Meet your Posher, Keaylee
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Hi! I'm Keaylee♥️ I have a 10M old💕🌸 I LOVE PINK 💕

4 others
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Omg this is the cutest thing ever 😍
May 25Reply

I want one now lol
May 25Reply

@nicoleswerdlow they're plenty expensive . I wouldn't trade my babies for anything. I have 2, a boy & girl. Hoping to get two more this week! I also have 2 bunnies, a Guinea pig , hamster & chinchilla. Lol I'm obsessed. Not including 5 dogs & 4 cats
May 25Reply

I have one fur baby and that's my kitty, he's the best, I swear he's half dog lol he's super cuddly and sweet 😊. Your hedgehogs are literally so precious though, how are they as pets? Do they like to be held?
May 25Reply

@nicoleswerdlow It all depends on how you get one, mine was bought off of Facebook & he was very mean. He's tames SO much now because me & my boyfriend try our very best. My girl is a lot more tamer, they always have attitude when you first wake them up but once she's awake she will just run around and explore and play. She's precious! They love a nice warm bath & running on a wheel. Playing with like little cat balls.
May 25Reply

@nicoleswerdlow it's mainly about who you get from. Breeders can tell you exactly how they are. I recommend top quality hedgehogs, ( Christian breeding family ) they're such wonderful & friendly people with the best little furr babies
May 25Reply

Mean like how? Lol they're so cute I can't imagine that. I have attitude when I'm woken up so maybe I should get one 😂
May 25Reply

@nicoleswerdlow They're really great! & my boy would constantly stay in a ball and hiss if we bothered him. We started giving him baths and handling him hours a day and he's so much better now. But still kinda cranky lol my
Girl is a fees 😂
May 25Reply

May 25Reply

Aww I'm not sure how my cat would do with a small pet like that! They are adorable though and now I'm actually thinking about it haha. Did you know Kate spade has a hedgehog purse? It's so freakin cute, just expensive :/
May 25Reply

@nicoleswerdlow omg don't tell me that!!!!!! I have a hedgehog necklace and everything! I'm obsessed and my boyfriend doesn't help with my addiction
May 25Reply

Lmao they hiss?! 😂😂😂 my cat has never even hissed at me that's so funny!
May 25Reply

I'm obsessed with seahorses 😁 I even have a tattoo of one! But yea there's a gorgeous hedgehog purse by Kate spade, I would mention it to your boyfriend!!! There's also a Kate spade seahorse purse from her new summer collection and I've been OBSESSING over it 😅 my bday is in July so I've been dropping not so subtle hints to my fiancé 😏
May 25Reply

Just uploaded 3 Pink things to my closet take a look if you want! ❤️
Jul 26Reply

I neeeed that blue shirt your wearing! Can you send me a pic of it so I can make an ISO? :)
Dec 17Reply

Hello- wanted to know if u still have black bin White leopard print and interested in selling?
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles I do! Make an offer
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 is it small bin or large? I would do $100 if u have two...
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles I paid over 65 for it 😞 I'd need the same.
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 $65 each?
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles I only have one.
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 so $64 for one? Small or large bin?
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles I'm honestly not sure... it's a good size!
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 ok- I can do that. I also saw u were looking for dogs. I have a black one with pink written on it in white letters
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles pics please
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 idk how to tag you it I shared with my followers... it's listed to show you.
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles do you have any other vs items? Id like to trade, they take too much from earnings..... I sell on M
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 oh lol I just bought this dog from there...
Jan 09Reply

No.. I'm trying to get the leopard bin black & white. I do have a lavender ice chevron comforter- I think it's a twin
Jan 09Reply

Could I see a picture. Would you trade it?
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 just posted
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles I want it! For sure, id trade!!!
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 how does that work?
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles you list your item 3$ I'll buy it. You'll print the label and send it out like a normal purchase. You will do the same to buying my item. I'll list for 3$ send it & you receive. We rate each other about our trade and all done!
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 oh!!! No wonder I would see $3 on "just showing" posts. lol that's y I put $3 the first time. I paid more than the $65 for your bin though because it is in excellent condition.
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles the bin is in perfect condition! It's super cute!! I'm more than happy to trade with you if you want! I could even add something else small with it to make it seem more fair for a blanket :) please let me know
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 can I see pic of bin
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles I'll make a listing! One minute
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 it says that someone added the blanket to a bundle- what does that mean? I don't want someone to buy it. I've never sold anything before on here.
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles they're just keeping it in their likes! If they purchase you can cancel it! I listed the bin
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 can u do the bin and the black "pink vibes" pants?
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles yes!
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 ok- bundle and I am going to purchase the gray sleeveless shirt that's $13. Or can u bundle all 3 and discount the shipping? I can give u the dog as well, but I'm waiting for it to come in the mail.
Jan 09Reply

