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Updated Feb 27
Updated Feb 27

Meet your Posher, Matina

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Matina. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, 40weft, 7 For All Mankind, A/X Armani Exchange, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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amalizio79 @matinajan if you would like to bundle the three items you made offers on, you would only have to pay shipping once! You can hit add to bundle then make me an offer for the bundle! Just want to save you money 😊
Feb 27Reply
matinajan @amalizio79 thanks for the offer - my first time to shop here, so still have to figure it out...let's see ☺️❤️
Feb 27Reply
matinajan @amalizio79 I would like to add the white ruffle tank, but it does not let mI
Feb 27Reply
matinajan ....sorry - I cannot add the ruffle tank - my offer was $20 on that one originally. How much would it be if I order those two items from you?
Feb 27Reply
matinajan ... poohoo...cannot add anything. What offer could you give me on all 3items?
Feb 27Reply
amalizio79 @matinajan I could do all three for $50? 20 for the the sweater and $15 each for the shirts. Let me know ASAP, I will cancel the sweater order and put them all in one listing for you. Then I will tag you and you can just buy the order with everything in it 😊
Feb 27Reply
matinajan @amalizio79 yay! - let's do it! (:
Feb 27Reply
amalizio79 @matinajan ok! I'll let you know when it's up 😘
Feb 27Reply
amalizio79 @matinajan perfect timing!!! Just packing up for the post office!! I'll get it out today 😊❤️
Feb 27Reply
matinajan @amalizio79 YAY ❤️🎶
Feb 27Reply
chewsigirl Matina, thanks so much for your purchases😀 I would like to save you some money... you are paying 2 shipping fees that total about 14 instead of 1 @ 6.49... I think we can work together to make it just 1 shipping cost😉 but I need you to respond to my messages so we can decide...also, I am running a ✨FREE✨ with purchase sale... please make a selection so that I can include in your 📦 ✨✌🏼💚😊✨
Mar 14Reply
matinajan @chewsigirl it would be great to send everything in one box ! ... but I do not know what the free things are about - how do I get to them? (: Love free stuff, too (; .... and your sweet things! Thanks <3
Mar 14Reply
chewsigirl @matinajan hey hey🤗 just create your bundle with the items you would like, including the ✨FREE✨ item you choose..I will then discount the dollar amount of the freebie prior to accepting/countering your offer😉 I saw you picked out the Abercrombie floral crop top... is this your selection for this order?
Mar 14Reply
clozeho Thanks for the likes, Martina! Let me know if you have questions.
Mar 21Reply
lindsey081 Welcome!!!!
Mar 25Reply
akameli @matinajan hi!! Thanks for your offer on the Free People jeans. Love those!! I sent you a counter with my lowest, I hope you'll accept. You'll love the jeans! 😊💕
Mar 31Reply
matinajan @amalizio79 let me look into this! It could give me a better price on every piece, may be 😉
Mar 31Reply
akameli @matinajan hi! I saw you bundled two items! I can do both for the price of the jeans alone if you are interested!? $60 for both? 😊
Mar 31Reply
breanna_l Hi! Thanks for stopping by my closet! I saw you started a bundle, please let me know if you have any questions 😀 Happy Poshing!
Apr 01Reply
lileboutique Hey there! Sorry about the counter offer, but the Bikini Top was just listed a few hours ago and is already very popular! I can always tag you at a later date if my lowest changes, but for now $30 is it. Hope you understand! ❤️☺
Apr 07Reply
matinajan @lileboutique countered with $30 - hope it works 😚
Apr 07Reply
lileboutique @matinajan Perfect! 😊 Thank you! Your order will be on its way to you first thing tomorrow am! ❤️
Apr 07Reply
missonolee Hi there! I only "countered" your offer on the bundle so I could contact you regarding one of the items.
Apr 08Reply
missonolee I was just grabbing the three items and noticed a small imperfection in the FP Jumpsuit. I can upload photos and then you can decide if you are still interested. Does that sound good? And you can offer $88 again, and not accept my $89. I just counter offered $89 to buy us some time :) I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the imperfection so you weren't disappointed in your purchase!
Apr 08Reply
matinajan @missonolee what is it about? - hope all is all right (:
Apr 08Reply
matinajan Just show the imperfection- but if it is not too obvious, it should be ok
Apr 08Reply
missonolee @matinajan k :) just uploaded photos
Apr 08Reply
matinajan @missonolee this is quite a snag, though - in which part of the jumpsuit is it located?
Apr 08Reply
missonolee @matinajan it's barely noticeable, located on the upper back left. I will upload another photo so you can see the location 🌻
Apr 08Reply
missonolee Uploaded
Apr 08Reply
matinajan @missonolee the only thing i am concerned about is that i have to secure and gently sew the area - otherwise it will get worse, just by wearing - also washing. I do like the piece, though - if i counter offered $74, with shipping it will get to $80 - would that be ok?
Apr 08Reply
matinajan ...or could i add a lower price piece (12$) and keep the price of $88?
Apr 08Reply
missonolee @matinajan hmm... well considering the items are already 25% off at $88, I will have to consider your offer. I am confident I will be able to sell the FP Jumpsuit for $80 as its own piece as it is a very hard find from FP, so I will consider your offer and get back to you 🌻
Apr 09Reply
matinajan @missonolee we could take the yellow dress out again - but i cannot change anything or make it undone. Guess technical problems - may be it works tomorrow. The offer is good for 20 hours. Lets see whats happening (:
Apr 09Reply
missonolee @matinajan hi there, I'm going to decline the offer and we can start another offer.
