008 thinking of u 💚
May 03Reply

Thinking of u 💚
May 03Reply

@a_stellarcloset 😘
May 03Reply

@wonderaa no problem it’s my pleasure...feel free to connect anytime to say hi or compare notes etc! Happy poshing! Thinking of u💞
May 03Reply

@saveddd1 💚✔️🆕💫
May 03Reply

@lorieap np! Hope things are going well for you...I have so many items to add and some personal struggles are slowing me down but I press on! Thanks for writing 💫💚💞✔️
May 03Reply

@greenbaypackers ty for getting it! Makes me feel good to know others find it’s never enviable...I am struggling Bc I just got in a van crash but it was not tooo bad so I’ll needing to handle things...ugh ptsd isn’t fun it’s making me emotional at min! Hugs and thx again
May 03Reply

@jojomall 💚✔️😘
May 03Reply

Hang in there!!!! Hugs Back----We all need them for all different kinds of reasons!!!
May 03Reply

@sbfashions You have some very interesting items and I wish you have a prosperous future!
May 10Reply

@firstscale why thank you so very much for that and I wish you well in your endeavors as well! 🙏💚💞 happy poshing and if you ever see anything between this and my bfs co closet @2amspecial we offer free combined bundles from both closets! 🙏✔️
May 11Reply

Thanks for following
May 17Reply

Sweetie I’m looking for a delicate opal or garnet necklace for my daughter that’s about to graduate 8th have anything along those lines???
May 21Reply

@a_stellarcloset I’ll text u
May 21Reply

Update: struggling w health and was just in van crash I need to now get chiro and more plus repair my hone on wheels, very tough.
Offering best cost with bundles over 4 items w free ship and extra off etc plus gifts. Xo ty for your care and love. Dogs ok. 🙏🐶🐶✔️💚
May 21Reply

@sbfashions awesome
May 21Reply

Hi Kara Best wishes and thanks for the shares! I will get you back! Another CA Kara!
May 22Reply

wishing everyone a super fun day filled with sales and purchasess
May 28Reply

Hi I see you like to pair of O'Neill shorts 32 waist in my closet. I also have two others size 33 waist. If you want to bundle all 3 I'll sell them all to you for 10 bucks a piece🤓
Jun 02Reply

Hi Kara ! I'm Annette. Nice to meet you
Jul 08Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 09Reply

Thanks for following me
Jul 10Reply

Feelin ur pain Homie! Praying for complete healing. I have MCTD , "lupus, RA....".Crazy how unpredictable these crazy diseases can be. Looks like u have a great man and sweet pups. I Def know how important that support is.Be Blessed!
Jul 10Reply

Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 12Reply

Hi Kara:) Hope you're doing ok!!!! Have meant to say hi again many times over, but have been so busy, just not caught up w/Posh at all:) Always thinking of you & hoping your feeling good!!!:):):):)
Jul 13Reply

Heyy! This is nottt spam, alright?! lol -- I like to help out sellers, so I've made my whole closet of 600 listings 5 for $50 (($10 each in a bundle of 5, even if the single listed price is over $50 alone!)) Create a bundle of 5 items, or just "like" the 5 items and I can create the bundle, plus send the $50 offer!! To keep or to re-sell the items in your own closet is up to you!! I also do not mind if you re-use the pictures I have if you choose to re-sell the item(s) in your closet!! :0)
Aug 01Reply

Hey there @sbfashions
Would love for you to check out my closet
Sep 03Reply

Hi Kara, I saw your post to Jen about moving. I live in So OC and go to the alA Posh & Sips regularly . Not sure where you live but if you want to drop me a line on my OC Posh & Sips we can connect and party🎉🎉🎉 Donna
Sep 30Reply

Thanks for the follow ✌️
Oct 04Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 12Reply

Nice pic and collection, best of luck
Oct 13Reply

Thank you for the wonderful review! I'm glad your bf loved the jeans! :)
Oct 29Reply

hey @sbfashions ! would you be willing to share 10 items in my closet in exchange for 10 shares in your closet? let me know. thanks!
Nov 16Reply

@a_stellarcloset 💞😌🌈😎love u Kelly ur my savior I swear
Hmu today abt that thing u wanted and I’ll bring the ring
Nov 16Reply

@karadodge4 yes!!! Love it I have an ig called Karacentral and was featuring the rad karas if ig! Then it turned more art directed but may include the former idea again soon too 😎💚💞🙏 I havev7?!? Igs if u want to check them out! Xo
Nov 16Reply

@elitestyle_pm you too dear I shared some items no need to make exact share numbers w me just glad to know u! Great shop
Nov 16Reply