It says hello real world
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles it's okay, I'm not worried about the dog. I'll make you a bundled listing now :)
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 it's posted $3
Jan 09Reply

I will print label from work tomorrow and send during lunch.
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles thank you me too
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 I shipped this morning
Jan 09Reply

@sexy_smiles okay! I got my box today. I can ship tomorrow night girl! I have school in the morning. Once I ship I'll upload the receipt for you(:
Jan 09Reply

@kellyjs143 ok thanks
Jan 10Reply

@sexy_smiles no girl, thank you!! :)
Jan 10Reply

@sexy_smiles I'm on my way to the post office now!(:
Jan 10Reply

@kellyjs143 ok- I guess I will see tracking # tomorrow.
Jan 11Reply

Jan 11Reply

@sexy_smiles yes, it usually takes 24 hours to fully update (:
Jan 11Reply

@sexy_smiles last picture I uploaded the receipt
Jan 11Reply

@kellyjs143 got it! You can change ur pic back- thanks
Jan 11Reply

@sexy_smiles thank you!!
Jan 12Reply

I don't see them listed but if you list just that pair I will buy right now! Thank you!
Apr 03Reply

Is that seriously your hedgehog??? I want one so darn cute.... looking for one but haven't found one yet... and please let me know as soon as you post the pants... I bought XS and too tight so I would love to buy those. Thank you!!!
Apr 03Reply

Or I can just put the offer on that bundle but it will only be for the one pair?
Apr 03Reply

Hey sweetie! How much for just the pink nation ones? I can pay now. Thank you!
Apr 03Reply

If you still have the pink nation leggings, can we trade something??
Apr 08Reply

Or I will buy them, just let me know. Thanks
Apr 08Reply

@angelanlee I have them. I'd love too!
Apr 09Reply

@kellyjs143 they are a size SMALL, right!? And so can I buy them from you or do some type of equal trade? What would you prefer?
Apr 09Reply

@angelanlee yes! And I prefer trade. So I get something else in replace of themn I'd trade for another pair of pants.
Apr 09Reply

@kellyjs143 I've never traded so I don't know how that works... what pants do you have in mind? And am I gonna be able to figure out how to trade!
Apr 10Reply

@angelanlee you have a pink pair of sweats I'd trade you, yes very easy to learn😊 youjust change the price to a low one & buy each others listing.
Apr 10Reply

@kellyjs143 mozzarella let me know which pants & we'll see if we can make a trade.. yours are the pink Nation leggings size SMALL NWT, right? Which PINK pants were you wanting?
Apr 10Reply

@angelanlee they don't have tags anymore. They are LIKE NEW. I don't wear them. And it was a pink pair!
Apr 10Reply

@kellyjs143 do you still want to trade? Are they worn just a few times or a lot? What pants are you interested in if mine?? Let me know!! Thanks
Apr 11Reply

@kellyjs143 hey girl idk If you're looking or not but i have two vs bath towel sets if interested! I'd consider trading one!
Apr 17Reply

@love2shop134 pics
Apr 17Reply

@kellyjs143 it's the purple ish Chevron print but it's only the bath towel & hand towel! They're pretty soft tho!
Apr 17Reply

@love2shop134 what would you want for them
Apr 18Reply

@kellyjs143 i dont really know what you have up for trades haha! Can you post things youd trade? And your bins shpuld hopefully be there in the next day or two!(:
Apr 18Reply

@love2shop134 sure! Give me like an hour?! I'm putting together this thing for all my bins
Apr 18Reply

@kellyjs143 okay! (:
Apr 18Reply

@kellyjs143 just tag me when you post!
Apr 18Reply

@kellyjs143 were you still interested or no?
Apr 19Reply

You look like a doll. Let me know if you'd like to do a bundle trade
May 07Reply

@dgg102 ahhh thank you! Please don't do business with that kwmartian girl. She ripped off a good friend of mine on here ☹️
May 07Reply

@kellyjs143 I've never traded with her only sold to her. She doesn't ever have pics of what's up for trade and they are non descript when she does. So I haven't traded with her.
May 07Reply