Apr 09Reply
matinajan @missonolee pooh - I finally figured it out ☺️ For 3 pieces I offer $84 again - I hope that works! ❤️👍 - with shipping it is a bit more than $90. What do you think 🎶😘
Apr 10Reply
oksa28 thank you for your offer and the purchase :) just wanted to let you know that your package is on its way. I dropped it off at the post office in the morning before work :) Cheers!
Apr 10Reply
matinajan @oksa28 thank you (: Looking forward to it! <3
Apr 10Reply
matinajan @missonolee sorry, I just had to let it go.😏. I hope you find a good buyer for the jump suit! .... but i like the other pieces - so i got 3 of your nice things.thank you so much .
Apr 11Reply
eatprayshoplove Hi Matina! Let me know if u need any help with the bundle! 😊🌸 @matinajan
Apr 16Reply
aposhfashion Welcome to poshmark :)
Apr 22Reply
inner8light Hey hun! You haven't received the shirt yet right? I'm surprised it's still saying shipped! Thanks!
Apr 23Reply
caleskim Hi! I had no idea there was a hole! What should we do?
Apr 24Reply
99forone Hii I wanted to let you know I've dropped off your package earlier this morning ! I also want to thank you for your time patience & of course purchase !! Hope you enjoy ! Have a beautiful & blessed week !! Happy poshing 😊🛍💐
Apr 24Reply
kaimanabellab @matinajan hey love! Let me know if you need help with your bundle!
Apr 28Reply
gemfox @matinajan Thanks so much. I truly appreciate it. Out Saturday at the latest. Have a great weekend!
Apr 28Reply
spreadlove Hi 🙋 I know there are so many great closets on posh but I would love for you to check out mine if you have a moment! I have plenty of items new w/tags and a variety of sizes! Thank so much, have a great night! 💛
Apr 28Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 30Reply
matinajan @spreadlove hi (; i looked at your nice things and will follow you - at the moment i have so much - not selling yet..... but probably soon will have to start (; thanks for inviting me to your closet ! Good to spread Love <3
Apr 30Reply
mokexpress1 Hi! Thank you for shopping my closet. I love to give great deals. I took a picture of a defect on crocheted skirt, it's hard to notice but some of the crochet has come apart. I will take a picture so you can see if you still want. Like I said it's so hard to tell but wanted to point it out before I send. Sorry for just now noticing😉
Apr 30Reply
ilovejaceevan @matinajan 💜Welcome to Posh! 💜
May 04Reply
caleskim I'm sorry I didn't see the offer in time. Would you be so kind to resubmit? 👍😜
May 05Reply
nataliaphl Hello Matina! Nice to meet you! Thank you for the like and stopping by my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions or feel free to make an offer if you're interested. Happy Poshing!
May 14Reply
cageyscloset Hi love! 🎉Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉Hope you find some amazing deals on here! Let me know if you need any help navigating this crazy but addicting community! 😊
May 16Reply
cageyscloset Hi love! 🎉Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉Hope you find some amazing deals on here! Let me know if you need any help navigating this crazy but addicting community! 😊
May 16Reply
alloftara @matinajan Hi...Sorry I had to cancel your order...I sold those flip flops awhile ago but Posh created multiple listings for them and they will not delete them for me. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
May 17Reply
acc071192 Thank you for your purchase and the nice comment 😊
May 23Reply
barghuntress Hi, Thanks for the purchase! I'm really glad you like them! Enjoy!
May 23Reply
saraspenzie Hey there! I saw that you made a bundle! If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to negotiate a better price for you on your bundle! 🤓💕
May 24Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie you have a nice closet <3 How are the free pieces chosen? I also want to make sure about the materials - i usually wear 100% cotton, silk, linen, hemp.....please let me know, thank you (:
May 24Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan every three items you buy, you get a item that's $12 or under for free. So if you buy six you get two items for free. After purchasing three items you immediately get 15% off your purchase total at checkout. After purchasing the three, you come back and comment "free" under the item you want included in your bundle for free. I hope this helps!
May 24Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan I see that there are six items in your bundle so if you buy six you still get 15% off but then you have to come back and comment on two items you want for free
May 24Reply
saraspenzie Did you get a chance to update your information?
May 26Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie I did - it should work! If it still does not, I have to call the bank. Weird, there should not be any problem. Please try again.
May 26Reply
matinajan Shall I add the 2 extra pieces, so they can be shipped in the same box?
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan what you can do is cancel your offer and reoffer the amount we agreed on
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan hopefully then your new information will be processed through the Poshmark system correctly on this new offer
May 26Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie I hope this works now 😊 .... crazy, but eventually I hope I get all this 😚
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan oh jeez it did it again
May 26Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie oh no, what does that mean? It should be totally ok 🤔 - are you sure?
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan Yeah it just keeps giving me the same error message
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan it keeps saying that the buyer needs to update their payment information.
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan if you don't have another payment method available, the offer still stands for 24 hours but those listings are still technically available for others to purchased. So if you want to call your bank in the morning you should be more than fine.
May 26Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie I just found out that there was a fraud situation and they prevented payments - it should be ok now! One more time try 😄
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan I was thinking that was probably the reason because my debit card has been randomly frozen by my bank with no notification because they suspected fraud lol
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan did you try re entering in your card?
May 26Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie I think it did it again 🤔 but they said it should be fine, now....maybe I have to try in the morning again. It's crazy 😁
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan it might need a few hours to clear through their system. That's really bizarre. Your patience has been dearly appreciated.
