Meet your Posher, Lovely
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Hi! I'm Lovely. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

92 others
like this

@aasmaa Welcome to the addictive world of Poshmark!!
Nov 08Reply

@aasmaa hi! Welcome to poshmark if you have any questions or need any help do not hesitate to ask! If you would like to check out my closet I offer great bundle deals on perfect condition clothing. Have a great day and have fun poshing 🎉🎉
Nov 19Reply

@aasmaa Hi! I see that you favorited a few things in my closet. If you make a bundle I will send you a special discount.
Aug 25Reply

Hi, I can do $44. If that works for you just make the offer and I'll accept.
Sep 12Reply

@lynnk4 I can do $85 for both KS watches. Thanks
Sep 18Reply

@elleo3 could u do 70 for both and I'm paying shipping too ! Thanks I appreciate your time hun
Sep 18Reply

@aasmaa I can go as low as $80 for both. These were originally bought at full price and Poshmark takes 20%. If you can't do both, I can do $40 for one of them.
Sep 18Reply

@elleo3 I can do 75 for both hun and u know I have to pay shipping too :)
Sep 18Reply

@aasmaa No dear unfortunately $20 is too low. It's brand new with tags for $225. $60 is the lowest I'd go 😉
Sep 18Reply

@pasmosa ok I can understand but I can't afford that I apologize
Sep 18Reply

@aasmaa no worries dear! If you check out the rest of my closet I have some awesome options that're so cute & affordable 😍 lowest starting at $15 😃
Sep 18Reply

@pasmosa thanks love
Sep 18Reply

@aasmaa Hi! Thank you for making me an offers! But if you want to buy it's going be easier for you to bundle everything all together - so you would pay one shipping price. Everything total cost is $85, but I can sell it to you for $60
Sep 18Reply

Hi I’m willing to do $10 for the boxes :)
Sep 20Reply

Hello, just fyi, I will not go lower than $50. This is a name brand watch and it is practically new. Thank you for your interest but I do not take low ball offers, my prices are already low
Sep 23Reply

@jesscorona14 could u do atlest 40 hun ? Plz
Sep 23Reply

@aasmaa if you can do 47, I'll take it.
Sep 23Reply

@jesscorona14 ooh I just have 50 in my card and if u buy in 47 then not enough for shipping:( ! Anyway I really appreciate for your time love thanks again
Sep 23Reply

@jesscorona14 could u do 45 and shipping 4:99 plz
Sep 23Reply

@aasmaa sorry it just sold
Sep 23Reply

@jesscorona14 it's ok I bought it your bag 😊
Sep 23Reply

@jesscorona14 oooh I couldn't get to buy your watch hun:( if u have more plz let me know 😊🙏🏻🌹🌺
Sep 23Reply

Thanks for the like 😊I am open to offers@gemstone14kt
Sep 26Reply

Thanks for the like 😊I am open to offers@gemstone14kt
Sep 26Reply

@gemstone14kt thanks I will let u know if I see anything 😊thanks I appreciate
Sep 26Reply

Hey there! I have packed up the watch and I just need to take it to the office! sorry for the delay, been so busy at work but I promise to get it shipped out tomorrow 💕
Sep 26Reply

@baileybaker10 no problem my love I can understand take your time I'm not in rush hun 😊u have a blessed day hun 🙏🏻🌺🌹😊
Sep 26Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊
Oct 05Reply

@gemstone14kt thanks hun
Oct 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and my closet ! Looks like you are off to a great start!
Oct 06Reply

@donnak777 thanks yeah I'm just newly on Poshmark 😊u have a beautiful stuffs in your closet hun 😊
Oct 06Reply

@aasmaa Thank you
Oct 06Reply

Hey there! I saw you made a bundle and declined my offer.... Why don't you make an offer and I'll work with you 😘
Oct 07Reply

Thank you for liking my closet! I am currently having a closet clean out sale where many of my listings are $10 or less. Feel free to make a bundle of items to make some great savings. Happy poshing! ☺️
Oct 15Reply

Hello and happy poshing!🤗🤗🤗
Oct 18Reply

Hi i saw some items that you’ve liked. I have similar items on my listings. Feel free to check my closet if you have time. Thanks! Happy poshing 💕
Oct 20Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊All merchandise purchased this evening will ship tomorrow 😊
Nov 07Reply

Hi there! Thank you for purchasing the Swarovski bracelet. You will love it. I️ will put it in the mail first thing Monday morning. The post office is closed until then because of the holiday.
Nov 10Reply

@rosiebutch no problem hun 😊u have a blessed weekend 🙏🏻🌹🌹❤️
Nov 10Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊
Nov 10Reply

@gemstone14kt thanks I appreciate 🙏🏻🌹😊
Nov 10Reply

Hello, if you would like the 3 purses and the phone case, I would sell them to you for $95.00 :))
Nov 12Reply

Hi @aasmaa I️ am definitely open to reasonable offers. The bundle you had created is priced at $123 dollars. Asking for 70% off of the bundled items that retail for $360+ is a lowball offer. If you are interested in making a realistic offer I️ would work with you.
Nov 13Reply

You've got to be kidding me with that offer. How rude. I hope someone low balls the crap out of you.
Nov 14Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet, I've noticed you liked a few items, if you bundle I can offer you a special discount
Nov 14Reply

@aasmaa hi! I️ just wanted to let you know I️ put the bracelet in the mailbox yesterday morning....not sure why it’s still showing it’s not shipped🙃
Nov 15Reply

@rosiebutch let’s see what happened, and don’t worry if I get I will rate u right at the time 😊u have a blessed night hun
Nov 15Reply

@aasmaa please stop offering lowball offers... I️ already commented above stating that we would work with you if you wanted to submit a realistic offer.. asking for 75% off something that is already half off is disrespectful and makes me not want to work with you.
Nov 19Reply

@athenabear14 I really extremely sorry about this 😞I apologize hun I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, I was just putting offers buttons but I really don’t want to hurt anybody I really really want to apologize dear 😔
Nov 19Reply

@athenabear14 it's her mo. Wasting your time
Nov 23Reply

WOW!!! Thank you for liking all those items in my closet!! That was Fabulous! 😊🤗
Now idk if you’d like to bundle any of them. Or heck even all of them.”!!! I would send a super duper private offer!!! Thanks again for checking out my closet!❤️
Nov 25Reply

@aasmaa Tysm for visiting my closet. My Closet Supports The Alzheimer’s Foundation.
Nov 29Reply

Hi you recsntly added some items to a bundle ibe made you and offer please review and let me know of it works for you thanks for liking and visiting my closet also im taking any and all offers on all items so please make me and offer if you aee any thing you would like to purchase happy poshing
Dec 01Reply

Hi if you are interested you can have the Lily Vanity at a lower price
Dec 01Reply

I just wanted to say thanks for the likes! I already have my items at half price and they are new with tags. I have some others I will be putting up later if you want to check them out that might be more in your price range. Happy Poshing! 😀
Dec 04Reply

@caryndlpc7 thanks I will see more u have beautiful closet 😊
Dec 04Reply

@aasmaa Thank you! Just trying to get rid of a migraine and will post the rest! 😁
Dec 04Reply

@caryndlpc7 thanks love but I want to buy on my budget that’s covered my upcoming holidays 😁thanks
Dec 04Reply

Hey there, thanks for visiting my closet and liking the MK coat! Lmk if I can answer any questions for you. I'm open to offers. 😉 Happy Poshing!
Dec 05Reply

It wouldn't let me make you a private offer but I was going to do 15% on the jewelry and give you the makeup free as my gift! Rebundle if interested!!!
Dec 07Reply

hi and thanks for stopping by! happy poshing :)
Dec 10Reply

I'm so sorry. But $70 is the lowest I can go. 👍😉❤
Dec 10Reply

@mandm2011 ok I understand thanks and happy holidays 😃🌹🙏🏻💐🎄🎁❄️
Dec 10Reply

I actually just did a price drop on these items. I hope we can do business in the future!
Dec 11Reply

@caryndlpc7 I understand hun no problem and thanks 🙏🏻🌹😊happy holidays hun 🎄💐❤️🎁🌹🙏🏻😊💝
Dec 11Reply

Hi, I appreciate your interest in the watch but your offer is not reasonable so it has been decline. Only reasonable offer will be accepted.
Dec 25Reply

- Happy Monday and Merry Christmas!!!!😁🎄🕊🙏❤️🎅⛪️🤶❤️🕊🙏🎄😁
Dec 25Reply

Hi! I got a notification fir request for styling which is actually something I️ do on the side! How can i help you ?
Dec 26Reply

@shoegal1196 that was asking discount price ?? Thanks
Dec 26Reply

@aasmaa ha. Sorry. I’m still new to it. I️ sent back an additional discount on top of the 15%. And I️i just lowered them this morning.
Dec 26Reply

hi, I really appreciate your interest in my closet! however your offers are unreasonable for the items I am selling. the counters I am making are as low as I will go for your bundles. hoping we can come to an agreement, THANKS! ☺️
Dec 29Reply

Dec 29Reply

What is the price you are looking for those three dresses in your bundle?
Dec 30Reply

Thank you very much for the offer but it is too low and I can’t accept it. I think my price is already reasonable. Sorry! 😅
Jan 01Reply

@remisora I didn’t offer anything yet hun 😁but I do like some of clothing from your closet but I’m not gonna offer until my pay check comes next week lol
Jan 01Reply

@aasmaa No problem!! 👍👍
Jan 01Reply

@aasmaa Hi there, thank you for visiting my closet and liking all those items. I’m open to offer. Feel free to leave comment if you have any question😊😊😊
Jan 02Reply

Please feel free to counteroffer! I’m very willing to negotiate, your first offer was just a little bit too low
Jan 02Reply

I can do $50 if you’re willing
Jan 02Reply

You're welcome! Thank you for the comment and rating. Happy New Year, hope you enjoy the watch!
Jan 03Reply

@raphaela77 yes hun I really love that’s watch thank u very very much I really appreciate your time 🌹🙏🏻HAppy new year hun🎆🎈🌹🎉🎊💐😍🙏🏻🌹
Jan 03Reply