@dgg102 please don't. She ripped off @love2shop134
May 07Reply

@kellyjs143 I won't don't trade with kamilla19 she took three weeks to ship out my trade after she got hers and she goes after a friend on here I trade with weekly.
May 07Reply

@kellyjs143 awe thank you girl! I'm still so upset. I keep hearing "shipping tomorrow, shipping tomorrow" and never happens.
May 07Reply

May 08Reply

yeah u look 20! u went to lawyers school alredy!????? where do u practice? law or stupidity ty nominees 7 DEADLY SINS?
May 08Reply

@betrp922 if you could spell a complete sentence, I might understand. Please get off my page 😊
May 08Reply

You and your hedgehog and your rabbit are so cute!! :) I also have two rabbits. How did you ever get it outside with the leash? I've tried with both rabbits and they always escape and hide under someone's car 😩
May 08Reply

@buyspark it's a lot of training. Work with them indoors first. Just put the harness on and leave it. Let them get used to it. The. Start with the leash. Mine are also potty trained as well. It just takes a lot of time
May 08Reply

@kellyjs143 Oh! I never thought about trying to walk them with the leash indoors! I'll try that! Thanks :) My rabbits are potty trained as well!!
May 08Reply

@buyspark don't use the leash at first. Just let them run around wth the harness inside. Let them get used to wearing it. Then slowly being in the leash
May 08Reply

@kellyjs143 do you have any floral bins?
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez going to pick up my blue now. I order the other blue and suppose to order pink Friday ❤
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 do you have any you wanna trade or sale?
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez I'd consider trading the blue, :). Depending on what you have♥️
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 like the blue in my ISO?
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez yes and the black floral
Jun 06Reply

I have the black monogram P set and the green cheetah set.
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez I need the mint cheetah. But not sure if I'd trade the floral. I'll consider it though. I'm going to get it now. If I don't like the way it looks,
I'll trade (:
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 you have 2 of the 3?
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez I'm sorry??? 2 of 3?!?!
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 ok let me know please. I only want like new bins as well since all of mine are.
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 I'm also ISO of queen fitted sheet or fitted and flat sheet
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez mine are in awesome condition! I'll post a listing if my floral bins when I'm home and tag you. I use them for Socks and sport bras so they don't get hurt lol
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez I'll have the black floral. But I can't trade those sheets because I'm finishing my set /:
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 sorry. I'm half asleep all bad lol. You have 2 of 3 sets of bins that are my ISO?
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 yes lol socks and panties lol
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 no worries maybe if you come across any like cheetah or floral queen size. Just no Aztec/triangle sheets You can message me please that would be awesome.
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez yes. I have blue floral, and I have two of the black floral bins. I'm looking for black cheetah
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 ok. And also are you still looking for all the makeup trains in your ISO? I think I might have one or some
Jun 06Reply

@misspeachez yes I am :)
Jun 06Reply

@kellyjs143 ok I'll have to check later for you
Jun 06Reply

Hi Great Closet!! Awesome Items for sure!! Your friend tagged you in a post & I shared it with you! Thanks! 😊
Jun 26Reply

@kellyjs143 Hey,sorry about that we were still on love2shop143 page.
Jun 27Reply

@kellyjs143 I still have the duvet cover. Took it down didn't know if you still were interested. Would you trade or sell your cheetah trunk?
Jul 03Reply

@kellyjs143 Why did you text watch out. What is going on?
Jul 03Reply

@kwynmartin I traded the cheetah trunk today girl. I do like it... but I only wanna trade right now. I said watch out for libbynikki she's very rude.....
Jul 03Reply

@kellyjs143 Aww I would have traded you for that or tried to make it a fair trade. Didn't think you were getting rid of it. 😕😢Thanks for warning .
Jul 03Reply

Hey girl! Check out my closet.
Jul 17Reply

@alexis_mcailey_ please don't advertise on my page 😁 thank you.
Jul 17Reply

@kellyjs143 I was telling you to check it out because I'd seen you comment on a few pink items
Jul 17Reply

@alexis_mcailey_ nothing of yours is my size sorry. And I don't hardly comment on anything on here? Except dorm items.
Jul 17Reply

@kellyjs143 I have several dorm items
Jul 17Reply

Thank you for the like! I have many more Pink items in my closet. Take a look and see what you think!! 😘
Aug 03Reply