@ennazus72 hey sorry I missed this comment I’ve been sick and swamped but still no excuse to not check this long thread hahaha thx for the kind offer I’ll check if it’s something my bf will wear as he is from nyc area and has yet to fully get board shorts in his life 😂 I’m working on him lol
Nov 16Reply

@aj9063910 hi Annette! Same! I’ll recheck your closet now and share a few things for u, xo
Nov 16Reply

@2ndhandtreasure Awww thank u sooo much I’ll recheck yours again now! I love selling vintage too and started on Etsy then to IG w 7 !!! Acts and now two closets! Our other is @2amspecial which needs love Bc my man isn’t running it daily as prior so I do both! Exhausting
Nov 16Reply

@liplindy of course! my gratitude for taking time to say it! I’ll recheck out ur closet and share in hopes of helping some sales, I’m known for a Midas touch for others 😂💞✔️
Nov 16Reply

@stacyhazel1 thanks dear yes it’s gotten tough Bc I’m running both shops alone Bc we are so distant after a bad apt thing here two the airlines think it’s ok to flaunt Ada law and limit my service dogs to one not two which can be unlimited in Ada law. I’m going after airlines hard ASAP and have not been well at all
Nov 16Reply

@stacyhazel1 I feel for u and did u know they are including almost all the ones ie ms fibro and lupus etc all under lyme and coinfectiins if which there are 300-1k plus I’m sure so it’s freaky, my doc says 80-90 percent of world has one or more of them 😬😞 awful. Take care and stay in touch, needing woman friends rn
Nov 16Reply

@jocole96 ty!!! Have a great holiday sales season!! Don’t forget to share to the parties!!! So much exposure! 👍😎💞🙏✔️
Nov 16Reply

@greenbaypackers hey there!!! Same!!! I’m a wreck tbh but alive...let’s connect more ASAP
Nov 16Reply

@m_rayner hey idea! I’ll consider yet I have hundreds or more in inventory to sell that I can’t list fast enuf too and may look to wholesale etc. I’ll check out your closet. Thx for saying hello.
Nov 16Reply

@m_rayner so Do u not allow sharing or is pm acting up ?
Nov 16Reply

@kbs_closet609 ok will do sorry so long to get back to U I’ve had a tough year...hope your well and I’m glad to give tips etc if u wish in how to get more exposure and sales! Xo
Nov 16Reply

@kbs_closet609 ps ur kbs I’m kbt haha awesome so alpha ordered
Nov 16Reply

@saleallday hi Donna I’m still in Santa Barbara and struggling with housing stability here but I own a cargo container etc and rv sk it’s not easy to manage it when I get sick...I missed the phx ones I bought tickets to Bc I got mold sick at my folks and it’s awful
Nov 16Reply

@saleallday I’d love to connect and I have a large travel van I go across country with if needed so ur not far!
I have to rest more if no other driver nowadays but I can plan to get to u or we could mb co host one in between or???! Think and get back to me, let’s talk in DR. Xo
Nov 16Reply

@3bushman8 for sure hope u have been well
And busy! I have much to Catch up on as I have both closets and bern unwell 😬😞💞🙏✔️🐶🐶✔️🌈🖤😎
Nov 16Reply

@sbfashions hey doll did you get my message about the package? It’s waiting for your pickup!
Nov 23Reply

@sbfashions hi doll! Not trying to bug you but are you able to pick up the package ?
Nov 25Reply

Hi Kara. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a great day!!!
Nov 28Reply

Happy thanksgiving!
Nov 28Reply

@sbfashions I've added some of what you're looking for. Offer still stands
Nov 30Reply

Hi I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner are you still interested in the LRG bundle please send your offer again so I can accept hope you’re doing well💕
Dec 07Reply

@greenbaypackers ty 💞💚✔️will message in DR soon it’s been very hard I can’t even say here but I’m nj now! Xo happy holidays to u
Dec 08Reply

@mahshop same to u dear, I’m so grateful to know you now and have your kind time and assistance with all that you’ve done to make sure my choices wren sound! I got some seriously Great pieces Bc of it!
Dec 08Reply

@mahshop So thrilled, good investments too if I want to change any ever! I’ll be in touch, got to nj and brought the blk glitter w me 😎🖤✔️ in love. Happy holidays to you and yours 🌲🎉🖤✔️
Dec 08Reply

@aj9063910 ✔️xo ok
Dec 08Reply

@priscillagoff ok I’ve been traveling w only my passport and cash Bc I lost my wallet the night of hit and run and can’t figure out if it’s going to turn up Bc no one is using cards! It’s bad 😬 sorry I’ve been any bother! It’s excruciating to be missing allll of my cards etc rxs omgosh 😞Xo
Dec 08Reply

Kara, thank you for you rating and sweet Posh note on your bundle. Made my day. I am so happy that you like the box. We will keep in touch. xoxo 😘
Dec 11Reply