My price is firm, this was the fifth and final reduction. I can give you free shipping if you add to a bundle though 😃
Jan 04Reply

@pasmosa u mean that red tshirt is for 45 final price 😳! No problem thanks happy new year 🎆🎈🎈 hun 🌹🙏🏻😊
Jan 04Reply

@aasmaa please stop giving low ball offers. Two times now you are essentially asking me for a free 150 dollar Michael Kors purse. Make a valid offer if you would like the two purses.
Jan 04Reply

@aasmaa It’s a dress....
Jan 04Reply

@livmiller77 agreed.
Jan 04Reply

@pasmosa if u can do 20 I can purchase now the dress hun ! Thanks I appreciate your time 🌹🙏🏻😊
Jan 04Reply

@aasmaa I paid $225 new... sorry, no.
Jan 04Reply

@pasmosa no problem hun 🙏🏻😊
Jan 04Reply

Thanks 💕
Jan 11Reply

@carminezane thanks to u love I appreciate 🌹😊🙏🏻
Jan 11Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers at gemstone14kt 😊
Jan 15Reply

I can do $36 on Michael Kors watch if you want today
Jan 16Reply

Hi, I hope you are loving the Poshmark community! 👏
I saw that you liked a Nautica shirt, and I have a new one in my closet. It's brand new with tags, blue with stripes, and a beautiful color. Make me your best offer and I can ship in 24 hours! ⚡️💫
Jan 20Reply

Hi hun , unfortunately i cannot accept $42 because i loosing out alot , the offer that i just gave you is the lowest and with that offer im getting only $10 of what i paid. I can gice u a discount if u buy 2 nd item in my closet if not this is this lowest i can do
Jan 20Reply

Hi! I'm dropping prices in my closet! Everything must go take a look 💕💕
Jan 22Reply

Hey! You liked many items in my closet I can make you a deal for all if interested let me know :)
Jan 23Reply

18 items comes to 411 with the inclusion of a real worn once Burberry coat . That's a steal I can go even lower for you and give you all for 380. What are your thoughts?
Jan 23Reply

Hi hun! I'd love to make a deal with you on the Swarovski bundle, but I cannot do less than half the list price. Hope we can work something out!
Feb 02Reply

Please no more lowball offers
Feb 02Reply

Hi, thank you so much for the offer. I gave you a 25%off discount for the bundle!💖 Hoping that we can do business!💖💖💖✌🏽
Feb 03Reply

Sorry we couldn't do business dear. I gave you a 25% discount. I'm unwilling to go any lower. By the way, your offer was crazy 🤣🤣 Thanks so much for the laugh! I needed that 💖💖 have a blessed evening ✌🏽
Feb 03Reply

That counteroffer is my lowest
Feb 05Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 💛 All merchandise purchased this today will ship tomorrow 💛
Feb 06Reply

If you can do 40 for the bundle I can make that work, just let me know! Am moving so would like to clear out items.
Feb 06Reply

Happy poshingg 💗💗
Feb 10Reply

@queenjudyyyy that's the best I can do 😁 thanks for your interest.
Feb 17Reply

Sorry- I've reduced those items for the CCO weekend already 15% and more, your asking for an additional 70% off, You do realize that your getting a bad reputation on here for low balling sellers? I hold a certain level of respect and etiquette with my buyers. There are helpful charts to show you based on listing prices and reasonable offers within that chart to help you in you guidance of offers- hope this helps.
Feb 17Reply

Hi there, I'm sorry that I had to decline your offer. I just marked down the item in your bundle and I gave you a discount of 25%. Unfortunately that is as low as I can go without losing money. Thank you so much for your offer though 😊👍🏽
Feb 22Reply

@aasmaa why the lowball offer after I took the time to answer your questions and measure for you? Like why even bother? :(
Feb 23Reply

Hi, I am the owner of one leopard flat and one lipstick you purchased last week, I already dropped the items on USPS office on Sunday, you will receive your package soon. thanks
Feb 27Reply

Hi there!! Just wanted to introduce myself. 🤗 I joined poshmark this year and love it! Please pop by my closet to look, shop, and say hello. Happy 🛍! Andreana
Feb 28Reply

The sweater you liked is 60% off today
Mar 06Reply

The sweater you liked is 50% off today
Mar 06Reply

Hi, sorry I can’t go that low on the Gucci case I just listed it as well! Thanks
Mar 12Reply

Hi Lovely
What a beautiful name. I'll give you a great deal if you want to bundle those bags! I'm getting ready to have knee surgery so I want to stock up on new things!
Apr 04Reply

Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💜💚 Let me know if you have any questions 💝❤️
Apr 09Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 16Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $50. Pls add 3 items of your choice in a bundle and submit the offer of $50. I will accept it. You can buy as many $50 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Apr 23Reply

I didnt know where else to reach out to you. Do not buy the perfume from "Lafragrances". He sold me and several other people fake items. He uses a fake name and a vacant lot on his shipping label. Name was Tony Montana (name from movies) and vacant lot in Atlanta. Just trying to save you time and money . Good luck!
Apr 29Reply

@shaymarie2244 thanks a lot hun I really appreciate 🙏🏼😊❤️🌹thank u very very much I won’t buy form him now thanks 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😊god bless u and u have a blessed day 🙏🏼🌹❤️💐😊
Apr 29Reply

HELLO! So glad you love the Michael Kors dress! I thought it was a beautiful dress too. Thank you so much for the excellent rating! Enjoy yourself in that beautiful dress! Have a great evening and visit again sometime!
May 04Reply

@shawnb123 I will definitely visit your beautiful closet soon hun thanks a lot hun 🙏🏼😘❤️💐😊💕
May 05Reply

Hi, I see you just liked one or more of my items, I just wanted to make sure you know of the special I am running, if you bundle 3 or more items from my closet, I will send you a 50% discount off the bundle, or if you just want the item, send me a offer and I will be happy to accept or counter it....Happy Poshing 😊
May 06Reply

Hi...You had created the bundles for my item $197 and offer me $45 that is so nice and lovely.
May 13Reply

@aasmaa hi, I saw that you tried to buy a bundle from my closet. Unfortunately, I am in the process of selling the pink DKNY purse through another site. I would be willing to sell you the red dress, coach purse, and sunglasses for $40. Are you still interested?
May 16Reply

@kassix2 thanks for message me hun but I just realized that I don’t have enough cash in my card 😖I really appreciate your time hun thanks a lot 🙏🏼💐💐😊🌹
May 16Reply

Your very rude ! I sent your package to you twice not once and paid shipping i sold u three bags and and included one for free because you wanted to pay close to nothing. I contacted post office and posh when you were in the hopsital to find out where YOUR parcels were. So no thank you :)
May 19Reply

Thanks for your purchase! Will be shipping it out in the morning!
May 20Reply

@patejenna thanks hun🙏🏼
May 20Reply

@aasmaa hey there! Thanks for all the likes, feel free to bundle and make an offer 🧡💜
May 21Reply

Hi @aasmaa, thanks for liking several of my items. Right now i have an offer of 50% off 4 items or more. If you bundle them, I can send you the offer with discount applied. Let me know if you have any questions.
Jun 03Reply

@sophiasmother definitely I will just give me few more days 😊Thank u 🙏🏻😊
Jun 03Reply

Im pleased you found so many items to your liking. I suggest you purchase any fall/winter items early on before everything gets picked over. Please add items to a bundle to negotiate a deal :) 15% off bundles of 2 or more. I love throwing in free NWT gifts for kiddos. Thank you for stopping by.
Jun 04Reply

Thank you for liking the dress and top. Both are brand new and never been tried on as they were bought as gifts. And as always, offers are welcome. There is a discount for bundles, too. Any questions, please just ask.
Jun 04Reply

I have a bracelet that matches the necklace. If u bundle it I can do better on the price
Jun 14Reply

Hi Lovely, thanks for checking out my closet and liking some of the items. I just want to let you know I give an extra discount on bundles. 😊 Have a great day!
Aug 01Reply

Hi I can do 19 for both bundles Swarovski and sunglasses let me know if that work just send me an offer👍🏼
Aug 03Reply

Hello! Thank you for your interest in the MK purses in my closet. However, I’m not willing to go under $115 for the bundle. They’re as good as new and I’m hoping to sell them around the listed price! Sorry about that.
Aug 08Reply

@krystal_shoppe ooh no problem hun I really appreciate your time 😊I just can do 85 plus 6.50 shipping,it will almost 100 for me hun ! Thanks I appreciate
Aug 09Reply

Thank u for ur interest. This was a $100 plus bag that I did buy at an outlet for $80. There is no way I could sell for$30 and Posh wd get 20% of that
Aug 09Reply

Thank you for interest in my RM purse - I countered with the lowest I can go for that item :-(
Aug 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, love!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet as well! ♡
Aug 10Reply

All 4 items in your bundle for 45 just not Burberry! Let me know if that works.m your in flushing? So close
Aug 10Reply

I appreciate you’re liking and bundling my items, but like my closet says, emphasis on reasonable offers. And 75% lower than my already great prices isn’t possible for me to do. And also with the $12 extra shipping I would have to pay for the bundle, and Poshmark’s 20% fee, I would net less than the cost of 1 item. So sadly, a transaction isn’t going to work out between us, Happy Poshing.
Aug 17Reply

I see that you feel. 20.00 is you offer. This is what we call Low Balling. I’m sure that if someone offered 20.00 for one of you expensive items you would be insulted. Please refrain from low ball offers. Not something we do here at Poshmark as a Team
Aug 17Reply

@sakon53 I apologize that u don’t like my offer but everyone is allow to offer in here and if u don’t like just decline it simply nobody can take stuffs from anyone’s closet until they accept their offer ! Anyway u don’t like my offer u declined it no problem thanks and u have a blessed weekend hun❤️🌹😊
Aug 17Reply

@aasmaa it’s insulting and not done here at Poshmark. I see you have had many poshers upset with your 20.00 offers. I am a Poshmark Ambassador and mentor and my advice to you is not to do this. It will make other poshers not buy from your closet
Aug 17Reply

