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Updated Sep 18
Updated Sep 18

Meet your Posher, Katrina

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Hi! I'm Katrina. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 25% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: Canada

  • C$12.49 Expedited (1-7 day) Shipping on all orders

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thriftycanadian Hi Katrina, welcome to PoshMark. Thank you so much for the purchase. I’ll get your items to the post office tomorrow. Have a great night! -Paula 😃
Sep 19Reply
kat5mann Thanks for offering the bundle deal - I can't wait to try these on!
Sep 19Reply
thriftycanadian I am so pleased your package arrived safe and sound. Thanks so much for your order. Have a great weekend! 😃 -Paula
Sep 27Reply
ashaholland Hi Kate, thanks so much for your purchase! I’m going to get this item shipped out tomorrow morning. Thanks again! -Asha
Oct 09Reply
kat5mann @ashaholland thanks so much! I can't wait to see them:)
Oct 09Reply
ashaholland @kat5mann hi Kat. I am so so sorry that I haven’t shipped your package yet. I have had a terrible flu this week and literally haven’t been able to leave the house. I will be sending out tomorrow morning. Again, I am so sorry!
Oct 18Reply
kat5mann @ashaholland thanks for the update. No worries - life happens. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon :)
Oct 18Reply
ashaholland @kat5mann you are so sweet! Thank you for understanding :)
Oct 18Reply
renewchic Thanks for the 5* rating and comment. So glad you love the coat!
Oct 25Reply
wearreclaimedco Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy your selling/buying adventure as much as I do. I’m a Poshmark ambassador and top rated seller so if I can share any tips to help you out, please let me know. 👒👠👗🧣👜👓
Oct 28Reply
jmazeppa @charmainez hi there,Thankyou for shopping with me,I’ll get your items to the post office today,Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 05Reply
wearreclaimedco @jmazeppa ummm...I didn’t order anything. 😂😂💐
Nov 05Reply
jmazeppa @charmainez sorry I didn’t mean to reply on your comment,sorry
Nov 05Reply
jmazeppa Thankyou for shopping with me,I’ll get your order to the post office this morning💕Happy Poshing
Nov 05Reply
vancitycurvygal Hi Kate, Thank you for purchasing the vintage jacket I'll get it shipped out to you right away!
Nov 06Reply
kat5mann @jenietracy thanks! It looks gorgeous
Nov 07Reply
jmazeppa Hi there looks like your jacket and sweater have arrived,yay enjoy 💕
Nov 07Reply
jmazeppa Hi there,your jacket and sweater are in💕
Nov 08Reply
jmazeppa Hi I see you got your order,hope you like everything 💕
Nov 09Reply
gemstogo Welcome, I hope you great success here, it’s a great place to be with so many new friends ❤️
Nov 10Reply
vintagequeenbc ⚘⚘⚘Hi Katrina! Welcome to Poshmark!⚘⚘⚘ If you see anything in my stash you like please hit me up for a discount. Or you can bundle and get a 🍒🍒 of a deal! 🛍🛍🛍. You may receive offers from me on items you "liked" but no obligations at all!  Feel free to counter... If you need help, have questions please ask away!. Warmest regards, Carm👱‍♀️💖💙💜💛💚
Nov 12Reply
lovemythrift Thank you for checking out my closet and for the shares and likes :)
Nov 17Reply
lanzlana HI there! I see you've received the cardi in the mail...hope you love it! would you mind rating it so payment is released? much appreciated & happy poshing 😊
Nov 17Reply
kat5mann @lanzlana I'm just getting back into the city tonight and I'll rate it as soon as I get home and get the parcel open :)
Nov 17Reply
augustavenue1 Hi Katrina, nice to meet you!! Please feel free to check out my closet if you get time!! Happy Poshing!!🇨🇦🍁😊🛍
Nov 24Reply
poshpei Hi Katrina, welcome to Poshmark! Don't hesitate to reach out if you ever have any questions. Happy Poshing! 💕🛍
Nov 24Reply
zebradoll Hello. I'm so sorry for the delay in shipping the kimono. I've had sick children at home and I just haven't gotten out. I do have it all packaged and ready to be sent tomorrow. I hope you understand. Again so sorry 😔❤️
Dec 02Reply
kat5mann @krisandmisty no worries and thanks for the update - life happens and shipping a kimono isn't significant in the big scheme of things. I hope your children are feeling better. take care, Kate
Dec 02Reply
zebradoll @kat5mann Thanks so much, Kate. You're lovely. And yes it's all back to the chaotic normal grind now👌😂
Dec 02Reply
rachelsrunway Thank you so much for the 5-star review. I am thrilled you love your blouse. It is a spectacular piece! :)
Dec 04Reply
girlygirlsshop Hi Katrina. I see you liked my shawl and dress. I would be willing to give you the wrap for free if you buy the dress for full price. It is like new. I’m sure you wouldn’t be disappointed. Let me know what you think.
Dec 16Reply
thriftysh_ Welcome to Poshmark!
Jan 31Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss Dont miss out on my April Special xx :-)!
