Meet your Posher, Keven
Not for sale
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Hi! I'm Keven. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

118 others
like this

Hi and welcome to Posh 🙂
Oct 03Reply

@victory0714 Hi SuperGirl VictoryO714!Super thankyou Super positivity to ya!
Oct 09Reply

@jodofett 😉
Oct 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!🎉🎉 PM is a great network of support and a super fun place to buy and sell! My name is Rachael and I'm a Poshmark Ambassador 👍 Feel free to take a look around my closet and see if you find anything you might like!😃 And don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have, I'll be happy to help!😊 I hope you have an awesome day and have fun poshing!!🎉☺️
Nov 23Reply

@the_bargin_barn Super thankyou for ya Wonderful message SuperGirl Bargin_Barn Rachael!Super to meet ya looks like a Super fun place!!Super happy Thanksgiving to ya!
Nov 24Reply

@jodofett 🎉🎉♥️👍☺️
Nov 28Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark, I’m Lisa! 👋🏻 Thanks for the follow. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. I’d love to help! And if you can, please take a peak at my closet. I’m moving soon & very much open to offers! I offer a 25% bundle discount (2+ items) plus a FREE GIFT (items under $10) when you bundle with me. Just add it to your likes❤️! I’m also running a 3 for $40 promo (up to 5lb limit) & A holiday BOGO SALE! Stay safe, healthy & Happy Poshing!🥰
Nov 28Reply

@lisa_______lisa Super to meet ya Awesome SuperGirl Lisa Lisa!Super thankyou for a Super message and for following me Super Positivity to ya!Super stay safe and Super happy fun times on here!
Nov 29Reply

@jodofett 😬Have a SUPER day & best of luck with your closet!
Nov 29Reply

Dec 02Reply

@tanyrae Hi SuperGirl Tanyrae!Welcome to POSHMARK!Super happy to meet ya on here and Super fun times too!
Dec 03Reply

Hi welcome to poshmark stop by and check out my poshmark closet
Jan 16Reply

@cride Nice to meet ya on Poshmark SuperGirl cride!Super 2021 positive new year to ya!
Jan 18Reply

@jodofett Happy Poshing, Have a safe and Prosperous Year😀
Jan 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! Feel free to check out my closet😊
Feb 21Reply

@amanda_d118 Thankyou Nice to meet ya PoshSuperGirl Amanda _d118!Super Positivity to ya!
Feb 24Reply

Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Feb 25Reply

@momof2boys621 Super nice to meet ya PoshSuperGirl!Super Positivity to ya Mom!
Feb 25Reply

Hey, thank you so much for checking out my artwork, it means a lot to me, I can recreate any of my paintings or we can collaborate and decide on if you want me to paint anything specially for you.... please do let me know if you have any thoughts 🧑🎨❤️😊🥰
Apr 15Reply

@ritzi02 Super thankyou SuperestGirlPainter Ritzi02!Super nice to meet ya and Super positivity to ya and keep up ya Super Art!
Apr 16Reply

@chuzas Super Positivity success to ya PoshSuperestGirl Chuzas!Super Happy Days to ya too!
Aug 14Reply

Hi, Kevin. Have a great weekend.
Sep 10Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super thankyou Super Positivity weekend SuperestPoshGirl joneskaycee!
Sep 11Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much for your kind message. I hope you have a fantastic weekend full of positive vibes. God bless you and keep you and your loved ones healthy. 💛
Sep 11Reply

Nice to meet you sister Posher!
Sep 11Reply

@wrforrest Super Positivity to ya SuperestGirlPoshSister!
Sep 12Reply

@joneskaycee76 Ya are welcome!Super Sunny Positive rays SuperestGirlPoshSiS joneskaycee76 hope ya are safe and healthy too!We are Super Positive!
Sep 12Reply

@jodofett Aww, you're too sweet. I love your optimism. You're super awesome! Thanks for making me smile. 😁
Sep 12Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super thankyou Awesome Positive SuperestGirlPosherSiS Jones!Ya are the Best!Cheers to Optimisim and fun times!
Sep 14Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much. I'm on vacation mode. My husband's sister passed away last night. It wasn't due to Covid. It was brutal. We're still blessed because she's no longer suffering.
Sep 14Reply