Refund requested. Sorry you aren’t happy with your purchase 😢😢😢
Aug 20Reply

@linnder38 it’s ok hun I fixed your rating 😊all is well
Aug 20Reply

Why dont you make an offer on all in your bundle except jacket. Because i wont sell a burberry for 30 bucks. Il make a deal on the rest
Aug 21Reply

Hey ! Sent u a new offer for 25 bucks let me know what u think :)
Aug 22Reply

You declined 30 to? Lol ok hows 36 throw im the jacket you just liked
Aug 23Reply

Hi, thanks for the offer- but I had just reduced all those items about an hour ago- all of them have been reduced at least once- some twice now. They all have been reduced more than 50% from the original listing. I would consider reasonable offers tho. Thanks for your interest.
Aug 25Reply

Thanks for the like ,nice closet👏
Aug 27Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Armani Code for women, Calvin Klein, Nike and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 13Reply

Hi--thanks so much for the like on my listing. I hope you take the time out to check out my closet every now and then---I'm always adding great new stuff. Thanks again---all the best to you!!!
Sep 17Reply

Just wanted to say hello I’m new here🤓
Sep 20Reply

Hi! I saw you liked a Michael Kors jacket and I’m selling a great one. Please feel free to check out my closet and have a great day💕
Sep 21Reply

hey! i would love if you took sometime to check out my closet! ☺️ i have a lot of cute & trendy gently used items 💗✨
Sep 28Reply

Good evening...Just wanted to know if you are bundling 7 bags? my app on phone and desktop are showing 2 different things
Oct 03Reply

fabulous518 are bundling 7 bags for $65????
Oct 03Reply

@aasmaa Hey please stop lowballing If I decline your offer and you offer 4.00 more I am going to decline again. I do this for a living. What I am asking and what you are offering is not aligned so don't even waste your time.
Oct 03Reply

Thank you very much for your bundle offer. As I love to bundle, please feel free to make another offer!
Oct 04Reply

Thanks again for all your likes cleani ng out! Hows 45 for all?
Oct 08Reply

Thank you for all your likes! Feel free to bundle any items and I will give you a special discount. Looking to clean out!
Oct 08Reply

Very rare pink leather Jaguar watch
Oct 09Reply

I can do 29 on the tote its brand new
Oct 09Reply

hey girl! wish i could go lower on the leggings but i literally paid $18.99 for them so i’m already losing money 😣
Oct 10Reply

Hi ,I sent you an offer feel free to counteroffer ok
Oct 12Reply

I can do $55 for the bundle
Oct 12Reply

Did you like the new offer I sent you
Oct 12Reply

Hi! I can bundle all your likes but not for 5 bucks. :/ the stuff i have is good stuff i will include some free let me know
Oct 12Reply

Sorry I couldn't help you today and without a counteroffer not sure how I could😊
Oct 12Reply

Hello, i would like to make you a price for the two blue tops, snakeskin bag and blk bag for one set price...please let me know of you are interested.
Oct 16Reply

Hi! The lowest I can sell the Rado watch for is 210 with free shipping. Since you bought from me before, I can give you 10% off that too! If you're still interested, just let me know and I can counter your offer with the discount included :)
Oct 20Reply

Hi again! I just countered your offer on the Rado watch with my final and firm lowest price. Hopefully we can settle on a price that we'll both be happy with :) As always, Happy Poshing and thanks for checking out my closet!
Oct 22Reply

Hi. Are you offering that amount for. One pair or both?
Oct 24Reply

@lcknolte both because it’s winter time now and I have to keep this in box until next year summer😊😘
Oct 24Reply

@aasmaa Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet sometime.
Oct 24Reply

@shelsley92 u have very beautiful closet hun but everything is very far from my budget 😩😫but thanks a lot😘😊❤️
Oct 24Reply

@aasmaa I’m accepting offers on the ones that don’t say price is firm..
Oct 24Reply

Don’t lowball me again or you’ll be blocked. That’s easily a 60-70 bag, that I’m going my lowest on.
Oct 25Reply

@aasmaa I counteroffered with my lowest! Thank you!
Oct 26Reply

hi! For your bundle I could do $35 or $40 and give you free shipping! Let me know if you’re still interested.
Oct 26Reply

I’m confused as to why you declined my offer?
Oct 26Reply

fabulous518 have 5 items in the bundle that you are offering for $51????
Oct 27Reply

@aasmaa thank you for shopping my closet, but I really can't go any lower on the Jaclyn Hill Palette. Either way, thank you for looking and have a blessed day.
Oct 28Reply

I have been trying to reach you.That scarf was sold apparently you both purchase it at the same time. Please get in touch with me.. I sold it to her before I even saw yours.
Oct 30Reply

have no idea on anyway to reach you on Poshmark.
Oct 30Reply

@msinatra21 just cancel my order hun ! Thanks
Oct 30Reply

So far I have not seen it but when I do I'll cancel it. Thank you
Oct 30Reply

@msinatra21 thanks 🙏🏼😊
Oct 30Reply

Thanks for your like. If you bundle with another item I will send it to you free♥️
Nov 03Reply

Hey check out my account 20% off all my items today! I might have some items you would like! 🥰💕Let me know if you have any questions! Happy poshing love! 🙂
Nov 11Reply

Thanks for the likes Bundle them and feel free to make an offer🌷
Nov 17Reply

I apologize that I couldn't take your offer but I was willing to sell you the sneakers and give you other item free😊
Nov 17Reply

Thanks for your order! I’ll get it out Monday morning!
Nov 18Reply

@aasmaa just curious.
Do you lowball everyone? When you are ready and serious about purchasing and not sending ridiculous offers let me know.
Nov 18Reply

Hi if you're interested in the items you liked make a bundle and send an offer I'll be glad to give you a lower price! 😊
Nov 19Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕 check out my closet!
Nov 20Reply

hello if your interested in Chanel Boots i can do for 675 w shipping to. 🅿️. a. y. p. a. l
Nov 21Reply

@nadira74 thanks I really appreciate your time but my budget is just 100 at this time I apologize 😔! I hope u will sold soon because it’s beautiful 😍
Nov 21Reply

@aasmaa no problem if u are still interested in future let me know i can go to 650
Nov 21Reply

@nadira74 thanks love 😘u have a very happy thanksgiving hun😊🌹🦃🍁🍽🌹
Nov 21Reply

@aasmaa same to u
Nov 21Reply

@nadira74 thank u😘🥰🙏🏼🌹
Nov 21Reply

Hi! Visit my closet for leggings and fashionable and cozy fall and winter items 🍁❄️😁 50 percent off Black Friday deal!
Nov 23Reply

Would you like to bundle anything for me to discount price for you, just let me know 😀🌺🌸
Nov 27Reply

Hi Lovely, thanks for liking my adidas shoes. Please feel free to send me an offer if you’re interested. I’m accepting any reasonable offers. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy shopping! 🎄⭐️😊
Dec 02Reply

Feel free to bundle your likes and I’ll send you an offer! 🤗🤗
Dec 04Reply

Hi Lovely,
Welcome to Poshmark!
My sister and I wanted to introduce ourselves and let you know if you have any questions about how Poshmark works or any aspect of it please don’t hesitate to ask us. If you get a chance to check out our closet please do, we love connecting people with new treasures. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the poshing community.
Dec 08Reply

Hi- I’ll take $17 for the first ascent down jacket if your still interested. Just send over another offer. Realized it was a good opportunity to clean out my closet!
Dec 18Reply

thanks for the bundle offer.....I just reduced prices on some of your bundle items again this morning...not looking to go less than $45 on your current bundle.....Merry Christmas
Dec 19Reply

Hi! This is Ariel with the Marc purse could you meet me in the middle at $25 or even bundle deal with the juicy jacket and I can come down lower? Please let me know thank you!
Dec 19Reply

Hi, you had made several offers on the MK blouse, just to let you know, my first counter offer is the lowest I can go. Thanks for your interest.
Dec 19Reply

@aasmaa Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and sharing from your closet store⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Dec 20Reply

Thanks you for your likes on MK and Croc sandals..😊 bundle for great deal.. both for $30
Dec 23Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet. Make an offer today on the item you liked. Happy holidays! 💕💕💕💕
Dec 25Reply

Hi, this is Heidi and you purchased the RL crossbody from me last night. I was getting ready to package it and noticed a small indentation on the bag from being in storage, which I didnt realize. I just wanted to bring that to your attention to see if you still had interest. I just added pics in my closet. Thank you
Dec 30Reply

Hi there, thank you so much for your bundle and your offer, unfortunately the sneakers come from my store and the retail price is $30 and the jacket is $20 at lowest price and I still have to pay posh %20. So the lowest I can actually go on the bundle is $58. I’m sorry 😀I will have to buy the sneakers from where I work and send them tomorrow if your interested I’m here now and can pick them up for you so just let me know 😀
Jan 01Reply

Thank you again!!!😀🌺🌸
Jan 01Reply

Greetings!! I love poshmark! and I have some items in my closet that might interest you. Feel free to check it out maybe I can help you save some money , or help your closets make sales also! Happy poshing! 🤗
Feb 01Reply

Hey!❤️ come checkout my closet! I have alot of great brands you love with great prices. If you see something you like make an offer or like and I will send an additional discount 💕❤️😊👍🏻i offer great deals and discounts!!! 👌🏻👌🏻
Feb 07Reply

Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brand like PINK, Torrid, Betsey Johnson, Vans and Converse 🛍️ as well as a few luxury items from brands like Frye, Coach, Kate Spade and Valentino 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Mar 31Reply

You get one more free item if you want
May 01Reply

I’m so sorry but the Tory Burch bag sold on another platform. xo
May 31Reply

Hi, I’m just stopping by to say hello and inviting you to check out my closet. I carry a lot of high end designer brands NWT up to 75% off retail price. I’m adding new items daily. Let me know if you see anything you like. I would be more then happy to help. I ship immediately🌷 Have a wonderful day 💕💕
Jun 27Reply

