Meet your Posher, Margie
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Hi! I'm Margie and this is my assistant posher, Captain Jack. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Chico and AEROSOLES. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

436 others
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Hello!welcome to poshmark 👛👠👗good luck with your closet 🍀☘️🍀☘️happy holidays 🎉🎄💝🎁🎉🎉
Dec 23Reply

@msbonvivant ❤️🐾
Jan 11Reply

@nicestuffhere Thanks! We just love him to pieces!
Jan 11Reply

Awww your doggie is a cutie😀❤️
Jan 11Reply

Thank you. He is the best thing in my closet!
Jan 11Reply

✨ Welcome to Poshmark ✨
Feel free to check out my closet and hopefully, you find something you like 🤩 Wishing you the best of luck and speedy sales!
🦋 Happy Poshing! 🦋
Jan 20Reply

@linglingsbtq Thank you for the kind words and welcoming me Poshmark! I appreciate you taking the time to wish me and my closet well! I will consider you my Fairy Posh Mother!!🧚🏿♀️👼
Jan 20Reply

Thanks for stopping by and sharing my closet. You have a lot of nice items. Happy Poshing!
Jan 21Reply

@leggsleo Good morning! Thank you for thanking me!! It was a pleasure, you have a great closer! I will keep you on my radar! Have a lovely day!🙋♀️
Jan 21Reply

@karenpey Thank you very much for your kind words! I have actually lost ten pounds since I started lugging that mannequin around!
Jan 26Reply

Oh! Most importantly, thank you for sharing! 🙏
Jan 26Reply

Thanks for the shares! 🐶
Jan 26Reply

@cnrscloset Back at you Posh Sister!🐱
Jan 26Reply

You have such a cute assistant!! 😉🐶❤️
Jan 27Reply

OMG!! Your puppy looks like my puppy!! They could be brothers 🐶🐶🐶
Jan 30Reply

@shwartzwald LOL! Brothers from other Mothers! I just love this guy! I am working for dog treats. Give your boy a tummy rub for me! I am sure your guy is just as special!
Jan 30Reply

@msbonvivant I really like your omega watch, do you mind if you can hold it for me till Wednesday. It’s when I get paid. I would really appreciate it!
Feb 09Reply

@magster111 Hello! Absolutely can do that for you. It is a lovely wonderful vintage watch that is not for everyone and it not a thrifted item so I would be very pleased that it goes to a good home! If I cannot figure out how to put it on hold, I will delete the post until you message me. Thank you very much for looking at my closet! ~ Margie
Feb 09Reply

Hello again! Since I sent out the offers to you and another person, Poshmark will not allow me to remove or mark “Not for Sale”. I can’t do anything until the offer expires. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and as soon as the 24 hours is up, I can change the listing. I apologize for the inconvenience. ~ Margie
Feb 09Reply

Hello! I just tried to change the listing to Not For Sale or to remove it. Poshmark will not allow me to until the 24 hours is up for the private offer I sent to you and another person. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and I will change the listing tomorrow at 1:22 PST. I am very sorry for the inconvenience! ~ Margie
Feb 09Reply

@magster111 Hello again. Poshmark won’t let me delete or mark the listing not for sale until the full 24 hours is up on the private offer I sent to you another Posher. I apologize for the inconvenience and will keep me fingers crossed. I can change the listing at 1:22pm PST. I apologize, I didn’t know about the 24 hour offer expiration rule. ~ Margie P.S. would you kindly message me back that you got this message?
Feb 09Reply

@msbonvivant Thank you so much for trying. Let’s cross our fingers
Feb 10Reply

@magster111 🤞!!!! I appreciate you messaging me back!
Feb 10Reply

@msbonvivant of course!
Feb 10Reply

@magster111 Hello! I put the watch on “Not For Sale”. Just message me when you are ready. Thank you!
Feb 10Reply

Hey - Captain Jack is adorable! Thanks for the shares - you have a great closet! :)
Feb 12Reply

@unfoldwings Thank you! I was thinking the same of your handsome fur person! I don’t know what I would without him! I enjoyed your closet as well! Happy Valentines Day! ~ Margie
Feb 12Reply

Thank you for stopping by my boutique! Feel free to add anything you like to your bundle, I will work with you on the price! Note that bundles save $ on shipping and also provide a better discount on multiple items! Feel free to ask any questions! Happy poshing! ☺️
Feb 12Reply

@xo4esh Thank you so very much and you have a lovely closet! I thought that I removed the tunic when I was sharing and bundled on accident. Just wanted to let you and thank you for looking at my closet as well! ~ Margie
Feb 12Reply

@msbonvivant No problem dear, just keep me in mind when you need new outfits ;)))
Feb 12Reply

@xo4esh You got a deal!⭐️✌️
Feb 12Reply

Thank you!
Feb 14Reply

@joytothelord. Hello Begigno! If you were referring to Capt. Jack he sends you well wishes! ~ Margie....Capt . Jack’s servant!
Feb 14Reply