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan IT RANDOMLY WORKED LOL
May 26Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie it's all mine 😚 so they say! It finally worked!!!! Thank you for your patience as well 💖 We got it done .
May 26Reply
saraspenzie @matinajan have a wonderful night! 🤓💕💕
May 26Reply
matinajan @saraspenzie Good Night ! Sweet Dreams 🌛⭐🌟🌠
May 26Reply
mjbp @mjbp💕💕💕💕welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕💕hope u enjoy ur selling or buying experience 💕💕💕as a mentor and suggestive user please feel free to ask any questions I could help u with 💕💕💕💕💕💕welcome to my closet I have great fashion at affordable prices 💕💕💕💕💕thank you and happy day 💕💕💕😊@mjbp
Jun 02Reply
melllaaa_2011 ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Jun 08Reply
matinajan @sieresminena nice surprise 🌸Let me look - how do i add the free piece?
Jun 21Reply
luvyorlook Than why aren't I making more sales ?? I lower prices and share ..I think there's something I'm forgetting or not doing. Doe one have to get to 10k + ? Serious- I still don't really "get this site...? Helllp!
Jun 21Reply
luvyorlook A lot of stuff is stretchy except pants - your right but a lot of other things have plenty of give and I also made sure there is a handful of medium and larger items too!!
Jun 21Reply
matinajan @luvyorlook i think there are just too many things out there on Poshmark - not all of them great, but after looking and looking - one gets tired . Right now i live in 110 degrees - and i love your stuff - its just very hot and i need quite some imagination 😉
Jun 21Reply
luvyorlook Thank you... my girlfriend in Orandgecounty said it was 122 ANDger compressor and ac went" on the way back from Palm Spring. ANd had her dog with her!
Jun 21Reply
luvyorlook Luvv your hair! Thank you so much.. I sick of seeing my own clothes. That fur sleeveless I luvvv but nearly impossible to wear here . Cool bites in the winter for you perfect.. and the crotchet is about all one can wear in your weather now!!!
Jun 21Reply
matinajan @luvyorlook i am looking forward to your nice pieces and will look again soon! I have not started selling anything, yet 😏 not a very good sales person ....i go to sleep now, almost 3am . Thanks again!
Jun 21Reply
shopgirlclothes Hello Matina! I noticed you liked several of my items. I would be happy to work with you on a bundle deal when you are ready to shop. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy Poshing!❤️
Jun 27Reply
caleskim Thank you so much for your order! Your items are on their way and I hope you will love them.
Jun 28Reply
ally_marc Big big Markdowns & additional off. Please visit my closet 😍
Jun 28Reply
rcollich So glad you loved everything! Thanks for the sweet comment 😊
Jun 30Reply
neferteri 😊🌷
Jul 02Reply
neferteri Welcome🌷have a wounderful sunday thank you for likes let me.know if you need some help 🌷🌷🌷😙😙😙😍🌷
Jul 02Reply
matinajan @flowergirlcrush if you find another jeans jacket like this 😊 - but not in a hurry - it's 110 degrees here. Need it in winter. I am sure I'll find something in your closet again - now that I know you 🌸
Jul 02Reply
matinajan ...and - haha, the dress I thought you were wearing on the photo "meet your Posher". I'll just check your beautiful things out - probably will find more 😊
Jul 02Reply
matinajan @flowergirlcrush i can wear both - like when clothing is legére and a bit baggy - medium is usually great 💖🎶🙏
Jul 03Reply
iuliiahayek Welcome to my closet hun ❤️ if u like something just make an offer with your price and I will accept ! Have a wonderful day ✌️🌹😀
Jul 05Reply
matinajan wow, did not get to the internet ): do you still have it?
Jul 14Reply
matinajan The same sweet flowery embroidery? I'll go for it👍😄
Jul 14Reply
matinajan @flowergirlcrush very tempting 😉 - but at this time keep it 1 piece to enjoy 😄
Jul 14Reply
matinajan @flowergirlcrush how does this work - I cannot find it 🤔
Jul 14Reply
alexusgalvan Just wanted to say hello😊 feel free to check out my closet if you want🌹 I hope you have a wonderful day🤗
Jul 16Reply
ally_marc Thank you for sharing
Jul 19Reply
debbi7777 Hi there! Have you received your order? If so, could you please complete the transaction? Thank you! Enjoy!
Jul 20Reply
fashionfauxpas hey there ! tysm 4 offer on bundle sorry took so long 2 respond I hadn't been. active on here for several hrs . ..i did accept the offer thanks again 😁 altho it is saying that u need to update ur payment Info before it can be when u have a chance pls take a moment to clear that up so I can mail 2 u today THANKS AGAIN!! XOXOXOX
Jul 21Reply
mmcleary hello nice to meet you stop by anytime 🌹
Jul 21Reply
matinajan @fashionfauxpas hey 😊did it - can't wait to get those sweet pieces 😚 !!!!
Jul 21Reply
lauras_boutique 💐Hi I'm Laura it's nice to meet you! You're welcome to follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help you to increase your followers! I'm a Posh Mentor, so stop by my closet any time if you have any questions! Happy Poshing!😘❤️💋xoxo
Jul 23Reply
meekmice If you're interested I could have that Express Slip Dress shipped out first thing Monday :)
Jul 23Reply
matinajan @pwtang23 can we do $34 - this way the price stays by $40 for me ( because of the shipping costs i ask for lower pricing)
Jul 23Reply
matinajan @pwtang23 ok 😊Thanks! I did counter with $34 💖
Jul 23Reply
neferteri Thank you for all likes 🌸🌹have a wounderful week😘😘
Jul 25Reply
neferteri Thank you Martina I shipped already 🌹😘 have a wounderful week 🌹
Jul 26Reply
matinajan @neferteri Thank you 😘 Iam looking forward to the blouse!