Sorry that happened SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones Shes in a Super place now no more suffering Superest healing Positive rays to ya and ya family!
Sep 15Reply

@jodofett Thank you, Keven. Yes, she is. Things have been rough lately, but I'm going to remain optimistic.
If you want to make an offer on items you've liked in my closet, feel free to. I'll do you right. I don't need them and I just want others to be blessed. 💛
Sep 21Reply

@joneskaycee76 Sorry things are not going good Superest lots more Rays of SunShine Positivity and healing to ya SuperestGirlFriend Jones!Super thankyou for ya kindness!Super happy peace day!
Sep 22Reply

@jodofett Thank you and I'll be fine. I'm trying to remain optimistic. One of my twins possibly broke her foot and we're getting her checked this morning.
I was so ill yesterday and I was resting when my girls got off of work. My husband wrapped her foot up, but she's very swollen and in more pain this morning. Please pray for Adrianne.
Sep 22Reply

@jodofett I will be working around my home during the next month. I'll also be posting to my closet, but it still won't be open. I have to get so many things done. I don't want to do too much at once.
I've been having a lot of issues with epilepsy and my body is weary. I'm emotionally drained as well, but I'll get through this. Thanks for sending positive vibes and prayers our way! 💛
Kaycee Jo
Sep 22Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super keep doing what ya can SuperestGirlPoshFriend Jones!Sorry ya have health troubles!ill keep sending Superest Healing Sunniest rays!Dont work to hard!Super thankyou for ya Positivity prayers too!
Sep 23Reply

@joneskaycee76 Sorry that happened Super positive prayers to ya Super daughter Adrianne hope shes gets better and ya too SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!
Sep 23Reply

@jodofett Praise God! Her foot isn't broken or fractured. She isn't even wearing an ortho boot. Her foot is swollen and bruised, but she'll be okay. Yay! Sending prayers and positive vibes your way! 😁
Sep 23Reply

@jodofett Thanks so much, my friend. I'm much better!
Sep 23Reply

@joneskaycee76 Ya are super welcome any time SuperestGirlPoshSiS Awesome Jones!Super happy ya are better and ya SuperDaughter too!Ill keep sending Super Positivity to ya!Cheers Super happy fall!Super thankyou!
Sep 24Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much! 💛
Sep 24Reply

@jodofett Have a blessed day, my super optimistic new friend. 💛
Sep 25Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super thankyou Super keep up ya Super Positivity Awesome SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!
Sep 26Reply

@jodofett You're very welcome, my awesome friend!
Sep 26Reply

@joneskaycee76 Ya are SuperAwesome SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Cheers to Super Positivity!
Sep 27Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much! 💛
Sep 27Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super thankyou Super lots Wonderful SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Super Sunny Happy Days to ya!
Sep 28Reply

@jodofett Thank you! Have an awesome day, my friend! 😁
Sep 28Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super Awesome Positivity to ya SuperestGirlSiSPoshSeller Jones!
Sep 29Reply

@jodofett Have a great day, my super, optimistic friend!
Sep 29Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super Sunny Healing Awesome Day too Positive SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!
Sep 30Reply

@jodofett You're a ray of sunshine. ☀️
Oct 01Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super thankyou Awesome SuperestGirlStarPoshSiS Jones!
Oct 01Reply

@jodofett Have a blessed day, my friend! 😁
Oct 01Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super happySunny Positive weekend SuperestGirlPoshSuperSeller Jones!
Oct 02Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much! I have a ton of work to do, but I'll get it done.
My son moved this weekend and I've been emotional, but I'm better now. Please keep my son in your prayers. 💛
Oct 04Reply

@joneskaycee76 Ya are Super Awesome SuperestGirlPoshSeller Jones!Hope ya Son likes his new place and it works out!Sending Super Positivity prayers to ya dont worry!
Oct 05Reply