Hey Kara, day hi🤗😘 Working three jobs right now😳 let’s connect after the first of the year. Happy Christmas🎄🎄❤️🎉🎉🎅🏽
Dec 14Reply

@dodger13 🙏😂✔️🌲
Dec 20Reply

hi come ck out my closet and follow me 2 c all the changes that r soon 2 come 😊
Dec 21Reply

I am so sorry please send me the $140 offer again so I can accept with the leggings thank you!
Dec 25Reply

I keep missing your offer Christmas was busy yesterday I apologize please resend last time I promise!!
Dec 26Reply

Hi. Are you ok? Haven't heard from you in so long.
Mar 09Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME I PRAY WE ALL TAKE CARE😇BE KIND😇AND THOUGHTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER🥰LET US BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHER🧡LOVE LOVE LOVE🧡BE BLESSED AND SAFE🧡
Mar 18Reply

Hello Kara, I have been thinking of you during this pandemic time. I hope you are staying well. We are all susceptible to this virus. Stay safe and take care🍵🥑🍠🍆🥦🥬🥕🥔🥒🍅🍐🍎🍌🍋🍒🥝, Rhonda
Apr 05Reply

God bless you sweetheart. Stay safe.❤️
Apr 21Reply

I went thru a similar accident yrs back, we both made it thru because we were supposed to!! what kind of music does your sweetheart produce? I also produce too, as well as own my online radio station, ThrowBackRadio! hope ur loving Poshmark as much as I do!! Be safe, Stay blessed and Happy Poshing!😁❤✌📦🍾
Apr 25Reply

@lenabrown551 hey sweetie! thanks for reaching out and telling me a bit about you! It’s so wonderful that I’ve made so many awesome connections from people sharing because I did… I’m so glad that you’re still here too!
May 01Reply

@lenabrown551 i’m always happy to share in tomorrow and help out I’m so into #SupportMusicians and #SupportArtists.
moreAndSinceIHaveAbout7InstagramAccountsThatIReallyNeedHelpRunningNowHa ha…
May 01Reply

HeProducesEverythingFromElectronicaDanceAndOtherSelectTronicTypeMusicToBeingSelfTaughtAtPianoAndGuitarAndPlaysEverythingFromheavy-metalToJazz Etc.. 😬🥺😂omg typos feik talking...
May 01Reply

ha ha ha sorry I don’t have the energy to change that, but I can’t stand when I forget that u said character word for hashtag when I’m voice texting and then it turns the whole thing into a string of it 🥺but I’m sure u understand… Anyway if you’d like to check it out, we appreciate the support, and you can find him at 2AMspecial on SoundCloud, iTunes etc. I hope you enjoy some of his content.
May 01Reply

Our second closet is also of the same name 2amspecial and I kept it open but need to list what it is that we have for sale because all of my inventory is in California and I came for dec thinking mb thru late feb and got stuck...we r in Jersey, I am safe and together instead of apart. It’s never easy. 💞🙏💚
May 01Reply

@misshoma thank you so much… Same back to you… I really appreciate you taking the time to reach out and send your well wishes… Wishing you speedy and many sales! 💞🙏💚✔️
May 01Reply

@poshcrush hi Rhonda!! 💋💜🐶🐶💞how sweet of you to check for me… It’s amazing how almost no one in my other parts of life has done so but the flash work crew is all in for the win! Really does mean that was in New York City and said that like we have recovered and I’m taking i’m on my way need any support regimen and staying inside…
May 01Reply

@sbfashions Hello Kara, so good to hear from you. I am glad to hear that you are doing okay through this surreal time. I have adjusted to sheltering in place, as This time can be spent doing some extra self-care and toning down that all-encompassing busyness that we have all been geared towards. a bonus has been for me just to take time every day to appreciate all the little things that make life sweeter. 🐕🦺🐾💗 Rhonda
May 01Reply

@greenbaypackers hey there! Been thinking of you too! I haven’t been on the lot because I got sick and I am in New Jersey with my guy and his family home… Wasn’t my plan to be here but that kind of stuck right when things got bad… I don’t have a ton of inventory here but I’ll be setting up shop in the 2 AM special closet with some items that I can find here!
May 01Reply

@greenbaypackers Definitely give me an update if you like on how you’ve been and I hope sales have been OK or better… I know there’s a lot of competition right now because everyone is figuring out that these are good things to do… But hopefully it will end up helping all of us more than hurting us! I’ll try to share some items ASAP for you and I have my closet on vacation or it should be and I appreciate if you feel like sharing anything from the other closet that’s great 💞🙏💚🐶🐶✔️
May 01Reply

