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Updated Sep 13
Updated Sep 13

Meet your Posher, Maria

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Maria. I'm from Miami. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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nlgka and 4 others like this
beauty_essex_ny Hi Maria :)) Thanks so much for purchasing my beautiful shoes. I really like them but they're small for me now due to my kids 😉🌸 I hope you will enjoy them, too. I'll try to ship them tomorrow for you :)) I'll keep you posted. Btw, they're pink 🌸💝
Sep 13Reply
beauty_essex_ny Hi Maria :) So, both of your packages are on their way. You should get them by the end of this week. Let me know. Thanks so much again!!! :))
Sep 16Reply
m_balladares Oh my goodness...THANK YOU SO MUCH. You mad me love poshmark. You are so amazing! I can only pray all my experiences are as awesome as this! Xoxoxo
Sep 16Reply
beauty_essex_ny Hahaha:))) I hope so , too and you are super sweet. Thank you! ;))
Sep 16Reply
m_balladares You are so frigging cool. You should come to my wedding! How do I make it happen? MIAMI?
Sep 18Reply
beauty_essex_ny Hi Maria :)) Thanks sweetie so much for your kind words and excellent ratings!!! And mostly I'm super happy that you love the shoes!!! ;)) Please stop by my closet again soon!!!💓🌻
Sep 20Reply
lbpasko Hi Maria, I will send out your package tomorrow. Thank you so much for your purchase.. I really love this Coach bag it has served me very well. Unfortunately I have no use for it now. Thanks again for your business and I hope you will love it as well.
Sep 24Reply
beauty_essex_ny Hi Maria😀is this the month you're getting married??? 😍😍😍🌺🌺🌺 Just wanted to find out how's it going with you, busy?
Dec 10Reply
m_balladares @victorianudelma Its next year ;) am sending save thr dates this month. Coming?!?!?!
Dec 10Reply
beauty_essex_ny Hahaha, you're sweet! 😀😀😀👍🏻 Thanks, Maria. I wish I could though, lol. Meanwhile, keep shopping here😉🌺
Dec 10Reply
m_balladares @victorianudelma I am serious though. It was supposed to be a small wedding and its a little bigger than I imagined. If you are up to it and want to come to Miami next Christmas its a GO ;) thank you!
Dec 10Reply
beauty_essex_ny Once again :)) thanks so much for that! You are too sweet!
Dec 10Reply
blingnthings Hi Maria! I hope you're enjoying your Poshmark experience. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year :D
Dec 30Reply
rachelbrewer5 I can sell them cheaper on Ⓜ️
Apr 12Reply
nlgka Honey I give 15% off when you bundle we need to cancel these orders if you were to buy the dress to it would be like $100 for all plus 1 shipping charge you do not want to pay shipping 3-4 times 👗👛👠💅💄ALLISON
Apr 24Reply
m_balladares @nlgka lets do it please
Apr 25Reply
nlgka @m_balladares I can cancel them then when you hit bundle on each one it will all go together give me a few minutes I will tag you back to get them
Apr 25Reply
nlgka @nlgka it's not letting me cancel I already hit shipped earlier today I wrapped the three you paid for on the others the dress and what the others were just hit bundle but you have to get credits from Poshmark for 2 shipping labels well 3 when u bundle the last they will charge shipping so 3 it's almost $20 like I said I grabbed the order out of the mailbox so I can ship it all on that shipping label
Apr 25Reply
m_balladares @nlgka can you give me the dress cheaper instead?
Apr 25Reply
nlgka @m_balladares I can go to $85 on the dress don't worry I will gifting a few things to you if you add 2 items you will also get 15% off total if you do bundle them when your done hit pay for the bundle the price will drop
Apr 25Reply
nlgka @m_balladares Marie these shipped yesterday afternoon I took them to post office because I missed my mailman it states on the order already shipped I do not know why it's still pending USPS SCAN
Apr 28Reply
angel3930 @taunie525 Good Morning:) I can make you a bundle so you don't have all those seperate shipping costs .just one shipping charge. Would you like me to do that?
Oct 29Reply
kimishin @m_balladares hello I changed the price to your offer price on the Tory bracelet do you still want it or did u change ur mind? Thx
Oct 29Reply
kimishin @m_balladares hi well if you still want it submit the same offer and I will accept. Thanks
Oct 29Reply
richera137 Hi nice to meet you Maria. Stop by my closet or ask any questions. I carry many designer brands already marked down. I have great Bundles deals and sale's! Happy Poshing ♡♡ @richera137
Feb 12Reply
caligrlthreads Ill go ahead and deny the original offer, can do $46 for the bundle of both pants.
Mar 14Reply
k_smiles4305 Hey!!! Sorry I missed your offer I've been working like crazy!! Feel free to resubmit
May 05Reply
dknyla Hi, sorry but $63 is lowest I can do.
May 31Reply
dknyla Hi, I will except your $57 offer. Just offer again.
May 31Reply