@jodofett You're such a sweetheart. I am doing well and so is Jordan. I have found peace in leaving my son in God's hands.
Thank you for being so sweet and encouraging. I pray you'll have a wonderful day! 🥰
Oct 05Reply

@joneskaycee76 Are ya an SuperestGirlAngel Jones!So happy ya are doing better and no worries because ya are Super Positive PoshSellerSiS!Super Sunny rays to ya!Super thankyou!
Oct 06Reply

@jodofett You're welcome and thank you for being so encouraging and positive. It really makes me feel good. 🙃
Oct 06Reply

@joneskaycee76 Ya are Awesome Wonderful SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Super thankyou too!Super happy days to ya!
Oct 07Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much. I'm praying for a wonderful day for us all!
Oct 07Reply

@joneskaycee76 Im with ya Super Wonderful Days for everyone SuperestGirlPosh Seller Jones!Super keep up ya Super Positivity!Im ya back up!lol
Oct 08Reply

@jodofett I love that. I've got your back, too! You're awesome! Have a fantastic day! 😁
Oct 08Reply

@joneskaycee76 Ha ha Super thankyou Back up SuperestGirlPoshSiS Awesome Jones!Super happy weekend!
Oct 09Reply

@jodofett Thank you! I always love your comments. I was hoping to do a trade with someone on the vintage horse & foal pins.
If you're interested, please let me know via commenting. I'll list this as for sale and accept a reasonable offer.
Oct 10Reply

@jodofett I know they're worth more than a few bucks, but I'm a Mama. I need the money. Feel free to let me know what you'd be willing/able to pay and they'll be yours.
All I need is through l enough to cover a small box ($1 buck) and to get a few to set aside after PM takes their portion. I'm cool with enough for a gallon of gas. Seriously, I'm that chill. 🙌
Oct 10Reply

@jodofett Please excuse my errors. I wish I could edit my comments on here. Geesh, I swear, I'm awake. lol
Oct 10Reply

@joneskaycee76 No worries my grammer is bad!Lol Keep sharing ya Super Positivity SuperestGirlPoshSiS Awesome Jones!Cheers to ya Super Happy World Day of the Girl!Super rays of Positivity to ya!
Oct 12Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much! I love the way you write. It's very uplifting and encouraging. I'm too hard on myself at times. It's most likely because I'm a writer. lol
I pray that you'll have an amazing day. I'm praying that today will be wonderful for both of us. 🙌
Oct 12Reply

@joneskaycee76 Wow keep up ya SuperWriting Positive SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Super happy day too and Super Success and Awesome days for both of us!
Oct 13Reply

@jodofett Amen to that! I haven't been sharing, my friend. I'm very ill. Today is my son's 19th birthday. He recently moved out.
I'm going to rest, spend time with Jordan and see my physican later today. I guess I needed a break. Have a blessed day!
Oct 14Reply

@joneskaycee76 Sorry ya are very sick SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones sending ya Superest healing positive sunny rays to ya!Super happy birthday to ya son too hope ya can get some yummy cake!Super get rest!
Oct 15Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much. I'm still ill, but I do feel a little better today. I got to see my son a bit yesterday. I just ate a bit of cake. I wish you a blessed day. 🥰
Oct 15Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super get better SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Hope ya have a nice weekend!Super Sunny Shiny Positivity to ya!
Oct 16Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much, Keven. I am still ill, but my daughter is much better. I'm just going to rest up this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend. 💛
Oct 16Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super lots more Healing Positivity to ya and ya daughter too SuperestGirlPosh SiS Jones!Super get rests and Super happy weekend too!
Oct 17Reply

We are so much better. I'm finally getting my voice back a bit! My daughter's asthma is much better. God is so good!
Oct 17Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super glad ya both are better Asthma is the worst i have to use nebulizer alot and rescue inhalers too!Super god is good SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Super happy week to yas!
Oct 18Reply

@jodofett Same here regarding asthma. My husband and all 3 of my children have asthma as well.
Yes, it's awful and hits us all hard when the weather is changing. I'll keep you in my prayers as well SuperOptimisticRayOfSONshine! Have a blessed day!
Oct 18Reply