@madblk3 thank you for your kind words and message and support… I am grateful for you. May the same be returned to you many fold! Wishing you excellent sales and that you and yours stay safe and well…💞✔️🐶🐶💚💋
May 01Reply

@sbfashions 👍❤🤟
May 01Reply

Hi sweetheart, thanks so much for kindness word , wishing you all the Best, stay safe and God bless, love you,❤️
May 01Reply

🧡Beloved🧡💯Agape=Love as an action: During this challenging time we need to take a step back😇breathe😇take care😷share😷be kind😷thoughtful😷We can then move forward🎶Many of us have no income but PM because our primary businesses are closed💕We can be mindful of each other & what each of us needs now💵🧻🛒🧡Love Love Love🧡We will get through this alone together🧡be careful😷be safe🧡be blessed🧡Love🧡
May 02Reply

Good afternoon! how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
May 17Reply

Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 21Reply

thank you for your lovely note. you are an awesomd posher, a 5star an I highly recommend !!!!! stay safe
May 31Reply

Thank you so much for the 5 star rating and the generous comments! I love every item in my closet and it means so much when my customer is pleased with their purchase! Please feel free to visit again. I’m always adding more treasures!
Jun 13Reply

You are so sweet thank you for sharing my closet🥰😘😍🤩❤️❤️❤️
Jun 16Reply

Have a great day 😊💐💕
Aug 16Reply

Hi there!
If you like homemade soaps and candles, I would like to invite you to visit my Poshmark Closet. I make everything from scratch and use all natural ingredients. Stay safe & Happy Poshing!! 🛍
🌸 Ariana 🌸
Aug 17Reply

hey, i’m doing big sales on bundles in my closet now!! feel free to check it out! i am willing to negotiate prices & trade also! there may be something for you! happy poshing🖤
Sep 16Reply

Hello Poshie friend!! Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I have added quite a few new items since you've stopped by if you would like have fun and stop by. Hope you are doing well.
Sep 30Reply

Hey,you can look out my store and lmk if you wanna buy something, I will offer you discount on bundles 😍❤️😊also I do custom paintings as per your choice
Oct 07Reply

Thank you for all your helpful tips and positive feedback/rating. I’m glad you liked the bag. I’ll definitely keep you in mind if I have any other luggage or bags to sell.
Take care and stay safe!
Oct 11Reply

Glad everything arrived safely! Your bundle was a puzzle because of that Tourister case. Thanks for the nice note! Take care!
Nov 14Reply

Hey there!! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing my listing and spreading the POSH LOVE 💗 💗!! It means more than you’ll ever know!! I’m cleaning out my wardrobe and slowly adding more to my closet, so stop by anytime and check it out and I’ll definitely return the favor! Thanks again for the support and Happy POSHing!! 😊😊
Nov 20Reply

Hey I happened across your closet and I LOVE your stuff so I decided to share a bunch of it to my followers. Happy Poshing! Leslie 😍🌵🌺
Dec 06Reply

Thank you for my 5 star rating!
Dec 06Reply

Why did you accept my order for these earrings but never shipped them , no message, left me hanging, then cancelled
Dec 09Reply

@brisky1028 Please check your messages from Poshmark, and for me in several places, your profile and in dR etc...that’s not the case at all, I have been notifying them and you of the status every week since it’s been sent. They went missing in shipping and I was upset too!!!... as they were lovely and I was hoping that you would get them immediately and be pleased.
Dec 09Reply

@brisky1028 I am as disappointed as you are that the mail lost them. They were sent out with two other orders that made it no problem that same day. Poshmark has refunded both of our monies. I have not canceled on you at all. I hope that somehow they will arrive to you by some miracle if they get found by the Postal
Dec 09Reply

@brisky1028 Service and they choose to forward them even with the old label but again they were sent as promised and as communicated in your dressing roomAnd I am happy to continue to discuss things there for your privacy and mine, and I will gladly offer to send another item even on the house for your disappointment level despite both of us having
Dec 09Reply

received a refund. If you’d like to shop again I can give you my best guarantee as always that it will be sent out and I’m going to start listing photographs of the items again so people will not think this happened. I photo snd video all my packages Bc of this, which is how we both got refunded...
Have a nice holiday and I hope you will continue to be a patron despite the post office is mishandling of your package.💞✨🌟💫✔️
Dec 09Reply

@3peas pleasure dear thank you so much for your kindness and professionalism and business and transacting with me… Means a lot. The bracelet will be well loved and I won’t lie possibly banged up a bit but that’s why I buy nice things to wear them not just put them
Dec 09Reply

@3peas away in the closet! I have so much more fun enjoying my days when I do have to go out and do things or if I’m just sitting in bed sick I wear sparkly rings to keep my spirits up and bracelets if I have the strength, I like having matching sets… If you ever have 2 big metal or other matching cuffs that
Dec 09Reply