Your puppy is too cute!🐕💗
Feb 18Reply

@momtwo_feathers Chewie is adorable too! Yes, we are both working for Shih Tzu’s! I don’t know what I would do without the little monster! Thanks for the shares! Uploaded new items and will be re-sharing a little later. Give Chewie and his buddy a kiss for me! ~ Margie
Feb 18Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet! I need all the help I can get! I enjoyed sharing yours too!
Feb 28Reply

@dawnmoore12 Thank you! I totally know what you mean! ~ Margie P.S. Will swing back later today and do some more sharing!!💫
Feb 28Reply

Hi Margie,
Are you no longer selling the gold watch?
Mar 03Reply

@itsemmak Hi Jenny. Sorry, I did sell it today outside of Poshmark. 🙁
Mar 03Reply

@msbonvivant I’m happy you sold it! 👍🏼
Sad for me taking too long to think about buying it 😔
I’ll enjoy the one I did get to buy from you though ♥️
Mar 03Reply

@itsemmak I think you would be much happier with the silver square. While the gold was very nice, the one you bought was my favorite of the two. Although, it would have been nice to have sold you both!
Mar 03Reply

@msbonvivant You are a sweet lady Margie! I will cherish this watch for the rest of my life ♥️
Mar 03Reply

Great closet, and I just love that pup! I have her twin, Mary Puppins, the love of my life🤠
Mar 06Reply

@ladyhawke124 Thank you for the kind words on my closet and Capt. Jack aka Lil’ Bit. We got him from a shelter just before they were going to put him down. Now he runs the house and I wouldn’t have it any other way!!🐶
Mar 06Reply

A wonderful story! As a child, I had a Pekingese named Little Bit, her daughter named Bitsy. I love these Shih Tzus, though.
Mar 06Reply

@ladyhawke124 Yes! I agree. Lil’Bit follows a long line of beautiful Shih Tzu’s we have had over the years....but don’t tell him, he thinks he is super special! You have a excellent curated closet as well!
Mar 06Reply

Beuatiful Fur Baby, my best friend has a terrier named Jack, lol. Thanks for following me and mine!
Mar 27Reply

@holbrooksusan Hi Susan! Thank you! Hard to believe the pound was going to euthanize my little guy! I see you rescue Pugs! You are a hero in my book!🙏🐶
Mar 27Reply

@msbonvivant Thank you! The Animal Control Guy in our area who had a heart still, when I lived in the country and had the space, would drop off dogs at my house for over 10 years to keep them from getting euthanized, if they were not adopted in the short time they were allowed there. You can imagine the mix of herds I had, but they were happy:) Thanks for all your shares! My pugs are the center of my universe;)
Mar 27Reply

@holbrooksusan That’s great❤️! My story is my first Shih Tzu I had ran away from home when someone was dog sitting and I made a deal with “The Power to Be” that if he came home I would rescue dogs! My prayer came true and I have kept my word! We have had many dog come and get re-homed. We have meet many incredible fur people. We picked up 3 at the pound and ended keeping Capt Jack and his best bud Ted! Hope you the best and nice to get to know you!
Mar 27Reply

@msbonvivant Always rescues waiting that is for sure. Glad yours came home to you, what a nightmare though. You can tell Captain Jack is a character. Dog lovers have to stick together, always happy to share your items too, thanks again!
Mar 27Reply

@queen_ne263 Thank you so very much! I really appreciate you letting me know. Means a lot to me!✌️~ Margie
Mar 30Reply

@msbonvivant what a Cute Posher! 🙏♥️ welcome to stop by me 🎀
Mar 31Reply

@highfashnz Thank you! He is the best thing in my closet🐶😀 ~ Margie
Mar 31Reply

@msbonvivant he’s beautiful 😺
Mar 31Reply

@highfashnz He says thanks! Hard to believe he was a dog pound puppy!
Mar 31Reply

@msbonvivant thank you for adopting! So beautiful. 😺🐕♥️ 🙏
Mar 31Reply

@highfashnz Thank you again. I will check that out! We have been rescuing for quite awhile now but couldn’t re-home the little guy. Your closet is absolutely amazing😮 and your sharing has been very much appreciated! Nice to get to know you!~ Margie
Mar 31Reply

Check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕🐩🐾🐾🐾
Apr 02Reply

Apr 09Reply

@konaturtles What a precious baby! They are the best things in our closets! 🐶 ~Margie
Apr 09Reply

This dog is so cute!🤩
Apr 11Reply

@marymendoza10 Thank you! He is getting a big head!🐶😮
Apr 11Reply

@tiersal Thank you!🐶
Apr 19Reply

@ggluvbeach Hi Gina! Welcome to Poshmark!! I am very happy to be following you and if you have any questions down the road, feel free to ask! ~ Margie and 🐶! 💫✨
Apr 19Reply

What kind of dog? We have a dog, Havanese with similar markings! He’s the best thing in my closet too!
Apr 19Reply

Aww!! So sweet! I am a hopeless animal lover! ❤️
Apr 19Reply

@savanna333 Best kind of person to be! Thanks for stopping by my closet! ~ Margie 🐶
Apr 19Reply