@joneskaycee76 Sorry ya they have that disease!Super thankyou for ya Prayers Super lots to yas too and Super Sunny healing rays SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Super happy days!
Oct 19Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much, my sweet friend. I've decided to leave PM as a seller. I'm a Christian Writer and I am going to write for now.
I'll still be sharing and purchasing. I tagged you in a post in my closet. I have been praying about it for some time now. It's the right thing to do at the moment. 💛
Oct 19Reply

@joneskaycee76 We will miss ya SuperestGirlPoshSiS SuperWriter Jones!Take care of ya self!Super Sunny Success and Positivity to ya!I stiill post ya posts!
Oct 20Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much. I'm still going to share to be used to bless others. I'm just going to slow it down a bit. lol
Oct 20Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super thankyou and slow it Down SuperestFastGirlPoshSiS Awesome Jones!Lol Keep sharing ya Super Sunny Positivity!
Oct 21Reply

@jodofett Ah, I'm gonna slow it down. Thanks my friend. Have a blessed day! 😁
Oct 21Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super Superest Sunny rays to ya Awesome SuperestGirlPoshSeller Jones!
Oct 22Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much, my friend. 🥰
Oct 22Reply

@joneskaycee76 Super happy weekend SuperestGirlPoshSiSSeller Jones!
Oct 23Reply

@jodofett Thanks so much, my friend! You have an awesome weekend. For now I'm going to write, but in time, I'll be back when the Lord tells me to sell. 🥰
Oct 23Reply

Super keep up ya SuperWriting SuperestGirlPoshSeller Awesome Jones!Cheers to Super Positivity!
Oct 24Reply

@jodofett I'm leaving until December 1st. I'm having issues with my son. Serious issues and I need to seek God about what I need to do for my son.
I won't be sharing other's posts, but it's nothing personal. I am in a situation where I'm watching my son deteriorate before my eyes. Please pray for my family. Thank you. God bless you!
Nov 13Reply

@joneskaycee76 Sorry thats happening with ya son sending Superest healing prayers to ya and ya son SuperestGirlPoshSiS hope he gets better soon!no worries about Posh it will be okay!Super happy World Kindness Day to ya and a Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 14Reply

@jodofett Thank you so much. I took my closet off of vacay mode. I have 1 thing for sale. I know I can do better than that.
I'm just dealing with a lot of painful things at the moment. Please pray for my family. Thank you so much.
Nov 16Reply

@joneskaycee76 No worries do what ya can SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Sending Superest healing positive rays to ya!Hope everything gets better super fast1
Nov 17Reply

@jodofett I really appreciate that more than you can imagine. I know that God is in control. Have a blessed day! 💛
Nov 17Reply

@jodofett Feel free to make an offer on the Coca Cola Polar Bears and the glass votive candle holders.
Things are tight financially, but I'll give you a great deal for all 3 pieces. I like you. 🙂
Nov 18Reply

Ya the best super thankyou Super lots for ya offers Awesome SuperestGirlPoshSiS Jones!Super hope everything is getting better i like ya too!Super Sunny positivity to ya always!
Nov 19Reply

Thank you for the follow! :) happy Holidays!!
Dec 04Reply

@lulitoromaite Super Happy Snowy Holidays SuperestGirlPoshFriend Lulitomaite!
Dec 05Reply

Hi Stefanie! I’m Will. Glad you followed, I love your style!
Jan 21Reply

Hi there 👋🙂 Thanks for the “like & follow.” I appreciate it😊 Have a great weekend!
Feb 18Reply

@plsbkind Super positivity to ya SuperestGirlSeller plsbkind!Super happy weekend too!
Feb 18Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely cool pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 18Reply

@nylifeaccess Super thankyou Awesome SuperestGirlPoshSeller nylifeaccess!Super welcome aboard Super Positivity here!Ill check out ya stuff and Super happy day and Super success too!
Mar 19Reply

Happy Poshing!! I see you love BOND No 9 SCENTS, Check out my closet for large assortment of designer inspired perfume oils including CENTRAL PARK WEST, BLEECKER STREET, MADISON AVENUE, CHINATOWN, SAKS 5th AVENUE & MANY MORE!! Smell great, at a fraction of the cost!! Buy 2 @ regular price and get 1 free!!
May 14Reply