@3peas match I would love it! Always looking for more sort of wonder woman bracelets if you will. Happy holidays and hope I add some things to my closets that will continue to spark some interest and possibly want to live with you someday! Thanks again for the great Poshes.
Dec 09Reply

@desertbeads That’s so sweet of you! I so appreciate it in these times that are really hard especially as I’ve been slow with adding items and I have so many to go so everyone knew we’ll get to see a lot of fun things that joins in a little late LOL thanks for checking back in
Dec 09Reply

@desertbeads anytime and I love my desert people as I was born in Phoenix and 82! Wishing you a great holiday season and I will again return the favor when I get a minute ha ha whenever that is but I try to keep people on my PFFS list and please add yourself if you’d like since my brain has not been good lately but I’ll
Dec 09Reply

@desertbeads do my best to remember. I think I may have already marked your profile. I do too much on auto pilot lately 🙄😬😵☺️💞💞💫😉 wishing you a safe and joyous holiday season with lots of excellent sales and hoping I add some things to the closet that catch your attention soon… Please check out my other one when you get a chance as I need to attend to it badly and add more men’s and music related items that people seem to really enjoy. Gratitude always…💋🎁💫
Dec 09Reply

@kaydesue 💞💞💞💞💞💞💋 i’ll check in with you in the dressing room to see if you still want to try to work out a bundle on some of the things that haven’t sold yet before the holidays. I could use to finish up some sales and a lot of
Dec 09Reply

@kaydesue girls either flaked or thought things were sold to others and all sorts of silliness. So you may have an opening ha ha. Message anytime and I hope you’re doing a little bit better with things. It’s been really tough for me both my car is broke down I can’t even so let’s chat or text or whatever.💞💞😞 I
Dec 09Reply

@kaydesue haven’t had anything improved with the partner stuff either and I’m hoping you have because I am really sad and alone for Christmas it’s not good for me or the fur kids. 😞 wish u could visit
Dec 09Reply

@silversabriel 🙏💞💞💞💞💫🎁🎁🎁So much I appreciate you and everything you did… I apologize to everyone for my difficulties in life they have taken me away from being as prompt as normal here. Sorry I missed this, etc. I’ve been struggling to keep up as some of the follow share Friend’s help so much that my
Dec 09Reply

@silversabriel feed gets really clogged and I just haven’t been keeping up as well as I’d like… My dogs medicine has the happy so often that I can hardly keep up with the alarms for that plus wanting her heart rate etc. etc. it’s just been really tough with my illness and then I missed my other dogs appointment because I fell asleep sitting up from trying to work all night for two nights it’s ridiculous. So it means a lot thank you for your patience.🙏💚stay well ...
Dec 09Reply

@crayonsky 🙏🙏🙏😞✔️✔️✔️✔️💚💚💚💞💋
Dec 09Reply

@ritzi02 ✔️🙏💞☺️🌟💋✔️☝️
Dec 09Reply

@bathreadz 💞
Dec 09Reply

@47737 💫✔️🎁☝️😃
Dec 09Reply

@itsariana_xo thx Ariana I love all natural things and promoting some shopping locally and small… I also have Instagram‘s where I promote people small businesses and such for pro bono trade and other deals that I’m working up since I have many accounts with different looks etc. Let’s chat soon, my animals have been my
Dec 09Reply

@itsariana_xo priority as they’re my kids and service dog so you can check out their Instagram any time and mine and we can exchange info and maybe help each other out… Would love to sample some of your products to make sure they work for my sensitivities and there’s since they end up with everything I use
Dec 09Reply

@itsariana_xo kind of on them! Like a lot of us…Makes it fun though because I can promote pet safe products through their Instagram which always has really loyal followers and my brother and your customer base?! Let me know as I can I’ll be glad to do sort of a Collaborative deal and we can chat more without the character limits!
Dec 09Reply

@irenecase 💞✔️🎁
Dec 09Reply

@nyads ✔️💞🎁💋💚💫
Dec 09Reply

@carolt02 awwww ty I feel the same way! To retain clients her life if possible in all of my different businesses and ventures… Have my Instagram is going stronger soon and always in the works as well as many other projects both photographic and supporting local and small businesses of all kinds so feel free to message
Dec 09Reply

@carolt02 in the dressing room anytime or through my other accounts and we can collaborate and help each other further. Been prioritizing my for kids and my health but never forget about my faithful friends here and out there that care. Happy holidays and will try to connect more soon 💞
Dec 09Reply

@maximumfashion Oh that’s so kind of you I’m just going through things now and everything’s been so crazy since I’ve gotten back I apologize I didn’t see your message here. My health has been if he had best and my dogs are now suffering with different issues and I’m lucky that
Dec 09Reply