Jul 26Reply
matinajan @pwtang23 Looking forward to my bundle (: I should receive it soon! Thank you <3
Jul 26Reply
matinajan @neferteri 🌸☺️👍
Jul 26Reply
samanthadoc Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 28Reply
fashionfauxpas hey there ! tysm for ur kind words! & for returning to shop with me😎 I would love nothing more than 2 sell these 2 items to you but $150 is just a bit too low .poshmark takes a high commission . I totally understand the spending part I have a self imposed "budget" sadly I rarely stick w/in it hence lots of stuff to post on here (the cool stuff btw love ur taste in clothes! was mine. other things I bought to try and make up for the $$ I spent on myself..
Jul 30Reply
fashionfauxpas cont... rarely ever works though. I just spend too much !! i think most or us on this app can totally relate ! it's a perfect place for us chronic shoppers !.) ..I could do the $180 u originally offered then cancelled and add back the dress u took out plus send the other color of same dress..sorry that is not well put. not very clear..for the $180 i would send the heartloom , 2-10-10-5 pants and both the black and Lavendar dresses
Jul 30Reply
fashionfauxpas cont... (the dress u originally had offered on plus other color of same .I don't remember if it was purple or black u had wanted .l or if u just want the 2-10-10-5 pants I could sell them to you for $80...because I have to be honest I would love u to closet again would love for u 2 purchase a bundle again and send all 4 items to you for $180 BUT I must BE HONEST in my opinion what I think and clear my conscience ..
Jul 30Reply
fashionfauxpas cont... i do have to tell you that idk if the heartloom dress is going to work for you . it is REALLY big & if u fit the sz small stuff before I think u will be swimming it it. I currently fit a sz M/28/29 (WAS AN xs/0/24 went up to a sz XL/14 /32 w/in 3 months it took to gain it all and now has been about 18 months to get back down to a med.) neway i am Getting myself distracted hopefully I a.m. not confusing u..but I don't think the heartloom is going to fit u unless u plan on having a
Jul 30Reply
fashionfauxpas cont.. Tailor/seamstress take it in.. that is if sz small fits u..sorry just being honest I would hate to have u spend $$ only to not be able to use the dress is absolutely a stunning exquisite piece *ughhh paid a small fortune for it to never wear..i have an ingrained fear of white/ivory clothing..i love it but I always end up getting it I have sooo many "tea stained " white/ivory items for that reason!
Jul 30Reply
fashionfauxpas cont... and after I paid so much I was afraid to wear it! plus i am.also rather short 5'1-2'-ish so would have needed to have altered and the HEM was too exquisite to possibly have ruined by a Tailor .so it hung in my closet but made nice eye candy ! so has never been worn nor altered..i just wanted to let you know that because rather than sell something I want the person buying to actually be able to use it! so I will counter ur offer
Jul 30Reply
fashionfauxpas cont and if not good I totally understand ! like I said I have budget issues myself ! it's just that this app takes a pretty high commission and I paid quite a bit more for those 2 pieces than selling for so every $$ helps.. but didn't pay a fortune for those 2 other dresses so would be with the purchase of the 2 other $$ ones the heartloom and biya pants ..l love 2-10 10 5 BIYA actually ALL johnny was but sooo much $$$..i
Jul 30Reply
fashionfauxpas cont... have some ore owned stuff I will be listing soon for alot maybe u of those if not a good price of $180 or if the pants are what u really wanted and would fit $80 for those hope.this works or if not then there is another option but I only save that for extreme cases cos it is against posh rules to.promote.other apps that I sell.on (anyone sells.on lol) if not then hopefully in future xoxox tysm for coming back so soon ! xoxo
Jul 30Reply
matinajan @fashionfauxpas 💗 I will accept the 180 but do not feel obligated to give me those 2 extra pieces - although very sweet of you! I am not a very addicted personality - except when it comes to beautiful clothing ( I think we have this in common 😚) ... yup, I had to come back to your closet so soon - and will come again 😄🤞Just love your stuff !!!!
Jul 30Reply
afrodit 🌹
Aug 01Reply
neferteri Thank you so much 🌹😘have a wounderful week ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Aug 02Reply
goodinmybook Big thanks for your purchase and rating. Hope you love it!😁😁😁
Aug 04Reply
kylee1978 Hi thank u for the like
Aug 10Reply
emi95 Hey Matina! I recently started on Posh and I would love for you to check out my closet sometime. Thank you and Happy Poshing! 🤗❤️
Aug 10Reply
matinajan @emi95 welcome to our poshing excitement! I hope you enjoy the ride 👍🏻 I will follow you and check for some sweet new things 😘
Aug 11Reply
hermosarose Hi babe thank you for the nice note! I hope you're staying cool in your sweet clothes & looking forward to your photos in them :) Have a great weekend!
Aug 12Reply
bethfarnstrom shipped today! i included a couple surprises, hope you love them
Aug 15Reply
thexanaducloset Hi, nice to meet you! Please take time to check out my closet as well. Happy Poshing! 😙
Aug 29Reply
reyha_mete Your closet is so cute!!!