@diane63054 Hi Diane! That is so funny you mentioned Havanese. We rescued this Shih Tzu and two other dogs from the shelter and the other two were supposed to be Shih Tzus but I except they are Havanese. We love them! Hey, thanks for stopping by my closet! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack🐶
Apr 19Reply

Hi Margie thank you so much for sharing!
Your puppy is adorable 😍
Apr 23Reply

@sweet468 Thank you as well! Your fur person is equally adorable as well!🐶. ~ Margie
Apr 23Reply

🙋Hi, Thank you for all the shares.👌Have a wonderful day!😃 Happy Poshing!💐
Apr 24Reply

@surburban22 Thank you as well! Have a lovely day! 🙏 ~ Margie
Apr 24Reply

Awww love your pup! So precious ❤️
Apr 25Reply

@fabmissvi Thank you! He just means the world to me! Appreciate you stopping by my closet! Have a great day! ~ Margie
Apr 25Reply

@fabmissvi Oh! And your handsome lad/lady is in my “Likes” along with all the darling fur people I have met along the way! Funny, you would think this was all about clothes!
Apr 25Reply

@msbonvivant Isn’t it wonderful how animals bring people together? ☺️ My dog is Fabulus Miss Violet (fabulous misspelled on purpose). She’s an American Staffordshire Terrier that we rescued in 2014. She’s my baby girl 😃
Apr 25Reply

@msbonvivant Have a pleasant evening and a beautiful tomorrow!🌺
Apr 25Reply

Apr 28Reply

Captain Jack resembles our Boog Boog very much❤️
Apr 28Reply

@smaroulis We rescued him with the intent if re-homing him but now he runs the household and we wouldn’t have it any other way! Give your fur baby a belly rub for me!🐶
Apr 28Reply

@msbonvivant ours was a rescue too! The most lovable dog we’ve ever had! He passed last yr from pancreatitis- even though we had him on prescription food. It was devastating. Today we saw a similar dog in Lowe’s- & now on your site- brings back very happy memories- but very sad also. I’ve got my grandpups on my feed & my daughter’s “wolf”- ❤️animals.
Apr 28Reply

@smaroulis So very sorry about Boog Boog. I know how that feels. Capt. Jack aka Lil’ Bit agreed to post some more pics so when you are ready again to be rescued by one of the four legged people you can share him with us! Nice to have met you and thank you for your kind words! Lil ‘ Bit says I owe him a treat now! ~ Margie
Apr 28Reply

@msbonvivant thank you so much- give an extra kiss from me xoxo Susan
Apr 28Reply

Thanks very much for the share, love your closet as well 😉
Apr 29Reply

@zuros77 My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by my closet! The baby clothes were sooo darling! Have a wonderful night! ~ Margie
Apr 29Reply

@msbonvivant Aw thanks. And you too!
Apr 29Reply

Hi thanks for following 😊
Apr 29Reply

@caligirl908 My pleasure! I appreciate your support as well! ~ Margie✌️
Apr 29Reply

@msbonvivant My pleasure !
Apr 29Reply

✨✨Happy Posh Shopping 🛍 🛒 Just checking out your closet ✨✨. Love the dog 🐶
May 01Reply

@jenniferann220 Hi there! Sorry I missed you earlier. Thanks for stopping by my closet and for the kind words for my pooch!🐶✌️ ~ Margie
May 01Reply

Thank you for the shares from my closet luv !!! Happy Poshing and your puppy is adorable👌😊💖
May 02Reply

@margareto My pleasure! Anytime✌️~ Margie
May 02Reply

Hi. Welcome to Poshmark and I’d love for you to check out my closet and see if I’ve got anything you just need to have! I’m open to offers so I hope to hear from you. Have a great weekend!
May 04Reply

@jasonbrooks Thank you Jason for the warm welcome! You have a wonderful closet! ~ Margie
May 04Reply

Captain Jack looks like a VERY good boy. 🥰 Hello from a fellow lover of Shih Tzus! 👋🏻
May 18Reply

@wantnotdotnet Hello! Capt. Jack a VERY good boy.....when he feels like it! He is a rescue too and we are very grateful for him and his buddy Ted! Your two are delightful as well.🐶. Thank you for kind words and stopping by my closet! ~Margie
May 18Reply

Love your assistant. 1😍🤗🐕
May 20Reply

@ilovedeals212 Thank you! Your little assistants are precious too! Thanks for stopping by closet! ~ Margie
May 20Reply

@msbonvivant Thank you. 😊
May 20Reply

@msbonvivant 👠 hey ty so much for checking out our closet. I have lost 100+ lbs & raised a few fashionista's so our closet is more 6 in one! We list wkly 3/4 x's
offer only the very best
New & Laundered
& lightly worn with care items
We ship same day
Offer Combined Shipping for more then one item! Offer 15%off bundling
Offer a private discount on top of that
For bund of 3+
Jewelry & Swim are Fixed Price
27$ are as marked FINAL MARKDOWNS Offer sent on you liked item
Always w/🎁
Jun 15Reply