Hi! Just would like to be aware that I’ll be able to ship Tuesday morning, as I’ll be on vacation. Is it ok?
Jul 03Reply

@16042003liza yes no problem hun I will wait for u 😊🙏🏼thanks for accepting my offer 🙏🏼😊💐I will wait until u ship my items 😊u have a blessed day hun 🙏🏼💐😊
Jul 03Reply

@aasmaa great! Happy 4th of July !
Jul 03Reply

@16042003liza same to u hun happy July 4th 🙏🏼😃❤️😘💐
Jul 03Reply

I also have cream camellia
Jul 03Reply

I shared with you
Jul 03Reply

You made $50 offer on my LV loafers... I appreciate the offer but if I may suggest.... be courteous and respectful enough by refraining low balling. Thanks
Jul 04Reply

HI THERE THANK YOU for shopping my closet! I apologize I dont have that gold clutch.or. bronze anymore. Would you be interested in the black one with rhinestones its beautiful! I'm so sorry let me know
Jul 08Reply

Hi! I shipped it yesterday, so both packages are out for delivery today.
Jul 09Reply

@mary_gracet I apologize for that hun I never had that shoe and I wanna have 1 atlest because I can’t afford what u can afford hun I’m old lady that always works for children’s all life and now I cannot afford for my self but I love to have that since long long time 😞I apologize that I hurt u hun 🙏🏻😔thanks god bless you
Jul 09Reply

@16042003liza ok that’s great thanks love I really appreciate that u ship on time 😘😘😘💐❤️🙏🏻have a blessed day love 🥰🌸💐😊❤️😊🙏🏻😘
Jul 09Reply

@aasmaa no worries I understand. But these shoes cost almost a thousand and the only reason why I’m selling them was it was bought wrong size.... Planning on buying another one after i sold them. Sorry but my price is firm.
Jul 09Reply

@mary_gracet ok I understand thanks hun 🙏🏼😘😊😊
Jul 09Reply

@aasmaa like I said my price is firm... thanks for your offer
Jul 09Reply

@aasmaa lowest I can accept is $225 for now. Thanks
Jul 09Reply

Hi lovely! I’d be very happy to extend a discount on the LV shopping bags and Prada box and dust bag. I recommend bundling other items to save on shipping. Please submit an offer 😊😀
Jul 17Reply

@carmenh1219 can u give me your all 12 brand dust bags 2pc each brand for 80 ?? I will purchase now ! Thanks I appreciate your time hun 💐😊🙏🏼
Jul 17Reply

@aasmaa please bundle and submit an offer 😀😊
Jul 17Reply

Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 17Reply

Hi! I lowered the the price of the Swarovski watch a few days back so I don’t have much wiggle room anymore. This watch is NWT never worn. Very much worth the price
Aug 04Reply

@aasmaa if you can do 18 for the 3 dresses in bundle that will work
Aug 04Reply

Hi Welcome to Poshmark 💗 I’m Sarah and it’s great to meet you! I would be honored if you stopped by and visit my sweet little boutique. If you have any questions please let me know.. I’m happy to help.
Have a beautiful day!!
Wishing you all the best 🌷 xx Sarah
Aug 12Reply

You do know posh takes 20%?
Aug 13Reply

Can you please stop offering me $18.00 for $150 watch!
Aug 13Reply

@frankiesmama07 yes she does!
Aug 15Reply

@growinglovely think you tagged wrong person 😊
Aug 15Reply

@frankiesmama07 i did I’m sorry!
Aug 15Reply

@growinglovely nevermind lol just saw an old comment of mine 🤣
Aug 15Reply

@frankiesmama07 yeah I had to block her! She’s a lowballer she would send offers everyday for super low prices it’s frustrating!
Aug 15Reply

@growinglovely I have a bunch like that and also the ones that comment on 50 listings and ask ridiculous questions and the ones I do answer do not respond back lol..sigh
Aug 15Reply

You sure are “liking” a lot of things in my closet! Thanks for stopping by - please feel free to make an offer - I’ll always negotiate!
Aug 17Reply

On second thought - please don’t bother making any offers - I’m looking at all the comments on your page and it looks like you like to negotiate more than I am comfortable with - good luck to you and happy Poshing
Aug 17Reply

I am probably the 30th person to block you - POSH is no place for rudeness - shop elsewhere
Aug 17Reply

Bundle your likes and I will give you a discount 😀
Aug 24Reply

Are you offering $20 for 2 pair of Michael KORS shoes? Really?
Aug 25Reply

Thank you for your offer hun!! Unfortunately it doesn't cover my cost as u know btw tax and 20% posh fees it is hard to make big discounts like that . I gave u my looowest. Thx Anyway 🌹
Aug 26Reply

@tozai64 please fix your bundle coming up four items but only questioning one or two items not sure? Thank you
Sep 04Reply

Hello beautiful, for your likes I will ship for free and give you a discount. Just bundle your likes.Thank you 😊
Sep 13Reply

I’m kuhinja if you put offer for you bundle 30$ I’m asept tanks 🌺🌺🌺
Sep 26Reply

Blocking you you are not a serous buyer you only playing around sending low balling offers shame on you!
Sep 26Reply

Hi😊. Welcome to my closet! I see you’ve found a few things you like .... if you would like to bundle some I’ll offer you a nice discount!
Sep 28Reply

I can give you an amazing deal on a lot of things. But some I can't. Most of your likes I can. The dress with solid top with flowers I can't. But most of your choices I can. Thank you
Oct 03Reply

@moogie4212 ooh I was really hoping you gave me thAts flowers print one too 😩😩I wish I was working like before then I could buy and spend money much but can’t work because of my back problems since 7 years but pepper’s doesn’t understand my situation’ they do donations buy don’t wanna help people’s who needed too! Thank hin I apni you time god bless you💐🙏🏼😊
Oct 03Reply

Hey sweet lady, what are you willing to pay for that dress, we might work something out. Thank you 😊
Oct 04Reply

Hi thanks for checking out my closet and liking everything....if you create a bundle you can save extra 10 percent plus I will give you a shipping discount...there are alot of great buys!! If you have any questions please let me know 😊
Oct 05Reply

I sent you a reasonable counter offer to your low-ball offer my closet is already more than reasonably priced huge deals....if you want to counter with a reasonable offer I'll work with you
Oct 05Reply

Hi! You just recently ordered a bundle from me. I did not see that there were four items in your bundle. I only saw the her Nora pearls. I am going to have to decline your offer As I thought it was for only one of those items not all four.
Oct 14Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet 😊bundle your likes and I will make you an offer with discounted shipping 🛍
Oct 16Reply

@aasmaa I love offers but the bundle is worth 156$. I paid 58$ for the perfume alone
Oct 18Reply

@aasmaa that is called a low ball offer and it’s rude will be blocking you
Oct 18Reply

@punkinboo how about 35 free shipping hun ? Thanks I appreciate 🙏🏼😊
Oct 18Reply

Please stop making lowball offers. It is offensive and rude and I will continue to decline them. And if it continues, I will block you.
Oct 24Reply

Hi, I appreciate your offer but I can’t give you a discount like that on the sunglasses. I hope you have a great day.
Oct 24Reply

Hi Lovely, check out my closet I bet you will find something that you'll like.💕👍
Oct 29Reply

please QUIT LOWBALLING. if you have no money, quit trying to buy jewelry hun. thanks ❤
Nov 03Reply

@jplola82 🤣🤣🤣🤣she won’t stop
Nov 11Reply

@punkinboo 😳oh no! bahaha 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 11Reply

Thanks for the offer but asking me to accept $26 for over $100 worth of already lowerd price items is really unreasonable. Always willing to make deals but we are not even close to agreement
Nov 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Come check out my closet. I think you may like it. Thanks.
Dec 03Reply

Hi Lovely, Thank you For Shopping my Closet. I am currently having a BUY2 GET 1 FREE ON ALL CLOTHING. 🌹🌹🌹
Dec 07Reply

Please quit sending insulting offers. The watch is brand new never worn and is worth over $350. to offer $40 is just an insult. If you are serious about purchasing please just make a respectable offer
Dec 11Reply

CLEARLY from reading your comment history you have an extreme propensity for lowballing the c_ _ _ out of sellers on this app! any how,I was surprised and appalled to see you were offering such a ridiculous price on 3 items from my closet,basically you wanted two items free! Something should be done about people that follow in your practice!OMG
Dec 15Reply

Thank you for shoping at my closet ❤️ Michael Kors handbag I’m excepting offers please make Off a thank you
Dec 20Reply

Thank you for checking out myCloset Pete please feel free to make an offer thank you
Dec 20Reply

@tweedydo2 thanks hun 😊🙏🏼
Dec 20Reply

@so_raspyyyx5 I apologize 😔if I could work then I will never ask 34 ! But I can’t work because or my spinal back broken problem since 10 years my children and grandchildren help me for surviving in this world and I want your jacket for my son for his birthday this January ! But I don’t have enough 😔so I apologize 🙏🏼
Dec 23Reply

@so_raspyyyx5 could u pls accept my 40 ? I will really appreciate 🙏🏼you are also like my son age ! Pls accept my offer 40 ! Lls🙏🏼
Dec 23Reply

@so_raspyyyx5 just 5 dollar discount pls ! U offer 45 and now I’m offering 40 ! Pls accept it 🙏🏼god bless you hun
Dec 23Reply

✓ Welcome to posh! I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have. As you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers! Please check my closet out I hope you find something you love for yourself if not I have a lot of great gift giving items🌲If you like the item but not the price please make an offer I am very reasonable🌲🎁 I have a lot of great holiday gift giving items🌲🎁

Dec 25Reply

Hi dear. ☺ I see that you are interested in this darling pair of earrings. I would absolutely love for you to have them. They are beautiful. I am hoping we can come to an agreement to do business, but I cannot take anything less than $85. That's my rock bottom price. Please consider. I will gift wrap and throw in some extras for you as well! 😉
Dec 27Reply

as well i want to be sure you are aware these are inauthentic. thx.
Dec 27Reply

Thanks for liking my bag and for your offers and I’m going as low as I can and trying to work with you so I hope you’ll accept the $19 offer I made it
The bag is in perfect condition and I am a posh ambassador in a preferred seller so you can shop with confidence
Jan 03Reply