@maximumfashion my eldest is still with me. I had to vet appointments back to back and it’s been crazy both cars broke down on me yesterday such a challenge. Every dollar counts right now so I appreciate any shares of my masks and things that are lower cost or some of my low price deals on multiples etc. as I will negotiate with anyone before the holidays to try to make some sales to help my bills. I appreciate you and I hope to connect again soon.🎁✔️💞
Dec 09Reply

@jrtexas99 ty!!! Apologies for not replying here sooner I hope you’ve been staying safe and well and having a excellent holiday season start… We’ve had serious challenges as you can see in several of our posts and could use any
Dec 09Reply

@jrtexas99 assistance with chairs etc. I just even on masks or anything you think people might like for the holidays as we are struggling to add hundreds or more items that have been waiting in inventory but need to move through what we have also. Much appreciate it if you are able to help with even the tiniest of ways. Will return the favor ASAP.
Dec 09Reply

@grojivxatu 🙏🎁💞✔️yes! Sorry it took me a while to see this and reply but I gladly will do so and my service dogs a.k.a. my kids are having some serious health challenges and we appreciate any return shares or help you can give as well as we’ve been struggling to post
Dec 09Reply

@grojivxatu hundreds of new items and we love handmade jewelry of quality and truly appreciate it as I was born in Navajo and Hopi area Arizona land of silver and have seen some gorgeous work and live now in a town where so many jewelry makers are of all kinds of skill sets that I like to support any and all I can. Will share ASAP
Dec 09Reply

Hi! You have a lot going on! I have been busy the last part of 2020 and will be ramping it up in my posh closet come the new year. I also want to increase visibility on my IG page. I requested you on IG! Here’s to success for. Both of us and yes let’s keep in touch!
Dec 10Reply

@sbfashions Thank you very much for the explanation. I didn't get any message that the order was going to be canceled, so I was waiting patiently, hoping they would come, then I saw they were canceled. I hope too that they arrive, they were lovely, if they do I will notify you. Thanks again and sorry for jumping the gun.
Dec 10Reply

Hi miss, stop by for a minute if you enjoy vintage jewelry, up to 50% off bundle deals and good vibes. 🌹🌿 Bern
Dec 12Reply

Wishing you a great day
Dec 19Reply

@carolt02 Awesome dear thank you so much I just saw this message it’s been really difficult to keep up as you said I only mentioned iota of my iceberg and that’s just the tip showing ha ha. I’d love to stay in touch I love snail mail I love
Dec 20Reply

@carolt02 keeping peoples addresses and making my Poshmark friends my real friends I have almost no one in my life that isn’t from this app at this point so I really appreciate it or from Instagram and I have seven accounts there
Dec 20Reply

@carolt02 so I appreciate you following any of them and all of them. I’m really working on ramping them up and making them great again and I just I’m very excited but can never work fast enough. If you ever know anyone who would like work instead of me paying a robot
Dec 20Reply

@carolt02 I prefer to have a real person doing it I just can’t have that. Thank you lots of love let’s catch up anytime message me in the dressing room and we can Exchange contact info. Happy holidays to you and yours and will talk before if possible! I’m a my dogs only rn so I’m happy for the chats I just have to get to them!🙏🙏🙏💞💞🎁🎁🎁✔️
Dec 20Reply

@brisky1028 no problem dear thank you for the apology I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner. I understand things can happen and I’ve been a bit reactive as well with my dog daughter being in end-stage heart failure and she’s my life and my everything and I’m really trying not to take✨
Dec 20Reply

@brisky1028 it out on anyone else but I’m struggling deeply because my other service dog a.k.a. my son is also sick and he’s not much younger so I’m facing a lot of loss and I’ve just had many people in my family pass away or Sean me so I’m really looking for friends mentors and other wonderful people on here and again I always try to be professional and I apologize that it surprised me too. They’ve changed their system so many times and they
Dec 20Reply

@brisky1028 did just go public so there are a lot of glitches and problems they are in debt a.k.a. Poshmark and I should’ve talked to l the CEO in Phoenix last year when I had the chance but I got too sick to attend three or four different events at which he was with only less than 20 ladies each so I would’ve really gotten my time with him and it’s unfortunate.
Dec 20Reply

@brisky1028 Anyway moving forward I have some other feather earrings that you might like I have some long small brown feathers that are on sort of Coppertone chain and I also have a few other random ones tucked away somewhere. I’d be happy to list them and or send them to you for free for the difficulty when I come
Dec 20Reply

@brisky1028 across them if there to your liking style wise. I’ll create a special listing for you with some options when I get a chance and we can chat. I’d love to retain you as a client for the future so when I add new things I will certainly give you my best deal if there’s anything you see in this or my other closet at 2 AM special. Thank you so much and I really hope you have a wonderful holiday and if
Dec 20Reply