Hey!! All my clothes need to sell asap and I would love it if you’d check out them before they go!! I am super negotiable, so feel free to bundle and offer:))
May 14Reply

I sent an offer. I do have sizes XS, S, M& L in all tanks. Let me know if you're still interested if so which sizes?
May 25Reply

@jodofett Can I ask why you are going into my closet each day and liking different items? You're not wanting all these items are you?
Jun 15Reply

@pacificwinds I just liking and sharing ya super stuff SuperestGirlSeller pacificwonds!No worries if ya dont want me to do that anymore!Super success to ya!
Jun 16Reply

@jodofett Of course you can share my items😊 But you are liking things each time and I was wondering if you wanted me to put them in a bundle for you? Or send you offers?
Jun 17Reply

@pacificwinds im not buying at this time SuperestGirlSeller Awesome pacifiwinds i share and like what i see like i do on twitter!Trying to show others ya stuff!I thought they went together Keep up ya super selling!
Jun 17Reply

Hi Keven 🎉 shop my 5 Star boutique with confidence for stylish, great savings on quality designs from my NO SMOKING closet. I’m Susan, Posh Gold Star Ambassador, 5 star rated seller, with over 110K on lfollowers- All the art & earrings are created by me here in North Carolina & have received 5 star reviews 🌟perfect for gift giving🛍 😎🎉Special Promo🎉.Buy 2 get 15% off & Free Shipping
Buy 3 get 18% off & free shipping Buy 4 get 20% off & free shipping 🎉🎉
Jul 05Reply

Hello Kevin and welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check my closet ! And ask any questions yiu have ! Thank you 🙏
Jul 20Reply

Please feel free to send me an offer.
Jul 21Reply

@jodofett Is this a picture of you?
Aug 06Reply

Hello, thank you for the shares and likes on my items. you're welcome to create a bundle on any item you may like and submit an offer I always give discounted shipping; I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Happy Shopping!
Aug 17Reply

Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Sep 05Reply

🙋♀️Hi 👋 It’s mice to meet you 👋 ⭐️ I hope you find everything you 💕 love on Poshmark .
please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Oct 03Reply

@bestdressed995 Yay wishing ya super positivity too SuperestGirlPoshSeller Bestdressesd995!
Oct 03Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile well over 2900 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Oct 07Reply

Hey sweets! come check out my Diggs! I am a 5 star rated top 10% seller on here & I think you'll like my shop a lot!💝
I sell y2k revival👻 goth☠, fairy grunge🧚♂️💀 alt😈 egirl⭐ mall goth🕸 Victorian goth💋🖤 cybery2k💌 kawaii🍓 punk😵 trippy hippie 🍄 boho ✌️ and trendy🔥 styles as well as custom RAGE products like OOAK festival skirts🤖 dark humor tees🤬 & fandom themed embellished jackets!🤌 check me out doll
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for your continued support of my closet! 😊
Feb 06Reply

Why don't you sell on here? Just wondering
Feb 06Reply

Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking so many items! Please feel free to create a bundle and send an offer when you’re ready. Have a great weekend!
Feb 11Reply

thanks for the ❤️
Mar 01Reply

🙋♀️ Hi. 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything you’re looking for here 🛍️ Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Mar 07Reply

Hi get a chance please feel free to check out my closet 😊 Thanks
Mar 26Reply

Hi Keven, I invite you to come see the variety of items and garments in several name brands and sizes in my closet next time you are on Poshmark 🤩🎉 Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need any assistance, as I'd be happy to help you 🌸🛍️💥
Apr 20Reply

Keven, I appreciate you taking the time to look through my closet 😃 and for all the liked listings ❣️
If you're interested in purchasing any of the listings, please put them in a bundle. I'll send you a private offer with discounted shipping costs 💥 I also accept reasonable offers unless stated otherwise in the listing.
Apr 20Reply

