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Updated May 24
Updated May 24

Meet your Posher, Mari

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mari. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sophia_p0 Interested in bundling?
Jun 26Reply
toniestreasures Happy 4th. Thanks for your interest in the items in my closet. I am offering a 20% discount on 3 or more bundled items. Enjoy the holiday!
Jul 05Reply
anamarianaissa Thank you happy 4th of July to you too can yu adjust the coach bags to35 with the bundle
Jul 05Reply
jackiemirelez $25 and the wallet is urs! It's a GREAT deal Hun!
Jul 24Reply
something_cute Hi, let me know if your still interested in kids clothes, I can see if I can adjust price to discount shipping?? just let me know 😊
Aug 18Reply
sabrinacooper I will ship out your the shoes tomorrow morning am so sorry I been so bizzy!
Aug 21Reply
cynthaaa Hello & welcome to Poshmark 🎀
Sep 18Reply
rileytavel Yep. I would love it since I paid for them.
Nov 07Reply
anamarianaissa @lynnzillie Hello I think I know how to tell the difference between something that's mine and something that's not. For your information I was out of town and wanted to make sure everything was ok before I answered. For your information my dog got a hold of them and it's was a mess .
Nov 08Reply
anamarianaissa so I'm just going to toss them .I apologize. Second of all this was your responsibility to send us our your correct item this would of never happen with Your negligent. I was expecting my stuff too.but understand suff happens otherwise I would of never reported this as a problem
Nov 08Reply
mattietee Hello. I'm mattietee from Missouri and I've enjoyed buying and selling on Poshmark for almost 3 years!! It is so much fun. If you need any help in any way please ask me & if you get a chance check out my closet I have your ring ready to mail first thing in the morning. Thank u so much
Dec 04Reply
blsstyles @anamarianaissa hi! I shipped out the Nike shoes. The tracking number is 9505 5140 1591 6341 0448 01 via USPS. Thanks!
Dec 06Reply
anamarianaissa @blsstyles great thank you
Dec 07Reply
awilla4 Hey you purchased my mac foundation and matte powder... They're being mailed out tomorrow! Sorry it's taken so long it's been a long week w some things going on in my life! Sorry for the wait but they should then arrive by Monday!!!
Feb 17Reply
awilla4 I know it took a week but your stuff is already shipped out? Afr you going to ship it back?
Feb 22Reply
issaleigh @anamarianaissa If we can agree on $40 I will ship them this morning.
May 05Reply
issaleigh If you are still interested in the coach Flats I will take $30
May 10Reply
natssboutique Hi it's Natalie, you recently bought ugg moccasins from me. Just wanted to let you know I will be shipping them tomorrow. So sorry for the wait, hope you have a great day 😄.
Oct 26Reply
jmasfashion Hello! Let me know if you are interested in the bundle you created of the PINK shirt and Adidas leggings. I sent you an offer for $7. 😊
Aug 26Reply
jmccurry945 Thanks again for the purchase🎉 was the package delivered?
Sep 23Reply
bramerpac I apologize about the baby uggs but I was going to ship them Friday morning when I was off work but we were hit here in Alaska with a 7.0 magnitude earthquake so I’ve been focused on cleaning up and mail/flights are delayed right now.
Dec 02Reply
anamarianaissa @bramerpac I'm so sorry to hear that I hope you and your family are ok.
Dec 04Reply
juliamaurchie Do you still want those blue Cubs pants?? I'll do 20$
Jan 06Reply
sabrina712 Welcome
Apr 17Reply
sabrina712 Welcome
Apr 17Reply
toyo07 Hello thanks for check my closet make me an reasonable offer 😉
Jun 27Reply
annaloveshop Happy Tuesday! If you are still interested in the Lancome set, I will take the offer you previous sent me. Just resubmit!
Sep 03Reply
annaloveshop Sorry sent to wrong person! Oops!
Sep 03Reply
brendamayz Hi Ana! Great news! It actually does have the change pad with the coach bag! It was inside the whole time lol
Oct 17Reply