@brisky1028 there’s anything you see that you like at all please just add it to a bundle tag me and if I don’t see it tag me again as I get a lot of comments from a shared group and they get lost a bit. It’s a really difficult time for everyone right now so again I appreciate the making up aspect and reaching out to me after the issue. I never like hard feelings so again it means a lot. I hope I have some thing that you love very soon in the closet.💞💞💞🙏💋💋🎁🐶🐶✔️🎶🌟
Dec 20Reply

@goodgaudy ✔️💞☝️✔️💫💫❣️❣️🐶🐶🎁🙏💚🌟✨
Dec 20Reply

@designer_fever you too!!! Happy holidays!!!I’ll be adding a lot of new things to both closets as I’ve been delayed with everything as you can see in my post with my dogs health and moving and I’ll kinds of things again as always. Thank you for shopping both my closets if you have a chance I’m trying to clear a lot of inventory for the new things and will make you a good deal.
Dec 20Reply

@bethybd thanks
Dec 20Reply

Whatever nasty person either reported my listing which was to just notify people of my dogs illness and update not to sell an animal
Dec 30Reply

or otherwise but got my listing removed with all of my carefully chosen and taking photos and words is really a disgusting human and I hope that the world takes care of them
Dec 30Reply

because I certainly can’t be bothered. Please know that my dog is still struggling and I need all the help I can get and it’s never my intent to go against policy so I will list it differently but it would’ve been nice to have notice or otherwise before someone just decided to be nasty about heart failure of a dog. Shame on you!!!
Dec 30Reply

@sbfashions Hi Kara! I’m having a Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Sale on ALL 925 SILVER JEWELRY (except select Luxury Necklaces)! I would love for you to visit my closet whenever you get the chance. I would love to give you an amazing deal. Thanks! Hope you and your family are safe and healthy! Happy New Year! 🥰🤗😊
Jan 09Reply

Jan 16Reply

Hi hun, thank you for your purchases!! We appreciates you! I just wanted to let you know both bundles have been packaged and dropped off at the post office today. They should be heading your way real soon. 🥰
Jan 22Reply

@poshiemeg 💞
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for all of your kind words!
Jan 22Reply

@bathreadz ty!! Xo
Jan 22Reply

Just thought I would say hi, I lived in Santa Barbara 60 years until I lost my home about seven years ago and got stuck in Reading California just to have a roof over my head, I was there for five years where Sold about 1500 things on Etsy. was involved in music in Sb also have a lot of health problems and still go to Sb to see Drs but at least I’m back down on the central coast,
Mar 13Reply

Hi Kara!! I was born in that beautiful city Santa Barbara!! I wish I could afford to live there now. Nice to meet you and thx for sharing and following me.
Mar 22Reply

Hope your day is happy
Apr 05Reply

Thank you so much for the 5 stars and the love note just love it ❤ 🥰
Apr 09Reply

Hi Kara,
Nice to meet you 🌷
We are kinda neighbors ❤️
Randee 🌷🌼🌸🌻
Jun 03Reply

@quietr 💞🥰✔️
Jun 03Reply

@hoarderhaven oh wow I can def relate I am sacrificing a lot to be here when I am snd it’s so much to store things so I have to get more sales in all ways going but I run too many things abd need to be able to focus...looking for a selling helper-have extra room for summer and trying to find a posher mb whom could benefit with me Bc I have so much I can cut in
Jun 03Reply

@hoarderhaven a profit etc but it’s gotta go!!! Lady defrauded me this year and I’m trying to decide how to handle it etc. hard times. I’ll send u my # in DRoom and u can text me? Stay well...I’d be glad to host u even for the day or something if U have an appt...I need sll new doctors km freaked I lost my only one this month and I’m with no care ...😞🙏💞✌️ttys
Jun 03Reply

@randeescloset hey!!! So glad I saw this!!! Your gorgeous smudge sticks have me poised to make more and emboldened to make them bigger!!! Ty!!! If you ever want to connect more let’s pls try! I could use a bit of extra support and women friends are so hard to find without common interests etc...I’m here by UCSB til end aug and have an extra room I can loan or rent out daily and weekly if anyone wants to visit...otw I’m prob back in my van for
Jun 03Reply

@randeescloset fall but ur gets hot nowadays so late in season i may have to leave if I can’t find a sub or fix my’s hard. Would be glad to touch base anytime. Your garden/farm must be awesome...check out my igs if u can and I’ll gladly give some time for free ad space on my shoplocalsb page for your awesome locally made items before I try to launch into helping/selling local goods from people more directly...🙏🥰🌺🤟 💞
Jun 03Reply