@jeanfinder Super! Thanks for reaching out! Great closet! ~ Margie
Jun 15Reply

Such a cute dog!
Jun 23Reply

@sayyestofun Thank you! I just love him to bits! Thanks for stopping by closet ✌️
Jun 23Reply

@connie_posh Thank you Connie for the words of inspiration! ~ Margie
Jun 24Reply

💜Hi Margie! CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING AN AMBASSADOR😊 Thank you for following me. I truly appreciate your support. Please check out my closet from time to time, and I will do the same. Share and care. Until the next time, Be Blessed💜🥰💐💕
Jul 07Reply

💜Margie, I apologize, I forgot...your fur baby is adorable💜 Couldn’t have done better🥰🐶💜
Jul 07Reply

@madblk3 Thank you Madelyn! Thanks for the kind words for stopping by my closet. You have some great items in your closet! ~ Margie
Jul 07Reply

So precious! I have a shih tzu too! ❤️❤️
Jul 07Reply

@simellin85 The are my favorite too! Little Heart melters! Thanks for stopping by my closet and give your Shih Tzu a tummy scratch for me! ~ Margie
Jul 07Reply

I hope you don't mind but I shared a few of your petite sized items to the" all petite" party a few min ago. Happy poshing, !
Jul 08Reply

@chenahisintj Thank you very much Chena! I appreciate the shares and you stopping by my closet!✌️🙏 ~ Margie
Jul 08Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 08Reply

@2ndhandtreasure Thank you very much Annmarie for the kind words and stopping by my closet! You have some great items too! ✨~ Margie
Jul 08Reply

Hi thanks for all the shares 😍
Oct 19Reply

@themetaldaisy Back at you! Great closet!
Oct 19Reply

@msbonvivant 😍
Oct 19Reply

@themetaldaisy thank you for the follow and I ❤️your fur baby!! Don’t they melt your heart ♥️. Take a look at my closet and I hope you find👚👛👜something you can’t live with out👖💍👗and then bundle for 2 or more for the best discount 💜💜🌼🛍🛍happy 🛍
Oct 24Reply

Hi Captain Jack!
Oct 24Reply

@surreala Capt. Jack says hello! And now he wants a biscuit......he says his job is done! 🐶
Oct 24Reply

@samdeb51 Thank you for your kind words and Capt. Jack is the best thing in my closet! ~ Margie
Oct 24Reply

Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Oct 24Reply

What a cutie face! 🐾
Oct 24Reply

@micbonin Capt. Jack says thank you! 🐶
Oct 24Reply

Hi there! Thanks so much for the shares & your lovely closet. I can’t get enough of your “assistant”! What at Cutie pie 🥰!?! I Support you & best wishes!
Oct 27Reply

Thank you for the shares! I appreciate it!
Oct 27Reply

@ads939598 Thank you for your kind words! I see you have an assistant too! What a beautiful Shih Tzu! I appreciate you visiting my closet! ~ Margie
Oct 27Reply

@ads939598 My pleasure! Thank you for visiting my closet! ~ Margie
Oct 27Reply

That face!! 🥰
Oct 27Reply

@bobbieandwinnie Thanks Bobbie! He is my little angel! Thanks for visiting my closet! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Oct 27Reply

🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 27Reply

@purplepixiemom Thank! Back at you. I appreciate you visiting my Closet! ~ Margie
Oct 27Reply

Hi Margie, thanks for following us!👍
We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋
I hope you find great bargains & have many sales!📈
Happy Posh'ing!🎉
Peace be with you!🙏n☮️n💗
Oct 27Reply

@lakedwellerhb Hello Jimbo and G! Pleasure is all mine! Back at you! ~ Margie
Oct 27Reply

@kimberlyfujioka Aloha Kimberly! Capt. Jack and I wish you much success! ~ Margie and the Captain🐶
Oct 28Reply

Hi Margie, thanks very much for all the shares and posh love. 💕🥰💕 Your kindness is much appreciated. 😊🌺🌼 I used to live in Del Mar and my brother currently lives in Carlsbad. I still miss California. 😔 Many wishes for many more sales to come. 🛍👜🛍 Thanks again, Barb 🙂💜💛
Oct 31Reply

@chloescloset07 My pleasure Barb! I was admiring you fur baby! Your closet is VERY easy to share and was a pleasure! I love Del Mar! But believe me, you don’t miss the traffic! Wish you much success! ~ Margie
Oct 31Reply

@msbonvivant Aw, thank you so much, really.😊🥰 My fur baby is Chloe. She's my sweet Sheltie girl. Your fur baby Capt. Jack looks like a sweetie too. I love animals.💕 You are very right about the one thing I don't miss, lol...the traffic. I do miss when I would leave for work...I would have the mountains in front of me and the ocean in my rearview mirror. Of course, I miss Roberto's too. Yum. Thanks again! Barb😊💜💛
Oct 31Reply

@chloescloset07 OMG! Roberto’s Beef Tacos! Nice to meet you! ~ Margie
Nov 01Reply

@msbonvivant Nice to meet you too.😊
Nov 01Reply

Hello 🙋♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🎀🌷Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Nov 01Reply