pink21367 Hello. Please decline my offer, that was a mistake. Thank you.
Mar 22Reply
pink21367 I’m talking about the yeti cup. I have to delete the listing and repost it.
Mar 22Reply
demilehr2 Thanks for the like of Never used Gucci Bag!!!
Apr 05Reply
nikiaw hi just wanted to let you know I shipped your items on Monday, but it seems like the post office hasn't scanned it yet. I will keep an eye out.
Oct 01Reply
superfurmomma Mari, thank you for the like on the boots in my closet. I have all the brand names that you like in my closet. If you bundle two items I’ll give you 15% off the total and discount shipping. Three or more items I’ll give you 15% off the total and free shipping!! Also a brand new in box kitchen scale worth 19 dollars for a thank you gift. If you have any questions I would love to answer them for you.❤️😁 Thanks again.
Nov 05Reply
ajeantaylor Thank you for your purchase of the shoes.. we are expecting a storm into tomorrow so I will get them out Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest
Jan 31Reply
taxi_d Are you interested in buying the Gucci socks?
Feb 17Reply
1makeupaddict Hi! Interested in Bebe brush set.
Jun 27Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌞🌞
Jul 06Reply
rockycash Hi Mari... I hope you are enjoying this friendly Poshmark community. Wishing you success! Thanks for visiting our family closet and for liking the Block Crystal Orion Heart Box. If you are interested in purchasing any of our items, a five percent discount is offered on bundles of 3 or more items. Have a great week and stay safe and healthy during this difficult time in our country.
Nov 15Reply
babe2471 I’m so sorry I could find those adidas pants I have some other ones but in a medium
Dec 12Reply
anamarianaissa @babe2471 hello go ahead and cancel me thanks
Dec 12Reply
babe2471 @anamarianaissa once again I’m so sorry
Dec 12Reply
anamarianaissa @babe2471 no worries. thank you
Dec 12Reply
burk_katie Hi, sorry it’s taking so long. I’m printing the label off for the coach purse now. It will ship first thing tomorrow. So sorry for the inconvenience 💋
Jan 15Reply
anthony216607 Hello and thanks for the like for my black and white dress in my closet! That item is too low for me to send an offer but if you bundle 2+ you save 25% off! Let me know if you have any questions, I ship same day ☺️
Jan 20Reply
funkfindr Hello! I just wanted to let you know that this North Face jacket you bid on is a girls’ size XL, not womens and I’ll be changing the title accordingly. If you’d still like I’d be happy to accept your offer - please let me know.
Feb 24Reply
anamarianaissa @funkfindr oh ok canceled thanks
Feb 24Reply
teeena Hi thanks for the offers I’ve dropped the price way to low it was over $500
Mar 02Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely nice waterfall pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 800+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Apr 09Reply
tboltpride05 @anamarianaissa hey thanks for the like on my letters. I’d be happy to accept your offer but noticed it was cancelled. Also saw you’re from Aurora, I’m from Yorkville. We’re in Montgomery twice a week if you wanna meet n avoid shipping. Lmk!
Sep 21Reply
gucciguci2025 It’s a large tablecloth could fit long table I paid 100$ for it never used it.
Nov 12Reply
bellabarbie123 Hey! I have many items in my closet including brands such as MAC, Gucci, Coach, American Eagle, Pink by VS, The Northface, Forever 21, Adidas, Hollister, Brandy Melville, Aritzia and more! I love getting offers! Have a blessed day! 🥰
Apr 21Reply
meyotte61 welcome to Porshmark
Sep 09Reply
emilyfern12 Hi! I have a Gucci Bloom Perfume BRAND NEW UNOPENED INSIDE PACKAGE on my page. I can give you a discount 🥰Let me know if you are interested ☺️
Nov 13Reply

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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Aurora, IL
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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Aurora, IL
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