Meet your Posher, Katherine
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Hi! My name is Katherine and I have lots of random stuff to sell! If you are looking for a particular gemstone or mineral and it is not posted please ask for it or if you just need help identifying some yourself I can take a peek and help you out! Thanks for looking!

9 others
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@katunderthestar Hey Katherine...welcome to Poshmark! I haven’t been here long myself but I can tell you that this is a very supportive and fun community, if you need anything or have any questions just let me know...happy Poshing!
Jun 28Reply

@rebirthandstyle awesome thanks so much!
Jun 28Reply

✨⭐️Welcome to Poshmark!! Happy Poshing!! ⭐️✨
Jun 28Reply

@elhana hey thank you! I got this so long ago and never realized how useful it is.
Jun 28Reply

@elhana like a yard sale but the best things you could find and from at home LOVE
Jun 28Reply

@katunderthestar Same!! I’ve been here a couple years but just recently became active daily. You have some really cute stuff in your closet. Hope you have much success in your sales!!
Jun 28Reply

@katunderthestar Welcome to Poshmark🎉 please check out my eclectic closet a variety of clothes, shoes, accessories & beauty products for teen, men & women’s 👔👓💄👗👠
Jun 28Reply

@katunderthestar thanks for your offer but I can't accept it. This is not albion enhancer with big chain. You might be able to purchase albion petite pendant for the amount of your offer.
Happy Poshing dear!!!💐💐💐
Jun 28Reply

This is big*
Jun 28Reply

@danielad84 can’t blame a girl for trying! Thank you <3
Jun 28Reply

@katunderthestar never :)
Just letting you know
Thank you for your interest:)
Jun 28Reply

Hi love! If you happen to still be interested in your bundle I sent you an offer for $35% off 100 because the toms bag is free. If this works for you I can ship tomorrow morning. Will be out of town Saturday and Sunday ☺️ There is absolutely no rush though!
Jul 12Reply

@fattyslilma000 im totally bailing rn my sons bday is in two weeks and im so bad with money I would probably buy your whole closet LOL im going to wait i really need a swim top i think the bralette could work but also the other top too so i guess just need to think !
Jul 12Reply

Sorry to bother you and being nosey but if the JC/Blackmilk boots don’t fit you. I’d be interested in buying them. I honestly hope they work out for you. Just giving you an option. My daughter liked them!!! Again sorry to bother you. Have a good evening
Aug 11Reply

@zonbiegrl71 You troll! Haha jk ;) it’s totally fine and I really appreciate that! I’ll let you know
Aug 11Reply

@katunderthestar I forgot I even messaged you!! Lol thanks and heck yeah I’ll troll lol 😂 just kidding!!!
Aug 11Reply

@zonbiegrl71 😂😂😂
Aug 12Reply

@katunderthestar 🤣😂🙀
Aug 12Reply

You have such an eclectic, whimsical closet! I love the hoods. Feel free to make an offer on the green romper ♡
Aug 12Reply

Are you part of any nylon bss groups? Buy sell swap?
Sep 02Reply

@jdargin no I am not but please feel free to suggest :)
Sep 03Reply

@katunderthestar nylon love, nylon galaxy, black milk clothing swap, buy, sell
Sep 03Reply

@jdargin I actually think I am I’m the bm bst thank you for these 👍 <3
Sep 04Reply

Hi i would love for you to check out my closet i have something for everyone and I’m very fair with pricing. If you see something you like please feel free to send me an offer. Happy holidays and happy poshing.
Dec 12Reply

You killin me smalls! Cut that shipping down and toss it in an envelope with a couple stamps and I'll do 13.....or shoot me your email :)
Apr 28Reply

@3dyims The price I offered gives me $10.05 still under $20 for you with shipping right?
Apr 29Reply

@katunderthestar it come to almost 18 for me when I can snag a brand new one for like 14 including everything else where...but I'd rather help you out and get that off your chest. So keep me in mind when ya get rid of some dope kid stuff..
Apr 29Reply

@3dyims your new offer only gives me $18 for both items..the pink digital Buddha im not seeing for sale anywhere else I dont think asking $3 dollars was alot that gave me $10.05 after everything where if I was to tale it to fest in a month id get $20 🤷
Apr 29Reply