@bobbett328 It was my pleasure! Wishing you much success! ~ Margie
Nov 02Reply

@msbonvivant Aww, Thank you 🥰🥰 Have a fantastic Posh weekend 😊🌺🌸
Nov 02Reply

I love your dog 💖
Nov 02Reply

@ashleychatfiel Thanks Ashley! He means the world to me! Have a great weekend! ~ Margie
Nov 02Reply

👋 Thanks for following my closet. I see you have a furry cutie pie. Oh how I miss my little fur baby. Savannah passed away in 2016 but I keep her pic as my profile. Wishing you speedy sales 🥰
Nov 02Reply

@ms_az3200 Thank you for your kind words and I am so sorry about your loss regarding your darling dog and companion. I know how that feels. Wishing you much success and have a lovely weekend. ~ Margie
Nov 02Reply

@msbonvivant 😘
Nov 02Reply

Hi Margie! Is that a shih tzu in your photo? I have a tan shih tzu named Stella that we rescued in July. The breed is so well behaved&sweet, she is my little Poshing buddy. I Posh full time to pay my bills as I recently became unempoyed. I've got a great line of dog items listed in my closet & $1 from every purchase of those items will be donated to the ASPCA to help rescue dogs♡.
Nov 03Reply

Hi there! Thanks for the follow! 🥰 Feel free to look around my closet and if you see something you like, make me an offer. I am always open to offers! Or create a bundle and I can provide a nice discount.
Also, $10 items with 🌻🌻 are 2 for $15.
Enjoy and Happy Posting! 💛
Nov 03Reply

@denimdaisy Hi there! Yes, Capt. Jack is my Shih Tzu Posh Buddy! We rescued him and two other Shih Tzu mixes from a high kill shelter near LA. Capt. Jack will 5th Shih Tzu over the years and the do bring much joy. I am sorry to hear about your job and I am kinda of the same boat so I hope the shares help and it is very admirable that you donate to the ASPCA! Enjoy your day and I wish you much success! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Nov 03Reply

Thanks for all the shares!! You are amazing!! 🧡 🤗
Nov 03Reply

@luxurybylisa Hi there! Thank you for the comment! You have some great stuff! ~ Margie
Nov 03Reply

@msbonvivant Awe that's wonderful! My mom has had 5 over the years as well. Thank goodness you saved them♡♡. I wish you the very best with selling and will keep sharing your items, thanks for your shares and for the kind words. My dog has been great company while being home & I'm sure you find the same. Best wishes, Katie of DenimDaisy 🌻
Nov 03Reply

Hi Margie‼️ I am Melanie. Thanks for the follow😊
Nov 05Reply

@isaidmelanie Hi Melanie! The pleasure is all mine. Your scarves are beautiful! ~ Margie
Nov 05Reply

Cute fur baby!
Nov 06Reply

@lpskm Thanks Lisa! Looks like you do too! Thanks for visiting my closet! ~ Margie
Nov 06Reply

💕🍁Hello thanks for following me and sharing 🍁💕💕
Nov 07Reply

@bertads My pleasure! Easy closet to share! Wishing you much success! ~ Margie
Nov 07Reply

@msbonvivant Welcome to Poshmark 🛍🛍🛍
Nov 07Reply

@zeyca Thank you for the warm welcome!~Margie
Nov 07Reply

Hi, I am currently having a CRAY CRAY SALE 🛒 4 FOR $19!!! Swing by my closet. I have woman's, men's, kids and other items. I have all 5 star rating... Hope to see you soon!
Nov 08Reply

@msbonvivant precious doggy. My Oliver, a Maltese is featured in my closet too🥰
Nov 08Reply

@msbonvivant send to you too 🙏
Nov 08Reply

Thank you for the share!
Nov 08Reply

what a creative name for a doggie, haha. you guys are too cute together, Margie! thanks for browsing my closet. he is a true cutie lol. I wonder how old he is. lmk if anything in my closet could be of assistance to you two ;)
Nov 08Reply

so happy to meet you!❤ please feel free to checkout my closet I've got mystery boxes and much more❤❤ happy poshing
Nov 08Reply

@liledeglace Thank you for the kind words! He is a rescue and only has one eye that doesn’t miss much! He is my Little Flying Monkey and we both wish you much success! ~ Margie
Nov 08Reply

@changing4u2010 Thank you! The pleasure is all mine! Wishing you much success and have a lovely day! ~ Margie
Nov 08Reply

@choleq Pleasure was all mine! ~ Margie
Nov 08Reply

Awwwww what adorable furry paws🤗🌺😍😘😁
Nov 08Reply

Welcoming ❤️😍
Nov 09Reply

@armida49 Thank you! He is my sweet Baby Boy! Thanks for visiting my closet! ~ Margie
Nov 09Reply

@jonathanfbarrow Back at you! Thanks for visiting my closet! ~ Rick
Nov 09Reply

@msbonvivant. Is he Lhasa Apso? I have a Lahasa have photo of him in my closet🤗
Nov 09Reply