@sbfashions sorry to hear about your loss; thank you for your note and order; look forward to partnering with you; after teaching fashion history, a buyer, and then to Ecommerce techie. I’m downsizing and have way too much. I have over 50 evening bags and a closet full of vintage sparkling dresses tops etc- I currently have a website for tablescapes. It needs updating. I’m working in a new website for my closet. Just want to move items. Would luv to be your supplier. Xoxo
Jul 27Reply

hi just touching base with poshers from days of old ! sometimes i have forgotten items i sold before!but I'll never forget that cup mug! hope you doing fine. this year is speeding by! was hoping to meet you someday when we visit California again. the SB zoo was awesome and we visited when covid numbers were very low there last year
Aug 01Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Aug 10Reply

Have a Poshfull day
Sep 08Reply

hello just stopping by to give holiday greetings!
Dec 09Reply

You are awesome, fierce, and credible. God bless you for being you. Much love always!!🤍🤎🤍🤎⚛️🚷🚯🚳🚭📵🔞🚱💯🖤🖤🖤U!
Dec 15Reply

Hi!!! 💕💕 I hope you are doing well! I haven't seen you stop by my closet for a long long while. I hope you are strong, healthy, and have a thriving Poshmark closet. Stop by my closet, say hi, and let me know if you find anything you like 💕🤗
May 09Reply

@sbfashions Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 23Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I have many vintage and many unique items in my closet including china, clothing, seasonal decor, jewelry, religious articles, books, craft supplies, puzzles and plushies to name a few. I offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs). I hope you’ll have a few minutes to visit my closet and I’ll visit yours😍
Mar 09Reply

@sbfashions I couldn't remember your name I just happen to see you, away from SB 10 years moving to Carpinteria May 10. where I was living when I left! 78 soon hemorrhaging 10 days don't know how I'm going to pull this off can't even find a doc anymore.going to miss my Care Giver so I'm having 2nd thoughts. don't know anyone there anymore:ha! ironic. bedridden 3 years so it won't be the same getting out meeting people anymore but stay in touch? 530-604-1188 Trina🙏🏻🥲💜☮️♿️
Apr 20Reply

Unique & Special Items
Have Just Arrived 🤗🛍️
Hurry In For Best Selections !
Grace G Boutique
May 10Reply

just stopping by to say hi. have not seen some old friends on here lately!
Jun 28Reply

@pineapple06091 🌴
Aug 21Reply

@bethybd 🖤🖤🖤🐾
Aug 21Reply

@jessyjosh 🙏🖤
Aug 21Reply

@diansdsign 🙏🖤🖤
Aug 21Reply

@muthaluvvintage 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Aug 21Reply

Life tests us constantly, and sad you're health is your trial now! take care get well!
Aug 21Reply

@mooniekins 💎💎💎💎😘
Aug 21Reply

@greenbaypackers 🙏💎🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤been hard but I’m back
Aug 21Reply

@saleallday 🙏💎💯
Aug 21Reply

@maximumfashion 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 was half off here dealing w life too but I’m back: hope you are well say hi anytime 🙏
Aug 21Reply

@hoarderhaven oh that’s a lot for you…I’m here sorry this doesn’t say the year so I hope ur still ok. Message me 🙏💎
Aug 21Reply

@mazyodc 🖤🖤
Aug 21Reply

@adoringstyles 🖤🖤
Aug 21Reply

@krissyany 🖤🖤
Aug 21Reply

@tutuwig love your items. Let’s stay in touch 🖤
Aug 21Reply

@bathreadz hi dear. I’ve had a hard x with Covid 3 times and lots of life changes but I’m back and trying to add more items I have with me in az. I dislike it here: hoping to shift again soon. Thx for checking on me. I need this community back now. 🙏🖤☑️
Aug 21Reply

@mary_puleo 🙏💎🖤☑️
Aug 21Reply

@wholesale_posh 🙏💎💯🖤☑️
Aug 21Reply

@boatansea 🙏💯🖤
Aug 21Reply

@mckenziejruud 🙏🖤
Aug 21Reply

@tableglamor 🙏🖤💯☑️I’m back ty for this note. I’m sorry I haven’t been sheeting but I just did a few and will stay in touch, message anytime it’s so appreciated
Aug 21Reply

@randeescloset 🌴🌴🌴🌴I’m back at it. Covid 3x was not kind to my Lyme. Hope you all are well. Love the backpacks 🎒 ! 💎☑️
Aug 21Reply

@wrforrest 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Aug 21Reply

@sbfashions Hi Kara!! It's been forever!! How are you girl?
Aug 22Reply

I’m so glad you’re back😃😃😃!!!💕💕💕
Aug 25Reply

@greenbaypackers 🙏😭💯👋🤍😘☑️
Aug 26Reply
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