Aug 29Reply
neferteri @matinajan have a wounderful weekend
Sep 01Reply
matinajan @neferteri I am looking forward to more good times coming! I wish you the same, Neferteri 🌸😌
Sep 01Reply
neferteri @matinajan everything ok with you? 🌹
Sep 01Reply
matinajan @neferteri yes 😘 getting ready for travel in Costa Rica - my partners present for my birthday ! Looking forward to that 🌺
Sep 03Reply
neferteri @matinajan uauuuu my next dream trip🌹 enjoyyy
Sep 03Reply
neferteri @matinajan 💙💙💙💙💙🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Sep 03Reply
matinajan @neferteri ... it was mine as well - and now it's happening 🎶🎵😄💖 it will happen for you ❣👍 I'll send energy
Sep 03Reply
neferteri @matinajan thank you u you are so kind🍀🍀🍀 enjoy for me for all be happy good energy back 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓🌹
Sep 03Reply
neferteri Thank you Matina I will shipping tomorrow. Enjoy a lot your trip 🍀😘😘😘😘✨✨✨✨✨🍾🥂 kisses
Sep 03Reply
matinajan @neferteri Thanks Sweety , 😚 hope I get my goodies! Will leave 3am on September 8th 😄 Looking forward to my box 👍😊💓
Sep 04Reply
neferteri @matinajan AhahahaHhahaah 😘😘😘😘😘🍀🍀🍀🍀🌹🌹🌹🌹 post picture about the trip ahahahah
Sep 05Reply
matinajan @neferteri I will 👍😄 Totally excited about it and love to share my experiences 💖
Sep 05Reply
bestbuycloset @matinajan Hi I'm Cindy! ☺️ Welcome ot Poshmark! Feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy poshing! 😍🛍💌💍👠👞👢👡👟👜🎒👛👗👕👚👔👙💄👠💋⌚️💰
Sep 11Reply
hayleyq22 I'll take $22 if you're still interested:)
Sep 15Reply
hermosarose Hi babe, just wishing you a good weekend! 😊
Sep 17Reply
oksa28 Thank you for your offer, I appreciate the interest, but this dress is growing on me, I'm not even completely sure I want to part with it yet LOL.
Sep 20Reply
xoxo73 Hi there! I was hit by hurricane Irma so I just noticed your offer on the great brocade pants- please resubmit offer and I will be able to respond- they are beautiful and you'd love them! Thank you and apologies for delay.
Sep 21Reply
matinajan @xoxo73 no apologies - I hope you are ok!!!! I accepted your counter offer and look forward to those beautiful pair of pants. These are crazy times - beautiful clothing helps once in a while to feel better 💖
Sep 21Reply
matinajan @nanette_freed I like it - you can add some other sweet thing - some people do that. Most of the time a can repair pieces 😊
Sep 26Reply
urbanlove Hi I'm Aria !!! Welcome please look let me know if you have any questions!!! Xoxo
Sep 27Reply
spreadlove Hello! Just stopping in to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop, I'd be grateful if you checked out my closet! Have a lovely day!
Sep 29Reply
carina_3707 Hi, kindly visit my closet , I hope you like something. Please feel free to ask any questions . Take care
Oct 01Reply
kaleyheider Hi, it's nice to meet you!💕
Oct 04Reply
leoswife Thank you, but I just reduced price by $15 on Monday. Counter offer given, thanks
Oct 21Reply
matinajan @leoswife is it possible to work on the shipping costs?It is a nice shirt! I usually love those colorful pieces from JW - but black is gteat,too - when they bring it out 😊 I hope we can work it out - $39 is a very good price for the piece but with the shipping it comes to $46 😕
Oct 21Reply
puppylove8 Matina, welcome to the poshmark community! I hope you can stop by and check out my vintage\contemporary closet!
Oct 23Reply
love_jules Sorry I have to look for the dress in my parents closet n not going there anytime soon but if u save me I will let u know. Re buy again I do have it also stored nicely
Oct 31Reply
matinajan @love_jules i can wait - no problem. Let me know when ! - or could your parents send it? It is still very warm here in southern Arizona and i could wear it (:
Nov 01Reply
laceyhorne2003 @matinajan sorry you are so unsatisfied. Not much I can do. I only made $1 personally off the sale. Should you decide to resale you are welcome to use the same photo. Thanks and have a great day!
Nov 02Reply
5starfinds Hi Matina. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. Enjoy your weekend.🌻
Nov 05Reply
sadevor Hello Matina, nice to meet you! Get 15% off any item you might like and want from my closet :-) Hope you visit :-)
Nov 11Reply
carlamaria13 Hiii! Happy holidays! Check out my page if you like Victoria's Secret, I have over 500 brand new items and I love offers!❤️
Nov 23Reply
fashiontobuy @matinajan hey girl! Can you meet me at $67 for the FP jeans? xx
Nov 23Reply
mar112233 Hey Matina! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of White House Black Market, Michael Kors, Free People and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 😀 Meg
Nov 23Reply
sms07v Thank you for your offer! I won’t be able to take 63 but i can drop the price to 71 so that you can get reduced shipping which will put you in about the same place. Let me know if you would like to do that
Nov 23Reply
matinajan @sms07v I just wanted stay at $70 inclusive shipping - if you can do lower shipping, may be i would offer $66 - would this work out for you
Nov 23Reply
matinajan @linsala210 can we do $64 ? This way it stays at $70 for me - or can you go down with shipping?