@kellyjs143 hey girl! Do you have any monogram bins or mint cheetah?
Sep 19Reply

@kellyjs143 hey girl i could actually go down to $35 on the curtain if youre still interested! im super tight on money otherwise id keep it! haha
Oct 12Reply

@love2shop134 hey, sorry I haven't been on! We got some bad news tonight of my bf family member getting killed. My phones almost dead. I'll be on when I get home.
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 omg girl im so so sorry to hear that! i will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!💕
Oct 12Reply

@love2shop134 thanks! It was a shooting and stabbing at two different residents less than half a mile away from each other and the killer got away. No word to if he's caught yet! Doors locked 🤞🏼
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 oh my gosh thats insane! something like that happened here in ny last night 4 minutes from my house but not as extreme!! stay safe girl!! idk what's wrong with people!!
Oct 12Reply

@love2shop134 the shooter is still on the run! He's got closer to my house. About 2 minutes away,, They have cops with assault riffles, razors, dogs, tracking the woods for him!They found the missing 7yr old but no word on his condition. It's super scary. We all left our house as soon as we heard at noon he was so close. Cops stopped us driving and asked if we seen anyone on foot. Lock our doors and keep our guns loaded! Its so scary for our little small town.
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 thats insane girl!! stay safe!! i hope they find the guy soon! i cant even imagine!
Oct 12Reply

@love2shop134 me too!!! He killed a precious 7yr old!!! Pretty much a whole family. It's so so sad!! I went to school with one of their kids who thankfully wasn't there at the time it happened. It's so sad.
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 oh my gosh!! what pushes someone to do that?! do they know if the killer knew the family and just held a grudge or something? or is he just after anyone &everyone?! its like a nightmare i swear! but definitely stay safe and a phone close!
Oct 12Reply

@love2shop134 he knew them I think. I'm not sure. It's on wsaz. Nobody knows his motive. We just know he's loose! It's so scary!
Oct 12Reply

Do you still have M
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 thats crazy!! well now lets just hope he doesnt get the chance to hurt anyone else! he's probably more focused on hiding, but hopefully the cops find him !! theres no reason that could ever be good enough for someone to go do that!
Oct 12Reply

@love2shop134 do you still have M?! And yes it's horrible. I could never hurt a child 😭
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 i do not): they caught me back on! and me either! idk how anyone could!
Oct 12Reply

@love2shop134 any duvet or body pillows? Do you still do partial tr8e ? I have a maroon/pink floral body pillow with light fading I could partially trade
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 i just have the gray floral body pillow case:/ im only looking for bins rn or maybe pillowcases with writing, i wouldnt have anything the maroon case would match):
Oct 12Reply

@kellyjs143 i think im gonna hang onto a the body pillow case tho a while , im trying to find the rest of the set! but the curtain as of rn is available but i have a few others interested!
Oct 12Reply

were you still interested in the curtain?
Oct 13Reply

? i have 2 others interested so please lmk asap!
Oct 16Reply

@kellyjs143 just went through a long dispute between you and another posher over her post so when you asked to see it I can tell you that the ratings on this set shown were not good because I actually looked at for my 6 yr old.
Oct 19Reply

congrats on the baby!!😍💗🎉😄
Jan 01Reply

@love2shop134 thank you!!! Heartbeat is 169, everyone says girl. (I'm praying girl) but we have two week until we know for sure!!!
Jan 01Reply

I have lots of vs pink in my closet! Check it out :)
Jan 08Reply

@kellyjs143 hey girl!! i haven't heard from you in a while so i thought id check in! how are you doing?!
Mar 18Reply

@love2shop134 I’m good! I don’t shop as much as I’d like Too anymore because the baby requires tons of saving 🤦🏻♀️ but all his stuff is bought and ready so just 4 more months of waiting!!
Mar 20Reply

@kellyjs143 awe yay!!!! is it a boy?!
Mar 20Reply

Hey sweetie!! Is that a tattoo under your hair or something else?
Apr 09Reply

@carly_rose85 oh no 😂😂 my hair is shaved, designed and colored on the bottom underneath😂
Apr 09Reply

Do you have any more bins or trunks?
Aug 20Reply

Awww, a cutie little bitty 🦔, haha! 😀😘🦔
Aug 28Reply

@kellyjs143 AHHHH😍😍😍😍 SO FREAKIN CUTE!!
Nov 06Reply

@kellyjs143 hi do you have any closet organizer for sale lmk
Mar 17Reply
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