My offer was $13 I believe..
Apr 29Reply

You doing ok? Have not heard from ya for awhile. Hope I didn’t do anything wrong
Peace be with you
May 06Reply

@annkin Im sorry for being unresponsive I will be something your way this week thank you for reaching out to me!
May 06Reply

Hope all is well with you and yours.
Peace be with you
May 07Reply

@annkin Just wanted to say happy mothers day. I havent been well and will absolutely be in touch just in a fuzz so to speak 😰
May 12Reply

@annkin I finally read you letters. I've been through alot this year and am very grateful for what I feel is a new friendship! I will be taking the time to write you back this weekend to give you some history of who I am. The information you gave me was very helpful in picking out the right stones I have a bit of research to do but I think I have decided what's needed! Thank you for your patience im looking forward to our pen pal relationship!
May 24Reply

I shall look forward to your letter and to see the rocks you pick
Peace be with you
May 24Reply

@annkin its just been one thing after another I still havent written you 🙈 you are in my thoughts and im doing better just taking it a day at a time. I do have time this week im trying to get back into reading and writting but my anxiety has been taking over.
May 27Reply

Has my purchase shipped yet? It's been over a week.
Aug 25Reply

@purplejoocecod im sorry ive been traveling so wasnt able to get it out this week. Im guna throw you an extra goody for your patience. Thank you 🤗
Aug 25Reply

@purplejoocecod shipping this week ! I'm sorry you've had to wep wait I'm guna hook you up with a heady gift thanks again!
Aug 31Reply

I would love to get that laser guided visions hat but it was canceled. May I buy again?
Sep 07Reply

@purplejoocecod I made a new post and raised the price so nobody will purchase. Remake your offer and I will accept the same price we had before! Thank you for your patience I'm guna hook you up with some gifts <3
Sep 14Reply

Hi and thanks for looking at my closet! 🖤 If you are interested in purchasing the items you liked, feel free to send me a ‘bundle’ and I’ll make you a deal! 🖤
Nov 17Reply

@t_kitten thank youuu im totally loving your closet!
Nov 18Reply

What a beautiful little boy, too cute ;) Thx for following and all the shares 💝
Jan 25Reply

@gemguru I didn’t follow 🤷 I will always share for you!
Jan 25Reply

@gemguru Your jewelry is exquisite
Jan 25Reply

@ratatatkat Thank you so much;)
Jan 25Reply

Thank you for the perfect score and I hope you enjoy your set😊
Jan 30Reply

Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners!
HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Jun 23Reply

🎈🎉🎈Congrats on your Love or List Win!!🎈🎊🎈
Enjoy your PoshMark Cash!!🎈🎊🎈🎉🎈🎊🎈
Jun 24Reply

Hi there. I accepted your counter offer but hasn't gone through. please check your payment method. Thank you so much 💗🐀
Jul 09Reply

@rattus_rattus whoops sorry about that bought another at the same time they accepted immediately. I have $85 pending I'll try again when it goes through thank you so much ❤
Jul 09Reply

@ratatatkat Thats so strange because I immediately accepted the offer. Best of luck to you.
Jul 09Reply

@rattus_rattus You accepted my counter offer. Sometimes it's best to not hesitate over $5. I'm not sure what luck is needed in the matter but thank you anyway 😁
Jul 10Reply

@ratatatkat May God bless you friend.
Jul 10Reply

@rebirthandstyle I did try but it looks like you're on vacation! Let me know when you return ☺
Jul 04Reply

@ratatatkat Good morning! I hope this message reaches you well; I am looking to sell my NWT Limited Edition Wild Wolf Shawl to get my partner a special spirit hoods Christmas gift :) I saw you were interested on AllySynth page and I figured I would reach out to inquire your interest! Funny; the hood I want to get my partner is in AllySynths closet haha so that's how I found you!
Dec 16Reply

@ratatatkat Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 06Reply

@cutehosiery That's really nice of you I actually have been vacant for awhile this is a great reminder I do have some things to share on here ! Cheers 😊
Jul 06Reply

@kayparsons22 I'm sorry I missed your message ☹
Jul 06Reply
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