Nov 23Reply
fashiontobuy @matinajan sure! I don’t know how to change shipping but I’m happy to meet you! Thanks so much and happy thanksgiving!
Nov 23Reply
fashiontobuy @matinajan thanks for the rating but sad to only get 4 stars since they were brand new and lowered. Was there something else wrong minus the fact that you thought they were too hot for Arizona? I’m sure you can re sell without any problems. They were listed in my closet for less than 48 hours.... thanks xx
Dec 02Reply
jollysecret Hi my dear, thank you so much for your offers. I could create a bundle just 4 you with 4 items so you can save shipping. My final price for total 4 will be 90+50 = 140. Is that ok. Let me know I’ll make the bundle and tag you in so that you just purchase them.
Dec 05Reply
matinajan @jollysecret this feels almost all right 🙏 could we do all 4 for $140 - including the shipping? 💝 That would be great ❣️
Dec 05Reply
jollysecret @matinajan ok I’ll make the bundle and tag you in so that you just purchase it. So the total price will be 133. Is it a deal?
Dec 05Reply
jollysecret @matinajan hi there, did you get my message regarding to the order? I canceled it yesterday because I couldn’t find the bag. If you’re still interested in the 2 jeans and the dress, I could make the bundle with those 3 and the total would be 123 including the shipping fee. Let me know what you decide.
Dec 06Reply
jollysecret Of course my dear! You can add the blouse. You have such a wonderful taste! So I’ll take 43 for the blouse add on 123 with the other bundle. Total 163. I’ll make it even 160. This will include the shipping fee. I’m sorry I can go lower than this. The blouse itself 222 original due to its unique style.
Dec 07Reply
jollysecret @matinajan let me know I’ll make the bundle and tag you in
Dec 07Reply
sfconway Welcome to Poshmark!
Dec 13Reply
neferteri Happy new year 🌹🌹🌹🧚‍♂️
Dec 28Reply
lovingpurple 😊 I just wanted to stop by to say hello, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling fashion items. And I'd be thrilled if you check out my closet as well :) Blessings and Happy Poshing!
Jan 17Reply
jasmine_hart Greetings and welcome to posh! I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment, including free people, j crew, Nasty Gal, Victoria's Secret, kate Spade and more! Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
Jan 25Reply
rosepetals3 Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet, I have tons of sales and accept offers✨ I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Feb 08Reply
r_goodman @matinajan Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Tory Burch, Kate Spade, Coach, Michael Kors, Zara, Free People, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Feb 26Reply
mandygailg Hey!!! Hope you’re enjoying PoshMark:-) if you’d like check out my closet too 😊😊😊😊 #happyposhing !!!:)
Mar 10Reply
mjful_wmb 👗👜👠Welocome to Poshmark👖👔👞
Mar 10Reply
galaxy080 Hello! Happy Saturday! Please feel welcome to check out my closet and let me know if you have any questions! ☺️ thank you! Happy poshing!!
Apr 08Reply
shopkirsten hi!! I have a beautiful Johnny Was blouse in my closet if you're interested!!! i am very open to offers, too :)
Apr 10Reply
hila808 Aloha! Check out our closet and let us know if you have any questions.
Sep 07Reply
trendsavvy 💐Hi, Thanks for liking. I’m flexible on the price. If you are interested feel free to make your best offer. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Happy poshing.💐🛍🙏
Feb 24Reply
lstrange18 Welcome to Posh! Happy Shopping & Sales 🛍 Feel free to take a look at my closet and bundle 3+ items and save 15% along with combined shipping💃 Let me know if you have any general questions & Happy Poshing😉
Apr 06Reply
pinkystorel Hi!!  Welcome to my closet! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel  I'm offering 15 % when you bundle two things or more. Thank you! 🍃🌸🍃
Apr 24Reply
rebekkitty Hi, Matina! Thanks for the likes! If interested please feel free to bundle some (or all!) of your likes and I will send you a private offer with discounted shipping. Thanks for visiting my closet and happy Friday! 🎉💖😊
May 03Reply
deirdres_closet Hey girl! I shipped off the FP bralette today!! Thank you so much!✨✨ Hope you love it💕💕 -Dee
Jul 08Reply
shopkillingmoon Thank you so much for shopping in my closet! I truly appreciate it. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to ship your purchase out on Saturday. I shipped it today and you should receive it by Wednesday. Have a great evening and thanks again 😽🖤👯‍♀️
Jul 16Reply
luxecloset247 Hi! Do you know how to bundle? You can bundle those two things you offered and save on shipping too.
Jul 17Reply
matinajan @luxecloset247 yes, hello ☺ - i bundled those two sweet bralettes 🥰 - each $18 - can you find it. Or i will try it again 👍 I like them and bought them in other colors for $15 and $18 - that is why this is my counter offer 🎵
Jul 17Reply
luxecloset247 @matinajan it’s not bundled on my end. If I accept. Posh will charge you two separate shipping charges. Do you want to try again? I’d love it if you saved $ on shipping 🥰
Jul 17Reply
matinajan @luxecloset247 yes, i will try again, right now ❣
Jul 17Reply
matinajan @luxecloset247 i finally canceled the offer - and will try again, now ☺
Jul 17Reply
thefoulmouth hi love! Thanks so much for your purchase! I just dropped your package off at the post office so tracking should be updated soon — so sorry for the delay! Happy tuesday💜
Jul 23Reply
angelaannestyle @matinajan Hello Matina !! Stop by my closet !! I think you will LOVE it !! Posh Love !!