@candyz_bargains yeah I know that 😊
Jan 03Reply

@yuansource can u do 20 free shipping? Thanks
Jan 03Reply

@yuansource can u do 20 free shipping hun ? Thanks
Jan 03Reply

I can’t do free shipping at $20 then I will get practically nothing for the bag
Jan 03Reply

Once again I don’t understand why you bargaining so hard. It has to go back up to Higher price if you want free shipping. Or if you bundle with three items I have other bags other Cole Hahn bags of the wristlets other lots of bags then you’ll get a much better price you get 10% off the bundle
Jan 03Reply

Sure I understand everybody wants the lowest and cheapest price but I’ve done the best I can for you I’ve gone as low as possible—And it’s a great offer but I really understand if you don’t want it it’s no problem the new year is just beginning and I’m sure I’ll sell it I really understand
Jan 03Reply

I can do my original offer of $35 with free shipping
Jan 03Reply

@yuansource it’s ok I really appreciate your time but I just can do 20 free shipping thanks a lot🙏🏼
Jan 03Reply

hi dear. i shared the guess purse and earrings to you. if you want to do a bundle of the two, I will save you a lot. if you bundle i will do $60 earrings and $20 purse.
Jan 03Reply

I have other items that I might be able to do $20 and with free shipping
I already did my best to make it as low as possible for you. I have other clutches and little zipper pouches that I could do for $20 just take a look and ask me
Jan 03Reply

Thanks again for visiting my site and sorry we weren’t able to make a deal this time I do have other small clutches, jewelry or other items that I could do for $20. Take a look and get back in touch with me it’s too difficult to try to send you items I can’t find your location
Jan 03Reply

I’ve already told you I cannot go any lower than $20 on this clutch but I have an ad Hardy red clutch zippered pouch I could probably do lower and some others but I cannot figure out where to send them to but that’s the best I can do today
Jan 03Reply

I bundled the wristlet that you liked with another one of the same brand so if you see them there’s two of them now which is better to sell both of them by the same coach company
Jan 04Reply

I have made my best offer on the bundle of items you like. They are listed for over $40 and I have offered at nearly 50% off. Thanks for your interest!
Jan 07Reply

@chesapeakefam I appreciate hun🙏🏼😊
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for liking all of my items since it’s for you might as well bundle them and you’ll get 10% off for the bundle
Jan 07Reply

hello I see you like an item I just lowered the price on that item however if you put for more items together I give you even more discount on my items just bundle it and shoot it my way if you're interested
Jan 14Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet, please feel free to make me an offer or create a bundle for more savings.
Jan 15Reply

Hi sweetie! I see you still have your eye on these beauties. ☺ I know you like them a lot. So, I'd like to help get them out to you. But..... you will have to work with me realistically. I have nearly a $100 into these already, so I just cannot take much more of a hit. And, no matter how destitute and poor I may become, I will never take offers that low. I know you understand my situation. And I understand yours too. so...
Jan 19Reply

I'm going to give you my honest and last lowest price. you will need to meet me on this offer as I will not be going any lower ok? so let's make it happen for you dear.🙌☺🎈👍😘🎉💐
Jan 19Reply

i appreciate your offer, but i wont go that low for 6 authentic bracelets, you can find singles here on Posh that might be more friendly for your price range. i will send one last counter
Jan 22Reply

Hi lovely, that was cute of you to offer me $15 for a $50 pair of 10 karat gold earrings it made me chuckle a bit. Unfortunately I cannot accept your offer as it is way too low for a brand new pair of 10 karat gold earrings. Try Claire's, they may have hoop earrings in your price range.
Jan 25Reply

I think earlier this weekend we were working on a bundle for sale. Let me know if you are still interested in the Build A Bear and anything else. Thanks
Jan 27Reply

hello! thank you for your offer for the g by guess bag, but unfortunaely that would be too low for me to accept. However, I do have other bags in my closet listed around the price you offered if you'd like to look into those. I'm also doing a BOGO 50% off discount if you create a bundle. I hope you understand!
Jan 31Reply

@aasmaa hi see you liked my listing for the Kate Spade ♠️ Gloves. Brand new if interested let me know. I ship next day. Just marked down best I can offer bottomline is $22. Thanks and have a great weekend! Geri
Jan 31Reply

@aasmaa hi again! The Kate Spade ♠️ gloves are on sale with discounted shipping!!
Feb 01Reply

Hi, I can’t do $15 for the umbrella. It is brand new with tags. If you want to bundle the jacket and coat that you liked, I can give the to you for $50 with $4.99 shipping.
Feb 01Reply

hi there. Most items in my closet have been reduced to $6 due to me needed them gone within the next couple days. if you have any time please check my closet out. will ship within 24 hours of purchase 🙂
Feb 13Reply

hey girl! i’ve got lots of Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle items like new that you might like! i’m accepting all reasonable offers but i can offer big discounts on bundles!! take a peek ❤️
May 04Reply

Check out my closet whenever you get a chance and let me know if you see anything you like I’ll give you a good deal💗
May 16Reply

Hello! I have some beautiful pieces I think you may love! Feel free to explore my closet! I offer discounted shipping on bundles!! Happy Poshing! 🌺✨
Jul 08Reply

Hey there! This is a kindly message.
I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style.
There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me!
Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like.
All the best for you. :)
Jul 29Reply

Hi there! I would like to invite you to check out my closet when you have a chance. I think I have some of the brands and pieces that you enjoy. Thank you.
Sep 21Reply

Good afternoon, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my closet. I'm a designer and a Silversmith and many of my items one of the kinds of exclusive Artisan Finds. Everything in my closet is real, authentic, high-quality guaranty and made with Love. I also have handmade items from other designers as well. You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George @grojivxatu
Oct 30Reply

Hello!! Feel free to visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions! 👠☺️
Feb 23Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 18Reply

I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Mar 21Reply

Low ballers like you will be blocked
Apr 30Reply

Sorry just noticed you had other likes in my closet .. sent you an offer on the sandals you bundled...if you want to start over it’s fine. Just decline the offer I sent. 🌸🌸
May 01Reply

I am not going to even counter another offer that’s below 60% of the current asking price which is already $150 below MSRP for a brand new LaCoste watch.
May 04Reply

Hi! I would do $60 and $4.99 ship for the new bag and 2 tops. I can ship out tomorrow too! Thanks!
May 17Reply

@selmahe23 not this month but tho you hun🙏🏼
May 17Reply

@aasmaa Np! If you are interested in the tote I would do $30.
May 17Reply

@selmahe23 thank you I will message you thanks 🙏🏼
May 17Reply

@aasmaa hello, just FYI, you lowballed an offer to the MK dress, I countered vs blocking you. Please be more considerate of other sellers. Have a great weekend.
May 22Reply

@greenthumb64 thank you 🙏🏼
May 22Reply

Thank you for liking the new watch😊
May 26Reply

hi I can do $25 on the Adidas jacket if your interested. I work at a salon I'll throw in a bag of cosmetics with brand new products. let me know
May 26Reply

Hi, I shipped your purse but it’s not tracking yet... I shipped 5 boxes all together and two aren’t showing. That’s the post office.. be on the loookout!🎀
May 27Reply

Unfortunately I had to decline your offer, the fossil watch is $150, and the ring is originally $95, I believe $55 for both is a fair price, have a good day! 🙂
May 27Reply

@nikkiajackso409 no problem hun thank you I appreciate your time 🙏🏼❤️
May 27Reply

Hi, thank you for stopping by my closet and liking Michael Kors pants, I am offering by invitation, only a second item for 50% off when you add it to a bundle of your already liked , as a extra bonus there is discounted shipping. I am also posting a couple more Michael Kors Listings (Tops) shortly .Happy poshing-J
May 30Reply

I am always open to reasonable offers
May 30Reply

Hi That is the lowest I can go on that bundle and I am ending flash bogo sale on pants and jeans and running a new bogo sale on swim and shorts at noon Eastern
May 31Reply

Hi! I tried to add this to a private bundle for you but there’s an active bundle even after I declined the offer. Idk how to put an offer in to just one person. 🙈 sorry I’m new to this!
Jun 02Reply

Are you trying that offer for 2 items ? I’m not gonna sell two watches for that low plus PM fees doesn’t make sense
Jun 04Reply

hello, shane with the watch offer. I can't comment with a counter offer so I will here. The battery died, planned on changing before shipping. as noted there is a small scratch on the face. there Is no original case but I will provide one from a different watch to ensure safe travels. I am going to counter 5 more dollars than you offered , as is plus case. the battery will not get changed.
Jun 05Reply

#2 - the battery will not get changed. I do give my word that it works or no problem giving full refund including any shipping costs to or from. Thank you. I'll do the offer now. if you accept I'll ship first thing tomorrow. or maybe I can drop it tonight so it's in motion first thing tomorrow. have a good evening
Jun 05Reply

Hey👋stop by my closet anytime☺️
Jun 10Reply

@smeigs She did it to me too. Shameful. Not nice.
Jun 15Reply

Lowballing is rude (especially on CHANEL) and a waste of time. Why do you do this to people? I have blocked you.
Jun 15Reply

Hello Lovely, I can go as low as $100 on your bundle. April
Jun 21Reply

I appreciate your love of Michael Kors, and I see you've purchased many Pre-owned dresses at a great price. The red dress that you have made an offer on is brand new, never worn with tags. Unfortunately I have much more invested than you have offered. I'd be happy to consider all reasonable offers. Happy Poshing 💜💜💜
Jun 26Reply

Thank you for your like, feel free to make offer
Jun 30Reply

Good morning, I will review the tea cups but I’m pretty sure there are no chips etc and get back.thank you Theresa
Jul 01Reply