Hey Keven, happy 4th! Thanks for your continual support of my closet 😊 I've been meaning to ask if that is you in your photo?
Jul 04Reply

hey, man-thanks for the follow and the like! I have several pieces that are 6 dollars, I will offer aimilar offers on prices under ten pieces as well. come back any time and see if there's anything have you'd like to bundle! 🙃😁
Jul 27Reply

Thank you for following me!
Jul 29Reply

hey there ! 🔥🔥❤️❤️clear out sale , this week only. SIZE MEDIUM ONLY!! $5 EACH ALL MEDIUM DRESSES, SKIRTS, & ROMPERS.
BUNDLE 4 OR MORE GET DISCOUNT SHIPPING. YOU CAN MIX AND MATCH. you can also add other items to bundle to score on shipping. (up to 5 pounds )
start your bundle now :) ends September 9th
Sep 08Reply

@jodofett Thank you for being consistent with liking my items in my closet 😊 You're kind of like my marker in my thread and I've gotten use to it now
Sep 25Reply

@jodofett thanks 4 liking an item from my closet. I carry popular brands at very affordable prices. I only sell items in NWT or like new condition. I'm a next day shipper and I'm always flexible on the price. If ur interested plz feel free 2 Accept the pending Offer or counter if necessary. 😀
Oct 30Reply

Hi! I came across your page and if you’re into jewelry I have tons of items listed and list new pieces daily. I’m having a jewelry sale for bundles of 3 pieces for $35 and FREE SHIPPING. If you need anything let me know, thank you 😊
Dec 25Reply

Hello Poshers! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I offer a lot of beautifuls and fashion charms for bracelets and necklaces, 18 Gold plated over stainless steel tarnish resistant and S925 jewelry trendy, modern, perfect for fashion girls or an elegant gift!🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Dec 27Reply

Happy New Year Keven. Thanks for following my closet. 🌞
Jan 07Reply

Morning Keven. Did you see anything you liked?
Jan 08Reply

😂 😂 😂 all of your super positive whacked out comments had me cry laughing!! thanks for the super add. Take care out there. Life is crazy!!
Apr 14Reply

Hey Keven! How have you been?
May 05Reply

Hi I have the cult Gaia pink dress you like on sale
May 07Reply

hi!! I noticed you like some of the items I have. Bundle them together and leave me a reasonable offer so I can accept it or offer a similar price? thank you
Jun 25Reply

Thank you for your continued support of my closet 🌱
Aug 01Reply

hi my name is REBEL and I just wanted to say hi and invite you to peek at my closet I post weekly KILLSTAR DOLLSKILL Torrid Hot topic and more most prices are negotiable bundle a few and let's make your likes YOURS I hope you can peek soon and have a great day today and REMEMBER PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE ALWAYS OPEN TO OFFERS AND COUNTER OFFER IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING LETS DO IT 😊
Aug 27Reply

@pacificwinds Yay super powers happy Fall ya SuperestGirlPosher beautiful Pacifiwinds!I didnt see ya post i had bad leg troubles very painful and Asthma too but im still here with yas!Super powers to ya!
Oct 07Reply

Hi Keven thank you so much for choosing my closet to visit out of all these beautiful. amazing closet's I love to share all of these closets too especially being able to learn from others and if there's anything I can discount for you please let me know cause I should know that even though I have bought it at a price I am not going to be able to get what I paid full price for it that is where Grace comes in at and I need to be more graceful in pricing Merry Christmas to you & many blessings
Dec 14Reply

Hope you’re enjoying your posh time! Welcome 🥳🙌🏼
Jan 15Reply

Hello Darling❣️While you’re browsing all the amazing closets looking for the stuff you love, I hope you’ll stop into mine too! You’ll probably find some awesome things you gotta have, want, need or to give as a gift! Offers are welcomed…Special Bundle deals always! Bundle 3, shipping on me! You will not be disappointed purchasing from my store…check out the Love Notes 😃!
BOGO on WOMENS TOPS & JEWELRY in February…Mix & Match…bundle or ❤️ for your deal with discounted shipping🙂 Have fun Poshing!
Feb 20Reply
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