Apr 16Reply
ladybug999999 shipping your order this week sorry for the delay
May 26Reply
kan322 Hello, I hope everything is going all right. I am Kan (POSH Ambassador) 💥Please take a moment to check out my closet. I have wide variety of women’s clothes, shoes, Makeup, Bags, jewellery and much more. 👗👜 💥If you like anything or have a question, please let me know. I am moving soon, so i offer discounts and free gifts with every purchase. Have a nice day. Thanks.🌟
Aug 05Reply
makaylamerrill i’m really sorry but i guess i don’t have the grey cardigan & the t-shirt anymore, i do have the pink and green cardigan if your still interested i see you live in edmonton too, i could drop them off, let me know if you wanna do that! i could do that today too! just give me your phone number and we could arrange that:)
Aug 14Reply
mika2565 Hi! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet. I will offer you at least 15% off on any item you like or more if you make a bundle. I also offer free add-on items. . I accept 99% of the offers that are sent to me. Thanks :)
Jan 31Reply
sarahbalanoff @kat5mann thank you for purchasing from my closet! Your purchase enters you into my Birthday Giveaway! check out my Poshmark story for details. 🥳🎉
Mar 03Reply
tankgirl841 hi I shipped your order on Friday. Being a long weekend I guess it sat in the box until Tuesday. My apologies. Next time I will take it directly to the post office. It should start moving today.
Apr 07Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the item you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow me on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Apr 14Reply
nicolewood472 Good Afternoon Kate and thank you for your purchase! 😊 The top is wrapped up and ready to go and I will be sure to drop it off to Canada Post later on tonight so you can expect to see a tracking notification hopefully before EOD today. Thanks again and I hope you love the top!! 😊😊
Jul 20Reply
kat5mann @nicolewood472 thanks! it's an awesome looking shirt :)
Jul 20Reply
nicolewood472 Good Afternoon Katrina! Thank you so much for the 5S rating! I’m so glad you like the top! 😊
Jul 28Reply
copperglazed @kat5mann Hi Kate, Thank you so much for the 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating!!! I really appreciate your lovely comments too. I know you bought this as a gift so I am relieved to know that all the pieces of the vintage glass coffee percolator arrived safely. Please visit my closet again some time. Perhaps you may find something just for you 😊 ⚘Alli
Oct 03Reply
ritzi_02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings , I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range 💕 With the holiday season coming up, I’m open to custom Halloween, fall or Christmas gifts paintings🧑‍🎨
Oct 06Reply
oh_wear_this Thank you for the rating. Enjoy.
Feb 04Reply
sandradenkt Hey! Bundle up and save! ☺️👍 Happy poshing!💫
Jun 06Reply
irishleprechaun Hi 👻👻ULTIMATE 👻👻 👻👻COLLECTOR STORE👻👻 👻👻LOWEST PRICES👻👻 Just make a bundle I’ll send you a New total 👻 👻 FREDDY KRUEGER SALE👻👻 👻👻$6 Blow OUT👻👻 Or 5 $6 Items For $20 With $9.99 Shipping 👻👻MEGA DEAL #2👻👻 Bundle 3 or More Items Over $6 Will Take 25% OFF With $9.99 Shipping 👻FREE SHIPPING OVER $100👻 👻👻PLEASE SHARE 👻👻 🧡I donate and Support 🧡 🧡Multiple Sclerosis 🧡 THANKS JASON 👻👻👻
Jul 03Reply
h371 Hi! Thank you for the like at Community Closet! I sent you an offer in case that is of interest. Please feel free to put an item in a bundle, message me etc. Take care! ☺️
Dec 25Reply
call_me_momo Hi Katrina, ☺️ I am so thrilled you dropped in ☕️ 🫖. Welcome! 🤗 It’s always great to connect to another Posher & show support where you can. Currently, my closet is made up of all my own personal things. Some brands you’ll recognize & some you may not. When you shop my closet, you’ll receive a 15% discount if you buy 2 items or more. The more you purchase & bundle, the deeper the discount I can offer 😉 Hope to be in touch with you soon. Momo 💕
Mar 24Reply
sriffle127 Hello! Wondering if you'd PLEASE ship to Maryland, USA?! Please let me know. Thank you!
Aug 06Reply
kat5mann @sriffle127 hi, unfortunately, Poshmark Canada doesn't allow us to ship to the US. May I ask which item(s) you are interested in so I can see if it would be possible to delist them on poshmark and re-list on another site that allows cross-border shipping.
Aug 06Reply
sriffle127 @kat5mann , it's the black Nine West crossbody purse. I really want it! Please let me know!
Aug 07Reply
bellachic2 @kat5mann hi there! Sent you an offer for the Gap jeans you liked if interested:)
Nov 13Reply
joyofbling thank you for the like. I sent an offer. have a great evening
Jan 27Reply

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Last Active: 20 hours ago

Edmonton, AB
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Last Active: 20 hours ago

Edmonton, AB
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