@betty1225 ok thank you hun🙏🏼
Jul 01Reply

Hi again, I looked at the pretty tea cups again. They are all in very good condition there is one tiny imperfection on one of the saucers. I put a picture up for you to see. It's very small. I guess that why they are only $16.00. The flaw does not interfere with anything. It not a chip that you can feel. Thanks for asking.
Jul 01Reply

Hi ! I saw your offer of $130 to the tabby. I actually just dropped the price on July 1st. And poshmark will take 20% as processing fee. So please make a responsible offer🥶 I am very appreciate that.
Jul 04Reply

9400109205568706884208 is tracking for swim bottoms. So sorry about them not being in same bag as the top.
Jul 08Reply

@ncbunnells thank you sweetheart god bless you hun 😘❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼💕
Jul 08Reply

Hi I see you liking some of my items in my closet bundle and make a reasonable offer
I’m clearing my closet to get new inventory thank you
Jul 14Reply

thanks for the likes
Jul 16Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and liking items. I would be happy to answer any question you have about any item. Are you interested in making a bundle? Hoping to find new home for my items and offering you a deal that is appealing to you!
Jul 23Reply

hey queen!! I noticed that you liked one of the dresses from my closet. It’s on sale and up for grabs if your interested!!
Jul 24Reply

Major Sale Starts NOW!
1 Item 15% off and reduced shipping
2 Items 20% off and reduced shipping
3 Items 30% Off and reduced shipping
4 Items 40% off and reduced shipping
5 Items and more 50% off and reduced shipping!
High End Closet! 1,500 and more items to choose from. Over 1000 Love notes!
click the HEART under the item you want and I will send the discount. Feel free to bundle and I will accept. Stick with the program and have a field day! Shop till you drop!
Jul 24Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase! I have to either go get the dress from my mother’s house or have her overnight it to me so if there is a slight delay I promise it will not be long! We don’t live that far away but wanted to be up front with you. I didn’t realize how quickly it would sell!!
Jul 29Reply

Hope all is well with you… thanks for following. Headed to nyc in a few weeks!
Jul 30Reply

Not nice ! U r blocked from continuous lowballing
Aug 03Reply

i sell barbies! take a look at my closet
Aug 04Reply

Hello if you’re interested in the items that you had bundled I can offer you a better price if you wish you may contact me at 201-739-0096 And we can agree on a price you’re comfortable with if you are still interested thank you so much have a great day
Aug 14Reply

My offer is best I can do. The earrings are certified Swarovski and too beautiful to keep haranguing over price!
Aug 14Reply

Hello ☺️ I hope you're well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-going closet. I sell an array of truly unique goodies. I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. ✌️💛
Aug 14Reply

Hi sweetie, thanks for your offer, but my absolute lowest is $50.
Aug 17Reply

Hi there. The Armani watch you offered $20 on is brand new in box with tags at $175. I already have it lower than half off at $81 so I can’t do much lower than that. Just making sure you knew you were making an offer on an authentic watch with that price…it’s considered lowballing to offer folks 25% of their list price. Posh takes so much from us already, it’s unreasonable to ask folks to do that. Hope you find something more in your price range though. Good luck!
Aug 22Reply

Excuse me, $25 offer. Still too low.
Aug 22Reply

Hi, $12 is my best offer. Its a new MK top, retails for much more. Thxs!
Aug 25Reply

@selmahe23 12 with 4.99 shipping ? Thank you
Aug 25Reply

@aasmaa no thanks
Aug 25Reply

Please stop lowballing me . All my items are priced reasonably and for you to offering me on $50 for over hundreds of dollars worth of stuff is rude and offensive…
Sep 08Reply

Hello, Hope you are having a great time shopping come checkout my closet🦋✨
Sep 09Reply

If it's worse over 30 which it is then why can't you just make a profit of it and at least let me make my money back that I paid for it because I cannot pay parts of your item like they charged like 20% they're crazy I have a website but I'm not exactly finished yet but I mean thank gosh I should probably make it so other people can sell their stuff off of my website that way they don't have to pay that surcharge fee it's crazy
Sep 11Reply

Shame on you for lowballing- very rude
Sep 17Reply

Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of items-over 150! Listings are added every few days 😊
Sep 20Reply

Hello, Hope you are having a great time shopping come checkout my closet🦋✨
Oct 11Reply

hello! Thanks for liking my closet! All of my jewelry is $5. Feel free to make me an offer or create a bundle. Thanks being part of the Poshmark family!
Oct 25Reply

I can give you the dimensions and will upload more photos. The insert indicates MP3. Snap in phone compartment 5 inches x a little over 2 inches
Nov 19Reply

Would you like me to bundle all the item you liked or hat are you thinking? Are you interested in purchasing any just wanted to make sure and touch base with you. Thanks for looking at my closet and for all the likes girl!!!
Nov 24Reply

Hi! I see you've liked quite a few of my listings...if you'd like to bundle, I'll give you a nice discount. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Nov 25Reply

Thank you for liking my closet. Best Wishes
Dec 01Reply

hey watch was already sold on another platform. the pair of coach watches are still for sale
Dec 02Reply

Just letting you know you've been blocked for your insulting, lowball offers. Based on these comments, it seems to be your MO.
Dec 02Reply

Hi there! Reaching out about the Michael Kors watch. Were you interested in buying both the Hugo Boss and Michael Kors? If so, let me know. I’m happy to offer a good price for both. If you’re only interested in the MK one, that’s ok too. LMK. Thank you.
Dec 03Reply

Hey there! I am inviting you to come check out my closet! I have a lot of beautiful Indian outfits and I am always adding more :)
Dec 04Reply

Thank you for your interest! I'm sorry, but I can not give you 70% discount off of my already very low prices. I just deeply discounted those items this evening. I did give you my best offer of those 3 for $60 & $4.99 shipping, though---& that is a bargain! If that doesn't work, I could do 1 of those items for $20 & 5.95 shipping.
Dec 07Reply

What’s wrong with you girl?
Dec 07Reply

Hi Lovely! Looking to clear my closet for the holidays - feel free to make me an offer on that MK watch 🤗🎄☃️
Dec 07Reply

I'm thinking we're too far apart on price expectations, at this point. If you'd like to choose 1 of the 3 items from the bundle, I can work with your original price request. Thank you; have a good day!
Dec 08Reply

Looks like you are a HABITUAL low baller
You have no place in my closet
I have blocked u 4 ever
Dec 08Reply

Hi Aasma I received your offer for Tommy Hilfiger ladies 3 way jacket. I respect your offer but it is Tommy Hilfiger new never worn before jacket but offer is so low. thanks for visiting my closet happy holidays
Dec 12Reply

Hi, I would just like to ask you about a seller on Poshmark whom you enquired about patiyala suit, I hope you remember. Sorry I would not disclose the seller’s name but guess you have an idea. Did you actually order and got the item on time or it got cancelled. I was interested in one of the items but saw few comments which puts me in doubt. Please help.
Dec 15Reply

Dec 19Reply

@mtolegario1 ??
Dec 20Reply

@kathmadore Sorry not intended for you 🌺
Dec 20Reply

I do not accept ridiculous
lowball offers. Don’t insult
me with ur crap🚫🚫
Dec 21Reply

Hi! Thank you for the purchase of the Tommy jacket. I will ship it on Monday due to the post office being closed today. Happy new year! 🎊
Jan 01Reply

Hello! For the 6 items you liked in my closet (total $106) I would be happy to sell the bundle for $72. No less. Thanks for shopping Maudescloset960💕
Jan 06Reply

@bopbear01 ugh lowballers! Like I wanna help you, but not 75% off what price I’m selling! I’ve seen an increase in these offers recently… it’s insane!
Jan 09Reply

Good morning! I want to apologize for the mixup in the price for the bundle. I’m very new at the “bundling” part of Poshmark. I thought you were purchasing only the necklace and loft dress.
I really hope you consider offering me a new price
Again I’m so sorry for the mixup
Jan 09Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! ☺️💕🎉
Jan 13Reply

I am so sorry, there is a problem with your order. I am not sure how to contact you!!
Jan 15Reply

@m2mfunsource what’s wrong hun ??
Jan 15Reply

Thank you for getting back to me. The tie in your bundle is very damaged! I don't know how to unbundle this transaction.
Jan 15Reply

hi aasmam the jacket is brand new. barely work. I'm sorry I can't accept your offer.
Jan 17Reply

@tinazent1 can u accept 30 ? Thank you 🙏🏼
Jan 17Reply

Hey lovely send me an offer on the Swarvorski necklace 🎉💛
Jan 18Reply

@aasmaa Hi, if you resend me the offer on the Michael Kors jacket, I’ll accept it 😊
Jan 24Reply

Hi you keep offering to buy my bundle of three coats for lower than the Bundle price of $136. I will not go lower. These are high quality coats and the 20% discount on a Bundle of three is lowest I will go. Sorry
Jan 26Reply

Hi I will not go lower than the 20% discount on the Bundle. Please pay asking price. Thank you. Michelle
Jan 26Reply

Will all do respect, your offer of $51 on a $115 bundle is something I cannot accept. That is under half the asking price. Please in the future make acceptable offers.
Feb 01Reply

Lmk about the Kenneth Cole watch. ⌚️👀
Trying to raise cash !!!! What would you accept ?
Feb 02Reply

I appreciate your offer, but $20 plus 4.99 I can’t do! Please remember PM takes 20%. I can do $25 + 4.99 shipping
Feb 03Reply

check the picture on that listing please if you can because that's what it said I'm curious to know what it said on your end
Feb 11Reply

I don't just say I'm going to do something and not do it I'm just curious if this platform is telling customers things I'm not putting
Feb 11Reply

thanks for all the like bundle all you liked from my closet and 70 offer for you thanks again feel free to add other items Moving Sale making deal accepting offers as well
Feb 21Reply

@aasmaa hello, i can do $30 with $5.99 for the sunglasses Let me know 🙂
Mar 06Reply

Hello again can you please do 50 for the bundle and I will send you some more clothes I haven't listed yet for a boy size 2t or 3t thanks again
Mar 06Reply

Thank you for your ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating!! Shop my closet any time for huge discounts and a free gift in your next order ☺️
Mar 10Reply