@armida49 Hello! Your fur baby is darling! Mine is a Shih Tzu but his brother from another mother looks like yours! Thanks for visiting my closet! Have a great weekend! ~ Margie
Nov 09Reply

@msbonvivant 🌺🤗Thank you. I just adopted him in August the 20th. I adore him he is a sweetheart he's name is Chewy. You too have a super, wonderful weekend.😁💃💛💞
Nov 09Reply

@armida49 @armida49 You are a good woman! We rescued three including my little guy from being put down at a high kill shelter and they give us so much joy! Give Chewie at big kiss from me and here is to you!! He is a lucky guy! 🐶✌️
Nov 09Reply

@msbonvivant. Thank you, yes, my Chewy was surrendered with the stupid excuse of saying they were moving into an apartment where dogs were not allowed. And he is such an angel, sweet dog. I go to the shelter and donate food, and other supplies because I'm very angry and want to find out more of those ugly people. I posted information on Facebook hope those ugly people read it.
Nov 09Reply

@msbonvivant my Facebook is Amy Yvo you can see me there with Chewy, he's name was Chubacca that was his name from those people. The shelter don't want to tell me their name.
Nov 09Reply

@msbonvivant In July the 5th lost my Coco of 18 year's then shortly after I adopted Chewy on the August the 26th lost Rocky. So I have been very devastated. I had adopted Chewy so Rocky would not feel losing Coco then lost him in 6 days of a tumor beneath his heart. So now Chewy is my baby and love him so much.
Nov 09Reply

Hi I apologize for getting back to you a bit late. I have just noticed you is asking for a discount on a bundle. If you like, I'll add you a freebie to your order if interested or if you have any other questions or offer ideas let me kmow. Thank you and happy shopping. :)
Nov 09Reply

@1amgirlrunner Thank you for the kind words! I am very lucky to have Capt. Jack ! We both wish you much success! ~ Margie and The Capt. Jack🐶
Nov 10Reply

WOW, such a beautiful closet and great presentation!!
Nov 11Reply

@savi1210 Good morning Jan! Thank you for the kind words and visiting my closet! I really appreciate your comment! ~ Margie
Nov 11Reply

Precious Asst!😍😍
Nov 12Reply

@ledivascloset Thank you! I see you have a sugar baby too! Simply adorable🐶 ~ Margie
Nov 12Reply

@msbonvivant oh you've got a Shih Tzu too!!! They are so smart and cute! I love my Tux!!! 😘❤️😍
Nov 12Reply

@sweetmary I totally agree with you! Capt. Jack aka Lil’ Bit is our fourth Shih Tzu! They are incredibly sweet, intelligent with the perfect amount of moxie! Give your sweetie a smooch for me and his distant cousin says “Woof”🐶 ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Nov 12Reply

@msbonvivant lol I will do that! I have had Shih Tzus since 1976! I only have one now but I've had three at one time and it was wonderful! They really love their Mama's! Give Cpt. Jack a squeeze for me! 😍❤️😘
Nov 12Reply

You're welcome.
Nov 12Reply

@msbonvivant thankyou!!🥰🥰
Nov 13Reply

@whimgarden Thank you! Feelings are mutual!✌️
Nov 14Reply

I’ll take captain Jack!!!!!
Nov 18Reply

@sarabd10 Hi Sara! Thanks for visiting our closet and The Captain wants to know “What’s for Dinner”! 🐶🐾
Nov 18Reply

@msbonvivant how about steak?
Nov 18Reply

@sarabd10 Okay! We both coming! I see you have two Posh Assistants too. Is the black and white on a Papillon and the one pictured a beautiful Chihuahua? So, I have say you have a great closet and while I am not yet in the market for a new bag, I have heard a lot recently about Patricia Nash bags. The ones you have and have sold are gorgeous! Enjoyed the laugh and getting to know but now Capt. Jack feels left out! ~ Margie and the Captain
Nov 19Reply

@msbonvivant lol. The black and white is a Japanese chin and the white is a Pekingese. Both are really sweet
Nov 19Reply

@sarabd10 Well, don’t put me on Jeopardy! The are both adorable!
Nov 19Reply

@msbonvivant is captain a shih tzu?
Nov 19Reply

@sarabd10 Yes! Our other Shih Tzu passed several years ago and we rescued 3 dogs from a high kill shelter in Los Angeles. My boyfriend was only supposed pick up two but saw Capt. Jack aka Lil’ Bit in the corner shivering with only one eye and a very bad cold and brought him home too and now he runs the show!
Nov 19Reply

@msbonvivant he’s a doll. I have had two shih tzus in my life. Love the breed
Nov 19Reply

@sarabd10 He will be my fifth Shih Tzu and he is a classic one! Lot’s of Moxie, turns out his “brother” is a Havenese and is just about the most adorable guy but just doesn’t have the wit as Capt. Jack. It was a pleasure meeting you and your Pekingese and Japanese Chin! I will send my purse loving friends your way!
Nov 19Reply

@msbonvivant I am honored to converse with an ambassador. Pretty impressive my friend. Have a good night
Nov 19Reply