acassidy79 Hi, I am out of town and won't be able to ship the jeans till 10/24, are you still interested?
Oct 17Reply
m_balladares @acassidy79 No worries. Thank you for letting me know!
Oct 17Reply
tinkerkaye Hi Maria i was going to counter offer you with $20 more than your offer coz i really really need funds to get to my daughter graduation from the Navy but i thought that if you are on Ⓜ️ , i could actually knock off $10 from your offer and i still get more after commission . Let me know tonight .
Jan 15Reply
m_balladares @tinkerkaye is it the small or large Moto bag?
Jan 15Reply
jmellone Hi Maria! Thank you for your interest in my B-bag. If you want I could post it on eBay for a price closer to your offer. It’s up to you, just let me know and we could discuss the price. The bag is beautiful and in great condition. Talk soon ☺️☺️
Jan 16Reply
tchouseofstyle @m_balladares hi Marie hi thanks for your purchase, I just noticed one of your scarf is in my back seat . Oops mailing it today also it's just going to be separate from the rest. Thanks enjoy 😊
Jan 16Reply
hazzell24 Hi I see you live in Miami do you want to meet in person for the bag
Jul 04Reply
m_balladares @hazzell24 sure! I am by Dadeland area. That would be amazing Hazzell24 Thank you for the though.
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 @m_balladares I like by Miami dade kendall college you can cancel the order like that is 125$ and you don’t have to pay for shipping
Jul 04Reply
m_balladares @hazzell24 I Can't cancel the order due to restrictions since I made you an offer. Seller would need to cancel in this case.
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 @m_balladares when do you want to meet?
Jul 04Reply
m_balladares @hazzell24 when you can. If you can cancel the order and let me offer less to be at 125? Trying to resolve this with you.
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 @m_balladares you can give me the 120$ in person you don’t have to pay for shipping. Today if you want
Jul 04Reply
m_balladares @hazzell24 ok cancel order and we can meet
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 @m_balladares I cancel the order i don’t know if you want to meet now
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 I can meet now if you want
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 @m_balladares you want to meet today
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 @m_balladares you don’t want it anymore
Jul 04Reply
m_balladares @hazzell24 of course I do. Please forgive me with fourth of July plans it's hard for me to meet today. Sorry
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 @m_balladares do you wan to meet tomorrow
Jul 04Reply
hazzell24 Hi do you want to meet today?
Jul 05Reply
m_balladares @hazzell24 I'm so sorry. This was a gift and my niece gas gone ahead and purchased another bag. Please cancel this transaction on my end. Again, I apologize.
Jul 05Reply
hazzell24 It’s already cancel.
Jul 06Reply
nataliehoso hi i noticed you bundled some of my items together, as i am preparing to donate a lot of my clothes that don’t sell in the next week, i am willing to work with you on a price
Jul 09Reply
nataliehoso i would take the $30 offer you made previously!
Jul 23Reply
wendybackporch Hello I see you bundle some items. Please let me know if you’re interested 🎀 I sent you an offer
Aug 05Reply
wendybackporch Hello decline my offer and I’ll send you a better one thanks 💕🎀
Aug 06Reply
lubashka Hi, thank you for the offer, but your payment has been declined, can you please make changes so I can proses the sale. Thank you 💞
Sep 10Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 13Reply
trurichrags Hi there! Thank you for your offer. I accepted your offer but I think you need to update your payment plan. I would like to get these out to you today.😀👍🏽
Jul 08Reply
unforgettableu 💜 Thank you so much for SHOPPING my closet! I sincerely appreciate it. I will make sure to get your order shipped out right away. If you have any questions in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out. 💕
Jul 18Reply
unforgettableu Thank you so much for the 5 ⭐ star review! I appreciate you shopping my closet 💕👍 - Nichole
Jul 27Reply
mollyrector44 Hi Maria! You purchased my BCBG flats but unfortunately the left one has a mark on the side that must have happened while they were in storage. It looks almost like a marker on the side. Not noticeable when wearing but is about a a centimeter long. Please let me know if you still would like them. So sorry about that
Jul 28Reply
nlgka Hi Marie I thought I just hi to accept it says $75 if you decline then send your offer again . Thank you honey. 🌷🌷🌷Allison
Aug 18Reply

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Last Active: Dec 28 2024

Miami, FL
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Last Active: Dec 28 2024

Miami, FL
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