My Fellow Posher, I invite you to take a look at my closet @mini_ritz. Please let me know if you have any questions on any of my items. I ship same day and respond to questions quickly. Please note, I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. Happy Poshing! Blessings ❤️🙏❤️
Mar 10Reply

you can have that bundle items for 40 thanks I remember you you purchased the Sneakers from me sorry I didn't accept your offer it was for 30 right you can have Sweetheart send the offer again please and thank you
Mar 10Reply

hi, thanks for the likes...if you bundle any of them, I will send you my best no obligation offer 😊
Apr 03Reply

STOP sending me ridiculous offers on my Sneakers!!!!! If u can't afford to buy them than STOP looking at them....Thank you
Apr 13Reply

@aasmaa Thank you for checking out my closet! Unfortunately sold the purse and watch you liked, forgot to update. However, if you want to make an offer on any other items in my closet I'm willing to take a look. My Apologies again, Have an Awesome Day!!
May 21Reply

thank u for your interest in the red bag but with an $11 offer I make only $8. I paid over $30 for it. I sent u a $15 offer.
Jun 11Reply

Hello there! Thanks for visiting my closet. Please accept or make another offer today. Thanks love! 💕
Jun 13Reply

Hi Lovely! 😃 I would love to invite you to check out my closet as I have some brands and styles that I think you may like 👗👢 (J. CREW, LOFT, etc) Feel free to send out offers or ‘like’ your favorites and I will send you a great deal! 💥💥💥Make sure to check back as I list new items weekly (You can also sign up for my newsletter - link in bio) Happy Poshing! 🌸🌸🌸~ Patti
Jun 22Reply

$40 offer for a $200 bundle, please be respectful.
Jun 24Reply

@villegas4sandra no that’s only putting up after that you are the one who can counter offer hun 😊🙏🏼
Jun 24Reply

$85 is my last offer for the Michael Kors watch it's basically official and accepting your $30 offer would be an insult.
Jul 03Reply

basically Brand new and official*
Jul 03Reply

Bundle & save 💕
Jul 06Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jul 11Reply

I really appreciate u liking things from my closet. that's cool. but can u please stop with the LOWBALL offers, please. please respectfully counter and not decline offers. you do realize Posh takes 20% and I'm giving discounted shipping?? u have done this several times with several items in my closet.
Jul 13Reply

@aasmaa I'm reading these comments. you are a LOWBALL repeat offender I see. please stop wasting people's time. it's an insult with these offers and u declining good deals. I am smh.
Jul 13Reply

@mswonderful73 I couldn’t accept your offer because It would be the same as offering free shipping. I can’t do that at this time. Thanks for stopping by my closet
Jul 19Reply

@twobeauties2016 sorry but I hv no idea what u are talking about.
Jul 19Reply

Hi✨Welcome To Poshmark💓Feel free to Check out My Closet🌺🌿Happy Poshing🌷🌿✨
Jul 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 08Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 23Reply

If you are interested in both of the bags from my closet, please bundle and shoot me an offer girl!!!!
Sep 11Reply

@kayanataslam no problem 😉 thank you 🙏🏼
Sep 23Reply

@kayanataslam hahaha 🤣 nobody can force to buy or sell anything in poshmark unless both seller & buyers accept offers 😎who have shame when nobody forcing you to sell 😂
Sep 23Reply

I appreciate your interest in my closet, but please no more extreme lowball offers. I have high quality items priced fairly. TY
Sep 25Reply

Hi dear. Hope u r doing good. Thank you for liking some items in my closet. If you want to purchase all I can bundle and an offer. Pls let me know thank you
Sep 26Reply

Hi 👋 I wanted to share that my Entire Closet @brizabrigid is 50% off 🌈 ✈️ I'm moving to Puerto Rico at the end of October. ☺️ If you like an item, I'll send the discounted offer via bundle💕Brigid
Sep 30Reply

Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Oct 01Reply

Hello dear, thank you for the like. I sent you an offer. If you have any questions please let me know 💞
Oct 05Reply

ASS MA? Is that your name? No more low ball offers please!
Oct 16Reply

Happy Holidays. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2900 items. Bundle a few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 20Reply

60 if you want it
Dec 11Reply

@zhiwu 60 including free shipping! I will take 🙏🏼I appreciate
Dec 11Reply

Dec 11Reply

@zhiwu put all in one write my name on post then put price 60 with free shipping then I will purchase 😊🙏🏼❤️thank you beta
Dec 11Reply

@zhiwu on bundle post write my name , For Aasmaa ! Then put price 60 with free shipping I will purchase now thanks I appreciate your help hun ❤️🙏🏼😊
Dec 11Reply

@zhiwu pls don’t forget to mention 4 scarfs bundle 😁❤️🙏🏼thanks a lot ❤️🙏🏼😊
Dec 11Reply

@zhiwu I offered you with 60 ! Why u declined hun ?? You said you will give on 60
Dec 12Reply

i thought the bundle is two so never mind
Dec 12Reply

@zhiwu 😳ooh
Dec 12Reply

@zhiwu haha I’m bad I apologize 🙏🏼
Dec 12Reply

@zhiwu how much you can give me for 4 pc bundle offer hun ?? So I can keep in my mind 😊
Dec 12Reply

70 with shipping or maybe 75 including free shipping?? 😊
Dec 12Reply

Hello Lovely Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for visiting my closet and thank you for the like. If you are interested Im open to all reasonable offers. Happy Poshing. 🌹🌺
Dec 14Reply

thank you for liking my list. If you any things you liked make an offer ☺️
Dec 14Reply

@zhiwu hey hun I send offer pls accept it 🙏🏼❤️😊I appreciate
Dec 20Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet. If you are interested, bundle your likes and I will send you an offer. Happy poshing☺️.
Dec 21Reply

hello 🤗 i wanna invite you to visit and follow my closet. i carry popular brands like Bebe, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Michael Kors at very affordable prices. imma next day shipper and im always flexible on prices. feel free 2 like, share, or send offers anytime. 😀
Dec 22Reply

@aasmaa hello I noticed you created a bundle, if price is not acceptable I will work with you…..if you would like to add more things, please let me know. I like to make my buyers happy..thank you so much🌺😀🎈🎉
Dec 27Reply

@poshmark8823 thanks I appreciate hun. 🙏🏼❤️💕😘
Dec 27Reply

@aasmaa let me know what price is acceptable🎈and I will make this work for you🍷🎉
Dec 27Reply

@aasmaa something in your bundle just so,d but I can still sell you the other items for much lesser if you like ok
Dec 27Reply

@poshmark8823 25 with 4.99 shipping for my new bundle! I will purchase now thanks 🙏🏼
Dec 27Reply

@aasmaa sorry but the Hermes bracelet is worth a is brand new
Dec 27Reply

@poshmark8823 do u can’t deal with 60 to my new bundle?? I appreciate your time & help thou 😃🙏🏼in future if u wanna sell then u can message me hun thanks have a happy holidays ❤️🙏🏼💕
Dec 27Reply

@aasmaa yes I do want to sell them but I cannot sell at such low prices, especially on the Hermes bracelet as it is brand new. I will sell you cocktail dress and Ralph Lauren coat Chanel box, Kate spade for $60 if that works…….let me know as. Sing a Posh Ambassador I sell fast…thanks
Dec 27Reply

@poshmark8823 ooh I can 60 but I can take if u do 30 with 4.99 shipping?
Dec 27Reply

@poshmark8823 4 items 30 with 4.99
Dec 27Reply

I did get your offer on the new with tag Eddie Bauer jacket however $15 is nowhere near enough. I’m so sorry I could not except.
Dec 27Reply

@aasmaa hi there, your bundle is $93. I can do $48. No shipping as I cannot do lesser or I am not making anything….trust me these items are in great condition and worth more. I hope you understand
Dec 27Reply

Hey. I will be shipping the Michael Kors watch asap. I am going to include the bracelets you liked as a free gift since I am trying to reduce inventory. Hope you enjoy !
Dec 30Reply

@toshealy thank you very very much I really appreciate 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😘😘😘❤️god bless you ❤️🙏🏼😊
Dec 30Reply

@aasmaa hello, I noticed you keep bundling items of mine and then requesting them at ridiculously low prices. I would really like to help you but I cannot give items to you at 1/10 of what the bundle is worth…..I
Jan 02Reply

hi Thanks for your offer on the Kate Spade crossbody. I just sent you my lowest counter. need to make a little profit. Thanks.
Jan 12Reply

You are beyond disrespectful to low ball three items like that. Obviously I’m not the only one you’ve done this to. You must get off of this somehow. It’s weird.
Jan 21Reply

Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collection of Indian and western outfits for women , girls and babies . I’ve also got homemade henna cones, handmade crochet baby dresses, crochet purses , hand painted glass wares on sale . All items comes from a pet free and smoke free home . Let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help . Happy poshing 🌺🌺
Jan 24Reply

Hi Lovely ! 👋👋Swing low Sweet Chariot! 💕💓🥰! Wishing you an amazing 2023! 🥳 Check out my closet maybe there’s something for you a friend or a family member. Love and Light Nettie
Jan 25Reply

The bundle you created from my closet best I can do is $35…so lmk if you change your mind. I’m not making any profit and losing on this sale
Feb 28Reply

Look I’ll take your original offer of $30…so pls send request
Feb 28Reply

Thanks for looking at my site All my Chanel is discounted already Sorry these are my prices if bundling 2 or more items , I offer 10% discount
Mar 01Reply

Thank you for your offer the items that your interested it is already at a discount price.
Mar 05Reply

@tootie07110 can u do 60 ? Thanks
Mar 05Reply

@aasmaa sorry no
Mar 05Reply

Hi, please stop with the low ball offers. I can not and will not sell an already generously discounted bundle of $253 for $45. I am not sure why you keep sending them on my BRAND NEW NAME BRAND items, but it's getting quite annoying. I asked you before to stop. The next step would be blocking you, dear. It's just very disrespectful to send such ridiculous offers.
Mar 05Reply