@sarabd10 The pleasure has been all mine! ~ Margie
Nov 19Reply

@piggsterzcloset Thank you! He is my Baby! Thanks for visiting my closet! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Nov 22Reply

Hi, Margie and Captain Jack! 🐶 Thx for the follow. I'm new to this adventure. Just joined the other day - I'm excited to learn more and hopefully make some sales. Any suggestions for a noob? 🙂
Nov 22Reply

@mentovonmaur Good evening Mento! Thank you for reaching out to me & Capt. Jack and visiting my closet! My suggestion to you is to decide what kind of closet you wish to curate; men’s clothes, women’s clothes, both, etc. Following and sharing every day is mandatory. As cheesy as it sounds start watching Poshmark You Tube Videos. Believe it or not you will learn a lot of tricks and tips that way! Good luck and I wish you much success! ~ Margie
Nov 22Reply

Thanks! Thanks for the insight. Your encouragement is not only much appreciated, but encouraged as well 😊🙌
Nov 22Reply

@mentovonmaur You are very welcome! I still watch “Haul” and “What Sold on Poshmark” videos on a regular basis!
Nov 22Reply

Love Captain Jack!! Such a handsome boy!!! Soooo cute. I can see how you achieved Ambassador Status!!😊 I'm 60 % away from that goal. Any advise or tips? Happy Holidays and continued success to you and Caprain Jack!!!! 🛍🎄
Nov 23Reply

@shopynot Good morning Tony! Thank you for the kind words and Capt. Jack IS hands down the best thing in my closet! Welcome to Poshmark and I hope you teach your goal shortly! One thing you will need to increase your inventory to a minimum of 50. I would highly suggest watching Haul & What Sold videos on YpuTube. You will get a lot of tips & truly valuable insight! I still watch all the time! ~ Margie
Nov 23Reply

Great, thank you. Blessed Holiday Season to you.
Nov 23Reply

@shopynot A Happy Holiday Season to you as well! ~ Margie
Nov 23Reply

I ❤️ your assistant Captain Jack 😆. I also have an assistant. His name is Jumpin Jack Flash 😂Happy Poshing!!🎉🎉
Nov 23Reply

@stafford615 Jill! You should put him on your closet! Everyone loves pooch people and I have met a lot of great Poshers because of The Captain! ~ Margie
Nov 23Reply

@msbonvivant 👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
Nov 23Reply

My name is Jen! I love making beautiful things & finding the right piece for each individual. I can help you find the perfect HOLIDAY gift, too!
One customer called my closet “A stroll through a beautiful garden.” Most of my customers return again & again!
I would love to meet you. I know you will LOVE your purchase whether it’s a gift or it’s something for you. Come to browse, learn & see what’s new! I always have coffee ready. 😉
Nov 25Reply

Your assistant is so cute! Xoxo to Captain Jack!
Nov 28Reply

@pisicuta Thank you! The Captain says back at you and we both wish you and yours a lovely Thanksgiving! We appreciate you visiting our closet! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Nov 28Reply

@msbonvivant thank you, so sweet! I wish you and your a very happy Thanksgiving as well!🙂
Nov 28Reply

@msbonvivant I shall visit again soon, thank you for the shares and I was so great meeting you and the Captain!
Nov 28Reply

Thanks so much for the advice. A Happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours! 🛍👍🦃
Nov 28Reply

@shopynot Happy Thanksgiving Tony.! There is SO much this App can do and really that is how I learned. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving! ~ Margie
Nov 28Reply

@ladylazylake Hi Priscilla! He is a one eyed Shih Tzu but my sister has Yorkie Shih Tzu mixes....we call them Shorkies! Capt. Jack says Happy Holidays to you and yours and thank you for coming our closet! ~ Margie and the Captain🐶
Dec 01Reply

Hi! 🌺 Its so nice to meet you! 💞 Happy Holidays!
Dec 04Reply

@anniebunnii Aloha Annie! Mahalo nui loa🌺! I lived In Waikiki but moved back to the mainland but miss Honolulu very much! Mele Kalikimaka to you and yours! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Dec 04Reply

@msbonvivant I love Captain Jack!🐶
Dec 06Reply

@carlenemahanna Capt. Jack says “Thank you and we appreciate you visiting our closet! And I think he is the best thing in my closet! Wishing you and yours a warm Holiday Season and wishing you much success on Poshmark! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack!
Dec 06Reply

I think our dogs are twinning! hi captain jack :)
Dec 06Reply

@laurenstranger Hello Lauren! Capt. Jack says we are both lucky girls to have such good looking fur buddies and thanks for visiting our closet! Wishing you and yours a delightful Holiday Season! ~ Capt. Jack and Margie
Dec 06Reply

@quincy777 Hi Shawn! Capt. Jack “Thank you kindly!” and we both want to wish you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season! ~ Capt. and Margie
Dec 08Reply