Jul 23Reply
angelaannestyle @matinajan Thank you for your purchase of the cute Paris Tee !!! I'll have it out in the mail tomorrow !! Posh Love
Jul 24Reply
matinajan Posh Love !
Jul 24Reply
bfashion1 @matinajan Hi when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in all sizes. Come often l get new items all the time. I offer many sales. This week sale is bundle 2 or more items take an additional 50% off. Thanks in advance for looking in my closet. 🤗💕
Aug 03Reply
beautystylist13 Hello🤗 Happy Poshing!! Everything in my closet must go😊 If you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐 and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask❤️ thank you🌹
Aug 07Reply
jhuizenga Hi! I am so sorry I did not realize you had bought my free people dress. I’ve been on vacation and have been out of the routine of checking my Poshmark! I will do my best to ship it out today after work😊
Aug 23Reply
matinajan @jhuizenga it's ok 😊 hope you had a nice vacation 👍 Looking forward to the dress - still too hot to wear it, yet 🏜
Aug 24Reply
jhuizenga @matinajan I put it in the mail last night after work. It said Saturday pick up 5 o’clock so hopefully it will start tracking tonight. Thanks, we did have a wonderful vacation but it’s a little bit hard coming back to reality🙃😁. Hope you like the dress.
Aug 24Reply
matinajan Looking forward to the dress 😊👍 why can reality itself not feel like living in beauty ? 💝
Aug 26Reply
ak4252 Hi I would be humbled for you to check out my closet 🙏🏻😘
Sep 17Reply
megalinalewis Hi! I dropped your laidback London sandals at the post office QUITE a few days ago, so many that I don’t remember which day! The others started tracking right away do I’m not sure why yours hasn’t! I have had this happen before when it just arrived at the buyer’s house without ever shown as tracking through Posh... I hope you get them any day now!!!
Sep 25Reply
matinajan yes, I hope so, too! Can't wait to get them ! Most of the time things work out with poshmark - let's go for that one (:
Sep 25Reply
matinajan ... it still says though " awaiting shipment " .... well, let's see
Sep 25Reply
secondchance4u Hello. Hope you are having a good day. Please feel free to check out my closet. If you have any questions about any of the items I am happy to answer. I am also open to offers😊. Happy Poshing!☀️🎉🌼
Sep 27Reply
sarrah Welcome to Poshmark Matina ☀️ I’m Sarah and it’s great to meet you! I stopped by to say hello and invite you to visit my boutique. If you have any Posh questions please let me know .. I’m more than happy to help. Have a great day ☀️
Oct 28Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Nov 15Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Dec 20Reply
luvmee40 Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%!  I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Mar 07Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Mar 11Reply
taaseen2011 Welcome to postmark
Apr 02Reply
belotek Thank you for following our Closet. I would recommend you to put your likes in a Bundle to maximize your Greatest bargaining agreement 😉😉
May 15Reply
barronhrb Sorry I missed your offer on the anthropological yellow wide leg pants would you resubmit your offer so that I can accept😊
May 16Reply
belotek Packing up your order and it will go to the Post Office before 12:00
Jun 03Reply
belotek Marina, if you will put your four lined shirts in a bundle, I will offer the cheapest two free and pay shipping. It is a great deal!
Jun 05Reply
belotek Liked shirts
Jun 05Reply
stephcarbo Hi there. Thank you for your purchase of the Johnny Was pants. I’m out of town for the weekend but will ship on Tue!
Aug 14Reply
kattsclosett Hi Matina, thanks so much for shopping my closet. I will get your FP top out tomorrow via USPS priority mail so you should have it soon. Stay safe and have a wonderful evening! ... Kat
Aug 14Reply
stephcarbo They are in the mailbox. Sorry for the delay
Aug 20Reply
doriehg Hi there Matina!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet 😊 If you like anything, please keep in mind that I usually accept all offers💕
Sep 11Reply
classicsbysu You are gorgeous!! :)
Sep 16Reply
classicsbysu @matinajan thanks for liking all the items! I gave you a discount but I can go lower if you’re interested in purchasing just decline the current offer
Sep 18Reply
beloveditems Thank you for the purchase, I will send it out this afternoon, have a great day!
Nov 03Reply
beloveditems Thanks so much for your rating, I appreciate it, have a nice evening!
Nov 11Reply
luvmee40 Customer Alert, My biggest sale ever, additional 30% off already reduced prices. Everything from Ralph Lauren to Giorgio Armani. Over 1,500 girgeous high-end items to choose from. Click the heart under the item you want to buy and I will send you the discounted offer. Come shop till you drop! You won't be disappointed. Pennies on the dollar!
Feb 06Reply
kelleyvecchitto Hello I saw that you liked quite a few items in my closet. Would you like to create a bundle for a better price and reduced shipping?
Feb 22Reply
picsonly Happy Poshing, Matina :)
Feb 22Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Matina, don’t you love Posh? So much fun exploring all the different styles and meeting lots of new friends. Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Feb 23Reply
bestdressed995 Hi, thanks for you like and for visiting my closet!😇I just lowered the price for Make a Deal Days and you will get $4.99 shipping for the next 6 hrs only. I hope you will take advantage of this offer😇
Mar 03Reply
rockurstyle Hi there ! Thanks for ur likes on my items !!! I made u 2 offers on them seperately then thought if u r interested in buying both you could bundle them together and save on ahipping ! Let me know , thanks for ur interest & have a nice weekend !!!!😊
Mar 13Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 19Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Apr 03Reply
anitracarter Hey there🤗 I would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer. If you have any questions ask away! Happy Poshing Anitra Posh Ambassador
Apr 08Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Dior, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
May 19Reply
nena_nena Welcome to Poshmark 😷🌹
Oct 31Reply
danacanfield Hi. I received your request to buy my top. But I literally just left for vacation day for a week. I’ll except your offer if you’re OK waiting for it to be delivered.