@aasmaa please stop sending me lowball prices on brand new items that I have. I gave you my best offer of $93. I ask you kindly to stop giving me these lowball prices. If this continues I will block you.
Mar 05Reply

Thank you for the like. Let me know if you have any questions
Mar 11Reply

Ew. I can tell you’re a disgusting human as you habitually low ball everywhere. Here’s a hint. Go shop at the dollar tree since that’s all you seem to be able to afford. You’ve been blocked ✌🏻
Mar 31Reply

Like 90% of these comments I also cannot accept your ridiculous $14 offer on the diamond watch. Diamond. Not cubic zirconia....diamond. Best wishes lowballing elsewhere.
Apr 13Reply

@aasmaa oh and the watch you made that silly $14 offer on is also brand new with tags and priced quite reasonably as it is. I also couldn't help but notice that when you sold some watches you didn't sell them for $14.00. Quite tacky right there.
Apr 14Reply

How disrespectful offering $15 for a brand new watch. Don’t visit my site again
Apr 14Reply

1p2022 @aasmaa Hi! If you are interested in the bag and wallet I could do $75 if we do it another way. I only price things higher because of the money the app takes. I'd also do $150 for this bag and wallet and the Kate spade bag.
Lmk! Have a blessed day! 😌🙏🏽✨
Apr 16Reply

Good afternoon. I saw where you liked quite a few items of mine. If you would like to go and create a bundle and I can give you a huge discount. I’m going to work now but when I get back home around 6:00. I send you an offer. Thanks for all your likes.
Apr 18Reply

Hi, I accidently deleted some things on r]the app Poshmark where you had picked out the Anne Klein rose gold bracelet, and I’m having a problem now sending you the offer! So I just reposted the bracelet and if you’ll just go to the app again, I have the bracelet listed to $14 from the original $16, and you can purchase it this way, sorry for the inconvenience I have caused. Thank you !
Apr 19Reply

Thank you so much for all the likes. Please feel free to make an offer or even a bundle. I am ready to SELL.
Apr 21Reply

Thank you for liking my listing for the Calvin Klein Crossbody,, please make a Reasonable Offer & it is yours, Ciao!!
Apr 25Reply

@aasmaa hi please come and visit my closet and if you like something will put it in a bundle and send you a special discounted offer 🤗💐🛍🎀
I also have a special offer 25% on clothes & 20% off on any 2 or more jewelry take advantage 🤗💐🌺🎀🛍
May 03Reply

Hello thank you so much for shopping my closet the solid green sweater around but neck do you want to pick another item
May 08Reply

the solid green sweater have a hole around the neck in the back of it do you want to pick another item
May 08Reply

@wkdavis it’s sold out ??
May 08Reply

@wkdavis ooh ok thanks 🙏🏼
May 08Reply

@aasmaa No it is still available it's been in my store for awhile when I first listed it it was not a hole around the collar this is the only one I have available do you want me to switch it out for something else you liked
May 08Reply

@wkdavis Naah it’s ok dear 🙏🏼thanks a lot 🙏🏼
May 08Reply

Your offer of $15 on a brand new in the box Coach watch is insulting and would never be considered.
May 23Reply

Hi sorry but I can’t accept your offer. Another person has just purchased 1 of the items and in any event , I’m always happy to look at offers but they must be reasonable
Jun 02Reply

🙋♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything you love 💕 on Poshmark 🛍️ Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫Wishing you all the best ☘️
Jun 15Reply

Hello dear! I can’t accept your offers! They’re really low! I’ll not be able to make any profits on the items! Since you know poshmark take a porcent of the sales!
Jun 17Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Be sure to check out my closet for some great deals & feel free to leave me an offer as I accept most reasonable offers! Happy poshing💕
Jun 20Reply

Like everyone else has said, your offers are insultingly low. Please have some respect for others.
Jun 23Reply

@skye_mariee I apologize I just put off after that your choice to accept or put highest offer on your side dear ! Thanks 🙏🏼
Jun 23Reply

@aasmaa Your offers are rude!
Jun 30Reply

@aasmaa STOP
Jun 30Reply

Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet this morning with a number of likes. I’m willing to do additional discounts for bundles but would likely need to do at least 2 bundles to manage postage. If you are interested it would help to know which items you are most interested in. Thanks!
Jul 02Reply

Hi thank you for your like let me know if you’re interested thank you
Jul 03Reply

Sorry about the bundle, I could never take $20 for all those items! I would make maybe $15.
Jul 14Reply

Jul 24Reply

Please 'bundle' the items you like in my closet. I will make you an offer plus only 1 shipping charge.
Jul 24Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Posh Ambassador let me know if you have any questions I would be happy to help you. I hope you have a wonderful week!😊
Sep 12Reply

I have to remove one of the purses from the bundle. If you want to renegotiate for the other four that is fine but I have to remove the one that is dark brown that has light brown corners on the purse.
Sep 23Reply

I've already given you a deal that made me loose money, I can't do it again, the offers that you are giving me is half the price of one item, I don't mind working with anyone who's having a hard time, but I'm trying to make a living myself, please don't send me anymore offers unless they are with in reason, I can't afford that again!
Sep 25Reply

Hi, I see that you like a few things in my closet. If you make a bundle I can give you a discount. 🌸🌺
Sep 26Reply

I am thrilled that you are enjoying the purses that you purchased. I will be listing a few new ones that I have that you may want to make a bundle of. Your last bundle of 3 purses are all purses that you don’t have but I have to raise the prices. I can’t do $30.00 a purse on $350.00 and $400.00 purses. I am sure that you understand. I am happy to negotiate the price but it has to be reasonable. I hope that we can continue doing business together.
Sep 29Reply

I want to accept one of your bundles for the purses My issue is that I want to make sure that we find a price that works for us both. Given the amount of money that I spent on each purse, I am trying to get 60 to 70 a purse which still saves you a lot of money on each purse. Think about it and make an offer if somewhere in that price range works for you. If not, I completely understand and appreciate the business that you have given me so far.
Oct 07Reply

Oct 12Reply

Hi Lovely,
Welcome to Poshmark !
❤️🌎♻️ It's nice to meet you.
My name is Rocio. I am a Posh Ambassador, and I hope you like the Poshmark community. If you have any questions, I will be happy to assist you. Please check out my closet. I have a little bit of everything and something for everyone! New and used!
Pet and smoke-free home.
I love art 🎨 specially if it's made with recycled ♻️ materials. The most important thing is to have fun selling/ buying & don't forget to spread the love! 💕
Oct 12Reply

Will you create the bundle for the purses again and I will accept the offer as long as it is reasonable?
Oct 16Reply

Hello there, I accepted your offer for the bundle of purses but there was an issue with the payment method. Can you please fix that so that I can get these purses sent out to you ASAP?
Oct 18Reply

would be glad to give you a great bundle deal on the items you liked, can post them together with reduced shipping.
Oct 22Reply

Hello dear Thank you for your likes ❤️Offer welcome 🤗
Oct 24Reply

Please check you payment method. It was declined for the Cole Haan coat.
Oct 27Reply

@melissamille300 I apologize I was bg with my family issues! I will resend offer tomorrow 🙏🏼🙏🏼I will appreciate if you accept again! Thanks 🙏🏼 for bless you
Oct 30Reply

Please don’t waste my team with a lowball offer. That’s rude. Blocked.
Nov 04Reply

Sorry we can’t make a deal but my $20 offer is already low for a Michael Kors vest…thanks!
Nov 09Reply

@southshorestore no worries dear I found mk red same vest for 12 with 3.99 shipping and I’m happy now thanks for your time dear 🙏🏼❤️
Nov 09Reply

I have NEVER seen so many comments before about what a lowballer a person is. Do you have no shame? People are telling you that your behavior is not ok yet you keep doing it. I don’t know who raised you but they failed.
Nov 14Reply

Hi, the lowest we can do is $80. Thank you!
Nov 21Reply

Hi, I apologize I could not accept your offer on the NWT Nordstrom Pants, Northface winter jacket, NWT American Eagle Jacket And NWT Limited puffer Vest for 20.00 after Posh fees I would only get like 16.00 for all that. Have a great day! I’m hoping I saw offer right? Let me know happy to help
Nov 25Reply

Hey, thank you for your interest in my page! I know you offered $35 for the pink MK wallet a few times.. but $40 is the lowest I can go on that one. However, I noticed that you liked a navy MK wallet today. I can give you that one for $35 if you’re interested. I’ll tag you in it so you know exactly which one I’m talking about. Also, the MK scarf is pretty affordable if you’re interested in that as well :)
Dec 11Reply

Hi qhich two lipsticks do you want please?
Dec 16Reply

Hi 👋🏼 there❣️
The Holidays 🍁🌲🍂 are coming! Are you ready to shop 🛍🛍 Poshmark?‼️✅️💕
Dec 17Reply

Hi pls read the note I put on your bundle page. Hope to hear from you before morning because I have a 8 am mail pickup and I can’t send your bundle until I hear from you. Thanks
Dec 20Reply

Hi please contact me so I can get your package in the mail to you. I have a question look on your bundle page. Thanks.
Dec 20Reply

Hi pls contact me ASAP nthanks
Dec 21Reply

please do not offer me $30 on a $100 mk nwt purse. just pls don’t do it
Dec 22Reply

You just sent me a $60 offer for $188 worth of brand new bags RUDE lowballed!!
Jan 09Reply

The adidas shorts sold 2 hours ago so sorry
Jan 25Reply

How about 30
Jan 25Reply

@aasmaa mind confirming your order?
Feb 06Reply

Thank you for shopping browsing in my closet your offer of $25. For a brand new black Crossbody, Michael Kors purse is way below the listing price please feel free send me another offer all REASONABLE offers are welcome Thank you for stopping by. Happy Poshing
Feb 10Reply

It is not nice to throw lowball offers as well Thank you for stopping by my closet but I could not accept $25 on a brand new Michael Kors purse.
Feb 11Reply

@aasmaa please stop harassing me about my watches and being hateful and also offering a lower price. I’m now firm on my prices
Feb 15Reply
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