Meet your Posher, Marie
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Hi! I'm Marie. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, and Fox. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Where you interested in your bundle Hun I give awesome bundle deals n accept most reasonable offers thanks for your interest Hun
May 26Reply

Let me know if you want the shirts hun feel free to make offers
Jun 11Reply

@84vieira sorry idk why it said that ill do 80 for shirt and jacket if still interested
Jun 12Reply

Thank you for your purchase and get it wrapped to go 😊
Jun 21Reply

Happy Poshing 🌷Check out My Closet for Awesome Deals on Namebrand Items 🌟
Jul 07Reply

16s the lowest I'll go on the shirts hun I'd rather keep them I'm only making$6 a shirt and there both like new
Jul 10Reply

Stop by and check out my closet😊!!
Jul 18Reply

Thank you for your interest in the mossy top but that is an item that must be bundled 😊
Aug 09Reply

Saw you put a hoodie into a bundle, do you have any more items you would like in there to make offer ?
Sep 28Reply

Hey! If you love anything from Aeropostale to Rue 21, check out my closet! (Mostly) Everything is either $5 or $10! Trying to get rid of everything 🍁💕✨
Oct 15Reply

Hey!! I can price drop to 10$ and then you'll get discounted shipping. How does that sound? It'll save on shipping 😘
Dec 31Reply

@mshadle86 I'll go ahead and offer 10$. But if you want you can save on shipping. But I don't want to reduce the price and then someone gets it. Thanks for visiting my closet😘 I'll ship it ASAP! Happy New Year 🎉🎉
Dec 31Reply

if you’re still interested in the fox bundle, i’ll lower the price just make another offer! thanks girl 😊
Dec 31Reply

Sorry about that share. Big fingers over here.
Jan 30Reply

Hey are you interested in your Fox bundle?
I have more Fox Racing clothes if you want a deal.
Thanks happy Poshing
Feb 05Reply

@nicolettesean I don't see any other fox clothes I love this hoodie I was going to offer u 20 for it
Feb 05Reply

@mshadle86 very sorry won’t take 20 it’s Brand New! And plus I gotta make my money off it cause if I put it on Poshmark for $30 I only get $24 for it. I can give you $4.99 for shipping and that will make it all I get is $20 for it! You let me know if your still interested.
Feb 05Reply

@mshadle86 I paid close to $50 for it. If you think of it your getting a deal with $4.99 shipping too 🎉🎊🎀
Feb 05Reply

I would take 25 with free shipping through ven emo. But I am firm on the $26 because i only make 20 on that.
Feb 06Reply

@chevybabe430 what is ven emo
Feb 06Reply

@mshadle86 it’s like a money app?
Feb 06Reply

@chevybabe430 how about 24 and 4.99 shipping thru here
Feb 06Reply

@mshadle86 I need to make at least $20 and I would be able to with that. Sorry.
Feb 06Reply

@chevybabe430 ok I'll do 25
Feb 06Reply

@mshadle86 through ven ?
Feb 06Reply

@chevybabe430 no thru here I'll pay the shipping too it'll b 31 for me altogether and u have it listed at 30 I believe
Feb 06Reply

@mshadle86 don’t accept the offer let me see if I can change shipping to cheaper
Feb 06Reply

@chevybabe430 I already did
Feb 06Reply

@mshadle86 okay! I will ship out in the morning!
Feb 06Reply

@chevybabe430 thank you
Feb 06Reply

Marie, thanks for the order, I’ll get this in the mail by tomorrow afternoon. ❤️
Feb 08Reply

@chevybabe430 hi I thought u were shipping this????
Feb 09Reply

@mshadle86 I dropped off yesterday! It may take a minute to update?
Feb 09Reply

@chevybabe430 ok thank u
Feb 09Reply

Hey girl I sent you an offer and I’m always willing to negotiate so counter offer me what you think is fair, I am willing to work with you, thank you Brandi
Feb 13Reply

Hey, Just checking up on you I sent you an offer but if you feel the need that you want to counter offer we can go ahead and do that also, thanks again Brandi
Feb 14Reply

Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark!! There’s so much to see 👍🏻🤩🌸🌸
Feb 23Reply

Hi Doll! Thank you so much for your Bundle Interest, as I really do appreciate it! 😊 I know you will look Fabulous in the choices you made! Stay Fab! ✨🌟😊🌟✨
Feb 25Reply

Hey girl! Thank you for looking at my closet! If you have any questions feel free to ask! 💕
Jul 25Reply

Those vintage Tommy pants your looking at have pockets on butt also. Hard too see in pic! I’m on the fence over selling as I found em, and bought for myself! Very cool!
Jul 25Reply

@lookingalwaysyes if I had the money I would buy them right now I really like them!
Jul 25Reply

Hi there, I noticed you bundled two items in my closet, I have a sale going right now if you add one more item you'll get the third one of (lowest price) for free. If you are interested.
Aug 02Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! When you get a chance please check out the rest of our shop! We have lots of NEW with TAGS..SKATE and SURF brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you’d like, please put it in a bundle for one shipping costs! We also offer FREE with purchase items throughout our page. Have an awesome day🤙🏼
Aug 30Reply

Happy Poshing 🎉🎉 and if you happen to be looking for designer jeans / premium denim brands - please consider taking a peek at my closet 👖💕
Oct 23Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, Michael Kors, Hanky Panky, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 18Reply

Hi Marie welcome to poshmark!! If you have questions about anything I’d love to help. Best of luck and feel free to check out my closet too!😊
May 09Reply

Hi Marie! Thanks for liking the mossy oak bag! It’s gorgeous! If u like fox, I have a grey fox bag. Both are in excellent shape! If u like both, I can give u both for $40! Just let me know
Sep 10Reply

Hi thanks for the like on that shirt! If you want to make a bundle, I can give you a great deal! I also have items listed FREE with any bundle! ❤️
Jan 22Reply

hey girl! I saw you liked the VS Pink plaid bra in my closet! if you’re not comfortable with the price feel free to make an offer! im willing to go lower on EVERYTHING, I’ll always accept or counter-offer!! have a safe and healthy summer😊💕
Jul 06Reply

@ikimber24 u mean u need my address??
Aug 05Reply
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