Nov 08Reply
matinajan @danacanfield Yes ☺👍 I'll wait❣ The blouse is sweet and worth waiting for a little - enjoy your vacation !!!!
Nov 08Reply
matinajan I hope we still can work it out - you did not accept my offer and somebody did another offer. Please let me know what is happening. Thank you❣️☺️
Nov 10Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Nov 10Reply
matinajan Thank you ❣ Please continue having a wonderful vacation !!!! I can still wait, but now I also can look forward to "my" sweet blouse 🥰👍
Nov 10Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 13Reply
picsonly Happy Poshing, Matina :)
Jan 31Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 23Reply
kupunakeepsakes Hi Matina, I just sent you a counter offer on the red Swarovski earrings for about 13% off asking price. If you wanted to bundle items I can offer you a 20% discount on 2 or more items. Thanks! Sharri H.
Oct 07Reply
designerbrand_1 Hello there & welcome to my closet 🥰 I have a wonderful sale going on! Make a purchase of a $100 or more (can be two or more items combined for a total of $100 or more) & get any item of your choice priced at $40 or less for free. It’s never too early to start your holiday shopping! Buy gifts for your loved ones & get a free item for yourself or pamper yourself (because you deserve it) & get a free gift for your loved ones 🥰😍🥰
Nov 10Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Jan 03Reply
fashion_rachel Hi Matina! Thank you for checking my closet and ❤️ beautiful white top from Johnny Was! It's like new, super cute and elegant, very very comfortable and relaxing. I sent you an offer hope you enjoy and have a great day!
Jan 25Reply
rhonda_anne I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart pendant necklace with the purchase of any purse or tote bag...
Mar 05Reply
clothfluid Hey I accept offers and would love if u can stop by!! I’ll do the same🥰🥰
Apr 14Reply
lspannuth Celebrating Mother’s Day w/ a closet wide SALE 🎉🥳 Have an amazing weekend 😊🌹
Apr 23Reply
style_high_club Thank you so much for your second purchase! Repeat buyers make me so happy. I hope you absolutely love this gorgeous dress. I will be sending it out today. You have excellent taste
Jun 01Reply
posh_vlf 👋Hello & welcome to Poshmark. I’m Virginia. This app is incredible and allows you to shop from anywhere at anytime. The community is wonderful and the variety is endless. Some of the options are confusing though. Offers, bundling, shipping, discounts, likes, shares, listing, and commons are tricky. I’m here to help👍. From here, we can continue to chat. NOW let’s get started, tap here➡️( @posh_vlf ) and observe, or shop my closet. V 🙂👍
Jul 23Reply
thriftwgrace MAY I SHARE MY CLOSET WITH YOU? Hello, I’m just stopping by to say Hi and missed you! Whenever you have the time, please visit my closet as you may see something that makes you smile. (We have a few smaller sizes too!) Thanks much, Grace. @thriftwgrace
Aug 18Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Oct 30Reply
margaritamen166 Hi Matina 👋I'm Margarita! 🙋‍♀️🌷I invite you to visit my store without any obligation to buy. Maybe we have the same taste in clothes and accessories!💍👗🛍️Any offer is negotiable, feel free to make it, and if you don't like the offer just let me know🤩Have a beautiful day!☀️🌹Thank you!!
Dec 12Reply
clothingnmore_ Hi Matina 🌸 l'm Laura, I hope you're doing great today. I would love to invite you to check my closet & don't miss the home treasures at the bottom. If you like something, simply click the "❤" or make an Offer! Bundles of 2 items or more receive 25% off + Discounted Shipping! ☺ Thank you in Advance and Happy Poshing ⚘
Jan 07Reply
notedbyabbeylee Hi there! 🫶🏼 Spreading some posh love & stopping by to invite you to check out my closet! 🛍️
Jan 31Reply
miriananely Hello!! I wanted to personally invite you to explore my Poshmark closet, where we continually add new items. Feel free to browse at your convenience, and if you find something you like, it will be a pleasure to have you as a satisfied customer. I am open to negotiating prices and accepting offers. If you find something you like, please feel free to make an offer and I will be happy to consider it. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need more information about an item. 😃
Feb 15Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Feb 17Reply
nicolesophia13 Hi Matina! Please take a look through my closet! All prices are negotiable. Bundle and save or make an offer!
Sep 01Reply
hot_betsy Hi There Matina, thank you for visiting my closet and the LIKE on the Textured Gold Tone Clip on dangle earrings with black beads! Feel free to Bundle or Make an Offer! Please ask if you have any questions. Reasonable offers are welcome! Happy Poshing! Take care 😊
Feb 08Reply
saphfire2144 Hi Matina, Thanks for stopping by. Your Offers are Welcomed! This is a great platform to Buy and Sell discounted items. My Closet is offering bundle savings of 25% off purchases of 3 or more items. I promise, if your purchase is not as described just LMK it will be addressed within 24 hours with friendly customer service. We have a good selection of Quality Items, Great Prices and Fast same or next day shipping. Be Well, Be Happy, Be Kind and Be Safe.
Feb 21Reply

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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Tucson, AZ
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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Tucson, AZ
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