@msbonvivant Hi there!♡ Just added your fashion closet & your home closets to my follow group-there are no rules so please, don't stress about it🥰Its just a group to use to help build your followers as a seller (I add only fave Poshers)& for buyers visiting my page to find some great closets to go check out. Happy Holidays & thanks for your shares!
Dec 12Reply

@denimdaisy Thank you so much for including me in your group! Very much appreciated! Wishing you and yours and your sweet baby a wonderful Holiday Season! ~ Margie
Dec 12Reply

@msbonvivant You are so welcome!! Happy Holidays to you & your furball. Since you are also a fur mama, I wanted to mention that part of the proceeds from my DenimDaisy Dog line are being donated to the ASPCA♡. Happy Holidays!
Dec 12Reply

What a cute fur baby!!! Enjoy poshing!!
Dec 12Reply

@31boswell08 Thank you Paulette! Thank you for the kind words and for visiting my closet! Capt. Jack is the sunshine of my life..,.and I suspect he knows it! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season!
Dec 13Reply

I get it! I have a Shih Tzu named Molly and she doesn’t know she’s a dog🥰
Dec 13Reply

Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for the shares!!
Dec 13Reply

@annthompson385 Hi Ann! Capt. Jack is special boy! We both want to wish you a wonderful Holiday season and thank you for visiting our closet! ~ Margie & The Captain
Dec 14Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Dec 17Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet 🌺🌺🌺
Dec 21Reply

@leahalla1 Happy Holidays Alla! My pleasure! Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season! ~ Margie
Dec 21Reply

@msbonvivant Thank you 🌺
Happy Holidays and all the best to you 🌺🌺🌺
Dec 21Reply

I love shih tsu dogs. I had one way back when.
Jan 05Reply

@natsantangelo OMG! Your kitty is a Captain too! Adorable! Capt. Jack wants me to tell the kitty, “Nice Hat!” ~ Margie and the Captain P.S. Thank you for visiting our closet!🐾😼
Jan 05Reply

Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jan 09Reply

@schracl Thanks! Back at you! ~ Margie
Jan 09Reply

please accept this $5 credit tonight to shop my closet.
Bundle 2 or more items and I'll give u 15 % off your entire order and give u a brand new zippered tote bag.
Jan 11Reply

Margie hi and good afternoon to ya, love the pic, way too cute, thank you for the follow too, have a great wknd. ma'am, Bill
Jan 11Reply

@sargebill Good afternoon Bill! The pleasure is all mine! Thank you for visiting my closet! Should you have any questions regarding the Poshmark platform feel free to ask! Have a lovely weekend! ~Margie and the Captain🐾
Jan 11Reply

@msbonvivant I thank you too, from the wild bunch of Fort K9, lol , you're very much appreciated/
Jan 11Reply

Look at that cute little wet nose ❤️🐶❤️
Feb 16Reply

@alliecat811 Thank you Allie Cat! 🐾🐶❤️😼
Feb 16Reply

Hi, your fur baby is adorable 😊🐶❤️ Thanks for the Follow - have a lovely day - Debbie
Feb 19Reply

@winbell09 Hi Debbie! Thank you for your kind words! He is my baby and the best thing in my closet! Thank you for visiting our closet! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Feb 21Reply

Hi Captain Jack! My assistant’s name is Ivy, she has a brother named Wrigley. We are big baseball fans and dog lovers. Thanks for the share! 🐶🐾
Mar 22Reply

@poshmo24 Hi there! I saw your lovely assistant! We too are avid baseball fans (the Padres) and have followed the Reds since Marge Schott and BIG dog lovers! Thank you for visiting our closet and wishing you much success! ~ Margie and The Capt!
Mar 22Reply

HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Mar 24Reply

@spreadlove Hello! Thanks for visiting my closet and for spreading the PoshLove! ~ Margie and Capt. Jack
Mar 24Reply

@jodielongo Thank you Jodie for your kind words and visiting our closet! We have met so many great people on Poshmark and are very grateful to be apart of this community! May you and yours be safe! ~ Margie & Capt. Jack
Apr 07Reply

Hello! @msbonvivant please let me know when you are done with your bundle and I can send you an additional discount. :)
Mar 28Reply

@kims0913 I don’t see that I put anything in a bundle?
Mar 31Reply

hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 17Reply

Hey there thanks for following me check out my closet and if you see anything you like add it to your bundle. 🛍🦋 I have some great things . Bundle and save always🤞🏽 I am willing to ship out today depending on time 🛍 thanks in advance
Jun 27Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! Blessings 🦋⭐️🌺
Jul 30Reply

@angelaemmerton My Pleasure! Have a lovely weekend and wishing you much success!
Jul 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jan 20Reply

@mylovejewelry Thank you @mylovejewelry! I agree! You have a lovely closet!
Sep 03Reply

@msbonvivant Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 19Reply

@cutehosiery Happy Holidays! Thank you for the kind words and wishing you much success as well! ~ Margie
Dec 19Reply

I love love love you're pretty dog so cute that she or he is just full of love happy Valentine's day dear
Feb 09Reply

@sandrarhoades50 Looks like we both are graced with some adorable fur babies. I am just a simple servant to my old man, he runs the show!
Feb 09Reply
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